The University of Chicago Library
South Asia | Reference Resources for the study of Southern Asia
Reference Resources for the study of Southern Asia
General Reference
Guide to Basic Reference Sources, UC Berkeley Library.
Key reference sources are available on DSAL (including the Archaeological Survey of India, and the Imperial Gazetteer of India).

Legal Reference
Indlaw is an electronic legal library of various legal documents including constitutional texts, parliamentary debates, case law, Parliamentary and State enactments in both India and the U.K.
*User note: be sure to review the very thorough Search Tips.*

Manuscript Resources, indexes and catalogs, on SARAI.

Maps and Cities
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, an excellent collection of digital maps for the countries and regions of South Asia, at the University of Texas.
Digital maps, a growing collection of maps online, DSAL.
Maps and Geography of South Asia, a listing of online resources, SARAI.
Late 19th-/Early 20th-Century Asian Cities, Map Collection, University of Chicago.
Digital Library of historic and contemporary sites on Archnet, an international Online community dedicated to architecture, planning, and landscape design developed at MIT and University of Texas, Austin.
Also see Reference: Maps for digital and print resources, University of Michigan Libraries South Asia Division.

Newspapers and Serials
List of Holdings of Newspapers and Serials at the Center for Research Libraries (SAMP).
Journal, Periodical and Newspaper Information, on SARAI.
International Union List of South Asian Newspapers and Gazettes, with information on newspapers and gazettes published in South Asia, and also publications serving diaspora communities worldwide. Compiled by Irene Joshi formerly of the University of Washington Libaries and available online on DSAL.
Serials Acquired by the Library of Congress for Participating U.S. Libraries. A catalog of South Asian serials acquisitions that includes information about holding libraries.
Newspapers and Journals Microfilmed by the Library of Congress, New Delhi.
Online journals, listing, UC Berkeley Library.
Online journals, listing, SARAI.

Pamphlet Collections Microfiched by Library of Congress, New Delhi.

Visual Culture
Tasveer Ghar, a digital network of South Asian popular culture and arts with links to online resources.