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D'Angelo Law Study Room 211A
The D'Angelo Law Libraryfeatures of D'Angelo Law Study Room 211A
space description
Group study room on the second floor of D'Angelo Law Library. Seating for 8. For the use of the Law School students, faculty, and staff only.
D'Angelo Law Study Room 413
The D'Angelo Law Libraryfeatures of D'Angelo Law Study Room 413
space description
Group study room on the fourth floor of D'Angelo Law Library. Seating for 8. For the use of the Law School students, faculty, and staff only.
D'Angelo Law Study Room 514
The D'Angelo Law Libraryfeatures of D'Angelo Law Study Room 514
space description
Group study room on fifth floor of the D'Angelo Law Library. Seating for 4. Includes video conference system. For the use of the Law School students, faculty, and staff only.
D'Angelo Law Study Room 613
The D'Angelo Law Libraryfeatures of D'Angelo Law Study Room 613
space description
Group study room on the sixth floor of D'Angelo Law Library. Seating for 8. For the use of the Law School students, faculty, and staff only.
Digital Project Labs
The Joseph Regenstein Libraryfeatures of Digital Project Labs
space description
The Digital Project Labs in the Center for Digital Scholarship are available to current UChicago students, faculty, and staff for collaborative work on digital projects.
Library Classroom 207
The Joseph Regenstein Libraryfeatures of Library Classroom 207
space description
Library classroom used for University courses and managed by the University Registrar. Reservations for special class sessions may be granted based on availability.
Library Classroom 522
The Joseph Regenstein Libraryfeatures of Library Classroom 522
space description
Regenstein 522 is currently unavailable.
Library Classroom 523
The Joseph Regenstein Libraryfeatures of Library Classroom 523
space description
Library classroom used for University courses and managed by the University Registrar. Reservations for special class sessions may be granted based on availability.
Library Classrooms
The Joseph Regenstein Libraryfeatures of Library Classrooms
space description
Library Classrooms are primarily intended for formal instruction sessions by library staff and special class sessions by University faculty. Groups may book library classrooms outside of regular teaching hours only.
SCRC Classroom (Room 136)
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Centerfeatures of SCRC Classroom (Room 136)
space description
The SCRC Classroom is suitable for larger classes (over 20 students) or those classes using large format materials in Special Collections.