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Adams, H. G. Chesson, F. W. Armistead, Wilson [1854], God's Image in Ebony: Being a Series of Biographical Sketches, Facts, Anecdotes, etc., Demonstrative of the Mental Powers and Intellectual Capacities of the Negro Race. With a Brief Sketch of the Anti-Slavery Movment in America, and a Concluding Chapter of Additional Evidence (London: Partridge and Oakey) [HGA:Ebony].
Adams, John Quincy [1828], Fourth Annual Message (From A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Ed. James D. Richardson. New York: Bureau of National Literature, 1897. 973-987) [Ad:4thMess].
Aitken, W. [1845], Journey Up the Mississippi River, From Its Mouth to Nauvoo, the City of the Latter-Day Saints (Ashton-Under-Lyne: John Williamson) [Ait:Nauvoo].
Allen, Winthrop Sargeant Gilman; Pratt, Harry E., editor [1861; 1862; 1863], 'Civil War Letters of Winthrop S. G. Allen' in 'Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society' (Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, vol. 24, no. 3, October 1931) [WSGA:Letters].
Ames, Charles Gordon [1909], The Death of John Brown (Bloomington, IL: unknown) [Ame:JBrown].
Arthur, Timothy Shay [1848], Advice to Young Ladies (Boston: Phillips and Sampson) [Art:YngLad].
Atwood, J.A. [1904], The Story of the Battle of Stillman's Run: Fought at Stillman Valley, Ill., May 14, 1832 (Mt. Morris, IL: Index Print) [Atw:StillRun].
Author unknown [1830-1839], An Abstract of Title, Lot 2, Block 44, Original Town of Chicago (Unpublished MSS) [IMAbTitl].
Author unknown [1832], A Diary of the Black Hawk War (Iowa Journal of History (1910) vol. 8, no. 1, p. 265-269) [BHW:Diary].
Author unknown [1840], 'A Jackson-man's Song' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Jackson].
Author unknown [1840], 'A New Song' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:NewSong].
Author unknown [1840], 'An Invitation to the Log Cabin Boys to Old Tippecanoe's Raisin'' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:LogCabin].
Author unknown [1840], 'A Song for an Old Soldier' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:SongOld].
Author unknown [1840], 'A Tip-Top Song' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:TipTop].
Author unknown [1840], 'Buckeye Boys' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Buckeye].
Author unknown [1840], 'Clearing the Kitchen and White House' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Kitchen].
Author unknown [1840], 'Dying Groans of the Tin-Pan' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Groan].
Author unknown [1840], 'General Harrision' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Harrison].
Author unknown [1840], 'General Harrison' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Harrison2].
Author unknown [1840], 'General William H. Harrison' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:William].
Author unknown [1840], 'Gold Spoons vs. Hard Cider' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Spoons].
Author unknown [1840], 'Grand National Whig Song' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Whig].
Author unknown [1840], 'Hark! They Come!' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Hark].
Author unknown [1840], 'Hark to the Warning' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Hark2].
Author unknown [1840], 'Harrison and Liberty' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Liberty].
Author unknown [1840], 'Harrison Song' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Harrison4].
Author unknown [1840], 'Have You Heard the Good News' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:News].
Author unknown [1840], 'Hurrah Song' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Hurrah].
Author unknown [1840], 'It Oft Times Has Been Told' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:OftTimes].
Author unknown [1840], 'Let Fame Put Her Trump' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Fame].
Author unknown [1840], 'Liberty Cabin Raising' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Liberty2].
Author unknown [1840], 'Log Cabin and Hard Cider Candidate' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:LogCabin3].
Author unknown [1840], 'Log Cabin Dedication' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:LogCabin2].
Author unknown [1840], 'Long Live Van Kinderhook' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Kinderhook].
Author unknown [1840], 'New Comic Song' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Comic].
Author unknown [1840], 'New National Whig Song' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Whig2].
Author unknown [1840], 'Ohio Whig Convention, 1840' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:OhioWhig].
Author unknown [1840], 'Oh Matty Van, My Jo, Mat!' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:MattyVan].
Author unknown [1840], 'Old Fort Meigs' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:FtMeigs].
Author unknown [1840], 'Old Tip's Broom' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:TipsBroom].
Author unknown [1840], 'Old Tip and the Log Cabin Boys' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:OldTip].
Author unknown [1840], 'Old Tippecanoe' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Tippecanoe].
Author unknown [1840], 'Old Tippecanoe' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Tippecanoe3].
Author unknown [1840], 'Old Tippecanoe' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Tippecanoe19].
Author unknown [1840], 'On! to Victory!!' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Victory].
Author unknown [1840], 'Patriotic Song' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Patriotic].
Author unknown [1840], 'Preface' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Preface].
Author unknown [1840], 'Report' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Report].
Author unknown [1840], 'Should Brave Soldiers Be Forgot' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Brave].
Author unknown [1840], 'Song' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Song2].
Author unknown [1840], 'Song for the Boys' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:SongBoys].
Author unknown [1840], 'The "Log Cabin" Song' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:LogCabin4].
Author unknown [1840], 'The Battle of the Thames' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Thames].
Author unknown [1840], 'The Best Thing We Can Do' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Best].
Author unknown [1840], 'The Farmer of North Bend' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Farmer].
Author unknown [1840], 'The Harrison Cause' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Harrison3].
Author unknown [1840], 'The Hero of Ohio' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Ohio].
Author unknown [1840], 'The Hero of Tippecanoe' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Hero].
Author unknown [1840], 'The Hero Ploughman' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Plough].
Author unknown [1840], 'The Hero Statesman' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:HeroState].
Author unknown [1840], 'The Last Cabinet Council' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Cabinet].
Author unknown [1840], 'The Peoples' Song' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:People].
Author unknown [1840], 'The Rough Log Cabin' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Rough].
Author unknown [1840], 'The Soldier of Tippecanoe' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Soldier].
Author unknown [1840], 'The Spoilsmen' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Spoils].
Author unknown [1840], 'The Tippecanoe Song' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Tippecanoe5].
Author unknown [1840], 'Tippecanoe' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Tippecanoe2].
Author unknown [1840], 'Tippecanoe and Jackets of Blue' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Tippecanoe4].
Author unknown [1840], 'To the American Flag and Harrison' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Flag].
Author unknown [1840], 'Union County Cabin Song' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Union].
Author unknown [1840], 'Van Buren's Lament' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:VanBuren].
Author unknown [1840], 'What Has Caused This Great Commotion?' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Cause].
Author unknown [1840], 'When British Bands' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:British].
Author unknown [1840], 'When This Old Hat' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:OldHat].
Author unknown [1840], 'Whig Song' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Whig3].
Author unknown [1840], 'Ye Soldiers of Freedom' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Soldiers].
Author unknown [1840], 'Young Men's National Convention' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:YoungMen].
Author unknown [1840], 'You Remember the Time' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Remember].
Author unknown [1844], The Life and Public Services of Henry Clay (Publisher unknown) [HenryClay].
Author Unknown [1851], The South Bend Fugitive Slave Case, Involving the Right to a Writ of Habeas Corpus (New York Anti-Slavery Office) [SBFugSlave].
Author unknown [1854], Partial Statement of Goods Cleared Along the Canal (Unpublished MSS) [IMGoods].
Author unknown [1856], Republican Campaign Edition for the Million. Containing the Republican Platform, the Lives of Fremont and Dayton, with Beautiful Steel Portraits of Each (Boston: John P. Jewett) [RCEM:Fremont].
Author Unknown [1858], 'Debate at Galesburg' in 'Prairie Beacon News' (Paris, IL: J. Harding) [PB:Galesburg].
Author unknown [1858], 'Douglas' Chicago Speech vs. his Freeport Speech' in the 'Alton Weekly Courier' (Alton, IL: George T. Brown) [AWC:DougChicago].
Author unknown [1858], 'Douglas' in the 'Alton Weekly Courier' (Alton, IL: George T. Brown) [AWC:Douglas].
Author unknown [1858], 'Galesburg Debate. Great Outpouring of the People! 20,000 Persons Present!' in 'Galesburg Semi-weekly Democrat' (Galesburg, IL: Day and Faxon) [GSWD:Galesburg].
Author unknown [1858], 'Lincoln and Douglas at Charleston' in 'Prairie Beacon News' (Paris, IL: J. Harding) [PB:LincDoug].
Author unknown [1858], 'Mr. Lincoln's Springfield Speech' in the 'Alton Weekly Courier' (Alton, IL: George T. Brown) [AWC:LincSpring].
Author unknown [1858], 'Speech of Mr. Lincoln at the State House' in the 'Alton Weekly Courier' (Alton, IL: George T. Brown) [AWC:LincolnSH].
Author unknown [1858], 'The Debate at Freeport -- 15,000 to 20,000 People Present!!' in 'Galesburg Semi-weekly Democrat' (Galesburg, IL: Day and Faxon) [GSWD:Freeport].
Author unknown [1858], 'The Debate at Jonesboro' in 'Galesburg Semi-weekly Democrat' (Galesburg, IL: Day and Faxon) [GSWD:Jonesboro].
Author unknown [1858], 'The Debate at Jonesboro' in 'Prairie Beacon News' (Paris, IL: J. Harding) [PB:Jonesboro].
Author unknown [1858], 'The Grand Douglas Reception' in the 'Alton Weekly Courier' (Alton, IL: George T. Brown) [AWC:GrandDoug].
Author unknown [1858], 'The Great Debate between Lincoln and Douglas!' in the 'Alton Weekly Courier' (Alton, IL: George T. Brown) [AWC:GreatDebate].
Author unknown [1858], 'The Lincoln and Douglas Debate at Freeport' in the 'Alton Weekly Courier' (Alton, IL: George T. Brown) [AWC:Freeport].
Author unknown [1859], The Arrest, Trial, and Release of Daniel Webster, Fugitive Slave (Philadelphia: Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society) [DWebster].
Author unknown [1860], Biographical Sketches of Hon. John C. Breckinridge: Democratic Nominee for President, and General Joseph Lane, Democratic Nominee for Vice President. Breckinridge and Lane Campaign Document, No. 8 (Washington City: National Democratic Executive Committee) [BL:No8].
Author unknown [1860], The Life and Public Services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, and Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine (Boston: Thayer a Eldridge) [LincHam].
Author unknown [1860], Where Liberty Dwells, There Is My Country (New York: H. De Marsan) [CHS:libdw].
Author unknown [Date unknown], Description of Letter of Pardon for Samuel and James Jones (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:DesLet].
Author unknown [Date unknown], A History of the Illinois Baptists (Unpublished Manuscript) [ILBaptists].
Aydelott, Benjamin Parham [1863], Prejudice Against Colored People (Cincinnatti, American Reform Tract and Book Soceity) [Ay:Prej].
Bacqueville de La Potherie, M. de (Claude-Charles Le Roy); Blair, Emma Helen, translator and editor [1911], 'History of the Savage People Who Are Allies of New France' in 'The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Region of the Great Lakes, volume 1' (New York: The Arthur H. Clark Company) [MBP:Savage1].
Bacqueville de La Potherie, M. de (Claude-Charles Le Roy); Blair, Emma Helen, translator and editor [1912], 'History of the Savage Peoples Who Are Allies of New France' in 'The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Region of the Great Lakes, volume 2' (Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Company) [MBP:Savage2].
Baker, H. [1842], 'Meditation' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Meditation].
Balfe, Michael William [Date unknown], 'A Soldier's Life' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:SoldiersLife].
Balfe, Michael William [Date unknown], 'See at Your Feet a Suppliant One' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Suppliant].
Balfe, Michael William [Date unknown], 'The Wound Upon Thy Arm' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Wound].
Barre, W. L. [1856], The Life and Public Services of Millard Fillmore (Buffalo, N.Y.: Wanzer, McKim and Co.) [WLB:Fillmore].
Batcheler, Daniel [1860], 'On to Victory' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:victory].
Beach, Richard H. [1910], A Letter from Illinois Written in 1836 (Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, vol. 3, no. 3, October 1910, p. 91-98) [Be:Let1836].
Beecher, Edward [1838], Narrative of the Riots at Alton: In Connection with the Death of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy (Alton, IL: George Holton) [Bee:RiotAlt].
Bell, Farmer [1860], 'Abe of the West and Victory' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:abewest].
Binns, Jonathan [1840], 'A Song' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Song].
Bird, Bernard [1848], Preemption Claim of Bernard Bird to a Lot in La Salle (Unpublished MSS) [IMClaim2].
Birkbeck, Morris [1818], Letters from Illinois (London: Taylor and Hessey) [Birk:LetIL].
Birkbeck, Morris [1818], Notes on a Journey in America (London: Severn and Co.) [Birk:NoteJour].
Black, Frank; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1903], 'The Greatness of Lincoln' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 4' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Great].
Black Hawk; LeClair, Antoine, interpreter; Patterson, J. B., editor [1882], Autobiography of Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She-Kia-Kiak, or Black Hawk, Embracing the Traditions of his Nation, Various Wars In Which He Has Been Engaged, and His Account of the Cause and General History of the Black Hawk War of 1832, His Surrender, and Travels Through the United States. Also Life, Death and Burial of the Old Chief, Together with a History of the Black Hawk War (Oquawka, IL: J. B. Patterson) [Blk:AutoPat].
Blair, Emma Helen [1911], 'Preface' in 'The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Region of the Great Lakes, volume 1' (New York: The Arthur H. Clark Company) [EHB:Preface].
Blair, Emma Helen [1912], 'Bibliography' in 'The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Region of the Great Lakes, volume 2' (Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Company) [EHB:Bib].
Bluwer [Date unknown], 'They Never Loved as Thou and I' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:NeverLoved].
Boas, Franz; Fletcher, Alice C.; Forsyth, Thomas; Henshaw, Henry W.; Hewitt, J. N. B.; Hrdlicka, Ales; Mooney, James; Swanton, J. R.; Blair, Emma Helen, editor [1912], 'Notes on Indian Social Organization, Mental and Moral Traits, and Religious Beliefs; and Accounts of Three Remarkably Religious Movements Among Indians in Modern Times. Mainly from Writings of Prominent Ethnologists; the Remainder by Thomas Forsyth and Thomas R. Roddy' in 'The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Region of the Great Lakes, volume 2' (Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Company) [TF:Notes].
Brooks, James [1838], Letter from James Brooks to the Canal Commissioners Concerning Irish Rioters (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetRiots].
Brooks, Phillips [1865], 'The Character of Lincoln' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Character].
Browne, Francis F. [1886], The Every-Day Life of Abraham Lincoln (New York: N.D. Thompson Publishing Co.) [FFB:Lincoln].
Bryan, William Jennings Ogilvie, J. S., editor [1896], 'Speech of Hon. William J. Bryan. Before the Democratic National Convention, July 9, 1896' in 'Life and Speeches of William J. Bryan' (New York: J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Company) [WJB:1896Dem].
Bryant, William C. [1860], 'Seventy-Six' in 'The Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:76].
Bryant, William Cullen [1850], Excerpts from 'Letters of a Traveller or, Notes of Things Seen in Europe and America' (New York: George P. Putnam) [Bry:LetTrav].
Bryant, William Cullen [1964], Illinois Fifty Years Ago (New York: Russell and Russell) [Bry:Il50yr].
Bryant, William Cullen; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1894], 'Abraham Lincoln' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Bryant1].
Bungay, George; Cull, A. [1860], 'Republicans! The Nation Calls You' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:natlcall].
Bungay, George; Cull, A. [1860], 'Shout for the Prairie King' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:king].
Bungay, George W. [1860], 'Freedom's Battle-Call' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:freecall].
Bungay, George W. [1860], 'The Boy's Wish' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:boywish].
Bungay, George W. [1860], 'The Lincoln Flag' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:lincflag].
Bungay, George W.; Cull, A. [1860], 'The Bobolink's (Campaign) Song' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:bobolink].
Bungay, George W.; Cull, A. [1860], 'Unroll the Republican Stars' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:stars].
Bungay, George W.; Tucker, Henry [1860], 'High Old Abe Shall Win' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:oldabe].
Bungay, George W.; Tucker, Henry [1860], 'Mantles Dropped at Lexington' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:mantle].
Burleigh, William, editor [1860], The Republican Pocket Pistol, a Collection of Facts, Opinions and Arguments for Freedom (New York: H. Dayton) [RepPockPist].
Burleigh, William H. [1860], 'Then Fling Out the Banner' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:fling].
Burlend, Rebecca [1848], A True Picture of Emigration; Or Fourteen Years in the Interior of North America; Being a Full and Impartial Account of the Various Difficulties and Ultimate Success of an English Family who Emigrated from Barwick-In-Elmet, Neer Leeds, in the Year 1831. (London: G. Berger) [Bur:TruPic].
Burnham, Alfred Avery [1860], Who Are the Agitators? Speech of Hon. A. A. Burnham, of Connecticut. Delivered in the U. S. House of Representatives, March 7, 1860 (United States) [AAB:Agitators].
Burr, S. J. [1840], The Life and Times of William Henry Harrison (New York: L. W. Ransom) [SJB:Harrison].
Caird, James [1859], Excerpts from 'Prairie Farming in America' (New York: D. Appleton and Company) [Cai:PrFarAm].
Calkins, Franklin Welles; Metzdorf, William; Roddy, Thomas R.; Stucki, J.; Westropp, Henry I.; Blair, Emma Helen, editor [1912], 'Various Letters, etc., Describing the Character and Present Condition of the Sioux, Potawatomi, and Winnebago Tribes; Written for this Work by Missionaires and Others Who Know These Peoples Well' in 'The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Region of the Great Lakes, volume 2' (Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Company) [EHB:Mission].
Camm, William; Haskell, Fritz, editor [1861], 'Diary of Colonel William Camm, 1861-1865' in 'Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society' (Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, vol. 18, pt. 2, no. 4, January 1926) [WC:Diary].
Camm, William; Haskell, Fritz, editor [1863], 'Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Camm to Colonel John Moses' in the 'Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society' (Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, vol. 18, pt. 2, no. 4, January 1926) [WC:Letter].
Campbell, Robert W. [1914], 'Brief History of the 17th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry -- 1861-1864' in 'Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society' (Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, vol. 20, 1914) [RWC:17thReg].
Carter, B. [1842], 'How Happy is the Pilgrim's Lot' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Pilgrim].
Carter, B. [1842], 'Invitation' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Invitation].
Cartwright, Peter [1856], Autobiography of Peter Cartwright (New York: Nelson and Phillips) [Car:AutoBio].
Caton, John Dean [1876], The Last of the Illinois and a Sketch of the Pottawatomies (Chicago: Fergus Printing Company) [Cat:IL].
Central Illinois Gazette [1858], 'Lincoln -- Lincoln! Republican Rally, on the 24th. Programme-Reception' in the 'Central Illinois Gazette' (West Urbana, IL: J.W. Scroggs) [CIG:Lincoln].
Central Illinois Gazette [1858], 'Political' in the 'Central Illinois Gazette' (West Urbana, IL: J.W. Scroggs) [CIG:Political].
Central Illinois Gazette [1858], 'Political' in the 'Central Illinois Gazette' (West Urbana, IL: J.W. Scroggs) [CIG:Political2].
Central Illinois Gazette [1858], 'Political' in the 'Central Illinois Gazette' (West Urbana, IL: J.W. Scroggs) [CIG:Political3].
Child, Lydia Maria Francis [1860], The Patriarchal Institution, as Described by Member of its Own Family (New York: The American Anti-Slavery Society) [LMFC:Patriarchy].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Am I Not a Man and Brother?' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:ManBrother].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Am I Not a Sister?' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Sister].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Arouse! Arouse!' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Arouse].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'A Tribute to Departed Worth' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Departed].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Birney and Liberty' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:BirneyLiberty].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Break Every Yoke' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:BreakYoke].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Brothers Be Brave for the Pining Slave' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Brothers].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Come, Join the Abolitionists' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:ComeJoin].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Come and See the Words of God' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:ComeSee].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Comfort for the Bondman' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:ComfortB].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'For the Election' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:ForElection].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Friend of the Friendless' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Friend].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Hail the Day!' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:HailTheDay].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Hark! I Hear A Sound of Anguish' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Hark].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Heard Ye That Cry' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:HeardYe].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'How Long! O! How Long!' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:HowLong].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'I am Monarch of Nought I Survey' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Monarch].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Liberty Glee' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:LibertyGlee].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'March On! March On!' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:MarchOn].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Oh! Charity!' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Charity].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Prayer for the Slave' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:PrayerSlave].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Remembering That God Is Just' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:GodIsJust].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Remember Me' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Remember].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Sing Me a Triumph Song' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Triumph].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Sleep On My Child' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:SleepOn].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Stolen We Were' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Stolen].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Strike for Liberty' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Strike].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'That's My Country' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:MyCountry].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'The Ballot-Box' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:BallotBox].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'The Freed Slave' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:FreedSlave].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'The Fugitive' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Fugitive].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'The Last Night of Slavery' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:LastNight].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'The Little Slave Girl' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:SlaveGirl].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'The Poor Little Slave' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:PoorSlave].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'The Poor Voter's Song' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:PoorVoter].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'The Spirit of the Pilgrims' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:SpiritPilgrim].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'The Strength of Tyranny' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Tyranny].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'The Trumpet of Freedom' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Trumpet].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Wake, Sons of the Pilgrims' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Pilgrims].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'We're Coming! We're Coming!' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Coming].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'We Ask Not Martial Glory' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Martial].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'What Mean Ye?' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:WhatMeanYe].
Clark, George W., editor [1845], 'Ye Spirits of the Free' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Spirits].
Clark, George W., editor; [1845], 'Christian Mother' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Christian].
Clark, George W., editor; [1845], 'Light of Truth' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:LightTruth].
Clark, George W., editor; Abbott, W. S. [1845], 'Hymn for Children' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Children].
Clark, George W., editor; Aikman, J. H. [1845], 'The Liberty Flag' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:LibertyFlag].
Clark, George W., editor; Bailey [1845], 'The Blind Slave Boy' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:BlindSlave].
Clark, George W., editor; Bangor Gazette [1845], 'Emancipation Song' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Emancipation].
Clark, George W., editor; Bangor Gazette [1845], 'The Flying Slave' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:FlyingSlave].
Clark, George W., editor; Burleigh, William H. [1845], 'Myron Holley' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Holley].
Clark, George W., editor; Burns, Robert [1845], 'Manhood' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Manhood].
Clark, George W., editor; Carter, Mrs. J. G. [1845], 'Ye Sons of Freemen' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:SonsFreemen].
Clark, George W., editor; Chandler [1845], 'Praise and Prayer' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:PraisePrayer].
Clark, George W., editor; Chandler [1845], 'Slave's Wrongs' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:SlavesWrongs].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W. [1845], 'A Beacon Has Been Lighted' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Beacon].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W. [1845], 'Freedom's Gathering' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Gathering].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W. [1845], 'Harbinger of Liberty' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Harbinger].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W. [1845], 'March to the Battlefield' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:March].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W. [1845], 'My Child is Gone' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:ChildGone].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W. [1845], 'Preface' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Preface].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W. [1845], 'Rise, Freemen, Rise' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Rise].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W. [1845], 'Rouse Up, New England' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Rouse].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W. [1845], 'Slave Girl Mourning Her Father' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:MournFather].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W. [1845], 'Song of the Coffle Gang' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Coffle].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W. [1845], 'Song of the Free' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:SongFree].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W. [1845], 'The Law of Love' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:LawLove].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W. [1845], 'The Liberty Ball' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:LibertyBall].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W. [1845], 'We Are Come, All Come' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:AllCome].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Crary [1845], 'A Vision' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Vision].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Maxwell, Mary H. [1845], 'Be Free, O Man, Be Free' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:BeFree].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Leggett, William [1845], 'Comfort in Affliction' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Comfort].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Sigourney [1845], 'Fourth of July' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:4thJuly].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Whittier, John Greenleaf [1845], 'Gone, Sold and Gone' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Gone].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Cowper, William [1845], 'Negro Boy Sold for a Watch' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:NegroBoy].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Wright, Elizur, Jr. [1845], 'Ode to James G. Birney' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Birney].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Pierpont, John [1845], 'Our Pilgrim Fathers' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:PilgrimFathers].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Whittier, John Greenleaf [1845], 'Stanzas for the Times' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Stanzas].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Chandler [1845], 'The Afric's Dream' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Afric].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Chandler [1845], 'The Bereaved Father' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Father].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Sigourney, Mrs. [1845], 'The Mercy Seat' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Mercy].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Whittier, John Greenleaf [1845], 'The Yankee Girl' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:YankeeGirl].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Chandler, E. M. [1845], 'To Those I Love' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Love].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Whittier, John Greenleaf [1845], 'Voice of New England Against Slavery' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:VoiceNE].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Russell, George [1845], 'What Means That Sad and Dismal Look?' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:WhatMeans].
Clark, George W., editor; Clark, George W.; Ball [1845], 'ZaZa - The Female Slave' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:ZaZa].
Clark, George W., editor; Cowper, William [1845], 'The Negro's Appeal' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Appeal].
Clark, George W., editor; Dennison, C. W. [1845], 'Our Countrymen are Dying' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Countrymen].
Clark, George W., editor; Dow, J. E. [1845], 'The Ballot' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Ballot].
Clark, George W., editor; Elizabeth, Charlotte [1845], 'The Slave and her Babe' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:SlaveHerBabe].
Clark, George W., editor; Emancipator [1845], 'The Clarion of Freedom' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Clarion].
Clark, George W., editor; Follen, Eliza Lee [1845], 'The Slave Boy's Wish' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:BoysWish].
Clark, George W., editor; Gregg, James [1845], 'Domestic Bliss' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Bliss].
Clark, George W., editor; Hutchinson, Jesse [1845], 'Get off the Track' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Track].
Clark, George W., editor; Hutchinson, Jesse [1845], 'The Bereaved Mother' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Bereaved].
Clark, George W., editor; Johnson, Oliver [1845], 'Hark! A Voice from Heaven' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:HarkVoice].
Clark, George W., editor; Kingsley [1845], 'Ye Heralds of Freedom' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Heralds].
Clark, George W., editor; Lewis [1845], 'Wake Ye Numbers!' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Wake].
Clark, George W., editor; Liberator [1845], 'O Pity the Slave Mother' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:OPity].
Clark, George W., editor; Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth [1845], 'The Quadroon Maiden' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Quadroon].
Clark, George W., editor; Lowell, James Russell [1845], 'Are Ye Truly Free?'' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:AreYeFree].
Clark, George W., editor; Lunt, George [1845], 'Pilgrim Song' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Pilgrim].
Clark, George W., editor; Martyn [1845], 'On to Victory' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:OnToVictory].
Clark, George W., editor; Mason, Lowell [1845], 'We Are All Children of One Parent' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:AllChildren].
Clark, George W., editor; Montgomery; Denison [1845], 'The Stranger and His Friend' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Stranger].
Clark, George W., editor; Pierpont, John [1845], 'Holy Freedom' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Holy].
Clark, George W., editor; Pierpont, John [1845], 'I Would Not Live Alway' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Alway].
Clark, George W., editor; Pierpont, John [1845], 'Oft in the Chilly Night' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:ChillyNight].
Clark, George W., editor; Robinson, J. E. [1845], 'We're for Freedom Though the Land' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:ForFreedom].
Clark, George W., editor; Swain, Charles [1845], 'Be Kind to Each Other' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:BeKind].
Clark, George W., editor; The Emancipator [1845], 'Liberty Battle-Song' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:BattleSong].
Clark, George W., editor; The Liberator [1845], 'The Bondman' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Bondman].
Clark, George W., editor; Tucker [1845], 'The Slave's Lamentation' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Lamentation].
Clark, George W., editor; Tucker, J. N. T. [1845], 'The Man for Me' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:ManForMe].
Clark, George W., editor; Whittier, John Greenleaf; Hastings, Thomas [1845], 'Our Countrymen in Chains' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Chains].
Clark, George W., editor; Willis, Nathaniel Parker [1845], 'The Pleasant Land We Love' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:Pleasant].
Clark, George W., editor; Wright, Elizur, Jr. [1845], 'The Fugitive Slave to the Christian' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:FugitiveSlave].
Clark, George W., editor; Wright, Elizur, Jr. [1845], 'The Liberty Party' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:LibertyParty].
Clark, George W., editor; Wright, Elizur, Jr. [1845], 'The Liberty Voter's Song' in 'The Liberty Minstrel' (New York: Leavitt and Alden) [LM:LibertyVoter].
Clarke, J. J. [1860], 'Forward! Forward! Is the Word!' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:forward].
Clarke, J. J. [1860], 'We Are Coming' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:coming].
Clausius, Gerhard P. [1958], 'The Little Soldier of the 95th: Albert D. J. Cashier' in 'Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society' (Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, vol. 51, 1958) [GPC:Cashier].
Claypool, L. W. [1864], Letter from L. W. Claypool to William Gooding Concerning a Late Canal Land Payment (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetGood7].
Cochrane, R. M. [1911], Letter from R. M. Cochrane to Leon McDonald Concerning Dumping Refuse on the Canal (Unpublished MSS) [IMRefuse].
Collins, James H. [1834], Letter to Governor Joseph Duncan Accompanying A Memorial From Citizens of Cook County (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetDunc].
Colored Freemen of Pennsylvania [1841], Proceedings of the State Convention of the Colored Freemen of Pennsylvania, Held in Pittsburgh, on the 23d, 24th and 25th of August, 1841, for the Purpose of Considering Their Condition, and the Means of its Improvement (Pittsburgh: Matthew M. Grant) [PA:ColConv].
Connelly, Henry C. [1912], 'Recollections of the War Between the States' in 'Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society' (Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, v. 5, no. 4, January 1913) [HCC:War1].
Connelly, Henry C. [1913], 'Recollections of the War Between the States: A Continuation of the Story of Morgan's Raid' in 'Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society' (Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, v. 6, no. 1, April 1913) [HCC:War2].
Coonc, Elizabeth Ann [1917], Reminiscences of a Pioneer Woman (Washington Historical Quarterly, v. 8, p. 14-21) [Co:Rem].
Cosner, A. N. [1896], Song and Chorus, McKinley Protection (New York: A. N. Cosner) [ANC:McKinley].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Awaked by Sinai's' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Sinai].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Canaan' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Canaan].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Christian Union' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Christian].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Christ in the Garden' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Christ].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Expostulation' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Expostulation].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Few Are Our Days' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:FewDays].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Funeral Bell' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Funeral].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Good Shepherd' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Shepherd].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Heavenly Contemplation. 11s' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Heavenly].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Heavenly Union' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Union].
Creator unknown [1842], 'How Lovely the Place' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:LovelyPlace].
Creator unknown [1842], 'I Wish You Well' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:WishWell].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Judgment Hymn' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Judgment].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Kedron' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Kedron].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Lenox' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Lenox].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Lofty Praise' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:LoftyPraise].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Loving Kindness' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Loving].
Creator unknown [1842], 'My Father's House' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:FathersHouse].
Creator unknown [1842], 'O How Happy Are They' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Happy].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Panting for Heaven' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Panting].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Poor Way-faring Man' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Wayfaring].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Saint's Sweet Home' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Saint].
Creator unknown [1842], 'The Happy Land' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:HappyLand].
Creator unknown [1842], 'The Lord's Prayer' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:LordsPrayer].
Creator unknown [1842], 'The Morning Light is Breaking' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Light].
Creator unknown [1842], 'The Pilgrim' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Pilgrim2].
Creator unknown [1842], 'The Savior's Call' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Savior].
Creator unknown [1842], 'When I Can Read My Title Clear' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Title].
Creator unknown [1842], 'When Marshall'd on the Nightly Plain' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:NightlyPlain].
Creator unknown [1842], 'When Shall We Meet Again' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:MeetAgain].
Creator unknown [1842], 'Why Sleep We' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Sleep].
Creator unknown [1848], 'Andrew Jackson; Or, The Bold and Tough Old Hickory' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:AndrewJackson].
Creator unknown [1848], 'Come Raise Aloft the Red White and Blue' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:ComeRaise].
Creator unknown [1848], 'Fire Away!' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:FireAway].
Creator unknown [1848], 'For Texas and for Oregon' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:ForTexas].
Creator unknown [1848], 'Hurrah for "Rough and Ready"' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:Hurrah].
Creator unknown [1848], 'Jackson's Last Words for Oregon' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:Jackson].
Creator unknown [1848], 'Oregon and Texas' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:OregonTexas].
Creator unknown [1848], 'Polk and Oregon' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:Polk].
Creator unknown [1848], 'Song of Texas' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:SongTexas].
Creator unknown [1848], 'Song of the Settlers of Oregon' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:Oregon].
Creator unknown [1848], 'Strike for Our Rights, Avenge Your Wrongs' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:Strike].
Creator unknown [1848], 'Texas, the Young Tree of Freedom' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:Texas].
Creator unknown [1848], 'The American's Battle Prayer' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:BattlePrayer].
Creator unknown [1848], 'The Battle Call' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:BattleCall].
Creator unknown [1848], 'The Fair Land of Texas' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:FairTexas].
Creator unknown [1848], 'The Fall of Matamoras' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:Matamoras].
Creator unknown [1848], 'The Union's Call' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:UnionCall].
Creator unknown [1848], 'To Arms!' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:ToArms].
Creator unknown [1848], 'To the Field, Freemen' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:ToTheField].
Creator unknown [1848], 'Uncle Sam's Song to Miss Texas' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:MissTexas].
Creator unknown [1848], 'Uncle Sam and Mexico' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:UncleSam].
Creator unknown [1848], 'Wave, Wave, the Banner High' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:WaveWave].
Creator unknown [1848], 'We'll Conquer All Before Us' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:Conquer].
Creator unknown [1848], 'Yankees Light the Fires Bright' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:Yankees].
Creator unknown [1860], 'A Democrat's Dream' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:DemsDream].
Creator unknown [1860], 'A Douglas! A Douglas! in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:ADouglas].
Creator unknown [1860], 'A Douglas Lay' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:DouglasLay].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Anxious Stephen!' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:anxious].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Campaign Song' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:CampSong].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Campaign Song for 1860' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:Campaign1860].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Cheer, Boys, Cheer' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:cheer].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Cheer up, My Lively Lads' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:Cheer].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Come, Freemen, Come Rally' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:comefree].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Douglas' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:Douglas2].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Douglas -- Our Union, Right or Wrong' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:OurUnion].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Douglas and Johnson' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:DandJ].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Douglas and Reform' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:DouglasReform].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Freedom's Battle-Cry' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:freebattle].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Hamlin From the Pilgrim Land' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:pilgrim].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Have You Heard from Chicago?' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:chicago].
Creator unknown [1860], 'He Comes! The Fearless Man' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:fearless].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Honest Abe of the West' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:honabe].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Lincoln's Picture' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:Lincoln].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Lincoln and Hamlin the True' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:thetrue].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Lincoln Boat Horn' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:boathorn].
Creator Unknown [1860], 'Lincoln of the West' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:lincwest].
Creator unknown [1860], 'National Song -- Douglas Going Home' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:NationalSong].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Oh, You Can't Go to the Caper, Stephen' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:caper].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Old Abe and Little Dug' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:abedug].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Old Abe Lincoln is the Man' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:abeman].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Old Uncle Abe' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:OldAbe].
Creator unknown [1860], 'O Poor Douglas, You Cannot Follow Me' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:nofoll].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Poor Little Dug' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:poordug].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Presidential Track' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:PresTrack].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Rally for Douglas' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:RallyDouglas].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Roll on the Republican Ball' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:rollball].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Sing a Song of Charleston' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:charles].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Song' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:Song].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Splittin' Ob De Rail' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:splittin].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Stand by the Flag' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:StandFlag].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Take Off Your Coats, Boys' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:coats].
Creator unknown [1860], 'The Baltimore Convention' in 'The Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:baltimore].
Creator unknown [1860], 'The Douglas Cause is Growing' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:DouglasCause].
Creator unknown [1860], 'The Douglas Flag' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:DouglasFlag].
Creator unknown [1860], 'The Douglas is Coming' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:Douglas].
Creator unknown [1860], 'The Gallant Son of the West' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:gallson].
Creator Unknown [1860], 'The Lincoln Boys' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:lincboy].
Creator unknown [1860], 'The National Hurrah' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:natlhur].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Then Put Away the Wedges and the Maul' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:maul].
Creator unknown [1860], 'The Rally' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:Rally].
Creator unknown [1860], 'The War-Cry' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:WarCry].
Creator unknown [1860], 'They Will Miss You at Home' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:MissYou].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Three Cheers For Douglas' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:3Cheers].
Creator unknown [1860], 'To Stephen A. Douglas' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:ToStephen].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Uncle Abe and Johnny Breck' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:UncleAbe].
Creator unknown [1860], 'We're Bound to Work All Night' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:work].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Western Star! Give it Three Cheers' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:weststar].
Creator unknown [1860], 'We Will Vote for Old Abe Lincoln' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:votelinc].
Creator unknown [1860], 'Where, Oh! Where is Jimmy Buchanan?' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:jimmyb].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], ''Tis All But a Dream at the Best' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:TisADream].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], ''Twas Loving Thee Too Well' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:TwasLoving].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'A Life on the Ocean Wave' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:OceanWave].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'A Modest Blooming Flower' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:ModestFlower].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Annie O'Glengyle' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Annie].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Annot Lyle' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:AnnotLyle].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'A Rose Tree in Full Bearing' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:RoseTree].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Beneath Cool Shades Reposing' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:CoolShades].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Boys of Switzerland' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Boys].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Can I E'er Forget Thee, Emily?' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:ForgetEmily].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Come, Brothers, Arouse' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:ComeBrothers].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Come Meet Me at the Evening Hour' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:EveningHour].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:DrinkToMe].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Flow Thou Regal' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:FlowRegal].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'For Thee and Only Thee' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:ForThee].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Friends, Come, Draw Near' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:FriendsCome].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Gondolier, Row!' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Gondolier].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Hail, Smiling Morn' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Hail].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Harry Hale' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:HarryHale].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Hunter of Tyrol' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Tyrol].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'I'm Queen of a Fairy Band' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Queen].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'I'm Saddest When I Sing' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Saddest].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'I Lov'd Her So' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:LovdHerSo].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'I Love But Thee' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:LoveThee].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'In Happy Moments' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Happy].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'I Think of Thee' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:ThinkOfThee].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Joy! Joy! Joy!' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Joy].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Kind, Kind and Gentle is She' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Kind].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Lament of the Irish Emigrant' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Lament].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Leonore' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Leonore].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Let Me Love Him' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:LoveHim].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Long, Long Ago' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:LongAgo].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Love Now' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:LoveNow].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Lubin's Cot' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:LubinsCot].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Merrily Goes the Mill' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:MerryMill].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'My Dear Little Girl' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:DearGirl].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'My Home, My Home is There!' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:MyHome].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'My Home in the West' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:HomeWest].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'My Love is Far Away' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:LoveFar].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'My Own Little Rose' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:MyOwnRose].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Nobody Comes to Marry Me' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Nobody].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Oh, Rest Thee, Babe, Rest Thee' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:RestBabe].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Oh, Summer Night' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Summer].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Oh, Take Me Back to Switzerland' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Switzerland].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Oh, Were I a Bird!' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Bird].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Old Dobbin' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Dobbin].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Our Native Land' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:NativeLand].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Our Way Across the Mountains Ho' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:MountainsHo].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Red Robin' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:RedRobin].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Return to Me, Ah Brother Dear' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:ReturnToMe].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Sleep on, my Love' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:SleepOn].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Take Me Back to Switzerland' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:TakeMeBack].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The American Exile' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:American].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Beggar' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Beggar].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Betrothed' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Betrothed].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Bonny Boy' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:BonnyBoy].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Bonny Bunch of Roses' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:BonnyRoses].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Cottage Near Rochelle' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Rochelle].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Dark Ey'd Sailor' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:DarkEyed].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Days of Yore' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:DaysOfYore].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Deep Blue Sea' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:BlueSea].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Fairy Bells' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:FairyBells].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Farmer's Boy' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:FarmerBoy].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Grave of Bonaparte' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Bonaparte].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Green Linnet' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:GreenLinnet].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Irish Harper and His Dog' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:IrishHarper].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Merry Sleigh Bells' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:MerrySleigh].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Morning Dream' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:MorningDream].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The New Moon' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:NewMoon].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Poor Blindboy' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:PoorBlind].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'There's No Home Like My Own' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:NoHome].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Ring and the Winding-Sheet' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Ring].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Ship on Fire' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:ShipFire].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Soldier Tired' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:SoldierTired].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Stars and Stripes Forever' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:StarsStripes].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Successful Suitor' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Suitor].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Tatar Drum' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:TatarDrum].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'The Young Indian Maid' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:IndianMaid].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'They Tell Me Thou'rt the Favoured Guest' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:TellMe].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Thro' All the Heaven' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:AllHeaven].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'To Ladies' Eyes' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:LadiesEyes].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'To Thy Beauty Dawning' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:BeautyDawning].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'True Love Can Ne'er Forget' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:TrueLove].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Twilight Dews' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Twilight].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'When Stars Are in the Skies' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:StarsSkies].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'When the Trump of Fame' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:TrumpFame].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'When Thou Hast Left the Lighted Halls' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:ThouHastLeft].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'When Wilt Thou Meet Me Love' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:WhenWilt].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'With These We'll Bivouac' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Bivouac].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], 'Yes, Let Me Like a Soldier Fall' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:SoldierFall].
Creator unknown [Date unknown], Mary, I Believed Thee True' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Mary].
Crotty, Jeremiah [1845], Letter from Jeremiah Crotty to David Leavitt Concerning Pending Loan Subscription Payments (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetLeav3].
Crotty, Jeremiah [1846], Letter from Jeremiah Crotty to William Gooding Concerning Contract Work on Section 139 (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetGood4].
Cull, A. [1860], 'Douglas and His Dinah' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:dougdin].
Cull, A. [1860], 'Get Out De Way, You Little Giant' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:giant].
Cull, A. [1860], 'The Candidate With a Cork Leg' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:corkleg].
Cull, A. [1860], 'Was Ist Des Deutschen Vaterland?' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:whatis].
Cull, A. [1860], 'Was Ist Des Deutschen Vaterland? German Translation' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:wasist].
Cull, A. [1860], 'We'll All Take a Ride' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:allride].
Curtiss, Daniel [1852], Western Portraiture, and Emigrants' Guide (New York: J.H. Colton) [Cur:WstPr].
Cushing, Caleb [1840], Outlines of the Life and Public Services, Civil and Military, of William Henry Harrison (Boston: Eastburn's Press) [CC:Harrison].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], '14' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:14].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], '17' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:17].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], '28' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:28].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], '36' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:36].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Beautiful World' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Beautiful].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Best in Heaven' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Best].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Expostulation' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Expostulation].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Good News' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Good].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Gospel Feast' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Gospel].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Home at Last' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Home].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Home at Last' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Last].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Homeward Bound' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Homeward].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'I'm Going Home' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Going].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'I Do Believe' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Believe].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'I Love Thee' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Love].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Invitation' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Invitation].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Jesus, My Saviour' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Jesus].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Joyfully' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Joyfully].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Just As I Am' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:JustAm].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Just As Thou Art' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Just].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'My Father-Land' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Father].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'On the Cross' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Cross].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Preface' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Preface].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Saint's Home' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JK:Saint].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Sinner, Can You Hate the Saviour' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Sinner].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Sonnet' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Sonnet].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Star of Bethlehem' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Star].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Sun-Bright Clime' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Clime].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'The Christian Mariner' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Mariner].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'The Christian Soldier' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Soldier].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'The Eden Above' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Eden].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'The Gospel Ship' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Ship].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'The Sinner's Invitation' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Sinner2].
Dadmun, J. W. [1858], 'Victory' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Victory].
Dadmun, J. W.; Burgmuller [1858], 'Emmons' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Emmons].
Dadmun, J. W.; Root, George Frederick [1858], 'The Shining Shore' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Shining].
Dadmun, J. W.; Woodbury, I. B. [1858], 'Forever With the Lord' in 'Revival Melodies: A Collection of Some of the Most Popular Hymns and Tunes, Adapted to All Occasions of Social Worship' (Boston: J. P. Magee) [JWD:Forever].
Daily Illinois State Journal [1865], 'Andrew Johnson's Oath of Office' in the 'Daily Illinois State Journal' (Springfield, IL: Bailhache and Baker) [DISJ:Johnson1].
Daily Illinois State Journal [1865], 'Autopsy of Abraham Lincoln' in the 'Daily Illinois State Journal' (Springfield, IL: Bailhache and Baker) [DISJ:Autopsy].
Daily Illinois State Journal [1865], 'Mr. Lincoln's Remains' in the 'Daily Illinois State Journal' (Springfield, IL: Bailhache and Baker) [DISJ:Remains].
Daily Illinois State Journal [1865], 'Mr. Secretary Seward' in the 'Daily Illinois State Journal' (Springfield, IL: Bailhache and Baker) [DISJ:Seward].
Daily Illinois State Journal [1865], 'President Andrew Johnson' in the 'Daily Illinois State Journal' (Springfield, IL: Bailhache and Baker) [DISJ:Johnson2].
Daily Illinois State Journal [1865], 'The Great National Calamity' in the 'Daily Illinois State Journal' (Springfield, IL: Bailhache and Baker) [DISJ:Calamity].
Daily Illinois State Journal; Bross, William [1865], 'Proclamation by the Lieutenant Governor to the People of Illinois on the Assassination of President Lincoln' in the 'Daily Illinois State Journal' (Springfield, IL: Bailhache and Baker) [DISJ:LieutGov].
Daily Illinois State Journal; Lincoln, Abraham [1865], 'President Lincoln's Last Speech in Springfield -- Affecting Reminiscence' in the 'Daily Illinois State Journal' (Springfield, IL: Bailhache and Baker) [DISJ:LastSpeech].
Daily Illinois State Journal; Phillips, D. L. [1865], 'From Washington. Death of President Lincoln' in the 'Daily Illinois State Journal' (Springfield, IL: Bailhache and Baker) [DISJ:Death].
Daily Illinois State Register [1865], 'By Telegraph. Last Night's Dispatches. Startling News! Assassination of President Lincoln and Secretary Seward. Escape of the Assassins.' in the 'Daily Illinois State Register' (Springfield, IL: Lanphier and Walker) [DISR:Telegraph2].
Daily Illinois State Register [1865], 'Funeral Services of the Late President' in the 'Daily Illinois State Register' (Springfield, IL: Lanphier and Walker) [DISR:Funeral].
Daily Illinois State Register [1865], 'Honors to the Dead. Public Meeting in Springfield. The Speeches and Resolutions. Sentiments of the Citizens at Mr. Lincoln's Home' in the 'Daily Illinois State Register' (Springfield, IL: Lanphier and Walker) [DISR:Honors].
Daily Illinois State Register [1865], 'Later -- Official Dispatch. Lincoln's Assassination' in the 'Daily Illinois State Register' (Springfield, IL: Lanphier and Walker) [DISR:Assassination].
Daily Illinois State Register [1865], 'Respect to President Lincoln' in the 'Daily Illinois State Register' (Springfield, IL: Lanphier and Walker) [DISR:Respect].
Daily Illinois State Register [1865], 'The National Calamity' in the 'Daily Illinois State Register' (Springfield, IL: Lanphier and Walker) [DISR:Calamity].
Daily Illinois State Register; Chicago Tribune [1865], 'Scene at the Death-bed of President Lincoln' in the 'Daily Illinois State Register' (Springfield, IL: Lanphier and Walker) [DISR:DeathBed].
Daily Illinois State Register; Lincoln, Abraham [1865], 'President Lincoln's Last Speech in Springfield -- Affecting Reminiscence' in the 'Daily Illinois State Register' (Springfield, IL: Lanphier and Walker) [DISR:LastSpeech].
Daily Illinois State Register; McClernand, John A. [1865], 'A Distinguished Citizen's and Soldier's Opinion of President Andrew Johnson' in the 'Daily Illinois State Register' (Springfield, IL: Lanphier and Walker) [DISR:Johnson].
Daily Illinois State Register; Oglesby, Richard J. [1865], 'From Washington. Dispatch from Governor Oglesby to Hon. Jesse K. Dubois' in the 'Daily Illinois State Register' (Springfield, IL: Lanphier and Walker) [DISR:Oglesby].
Daily Illinois State Register; Oglesby, Richard J. [1865], 'Proclamation by the Governor' in the 'Daily Illinois State Register' (Springfield, IL: Lanphier and Walker) [DISR:Governor].
Daily Illinois State Register; Stanton, Edwin M. [1865], 'The Latest by Telegraph. Death of President Lincoln. Secretary Seward Still Lives. The Murderers Still at Large. J. Wilkes Booth the Assassin of the President. Andrew Johnson Sworn into Office as President. The President's Body to be Brought to Illinois.' in the 'Daily Illinois State Register' (Springfield, IL: Lanphier and Walker) [DISR:Telegraph1].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'A Good Time Coming' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Good].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Anthem of the Free' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Anthem].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'A Year to Come' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Year].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Banner Song' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Banner].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Breck on Fusion' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Breck].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Campaign Closing Song' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Campaign].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Campaign Song' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Campaign2].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Come Sons of the Brave' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Come].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Freedom's Call' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Freedom].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Fusion in a Bell' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Fusion].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Hail to Lincoln' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Hail].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Join Hand in Hand' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Join].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Lincoln's Welcome' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Welcome].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Lincoln and Douglas' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Lincoln].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Lincoln the Hope of a Nation' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Hope].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Old Abe's Rake' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Rake].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Old Abe Rents the White House' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Rents].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Opening Song for Republican Clubs' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Open].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Opening Song for the Campaign' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Opening].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Our Native Land' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Native].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Over There' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Over].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Song of Freedom' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Song].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Sympathy for Steve' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Sympathy].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Take Hope' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Take].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'The Democratic Vision' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Vision].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'The Flag of Liberty' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Flag2].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'The Sick Democracy' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Sick].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'The Wide Awakes' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Wide].
Dale, William P. [1860], 'Those Noble Old Statesmen' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Noble].
Dale, William P.; Ditson, O. [1860], 'Hurrah for Abraham Lincoln' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Hurrah].
Dale, William P.; Graham [1860], 'In the Days of True Democracy' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Days].
Dale, William P.; Morris [1860], 'The Flag of Our Union' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Flag].
Dale, William P.; Randolph, L. V. F. [1860], 'Liberty's Star' in 'The Young Men's Republican Vocalist' (New York: A. Morris) [WPD:Liberty].
Daniels, William [1845], A Correct Account of the Murder of Generals Joseph and Hyrum Smith at Carthage, on the 27th day of June, 1844 (Nauvoo, Ill.: John Taylor) [Dan:JoSm].
Darrow, George C. [1848], Letter from George C. Darrow to Edward B. Talcott Concerning the Towing Concession Between Bridgeport and Chicago (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetTalcott2].
Davis, David; Lincoln, Abraham [1857], Letter to Governor William H. Bissell from Judge David Davis Concerning a Pardon of John Hibbs (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:LetParHibbs].
Davis, David; Lincoln, Abraham [1857], Letter to Governor William H. Bissell from Judge David Davis Concerning a Pardon for George High (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:ParGeoHi].
Davis, David; Lincoln, Abraham [1860], Letter to Governor John Wood from Judge David Davis Concerning a Pardon for Thomas Patterson (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:ParThPat].
Davis, David; Lincoln, Abraham; Lamon, Ward Hill [1858], Letter to Governor William H. Bissell from Judge David Davis Concerning a Pardon for O. F. Jones (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:GovParJon].
Day, Horace H. [1873], 'Address of Horace H. Day, of New York, Before the Illinois State Farmers' Association, Decatur, Ill., Dec. 17, 1873' in 'The Financial System Unmasked and Dissected' (s.l.: s.n.) [HHD:Financial].
Day, Horace H. [1873], 'Cheap Money and How to Get It. The True Way to Turn Balance of Trade in Favor of the United States' in 'The Financial System Unmasked and Dissected' (s.l.: s.n.) [HHD:Cheap].
Denman, C. L. [1846], Letter from C. L. Denman of Newark, New Jersey to William Gooding Concerning Contract Work (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetGood3].
Dickens, Charles [1904], Excerpts from 'American Notes: a Jaunt to the Looking-glass Prairie and Back' (New York: Thomas Y. Cromwell) [Dic:AmNot].
Dingley, C. [1842], 'All is Well' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:AllWell].
Doheny, Michael [1860], 'The Douglas Campaign Rolling' in 'The Democratic Campaign Songster: Douglas and Johnson Melodies' (New York: P. J. Cozans) [DCS:Rolling].
Douglas, Stephen; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Speech Delivered at Bloomington, Ill., by Senator S. A. Douglas, July 16, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:DougSp1].
Douglas, Stephen; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Speech Delivered at Springfield, Ill, by Senator S. A. Douglas, July 17, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:DougSp2].
Douglas, Stephen A.; Lapsley, Arthur Brooks, editor [1858], 'Speech of Senator Douglas' in 'The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1905) [ABL:Douglas].
Drake, Benjamin [1848], The Great Indian Chief of the West: or, Life and Adventures of Black Hawk (United States Book Company) [Dr:BkHk].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Buchanan and Fremont' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song08].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Campaign Song' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song13].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Franklin Pierce's Farewell' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song23].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Freemen's Rally' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song31].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Fremont, the Choice of the Nation' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song16].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Fremont and Dayton' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song14].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Fremont and Dayton' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song36].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Fremont and Freedom' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song11].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Fremont Gathering Song' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song33].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Fremont Rallying Song' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song02].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Fremont Rallying Song' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song19].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Get Out of the Way, Ten-Cent Jimmy' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song35].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Get Out the Way, Old Buchanan' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song37].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Give 'em Jessie' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song40].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Give 'em Jessie' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song41].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Jessie Fremont' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song18].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Joe Terrapin's Fremont Song' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song06].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'John Fremont's Coming' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song10].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'O, Jessie is a Sweet, Bright Lady.' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song17].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Patent Chivalry' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song25].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Poor Old Buck' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song03].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Rallying Song' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song01].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Rallying Song' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song27].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Rallying Song' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song34].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Slavery Embarkation' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song32].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Song' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song29].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Song' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song30].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Song for the People' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song07].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'The Bachelor Candidate' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song28].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'The Ballot Battle' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song39].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'The Bay State Hurrah' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song24].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'The Fine Old Fossil Bachelor' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song20].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'The Four Years' Race' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song09].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'The Freemen of the North' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song05].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'The Hurrah Song' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song15].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'The Last Hope of Buchanan' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song26].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'The Pass of the Sierra' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song38].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'The Voice of Freedom' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song12].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'The White House Race' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song21].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'Uncle James' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song04].
Drew, Thomas, compiler [1856], 'We'll Give 'Em Jessie' in 'The Campaign of 1856. Fremont Songs for the People. Original and Selected.' (Boston: John P. Jewett and Company) [Drw:56song22].
Dunbar, Paul Lawrence; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1899], 'Lincoln' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 4' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Lincoln].
Duncan, Joseph [1836], Letter from Governor Joseph Duncan to Commissioner William Archer Concerning Canal Lands (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetArcher].
Durfee, Sydney S. [1848], Letter from Sydney S. Durfee to Edward B. Talcott Concerning a Scow Scraper (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetTalcott].
Durriage, T. A. [1848], 'Remember the Alamo' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:Alamo].
Edwards, William P. [1832], Narrative of the Capture and Providential Escape of Misses Frances and Almira Hall, Two Respectable Young Women (Sisters) of the Ages of 16 and 18--Who Were Taken Prisoners By the Savages, at a Frontier Settlement, Near Indian Creek, in May Last, When Fifteen of the Inhabitants Fell Victims to the Bloody Tomahawk and Scalping Knife ; Among Whom Were the Parents of the Unfortunate Females. Likewise is Added, the Interesting Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Philip Brigdon, A Kentuckian, Who Fell Into the Hands of the Merciless Savages on Their Return to Their Settlement, Three Days After the Bloody Massacre. (New York: William P. Edwards) [Ed:HallSis].
Ely, Richard Theodore [1885], Pullman: A Social Study (Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 70, no. 417, Feb. 1885: 452-466) [RTE:Pullman].
Emerson, Charles; Lincoln, Abraham [1860], Letter to Governor John Wood Endorsing the Petition for a Pardon in the Case of Emanuel Fowler (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:PetEmFow].
Ernst, Ferdinand [1904], Travels in Illinois in 1819 (Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the year 1903) [Ern:Trv1819].
Faux, W. [1823], Memorable Days in America: Being a Journal of a Tour to United States, Principally Undertaken to Ascertain, by Positive Evidence, the Condition and Probable Prospects of British Emigrants; Including Accounts of Mr. Birkbeck's Settlement in the Illinois: and Intended to Shew Men and Things as They Are in America. (W. Simkin and R. Marshall) [Faux:MemDay].
Ferguson, William [1856], Excerpts from 'America by River and Rail or, Notes by the Way on the New-World and Its People' (London: James Nibset and Co.) [Ferg:AmRiv].
Fish, Hamilton; Hamilton, James A. [1856], Fremont, the Conservative Candidate. Correspondence Between Hon. Hamilton Fish, U.S. Senator from New York, and Hon. James A. Hamilton, Son of Alexander Hamilton. (Publisher unknown) [HFJH:Fremont].
Fitzball, Edward; Wallace, William Vincent [Date unknown], 'It Was a Knight' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Knight].
Fitzball, Edward; Wallace, William Vincent [Date unknown], 'Scenes That Are Brightest' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Scenes].
Fitzball, Edward; Wallace, William Vincent [Date unknown], 'There is a Flower That Bloometh' in 'The Young Lady's Songster' (Philadelphia: Fisher and Brothers) [YL:Flower].
Flagg, Gershom Buck, Solon J., editor [1910], 'Pioneer Letters of Gershom Flagg' in 'Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society' (Springfield, IL: Illinois State Journal Company) [Ger:PioLet].
Flanders, G. M. [1860], The Ebony Idol (D. Appleton and Company) [Fln:Ebon].
Foot, Star [1850], Letter from Star Foot to William Gooding Concerning his Resignation as Canal Inspector (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetGood5].
Ford, Thomas [1854], History of Illinois (S. C. Griggs and Co.) [Fo:Hist].
Forsyth, Thomas; Blair, Emma Helen, editor [1912], 'An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Sauk and Fox Nations of Indians Tradition' in 'The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Region of the Great Lakes, volume 2' (Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Company) [TF:Sauk].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Abe Lincoln' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Lincoln6].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'A Friend of the Greasers' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Greasers].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Bolters and Lincoln' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Bolters1].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Commentary on the Dixon Telegraph' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Dixon].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Commentary on the Journal' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Journal1].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Commentary on the Journal' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Journal2].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Commentary on the Journal' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Journal3].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Discussion at Freeport' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Freeport1].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Discussion at Freeport' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Freeport2].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Discussion at Ottawa' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Ottawa].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Douglas Himself Admitted on the Stand in This City That He Had Made a Mistake' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Douglas2].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Down on the Irish' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Irish].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Dred Scott Decision Endorsed' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:DredScott].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Enough' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Enough].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'For Political Effect' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Effect].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Frauds' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Frauds].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Henry Clay vs. Lincoln' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Clay1].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Hon. Owen Lovejoy' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Lovejoy].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'How It Is' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:HowItIs].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'In Favor of Abolitionism' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Abolitionism].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Lincoln' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Lincoln4].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Lincoln' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Lincoln7].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Lincoln and the Republican Party at Variance' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Lincoln2].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Lincoln on Negro Equality' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Lincoln3].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Look Well To Your Ticket' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Ticket].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Meeting at Galena' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Galena].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'North and South' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:NorthSouth].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Press the Matter' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Press].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Republican Combinations' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Republican3].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Republican Creed' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Republican2].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Republican Platform' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Republican1].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Response to the Journal' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Journal4].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Response to the Journal' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Journal5].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Response to the Journal' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Journal6].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Result' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Result].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'That's Our Democracy' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Democracy1].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'The Alliance' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Alliance].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'The Decency Party' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Decency].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'The Discussion' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Discussion2].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'The Discussion on Friday Last' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Discussion1].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'The Name' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Name].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'The Wagon' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Wagon].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Triumph of Popular Sovereignty' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Triumph].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Turn Out' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:TurnOut].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Two Faces' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:2Faces].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'We Are Bound to Win!' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Win].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'What Does He Believe?' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Believe].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin [1858], 'Who Are Opposed to Foreigners?' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Foreigners1].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; Argus and Democrat [1858], 'The Douglas Case in Wisconsin' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Wisconsin].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; Baltimore Republican [1858], 'The Battle in Illinois' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Battle].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; Chicago Democrat [1858], 'Foreigners Read' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Foreigners2].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; Chicago Journal [1858], 'More About It' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:More].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; Chicago Times [1858], 'Coming to the Truth' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Truth1].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; Chicago Times [1858], 'Lincoln Refuses to Answer' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Lincoln1].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; Cincinnati Daily Gazette [1858], 'The Old Log Cabin Burned to the Ground!' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:LogCabin].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; Cincinnati Enquirer [1858], 'Let the Democracy Speak Out' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Democracy2].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; Cincinnati Enquirer [1858], 'The Creed of Black Republicanism' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Creed].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; Clay, Henry [1858], 'Henry Clay's Speech' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Clay2].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; Congregational Herald [1858], 'The Proof is Here' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Proof].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen A. [1858], 'Douglas at Clinton' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Clinton].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen A. [1858], 'The Senatorial Canvass' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Canvass].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; Marengo Press [1858], 'Lincoln's Answers Not Satisfactory' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Lincoln5].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; McConnell, Murray [1858], 'Truth Fitly Spoken' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Truth2].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; New York Journal of Commerce [1858], 'Douglas' Prospects' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Douglas].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; St. Louis Republican [1858], 'Pill for the Bolters' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Bolters3].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; St. Louis Republican [1858], 'Senator Green, of Missouri' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Green].
Freeport Weekly Bulletin; The Weekly Courier [1858], 'To the Bolters' in the 'Freeport Weekly Bulletin' (Freeport, IL: W. T. Giles) [FWB:Bolters2].
Freeport Weekly Journal [1858], 'A Good Hit' in the 'Freeport Weekly Journal' (Freeport, IL: H.M. Sheetz) [FWJ:Hit].
Freeport Weekly Journal [1858], 'Assertion' in the 'Freeport Weekly Journal' (Freeport, IL: H.M. Sheetz) [FWJ:Assertion].
Freeport Weekly Journal [1858], 'How to Vote for Lincoln' in the 'Freeport Weekly Journal' (Freeport, IL: H.M. Sheetz) [FWJ:Vote].
Freeport Weekly Journal [1858], 'Lincoln' in the 'Freeport Weekly Journal' (Freeport, IL: H.M. Sheetz) [FWJ:Lincoln].
Freeport Weekly Journal [1858], 'Never a Line' in the 'Freeport Weekly Journal' (Freeport, IL: H.M. Sheetz) [FWJ:Line].
Freeport Weekly Journal [1858], 'Response to the Bulletin' in the 'Freeport Weekly Journal' (Freeport, IL: H.M. Sheetz) [FWJ:Bulletin].
Fry, Jacob; Gooding, William [1845], Letter from Jacob Fry and William Gooding to David Leavitt Concerning an Advanced Payment on a Contract (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetLeav].
Gilder, Richard Watson; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'The Life-Mask of Abraham Lincoln' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Life].
Gilder, Richard Watson Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1894], 'Lincoln as a Writer' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:LWrite].
Gilmore, P.S. [1862], We Are Coming Father Abraam, Three Hundred Thousand More (Boston: Russell a Patee) [CHS:wercom].
Gooding, William [1848], Letter from William Gooding to G. W. Green Concerning the Canal's Completion (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetGreen].
Gooding, William [1854], Letter from William Gooding to David Leavitt Concerning Various Items of Canal Business (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetLeav6].
Gooding, William [1856], Letter from William Gooding to David Leavitt Concerning Canal Expenditures and the Severe Winter (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetLeav7].
Greeley, Horace [1860], 'The March of the Free' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:freemar].
Greeley, Horace [1893], Proceedings of the First Three Republican National Conventions of 1856, 1860 and 1864 (Minneapolis: Charles W. Johnson) [Gr:Proc].
Green, Beriah [1844], Sketches of the Life and Writings of James Gillespie Birney (Utica, N.Y.: Jackson and Chaplin) [BG:Birney].
Grissom, Daniel Morrison [1892], Tariff Talks, No Protection for Farmers (s.l. : s.n.) [DMG:Tariff].
Groh, D. Webster [1888], The Tariff in a Nutshell Containing the Whole Question of Protection Tariff Reform and Free Trade (Chicago: Belford, Clarke and Co.) [DWG:Tariff].
Haney, F. A. [1860], 'We Have a Man Whom Freedom Hails' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:manhail].
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Hawthorne, Nathaniel [1852], The Life of Franklin Pierce (Boston: Ticknor, Reed, and Fields) [NH:Pierce2].
Hay, John; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1904], 'Letter and Portrait' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:LetPor].
Herriott, F. I.; Dodge, Grenville M.; Nourse, Charles C. [1920], Memories of the Chicago Convention of 1860 (Annals of Iowa, vol. 12, no. 6, October 1920, p. 446-466) [Her:Mem1860].
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Illinois State Journal [1858], 'The Great Debate at Freeport Between Lincoln and Douglas' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Freeport3].
Illinois State Journal [1858], 'The Handwriting on the Wall' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Handwriting].
Illinois State Journal [1858], 'The Quarrel between Buchanan and Douglas' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Quarrel].
Illinois State Journal [1858], 'The Two Despotisms -- Catholicism and Slavery -- Their Union and Identity' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Despotism].
Illinois State Journal [1858], 'Unparalleled Mendacity' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Mendacity].
Illinois State Journal [1858], 'What the Democracy are Fighting For' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Democracy].
Illinois State Journal [1858], 'Where Mr. Douglas Stands' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Stands].
Illinois State Journal; Chicago Journal [1858], 'Douglas Apologizes' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Apology].
Illinois State Journal; Chicago Press and Tribune [1858], 'A Douglas Victory' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Victory].
Illinois State Journal; Chicago Press and Tribune [1858], 'A Funeral in Preparation' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Funeral].
Illinois State Journal; Chicago Press and Tribune [1858], 'A Mighty Man of Valor' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Valor].
Illinois State Journal; Chicago Press and Tribune [1858], 'Great Debate Between Lincoln and Douglas at Freeport' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Freeport2].
Illinois State Journal; Chicago Press and Tribune [1858], 'Incidents at Ottawa' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Incidents].
Illinois State Journal; Chicago Press and Tribune [1858], 'More of the Ottawa Forgery -- Harris and Lanphier in a Split Stick' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Ottawa].
Illinois State Journal; Chicago Press and Tribune [1858], 'Rich and Rare Development' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:RichRare].
Illinois State Journal; Chicago Press and Tribune [1858], 'The Great Debate Between Lincoln and Douglas at Ottawa, August 21, 1858' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Ottawa2].
Illinois State Journal; Chicago Times [1858], 'The Forgery Confessed' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Confessed].
Illinois State Journal; Chicago Times [1858], 'The Forgery Tracked Home to the Illinois State Register' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Forgery].
Illinois State Journal; Congressional Globe [1858], 'Why Douglas Opposed the Lecompton Constitution' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Lecompton].
Illinois State Journal; DeKalb County Sentinel [1858], 'The Douglasites Out in Favor of Negro Equality' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Equality].
Illinois State Journal; Douglas, Stephen [1858], 'Great Debate Between Lincoln and Douglas at Freeport' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Freeport].
Illinois State Journal; Lincoln, Abraham [1858], 'Mr. Lincoln's Speech' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:LincolnSpeech].
Illinois State Journal; Lincoln, Abraham [1858], 'Mr. Lincoln Rejoinder' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Rejoinder].
Illinois State Journal; Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen [1858], 'Correspondence Between Lincoln and Douglas' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Correspondence].
Illinois State Journal; Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen [1858], 'Great Debate Between Lincoln and Douglas at Jonesboro' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Jonesboro].
Illinois State Journal; Louisville Journal [1858], 'Douglas and the Louisville Journal' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Louisville2].
Illinois State Journal; Louisville Journal [1858], 'The Louisville Journal on Douglas and Lincoln -- Opinion of the Home Organ of Henry Clay' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Louisville].
Illinois State Journal; Morgan Journal [1858], 'The Register Doubly Guilty' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Register].
Illinois State Journal; Peoria Transcript [1858], 'Douglas in Peoria' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:Peoria].
Illinois State Journal; Richmond Enquirer [1858], 'Douglas Platform as Illustrated by the Richmond Enquirer' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:DouglasPlatform].
Illinois State Journal; St. Louis Democrat [1858], 'The Douglas Party in Illinois' in the 'Illinois State Journal' (Springfield: Bailhache and Baker) [ISJ:DouglasParty].
Jackson, Andrew [1829], First Annual Message (From A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Ed. James D. Richardson. New York: Bureau of National Literature, 1897. 1005-1025) [Jack:1stAnn].
Jackson, Andrew [1830], Second Annual Message (From A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Ed. James D. Richardson. New York: Bureau of National Literature, 1897. 1063-1092) [Jack:3rdAnn].
Jackson, Andrew [1831], Third Annual Message (From A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Ed. James D. Richardson. New York: Bureau of National Literature, 1897. 1107-1121) [Jack:3rdAnn].
Jackson, Andrew [1832], Fourth Annual Message (From A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Ed. James D. Richardson. New York: Bureau of National Literature, 1897. 1154-1169) [Jack:4thAnn].
Jackson, Andrew [1832], Letter to Senate and House of Representatives Concerning the Removal of the Indians (From A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Ed. James D. Richardson. New York: Bureau of National Literature, 1897. 1128-1029) [Jack:Spec].
Jarvis, Edward [1844], Insanity Among the Coloured Population of the Free States (T.K. and P.G. Collins Printers) [Jar:Insane].
Jayne, Gershom [1830], Commissioner Gershom Jayne's Accounts (Unpublished MSS) [IMJayneAcct].
Jayne, Gershom; Dunn, Charles [1830], Canal Land Sale Certificates, Springfield (Unpublished MSS) [IMCanSaleCert].
Johns, Jane Martin [1912], Personal Recollections of Early Decatur, Abraham Lincoln, Richard J. Oglesby and the Civil War (Decatur, IL: Decatur Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution) [Jo:PerRec].
Jones, George O.; Butler, Benjamin F. [1884], More Money and Less Misery! (New York: s.n.) [GOJ:MoreMoney].
Keckley, Elizabeth [1868], Behind the Scenes, or, Thirty Years a Slave, and Four Years in the White House (New York: G. W. Carleton a Co.) [Kec:BehScn].
Kilbourne, J. [1840], 'Hard Cider' in 'The Harrison and Log Cabin Song Book' (Columbus: I. N. Whiting) [HLC:Cider].
Kinzie, John [1849], Abstract of Canal Boats Registered at Chicago (Unpublished MSS) [IMCanalBoat].
Kinzie, John H. [1852], Letter from John H. Kinzie to the Canal Trustees Concerning Additional Office Help (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetOffHelp].
Leavitt, David; Swift, William H.; Fry, Jacob [1845], Resolution of Canal Trustees Concerning Timber Land Agents (Unpublished MSS) [IMResTimb].
Lewis, Henry; Poatgieter, A. Hermina, translator; Heilbron, Bertha, editor [1967], Das Illustrirte Mississippithal, or, The Valley of the Mississippi Illustrated (St. Paul, Minnesota: Minnesota Historical Society) [Lew:MSValley].
Lincoln, Abraham [1834], Amendment to Rules of the House of Representatives (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:AmRulHR].
Lincoln, Abraham [1834], Bill for an Act to Authorize Samuel Musick to Build a Toll Bridge across Salt Creek in Sangamon County (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:SamBrdg].
Lincoln, Abraham [1834], Bill for an Act to Limit the Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlJP].
Lincoln, Abraham [1834], A Bill for an Act to Locate a State Road from Indiana to Sadorus (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlIndSad].
Lincoln, Abraham [1834], Report from the Committee on Public Accounts and Expenditures Concerning Auditor's Contingent Fund (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:RptComPubAcct].
Lincoln, Abraham [1835], Amendment to a Bill for an Act Supplemental to an Act to Incorporate the Subscribers to the Bank of Illinois (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:SuppBnk].
Lincoln, Abraham [1835], Amendment to a Bill for an Act to Incorporate the Sangamon Fire Insurance Company (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:SangFire].
Lincoln, Abraham [1835], Amendment to a Bill for an Act Concerning Marks and Brands (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:AmMrksBrnds].
Lincoln, Abraham [1835], A Bill for an Act Supplemental to an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:RelDebt].
Lincoln, Abraham [1835], A Bill for an Act to Divide Schuyler County (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:DivSchCo].
Lincoln, Abraham [1835], A Bill for an Act to Establish a State Road Leading from Peoria via Pekin to the State Road Leading from Springfield to Peoria (Unpublished MSS) [abe:StRdPekPeo].
Lincoln, Abraham [1835], Bill for an Act to Lay out a State Road from the Wabash to the Yellow Banks on the Mississippi (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:StRdWabYel].
Lincoln, Abraham [1835], A Bill for an Act to Locate a State Road Therein Named and for Other Purposes (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:StRdNa].
Lincoln, Abraham [1835], A Bill for an Act to Locate a State Road between Springfield and George G. Miller's Ferry (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:StRdSprMl].
Lincoln, Abraham [1835], A Bill for an Act to Relocate a Part of the State Road Leading from William Crow's in Morgan County to Musick's Bridge in Sangamon County (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlStRdMus].
Lincoln, Abraham [1835], A Bill for an Act to Relocate a Part of the State Road Leading from William Crow's in Morgan County to Musick's Bridge in Sangamon County, Amended and Passed (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlStRdCr].
Lincoln, Abraham [1835], A Bill for an Act to Relocate a Part of the State Road Leading from Springfield to Lewiston (Unpublished MSS) [abe:RelStRdLew].
Lincoln, Abraham [1836], A Bill for an Act to Create a New County Called Van Buren North of Sangamon (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlVanBur].
Lincoln, Abraham [1836], Resolution Concerning the Need for an Assistant Doorkeeper for the House of Representatives (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:ResDoor].
Lincoln, Abraham [1837], Amendment to a Bill for an Act to Distribute the School Fund to the Several Counties in this State (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:AmSchFnd].
Lincoln, Abraham [1837], A Bill for an Act to Authorize Rhoda Hart and Others to Sell and Convey Certain Real Estate (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:RhdHrt].
Lincoln, Abraham [1837], A Bill for an act to Establish a State Road from Peoria to Hendersonville (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:StRdPeor].
Lincoln, Abraham [1837], A Bill for an Act to Establish a State Road from Jacksonville to Bloomington (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlStRdJacBl].
Lincoln, Abraham [1837], A Bill for an Act to Establish a State Road from Jacksonville to Bloomington, Amended and Passed (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlStRdJac].
Lincoln, Abraham [1837], A Bill for an Act to Establish a State Road from Beardstown in Cass County to Petersburg in Sangamon County (Unpublished MSS) [abe:BlStRdBrd].
Lincoln, Abraham [1837], A Bill for an Act to Extend the Corporate Powers of the President and Trustees of the Town of Springfield (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlPresSpr].
Lincoln, Abraham [1837], A Bill for an Act to Relocate a Part of the State Road Leading from Springfield to Lewiston (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlStRdSprLew].
Lincoln, Abraham [1837], A Bill for an Act to Repeal Laws Relative to the Permanent Location of the Seat of Government and Regarding Financing of the Construction of the Capitol Building (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlFinSpr].
Lincoln, Abraham [1837], Bond of William Butler as Clerk of the Circuit Court of Sangamon County (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:WmButBnd].
Lincoln, Abraham [1837], Notice of Introduction for a Bill for State and County Roads (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:NotBlStRd].
Lincoln, Abraham [1838], Amendment to a Bill for an Act to Increase the Capital Stock of the Bank of Illinois (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:AmCapSt].
Lincoln, Abraham [1839], Amendment to a Bill for an Act Dividing the State into Judicial Districts (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:AmStJud].
Lincoln, Abraham [1839], Amendment to a Bill for an Act Supplemental to an Act Incorporating the Beardstown and Sangamon Canal Company (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:AmBeard].
Lincoln, Abraham [1839], Amendment to a Bill Introduced to Authorize a Survey from the Central Railroad in Jackson County to Vandalia (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:AmSurvCR amendment].
Lincoln, Abraham [1839], A Bill and Petition for an Act to Vacate a Part of the Town Plat of Bennett's Addition to the Town of Petersburg (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlVacPet].
Lincoln, Abraham [1839], A Bill for an Act Authorizing the Purchase of a House for the Use of the Governor (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:GovHs].
Lincoln, Abraham [1839], A Bill for an Act for the Relief of the Clerk of the Circuit of Sangamon County (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlRelClk].
Lincoln, Abraham [1839], Bill for an Act for the Relief of Incorporated Towns (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlRelTwn].
Lincoln, Abraham [1839], A Bill for an Act to Incorporate the Springfield Mechanics' Union (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:IncSprMech].
Lincoln, Abraham [1839], Resolution for Final Action upon Pike County Contested Election (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:PkCoEl].
Lincoln, Abraham [1840], Amendment to a Bill for an Act Concerning Public Revenue (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlPubRev].
Lincoln, Abraham [1840], Amendment to a Bill for an Act to Vacate the Town Plat of Livingston (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:AmVacLiv].
Lincoln, Abraham [1840], Amendment to a Bill for an Act to Incorporate Springfield (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:AmIncSpr].
Lincoln, Abraham [1840], Bill for an Act for the Further Prosecution of the Illinois and Michigan Canal (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlIMC].
Lincoln, Abraham [1840], A Bill for an Act Legalizing the Survey and Plat of the Town of Mount Auburn in the County of Dane (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:MtAub].
Lincoln, Abraham [1840], Bill for an Act Providing for the Election of a Public Binder (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:PubBind].
Lincoln, Abraham [1840], A Bill for an Act to Dissolve the Hands of Matrimony between Nathaniel B. Martin and Sarah Martin his Wife (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:DivNBSB].
Lincoln, Abraham [1840], A Bill for an Act to Establish a State Road from Petersburg in Menard County to Waverly in Morgan county (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:StRdPetWav].
Lincoln, Abraham [1840], A Bill for an Act to Provide for the Payment of Interest on the State Debt (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlStDbt].
Lincoln, Abraham [1840], Payment for Use of a Room for the Supreme Court (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:SupCt].
Lincoln, Abraham [1840], Probate Court Case File for Foley Vaughn v. Whartin Randsdell (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:CtFolV].
Lincoln, Abraham [1840], Resolution Concerning Election Frauds (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:ResEleFra].
Lincoln, Abraham [1840], Resolution Notifying the Senate that the House of Representatives is Organized (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:ResSenHR].
Lincoln, Abraham [1840], Resolution on Teachers' Examinations (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:ResTeach].
Lincoln, Abraham [1840], Resolution to Elect a Treasurer of the Board of Canal Commissioners (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:ResElTrea].
Lincoln, Abraham [1841], Bill for an Act Authorizing Certain Debtors of the State to Discharge their Indebtedness in Illinois Internal Improvement Scrip (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BlDbt].
Lincoln, Abraham [1841], Bill for an Act Concerning the State Bank of Illinois (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:StBnkBl].
Lincoln, Abraham [1843], Agreement on State House (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:AgStHs].
Lincoln, Abraham [1847], Petition to Governor Augustus C. French for a pardon in the case of Sigler H. Lester (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:PetParSig].
Lincoln, Abraham [1850], Petition to Governor Augustus C. French for the Appointment of William B. Fondey as a Notary Public (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:PetApptWmF].
Lincoln, Abraham [1852], Petition to Governor Augustus C. French for a Pardon in the Case of John A. L. Crockett (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:PetParCroc].
Lincoln, Abraham [1853], Bill for an Act to Incorporate the Vermillion Coal and Manufacturing Company (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:VermCoal].
Lincoln, Abraham [1853], Letter to Governor Joel A. Matteson from Lincoln Requesting a Pardon for a Former Client, William D. Davis (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:LetParDav].
Lincoln, Abraham [1853], Letter to John A. Rockwell Regarding his Coal Mining Charter (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:JRCoal].
Lincoln, Abraham [1857], Petition to Governor William H. Bissell for a Pardon in the Case of George High (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:PetParGHig].
Lincoln, Abraham [1858], Letter to Governor William H. Bissell from Lincoln Concerning a Pardon for Samuel and James Jones (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:ParSmJmJo].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1835], A Bill for an Act to Incorporate the Beardstown and Sangamon Canal Company (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:BlBeardSang].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1835], Resolution Concerning an Investigation by the Committee on Public Accounts and Expenditures into the Publication of State Laws (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:ResExpStLw].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1836], Bond for Charles Gregory as State Treasurer (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:ChGreg].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1837], Bond for Benjamin S. Enloe as Warden of the Illinois State Penitentiary (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:BenEn].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1837], Bond for Charles Oakley as Fund Commissioner for Internal Improvements (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:BndChOak].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1837], Bond of Charles Matheny as Clerk of County Commissioners Court (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:BndMat].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1838], Endorsement of Antrim Campbell for the Position of Prosecuting Attorney (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:AntCamp].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1839], House Joint Resolution Concerning Purchase of Unsold Federal Lands (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:JRLand].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1839], Petition for a Road from Petersburg to Waverly (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:RdPetWav].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1839], Petition of House Members Protesting the House Decision not to Impeach Judge John Pearson (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:PetJnP].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1839], Petition of Sarah Martin for a Divorce from Nathaniel B. Martin (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:SarMart].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1840], Probate Court Case File Thomas Rucker v. George, Jacob, and Catharine Early (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:PrCtTRu].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1841], A Bill for an Act Supplemental to the Charter of the Springfield and Alton Turnpike Road Company (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:SprAltTrn].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1841], Bill for an Act to Amend the Act Incorporating Agricultural Societies (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:IncAgSoc].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1845], Petition for Pardon of a Person Unknown (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:ParUnkn].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1845], Petition for Pardon of Samuel Smith (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:ParSamSm].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1847], Petition to Governor Augustus C. French for a Pardon in the Case of Jacob Hoffman (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:PetParJacHof].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1850], Petition to Governor Augustus C. French for a Pardon in the Case of Henry Heath (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:PetParHH].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1853], Illinois and Michigan Canal Receipts (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:IMCanRct].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al [1860], Petition to Governor John Wood for a Pardon in the Case of Emanuel Fowler (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:PetWoFow].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al; Ficklin, Orlando [1840], Report No. 1 on the Condition of the State Bank (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:Rpt1StBk].
Lincoln, Abraham, et al; Stuart, John T. [1834], A Bill for an Act Concerning Estrays (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:BlEstray].
Lincoln, Abraham; Bartlett, David W. [1860], Life and Public Services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, with a Portrait on Steel. To Which is Added a Biographical Sketch of Hon. Hannibal Hamlin. (New York: H. Dayton) [Bar:LifPub].
Lincoln, Abraham; Davis, David [1858], Petition to Governor William H. Bissell for a Pardon in the Case of David Thompson (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:ParDvTho].
Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Challenge to the Joint Debates, July 24, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Debatesa].
Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Fifth Joint Debate at Galesburgh, Illinois, October 7, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 4' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Debates5].
Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'First Joint Debate at Ottawa, August 21, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Debates1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Fourth Joint Debate at Charleston, Illinois, September 18, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 4' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Debates4].
Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Preliminary Correspondence to the Joint Debates' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Debatesb].
Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Second Debate at Freeport, Illinois, August 27,1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Debates2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Sixth Joint Debate, At Quincy, Illinois, October 13, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 4' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Debates6].
Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Third Joint Debate at Jonesboro, Illinois, September 15, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 4' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Debates3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1894], 'The Seventh and Last Joint Debate, at Alton, Illinois, October 15, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Debates7].
Lincoln, Abraham; Dresser, Charles; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1844], 'Memorandum, January 16, 1844' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Memo116].
Lincoln, Abraham; Lapsley, Arthur Brooks, editor [1858], 'Fragment of a Speech at Edwardsville' in 'The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1905) [ABL:Edwardsville].
Lincoln, Abraham; Lapsley, Arthur Brooks, editor [1858], 'Fragment of a Speech at Paris, Illinois' in 'The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1905) [ABL:Paris].
Lincoln, Abraham; Lapsley, Arthur Brooks, editor [1858], 'Letter to C. H. Ray' in 'The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1905) [ABL:Ray].
Lincoln, Abraham; Lapsley, Arthur Brooks, editor [1859], 'Letter to M. W. Delahay' in 'The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1905) [ABL:Delahay].
Lincoln, Abraham; Lapsley, Arthur Brooks, editor [1859], 'Letter to W. Dungy' in 'The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1905) [ABL:Dungy].
Lincoln, Abraham; Lapsley, Arthur Brooks, editor [1860], 'Memorandum' in 'The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1905) [ABL:Memo].
Lincoln, Abraham; Lapsley, Arthur Brooks, editor [1861], 'Address at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, February 22, 1861' in 'The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1905) [ABL:Lancaster].
Lincoln, Abraham; Lewis, Robert [1857], Letter of Endorsement for the Petition to Governor William H. Bissell for a Pardon in the Case of Moses Loe (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:LetParLoe].
Lincoln, Abraham; Lewis, Robert [1857], Petition to Governor William H. Bissell for a Pardon in the Case of Moses Loe (Unpublished MSS) [Abea:PetParLoe].
Lincoln, Abraham; Logan, Stephen T.; Lapsley, Arthur Brooks, editor [1859], 'Letter to the Governor, Auditor, and Treasurer of the State of Illinois' in 'The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1905) [ABL:Governor].
Lincoln, Abraham; New York Tribune; Lapsley, Arthur Brooks, editor [1861], 'Address at Fishkill Landing, February 19, 1861' in 'The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1905) [ABL:Fishkill].
Lincoln, Abraham; New York Tribune; Lapsley, Arthur Brooks, editor [1861], 'Address in the Trenton at the Trenton House, February 21, 1861' in 'The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1905) [ABL:Trenton].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John [1860], 'Form of Reply to a Numerous Class of Letters in the Campaign of 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Reply2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John [1861], 'Letter to Edward Bates, February 5, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Bates3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John [1861], 'Letter to Edward Bates, January 28, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Bates2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John [1861], 'Letter to Edwin D. Morgan, February 1, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Morgan2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John [1861], 'Letter to General Edwin C. Wilson, January 23, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wilson2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John [1861], 'Letter to J. W. Tillman, January 28, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Tillman].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1840], 'Circular from Whig Committee' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:WhigCirc1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1840], 'Letter to John T. Stuart, December 17, 1840' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Stuart8].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1840], 'Letter to John T. Stuart, January 1, 1840' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Stuart3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1840], 'Letter to John T. Stuart, January 20, 1840' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Stuart4].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1840], 'Letter to John T. Stuart, January 21, 1840' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Stuart5].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1840], 'Letter to John T. Stuart, March 1, 1840' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Stuart6].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1840], 'Letter to John T. Stuart, March 26, 1840' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Stuart7].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1840], 'Letter to W. G. Anderson' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:WGAnd].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1840], 'Remarks in the Illinois Legislature, December 4, 1840' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:RemLeg2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1840], 'Remarks in the Illinois Legislature, December 4, 1840' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:RemLeg3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1840], 'Remarks in the Illinois Legislature, January 23, 1841' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:RemLeg4].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1840], 'Resolution in the Illinois Legislature, November 28, 1840' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:ResIL].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1841], 'Call for Whig State Convention, October 20, 1841' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:WhigConv].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1841], 'Circular from Whig Committee' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1's (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:WhigCirc2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1841], 'Extract from a Protest in the Illinois Legislature Against the Reorganization of the Judiciary, February 26, 1841' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:JudProtest].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1841], 'Letter to John T. Stuart, January 23, 1841' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Stuart9].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1841], 'Letter to Joshua F. Speed, June 19, 1841' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Speed1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1841], 'Letter to Miss Mary Speed, September 27, 1841' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:MSpeed].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1841], 'Statement about Harry Wilton, June 25, 1841' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wilton].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1842], 'Address Before the Springfield Washingtonian Temperance Society' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Temp].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1842], 'A Letter from the Lost Townships' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:LostTown].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1842], 'Extracts of a Letter to George E. Pickett' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Pickett].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1842], 'Invitation to Henry Clay' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:ClayInv].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1842], 'Letter to G. B. Sheledy' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:142d].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1842], 'Letter to Joshua F. Speed' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Speed2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1842], 'Letter to Joshua F. Speed, February 13, 1842' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Speed4].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1842], 'Letter to Joshua F. Speed, February 25, 1842' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Speed5].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1842], 'Letter to Joshua F. Speed, February 25, 1842' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Speed6].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1842], 'Letter to Joshua F. Speed, February 3, 1842' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Speed3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1842], 'Letter to Joshua F. Speed, July 4, 1842' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Speed8].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1842], 'Letter to Joshua F. Speed, March 27, 1842' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Speed7].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1842], 'Letter to Joshua F. Speed, October [4?], 1842' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Speed9].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1842], 'Letter to Mr. Walker' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Walker].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1842], 'Memorandum of Instructions to E. H. Merryman' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:MerryMemo].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1843], 'Circular from Whig Committee, March 4, 1843' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:WhigCirc3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1843], 'Letter to J. J. Hardin, May 11, 1843' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hardin1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1843], 'Letter to John Bennett, March 7, 1843' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Benn2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1843], 'Letter to Joshua F. Speed, March 24, 1843' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Speed10].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1843], 'Letter to Joshua F. Speed, May 18, 1843' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Speed11].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1843], 'Letter to Martin M. Morris, April 14, 1843' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Morris2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1843], 'Letter to Martin M. Morris, March 26, 1843' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Morris1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1843], 'Resolutions at a Whig Meeting at Springfield, Illinois, March 1, 1843' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:WhigRes].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1844], 'Letter to J. J. Hardin, May 21, 1844' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hardin2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1845], 'Letter to General John J. Hardin, January 19, 1845' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hardin3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1845], 'Letter to Mr. Williams, March 1, 1845' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Williams].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G, ed; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to John Addison, September 27, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Addison].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1832], 'Address to the People of Sangamon County' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:People].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1832], 'Receipt for Arms' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:RctArms].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1833], 'Letter and Receipt to George Spears' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Spears].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1833], 'Letter to E.C. Blankenship' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Blank].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1834], 'Cerificate of Survey' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:SurvCert].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1834], 'Report of a Road Survey' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:RdSurv].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1834], 'To the County Commissioners Court for the County of Sangamon, at its June Term, 1834' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Comm].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1836], 'Announcement of Political Views' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:PolView].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1836], 'Letter to Miss Mary Owens' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:MOwens1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1836], 'Letter to Robert Allen' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Allen].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1837], 'Address Before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Lyceum].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1837], 'Hand Bill to the Sangamon Journal, August 19, 1837' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:HndBl].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1837], 'Letter to John Bennett' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Benn].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1837], 'Letter to Miss Mary Owens, August 16, 1837' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:MOwens3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1837], 'Letter to Miss Mary Owens, May 7, 1837' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:MOwens2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1837], 'Lincoln and Talbott Reply to General Adams, September 9, 1837' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Talb].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1837], 'Protest in the Illinois Legislature on the Subject of Slavery' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Slave].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1837], 'Reply to General Adams, October 28, 1837' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:RepAdams].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1837], 'Speech Before the Illinois Legislature' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:LegSpeech].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1838], 'Letter to Mrs. Browning' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:MrsBrown].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1839], 'Letter to A.P. Field' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Field].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1839], 'Letter to John T. Stuart, December 23, 1839' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Stuart2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1839], 'Letter to John T. Stuart, November 14, 1839' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Stuart1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1839], 'Letter to Mr. Row' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Row].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1839], 'Letter to the Editor of the Chicago American' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Editor].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1839], 'Remarks in the Illinois Legislature in the House of Representatives, January 17, 1839' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:RemLeg1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1839], 'Speech at the Political Discussion in the Hall of the House of Representatives at Springfield, Illinois' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:PolDisc].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1840], 'Letter to William Schouler' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Schouler].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Fragment, [July 1?], 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Frag].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to Archibald Williams, April 30, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Will1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to Archibald Williams, June 12, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Will2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to David Lincoln, April 2, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:DLinc2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to David Lincoln, March 24, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:DLinc1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to E. B. Washburne, April 30 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wash].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to Horace Greeley, June 27, 1848 ' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Greeley].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to Reverend J. M. Peck, May 21, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Peck].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to S. A. Hurlbut, July 10, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hurlbut].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to Thomas Lincoln' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:TLinc].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to Usher F. Linder, February 20, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Linder].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to William H. Herndon, February 15, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Herndon7].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to William H. Herndon, July 10, 1848 (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Herndon9].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to William H. Herndon, June 22, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Herndon8].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Remarks in the United States House of Representatives, March 29, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:USRem2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Remarks in the United States House of Representatives, May 11, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:USRem3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Remarks in the United States House of Representatives, June 28, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:USRem4].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Report in the United States House of Representatives, March 9, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:USRept2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Report in the United States House of Representatives, March 9, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:USRept3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Report of Speech delivered at Worcester, Mass., on Septd 12, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:RptSp].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Speech in the United States House of Representatives, June 20, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:USSpeech2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Speech in the United States House of Representatives, July 28, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh248t.html].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Application for a Patent, May 22, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Patent].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Bill to Abolish Slavery in the District of Columbia, January 16, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:BlSlav].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Endorsement Concerning Orville Paddock, May [1?], 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Paddock].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter Asking a Recommendation, June 5, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Recom].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to ------, December 15, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:unknown].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to ------Thompson, April 25, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Thom].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to Dr. William Fithian, September 14, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Fithian].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to Duff Green, May 18, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Green].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to E. Embree, May 25, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Embree].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to J. M. Clayton, September 27, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Clayton].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to J. M. Lucas, April 25, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Lucas].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to Joseph Gillespie, July 13, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Gill2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to Joseph Gillespie, May 19, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Gill1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to Joshua F. Speed, February 20, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Speed13].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to Nathaniel Pope, June 8, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Pope].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to the Editor of the Chicago Journal, November 21, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:EdLet].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to the Postmaster-General, April 7, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Post].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to the Secretary of State, March 10, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:State].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to the Secretary of the Interior, April 7, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Int1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to the Secretary of the Interior, April 7, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Int2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to the Secretary of the Interior, April 7, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Int3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to the Secretary of the Interior, May 10, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Int4].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to the Secretary of the Interior, June 3, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Int5].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, March 9, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Treas].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to W. B. Warren and others, April 7, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Warren].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Letter to William H. Herndon, June 5, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Herndon10].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Remarks in the United States House of Representatives, February 13, 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:USRem5].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1849], 'Resolutions of Sympathy with the Cause of Hungarian Freedom, September [12?], 1849' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hungary].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1850], 'Fragment. Notes for a Law Lecture, [July 1, 1850?]' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Frag2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1850], 'Fragment. Notes for Law Lecture, [July 1, 1850?]' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:FragLaw].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1850], 'Letter to John D. Johnston, February 23, 1850' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Johnston4].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1850], 'Letter to O. H. Browning, January 29, 1850' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Brown].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1850], 'Resolutions on the Death of Judge Nathaniel Pope, June 3, 1850' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Pope2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1851], 'Call for Whig Convention, December [4?], 1851' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:WhigConv2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1851], 'Letter to Charles Hoyt' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hoyt1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1851], 'Letter to John D. Johnston, August 31, 1851' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Johnston7].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1851], 'Letter to John D. Johnston, January 12, 1851' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Johnston6].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1851], 'Letter to John D. Johnston, January [2?], 1851' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Johnston5].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1851], 'Letter to John D. Johnston, November 25, 1851' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Johnston10].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1851], 'Letter to John D. Johnston, November 4, 1851' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Johnston8].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1851], 'Letter to John D. Johnston, November 9, 1851' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Johnston9].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1851], 'Letter to Messrs. Browning and Bushnell, March 28, 1851' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:BandB].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1852], 'Eulogy on Henry Clay Delivered In The State House At Springfield, Illinois, July 16, 1852' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Clay].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1852], 'Opinion on the Illinois Election Law' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:ElLaw].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1853], 'Letter to Joshua R. Stanford, May 12, 1853' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Stanford].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1853], 'Letter to M. Brayman, October 3, 1853' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Brayman].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Fragment: On Government [July 1, 1854?]' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:FragGov1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Fragment: On Government [July 1, 1854?]' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:FragGov2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Fragment: On Slavery [July 1, 1854?]' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:FragSlav1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Fragment: On Slavery [July 1, 1854?]' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:FragSlav2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Fragment: On Slavery [July 1, 1854?]' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:FragSlav3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Letter to Charles Hoyt, November 10, 1854' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hoyt2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Letter to E. B. Washburne, December 11, 1854' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wash2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Letter to E. B. Washburne, December 14, 1854' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wash3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Letter to E. B. Washburne, December 19, 1854' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wash4].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Letter to I. Codding, November 27, 1854' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Codding].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Letter to J. M. Palmer, September 7, 1854' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Palmer].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Letter to Jesse Lincoln, April 1, 1854' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:JLincoln].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Letter to Joseph Gillespie, December 1, 1854' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [N:Gill3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Letter to Justice John McLean, December 6, 1854' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:McLean].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Letter to T. J. Henderson, December 15, 1854' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hend2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Letter to T. J. Henderson, November 27, 1854' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hend1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1854], 'Speech at Peoria in Reply to Senator Douglas, October 16, 1854' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:SpPeoria].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1855], 'Bill for Services Rendered the Illinois Central Railroad Company, December [15?], 1855' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:BlServ].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1855], 'Letter to ------, December 13, 1855' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:unknown2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1855], 'Letter to E. B. Washburne, February 9, 1855' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wash6].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1855], 'Letter to E. B. Washburne, January 6, 1855' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wash5].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1855], 'Letter to George Robertson, August 15, 1855' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Robert].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1855], 'Letter to Joshua F. Speed, August 24, 1855' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Speed14].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1855], 'Letter to Sanford, Porter and Striker, March 10, 1855' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Sanford].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1856], 'Fragment of Speech at Galena, Illinois in the Fremont Campaign, August [1?], 1856' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:FragSpeech].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1856], 'Fragment of Speech at Republican Banquet in Chicago, December 10, 1856' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:FragSpBq].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1856], 'Fragment on Sectionalism, October 1, 1856' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:FragSect].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1856], 'Letter to Dr. R. Boal, December 25, 1856' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Boal4].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1856], 'Letter to Dr. R. Boal, September 14, 1856' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Boal3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1856], 'Letter to Harrison Maltby, September 8, 1856' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Maltby].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1856], 'Letter to Henry O'Conner, September 14, 1856' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Oconner].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1856], 'Letter to Jesse K. Dubois, August 19, 1856' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Dubois1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1856], 'Letter to John Bennett, August 4, 1856' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Benn].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1856], 'Letter to John Van Dyke, July 27, 1856' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh256b.html].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1856], 'Letter to O. H. Browning, December 15, 1856' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Brown2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1856], 'Letter to R. P. Morgan, February 13, 1856' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Morgan].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1856], 'Letter to Whitney, July 9, 1856' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Whitney].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1856], 'Letter to William Grimes, July 12, 1856' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Grimes].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1857], 'Argument in the Rock Island Bridge Case' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:RockIs].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1857], 'Letter to Jesse K. Dubois, December 21, 1857' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Dubois2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1857], 'Letter to John E. Rosette, February 20, 1857' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Rosette].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1857], 'Letter to William Grimes, August, 1857' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Grimes2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1857], 'Speech in Springfield, Illinois, June 26, 1857' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:SprSp].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Brief Autobiography June [15?],1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2'' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:AutoBio].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], ' Fragment: Notes For Speeches, October 1, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 4' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:FragSp3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Fragment: Notes For Speeches, October 1, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 4' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:FragSp4].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Fragment: Notes For Speeches, October 1, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 4' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:FragSp5].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Fragment: Notes For Speeches, October 1, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 4' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:FragSp7].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Fragment: Notes For Speeches, October 1, 1858?' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 4' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:FragSp6].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Fragment: Notes for Speeches, September [16?], 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 4' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:FragSp2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to A. G. Henry, November 19, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Henry].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to Alexander Sympson, December 12, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Sympson3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to Alexander Sympson, October 26, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Sympson2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to Antrim Campbell' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Campbell].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to B. C. Cook, August 2, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Cook].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to Charles L. Wilson, June 1, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wilson].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to Dr. William Fithian, September 3, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [nh:Fithian2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to E. B. Washburne, April 26, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wash7].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to E. B. Washburne, May 10, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wash8].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to E. B. Washburne, May 15, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wash9].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to E. B. Washburne, May 27, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wash10].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to Edward G. Miner, February 19, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Miner].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to Edward Lusk, October 30, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Lusk].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to H. D. Sharpe, December 8, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Sharpe].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to Henry Asbury, November 19, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Asbury2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to J. J. Crittenden' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Critten].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to J. J. Crittenden, November 4, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Critt].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to J. M. Lucas, May 10, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Lucas2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to J. M. Palmer, August 5, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Palmer2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to J. O. Cunningham' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Cunn].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to J. W. Somers' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Somers].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to James N. Brown, October 18, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Brown3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to Joel A. Matteson, November 25, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Matt].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to John Mathers' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Mathers].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to Joseph Gillespie' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Gill6].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to Joseph Gillespie, February 7, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Gill5].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to Joseph Gillespie, January 19, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Gill4].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to Joseph Gillespie, July 25, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Gill7].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to N. B. Judd, November 15, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Judd1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to N. B. Judd, November 16, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Judd2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to S. A. Hurlbut, June 1, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hurlbut2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to Sydney Spring' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Spring].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to the Alexander Sympson, August 11, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Sympson].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to the Henry Asbury, July 31, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Asbury].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Letter to Ward H. Lamon, June 2, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Lamon].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Notes of Argument in Law Case, June 15, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:NtsLaw].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Order for Furniture, September 25, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 4' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Furn].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Speech at Chicago, Ilinois, July 10,1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:ChicSp].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Speech at Clinton, Illinois, September 8, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Clinton].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Speech at Springfield, Illinois, July 17, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:SprSp2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1858], 'Speech Delivered at Springfield, Illinois, at the Close of the Republican State Convention by which Mr. Lincoln had been Named as their Candidate for United States Senator, June 16, 1858' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:SenSp].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Annual Address before the Wisconsin State Agriculture Society, at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 30, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:WiscAg].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Legal Opinion, January 6, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:LegOp].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to Dr. --------, November 2, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Doc].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to Dr. Edward Wallace Clinton, October 11, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Clinton2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to Dr. Theodore Cansius, May 17, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Cansius].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to G. M. Parsons and Others, December 19, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Parsons].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to H. L. Pierce and Others, April 6, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Pierce].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to Hawkins Taylor, September 6, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Taylor].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to J. W. Fell, December 20, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to James A. Briggs, November 13, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Briggs].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to James Miller, Treasurer of the State of Illinois, July 11, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Miller].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to M. W. Delahay, May 14, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Delahay].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to Messrs. George W. Dole, G. S. Hubbard, and W. H. Brown, December 14, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Dole].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to N. B. Judd, December 14, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Judd4].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to N. B. Judd, December 9, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Judd3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to Samuel Galloway, July 27, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Galloway1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to Samuel Galloway, July 28, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Galloway2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to Schuyler Colfax, July 6, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Colfax].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to T. J. Pickett, April 16, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Pickett2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to W. E. Frazer, November 1, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Frazer].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Letter to W. M. Morris, March 28, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Morris3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Speech at Chicago on the Night of the Muncipal Election, March 1, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:ChicSp2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Speech at Cincinnati, Ohio, September 17, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:CinSp].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Speech at Columbus, Ohio, September 16, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:ColSp].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1859], 'Speeches in Kansas, December 1-5, 1859' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Kansas].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Abstract of Speech at Hartford, Connecticut, March 5, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hartford].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Address to Cooper Institute, New York, February 27, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Cooper].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Lecture on Discoveries, Inventions, and Improvements, Springfield, Illinois, February 22, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Disc].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to J. M. Lucas, February 9, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Lucas3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to J. M. Sheahan, January 24, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company) [Nh:Sheahan].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Mr. White' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:White].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to N.B. Judd, February 5, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Judd5].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to N.B. Judd, February 9, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Judd6].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Speech at New Haven, Connecticut, March 6, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:NewHaven].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1894], 'Fragment: Opinion on Election Laws of Illinois' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:FragOp].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1845], 'Letter to B. F. James, November 17, 1845' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:James1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1845], 'Letter to B. F. James, November 24, 1845' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:James2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1845], 'Letter to Williamson Durley' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Durley].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1846], 'Letter to B. F. James, January 14, 1846' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:James3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1846], 'Letter to B. F. James, January 16, 1846' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:James4].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1846], 'Letter to B. F. James, January 27, 1846' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:James5].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1846], 'Letter to Dr. Robert Boal, January 7, 1846' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Boal].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1846], 'Letter to James Berdan, April 26, 1846' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Berdan1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1846], 'Letter to James Berdan, May 7, 1846' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Berdan2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1846], 'Letter to John Bennett, January 15, 1846' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Benn3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1846], 'Letter to John Bennett, January 16, 1846' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Benn4].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1846], 'Letter to Johnston, April 18, 1846' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Johnston1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1846], 'Letter to Johnston, September 6, 1846' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Johnston2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1846], 'Letter to Joshua F. Speed, October 22, 1846' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Speed12].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1846], 'Letter to N. J. Rockwell, January 21, 1846' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Rockwell].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1847], 'Fragments of Tariff Discussion, [December 1, 1847?]' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Tariff].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1847], 'Letter to Johnston, February 25, 1847' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Johnston3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1847], 'Letter to William H. Herndon, December 13, 1847' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Herndon2].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1847], 'Letter to William H. Herndon, December 5, 1847' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Herndon1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1847], 'Resolutions in the United States House of Representatives, December 22, 1847' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:USRes1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to Josephus Hewett, February 13, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hewett].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to William H. Herndon, February 1, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Herndon5].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to William H. Herndon, January 19, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Herndon4].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to William H. Herndon, January 8, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Herndon3].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Letter to William Herndon, February 2, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Herndon6].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Remarks in the United States House of Representatives, January 5, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:USRem1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Report in the United States House of Representatives, January 19, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:USRept1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Speech in the United States House of Representatives, January 12, 1848' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:USSpeech1].
Lincoln, Abraham; Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Abstract of Speech at Norwich, Connecticut, March 9, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Norwich].
Lincoln, Abraham; North American; Lapsley, Arthur Brooks, editor [1861], 'Reply to the Wilmington Delegation, February 22, 1861' in 'The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1905) [ABL:Wilmington].
Lincoln, Abraham; Shields, James; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1842], 'Correspondence about the Lincoln-Shields Duel' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Duel].
Lincoln, Abraham; Whitney, William C.; Lapsley, Arthur Brooks, editor [1856], 'Speech Delivered Before the First Republican State Convention of Illinois, Held at Bloomington' in 'The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1905) [ABL:LincSpeech].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Autobiographical Memorandum Given to Artist Hicks, June 14, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:AutoBio3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Extract from a Letter to L. Montgomery Bond, October 15, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Bond].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to -----, April 14, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:unknown4].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to A. G. Henry, July 4, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Henry2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to A. G. Henry, September 22, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Henry3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to A. H. Stephens, November 30, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Stephens].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to A. Jonas, July 21, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Jonas].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Alexander H. Stephens, December 22, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Stephens2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Alexander W. Harvey, March 14, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Harvey].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to C. B. Smith, August 10, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Smith2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to C. B. Smith, May 26, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Smith1].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to C. F. McNeil, April 6, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:McNeil].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to C. H. Fisher' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Fisher].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Cassius M. Clay, August 10, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Clay3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Cassius M. Clay, July 20, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Clay2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Dr. Edward Wallace, May 12, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wallace].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to E. B. Washburne, December 13, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wash13].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to E. B. Washburne, December 21, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wash14].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to E. B. Washburne, May 26, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wash11].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to E. B. Washburne, September 9, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wash12].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to E. Stafford, March 17, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Stafford].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Edward Bates, December 18, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Bates1].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to F. R. Jackson, November 27, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Jackson].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to G. Yoke Tams, September 22, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Tams].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to General Winfield Scott, November 9, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Scott].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to George Ashmun' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Ashmun2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to George Ashmun and the Republican National Convention, Springfield, Illinois, May 23, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Ashmun1].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to George D. Prentice, October 29, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Prentice].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Hannibal Hamlin' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hamlin5].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Hannibal Hamlin, December 24, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hamlin6].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Hannibal Hamlin, July 18, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hamlin1].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Hannibal Hamlin, November 27, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hamlin4].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Hannibal Hamlin, November 8, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hamlin3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Hannibal Hamlin, September 4, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hamlin2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Hawkins Taylor, April 21, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Taylor2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Henry Asbury, November 19, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Asbury3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Henry J. Raymond, December 18, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Raymond2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Henry J. Raymond, November 28, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Raymond].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to I. N. Morris, December 24, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Morris4].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to J. C. Lee, October 24, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Lee].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to J. E. Harvey, October 2, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Harvey3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to J. E. Harvey, September 27, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Harvey2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to J. H. Reed, October 1, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Reed].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to J. M. Brockman, September 25, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Brockman].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to J. R. Giddings, May 21, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Giddings].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to J. W. Somers, March 17, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Somers2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to John ------, August 31, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:John].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to John A. Gilmer' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Gilmer].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to John B. Fry, August 15, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Fry].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to John Chrisman, September 21, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Chrisman].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Lyman Trumbull and General Duff Green, December 28, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Trumbull].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Major David Hunter, December 22, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hunter2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Major David Hunter, October 26, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hunter].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Miss Grace Bedell, October 19, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Bedell].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Mrs. S. A. Hurlbut' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hurlbut3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to N. P. Paschall, November 16, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [NhPaschall].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to N. Sargent, September 20, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Sargent].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Professor Gardner, September 28, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Gardner].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to S. P. Chase, May 26, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Chase].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Salmon P. Chase, December 31, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Chase2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Samuel Galloway, June 19, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Galloway4].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Samuel Galloway, March 24, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Galloway3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Samuel Haycraft, August 16, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Haycraft3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Samuel Haycraft, August 23, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Haycraft4].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Samuel Haycraft, June 4, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Haycraft2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Samuel Haycraft, May 28, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Haycraft1].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Samuel Haycraft, November 13, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Haycraft5].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Simon Cameron, December 31, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Cameron1].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to T. A. Cheney, August 14, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Cheney].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Thurlow Weed, August 17, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Weed1].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Thurlow Weed, December 17, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Weed2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to Truman Smith, November 10, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Smith3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to William Cullen Bryant, December 29, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Bryant3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to William Cullen Bryant, June 28, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Bryant2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to William H. Seward' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Seward].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to William Herndon, October 10, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Herndon11].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Letter to William S. Speer, October 23, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Speer].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Remarks at Springfield, Illinois, August 14, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:SprRem].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Remarks at the Meeting at Springfield, Illinois, to the Celebrate Lincoln's Election, November 20, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:SprRem2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Reply to a Letter from William Kellogg, M. C., Asking advice' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Kellogg].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Reply to the Committee Sent by the Chicago Convention to Inform Mr. Lincoln of His Nomination for President May 19, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Reply1].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1860], 'Short Autobiography at the Request of a Friend to Use in Preparing a Popular Campaign Biography in the Election of 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:AutoBio2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address at Buffalo, New York, February 16, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:NY1].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address at Cleveland, Ohio, February 15. 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Ohio5].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address at Hudson, New York, February 19, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:NY10].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address at New York City, February 19, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:NY12].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address at Peekskill, February 19, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:NY11].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address at Pittsburg, Pensylvania, February 15, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Penn1].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address at Poughkeepsie, New York, February 19, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Ny9].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address at Rochester, New York, February 18, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:NY2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address at Steubenville, Ohio, February 14, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Ohio4].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address at Syracuse, New York, February 18, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:NY3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address at Troy, New York, February 19, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:NY8].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address at Utica, New York, February 18, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:NY4].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, February 22, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Penn3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address on Raising a Flag Over Independence Hall, Philadelphia, February 22, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Penn4].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address to the Assembly of New Jersey, February 21, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:NJ2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address to the Germans at Cincinnati, Ohio, February 12, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Ohio2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address to the Legislature of Indiana at Indianapolis, February 12, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Indiana].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address to the Legislature of New York, at Albany, February 18, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:NY7].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address to the Legislature of Ohio at Colombus, February 13, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Ohio3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, February 22, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Penn6].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address to the Mayor and Citizens of Cincinnati, Ohio, February 12 ,1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Ohio1].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Address to the Senate of New Jersey, February 21, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:NJ1].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Farewell Address at Springfield, Illinois, February 11, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Farewell].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letters to Simon Cameron, January 13, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Cameron3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to A. D. Finney and Others, Commitee, February 8, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Finney].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to Charles S. Olden, February 6, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Olden].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to Edwin D. Morgan, February 4, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Morgan3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to General John E. Wool, January 14, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Wool].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to General Winfield Scott, January 11, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Scott2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to J. T. Hale, January 11, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Hale].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to Messrs. James Sulgrove, Erie Locke, William Wallace, and John T. Wood, Committee, Springfield, Illinois, January 28, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Sulgrove].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to R. A. Cameron, Marsh, and Branham, January 26, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Cameron4].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to Simon Cameron, January 3, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Cameron2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to the George B. Senter and Others, Committee, February 8, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Senter].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to the Governor and the Legislature of Massachusetts, February 7, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:MassGov].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to the Messrs. J. G. Lowe, T. A. Phillips and W. H. Gillespie, Committee, February 7, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Lowe].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to Thurlow Weed, February 4, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Weed2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to William Dennison, February 7, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Dennison].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to William H. Seward, February 1, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Seward4].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to William H. Seward, January 12, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Seward3].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Letter to William H. Seward, January 3, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Seward2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Reply to a Serenade at Washington' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:DC2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Reply to Governor Curtin of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, February 22, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Penn5].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Reply to the Address of Welcome at Indianapolis, Indiana, February 11, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Welcome].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Reply to the Governor Morgan of New York, at Albany, February 18, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:NY6].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Reply to the Mayor of Albany, New York, February 18, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:NY5].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Reply to the Mayor of New York City, February 20, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:NY13].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Reply to the Mayor of Philadelphia, February 21, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Penn2].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1861], 'Reply to the Mayor of Washington, D.C., February 27, 1861' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:DC1].
Lincoln, Abraham Nicolay, John G., ed; Hay, John, ed. [1890], 'Letter to --------, March 16, 1890' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:unknown3].
Lincoln, Jairus [1843], 'Preface' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Preface].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor [1843], 'Hymn' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor [1843], 'Hymn' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymnp31].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor [1843], 'Hymn' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymnp33].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor [1843], 'Hymn 12. C. M.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn12].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor [1843], 'Hymn 13. C. M.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn13].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor [1843], 'Hymn 15. 8s. a 7s.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn15].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor [1843], 'Hymn 17. 6s. a 4s.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn17].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor [1843], 'Hymn 21. S.M.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn21].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor [1843], 'Hymn 30. 7s. a 6s.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn30].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor [1843], 'Hymn 34. 7s. a 8s.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn34].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor [1843], 'Ode for the Fourth of July' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Ode].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor [1843], 'Spirit of Freedom, Awake' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Spirit].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor [1843], 'The Anti-Slavery Call' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Call].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor [1843], 'The Trumpet of Freedom' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Trumpet].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor [1843], 'The World From Its Trance is Awakening' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:World].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor [1843], 'Ye Heralds of Freedom' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Heralds].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Bradford, Claudius [1843], 'Hymn 33' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn33].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Chandler [1843], 'Hymn 24. 7s.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn24].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Chandler, E. M. [1843], 'Hymn 32' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn32].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Chapman [1843], 'Hymn 4. L. M.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn4].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Collier, Mary Ann [1843], 'Hymn 28. 7s. a 6s.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn28].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Dennison, C. W. [1843], 'Hymn 29. 7s. a 6s.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn29].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Duncan, A. G. [1843], 'Hymn' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymnp29].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Follen [1843], 'Hymn 10. C. M.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn10].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Follen [1843], 'Hymn 23. 7s.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn23].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Gardner, M. L. [1843], 'Arouse, New England's Sons' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Arouse].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Gardner, Mary L. [1843], 'Hymn 8. L. M.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn8].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Garrison, William Lloyd [1843], 'Hymn 18. 6s. a 4s.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn18].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Garrison, William Lloyd [1843], 'Hymn 27. 8s. a 7s.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn27].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Garrison, William Lloyd [1843], 'Hymn 3. L. M.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn3].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Garrison, William Lloyd [1843], 'Lo the Bondage of Ages Has Ceased' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Lo].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Garrison, William Lloyd [1843], 'Song of the Abolitionist' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Abolition].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Hayward, W. H. [1843], 'Hymn 26. 7s.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn26].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Heber [1843], 'Hymn 7. L. M.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn7].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Jackman, Mary [1843], 'Hymn 16. 8s. a 7s.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn16].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Jackman, Mary [1843], 'Hymn 5. L. M.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn5].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Johnson, Oliver [1843], 'Hymn 14. 8s. a 7s.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn14].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth [1843], 'The Slave at Midnight' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Slave].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Martineau, Harriet [1843], 'Now's the Day and Now's the Hour' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Day].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Montgomery [1843], 'Blow Ye the Trumpet' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Blow].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Montgomery [1843], 'Hymn 11. C. M.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn11].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Pierpont, John [1843], 'Hymn 19. 6s. a 4s.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn19].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Pierpont, John [1843], 'Hymn 2. L. M.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn2].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Pierpont, John [1843], 'I Would Not Live Always' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:WouldNot].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Pierpont, John [1843], 'Oft in the Chilly Night' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Oft].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Pierpont, John; [1843], 'Hymn 1. L.M.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn1].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Seymour, Almira [1843], 'Who in God's Sight is Holy' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:God].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Sigourney [1843], 'Hymn 20. S.M.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn20].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Sigourney [1843], 'Hymn 22 S.M.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn22].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Ware, Henry Jr. [1843], 'Oppression Shall Not Always Reign' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Oppression].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Ware, Henry Jr. [1843], 'The Pilgrims are Launched, and c.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Pilgrims].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Waterston, R. C. [1843], 'Freedom's Banner' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Freedom].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Whittier, John Greenleaf [1843], 'Hymn 9. L. M.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn9].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Whittier, John Greenleaf; Wardwell, S. S. [1843], 'New England, Awake!' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Awake].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Wilder, James H. [1843], 'Come All Who Claim the Freeman's Name' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Come].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Willard [1843], 'Hymn 6. L. M.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn6].
Lincoln, Jairus, editor; Zion's Watchman [1843], 'Hymn 25. 7s.' in 'Anti-Slavery Melodies: for the Friends of Freedom. Prepared for the Hingham Anti-Slavery Society' (Hingham, MA: Elijah B. Gill) [ASM:Hymn25].
Lincoln, Robert Todd; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1893], 'Preface to the Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Pref].
Linder, Usher F.; Gillespie, Joseph [1879], Reminiscences of the Early Bench and Bar of Illinois (Chicago: The Chicago Legal News company) [Lin:Rem].
Lovejoy, Owen [1861], Speech of Hon. Owen Lovejoy of Illinois, Delivered in the House of Representatives, January 23, 1861. (Washington, D.C.: H. Polkinhorn) [OL:Speech].
Lyons, Caleb [1848], 'A War Song for the Texan Volunteers' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:WarSong].
Manning, Joel [1838], List of Appointed Canal Officers and Agents (Unpublished MSS) [IMApptCanOff].
Manning, Joel; Fry, Jacob; Thornton, W. F. [1840], Canal Scrip (Unpublished MSS) [IMCanalScrip].
Markham, Edwin; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1906], 'Lincoln, the Man of the People' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 3' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Man].
Marsh, J. B. [1860], 'Hi, Rally! Ho, Rally!' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:rally].
Marsh, W. Charles [1910], Recollections, 1837-1910 (Chicago: Farm Implement News Company) [Mar:Rec].
Marston, Morrell; Blair, Emma Helen, editor [1912], 'Memoirs Relating to the Sauk and Foxes: Letter to Reverend Dr. Jedidiah Morse, by Majoor Morrell Marson, U.S.A., Commanding at Fort Armstrong, Ill, November, 1820' in 'The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Region of the Great Lakes, volume 2' (Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Company) [MM:Sauk].
Matheny, Charles [1837], Oath of Charles Matheny as Clerk of the County Commissioners Court (Unpublished MSS) [Mat:Oath].
McCrady, S. I. [1848], Letter from S. I. McCrady to J. C. Clark Concerning an Upcoming Land Sale (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetClark].
McKinley, William; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1896], 'Abraham Lincoln, the Great Republican' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:GreatRep].
Meeker, George W. [1842], Letter from George W. Meeker to Lyman Trumbull Concerning a Land Patent (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetTrum].
Mitchell, S. Weir; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1848], 'Lincoln's Poem' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Poem].
Montuory, Alphonso [1848], Preemption Claim of Alphonso Montuory for the Catholic Congregation at La Salle (Unpublished MSS) [IMClaim].
Morris, B.S.; Lincoln, Abraham [1860], Letter to Governor John Wood from Judge B.S. Morris Recommending a Pardon in the Case of Patrick Cunningham (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:GovWoPar].
Morris, George P. [1848], 'Arm On! Arm On! Ye Brave and Free' in 'General Taylor's Old Rough and Ready Songster' (New York: Turner and Fisher) [GT:ArmOn].
Mullan, Dennis; Mullan, Betsey [1847], Petition for Additional Compensation for a Preemption Claim to Benefit an Orphan (Unpublished MSS) [IMPetOrphan].
Norton, Hiram [1848], Hiram Norton's Damage Claim Arising from a Loss of Water Power (Unpublished MSS) [IMDamgClm].
Norton and Co. [1864], Letter from Norton and Co. to William Gooding Concerning U.S. Government Goods (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetGood6].
Norton and Co. [1866], Letter from Norton and Co. to the Canal Trustees Concerning Deepening the Canal (Unpublished MSS) [IMDeepCanal].
O.P.Q. [1860], The Wide Awakes (New York: H. De Marsan) [CHS:wdawksht].
Oliver, R. [1904], Letter of Complaint from R. Oliver of the Great Western Cereal Company to Canal Officers (Unpublished MSS) [IMComplaint].
Oliver, William [1843], Eight Months in Illinois: With Information to Immigrants (Newcastle upon Tyne) [Ol:8Mo].
Orr, R. E. [1901], Letter from R. E. Orr to the Canal Commissioners Concerning Leasing Land for Railroad Purposes (Unpublished MSS) [IMRRLnd].
Ottarson, F. J.; Colston, E. R. [1852], 'Preface' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:Preface].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'A Hasty Plate of Soup' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:HastyPlate].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'A Scott-ish Melody' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:Scottish].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Battle of Bridgewater' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:Bridgewater].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Bold Soldier Boy' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:BoldSoldier].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Burial of Hon. Lewis Cass' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:Burial].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Campaign Song' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:Campaign].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Cass's Lament' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:Cass].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'For Scott, Boys, Hurra!' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:ForScott].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Gallant Scott is our Choice' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:GallantScott].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Hail, Columbia!' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:Columbia].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Hail to the Hero' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:HailHero].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Hasty Soup' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:HastySoup].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Join the Cry' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:JoinTheCry].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Loco-Foco National Convention' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:LocoFoco].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Low Black Car' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:LowBlack].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Lundy's Lane' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:Lundy].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'March, Freemen, March!' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:March].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Mass Meeting Rally Song' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:MassMeeting].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Niagara' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:Niagara].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Old 'Lundy's Lane'' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:OldLundy].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Our Candidates' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:Candidates].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Scott and Graham' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:ScottGraham].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Scott and Willie' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:ScottWillie].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Scott Eagle Song' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:ScottEagle].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Scott Soup for the Million' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:ScottSoup].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Secrets of Dem-ocracy' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:Secrets].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'The Gathering of the States' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:Gathering].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'The Hero of the Day' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:Hero].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'The Men of Cherubusco' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:Cherubusco].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'The Whigs' Address' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:WhigAddress].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'The Workingmen's Song' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:Workingmen].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Winfield Scott' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:WinfieldScott].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Winfield Scott' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:WinfieldScott2].
Ottarson, F. J.; editor; Colston, E. R.; editor [1852], 'Winfield Scott and Graham, Too' in 'The Campaign Scott and Graham Songster: A Choice Collection of Original and Selected Whig Songs' (New York: D. E. Gavit) [SG:Winfield].
Palmer, Harry M. [1860], The Irish Wide-Awake (New York: H. De Marsan) [CHS:irishwa].
Parkhurst, H. [1842], 'I Would Not Live Alway' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Alway].
Pastor, Tony [1860], A Hundred Years Hence (New York: Charles Magnus) [CHS:hund].
Peck, John Mason; Babcock, Rufus, editor [1864], Forty Years of Pioneer Life: Memoir of John Mason Peck D.D. (Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society) [Pec:FortyYr].
Pennington, James W. C. [1850], The Fugitive Blacksmith; or, Events in the History of James W. C. Pennington, Pastor of a Presbyterian Church, New York, Formerly a Slave in the State of Maryland, United States. (London: Charles Gilpin) [Penn:Blacksmith].
Perrot, Nicolas; Tailhan, Jules; editor; Blair, Emma Helen, translator and editor [1911], 'Memoir on the Manners, Customs, and Religion of the Savages of North America' in 'The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Region of the Great Lakes, volume 1' (New York: The Arthur H. Clark Company) [NP:Memoir].
Pierson, Emily Catharine [1851], Jamie Parker, the Fugitive (Hartford: Brockett, Fuller, and Co.) [ECP:Parker].
Platt, John James; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1862], 'Sonnet in 1862' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 5' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Sonnet].
Prince, Ezra M., editor [1900], Meeting of May 29, 1900 Commemorative of the Convention of May 29, 1856 That Organized the Republican party in the State of Illinois (Transactions of the McLean County Historical Society', v. 3) [mcL:56conv].
Putnam, John [1842], 'Note' in 'Revival Melodies, or Songs of Zion. Dedicated to Elder Jacob Knapp' (Boston: John Putnam) [JK:Note].
Quincy, Josiah [1901], 'Joseph Smith at Nauvoo' in 'Figures of the Past' (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company) [Qui:JoSmith].
Quincy Daily Whig and Republican; Chicago Journal [1858], 'Douglas Charges Against Lincoln -- Not one of them sustained' in the 'Quincy Daily Whig and Republican' (Quincy, IL: John T. Morton) [QDWR:Sustain].
Quincy Daily Whig and Republican; Chicago Journal [1858], 'His Inconsistency' in the 'Quincy Daily Whig and Republican' (Quincy, IL: John T. Morton) [QDWR:Inconsistent].
Quincy Daily Whig and Republican; Lincoln, Abraham [1858], 'Lincoln and Douglas at Charleston' in the 'Quincy Daily Whig and Republican' (Quincy, IL: John T. Morton) [QDWR:LincDoug].
Quincy Daily Whig and Republican; Lincoln, Abraham [1858], 'Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln at Ottawa (CONTINUED)' in the 'Quincy Daily Whig and Republican' (Quincy, IL: John T. Morton) [QDWR:Ottawa2].
Quincy Daily Whig and Republican; Lincoln, Abraham [1858], 'Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln at Ottawa [CONCLUDED]' in the 'Quincy Daily Whig and Republican' (Quincy, IL: John T. Morton) [QDWR:Ottawa3].
Quincy Daily Whig and Republican; Lincoln, Abraham [1858], 'Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln at Ottawa' in the 'Quincy Daily Whig and Republican' (Quincy, IL: John T. Morton) [QDWR:Ottawa1].
Quincy Daily Whig and Republican; Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen A. [1858], 'Lincoln and Douglas at Freeport' in the 'Quincy Daily Whig and Republican' (Quincy, IL: John T. Morton) [QDWR:Freeport].
Rail, T. [1860], 'Rail Lyrics' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:raillyr].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'American Eagle' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Eagle].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'As We Go Marching On' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Marching].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'Call to Greenbackers' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Call].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'Catechism' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:NatlGreenback].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'Fling to the Breeze Our Greenback Banner' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Fling].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'Greenback Battle Song' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Greenback].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'Greenback Rally' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Rally2].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'Hold the Fort' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Fort].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'National Greenback and Labor Banner' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:LaborBanner].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'National Song' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:NatlSong].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'New Hymn to the Old Tune' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:NewHymn].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'Our Battle Song' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:BattleSong].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'The Greenbacker's Appeal' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Appeal].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'The Greenback is Moving On' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:MovingOn].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'The Nationals' Hymn' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:NatlHymn].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'The Right Will Prevail' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Right].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'They Shall Never Deceive Us Again!' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:NeverDeceive].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'Vote the Greenbackers In' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Vote].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S. [1878], 'Warbling Song' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Warbling].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S.; Duganne, A.J.H. [1878], 'Wages on Saturday Night' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Wages].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S.; Grover [1878], 'Organize Anew' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Organize].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S.; Lynn, George S. [1878], 'The Awful Commune' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Commune].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S.; Stout, P.D. [1878], 'Party Ballad' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Party].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S.; Sufficoal, Annie [1878], 'Rally to the Call Boys' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Rally].
Randall, J.H.; Lurton, Will S.; Viola [1878], 'Campaign Song' in 'National Greenback and Labor Shot and Shell, Original and Selected' (Clyde, OH: s.n.) [JHR:Campaign].
Ray, Perley Orman [1916], The Convention That Nominated Lincoln (Chicago: University of Chicago Press) [Ray:ConvLinc].
Reeves, Owen T.; Ewing, James S.; Morgan, Richard P.; Blades, Franklin; Bunn, John W.; Phillips, Isaac N. [1910], Abraham Lincoln, by Some Men Who Knew Him (Bloomington, IL: Pantagraph Printing and Stationary Co.) [Ree:AbeByMen].
Republican and Telegraph [1858], '$52,000 for Douglas' in the 'Republican and Telegraph' (Dixon, IL: Shaw and Beckwith) [DRT:52K].
Republican and Telegraph [1858], 'Douglas Coming to His Milk' in the 'Republican and Telegraph' (Dixon, IL: Shaw and Beckwith) [DRT:Milk].
Republican and Telegraph [1858], 'Six-Pounder' in the 'Republican and Telegraph' (Dixon, IL: Shaw and Beckwith) [DRT:6Pound].
Republican and Telegraph [1858], 'The Freeport Discussion' in the 'Republican and Telegraph' (Dixon, IL: Shaw and Beckwith) [DRT:Freeport].
Republican and Telegraph; Chicago Tribune [1858], 'Douglas at Ottawa' in the 'Republican and Telegraph' (Dixon, IL: Shaw and Beckwith) [DRT:Ottawa].
Republican and Telegraph; Douglas, Stephen [1858], 'Douglas Soliloquizing' in the 'Republican and Telegraph' (Dixon, IL: Shaw and Beckwith) [DRT:Soliloquy].
Republican and Telegraph; Sherman Patriot [1858], 'Douglas at the South' in the 'Republican and Telegraph' (Dixon, IL: Shaw and Beckwith) [DRT:South].
Republican and Telegraph; The Congressional Globe; Douglas, Stephen [1858], 'Conflicting Opinions by Mr. Douglas' in the 'Republican and Telegraph' (Dixon, IL: Shaw and Beckwith) [DRT:Conflict].
Republican National Convention [1860], Proceedings of the National Republican National Convention, 1860 (Publication information unknown) [RepConv1860].
Republican National Party [1860], 'Platform of the Republican National Convention Held in Chicago, Illinois, May 16 - 18, 1860' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:RNCPlat].
Roberts, Edmund [1830], Letter from the President of the Canal Commissioners to the Commissioner of the U.S. General Land Office Concerning Land Patents (Springfield, IL) [IMUSLndOff].
Roberts, Edmund; Jayne, Gershom; Dunn, Charles [1830], Canal Land Sale Certificates, Chicago (Unpublished MSS) [IMCanSaleCert2].
Rockford Republican [1858], 'Douglas' New Dodge' in the 'Rockford Republican' (Rockford, IL: E. W. Blaisdell, Jr.) [RR:Dodge].
Rockford Republican [1858], 'Douglas' Speech at Freeport' in the 'Rockford Republican' (Rockford, IL: E. W. Blaisdell, Jr.) [RR:Douglas].
Rockford Republican [1858], 'Ho! For Freeport' in the 'Rockford Republican' (Rockford, IL: E. W. Blaisdell, Jr.) [RR:HoFreeport].
Rockford Republican [1858], 'Lincoln in Central Illinois' in the 'Rockford Republican' (Rockford, IL: E. W. Blaisdell, Jr.) [RR:Mattoon].
Rockford Republican [1858], 'Loss of Temper' in the 'Rockford Republican' (Rockford, IL: E. W. Blaisdell, Jr.) [RR:Temper].
Rockford Republican [1858], 'Speeches of Douglas and Lincoln at Freeport on the 27th' in the 'Rockford Republican' (Rockford, IL: E. W. Blaisdell, Jr.) [RR:Freeport1].
Rockford Republican; Chicago Journal [1858], 'Conclusion of the Joint Debates Between Lincoln and Douglas' in the 'Rockford Republican' (Rockford, IL: E. W. Blaisdell, Jr.) [RR:Alton].
Rockford Republican; Chicago Journal; Lincoln, Abraham; Ficklin, Orlando B. [1858], 'The Fourth Joint Debate between Lincoln and Douglas' in the 'Rockford Republican' (Rockford, IL: E. W. Blaisdell, Jr.) [RR:Charleston].
Rockford Republican; Chicago Press and Tribune [1858], 'The Great Debate at Ottawa' in the 'Rockford Republican' (Rockford, IL: E. W. Blaisdell, Jr.) [RR:GDOttawa].
Rockford Republican; Galena Gazette [1858], 'The Great Gathering at Freeport' in the 'Rockford Republican' (Rockford, IL: E. W. Blaisdell, Jr.) [RR:Freeport].
Rockford Republican; Lincoln, Abraham [1858], 'Extract from Lincoln's speech from Ottawa' in the 'Rockford Republican' (Rockford, IL: E. W. Blaisdell, Jr.) [RR:Lincoln].
Rockford Republican; New York Evening Post [1858], 'Douglas and Lincoln' in the 'Rockford Republican' (Rockford, IL: E. W. Blaisdell, Jr.) [RR:Ottawa].
Roosevelt, Theodore; Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1894], 'Lincoln and the Race Problem' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 2' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Race].
Ross, Harvey Lee [1899], The Early Pioneers and Pioneer Events of the State of Illinois: Including Personal Recollections of the Writer; of Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, and Peter Cartwright, Together with a Brief Autobiography of the Writer (Chicago: Eastman Brothers) [Ros:EarPio].
Ross, Lydia [1900], The Morality of Co-operation (New York : s.n.) [LR:Morality].
Rynning, Ole; Blegen, Theodore C., editor [1838], Ole Rynning's Account Of America (Minneapolis: The Norwegian-American Historical Association, 1926) [Ole:Acct].
Salter, William [1890], The Life of Henry Dodge, from 1782 to 1833 : with Portrait by George Catlin and Maps of the Battles of the Pecatonica and Wisconsin Heights in the Black Hawk War (Burlington, IA: unknown publisher) [Dod:BHWar].
Sawyer, Mrs. C. M. [1860], 'Old Stormy Europe Strides' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:stormy].
Scott, John M.; Lincoln, Abraham; Hanna, William H. [1859], Letter to Governor William H. Bissell from John M. Scott, W. H. Hanna, and Lincoln Endorsing Charles J. Beattie as Prosecuting Attorney for Livingston County (Unpublished MSS) [Abe:LetGovBeat].
Simpkins, F. A. B. [1860], 'Ho! Ye Men of Every Station' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:homen].
Stapp, James T. B. [1833], Report on Canal Lands Sold (Unpublished MSS) [IMRptLndSld].
State Convention of Colored Citizens of the State of Illinois [1856], Proceedings of the State Convention of Colored Citizens of the State of Illinois, Held in the City of Alton, November 13, 14, and 15th, 1856 (Chicago: Hays a Thompson) [56ColConv].
State Executive Committee of Illinois Young Men's Christian Associations [1900], Twenty Years. A Sketch of the Work of the State Executive Committee of Illinois Young Men's Christian Associations, from 1880 to 1900 (Chicago: State Executive Committee, Illinois Young Men's Christian Associations) [IYMCA:20].
Stevens, Frank [1903], The Black Hawk War (Chicago: Frank E. Stevens) [St:BlHwkWr].
Stewart, Catherine [1843], New Homes in the West (Nashville: Cameron and Fall) [Ste:NewHomes].
Stoddard, Richard Henry Nicolay, John G., ed.; Hay, John, ed. [1894], 'Abraham Lincoln' in 'The Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 1' (New York: Francis D. Tandy Company, 1894) [Nh:Stodd].
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Stuart, Robert [1848], Letter from Robert Stuart to David Leavitt Concerning Accounts and the Canal's Opening (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetLeav4].
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Swift, W. H.; Wells, Joseph B. [1849], Resolution to Loan a Sum of Money to Finance the Construction of a Hotel at La Salle (Unpublished MSS) [IMLoanRes].
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Talcott, Edward B. [1849], Letter from Edward B. Talcott to William H. Swift Concerning Rafting Timber on the Canal (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetSwift].
Thacker, W. H. [1914], An Account of a Party Perishing in a Blizzard in Northern Illinois (Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, v. 6, no. 4, Jan. 1914, p. 517-522) [Th:Bliz].
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The Daily Pantagraph [1858], 'The Last Debates' in 'The Daily Pantagraph' (Bloomington, IL: William E. Foote) [BDP:LastDebates].
The Daily Pantagraph [1858], 'The Ottawa Debate' in 'The Daily Pantagraph' (Bloomington, IL: William E. Foote) [BDP:Ottawa1].
The Daily Pantagraph [1858], 'The Real Issue from Lincoln's Speech at Alton Debate, Oct. 15th' in 'The Daily Pantagraph' (Bloomington, IL: William E. Foote) [BDP:Alton].
The Jacksonville Sentinel [1858], 'Bear in Mind the True Issue' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:TrueIssue].
The Jacksonville Sentinel [1858], 'Beauties of Black Republicanism -- Lincoln's Friends Indorse Fred Douglas and Negro Equality' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Black].
The Jacksonville Sentinel [1858], 'By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Works].
The Jacksonville Sentinel [1858], 'Democracy Moving' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Moving].
The Jacksonville Sentinel [1858], 'Douglas and Lincoln at Ottawa -- The 'Dead Lion' Skins the 'Living Dog'' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Ottawa1].
The Jacksonville Sentinel [1858], 'Lincoln's Progressive Republicanism Indorsed by Fred Douglas, the Negro' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Indorse].
The Jacksonville Sentinel [1858], 'Lincoln Afraid to Acknowledge the Principles of His Party' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Afraid].
The Jacksonville Sentinel [1858], 'Negro Equality' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Equality1].
The Jacksonville Sentinel [1858], 'Ten Thousand People at Jacksonville to Hear Douglas' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Jacksonville].
The Jacksonville Sentinel [1858], 'The Journal's Charge of Forgery' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Forgery].
The Jacksonville Sentinel [1858], 'The Republicans Catching at Straws' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Straws].
The Jacksonville Sentinel [1858], 'Trying to Screen Lincoln's Defeat' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Defeat].
The Jacksonville Sentinel; Chicago Times [1858], 'Germans of Will County' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Germans].
The Jacksonville Sentinel; Clay, Henry [1858], 'Lincoln on Negro Equality' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Equality2].
The Jacksonville Sentinel; Dessau, D. [1858], 'Remarks of Mr. D. Dessau. At the Democratic Meeting at Franklin. August 21st, 1858' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Dessau].
The Jacksonville Sentinel; Douglas, Stephen A. [1858], 'Douglas' Reply to Lincoln at Ottawa' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Ottawa2].
The Jacksonville Sentinel; Douglas, Stephen A. [1858], 'The Freeport Discussion' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Freeport].
The Jacksonville Sentinel; Milwaukee News [1858], 'Collision Between the Friends of Douglas and Lincoln' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Collision].
The Jacksonville Sentinel; Missouri Republican [1858], 'Douglas -- Lincoln' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:DouglasLincoln].
The Jacksonville Sentinel; The Whitehall Sentinel [1858], 'Political Clergymen' in 'The Jacksonville Sentinel' (Jacksonville, IL: J. R. Bailey) [JS:Clergy].
Thornton, W. F. [1839], Letter from W. F. Thornton to William Gooding Concerning A Suspension of Operations (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetGooding].
Tillson, Christina Holmes [1919], A Woman's Story of Pioneer Illinois (Chicago: R. R. Donnelly a Sons) [Til:WomSt].
Tucker, Henry [1860], 'For Abe Shall Have the Belt' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:abebelt].
Tucker, Henry [1860], 'In Good Republican Times' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:goodrep].
Tucker, Henry [1860], 'The People had Five Candidates; Or, The Medley Crew' in 'The Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:5cand].
Tucker, Henry [1860], 'The Short and Long of It; Or, The Complaint of Douglas' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:complain].
Tucker, Henry [1860], 'The Taller Man Well Skilled' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:taller].
Tucker, Henry [1860], 'Up, Up and Be Stirring!' in 'The-Wide-Awake Vocalist; or, Rail-Splitters' Song Book' (New York: E. A. Daggett) [wd:upstir].
Turner, E. B. [1865], Reminiscenses of Morris, and History of the Congregational Church. A Discourse, Delivered December 4, 1864 (Chicago: Church, Goodman and Donnelley) [EBT:Morris].
Turner, J.W. [1865], The Sour Apple Tree or Jeff Davis' Last Ditch (Boston: Oliver Ditson) [CHS:srapp].
United States [1803], Treaty with the Kaskaskia, Aug. 13, 1803, 7 Stat. 78 (From Indian Treaties, 1778-1883. Ed. Charles J. Kappler. New York: Interland Publishing, Inc., 1972. 67-68.) [1803:Kask].
United States [1804], Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, Nov. 3, 1804, 7 Stat., 84 (From Indian Treaties, 1778-1883. Ed. Charles J. Kappler. New York: Interland Publishing, Inc., 1972. 74-77.) [1804:SaukFox].
United States [1816], Treaty with the Sauk, May 13, 1816, 7 Stat., 141 (From Indian Treaties, 1778-1883. Ed. Charles J. Kappler. New York: Interland Publishing, Inc., 1972. 126-128.) [1816:Sauk].
United States [1818], Treaty with the Peoria, Kaskaskia, Mitchigamia, Cahokia, and Tamarois, Sept. 25, 1818, 7 Stat., 181 (From Indian Treaties, 1778-1883. Ed. Charles J. Kappler. New York: Interland Publishing, Inc., 1972. 165-166.) [1818:Peoria].
United States [1819], Treaty with the Kickapoo, July 30, 1819, 7 Stat., 200 (From Indian Treaties, 1778-1883. Ed. Charles J. Kappler. New York: Interland Publishing, Inc., 1972. 182-183.) [1819:Kickapoo].
United States [1822], Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, Sept. 3, 1822, 7 Stat., 223 (From Indian Treaties, 1778-1883. Ed. Charles J. Kappler. New York: Interland Publishing, Inc., 1972. 202-203.) [1822:SaukFox].
United States [1825], Treaty with the Sioux and Chippewa, Sacs and Fox, Menominie, Ioway, Sioux, Winnebago, and a Portion of the Ottawa, Chippewa, and Potawattomie Tribes, Aug. 19, 1825, 7 Stat., 272 (From Indian Treaties, 1778-1883. Ed. Charles J. Kappler. New York: Interland Publishing, Inc., 1972. 250-255.) [1825:Sioux].
United States [1830], Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, Medawah-Kanton, Wahpacoota, Wahpeton and Sisseton Bands or Tribes of Sioux, the Omahas, Iowas, Ottoes and Missourias, July 15, 1830, 7 Stat., 328 (From Indian Treaties, 1778-1883. Ed. Charles J. Kappler. New York: Interland Publishing, Inc., 1972. 305-310.) [1830:SaukFox].
United States [1832], Treaty with the Kaskaskia and Peoria Tribes, Oct. 27, 1832, 7 Stat., 403 (From Indian Treaties, 1778-1883. Ed. Charles J. Kappler. New York: Interland Publishing, Inc., 1972. 376-377.) [1832:Kask].
United States [1832], Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, Sept. 21, 1832, 7 Stat., 374 (From Indian Treaties, 1778-1883. Ed. Charles J. Kappler. New York: Interland Publishing, Inc., 1972. 349-351.) [1832:SaukFox].
United States [1832], Treaty with the Winnebago, Sept. 15, 1832, 7 Stat. 370 (From Indian Treaties, 1778-1883. Ed. Charles J. Kappler. New York: Interland Publishing, Inc., 1972. 345-48.) [1832:Winnebago].
United States [1856], Declaration of Independence, and Constitution of the United States of America, with its Amendments. Census of 1850 (Boston: John P. Jewett) [RCEM:Declaration].
United States Congress [1827], An Act Granting Federal Land for Canal Purposes (Unpublished MSS) [IM:FedLnd].
Unknown [1834], Constitution and Address of the Female Anti-Slavery Society of Chatham-Street Chapel (New York: William S. Dorr) [FemaleAntiSlave].
Van Arnam, John [1846], Letter from John Van Arnam to William Gooding Concerning a Towpath Contract (Unpublished MSS) [IMLetGood2].
Van Zandt, Nicholas Biddle [1818], A Full Description of the Soil, Water, Timber, and Prairies of Each Lot, or Quarter Section of the Military Lands Between the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers. (Washington, D.C.: P. Force) [VZ:ILDesc].
Wakefield, John Allen; Stevens, Frank Everett, editor [1834], Original Publication: History of the War between the United States and the Sac and Fox Nations of Indians, and Parts of Other Disaffected Tribes of Indians, in the Years Eighteen Hundred and Twenty-Seven, Thirty-One, and Thirty-Two; Reprint Publication: Wakefield's History of the Black Hawk War (Original Publication: Jacksonville, Ill.: Calvin Goudy, 1834. Reprint Publication: Chicago: The Caxton Club, 1908) [Wake:BlHwkWar].
Warden, Robert B. [1860], A Voter's Version of the Life and Character of Stephen A. Douglas (Columbus: Follett, Foster, and Company) [RBW:SADouglas].
Warren, Hooper; Munson, William; Munson, Rachel; Reynolds, John [1834], Donation of Land to Rachel Munson, A Former Indian Captive (Unpublished MSS) [IMLndDonRMun].
Weekly Belleville Advocate; Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen A. [1858], 'Abraham Lincoln' in the 'Weekly Belleville Advocate' (Belleville, IL: Van Cleeve and Weeden) [BA:Lincoln].
Weekly Belleville Advocate; Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen A. [1858], 'Mr. Douglas Answered' in the 'Weekly Belleville Advocate' (Belleville, IL: Van Cleeve and Weeden) [BA:Douglas].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'Abram Lincoln' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Abram].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'A Hard Hit' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:HardHit].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'American Girl's Song' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:AmGirl].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'An Old Trick' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:OldTrick].
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Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'Douglas on the Stump' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Stump].
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Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'Lincoln or Douglas' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:LincDoug5].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'Messrs. Lincoln and Douglas' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:LincDoug1].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'Moral Bravery' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Moral].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'Mr. Lincoln's Speech' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:LincSpeech].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'No Chance for a Fight' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Fight].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'Popular Sovereignty' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Sovereignty].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'Progress of the Canvass' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Canvass2].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'Stephen Arnold Douglas -- The Truth is Not in Him' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Douglas3].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'The Buchaneers and Douglas' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Buchaneer].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'The Canvass in Illinois' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Canvass1].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'The Charleston Debate' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Charleston].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'The Douglas Demonstration Yesterday' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:DougDemo].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'The Forgery Admitted -- The Fraud Confessed' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Forgery].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'The Meeting at Freeport Last Friday' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Freeport1].
Weekly North-Western Gazette [1858], 'The Third Debate' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:3rdDebate].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; Chicago Journal [1858], 'Lincoln and Douglas at Ottawa' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Ottawa1].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; Chicago Journal [1858], 'Lincoln at Bloomington' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Bloomington].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; Chicago Journal; Lincoln, Abraham; Douglas, Stephen [1858], 'Lincoln's Challenge to Douglas' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Challenge].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; Chicago Press and Tribune [1858], 'Coles County for Lincoln' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:ColesCo].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; Chicago Press and Tribune [1858], 'Douglas at Galena' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Galena].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; Chicago Press and Tribune [1858], 'Douglas at Havana' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Havana].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; Chicago Press and Tribune [1858], 'The Ottawa Fraud -- How Lincoln is to be Assailed' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Ottawa2].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; Chicago Press and Tribune [1858], 'The Position of the Three Parties Upon the Slavery Question' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:3Parties].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; Cincinnati Gazette [1858], 'The Douglas Controversy' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Controversy].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; Daily Illinois State Journal [1858], 'Mr. Lincoln at the State House' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:LincState].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; Hamilton Representative [1858], 'The Contrast' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Contrast].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; Missouri Democrat [1858], 'Douglas and Lincoln' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:LincDoug3].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; New York Evening Post [1858], 'Mr. Lincoln at Beardstown' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Beardstown].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; New York Tribune [1858], 'Mr. Douglas and the Canvass' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Douglas1].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; Rock Island Advertiser [1858], 'The Discussion at Freeport -- Synopsis of the Speeches' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Freeport3].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; Rock Island Advertiser [1858], 'The Great Debate at Freeport' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Freeport2].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; St. Louis Democrat [1858], 'Douglas at Belleville -- A Bad Speculation' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:Belleville].
Weekly North-Western Gazette; Washington Union [1858], 'The President's Opinion of Douglas' in the 'Weekly North-Western Gazette' (Galena, IL: H. H. Houghton) [WNG:President].
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