The University of Chicago Library
South Asia | South Asia Resources in Chicago

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Search Resources Available in Chicago

Find Materials in the University of Chicago Library

The Library owns a vast array of recent and historical publications related to South Asia, including books, pamphlets, journals, newspapers, and video and audio resources, in both English and South Asian languages.

*For the types of materials available in Chicago, see the Overview of the South Asia Collection*

Three indexes will aid your search:

*Non-University of Chicago users, see the public access site at*

Materials Not in the Library Catalog:

*To view these, come visit us.*

  • Pamphlet Collection (see Overview)

  • Official Publications Collection.

A partial collection of the pre-Independence Official Publications of the Government of India is housed in our offices.

*Important! How to tell which titles are available in Chicago*

Also note:







Snake by Boris Artzybasheff

Find Materials at the Center for Research Libraries

Many more South Asian newspapers and journals, as well as microfilms of nineteenth and early twentieth century titles and official publications are housed in the Center for Research Libraries. These materials are readily available at the University of Chicago through Interlibrary Loan.

*For more information on present and future Microfilm collections, see Projects*

Most materials at CRL are searchable in their online catalog:


*Also see WorldWide Resources for important digital resources and bibliographies available online*