Conditions of Use

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Unless otherwise noted, all data (texts, sound files, and images) are copyrighted by the Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project (ALHDP) and contributing institutions and may be shared only in accordance with the Fair Use provisions of U.S. copyright law. Redistribution or republication in any medium requires express prior written consent from ALHDP and the contributing institutions. PhiloLogic software is the property of the University of Chicago. Individuals may not copy the software without express prior written permission from the ARTFL Project.

In using this database, users agree to the following conditions:

  • Data and software may not be used for any commercial purpose without prior written permission from the ALHDP, the contributing institutions, and/or the ARTFL Project.
  • Data and software may not be re-distributed in any other form without prior written permission.
  • Users are not permitted to download texts, images, and software in order to mount them on their own servers without prior written permission.

We request that users give credit for findings derived from the use of this database. See ETS's Citing Electronic Resources for guidelines.