Using licensed resources the right way
The best way to make an article available to your students in Canvas is either to set it up as an electronic course reserve (via the Library) or to link directly to the article in one of our licensed resources. The Library subscribes to over 650 article databases and more than 60,000 individual electronic journals and books. Many of the items you wish to post to your Canvas page may already be in electronic form. Although downloading PDF articles from these licensed resources for your own scholarly use is acceptable, the licensing terms often restrict using those same PDFs on course websites such as Canvas. Posting a PDF file rather than linking to articles may violate the licensing contracts resulting in the loss of access to a resource for the entire University community.
Linking saves you from having to pay copyright permission fees or performing and relying on a fair use analyis to comply with copyright laws.
Many of The Library's subscription licenses prohibit downloading the PDF of an article and then uploading it to Canvas but they do permit direct linking to the article.
Copying the URL in a subscription database from the address bar in your browser does not always give you a link that will work for your students. Too often it includes information specific to your search session that will not work for a different person or at a different time.
Below are instructions for how to find a more persistent link in commonly used databases, or you can always post a question to the Library's Ask-a-Librarian for assistance.
If your URL does not already include the proxy prefix, use the form below to automatically add it.