Medicine |
Ahlfeld, Johann Friedrich. Collection of Drawings of Medical DeformitiesDr. Johann Friedrich Ahlfeld’s collection contains drawings of various medical deformities. The drawings are replications of illustrations found in two volumes containing 49 total plates. |
Aichinger, Wolff. RezeptbϋcherManuscript collection of medical formulas in German. |
Albright, Ivan, Medical drawings made direct from patients & in operating room in Base Hospital # 11 located at Nantes, France, Manuscript (Ms 1560)Medical drawings of soldiers’ wounds by artist Ivan Albright, made in a military hospital in Nantes, France, 1918-1919. Codex Ms 1560. |
Allgemeine PathologieEssay in German, on pathology and pharmacology, in two parts. I) "Erste Abtheilung: Allgemeine Nosologie"; II) "Zweite Abtheilung: Allgemeine Heilmittellehre." |
American Neurological Association. RecordsFounded in 1874, the American Neurological Association is a professional society of academic neurologists and neuroscientists dedicated to the advancement of neurology. This collection contains administrative records of the American Neurological Association, spanning the years 1946-1968. Writings of former ANA President Roland P. Mackay are also found in the collection, as are portrait photographs of physicians. |
Andral, Gabriel. Cours de Pathologie InterneManuscript, prepared lectures in French, on internal pathology. Includes index. I) "Appareils de la vie de relation: 1e de l'Innervation, 2e de la Locomotion"; II) "Appareil de l'Innervation: centres nerveux - nerfs - sensations." |
Baer, Joseph Louis. PapersInstructor and professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rush Medical College, Chicago; President of the American Gynecological Society. Loose leaf materials related to gynecology, with holograph drafts and printed copies of Baer's articles from the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and other medical publications. Typescript of Baer's address to the American Gynecological Society, May 1950: "The Life of James Marion Sims." |
Barnes, Broda Otto PapersBroda Otto Barnes (1904-1988), a University of Chicago alumnus, specialized in hypothyroidism and related endocrine dysfunctions. This collection consists of memorabilia, primarily photographs, from Barnes' time at the University of Chicago. |
Bartlett, Frederick. Recipe for PillsHandwritten recipe from Fred Bartlett, to Branch Barrows, Mattapoisett [Neck], n.d., "Recipe for Pills." |
Beaumont, William. CollectionWilliam Beaumont (1785-1853), surgeon in the United States Army and pioneer in gastroenterology. The William Beaumont Collection contains correspondence, medical documents, legal documents, photographs, artwork, artifacts, and ephemera of William Beaumont and of the Beaumont family. Materials date from 1821 to 1938, with the bulk dating between 1830 and 1889. |
Bernard, Claude. Dessins originaux pour le Précis iconographique de médecine opératoire et d'anatomie chirurgicale, par C. Bernard et Ch. HuetteFifty-three original pencil and watercolor drawings of surgical instruments and surgical procedures, for Bernard and Huette's Précis iconographique de médecine opératoire et d'anatomie chirurgicale (Paris: Mequignon-Marvis fils, 1846, vol. I: text; vol. II: plates). Includes twenty-five engravings made after the drawings, mostly hand-colored. Drawings of surgical instruments are signed by E. Pochet and J. Fouché; anatomical drawings are primarily signed by J. B. Léveillé. Some drawings are lightly annotated in pencil. Some originals differ from the published versions. Inscribed on wrapper: "Annotations autographes de Claude Bernard sur plusieurs dessin dont 2 portent la signature de Claude Bernard." (Only one plate, bottom of plate 80, signed: "Vu Cl.Bernard.") |
Billings, Frank. PapersFrank Billings, physician. The Frank Billings Papers consists of one folder containing a single letter from Billings to Dr. E. M. Price, dated May 28, 1915. |
Billings, John S. LetterAutograph letter signed. From John S. Billings, Surgeon-General's Office, Washington, D.C, to Justin Winsor, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, regarding his donation of Harvey E. Brown, Medical Department of the United States Army from 1775 to 1873, to Harvard University. |
Bjerrum, Jannik. Two papers on GlaucomaOffprint of "An addition to the general examination of the field of vision in glaucoma," from The Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Monthly, (July 1934), and typed copy of same essay with handwritten annotations. |
Blayney, James Roy. PapersJames Roy Blayney, professor and dentist. The Papers consist of one folder, containing correspondence, articles, and manuscripts from 1948-1962. |
Bloom, William. PapersWilliam Bloom, pathologist and scientist. The William Bloom Papers consist of two folders, the first containing correspondence and articles from 1932 to 1963. The second holds Bloom’s 1938 work, The Lymphoid-Macrophage System, a project additionally published as several chapters in Hal Downey’s Handbook of Hematology of the same year. |
Boerhaave, Herman. Supplementa Dictatis in Institutiones & Aphorismos Boerhaavii, Notes onHandwritten notes in Latin, taken by John Manning after Hermann Boerhaave, Institutiones Medical, 1708, and Boerhaave, Aphorismi de Cognoscendis et Capandis Morbis, 1709. |
Boot, George William. The Diagnosis of OsteosclerosisTypescript study with completed patient examination forms, on diseases of the inner ear. Study based on cases from the Central Free Dispensary and Cook County Hospital. |
Bothman, Louis. PapersLouis Bothman (born 1893), was an ophthalmologist and clinical pathologist. Bothman served as a clinical professor of ophthalmology at the University of Illinois, where he developed a laboratory in ocular pathology. Materials in this collection relate to the study of the eye, and span the years 1897-1948. The collection includes reprints, journals, clippings, brochures, holograph notes, and typescript essays by Bothman with holograph annotations. |
Bowman, James Edward. PapersA medical geneticist and bioethicist, James Edward Bowman (1923-2011) was a professor of medicine and pathology at the University of Chicago. He gained national recognition as a leader in raising awareness about the ethical and social consequences of large-scale genetic testing programs. He was equally concerned by the ways in which public health policy and the organization of medical care disadvantaged poor and minority communities. The Bowman Papers cover the years 1955-2010 (bulk 1992-2001) and include typescripts of lectures, reprints of most of his research articles, planning for various research projects, and multiple drafts of an unpublished book project. |
Braude, Marjorie. PapersMarjorie (Sperry) Braude (1924-2005) was a prominent psychiatrist and activist against domestic violence in Los Angeles, California. Raised in Chicago, Braude earned her B.A., B.S., and M.D. at the University of Chicago. She then practiced psychiatry and played an active role in numerous organizations devoted to promoting women's health issues, improving the status of women in the field of medicine, and fighting domestic violence. She served as president of the Westwood Psychiatric Hospital's medical staff and chaired the Los Angeles City Domestic Violence Task Force. The collection includes Braude's class notes, assignments, study materials, research materials, and publications from her time at the University of Chicago. Materials date between 1935 and 1950, with the bulk of the material dating between 1942 and 1949. |
Briggs, Lloyd Vernon. Sanity Hearings and Criminal Cases of Clarence V.T. Richeson, Leon F. Czolgosz, and Bertram C. SpencerScrapbooks of clippings, affidavits, photographs and handwritten correspondence, related to the trials of executed murderers Clarence Richeson and Leon Czolgosz (assassin of President William McKinley), and to the mental competence of convicted murderer Bertram C. Spencer, with Briggs acting as a key expert in criminal insanity for the defense. |
Broussais, François Joseph Victor. Pathologie Interne, [and] Physiologie. Lecture NotesManuscript, informal lecture notes in French, taken by a medical student from lectures by Broussais. Volume One: Pathology. Volume Two: Pathology. Volume Three: Pathology. Volume Four: "Cours de physiology." |
Burlingam, D. E., Notes on lectures at Chicago Medical College, Mercy Hospital, and Cook County HospitalFormal and informal lecture notes, on paper and leatherbound notebooks, taken by D.E. Burlingam from medical school courses on diseases and their treatment, taught by Professor N. S. Davis, Prof. Andrews, Dr. Sherman, etc., at Chicago Medical College, Mercy Hospital, and Cook County Hospital. |
Burrows, Thomas Wilson. Surgical KitLate nineteenth-century amputation kit made by Haussmann, McComb & Dunn Co. in Chicago, Illinois, and belonging to Dr. Thomas Wilson Burrows (1862-1930). |
Byrne, John. Clinical Notes on the Electric Cautery in Uterine SurgeryTypescript, descriptive summary, of case histories documenting patients with gynecological diseases requiring surgery. Revised version of paper appeared in the New York Medical Record, (December-January 1872-1873). |
Carlson, Anton Julius. PapersAnton Julius Carlson, professor and physiologist. The Anton Julius Carlson Papers consist of articles and a bound volume of letters. |
Chicago Heart Association. RecordsThe Chicago Heart Association Records comprise three linear feet of files containing mainly off-prints, typescripts and pamphlets collected by the Association for distribution to the public. Some correspondence is also included. The material essentially deals with the topics of heart disease, convalescence, rheumatic fever, and vivisection. Also contains administrative correspondence of Gertrude Howe Britton, founding member and first Executive Director of the Asociation, to various individuals and organizations; and correspondence of Ruth Pierce McEldowney, Britton's successor. Correspondents include Alice Mary Dickerson, Katherine Hufangel, A.C. Ivy, Alexander Ropchan, and others. |
Chicago Laryngological and Ontological Society. RecordsRecords of the regular monthly and annual meetings of the Chicago Laryngological and Ontological Society. |
Chicago Neurological Society. RecordsManuscript and typescript minutes of meetings of the Chicago Neurological Society. Includes printed miscellanea. |
Chicago Pediatric Society. RecordsTyped copies of reports, minutes, and official correspondence of the Chicago Pediatric Society. Includes Constitution (1923). Membership list, undated. Minutes (1897-1928). Treasurer's accounts (1899-1910). |
Chicago Psychological Association. RecordsFounded in 1924. The Chicago Psychological Club changed its name to Chicago Psychological Association in 1979. Typed, mimeographed, printed, and handwritten material, including minutes, conferences, bylaws, correspondence, and other records. |
Chirurgie aus Pierre Franco, Abstract ofHandwritten abstract in French, combined with commentary in German, by Dr. [Wilhelm] Baum, after a section in Pierre Franco's Petit Trait‚ (Paris: 1556). |
Clark, Charles M. Record of Cases both Surgical and Medical, Operations, Post Mortem Examinations, etc.Handwritten medical records, documenting operations, postmortem examinations, and cases of soldier's wounds and treatments. Extensively illustrated with sketches, tintypes, and photographs, mounted or pasted in. Includes autograph on frontispiece, with photograph of Charles Clark. (Clark was chief operating surgeon in the Twenty-fourth Army Corps, Union Army.) |
Coggeshalll, Lowell T., PapersLowell T. Coggeshall. Physician, professor, dean. Contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, and ephemera relating to various professional organizations and government committees from the 1950s and 1960s, including the Chicago Board of Health, the Association of American Medical Colleges, and the Commission on Drug Safety. Also contains research material on malaria, speeches, and drafts and reprints of articles by Coggeshall. Material relating to the University of Chicago consists primarily of notes taken during President Beadle's staff meetings (1961-1962). |
Collection of German Medical and Pharmaceutical FormulaeHandwritten collection in German, of 332 pharmaceutical formulas, home remedies, blessings, curses, and folk customs. |
Collection of Medical Prescriptions and Notes on Folk MedicineManuscript collection in Danish, in two different hands, of medical prescriptions. |
Colored Pathologic Drawings150 sheets of colored ink drawings of diseased and recovering human and dog tissues, accompanied by typescript caption identifying the disease, stain used in microscopy, and level of magnification. |
Coryn, W.J., PainTypescript essay with handwritten annotations, on the perception of physical pain. Includes table of contents. |
Country Home for Convalescent Children. Board of Trustees. RecordsThe Country Home for Convalescent Children (CHCC) was founded in 1911 as the Country Home for Crippled Children. Supported largely by donations and endowments, the CHCC provided care, cures, and education to disabled children. The CHCC Collection contains minutes from the Board of Trustees, dating from 1921 to 1961, and two booklets of annual reports, dating from 1922-1928. |
Crerar Library Collection of Patent MedicinesBottles of liquid and powdered medicine, tins and rolls of pills, including preventive, curative, and restorative medicines. |
Cullen, William. Practice of PhysicHandwritten treatise with extensive annotations, on the diagnosis and treatment of various physical and mental diseases. |
De La Garde, Philip Chilwell. Three LettersThree autograph letters signed to Philip Chilwell de la Garde. One of the correspondents is Edward Hocken; the other writer's name is illegible. Topics relate to ophthalmology, cataract surgery, and a housing establishment for the blind. |
De Lee, Joseph B. Notes on ObstetricsPublished, typed copies of formal research notes, with handwritten annotations, describing the physiology of female fertility, pregnancy, delivery, and care of infants. |
De oculo tractatioManuscript treatise with marginal notations on the anatomy of the eye and the mechanics of vision. |
Dewey, Richard Smith. PapersRichard Smith Dewey (1845-1933) was an American psychiatrist and pioneer in the treatment of mental illnesses. His papers, dating from 1870 to 1933, consist of correspondence, writings, photographs, newspaper clippings, and other memorabilia relating both to the professional career and personal life of Dewey. |
Duncombe, Ariel. The Practice of Medicine,Handwritten treatise, describing various diseases, their causes and treatment. I) Local Diseases: Carditis, Inflammation, Hemoragies, Dropsies; II) Nervous System: Phrenitis, Hydroccephalus, Apoplexia, Tetanus, Epilepsy, Hysteria, Sensation, Glyphalagia, Taste, Apthae, Glossalgia, Corigula, Epistaxis, Sense of sight, Respiration, Cynanche Lons, Larynx, Trachea, Peripneumonia, Hemoptysis, Hydrothorax, Asthma, Pertussis [end index listing], Gastritis, Dyspepsia, Bulemia, Anorexia, Enteritis. Includes holograph remedy, "In Suppression of Urine," interleaved. Inscribed in various hands: "1824"; "Ariel Duncombe"; "John Greyton"; "L.B. Gallagher, Buffalo," and "18 Street La Port." |
Ernest, Maurice. PapersThe Maurice Ernest papers consist of one box of correspondence (supplemented by clippings) written to biologist and author Maurice Ernest (1872-1955) by various individuals. The contents of these letters, which span the period between 1900 and 1954, reflect Ernest's interests in homeopathy and longevity studies, as well as his involvement in international relations as a press correspondent from 1897-1909. His correspondents included Nobel Prize winners such as Ralph Angell, Frederick Hopkins, Philip Noel-Baker, William Ramsay and John Rayleigh, as well as numerous physicians, scientists, and newspaper editors. |
Fantus, Bernard. CollectionThe Bernard Fantus Collection primarily consists of correspondence, photographs, professional documents, biographical materials and newspaper clipping focused on the life and death of Bernard Fantus. Also contained within the collection are articles and newspaper clippings about blood banks and the Cook County Medical Center. |
Finsen, Niels R. ClippingsNewspaper clippings and articles on Niels Ryberg Finsen (1860-1904), recipient of the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physiology. Crerar Manuscript 400. |
Fishbein, Morris. PapersPhysician, editor, and writer. B.S., University of Chicago, 1910. M.D., Rush Medical College, 1912. Editor, The Journal of the American Medical Association, 1924-1949. Died 1976. Contains correspondence; manuscripts of articles and speeches; newspaper clippings and other print and near-print material; and memorabilia including photographs, audio recordings, awards and medals, and scrapbooks. Includes correspondence with publishers and readers, a draft of Morris Fishbein, M.D: an Autobiography, and a journal which records Fishbein's daily activities from 1919 to 1975. Papers document Fishbein's career as medical editor, speaker, and philanthropist. Also contains personal documents including papers of Fishbein's wife, Anna Mantel Fishbein. |
Frank, Ira. The Medical Side of GoetheTypescript, biographical essay on Goethe's medical history and interests in medicine. |
Geiling, Eugene M. K. PapersEugene M.K. Geiling (1891-1971) Professor of Pharmacology, first chairman of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Chicago. The collection contains biographical materials, correspondence, textbooks, articles and photographs. The papers primarily document Geiling’s work at John Hopkins and the University of Chicago in the field of animal endocrinology, his work with the Animal Care Panel Training Program, and his Hilltop House residence in New York. |
Glueck, Bernard, Sr. PapersBernard Glueck, Sr. (1884-1972), an authority on psychoanalysis and forensic psychiatry, was an expert witness at the infamous 1924 trial Illinois v. Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb. The Bernard Glueck, Sr. Papers span 1910-1971 and include manuscripts, correspondence, publications, and award certificates. Of note are manuscripts of Glueck's reports on Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb, his report on a study of psychiatric admissions at Sing Sing Prison in 1918, and autobiographical writings from circa 1964-1965. |
Gray, Albert A., Atlas of Otology: Illustrating the Normal and Pathological Anatomy of the Temporal BoneAlbert Alexander Gray's (1868-1936) Atlas of Otology: Illustrating the Normal and Pathological Anatomy of the Temporal Bone (Glasgow: Maclehose, Jackson & Co., 1924-1933), in two volumes. Crerar Manuscript 408. |
Grulee, Clifford Groselle. PapersChicago pediatrician. Editor, American Journal of Diseases of Children, 1928-1931. Professional incoming correspondence, and typed carbon copies of outgoing correspondence, between Grulee and various medical associations and physicians (1929-1940). |
Guglielmo, da Varignana. Secreta Sublimia ad Varios Curandos MorbosIlluminated manuscript in Italian, [based on Guglielmo Varignana's Secreta Sublimia (1313), in Latin]. Front and back flyleaves covered with holograph pharmaceutical formulae in a different [16th century?] hand. Sections include: I) "Libro de la medicine simpliciter e composte"; II) "Cura de le febre"; III) "Trattado de la urina"; IV) "Practica." Ex libris: "Vincentii Cecchetti Medici Physici." Bound in wooden boards with leather back, back clasp present. |
Guide to Medical RecipesHandwritten collection of home remedies. |
Haighton, John. Lectures on MidwiferyManuscript lecture notes on midwifery. |
Handwritten Medical InstructionsTen unbound, handwritten sheets in French. Lists of instrucitons to help diagnose and treat various illnesses. |
Hektoen, Ludvig. PapersLudvig Hektoen, medical doctor, 1863-1951. The collection contains incoming correspondence, and carbon copies of outgoing correspondence from the period 1913-1947, arranged alphabetically. Correspondents include I.A. Abt, Stanhope Bayne-Jones, Frank Billings, Edwin Embree, Simon Flexner, Clifford Grulee, James Herrick, Frank Lillie, William J. Mayo, and others. |
Herrick, James Brian. PapersJames Brian Herrick, physician. The James Brian Herrick Papers include Herrick's autobiography, Memories of Eighty Years, publications and professional correspondence. The collection also includes off-prints, photographs and memorabilia, especially from his internship at Cook County Hospital, treatment and billing records of his patients, and miscellaneous books and notes. |
Hess, Julius Hays. PapersJulius Hays Hess (1876-1955) was a Chicago pediatrician. He practiced at Michael Reese Hospital and served as a professor of medicine at the University of Illinois. He was a pioneer in the care of premature infants and he is considered the father of American neonatology. The Julius Hays Hess Papers include personal and professional correspondence and papers, photographs, research notes, drafts, writings by Hess and others, and material related to the design and production of hospital technology. |
Hill, Thomas Brumfield. Alumni CollectionThomas Brumfield Hill attended the University of Chicago from 1930-1941 and attended medical school at the University of Chicago from 1946-1950. |
Hirsch, Edwin F. PapersEdwin F. Hirsch (1886-1972) was a leading pathologist associated with Rush Medical College and the University of Chicago. He is well-known for having developed a method for determining the amount of fat in arteries, which contributed to the understanding of the relationship between arteriosclerosis and dietary fat. Edwin F. Hirsch’s papers include materials related to the research, publication and distribution of his books, reprints of his published articles and other writings, and collected medical articles pertaining to his research. They also include autopsies he conducted during the Spanish Flu Pandemic at Camp Grant, Illinois (1918-1919). His professional certificates and awards are included, as well as newspaper clippings citing his expertise as a coroner, and memorial materials after his death. His family is represented in the collection by correspondence, as well as his sister Selma Henke’s history of the Hirsch family intertwined with her memoirs of her time as a missionary in China at the turn of the twentieth century. The collection spans Hirsch’s early years as a student until his death (1905-1972). |
Histories of Pediatric Hospitals. CollectionThe collection consists of materials on the history of pediatric hospitals in the United States dating from 1931 to 1958, with the bulk of the material dating around 1958. Crerar Manuscript 398. |
Holbrook, Silas P., Medical DaybooksThe Silas P. Holbrook Collection of Medical Daybooks contains a record of the daily patient visits of Dr. Silas Holbrook. The collection consists of portable patient logs divided into daily visits, pocket diaries, a physician's ledger book, an alphabetical listing of names, and a pocket wallet. The professional and personal items in the collection provide valuable insight into nineteenth century medical and health practices in the U.S. |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Dementia PraecoxContains Holmes's correspondence with Dr. Adolph Meyer; correspondence and contract of the Cooperative Research Laboratory at Chicago State Hospital; typescript essay with holograph annotations, "A suggestion for a research for a cure of Dementia precox;" correspondence relative to "The Friends of the Insane;" and miscellaneous correspondence. Also contains typescript and copies of essays with handwritten annotations. |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Dementia Praecox and Other StudiesTypescript and holograph medical articles by Holmes and other authors in English and German, on mental illness and related topics. Includes autobiographical essays. |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Outline of the Conditions of a Laboratory Building or Buildings for the Laboratories of Cook County, Especially Those of Cook County HospitalConsists of typed carbon copy assessment of laboratory conditions at Cook County, prepared for the Council of the Chicago Medical Society by a committee of the Association of County Hospital Laboratory Employees, headed by Dr. Holmes, 1917 Oct. 9. Also includes TLS from Holmes to Dr. Adam Szwajkart, Superintendent, Psychopathic Hospital, and to Dr. John Nuzum, Pathologist, Cook County Hospital, 1917 Nov. 13. |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. PapersReprints and printed copies of papers by Dr. Bayard Holmes, primarily on surgical procedures and psychiatry. |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. PapersScrapbook of letters, memorabilia, and newspaper clippings primarily concerned with 1895 Chicago mayoral campaign, featuring Holmes as the People's Party candidate. |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. ReportTypescript report prepared for Adam Szwajkart, superintendent, Psychopathic Hospital of Cook County, and for Dr. John Nuzum, pathologist, Cook County Hospital, regarding the Research Laboratory of the Psychopathic Hospital's expenditure, staff, and utilization. |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. The Castor Oil Bean PoisonManuscript on the symptoms and effects of castor oil bean poisoning. Written on the back typed letters from Holmes's office. Two pencil illustrations, pasted in. |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. The Punishment of Carl CarlesonTypescript narrative with handwritten annotations relating to Holmes's friendship with convicted murderer Carl Carleson (Branch 1. Case No. 2118, February term, 1897, Judge Neely). Holmes supported Carleson's plea of insanity as a defense for murder. |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Third Annual Report of Dementia Praecox StudiesConsists of correspondence between Holmes and various individuals on the subject of mental illness. Includes a letter from Norman P. Willard to Dr. Vincent on Holmes's work in dementia praecox. Also contains reports. In addition to dementia praecox, topics refer to laboratory buildings in Cook County, Illinois, and guidelines for establishing a medical history of mentally ill patients. |
Horn, Anton Ludwig Ernst. Horn's Specielle TherapeutikHandwritten copy in German, describing various diseases, symptoms, and treatment based upon Horn's original tract. Copied by Dr. [Wilhelm] Baum. |
Horwitz, Alexander Philip. PapersMaterial related to the medical career of Dr. Horwitz, including essays, certificates, diplomas, photographs, and licenses. |
Huppert, Max Oscar. Papers on the Cause and Treatment of EpilepsyHandwritten drafts in German, on the subject of epilepsy. Extensively annotated and edited in author's hand. Includes two studies, "Zur Theorie vom Wesen der Epilepsie." |
Illinois Society for Medical Research. RecordsThe Illinois Society for Medical Research was organized in 1951 by doctors, biologists, and researchers to educate the public on the benefits of medical research, particularly on the necessity of animal experimentation. The Society Records contain correspondence, research manuscripts, manuscripts concerning legislative campaigns, printed matter, and newspaper clippings on issue of interest to the Society including vivisection and animal experimentation. The collection documents the Society's educational programs and lobbying efforts, as well as the day-to-day management of the Society. |
Indo-Persian Medical TextManuscript in Persian, in multiple hands with marginal notations, on medicine. |
Iuschenko, Aleksandr Ivanovich. The Physical Basis of Mental Diseases and their Biologic-Chemical ExaminationsTyped, carbon copy translation of Iuschenko's work on mental disease. Translated into English by Dr. Bayard Holmes, based upon the German translation of Iuschenko's original Russia text. Includes typed bibliography and index of names, with holograph subject index. |
Jacobson, Leon O. PapersLeon Orris Jacobson (1911-1992) was a physician, researcher in hematology, educator and administrator at the University of Chicago. Jacobson's medical research focused on blood diseases and the biological effects of radiation; he was also the primary physician for University of Chicago staff working on the Manhattan Project. An influential administrator in the university, Jacobson's work was instrumental to the development of the University of Chicago's Division of the Biological Sciences, School of Medicine, and other biology and medical units. The Leon O. Jacobson Papers contain correspondence, administrative records, research reports and data, drafts of articles and speeches, publications, publicity material, photographs and memorabilia. |
Jay, Frank Webster. CollectionThe Frank Webster Jay Papers contains letters written by scientists from Belgium, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. Correspondents include Nicolaas L. Burman, J. A. van Bemmelen, Hermann Boerhaave, Alexander Brongniart, Bory de St. Vincent, Edward Jenner, Antony van Leeuwenhoek, Karl Peter Thunberg, and Casimir Christoph Schmidel. |
Jeffries, Benjamin Joy. CorrespondenceConsists of nine letters from Benjamin Joy Jeffries, Boston, to Mr. Koehler, 1877 Sept. 19-1891 Sept. 28. Topic of letters relates to the diagnosis of color blindness. |
Kapp, Georg Ludwig Karl. RecepttaschenbuchHandwritten collection in German, of pharmaceutical formulae. |
Katz, Dewey. PapersDewey Katz, ophthalmologist. The Dewey Katz Papers consist of correspondence between Katz and Dr. Maximilian Salzmann, as well as several letters written by Salzmann's daughter, Olga Blumauer, on his behalf. |
Katzenstein, Constance. PapersConstance Katzenstein, psychologist. The Constance Katzenstein Papers consist of a manuscript of her memoirs (1989), which was written with Anita Frankel and contains a preface by Bruno Bettelheim. |
Klüver, Heinrich. PapersHeinrich Kluver (1897-1979), neuro-psychologist. The Papers contain certificates, bibliographies, diaries, autograph books, day books, diplomas, correspondence, original manuscripts, articles and reprints, and photographs of Heinrich Klüver and his second wife Harriet Schwenk. |
Konrad Kristian Karl Lundsgaard. Brillernes Historie (The History of Spectacles), AbstractAbstract in English by J. Christian Bay, after Lundsgaard's Brillernes Historie (Copenhagen: V. Trynde, 1913), on the history of corrective lenses. Illustrated with sketches. |
Kraupa, Ernst. CollectionCorrespondence, handwritten notes, photographs, medical reports, clippings, lantern slides, sketches, and typescript materials of ophthalmologist Ernst Kraupa (fl. 1910-1950). Materials in German. Crerar manuscript 340. |
Langenbeck, Conrad Johann Martin. ChirurgieHandwritten lecture notes in German, taken by W. H. Seffer, from Langenbeck's course on surgery at the University of Göttingen. Includes marginal sketches, primarily illustrating medical equipment. (Langenbeck was Professor of Anatomy and Surgery, and Director of Surgical Hospitals at Göttingen.) Bound in paper over boards. |
Lanzl, Lawrence H. PapersLawrence Lanzl (1921-2001) was a distinguished researcher in the area of medical physics, who worked both on the Manhattan Project and as a cancer researcher and professor of in the Department of Radiology while at the University of Chicago. This collection consists of 40.5 linear feet of Dr. Lanzl's research, correspondence, administrative and organizational material, and personal items. |
Latham, Vida Annette. PapersBorn in Great Britain. D.D. and D.D.S., University of Michigan, 1892. M.D. Northwestern University, 1895. Practicing dentist, physician, and microanalyst, Rogers Park, Illinois. Personal correspondence between Latham and others, arranged chronologically (1883-1886). Receipts of payments, photographs, and other miscellaneous material (1881-1886). |
Le Count, Edwin Raymond. PapersEdwin Raymond Le Count (1868-1935) pathologist, academic, and resident at Rush Medical College. The collection includes correspondence, notebooks, writings, newspaper clippings, drawings, legal documents and ephemera. Materials date between 1886 and 1935. The majority of the materials date between 1910 and 1930. The papers provide insight into Le Count’s activities both at the university as well as within the field of scholarship, particularly as detailed through his correspondence with others in the field. |
Lecture Notes. Physiologie von A.F. HempelLecture notes in German, taken by Wilh[elm] Baum, from Adolph Friedrich Hempel's medical lectures at Göttingen. |
Lewis, Eva Overton and Julian Herman Lewis, MD, PhD CollectionJulian Herman Lewis (1891-1989) was a pathologist, educator, and author of The Biology of the Negro (1942), a groundbreaking investigation of contemporary scientific data and literature on African-American physiology and pathology that resisted and rebuked scientific notions of racial inferiority. His wife, Eva Overton Lewis (1893-1945), was the daughter of entrepreneur Anthony Overton and a graduate of the University of Chicago. The collection includes personal ephemera, correspondence, photographs and negatives, one DVD, newspapers, textiles, and memorabilia. Materials date between circa 1887 and 2015, with the bulk of the material dating between the 1890s and the 1940s. The collection is primarily a family collection, documenting the personal lives of Eva Overton Lewis, Julian Herman Lewis, their parents, and their children. It is a record of middle and upper-class African-American life in Chicago and Cairo, Illinois in the first half of the 20th century. |
Lillie, Ralph S. PapersThis collection contains the personal and professional correspondence of Ralph S. Lillie (1875-1952), Professor of General Physiology at the University of Chicago. Additionally, the collection includes the correspondence of F.J Mullin, Professor of Physiology, as well as photographs, publications, and objects relating to Lillie’s research. The collection includes material from 1907-1942. |
Luckhardt, Arno B. PapersArno Benedict Luckhardt, 1885 – 1957, physiologist. The papers contain professional and personal correspondence; speeches and papers by Luckhardt on medical and historical subjects, including the William Beaumont Collection at the University of Chicago; and photographs and memorabilia. The material dates from 1918 to 1954. |
Majima, Seigan. Majima Aammoku Ichibu No Gokui No MakimonoHandwritten copy, in Japanese, of The Secret Principles of Part of the Majima School of Ophthalmology. Illustrated with colored pen and ink drawings. (The Majima School was an old and reputable school of Japanese Ophthalmology. The books' contents were transmitted through lectures; students were never allowed to see the books and their whole contents, but were allowed upon their graduation to copy portions from the scroll.) |
Martin, August Eduard. Illustrations of Forcepses. ScrapbookAlbum with seventy-five sheets of drawings, engravings, and watercolors, of forceps drawn by various artists, arranged alphabetically by names of inventors. Accompanied by historical description of illustrated forceps and related holograph correspondence in German, French, and English. Tipped into heavy brown paper. Collected and with descriptive text by Dr. August Eduard Martin. See also Crerar Ms. 53. |
Martin, August Eduard. NotesHandwritten notes in German (probably on birthing procedures), in hand which corresponds to other holograph material identified as copies by Eduard Martin, Johannes Christian Stark's pupil and successor. |
Materia MedicaHandwritten collection in Latin and German, of pharmaceutical formulas. |
Maximow, Alexander A. PapersAlexander A. Maximow, histologist, Professor of anatomy. The Alexander A. Maximow Papers contains correspondence, laboratory notes and sketches, manuscripts of scientific papers and addresses, English translations of Maximow’s Russian works, Russian textbooks, drawings, and photographs. |
McBurney, Charles. PapersIncludes ALS from McBurney to Dr. Lewis L. McArthur regarding the muscle splitting incision for appendectomy; a photostat of the letter; and a typed copy "The Muscle-Splitting or Grid-Iron Incision for appendectomy: an historical note" (1937) by Selim McArthur. |
McLean, Franklin C. PapersThe papers of Franklin C. McLean comprise 17.5 linear feet of personal and professional material. The papers record his career as the director of the Peking Union Medical College, the University of Chicago medical school and, later, as a professor of physiology in the university. The collection consists of correspondence, publications, research data, reports, and minutes. The collection also includes personal material including diaries, honors, photographs, and home movies. |
Medical History, CorrespondenceEight letters in German and English, by Sticker, Bloch, Notthafft, Oefele, Helfreich, and Welchon, on topics loosely related to the medical profession. |
Medical PrescriptionsManuscript collection in Latin and German, in several hands, of pharmaceutical prescriptions. |
Medical Prescriptions and Other RecipesManuscript formulae in several hands, for medicinal elixirs, tinctures, and decoctions listed in alphabetical order, followed by "family recipes" for food dishes. |
Medical Tax Reports, Mecklenburg-SchwerinReports in German on medical and physician's taxes in Mecklenburg-Schwerin. |
Meisen, Vlademar. Treatment of Varices and Their Sequelae by Injection (Eczema and Ulcus Cruris)Typed translation of Meisen's study of varicose veins. Originally published in Ugeskrift for Laeger, 87 (1925), p. 929-33, 964-71. Translated from Danish into English by J. Christian Bay. Copy made by J. |
Moscow Twelfth International Congress of Medicine. ScrapbookScrapbook of miscellaneous material, associated with the XII CongrŠs International de M‚decine, August 19-26, 1897, Moscow. Includes souvenir photographs of the Georgian landscape and individuals in native costume, registration materials, calling cards, restaurant receipts and bills of fare, and social invitations. Also contains receipts from various European countries. All material tipped into album of heavy grey paper. Collected by Dr. F.J. van den Ham (Professor, University of Gronique, the Netherlands) and Mrs. van den Ham van Cappelle. |
National Physicians' Committee for the Extension of Medical Service. RecordsThe National Physicians' Committee for the Extension of Medical Service was a lobbying organization affiliated with the American Medical Association, and supported by pharmaceutical concerns. In 1948-1949, the NPC attacked Truman-era national health care proposals, such as the Wagner-Murray-Dingell Bill, and the federal security administrator Oscar R. Ewing's advocacy of compulsory health insurance. The records of the National Physicians' Committee for the Extension of Medical Service contain documents dating from 1948-1949, consisting mainly of newspaper clippings collected in the committee's library. |
Native American Educational Services. American Indian Health Service. RecordsThis collection contains papers created by the American Indian Health Service (AIHS). The AIHS records contain administrative documents (budget and expenses, personnel and organizational structure), grant applications and program proposals (including the Foster Care Program and a proposal for the American Indian Health Clinic), correspondence and legislation pertaining to health care, publications and publicity materials from associated organizations. The collection forms part of the Archives of the Native American Educational Services. |
Notes from Albinus' Lectures on Anatomy at LeydenFormal lecture notes in Latin, taken by John Manning, from Bernhard Siegfried Albinus' lectures on anatomy at the University of Leyden. |
Notes on PhysiologyInformal lecture notes in German, on human physiology. |
Notes on William A. Michel's Fuming Sulphuric Acid. The New Specialty for CancerI) Typed carbon copy of notes taken by Dr. Bell, on Dr. Michel's method of removing exterior tumors with acidic paste. Assembled by Dr. Bell, after studying under Dr. Michel in Paris beginning in Fall, 1868. Includes preface by Dr. Bell. II) Holograph leaf of notes [by Dr. Williams], regarding Nordhausen acid, pasted on last page. Bell's notes copied by Dr. Williams. Inscribed on wrapper: "Fuming Sulphuric A[cid]. The new specialty for Cancer, [recorded] by Dr. Bell (London, England about - year 1860 - (Dr. Michel's Paste)/ This is a copy (made by Dr. Williams in year 1914)/ The Original is in the Surgeon General's Library/Washington, D.C." Bound in paper. |
Pashutin, Victor. Course of General and Experimental PathologyTyped carbon copy of Volume II, Part I of Pashutin's work (originally published St. Petersburg: Printing Office, N. Merkusheff, 1902), on physiology and the pathology of the gastro-intestinal canal. Translated from Russian into English by Michael Groosenberg, of the Nutrition Laboratory of the Carnegie Institute of Washington. Illustrated with charts and diagrams. |
Pasteur, Louis. LetterI) Handwritten letter in French, from Louis Pasteur, Paris, to an unidentified man, November 27, 1881, on the subject of his vaccine; II) Keepsake cardboard folder containing "Une ‚vocation charmante et inattendue des dans pr‚coses de Pasteur," in reference to reproductions of portrait drawings of M. & Mlle. Roch, 1839, "dessin‚ par Pasteur a l'ƒge de 16 ans et demi..." |
Photomicrographs of Pathologic PreparationsA bound collection of images of different types of cells affected by a variety of pathogens. Some images have labels with text in German. |
Prenant, Auguste. Les Methodes D'enseignement en General et Celles de L'histologie en ParticulierHandwritten treatise in French, on medical education with emphasis on histology. (Prenant was Professor of Medicine at the University of Paris.) |
Rainforth, S.I. The Stereoscopic Skin ClinicThis collection contains a photographic inventory of skin diseases by S. I. Rainforth. The stereoscopic images are mounted, housed in original box and accompanied by a stereoscopic viewer. Each image includes descriptive information on the back of the card. The set was issued by the Medical Art Publishing Company. |
Rala, Punci. Medicinal BookHandwritten collection in Pali/Sinhalese, of Sri Lankan folk medicine. On 57 palm leaves. |
Receptarium de medicinis communiter usitatis. Manuscript (Ms 36)Medical prescriptions and remedies. Text in Latin with notes in Italian in the margins. Codex Ms 36. |
Records of Clinical Case Histories and Postmortem ExaminationsManuscript records in several handsconcerning mentally ill patients at: I) Northern Hospital, Winnebago, Wisconsin, 1885-1887; II) Cook County Hospital, Chicago, 1887-1889; III) I.E.H.I., Kankakee, Illinois, 1886-1887. |
Ricketts, B. Merrill (Benjamin Merrill), Surgery of the prostate, pancreas, and diaphragmTyped carbon copies with extensive annotations, on surgery of the prostate, pancreas, and diaphragm. Includes biographical clips, and extensive bibliography. Study printed in Benjamin Merrill Ricketts, Surgery of the Prostate, Pancreas, Diaphragm, Spleen, Thyroid, and Hydrocephalus: A Historical Review (Cincinnati: 1904), pp. 1-44 |
Ricketts, B. Merrill (Benjamin Merrill). The LungTypescript medical study with handwritten annotations, on the pathology of the lung. Extensively illustrated with photographs. Volume One: "History and resume of surgical conditions found therein and experimental and clinical research in lower animals with reference to pneumonotomy, pneumonectomy, & bronchiotomy." Volume Two: "Experimental research on the lung of the dog with reference to ineumenotomy and pneumonectomy." |
Ricketts, Howard Taylor. PapersHoward Taylor Ricketts, pathologist. The papers include personal and professional correspondence, research notes and manuscripts relating to his work with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and typhus, and assorted memorabilia. |
Rowley, Janet D. PapersJanet Davison Rowley (1925-2013), was the "matriarch of modern cancer genetics." Rowley's discovery of chromosomal translocations in leukemia patients led to breakthroughs in scientific understanding of cancer and the development of targeted therapies. She was the recipient of the National Medal of Science and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The papers primarily document Rowley's career as a cancer researcher at the University of Chicago, and her activities as a renowned scientist called upon to address issues related to cancer, chromosomal translocations, genetics, bioethics, and women in STEM. Materials date between 1940 and 2013, with the bulk of the material dating between 1970 and 2011. |
Rush Medical College. RecordsContains agreements between Rush Medical College and the University of Chicago. Also includes some correspondence and copies of miscellaneous documents and printed material, including the Rush Medical School charter, pamphlets, and programs. |
Rush, Benjamin. LecturesHandwritten student notes on Benjamin Rush's lectures on the basic physiological and psychological make-up and processes of human beings. |
Rush, Benjamin. On the Influence of Physical Causes on the Moral FacultyHandwritten copy of Rush's essay on morality, originally presented as a lecture to the American Philosophical Society, February 27, 1786. |
Sand, Knud Aage Buchtrup. Legal Medicine, its Origin, Development and Status in Modern Times, with Special Regard to DenmarkTyped copy of Sand's introductory lecture delivered at the Institute of Legal Medicine of the University of Copenhagen, September 9, 1925, on the history of legalized medicine. |
Schomerus, C.P. Ueber die durch das gleichzeitige Vorhandensein eines Herzleidens, einer Struma und eines Exophthalmus characterisirte KrankheitHandwritten study in German, on the combined symptoms of heart disease, goiter, and "bulging eyes." Submitted for "das Tentamen zur medizinischen Facultätsprϋfing" at the University of Göttingen. |
Senn, Nicholas PapersNicholas Senn (1844-1908) surgeon, professor of surgery, and author. The collection includes more than 150 manuscripts documenting Senn’s studies and career, primarily handwritten manuscripts for articles, books, and lectures. Also include case histories, studies of cancer, lectures on the history of military medicine, and notes taken by students after lectures and clinics led by Senn. |
Shimer, Henry. Epidemic DiseasesThesis submitted in 1866, for a degree at Chicago Medical College, on diseases in the animal kingdom. I) "Epidemic diseases as manifested in the Animal Kingdom, principaly [sic] derived from personal observation of the late Malignant Epidemic among Insects"; II) "Etiology and Pathology", including sections on "Deficient Food", "Perverted Food", "Social Causes", "Climatic Causes", "Forces of Nature", and "Abnormal Atmospheric Conditions." |
Slye, Maud. PapersMaud Slye (1869-1954), University of Chicago pathologist and cancer specialist. The Maud Slye papers consist of research records, published and unpublished manuscripts, and correspondence. |
Society of Medical History of Chicago, Bulletin and CorrespondenceLetters from various medical historians to George H. Weaver, editor, tipped into published, bound issues of the Bulletin of the Society of Medical History of Chicago, vols. 1-4 (1911-35). |
Society of Medical History of Chicago. RecordsThe Society of Medical History of Chicago was founded in 1909 "to secure and preserve matters pertaining to the history of medical institutions, organizations and individuals particularly of Chicago and the adjacent country; and to stimulate interest in medical history in general." Original members of the society's council included George H. Cleveland, Henry T. Byford, Nathan S. Davis, John Edwin Rhodes, George H. Weaver, and Ludvig Hektoen. The records of the Society of Medical History of Chicago include the organization's administrative documents, as well as its collections of historic material on the history of medicine |
Soemmerring, Samuel Thomas von. Icones oculi humaniHolograph treatise in Latin, on the anatomy of the eye. Illustrated with twenty-four sheets of anatomical drawings, in pen & ink, ink and wash, and colored ink and wash. On title page, identified: "Picturae Johanne [Jesse] et scriptum Josepho Ablett Jesse." Purchased on Henry Gradle Memorial Fund. Bound in contemporary calf with gold tooling, rebacked. |
Sonnenschein, Robert. CollectionDr. Robert Sonnenschein (1879-1939) was a physician and Professor of Laryngology and Otology at Rush Medical College from 1924-1939. Sonnenschein was also an avid collector and scholar of medical history. The collection contains Dr. Robert Sonnenschein's collections of bookplates, portraits and other documents of medical history. Also included is research in medicine and medical history, as well as correspondence related to Sonnenschein's book collection and other medical history collections. |
Specielle Pathologie und TherapieHandwritten lecture notes in German, on diseases and their treatment. |
Spitzer, Alexander. CollectionDr. Alexander Spitzer (b. October 22, 1868, d. January 16, 1943) was a scientist and physician who specialized in several fields, including anatomy, neurology, and pathology, and developed a phylogenetic theory of the abnormal development of human hearts. In the final years of his scientific career, he worked on a book that presents his theory in detail and responds to its critics. Due to his dismissal by the Nazi regime from his position at the University of Vienna and his deportation to a concentration camp, Spitzer's book remained unpublished. The collection includes the entire manuscript of the book, the manuscript of another book that grew out of the second part of the former, corrections for certain sections, and correspondence documenting the subsequent possessors of Spitzer's manuscripts. |
Stark, Johann Christian. Hebammen-BuchTreatise in German, on the female reproductive system, fetal development, and obstetrics for midwives. Includes partial table of contents. Illustrated with pen & ink, and graphite drawings. Identified as copied in the hand of Eduard Martin, Stark's pupil and successor. |
Stark, Johann Christian. Über Frauenkrankheiten und KinderkrankheitenTreatise in German, on the medical treatment of women's and children's illnesses. Includes holograph lists, notes, and printed material, interleaved. Identified as copied in the hand of Eduard Martin, Stark's pupil and successor. |
Stenn, Frederick. PapersThe papers of Frederick Stenn consist of material pertaining to Dr. Stenn's unpublished biography of Dr. Ludvig Hekteon (1863-1951), a noted Chicago pathologist and surgeon at Rush Medical Hospital. The collection includes correspondence, the original typescript of "Ludvig Hektoen, Medical Mentor of the Midwest," photocopies of manuscript, photographs, and an issue of Archives of Pathology. Related material can be found in the Crerar Manuscript 74, Ludvig Hektoen, Records of Clinical Case Histories, 1885-1889, and Crerar Manuscript 75, Papers of Ludvig Hektoen, 1913-1947. |
Strong, Reuben Myron. History of the Stritch Medical School of Loyola UniversityTypescript essay on the origin, organization, administration, and faculty of the Stritch Medical School of Loyola University. Includes table of contents. Illustrated with five photographs. |
Taliaferro, Lucy Graves. PapersLucy Graves Taliaferro, scientist, professor. The Lucy Graves Taliaferro Papers consist of: biographical sketches, biographical essay, correspondence, examples of Taliaferro's research, a transcribed oral interview by Vincent Monroe, a videotaped interview, and photographs. |
Thomson, William H. Clinical Notes of W. H. Thomson's Medical ClinicHandwritten, formal lecture notes, taken by Lyman J. Adair, from medical classes conducted by Dr. William H. Thomson. I) Clinical case studies of Thomson's patients, identified by date, patient's name, age, and diagnosis; II) Notes after Dr. William H. Thomson's lectures on the application and effects of various forms of "disinfectants." |
Tröltsch, Anton Friedrich, Freiherr von. OhrenheilkundeManuscript, informal lecture notes in German, from Tröltsch's medical lectures on the ear. Illustrated with sketches. Bound in modern half cloth over marbled paper. Former call number 617.802 N001. No Crerar accession number. |
United States. Army Sanitary School (Langres, France), Mimeographed Literature of Army Sanitary SchoolMimeographed Literature of Army Sanitary School compiled by Bailey K. Ashford (1873-1934), in two volumes. Copies of confidential World War I lectures, reports, plans, etc. associated with the Army Sanitary School in Langres, France, of which Ashford was the director. Crerar Manuscript 404. |
University Hospitals and Clinics. Auxiliary Committee. RecordsUniversity Hospitals and Clinics, Auxiliary Committee. The University Hospitals and Clinics, Auxiliary Committee Records consist of history, by-laws, minutes, chairman's reports, membership lists, photographs, and other records related to the Auxiliaries Committee from 1962 to 1981. |
University of Chicago. Cancer Research. RecordsThis collection includes press releases, newspaper and magazine clippings, pamphlets and brochures, and fundraising newsletters and materials related to cancer research at the University of Chicago, including the Committee on Cancer and the Cancer Research Foundation. |
University of Chicago. Chicago Lying-In Hospital. RecordsThe Chicago Lying-In Hospital Records comprise correspondence regarding transfer of property from Chicago Lying-In Hospital to the University of Chicago and related matters, letter from S. T. DeLee promising funds (1914), agreements between the Hospital and the University, financial report (1943), copies of building and sanitation permits, and other records. |
University of Chicago. Department of Medicine. RecordsThe Department of Medicine Records consist of three bound volumes containing reprints of articles by faculty members in the Department. The volumes are arranged by year and each volume includes an author index. |
University of Chicago. Department of Physiology. RecordsThe Department of Physiology was founded with the establishment of the University of Chicago's first Courses of Instruction in 1892. This collection contains meeting minutes, student grade books, and other administrative material. |
University of Chicago. Hospitals and Clinics. CollectionThe University of Chicago Medical Center was initially comprised of the Albert Merritt Billings Hospital and the Max Epstein Clinic in 1927, which were primarily research facilities. Over the many years it would eventually be comprised of 43 hospitals and clinics. The University of Chicago Hospitals and Clinics Records contains publications by or about the University of Chicago Medical Center, pamphlets and program brochures, informational booklets, newspaper and magazine clippings, press releases, statements and correspondence related to the many hospitals and clinics within the University of Chicago Health Center. |
University of Chicago. MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics. RecordsThe collection documents the activities of the University of Chicago's MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics and its founding Director Dr. Mark Siegler from 1984 to 2009. |
Warner, Nancy E. PapersNancy E. Warner (1923- ) is a graduate of the College at the University of Chicago and an early woman graduate of the Medical School, graduating in 1949. In 1972, at the University of Southern California, she became the first woman in the United States to chair a department of pathology. This collection contains class notes, photographs, and miscellaneous personal materials, largely from her time spent at the University of Chicago from 1945 to 1956. |
Webster, George Washington. Lectures on Physical DiagnosisTwo volumes of typed, mimeographed course lectures on physical diagonosis, with interleaved handwritten notes by same author, 1895-1899. |
Wells, Edward Franklin. Papers on Pneumonic FeverManuscript notes, drafts, and tables of research results into the causes of pneumatic fever. . Vol. 1: Causation: predisposing influences -- Morbid anatomy -- Prevalence: age, sex, race, residence, and recurrence -- Vol. 2: 13 tables -- Pneumonic fever -- Pneumonic fever: its morbid anatomy -- Pneumonic fever: its morbid anatomy (second paper) -- Pneumonia with cerebral lesions. |
Wells, Edward Franklin. Pulmonary TuberculosisCensus tables of tubercular cases in various cities by region, primarily in the United States, and including Canada, England, and Wales, 1804-1895. |
Yoshitoyo, Ichiryusai. Mashin teate kiho no ben, Makiyama Sensei dempoHandwritten text in Japanese, "About the special way to treat the measles; Dr. Makiyama's remedy." Illustrated with colored woodcut. Includes typescript translation of text from Japanese into English. |