H. S. Hutchinson (Firm), Cutting in a Whale |
Hagerstown and Smithburg Turnpike Company. Records |
Haighton, John. Lectures on Midwifery |
Hale, George Ellery. Papers |
Hale, William Gardner. Papers |
Hall, James Parker, Jr. Papers |
Hall, John Vine, Letter |
Hall, Robert A., Jr. Papers |
Hamilton, Alfred Starr. Papers |
Hamilton, Earl J. Papers |
Hammond, Eleanor Prescott |
Hancock, Winfield Scott. Collection |
Handwritten Medical Instructions |
Hansen, Harry. Papers |
Hansen, Mikkel. Collection of Henry Moore |
Hansen, Miriam. Papers |
Hanson, J. C. M. (James Christian Meinich). Papers |
Harkins, William D. Papers |
Harlan, Robert and Lois. Papers |
Harper, Paul Vincent. Papers |
Harper, Samuel Northrup. Papers |
Harper, Samuel. Diaries |
Harper, William Rainey. Papers |
Harris, Chauncy D. Papers |
Harris, Gertrude Epstein. Papers |
Harrison, Roland Wendell. Papers |
Harrison, Samuel, Sermon Notes on the Apostles’ Creed. Manuscript (Ms 149) |
Hart, Schaffner and Marx Labor Agreement. Records |
Hauser, Philip M.. Papers |
Havighurst, Robert J.. Papers |
Haydon, Harold. Papers |
Hayner, Norman S.. Papers |
Heaton, David F. Papers |
Hebrew Tracts on Domestic and Ceremonial Matters. Manuscript (Ms 74) |
Heckman, Wallace. Papers |
Heirens, William Case. Newspaper Clippings |
Hektoen, Ludvig. Papers |
Heller, Helen Family. Papers |
Henderson, Charles Richmond. Papers |
Hendrickson, Carol. Alumni Collection |
Henshaw, Paul Stewart. Papers |
Herrick, James Brian. Papers |
Herrick, Robert. Papers |
Hess, Julius Hays. Papers |
Hilberry, Norman. Papers |
Hill, Thomas Brumfield. Alumni Collection |
Hilliard, Thomas. Papers |
Hirsch, Edwin F. Papers |
Historical Manuscripts. Collection |
Histories of Pediatric Hospitals. Collection |
Hitchcock Family. Papers |
Hitchcock, Annie McClure. Papers |
Hodgson, Marshall G. S. Papers |
Hoebeke, Cornelius. J. Papers |
Hoff, Ramon B. Papers |
Hogness, Thorfin R. Papers. |
Holbrook, Silas P., Medical Daybooks |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Dementia Praecox |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Dementia Praecox and Other Studies |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Outline of the Conditions of a Laboratory Building or Buildings for the Laboratories of Cook County, Especially Those of Cook County Hospital |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Papers |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Papers |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Report |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. The Castor Oil Bean Poison |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. The Punishment of Carl Carleson |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Third Annual Report of Dementia Praecox Studies |
Homilies and Religious Treatises. Manuscript (Ms 155) |
Hooker, George Ellsworth.City Planning, Transportation and Housing. Collection |
Hooper, Frances. Papers |
Horace Opera. Manuscript (Ms 27) |
Horn, Anton Ludwig Ernst. Horn's Specielle Therapeutik |
Horrigan, Brian. Alumni Collection |
Horton, Horace Everett, Notes on the Manufacturing of Glucose, Grape Sugars and Starches |
Horwitz, Alexander Philip. Papers |
Hoselitz, Bert F., Papers |
Hospicio de Pobres. Records |
Hostetter, Charles Linnaeus. Papers |
Howard, Luke. Collection |
Howell, Standley. Collection |
Huffaker, Edward C. Experiments with Gliding Models Conducted by E.C. Huffaker for Mr. O. Chanute, C.E |
Huffaker, Edward C. The Kite : Its Mechanism and Equilibrium |
Huffaker, Edward C., Soaring Flight |
Hughes, Everett Cherrington. Papers |
Hughes, George Warner, Jr. Collection |
Hulbert Family. Papers |
Hulbert, James R. Papers |
Humboldt, Alexander von. Letter |
Hunt, Henry. Papers. MS 563 |
Hunt, Leigh, and Craik Family. Collection |
Huppert, Max Oscar. Papers on the Cause and Treatment of Epilepsy |
Hutchins, Maude Phelps McVeigh. Collection |
Hutchins, Robert M., and Associates. Oral History Interviews |
Hutchins, Robert Maynard. Papers |
Hutchinson, Charles L. Postcards |
Hutchinson, William Thomas. Papers |
Hutchison, Clyde A., Jr. Papers |
Huttner, Sidney F. Papers |
Hutton, William Ralph, Papers |
Hyde Park Center. Collection |
Hyde Park Garden Fair Commitee. Records |
Hyde Park High School. Records |
Hyde Park Historical Society. Collection |
Hyde Park Historical Society. Hyde Park Co-op. Records |
Hyde Park Historical Society. Joyce Turner Hilkevitch. Papers |
Hyde Park Youth Symphony. Records |
Hyde Park and Kenwood Interfaith Council. Records |
Hyde Park, Kenwood, and Woodlawn Neighborhoods. Collection |
Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference. Records |
Hyde Park-Kenwood Razed Buildings. Collection |