Finding Aids

All Finding Aids
57th Street Art Fair. Records
A River Runs Through It Production. Collection
Abbott, Edith and Grace. Papers
Abraham, Alton. Collection of Sun Ra
Abraham, Bernard M. Papers
Account Book
ACT UP Chicago. Records
Addams, Jane. Collection
Adkins, Arthur. Papers
Adler, Max. Collection
Adler, Mortimer J.. Papers
Adye, Ernest Howard, Twentieth Century Atlas of Microscopical Petrography
Aeckern, Georg Christoph von. Receptenbuch
Aethicus Ister. Aethici Philosophi Schytae Cosmographia
Ahlfeld, Johann Friedrich. Collection of Drawings of Medical Deformities
Aichinger, Wolff. Rezeptbϋcher
Albert, Abraham Adrian. Papers
Albert, Allen D., Reports on World's Fairs
Alberti, Leon Battista, De re aedificatoria. Manuscript (Ms 1)
Albertus, Magnus, Saint, De homine. Manuscript (Ms 2)
Albright, Ivan, Exhibit. Records
Albright, Ivan, Medical drawings made direct from patients & in operating room in Base Hospital # 11 located at Nantes, France, Manuscript (Ms 1560)
Album of Engravings and Photographs of American Locomotives
Aldis, Mary Reynolds. Papers
Allee, Warder Clyde. Papers
Allgemeine Pathologie
Allison, Samuel King. Papers
Almanach durch Barptolomeũ Reysacher... gemacht auff das Jar M.D.LVIII (Ms 1038)
Altrocchi, Rudolph and Julia Cooley Altrocchi. Papers
Altscheler, Brent. Collection of Photographs of Kentucky
Alvarez, Geraldine. Papers
Amberg, Alan. Gay History Collection
American Association for Public Opinion Research. Records
American Association of University Professors. Records
American Baptist Education Society. Records
American Civil Liberties Union. Illinois Division. Records
American Hospital Association. Odin W. Anderson. Papers
American Institute of Sacred Literature. Records
American Journal of Theology. Records
American Neurological Association. Records
American Paper Currency. Collection
American Reactionary Political Ephemera. Collection
American Recipes
American Standard Bible Committee. Records
American Veterans Committee, Chicago Area Council. Records
Ames, Edward Scribner. Papers
Ames, Polly Scribner. Papers
Ames, Van Meter. Papers
Anania, Michael. Papers
Anderson, C. Arnold. Papers
Anderson, Charles B. Fake Books. Collection
Anderson, Herbert L. Papers
Anderson, William H. and the Anti-Saloon League. Papers
Andral, Gabriel. Cours de Pathologie Interne
Anitiphonarium for Matins. Manuscript (Ms 967)
Anthropology Curriculum Study Project. Records
Antonio de Raho, In rubricas soluto matrimonio. Manuscript (Ms 37)
Archaismus Graphicus ab Henrico Spelmanno Conscriptus in Usum Filibrum Suorum
Archicofradía del Santísimo Sacramento y Caridad. Records
Archival Biographical Files
Archival Buildings File
Ardrey, Robert. Papers
Aristotle, De moribus ad Nicomachum. Manuscript (Ms 5)
Arnett, Trevor. Papers
Arnoux, Hippolyte, Canal du Suez
Artistic Circles. Records
Ascoli, Peter. Papers
Asher, Louis E.. Papers
Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep Records
Association of American Universities. Records
Association of Cambridge Scientists. Records
Association of Los Alamos Scientists. Records
Association of Oak Ridge Engineers and Scientists. Records
Association of Pasadena Scientists. Records
Association of Scientists for Atomic Education. Records
Astrophysical Journal. Records
Atkinson, Fred W. Drama Collection
Atomic Scientists of Chicago. Records
Atomic Scientists. Miscellaneous Records
Atomic Scientists' Printed and Near-Print Material. Records
Audubon, John James. Letter
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, Theological treatises. Manuscript (Ms 110)
Austen, Jake. Zine Collection
Austiefungen in der Nordsee bei Juist, Langeoog & Spiekeroog
Austrian, Celia and Delia. Papers
Averroës, Notabilia Dicta; Albertus Magnus, Tractatus Proportionum; Anonymous, Latitudines Formarum; and Robertus Anglicus, Compilatio Super Tractatu de Sphaera. Manuscript (Ms 3)
B. Heller & Co. Collection
Bachner, Rudolph. Papers
Bacon, Charles R. Alumni Collection
Baer, Joseph Louis. Papers
Baily, Walter. Papers
Bakwin, Dr. Harry and Dr. Ruth Morris Bakwin. Soviet Posters. Collection
Balderston, John L., Jr. Collection
Baldridge, Cyrus Le Roy. Collection
Baldwin, Loammi. Papers
Balzac Research Collection of E. Preston Dargan
Bandettini, Teresa. Poems (Ms 1445)
Baptist Divinity House. Records
Baptist Ministers' Conference, Chicago. Records
Baptist Theological Faculties Union. Records
Baptist Theological Union. Records
Baptist Union Theological Seminary. Records
Barnard. Edward Emerson. Papers
Barnes, Broda Otto Papers
Barnes, David Leonard. Iron & Steel in Car Construction: Memoranda on Pressed Steel
Barnes, David Leonard. Specifications for Locomotive Details
Barrash, Annette Medow. Collection
Barron, Elwyn A. Papers
Barrows, Harlan H. Papers
Barrows, Samuel J., Papers
Bartky, Walter, Papers
Bartlett, Frederick. Recipe for Pills
Bartolozzi, Francesco. Collection
Barzi, Benedetto, and Angelo Gambiglioni, Rubricae. Manuscript (Ms 8)
Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea, De legendis gentilium libris. Manuscript (Ms 45)
Bastin, Edson Sunderland. Papers
Baur, E. Jackson. Papers
Bay, J. Christian. Alphabetical Index to The Birds of America by John James Audubon
Bay, Jens Christian. Scrapbook on Pulitzer Prizes in Journalism
Beadle, George Wells. Papers
Beaumont, William. Collection
Beaver, R. Pierce. Papers
Becker, Gary S. Papers
Becker, Hans Karl. Schriften zur Höhlenkunde
Bekanttnus oder Symbolum S. Athanasij: von der heÿligen drÿfelttigkeit, wider die Arrianer. Manuscript (Ms 150)
Bekker, Immanuel. Papers
Belfield, Henry H. and Belfield Family. Papers
Bell, Laird. Papers
Bellow, Saul and Mary Otis. Seize the Day. Manuscript
Bellow, Saul. Papers
Bennett, A. Milo. Papers
Benon, Raoul. Titres en Travaux du Docteur R. Benon
Benton, William. Papers
Berelson, Bernard R., Study of Graduate Education. Records
Berlin Wall Photographs. Collection
Bernard of Clairvaux, De consideratione. Manuscript (Ms 9)
Bernard, Claude. Dessins originaux pour le Précis iconographique de médecine opératoire et d'anatomie chirurgicale, par C. Bernard et Ch. Huette
Bernard, Luther Lee. Papers
Bernstein, Seymour. Papers
Berthollet, Claude Louis. Rapport sur une mémoire de M. Cluzel ayant pour object l'analyse du soufre liquide de Lampadius
Bevington, Margaret. Papers
Bewick, Thomas. Wood Blocks
Beyer, Erwin F. "Bud". Papers
Bibfeldt, Franz. Papers
Bibliotheca Riviana sive Catalogus Librorum
Bickham Family. Papers
Bickham, Martin Hayes. Papers
Bigelow, Harry A. Papers
Bill, Charles A. Collection of Yousuf Karsh. Photographs
Billings, Frank. Papers
Billings, John S. Letter
Bjerrum, Jannik. Two papers on Glaucoma
Blackwood, Easley. Papers
Blair, Gavin, Commentarii in libros ethicos Aristotelis. Manuscript (Ms 101)
Blair, James. Collection
Blakemore, William Barnett. Papers
Blatchford, E.W. Hog Raising and the Pork Packing Industry in America
Blayney, James Roy. Papers
Blind, Karl. Collection
Block, Jean F. Papers
Bloom, William. Papers
Bloomfield, Leonard, and Clarence L. Barnhart. Collection
Bloomfield, Leonard. Papers
Blum, Walter J. Papers
Boccaccio, Giovanni Genealogia Deorum Gentilium Manuscript (Ms 100)
Boccaccio, Giovanni, Il filocolo. Manuscript (Ms 57)
Boerhaave, Herman. Supplementa Dictatis in Institutiones & Aphorismos Boerhaavii, Notes on
Bogorad, Lawrence. Papers
Bogue, Donald J. Papers
Bohr, Niels. Collection
Bonner, Amy. Papers
Bonney Family. Correspondence
Book of hours (use of Châlons-sur-Marne.) Manuscript (Ms 26)
Bookstein, Abraham. Papers
Boop, John. Alumni Collection
Boot, George William. The Diagnosis of Osteosclerosis
Bothman, Louis. Papers
Bowes' Family. Papers
Bowman, James Edward. Papers
Bowman, Mary Jean. Papers
Boynton, Percy. Papers
Bradbury, Dorothy Edith. Papers
Bradford, Amory H. Papers
Brainerd, Mary Bowen. Papers
Brannen, Noah S. Papers
Braude, Lee. Papers
Braude, Marjorie. Papers
Brauer, Jerald. Papers
Braxton, Anthony. Collection
Bray, George Eben. Equipment for Drying Fruits and Vegetables Which can be Made at Home
Breckinridge, Sophonisba P. Papers
Bressie, Ramona. Papers
Bretonière, J. Sailing Flight, from Observations Made at Constantine, Algeria
Bretz, J Harlen. Papers
Briggs, Lloyd Vernon. Sanity Hearings and Criminal Cases of Clarence V.T. Richeson, Leon F. Czolgosz, and Bertram C. Spencer
British Lottery Handbills
British Romance Novelettes and Popular Paperbacks. Collection
Brooks, Shirley. Collection
Broussais, François Joseph Victor. Pathologie Interne, [and] Physiologie. Lecture Notes
Brown, Edward K. Papers
Brown, Frieda S. Papers
Brown, Rachel Fuller. Notebooks
Brownlow, Louis. Diaries
Bruni, Leonardo, De primo bello Punico. Manuscript (Ms 31)
Bruni, Leonardo, Opuscula varia. Manuscript (Ms 32)
Bryan, Charles W., Jr. Collection
Buchsbaum, Ralph. Papers
Buckingham and Carnatic Mills Photograph Collection
Buitenen, J. A. B. van. Papers
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Records
Bulstrode, Edward, Meditations on passages from the Bible. Manuscript (Ms 118)
Bunting, Sir Percy William. Papers
Burchardus de Monte Sion. Descrioptio seu declaratio terrae sanctae. Manuscript (Ms 707)
Burgess, Ernest Watson. Papers
Burgess, Ernest Watson. Papers. Addenda
Burlingam, D. E., Notes on lectures at Chicago Medical College, Mercy Hospital, and Cook County Hospital
Burnet, Gilbert, History of the Reformation of the Church of England. Manuscript (Ms 114)
Burroughs, John. The Flight of Birds
Burrows, Thomas Wilson. Surgical Kit
Burrows, William. Papers
Burton, Ernest DeWitt. Papers
Butler-Gunsaulus. Collection
Butler, Demia. Papers
Butler, Digby B. Papers
Buzzell, Edgar A. Collection
Byrne, John. Clinical Notes on the Electric Cautery in Uterine Surgery
Caballero, Fernán. Papers
Cafferty, Pastora San Juan. Papers
Cahusac, Jean Marie, Lettres de Mr. Cahusac, Américain, Juge de Paix à Fleurance. Manuscript (Ms 798)
Calderino, Domizio, Commentaria in Martialem. Manuscript (Ms 11)
Camp Farr Collection
Campbell, Gladys. Papers
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick. Letters
Campbell, Wilbur and Valarie. Collection
Campbell, William Henry, Correspondence
Cannon, William B. Papers
Capodagli, Julie. Collection
Cappon, Alexander Patterson. Papers
Carla Bennett Collection of Robert Redfield Papers
Carlson, Anton Julius. Papers
Carlson, LeRoy T. Papers
Carnegie Council On Children. Records
Carpenter, Frederick Ives. Papers
Carroll, Paul D. Papers
Carter, Henry Kendall. Papers
Carter, John Stewart. Papers
Casson, Harvey. Papers.
Castle, Henry Northrup. Papers
Castle, Mabel Wing. Papers
Cate, James Lea. Papers
Catterall, Helen Tunnicliff and Ralph C. H. Catterall Family. Papers
Central Pacific Railway Company. Blueprints
Century of Progress International Exposition Press Releases
Century of Progress International Exposition Publications
Century of Progress International Exposition Scrapbook
Century of Progress International Exposition. Collection
Chaffee, Daniel D. Alumni Collection
Chalmers, Charles H. The Helicopter
Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder. Papers
Chambers, Caleb Stockton. Collection
Chambers, H. Collection
Chandler, David. Collection
Chandrasekhar, Lalitha. Papers
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan. Papers
Chanute, Octave. Balloons in the Recent War
Chanute, Octave. Clippings on Aeronautics
Chanute, Octave. Collected Papers on Civil Engineering and Aeronautics (CrMs 168)
Chanute, Octave. Letters
Charles R. Walgreen Foundation. Records
Chaucer Research Project. Records
Checklist of the Official Publications of the Century of Progress International Exposition and Its Exhibitors
Chemins de fer du Centre, de Moulins a Roanne
Chernick, Cedric L. Collection
Chessman, Dorothy Crowder. Papers
Chicago Association of Commerce. Industrial Department. Report
Chicago Belt Railroad Company. Records.
Chicago Child Welfare Exhibit. Collection
Chicago Citizens Commission to study the Disorders of Convention Week. Records
Chicago Citizens Police Committee. Records
Chicago Civil Service League. Records
Chicago Committee of Fifteen. Records
Chicago Committee to Save Lives in Chile Records
Chicago Commons. Collection
Chicago Communist Party. Records
Chicago Drama Performances. Index
Chicago Fire Newspaper Collection
Chicago Foreign Language Press Survey. Records
Chicago Heart Association. Records
Chicago Institute: Academic and Pedagogic. Records
Chicago Jazz Archive. WTTW Collection
Chicago Laryngological and Ontological Society. Records
Chicago Library Club, Records
Chicago Manual Training School. Records
Chicago Mechanics' Institute. Records
Chicago Municipal Museum. Records
Chicago Neurological Society. Records
Chicago Pediatric Society. Records
Chicago Psychological Association. Records
Chicago Repertory Group Collection of Scripts and Scrapbooks
Chicago Review. Records
Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy. Records
Chicago Society of Artists. Records
Chicago Stage and Screen. Collection
Chicago Theatre. Collection of Historical Programs
Chicago Weekly News. Photo Negative Collection
Chicago Women's Alliance. Records
Chicago Zine Collection
Chicago Zine Collection. Zinemercado
Chirurgie aus Pierre Franco, Abstract of
Choice, Harriet. Collection
Chronicle of Venice to 1618. Manuscript (Ms 1003)
Church History Documents. Collection
Chute, Hillary. Collection of Catwoman
Citizens Forum. Records
Civic Disarmament Committee for Handgun Control. Records
Clark, Charles M. Record of Cases both Surgical and Medical, Operations, Post Mortem Examinations, etc.
Clark, E. Payson., Jr. Papers
Clark, Solomon H. Papers
Cleaner Air Committee of Hyde Park-Kenwood. Records
Cliff, Melissa. Collection
Clinton Global Initiative University. Collection
Clippings and Pamphlets on Galveston Harbor
Clippings on Social Evils in Chicago: Chiefly the Saloon
Clippings on Vice in Chicago
Closeted/Out in the Quadrangles. Oral Histories. Collection
Clowes, Daniel. Archive
Coase, Ronald H. Papers
Coggeshalll, Lowell T., Papers
Cohen, Jerry, Photograph Collection
Cohen, Morris Raphael. Papers
Cohn, Bernard. Papers
Collection of Domestic and Medical Recipes
Collection of German Medical and Pharmaceutical Formulae
Collection of Medical Prescriptions and Notes on Folk Medicine
Collection of Recipes
Colonna, Asconia, Judicium in Caesarem Baronium de Monarchia Sicilia. Manuscript (Ms 13)
Colored Pathologic Drawings
Commemorative Dinner Plates. Collection
Commentaries on Aristotle's Work
Commission on Freedom of the Press. Records
Commission on Race and Housing. Records
Committee for Aid to German and Austrian Scholars. Records
Committee on Science and Freedom. Records
Committee to Frame a World Constitution. Records
Compton, Arthur Holly. Papers
Condit, Lester. Papers
Cone, Fairfax M. Papers
Confalonieri, Giovanni Aloisio De Fide, Spe et Charitate Manuscript (Ms 148)
Container Corporation of America. Collection
Contract, Inscribed Tablet
Cook, Orator F. Papers
Correspondence, Estimates and Other Memoranda Relative to Motive Power on the Chicago & South Side Rapid Transit Company's Elevated Road
Coryell, Charles D. Papers
Coryn, W.J., Pain
Coulter, John Merle. Papers
Coulter, Merle C. Papers
Coulton, George Gordon. Papers
Council on Anthropology and Education. Records
Country Home for Convalescent Children. Board of Trustees. Records
Court Theatre. Records
Courtney, R. Howard. Chicago Poster and Ephemera Collection
Courtney, R. Howard. Miscellany Collection
Courtney, R. Howard. Poster and Ephemera Collection
Cowles, Henry C. Collection
Crane, Ronald S. Papers
Crawford, Wylie. Collection of Carilloniana
Cremation Association of America, Proceedings of the Convention
Crerar Library Collection of Patent Medicines
Crerar, Adams & Co. Collection
Cronin, James. Papers
Crossroads International Student Center. Records
Cruikshank, George. Collection
Cruz Gil, Rafael Collection of Spanish Civil War
Culbertson, William S., Papers
Culianu, Ioan P. Papers
Cullen, William. Practice of Physic
Cunningham, Anna Payne. Collection
Cunningham, James Vincent. Papers
Cupani, Francisco. Hortus Catolicvs seu' illustrissimi et excellentissimi Principis Catholicae, ducis Misilmeres, comitis Uicaris, baronis Prizis
Cuppy, Will. Papers
Current Anthropology. Records
Currie, Brainerd. Papers
Curtiss, John Christlieb. Papers
D'Alton, John. Collection
Danner, Margaret. Papers
Danos, Michael. Papers
Darrow, Clarence. Papers
Darwin Centennial Celebration. Records
Darwin, Charles. Scientific Communication
Davis, Allison. Papers
Davis, Dorothy. Alumni Collection
Davis, Fred Merrill. Central Power Station Equipment for Telephone Exchanges
Davis, Jefferson, Trial Papers. MS 979
Day, Warren J. Papers
De Forest, Lee. Papers
De La Garde, Philip Chilwell. Three Letters
De Lee, Joseph B. Notes on Obstetrics
De mirac[u]lis S[an]c[ta]e Mari[a]e Virg[inis]. Prognosticon futuri seculi. Amphilochei Episcopi Ichonii. In vita et miraculis beati Iohannis elemosinarii. De xv signis xv dierum precedentium diem iudicii. De penetentia Regis Solomonis. [Exposition on the Mass and its meaning]. Hec sunt presepta legis. Expositio brevis Remigii autissioderensis episcopi de ordine misse.
De Mirza, Joel. Letters
De Morgan, Augustus. Lectures on Algebra
De oculo tractatio
De Roover, Florence Edler. Papers
Dean, Clark. Photograph Collection
Debs, Eugene V., Walls and Bars. Manuscript
Debus, Allen G. Papers
Deems, Barrett. Papers
Deland, Margaret Wade. Three Letters to Dr. Hugo Erichsen
Delaurier, E.T. Aérien et moteur à feu : description et dessins. Scrapbook
Demlinger, Sandor. Photograph Collection
Dennis, Helen I. Collection on Theosophical Society
Depense de la Bouche du Roy Louis XIV
Der Monat. Records
Detjen, Harry. Wild Flowers, Shrubs and Trees of the Puget Sound Area
Devotional book. Manuscript (Ms 66)
Devotional book. Manuscript (Ms 79)
Dewey, Donald J. Collection of Frank Knight
Dewey, John. Collection
Dewey, Richard Smith. Papers
Dickens, Charles. Collection
Dieckmann, Annetta M., Papers
Dilworth, Hiram Powers. Papers
Dimock, Edward C. Papers
Dimsdale, Joseph. Collection
Diodorus, Siculus, Bibliotheca historiarum, libri I-VI. Manuscript (Ms 241)
Diodorus, Siculus, Bibliotheca historica. Manuscript (Ms 14)
Diogenes Laertius, De vita et moribus philosophorum. Manuscript (Ms 15)
Director, Aaron. Papers
Dixson, Zella Allen. Papers
Documentary Film Group. Records
Dodd, William E. Papers
Dopierala, Walter C. Comic Book Collection
Douglas Family. Collection
Douglas, Paul H. Papers
Douglas, Stephen A. Papers
Drew, Helen L.. Correspondence
DuBois, Cora. Papers
Duckworth, Sir John Thomas. Papers
Dugan, Dave. Zen Comix. Collection
Duncombe, Ariel. The Practice of Medicine,
Dunham. Allison. Papers
Dunn Family. Collection
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Boggs Family Papers
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Boone Family Papers
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Broadsides, Broadsheets, Pamphlets, and Leaflets
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Christopher Columbus Graham Papers
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Edmund Lyne Estate Records
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. George Nicholas Papers
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. George Rogers Clark Papers
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Government Records
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. James Wilkinson Papers
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Joel Tanner Hart Papers
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Joshua Lacy Wilson Papers
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Lewis Family Papers
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Louisville, Kentucky Board of Trustees Records
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Mann Butler Papers
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Michael Walsh Cluskey Papers
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Miscellaneous Manuscripts and Codices
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Portraits, Illustrations, and Cartographic Material
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Richard H. Collins Papers
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Richard Jouett Meneffee Collection on Matthew Harris Jouett
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Shelby Family Papers
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. William and George Croghan Papers
Durrett, Reuben T. Personal Papers
Dyke, Andrew Lee. Collection
Eby, Kermit. Papers
Eggan, Dorothy. Papers
Eggan, Fred. Papers
Eggan, Joan Rosenfels. Papers
Einstein, Albert. Collection
Elgin, St Charles & Southern Railway Company, Articles of Incorporation.
Eliade, Mircea. Papers
Elliott, William I. Papers
Elmer, Manuel Conrad. Papers
Elshtain, Jean Bethke. Papers
Emberley, Daniel. Alumni Collection
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists. Records
Emerson, Alfred Edwards. Papers
Emil Schwarzhaupt Foundation. Papers
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., Board of Editors. Records
English Recipes
English, William H. Collection
Epstein, Dena. Papers
Erichsen, Hugo. Papers
Ermengaud, Matfre, Breviario de amor. Manuscript (Ms 63)
Ernest, Maurice. Papers
Estrin, Mary Lloyd. Collection
Eubank, Earle Edward. Papers
Eusebius, of Caesarea Historia Ecclesiastica. Manuscript (Ms 18)
Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, Chronica. Manuscript (Ms 17)
Evans, Earl A. Papers
Evensen, Robert L. Alumni Collection
Extracts from Various Works on the Origin of Printing Made by S. Sotheby During His Researches for His Intended Work Thereon
Falk, Ella Tilles. Papers
Fallers, Lloyd A. Papers
Fano, Ugo. Papers
Fantus, Bernard. Collection
Farr, Shirley. Papers
Farrell, James T. Papers
Farris, June. Soviet Travel Collection
Federation of American Scientists. Records
Feeney, Jim. Collection
Feldkamp, Fred. Collection
Feltrio, Orazio Conatus irriti Ossunae ducis ne a regimine Neapolitani regni amoveretur Liber Unus. Manuscript (Ms 20)
Fermi, Enrico. Collection
Fermi, Laura. Papers
Field, Eugene. Correspondence
Fight for Freedom Committee. Records
Filbey, Emery T. Papers
Finder, Morris. Papers
Finnish Folktales. Records
Finsen, Niels R. Clippings
First Flight at Kitty Hawk
Fishacre, Richard, [Sentences-Commentary.] Manuscript (Ms 156)
Fishbein, Morris. Papers
Fiske, Horace Spencer. Papers
Flavin, Martin. Papers
Fleischer, Cornell. Papers
Flint, Edith Foster. Papers
Flood Editions. Records
Flott, Leslie W. Augustus Moore Herring : Typescript
Fogarty, Thomas B. Motors
Fogarty, Thomas B. Scrapbooks
Foster, George Burman. Papers
Fowle, Franke Fuller. The Covered Bridges Across the Contoocook River at Hancock, New Hampshire: Designed and Patented by Col. Stephen H. Long in 1830
Fox, Philip. Collection
Francisco Zea, Carlos de
Franck, James. Papers
Frank, Ira. The Medical Side of Goethe
Fraser, Claud Lovat. Collection
French Currency. Collection
Freund, Ernst. Papers
Friedrich, Paul. Papers
Friends in Council. Records
Frocht, Max Mark. Papers
Frost, Edwin B. Papers
Fuessli, Heinrich Lebens Beschreibung Hrn. Joh. Jac. Breitingers. Manuscript (Ms 332)
Fuller, George D. Papers
Fussler, Herman Howe. Papers
G. Cramer Plate Co. Lantern Slide Plates
Gage, Sir Thomas. A Monograph of the Genus Cenomyce Consisting of Colored Drawings of Each Species and Variety as described in the Lichenographia Universalis of Acharius
Gale, Henry Gordon. Papers
Garfield, James A., Memorabilia
Gates, Frederick Taylor. Papers
Geertz, Clifford. Papers
Geiling, Eugene M. K. Papers
Genealogies of German, Italian and Polish Families
General Archival Files
Gerardus Senensi Distinctiones. Manuscript (Ms 22)
Geschichte der Philosophie nach Hegel, Notes Taken in Lectures
Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Company. Collection
Giles, of Rome, Archbishop of Bourges, De regimine principum. Manuscript (Ms 533)
Gilkey, Charles Whitney. Papers
Gilkey, Langdon. Papers
Glueck, Bernard, Sr. Papers
Goettler, Harold E. Papers
Goettsch, Henry Max. Papers
Goetz, Rachel Marshall. Papers
Goldberger, David. Collection
Goldman, Samuel. Papers
Goldsmith, Joel. Papers
Goldstein, Jan. Papers
Goldstein, Meyer. Alumni Collection
Goodman, Edward. Papers
Goodman, Howard. Papers
Goodrich, Adelaide Eunice. Collection
Goodspeed, Charles Ten Broeke. Papers
Goodspeed, Edgar J. Papers
Goodspeed, Thomas W. Papers
Goodwin Car Company. Photographs
Gosnell, Harold F. Papers
Gossett, Philip. Papers.
Gottschalk, Louis. Papers
Gran Conquista de Ultramar, La. Materials
Grant, Elijah Phelps. Papers
Grauman, Lawrence S. Papers
Grauman, Lawrence S., Jr. Papers
Gray, Albert A., Atlas of Otology: Illustrating the Normal and Pathological Anatomy of the Temporal Bone
Gray, Charles, Papers.
Gray, Charlotte C. Papers
Gray, William Scott. Papers
Green, Arnold. Collection
Green, William. Photographic Collection
Greene-Mercier, Marie Zoe. Papers
Greene, Benjamin Franklin. Lectures in Rational Mechanics
Greene, Wesley H. Papers
Gregory I, Pope, Morali. Manuscript (Ms 59)
Gregory of Nyssa, Saint, Of the framing of man. Manuscript (Ms 111)
Grene, David. Papers
Gridley Family. Papers
Grulee, Clifford Groselle. Papers
Grzeca, Dan. Collection
Guglielmo, da Varignana. Secreta Sublimia ad Varios Curandos Morbos
Guide to Medical Recipes
Guido de Monte Rocherii Manipulus Curatorium. Manuscript (Ms 23)
Gumbel, Emil Julius. Papers
Gunter, Archibald Clavering. Plays
Gunther, John. Papers
Gurley, W.F.E. Papers
Gutiérrez, Ramón. Papers
Gyarfas, Mary. Papers
H. S. Hutchinson (Firm), Cutting in a Whale
Hagerstown and Smithburg Turnpike Company. Records
Haighton, John. Lectures on Midwifery
Hale, George Ellery. Papers
Hale, William Gardner. Papers
Hall, John Vine, Letter
Hall, Robert A., Jr. Papers
Hamilton, Alfred Starr. Papers
Hamilton, Earl J. Papers
Hammond, Eleanor Prescott
Hancock, Winfield Scott. Collection
Handwritten Medical Instructions
Hannum, Carol B. Sketchbooks
Hansen, Harry. Papers
Hansen, Mikkel. Collection of Henry Moore
Hansen, Miriam. Papers
Hanson, J. C. M. (James Christian Meinich). Papers
Harkins, William D. Papers
Harlan, Robert and Lois. Papers
Harper, Paul Vincent. Papers
Harper, Samuel Northrup. Papers
Harper, Samuel. Diaries
Harper, William Rainey. Papers
Harris, Chauncy D. Papers
Harris, Gertrude Epstein. Papers
Harrison, Roland Wendell. Papers
Harrison, Samuel, Sermon Notes on the Apostles’ Creed. Manuscript (Ms 149)
Hart, Schaffner and Marx Labor Agreement. Records
Hauser, Philip M.. Papers
Havighurst, Robert J.. Papers
Haydon, Harold. Papers
Hayner, Norman S.. Papers
Heaton, David F. Papers
Hebrew Tracts on Domestic and Ceremonial Matters. Manuscript (Ms 74)
Heckman, Wallace. Papers
Heirens, William Case. Newspaper Clippings
Hektoen, Ludvig. Papers
Heller, Helen Family. Papers
Henderson, Charles Richmond. Papers
Hendrickson, Carol. Alumni Collection
Henshaw, Paul Stewart. Papers
Herbert, Paul, Jr. Papers
Herrick, James Brian. Papers
Herrick, Robert. Papers
Hess, Julius Hays. Papers
Hilberry, Norman. Papers
Hill, Thomas Brumfield. Alumni Collection
Hilliard, Thomas. Papers
Hirsch, Edwin F. Papers
Historical Manuscripts. Collection
Histories of Pediatric Hospitals. Collection
Hitchcock Family. Papers
Hitchcock, Annie McClure. Papers
Hodgson, Marshall G. S. Papers
Hoebeke, Cornelius. J. Papers
Hoff, Ramon B. Papers
Hogness, Thorfin R. Papers.
Holbrook, Silas P., Medical Daybooks
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Dementia Praecox
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Dementia Praecox and Other Studies
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Outline of the Conditions of a Laboratory Building or Buildings for the Laboratories of Cook County, Especially Those of Cook County Hospital
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Papers
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Papers
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Report
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. The Castor Oil Bean Poison
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. The Punishment of Carl Carleson
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Third Annual Report of Dementia Praecox Studies
Homilies and Religious Treatises. Manuscript (Ms 155)
Hooker, George Ellsworth.City Planning, Transportation and Housing. Collection
Hooper, Frances. Papers
Horace Opera. Manuscript (Ms 27)
Horn, Anton Ludwig Ernst. Horn's Specielle Therapeutik
Horrigan, Brian. Alumni Collection
Horton, Horace Everett, Notes on the Manufacturing of Glucose, Grape Sugars and Starches
Horwitz, Alexander Philip. Papers
Hoselitz, Bert F., Papers
Hospicio de Pobres. Records
Hostetter, Charles Linnaeus. Papers
Howard, Luke. Collection
Howell, Bertha Mae. Alumni Collection
Howell, Standley. Collection
Huffaker, Edward C. Experiments with Gliding Models Conducted by E.C. Huffaker for Mr. O. Chanute, C.E
Huffaker, Edward C. The Kite : Its Mechanism and Equilibrium
Huffaker, Edward C., Soaring Flight
Hughes, Everett Cherrington. Papers
Hughes, George Warner, Jr. Collection
Hulbert Family. Papers
Hulbert, James R. Papers
Humboldt, Alexander von. Letter
Hunt, Henry. Papers. MS 563
Hunt, Leigh, and Craik Family. Collection
Huppert, Max Oscar. Papers on the Cause and Treatment of Epilepsy
Hutchins, Maude Phelps McVeigh. Collection
Hutchins, Robert M., and Associates. Oral History Interviews
Hutchins, Robert Maynard. Papers
Hutchinson, Charles L. Postcards
Hutchinson, William Thomas. Papers
Hutchison, Clyde A., Jr. Papers
Huttner, Sidney F. Papers
Hutton, William Ralph, Papers
Hyde Park and Kenwood Interfaith Council. Records
Hyde Park Center. Collection
Hyde Park Garden Fair Commitee. Records
Hyde Park Herald. Records
Hyde Park High School. Records
Hyde Park Historical Society. Collection
Hyde Park Historical Society. Hyde Park Co-op. Records
Hyde Park Historical Society. Joyce Turner Hilkevitch. Papers
Hyde Park Youth Symphony. Records
Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference. Records
Hyde Park-Kenwood Razed Buildings. Collection
Hyde Park, Kenwood, and Woodlawn Neighborhoods. Collection
Idea of the University of Chicago. Records
IfNotNow UChicago. Collection
Illinois Central Railroad Company. Records
Illinois General Assembly. Submerged and Shore Lands Legislative Investigating Committee. Report
Illinois Joint Committee for the Merit System in Civil Service Records
Illinois Society for Medical Research. Records
Illinois State Charities Commission, Annual Report
Images of Hot Air Balloons and Whitehead's Airplane
Indentured Persons Collection
Indo-Persian Medical Text
Ingalls, Jeremy. Papers
International Association for Cultural Freedom. Records
International Congress of Americanists. Records
International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Records
International Seminar on Comparative Administrative Problems Related to Social and Economic Development. Records
Investigation by the United Mine Workers of Illinois into the Cherry Mine Disaster
Ireland, William Rutherford P. Papers
Isaacs, Roger, Collection of Bud Freeman Papers
Isidorus, Saint, Contra Idudaeos. Manuscript (Ms 28)
Iuschenko, Aleksandr Ivanovich. The Physical Basis of Mental Diseases and their Biologic-Chemical Examinations
Jackson, Eleanor and Julian. Papers
Jackson, Franz. Papers
Jackson, William Henry. Photographs
Jacobs, Phoebe. Papers
Jacobson, Leon O. Papers
James, Stafford. Collection
Jameson, Vesta. Papers
Janowitz, Morris. Collection
Jansson, Lois. Papers
Jay, Frank Webster. Collection
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Artwork and Posters. Collection
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Crilly, Edgar. Collection
Jazz Institute of Chicago. DeMicheal, Don. Papers
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Figi, Jamil. Papers
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Gillis, Frank. Collection
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Granato, Jimmy. Collection
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Martin, Terry. Papers
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Oral Histories
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Peck, Robert. Collection
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Records
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Sheet Music. Collection
Jazz Piano Song Sheet. Collection
Jazz Serial Publications. Collection
Jazz Sheet Music. Collection
Jazz Subject Files. Collection
Jazz Textile. Collection
Jeffries, Benjamin Joy. Correspondence
Jerome, Saint Explanationes in Ysayam, excerpta. Manuscript (Ms 25)
Jervis, John B. The Croton Aqueduct
Ji Zhong Zhi Nan
John Crerar Library. Records
Johns, Sister Agnes. Collection
Johnson, Charles S. (ed.) Education and the Cultural Process. Typescript
Johnson, Edgar N. . Papers
Johnson, Harry. Papers.
Johnson, Oliver. Collection
Johnson, Walter. Papers
Johnston, James Kendall. Papers
Joliet Penitentiary Testimony. Records
Jones, Ella May. Papers
Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. Papers
Jones, Sara Tucker. Collection
Jones, Wellington D. Papers
Jordan, Edwin Oakes. Papers
Journal of Religion. Records
Judd, Charles Hubbard. Papers
Judson, Harry Pratt. Papers
Junker, Buford. Papers
Justinian I, Novellae constitutiones. Manuscript
Juvenal, Satirae. Manuscript (Ms 29)
Juxon, William. Collection
Kahn, Maurice M. Papers
Kaplan, Norman Maurice. Papers
Kapp, Georg Ludwig Karl. Recepttaschenbuch
Karpp Family. Collection of Underwood & Underwood
Kass, Leon. Papers.
Katz, Dewey. Papers
Katz, Friedrich. Papers
Katzenstein, Constance. Papers
Kauder, Hugo. Papers
Kayser, Emanuel. Die devonischen Bildungen der Eifel
Keddie, William. Papers
Keen, Mike. Papers
Khokhlov, Alexei M. Papers
Kidder, Edward. Receipts for Pastry and Cookery
Kimpton, Lawrence A. Papers
Kinoshita, Florence K. Alumni Collection
Kirkham, W.B. Alumni Collection
Kirkpatrick, J. Collection
Kitagawa, Joseph M.
Kittinger, Isaac. Collection
Klauck, Hans-Josef. Papers
Klebs, Friedrich, Zürcherische Seidenwebschule : I Curs : Composition & Décomposition
Klebs, Friedrich, Zürcherische Seidenwebschule : II Curs : Composition & Décomposition
Klebs, Friedrich, Zürcherische Seidenwebschule : Theorie : I Curs
Klebs, Friedrich, Zürcherische Seidenwebschule : Theorie : II Curs
Klein, Ben. Movie Advertising Cuts Collection
Kleitman, Nathaniel. Papers
Kleppa, Ole. Papers
Kluit, Adriaan, Dictata ad Statisticam, zeu Amnem administrationem publicam & Oeconomicam, totius Belgii nostri
Klutznick, Philip M. Papers
Klüver, Heinrich. Papers
Knight, Frank Hyneman. Papers
Koch, Gustav. Papers on Aerial Navigation
Koch, Helen Lois. Papers
Koester, Bob. Collection
Konrad Kristian Karl Lundsgaard. Brillernes Historie (The History of Spectacles), Abstract
Kostuch, Keith. Alumni Collection
Kracke, Edward A., Jr. Papers
Kramer, Ferdinand. Papers
Krämer, Richard. The Theory of Cylinder Skiascopy and its Practical Evaluation
Kraupa, Ernst. Collection
Kraus, Ezra J. Papers
Kraus, Paul. Papers
Krauss, Michael C. Alumni Collection
Kress, Wilhelm. The Aeroplane and its Stability During Flight
Kristof, Ladis Donabed. Soviet Posters. Collection
Krug, Fr. V., Correspondence
Krug, Mark M. Papers
Kruskal, William. Papers
Kuaua Kiva Drawings. Collection
Kupfer-Koberwitz, Edgar. Dachau Diaries
Kurland, Philip B. Papers
Kurtze erlãuterungen derer zeichnungen zu dem Collegio des Ingenieurs, und zwar über die Fortification Passagere
L'histoire universelle de tous les oyseaux de l'univers
Lach, Donald F. Papers
Ladies Matinee Musicale of Woodlawn. Records
Ladurelle. Maimoire pour servir […] la cuisine
Lafayette Manuscripts
Lafayette-Bonaventure. Collection
Laing, Gordon Jenning. Papers
Lamson, Charles Henry. C. H. Lamson's Experiments on Kite Flying
Lan, Ching Huong . Watercolor Sketches Showing Details of Buying, Curing, Packing, and Shipping Tea
Land Grants. Collection
Land Indenture Document
Landahl, Karen. Papers
Landesco, John. Papers
Lane, Ebenezer, Family. Papers
Lang, Harvey. Collection
Lange, Oskar. Papers
Langenbeck, Conrad Johann Martin. Chirurgie
Langley, S. P., The Internal Work of the Wind
Langley, S.P. The Langley Aerodrome
Lanza, Gaetano, Train Resistance
Lanzl, Lawrence H. Papers
Larkin, Emmet. Papers
Latham, Vida Annette. Papers
Latimer, Ronald Lane. Papers
Latin Bible, scattered leaves. Manuscript (Ms 122)
Laughlin, James Laurence. Papers
Laves, Gerhardt. Papers
Le Baron, William. Papers
Le Count, Edwin Raymond. Papers
Leacock, Stephan Butler. Papers
League of Nations Association, Midwest Branch. Records
Lecture Notes. Physiologie von A.F. Hempel
Lee, Elon N. and Edson S. Bastin. Papers
Leites, Nathan. Papers
Leland, Simeon E. Papers
Leo I, Pope, Sermones. Manuscript (Ms 30)
Leopold, Nathan F. Collection
Les Narbonnais : chanson de geste. Manuscript (Ms 708)
Leslie, Leonie. Correspondence
Lester, Helen. Papers
Lester, Robin. Papers
Letters to Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett-Browning
Léveillé, Hector. Catalogue illustré et alphabétique des plantes du Seu Tchouen
Levi, Edward H. Inauguration. Records
Levi, Edward H., Papers
Levine, Donald. Papers and Addenda.
Levinson, Salmon. Papers
Levy, Ernst. Papers
Lewis, Edwin Herbert. Papers
Lewis, Eva Overton and Julian Herman Lewis, MD, PhD Collection
Lewis, Fielding. Papers
Lewis, Leon. Papers
Lewis, Ralph. Papers
Lewis, Sinclair, and Josephine Weil Meyer. Correspondence
Library Quarterly. Records
Lieberman, Harold. Alumni Collection
Lilienthal, Otto. Clippings and Photographs on the Lilienthal Flyer
Lilienthal, Otto. Papers on Aeronautics
Lillie, Frank R. Papers
Lillie, Ralph S. Papers
Limited Editions Club. Collection
Lincoln Collection. American Historical Portraits
Lincoln Collection. American Political Cartoons
Lincoln Collection. Art, Artifacts, and Ephemera
Lincoln Collection. Barton Codex Manuscripts
Lincoln Collection. Broadsides
Lincoln Collection. Cartoons, Drawings and Photographs
Lincoln Collection. Charles Edwards Wilcox. Civil War Diary
Lincoln Collection. Currier & Ives Lithographs
Lincoln Collection. Lincoln Law Cases
Lincoln Collection. Lincoln Miscellaneous Manuscripts
Lincoln Collection. Lincoln Portraits
Lincoln Collection. Monuments and Memorials
Lincoln Collection. Osborn H. Oldroyd. Collection
Lincoln Collection. Publications and Newspapers
Lincoln Collection. Robert S. Todd. Papers
Lincoln Collection. Sheet Music
Lincoln Collection. William E. Barton Collection of Books from the Lincoln and Herndon Law Library
Lincoln Collection. William E. Barton Collection of Lincolniana. The John Hay Library
Lincoln Collection. William E. Barton. Papers
Lincoln, Adaline. Papers
Lincoln, Edwin Hale. Sailing Vessels. Photographs
Lincoln, Robert Todd. Collection
Lindblad, Andrew. Collection
Linford, Alton, Papers.
Link, Adeline De Sale. Papers
Linné, Carl von. Species plantarum exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specifis, nominibus synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas
Lipson, Lillian Rose Witz. Alumni Collection
Lisco, Thomas Edward. Alumni Collection
Llewellyn, Karl N. Papers
Lloyd, Alice. Papers
Llull, Ramon, Ars Brevis
Loeb, Hedwig L. Papers
Longstreet, Stephen. Collection
Lorie, James. Papers
Lous, Christian Carl. Arithmetica, Geometrien, Trigonometrien, Longimetrien, Transformationen
Lovett, Robert Morss. Papers
Lowden, Frank O. Papers
Lowinsky, Edward E. Papers
Lowitz, Leza. Papers
Lucan, Pharsalia. Manuscript (Ms 33)
Luckhardt, Arno B. Papers
Lunde Family. Papers
LVNG. Records
MacClintock, William D. Papers
MacDowell, Charles Henry. Papers
MacFarland, Faye Millard. Papers
Maclean, Norman. Papers
MacNair, Harley F. Papers
MacRae, Donald Alexander. Papers
Madison, James and Dolley Madison. Collection
Mailer, Norman. Manuscript of The Deer Park
Majima, Seigan. Majima Aammoku Ichibu No Gokui No Makimono
Malone, Virginia Eckels. Family. Papers
Maloof, John. Collection of Vivian Maier
Manby, George William. Sketches Made in Greenland
Mandel, Sidney W.. Collection of English Legal Documents
Manly, John Matthews. Papers
Manning, George, Adventures of a Half Guinea. Manuscript (Ms 626)
Manning, Richard. Band. Collection
Manufacturers of Toledo. Committee on Smoke Abatement. Majority Report of the Investigating Committee
Marcus, Ralph. Papers
Margolis, A. Fundamental Principles of Municipal Heating
Markwick, William. Danish Plants Found in the British Isles
Marshall, Arthur W., Madeira-Mamoré Railroad. Records
Martin, August Eduard. Illustrations of Forcepses. Scrapbook
Martin, August Eduard. Notes
Martin, John. Book of Receipts
Martinez, Maria Elena. Papers
Maser, Edward. Papers
Materia Medica
Mathematics Manuscripts
Mather, Kirtley Fletcher. Papers
Mathesius, Johann, Joachimsthaler Chronica. Manuscript (Ms 68)
Mathews, Shailer. Papers
Matthews, Fred. Papers
Mauder, József. Letter
Max Mason. Papers
Maximow, Alexander A. Papers
Mayer, Albert A. Papers
Mayo-Smith, Richmond. Papers
McBurney, Charles. Papers
McCaul, Robert L., Jr. Papers
McClanahan, K.P. Collection of University Ephemera
McClintock, Martha. Papers
McDavid, Raven I. Papers
McDowell, Harold Louis. Collection of the Century of Progress Exposition
McFarland, Ronald E. Collection of Norman Maclean
McHugh, John F. Collection of John Gunther
McKeon, Richard Peter. Papers
McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham. Papers
McLean, Franklin C. Papers
McNeill, William H. Papers
McPartland, Jimmy and Marian. Collection
McQuown, Norman A. Papers
Mead, George Herbert. Papers
Mead, Irene Tufts, Collection of Alice Boughton. Photographs
Mead, Mildred. Photographs
Medical History, Correspondence
Medical Prescriptions
Medical Prescriptions and Other Recipes
Medical Tax Reports, Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Meisen, Vlademar. Treatment of Varices and Their Sequelae by Injection (Eczema and Ulcus Cruris)
Mencken, H. L. Collection
Mendelson, Alan. Alumni Collection
Mentschikoff, Soia. Papers
Merriam, Charles E. Papers
Merriam, Robert E. Papers
Metzler, Lloyd A. Papers
Meyer, Leonard B. Papers
Meyer, Peter. Papers.
Meynell, Alice. Collection
Michelson, Albert A. Papers
Michigan Governor's Committee to Investigate the Detroit Race Riot. Records
Middle Eastern Posters. Collection
Mikesell, Marvin W. Papers
Miles, Nelson Appleton. Collection
Mill, John Stuart. Collection
Milla, Karl, Die Flugbewegung der Vögel
Millard Avenue Woman's Club. Collection
Miller, Merton H. Papers
Miller, Richard L. Alumni Collection
Miller, Robert S. Papers
Mills, Ralph J., Jr. Papers
Milne-Edwards, Alphonse, Mammifères. Mélanges
Minerva. Records
Minnick, James L., University of Chicago Settlement Album
Mirsky, Marvin. Papers
Mitchell, James V., Jr. Alumni Collection
Miyakawa Family Collection
Modern Cook, The
Modern Poetry Collection of Miscellaneous Manuscripts
Modern Poetry Little Magazine Collection
Modern Poetry Photograph Collection
Moedebeck, Herman, W.L. Papers on Aeronautics
Moffitt, George Wilbur. Papers
Monroe, Harriet. Papers
Montgomery, Mike. Collection
Moody, Harriet Brainard. Papers
Moody, William Vaughn. Papers
Moore, Carl R. Papers
Moore, Eliakim Hastings. Papers
Moore, James H. Papers
Morgan, Thomas J. Papers
Morgan, W. W. Papers
Morgenstern, William and George. Papers
Morris, Edward House. Collection
Morris, Norval. Papers.
Morrison, Henry Clinton. Papers
Morton, Charles, Agency. Collection of American Popular Drama
Moscow Twelfth International Congress of Medicine. Scrapbook
Motion Picture Stills. Collection
Muir, Henry Dupee. Collection
Mulliken, Robert S. Papers
Mulliken, Robert S. Scientific Offprints Collection
Munting, Abraham. Phytographia Curiosa
Murdock, Fanny Bristol and Sarah Bristol Family. Papers
Murphy, William S. Papers
Musham, Harry A. The Graphic Solution of Triangles by Means of the Triangle Diagram/Graphic Calculation
Music Relating to the University of Chicago. Records
Nambu, Yoichiro. Papers
Nash, D. A. Letter
Nash, Manning. Papers
National Conferences of Social Work. Records
National Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers. Records
National Opinion Research Center. Records
National Physicians' Committee for the Extension of Medical Service. Records
Native American Educational Services Press. Records
Native American Educational Services. American Indian Business Association. Records
Native American Educational Services. American Indian Chicago Conference. Records
Native American Educational Services. American Indian Economic Development Association. Records.
Native American Educational Services. American Indian Health Service. Records
Native American Educational Services. American Indian Press Association Records
Native American Educational Services. Americans for Indian Opportunity. Records
Native American Educational Services. Armin Beck. Papers
Native American Educational Services. Beaulieu, David. Papers
Native American Educational Services. Chapman, Michael. Papers
Native American Educational Services. Chicago American Indian Community Organization Conference. Records
Native American Educational Services. Chicago Campus. Records
Native American Educational Services. Chicago Community Agencies. Records
Native American Educational Services. Community Board Training Project. Records
Native American Educational Services. David Beck. Papers
Native American Educational Services. Johns, Edith E. Papers
Native American Educational Services. Robert Rietz. Papers
Native American Educational Services. Robert V. Dumont, Jr. Papers
Native American Educational Services. Rose Robinson. Papers
Native American Educational Services. Student Field Projects
Native American Educational Services. Subject Files
Native American Educational Services. Tax, Sol. Papers
Natural History Extracts
Neal, Phil C. Papers
Nef, Elinor Castle. Papers
Nef, Evelyn Stefansson. Papers
Nef, John Ulric, Jr. Papers
Nef, John Ulric, Sr., Papers
New York State Canal Commissioners. Statement of Work
Nicetas, Archbishop of Heraclea, Commentaria in Orationes Gregorii Nazianzeni. Manuscript (Ms 52)
Nicetas, Archbishop of Heraclea, Commentaria in Orationes Gregorii Nazianzeni. Manuscript (Ms 53)
Nichols, Verna Lamantia. Alumni Collection
Nickerson, Aaron. Collection
Niewiarowski, Radzia Jankowski. Papers
Nitecki, Matthew H. Papers
Nitze, William A. Papers
Noé, Adolf Carl. Papers
Norfolk County, Collection of English Deeds
Norman Wait Harris Foundation. Records
Norris, Hoke. Papers
Northrup, George W. Papers
Northwestern Baptist Education Society of Chicago. Records
Norton, Charles Eliot. Correspondence
Notes from Albinus' Lectures on Anatomy at Leyden
Notes on Physiology
Notes on William A. Michel's Fuming Sulphuric Acid. The New Specialty for Cancer
Notgeld. Collection
Noyes, Ida. Papers
Nuveen, John, Jr.. Papers
O'Connell, Charles David. Papers
O'Flaherty, James C. Papers
O'Gorman Mahon. Papers
O'Hara, Frank Hurburt. Papers
O'Hara, James E. Papers
Obermayer, Albert, Concerning the Effect of the Wind Upon Slightly Arched Surfaces
Ochsenheimer, Ferdinand. Verzeichniss der europäischen Schmetterlinge nach Ochsenheimer und Treitschke
Offen, Ron. Papers
Offenbach Archival Depot. Collection
Ogburn, William Fielding. Papers
Old University of Chicago. Records
Olmsted, Charles E. Papers
Olmsted, Wendy. Papers
Olson, Elder. Papers
Oppenheim, Adolf Leo and Elizabeth. Papers
Oral Opinion of Hon. Smith McPherson in the Case of the United States vs. Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railway Company
Origin of Man Symposium. Records
Otway, Samuel, Syntagmatis disputationum. Manuscript (Ms 119)
Packard Airplane Engines. Photographs and Typescripts
Paepcke, Elizabeth H. Papers
Paepcke, Hilken, and Nitze Families. Papers
Paepcke, Walter P. Papers
Page, Anita. Collection of Vivian Gussin Paley
Palyi, Melchior. Papers
Panarity, Gerim M. Papers
Paper Dolls. Collection
Parish, William L. and Martin King Whyte. Collection
Park House. Records
Park, Robert Ezra. Collection
Parker, Eugene. Papers
Parker, Francis Warner. Papers
Parker, Francis Wayland. Papers
Pashutin, Victor. Course of General and Experimental Pathology
Pasteur, Louis. Letter
Patterson, Harry N. Obituary
Patton, Phyllis J. Container Corporation of America. Collection
Payne, Devall. Collection
Pelacani da Parma, Biagio, Quaestiones super libro Methaurorum. Manuscript (Ms 10)
Perlberg, Mark. Papers
Perlman, Helen Harris. Papers
Perrin, Norman. Papers
Perzigian, Jerome. Collection of Philip Roth
Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris, Collectanea in epistolas Pauli. Manuscript (Ms 112)
Petrus, Comestor, Historia scholastica. Manuscript (Ms 120)
Petrus, Comestor, Historia scholastica. Manuscript (Ms 121)
Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life Records
Philips, Horatio. Letter to Octave Chanute
Photomicrographs of Pathologic Preparations
Pickens, Anna Gwin. Papers
Pickering, George. Papers
Pierce, Bessie Louise. Papers
Pietro da Verona, Rubricae super quartum et quintum decretalium. Manuscript (Ms 34)
Pilcher, Percy. Materials for the Study of Aeronautical Experiments
Pinero, Arthur Wing. Collection
Pitcher, Emma Bickham. Papers
Pitcher, W. Alvin. Papers
Platt, Robert S.. Papers
Platzman, Robert Leroy. Papers
Playbill and Program. Collection
Plotnick, Harvey B. Collection of the History of Quantum Mechanics and the Theory of Relativity
Poe, Edgar Allan. Collection
Poetry Center of Chicago. Records
Poetry: A Magazine of Verse. Records
Polanyi, Michael. Papers
Poleni, Giovanni. Specifications and Drawings of the Poleni Calculating Machine by Joannis Poleni
Political Pamphlets. Collection
Pollak, Richard. Collection of Bruno Bettelheim Research Materials
Pollak, Robert. Papers
Pool, Ithiel de Sola. Papers
Popular Literature. Collection
Posner, Richard A., Papers.
Postcards on Wright's Airplane Ascension at Le Mans
Powell, Elizabeth Robbins. My Cookery Books II
Prass, Marjorie Whitney. Papers
Prenant, Auguste. Les Methodes D'enseignement en General et Celles de L'histologie en Particulier
Presidential Campaign Mementos
Price, Ira M. Papers
Primavera. Records
Principes de fabrique pour les étoffes de soie
Proclus, Elementa theologica. Manuscript (Ms 54)
Procopius of Gaza, Epitome Eclogarum in Heptateuchum et Canticum Canticorum. Manuscript (Ms 55)
Ptaszyńska, Marta. Papers
Pugh, Jane. Papers
Putnam, Alfred L. Papers
Putnam, Edward Kirby. Papers
Puttkammer, Ernst W. Papers
Putzel, Max. Papers
Quadrangle Club. Records
Quadranglers. Records
Queen, Stuart Alfred. Papers
Quintana, Ricardo Beckwith, Jr. Papers
R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company. Archive
Rabinowitch, Eugene I., Papers
Railroads, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters
Railroads, Original Contracts and Petitions
Rainforth, S.I. The Stereoscopic Skin Clinic
Rala, Punci. Medicinal Book
Ramanujan, A.K. Papers
Rands, Bernard. Papers
Raphael. Spurious Letters
Rashevsky, Nicolas. Papers
Ray, David. Papers
Razzi, Serafino, Costumi e morte di Papa Alexxandro VI contrario Al P. F : Girolamo Savonarola da Ferrara del ordine de Predicatori. Manuscript (Ms 58)
Read, Douglas. Postcard
Receptarium de medicinis communiter usitatis. Manuscript (Ms 36)
Records of Clinical Case Histories and Postmortem Examinations
Recueil Factice de Cartes et de Plans de Ville de l'Europe et Particulièrement de la France
Redfield, Margaret Park. Papers
Redfield, Robert. Ford Foundation Cultural Studies Program. Records
Redfield, Robert. Papers
Regulae Grammaticae et Rhetoricae With: Ovid, De Remedio Amoris Manuscript (Ms 99)
Reid, Margaret G. Papers
Republican National Convention. Collection
Research Notes Concerning Augustus Moore Herring
Rheinstein, Max. Papers
Ribe, Fred L. Alumni Collection
Rice, Eleanor Smith. Papers
Rice, Stuart Alan. Papers
Richard, of Saint Victor, Religious Treatises. With: Hugo, Argentinensis, Compendium Theologicae Veritatis Manuscript (Ms 102)
Richards, Bob. Productions. Collection
Rickert, Edith. Papers
Rickert, Margaret. Papers
Ricketts, B. Merrill (Benjamin Merrill), Surgery of the prostate, pancreas, and diaphragm
Ricketts, B. Merrill (Benjamin Merrill). The Lung
Ricketts, Howard Taylor. Papers
Riesman, David. Papers
Rise, John Manfred. Papers
Robertson, Wyndham. Papers
Robie House Collection
Rocket Manual A4
Roger of Waltham, Compendium morale. Manuscript (Ms 103)
Rogers, Burton Ray. Papers
Rompon, Peter. Collection
Rosenfeld, Charles H. Papers
Rosenfeld, Isaac. Papers
Rosenthal, Earl. Papers
Rosenthal, Robert. Papers
Rosenthal, Samuel R. and Marie-Louise. Collection of Northern Italian Documents
Rosenwald, Julius. Papers
Rosenwald, Samuel. Papers
Roser, John H. Papers
Rosner, Jonathan. Papers
Rothman, Elizabeth Davidson. Alumni Collection
Rowley, Janet D. Papers
Royal Palm Artifacts and Ephemera. Collection
Rubricae de accusationibus, etc. Manuscript (Ms 39)
Rubricae, libelli, etc. Manuscript (Ms 40)
Rudolph, Lloyd and Susanne. Papers
Ruml, Beardsley. Papers
Rush Medical College. Records
Rush, Benjamin. Lectures
Rush, Benjamin. On the Influence of Physical Causes on the Moral Faculty
Rush, Joseph H. Papers
Ryerson Family. Papers
Ryerson, Caroline Hutchinson. Collection
Ryerson, Martin A. Papers
Ryerson, Martin. Papers
Sagan, Bruce. Papers
Sage, Evan Taylor. Manuscripts
Sahlins, Marshall. Papers
Salgado Correa, Alejo, Libro nombrado memorial de martires de Hespana. Manuscript (Ms 64)
Salisbury, Rollin D. Papers
Salloch, William and Marianne, Collection of Prints and Drawings: “People with Books.”
Sand, Knud Aage Buchtrup. Legal Medicine, its Origin, Development and Status in Modern Times, with Special Regard to Denmark
Sandburg, Carl and Ruth Falkenau. Correspondence
Sandburg, Carl-Joseph Halle Schaffner. Collection
Sanders, Edgar. Papers
Sanders, Edgar. Scrapbooks
Sarton, May. Collection
Saville, Julie. Papers
Saxe, John Godfrey. Collection
Say, Jean Baptiste. Collection
Scammon, Arianna E. Collection
Scammon, Jonathon Young. Papers
Schaffner, Joseph Halle, Collection in the History of Science
Schein, Marcel. Papers
Schevill, Ferdinand. Papers
Schilling, George A., Papers
Schmidt, Frederick H. Alumni Collection
Schmitt, Bernadotte E. Papers
Schneider, David M. Papers
Schomerus, C.P. Ueber die durch das gleichzeitige Vorhandensein eines Herzleidens, einer Struma und eines Exophthalmus characterisirte Krankheit
Schramm, David N. Papers
Schultz, Arthur W. Papers
Schulz, Marjorie Preston. Papers
Schütze, Eva Watson. Photographs
Schütze, Martin. Papers
Schwab, Joseph J. Papers
Schwartz, Samuel. Papers
Schwimmer, Rosika. Papers
Scotch, Hank. Moby Dick Comic Books. Collection
Scott, Arthur Pearson. Papers
Scott, Hugh M. Papers
Scranton, Robert L. Papers
Scrapbook of Clippings on the Boston Subway
Scrapbook of the Chicago Subway System
Sebastian of Naples, Declarationes supplectiones as remissiones. Manuscript (Ms 41)
Second City, The. Recording
Sen, Mrinal. Papers
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, Spurious works. Manuscript (Ms 42)
Senn, Nicholas Papers
Sermones de Adventu Domini. Manuscript (Ms 157)
Sermones Domicales. Manuscript (Ms 158)
Seven Woods Press. Records
Sewell, William H. Papers
Shackelford, Benjamin. Papers
Shapey, Ralph. Papers
Sharp, Benjamin. Peary's North Greenland Expedition and the Relief
Shaw, Albert E. Papers
Sheean, Vincent and Ruth Falkenau. Correspondence
Sheet Music. Collection
Shepherd, David. Papers
Sherer, Albert. Papers
Sherwood, Andrew and Clark. Collection
Shillinglaw, David Lee. Papers
Shimer, Henry. Epidemic Diseases
Shorey, Paul. Papers
Shortall, Harrington. Papers
Silbert, Layle. Papers
Silverberg, James. Papers
Simon, Bernece K. Papers
Simons, Henry C. Papers
Simons, Hi. Papers
Simpson, John A. Papers
Simpson, John A.. Papers. Addenda
Simpson, Tracy W. Electrification Project : The Illinois Central Railroad Company Suburban Service at Chicago, Ill.
Simson, Otto G. von. Papers
Singer, Milton. Papers
Sir Nicholas Bacon Collection of English Court and Manorial Documents
Sketch of East High Green Lead Mine
Slaney Family. Notebooks on Gas and Machinery
Slavery in North America Collection
Sloan, Victor. Alumni Collection
Slotin, Louis Memorial Fund. Records
Slotkin, Elizabeth J. Papers
Slotkin, James Sydney. Papers
Slye, Maud. Papers
Small, Albion W.. Papers
Smetanka, John A. Alumni Collection
Smith, Adolphe. Chicago and the Slaughter House Question : Inspection an Insufficient Guarantee
Smith, Goldwin. Collection
Smith, Harry M. Papers
Smith, J. M. Powis. Papers
Smith, Joseph V. Papers
Smith, Maurine. Papers
Smith, Raymond T. Papers
Smith, Thomas Vernor. Papers
Smyth Family. Papers
Socialist Party of America. Collection
Society of Medical History of Chicago, Bulletin and Correspondence
Society of Medical History of Chicago. Records
Soemmerring, Samuel Thomas von. Icones oculi humani
Sokei-An (Sasaki Shigetsu) and First Zen Institute of America in Japan, Archive of
Solon, Israel. Collection
Sondel, Bess S. Papers
Sondheim, Harry B. and Branka J. Jewish Heritage Collection
Song Plugger Cards. Collection
Song Sheet and Broadside Poem. Collection
Songs and instrumental pieces. Manuscript (Ms 445)
Songs with instrumental ensemble. Manuscript (Ms 446)
Sonnenschein, Robert. Collection
South Park Improvement Association. Records
South Side Academy. Records
South Side Community Art Center. Collection
Spallanzani, Lazzaro. Correspondence
Specielle Pathologie und Therapie
Spektral Quartet. Records
Spencer, William M. Collection of French Manuscripts
Spergel, Irving A. Papers
Sperring, Beverly A., Papers
Spike, Robert W. Papers
Spink, George. Collection
Spitzer, Alexander. Collection
Squibb, Francis P. Papers
Stagg, Amos Alonzo. Papers
Stanfield, Reuel. Autobiography
Stanger, Philip. Collection
Stark, Johann Christian. Hebammen-Buch
Stark, Johann Christian. Über Frauenkrankheiten und Kinderkrankheiten
Starr, Frederick. Liberian Research Collection
Starr, Frederick. Mexican Manuscripts. Collection
Starr, Frederick. Papers
Starrett School for Girls. Records
Statius, P. Papinius, Achilleid. Manuscript (Ms 704)
Steed, Gitel P. Papers
Stein, Howard. Lectures
Steinbrecher, Frederick "Fritz". Collection
Steiner, John. Collection
Stenn, Frederick. Papers
Stent, G.C., Chinese Eunuchs: Or, the Origin, Character, Dress, Duties, and Preparation of the Castrati of China
Stephens, Alexander H. Collection
Stephenson, William A. F., Papers
Stereograph Cards Collection
Stevens, David H. Papers
Stevens, Warder W., Fruit Culture in Indiana
Stewart, Donald E. Papers
Stieglitz-Mathieu. Correspondence
Stiernberg, Ed. Collection
Stirn, Ernest W. and Henry J. Papers
Stoddard, William Osborn. Collection
Stone, Ursula Batchelder. Collection
Strauss, Herbert R. Collection of Theodore Roosevelt Papers
Strauss, Leo. Papers
Strong, Reuben Myron. History of the Stritch Medical School of Loyola University
Stroud, Drew McCord (Ryu Makoto). Papers
Stutz, John G. Papers
Sublett, Michael D. Alumni Collection
Suddeth, Persis Burns. Papers
Sussman, Alan. Collection
Sutherland, Zena Bailey. Papers
Sweet, William Warren. Papers
Swerdlow, Noel M. Collection
Swift, Charles H. Papers
Swift, Harold. Papers
Talbot, Marion. Papers
Taliaferro, Lucy Graves. Papers
Tannenbaum, Edward. Papers
Tax, Ervin Hanwit. Papers
Tax, Sol. Papers
Taylor, Bayard. Collection
Taylor, Edwin W. Papers
Teichmann, Emil. Papers
Test Results for Railway Brake Shoes
Test, Francis W. Papers
The Printed Book: The Materials and Features of a Printed Book
Theatrical Portraits and Illustrations. Collection
Thelen, Herbert. Papers
Théorie de la fabrication des étoffes de soie
Thoma, George F. Collection
Thomas, Augusta Read. Papers
Thomas, Evan A. Papers
Thomas, Roger, Reply to accusations made by Puritan ministers. Manuscript (Ms 109)
Thomas, William I., Papers
Thompson, Manley H. Lectures
Thompson, Manley H. Papers
Thomson, S. Harrison, Collection of Photostats and Microfilms English Medieval Manuscripts
Thomson, Virgil. Papers
Thomson, William H. Clinical Notes of W. H. Thomson's Medical Clinic
Thorn, Edmund, A General History of Printing Wherein is Shewn the Origin of that Noble Art
Ticktin, Esther. Alumni Collection
Tolman, Albert Harris. Notebooks
Topping, Helen. Papers
Toth, Joseph J. Photograph Collection
Towle, Charlotte. Papers
Townshend, George, Marquis Townshend, and Charlotte, Lady Townshend. Collection
Trattato delli orioli solari astronomici, ovvero la maniera di fare questi orologi orizzontali, verticali, e portatili ancora
Tribolet, Harold W. Archive on the Florence Flood
Triggs, Oscar Lovell. Papers
Tröltsch, Anton Friedrich, Freiherr von. Ohrenheilkunde
Trowbridge, Raymond W. Rockefeller Chapel Album
Truran, James. Papers
Tuckerman, Edward. A Synopsis of the Lichenes of New England, the Other Northern States, and British America
Tufts, James Hayden. Papers
Tuttleman Family, Edna S. and Stanley C. Collection of Nineteenth-Century Photographs
Tyler, Ralph W. Papers
U.S. Presidential Inauguration and Rationing Memorabilia.
Ubaldi, Baldo degli, Consilia de Iure. Manuscript (Ms 6)
Ulrey, Grace and Harry. Alumni Collection
Uncle Tom's Cabin. Collection
United States Government War Exposition, 1918. Collection
United States Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board Hearings. Records
United States. Army Sanitary School (Langres, France), Mimeographed Literature of Army Sanitary School
Unity of Science Movement. Records
University Hospitals and Clinics. Auxiliary Committee. Records
University of Chicago Press. Records
University of Chicago Scrapbooks. Collection
University of Chicago Service League. Records
University of Chicago Settlement. Records
University of Chicago. African Studies Workshop. Records
University of Chicago. Alumni Foundation. Records
University of Chicago. Arts, Science and Culture Initiative. Records
University of Chicago. Awards and Prizes. Collection
University of Chicago. Band. Records
University of Chicago. Beecher House. Records
University of Chicago. Biology Club. Records
University of Chicago. Blackfriars. Records
University of Chicago. Board of Trustees. Collection
University of Chicago. Board of Trustees. Correspondence of the Secretary. Records
University of Chicago. Board of Trustees. Minutes
University of Chicago. Board of Trustees. Presidential Search Committees. Records
University of Chicago. Burton-Judson Courts. Records
University of Chicago. Cancer Research. Records
University of Chicago. Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality Records
University of Chicago. Center for the Study of Welfare Policy. Records
University of Chicago. Center for Urban Studies. Records
University of Chicago. Central Administration. Letterbooks
University of Chicago. Chess Club. Records
University of Chicago. Chicago Alumnae Club. Records
University of Chicago. Chicago Lying-In Hospital. Records
University of Chicago. Cityspace: The Past of Urban Renewal and the Future of Community Development. Records
University of Chicago. College of Education. Records
University of Chicago. Committee for the Comparative Study of New Nations. Records
University of Chicago. Committee of the Council of the University Senate. Committee on University Women. Records
University of Chicago. Committee on African Studies. Records
University of Chicago. Committee on Education, Training, and Research in Race Relations. Records
University of Chicago. Committee on Public Policy Studies. Records
University of Chicago. Committee on the Preparation of Teachers. Records
University of Chicago. Community Service Workshop. Records
University of Chicago. Comparative Education Center. Records
University of Chicago. Contemporary Chamber Players. Records
University of Chicago. COVID-19 Archive
University of Chicago. Dean of the College. Records
University of Chicago. Delta Sigma Women's Club. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Anthropology. Chiapas Project. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Anthropology. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Botany. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Buildings and Grounds. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Classics. Photograph Records
University of Chicago. Department of Economics. Records
University of Chicago. Department of English Language and Literature. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Geography. 75th Anniversary Exhibit. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Geography. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Geology. Records
University of Chicago. Department of History. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Mathematics. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Medicine. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Meteorology. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Music. Choral Ensembles. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Music. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Physical Education and Athletics. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Physics. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Physiology. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Political Science. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Psychology. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Sociology. Interviews
University of Chicago. Department of Sociology. Records
University of Chicago. Department of Zoology. Records
University of Chicago. Development Campaigns and Anniversaries. Records
University of Chicago. Division of Humanities. Committee on Deanship. Records
University of Chicago. Division of the Humanities. Comprehensive Examinations. Records
University of Chicago. Division of the Humanities. Research Grants. Records
University of Chicago. Division of the Physical Sciences. Records
University of Chicago. Employees and Employment. Collection
University of Chicago. Faculty Wives' Dinners. Records
University of Chicago. Founders' Correspondence
University of Chicago. Friends of the Library. Records
University of Chicago. Graduate Library School. Records
University of Chicago. Graduate School of Business. Records
University of Chicago. Graduate School of Education. Records
University of Chicago. Harper College Center Rededication Records
University of Chicago. Henderson House. Records
University of Chicago. Hospitals and Clinics. Collection
University of Chicago. Innominates / X-Club. Records
University of Chicago. Institute for Nuclear Studies. Cyclotron. Records
University of Chicago. International House Board of Governors. Records
University of Chicago. International House Council. Records
University of Chicago. John U. Nef Committee on Social Thought. Records
University of Chicago. Laboratory Schools. Records
University of Chicago. Laboratory Schools. Work Reports
University of Chicago. Language Laboratories and Archives. Records
University of Chicago. Law Review. Records
University of Chicago. Law School. Arbitration Study. Records
University of Chicago. Law School. Jury Project. Records
University of Chicago. Library. Chicago Jazz Archive. Exhibits. Records
University of Chicago. Library. Dissertation Office. Records
University of Chicago. Library. Exhibit Publications. Collection
University of Chicago. Library. John Crerar Library. Records
University of Chicago. Library. Office of the Director. Ernest Dewitt Burton and J. C. M. Hanson. Records
University of Chicago. Library. Office of the Director. M. Llewellyn Raney, Ralph A. Beals and Allen T. Hazen. Records
University of Chicago. Library. Office of the Director. Zella Allen Dixson. Records
University of Chicago. Lower Rickert House. Records
University of Chicago. MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics. Records
University of Chicago. Mathematical Club. Records
University of Chicago. Midway Studios. Records
University of Chicago. Model United Nations. Records
University of Chicago. Mortar Board. Records
University of Chicago. New Testament Club. Records
University of Chicago. Nu Pi Sigma. Records
University of Chicago. Nuclear Pile and Plutonium 20th Anniversary Celebrations. Records
University of Chicago. Off-Off Campus. Records
University of Chicago. Office of Public Information. Records
University of Chicago. Office of Public Relations. Records
University of Chicago. Office of Public Relations. Records.
University of Chicago. Office of Radio and Television Records
University of Chicago. Office of Student Activities. Records
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Beadle Administration. Records
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Gray Administration. Records
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Harper, Judson and Burton Administrations. Records
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Hutchins Administration. Records
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Kimpton Administration. Records
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Levi Administration. Records
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Mason Administration. Records
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Scrapbooks
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Wilson Administration. Records
University of Chicago. Office of the Registrar. World War I Service. Records
University of Chicago. Office of the Vice-President. Records
University of Chicago. Office of University News and Information. Records
University of Chicago. Order of the Grey Towers. Records
University of Chicago. Phi Alpha Delta. Law Fraternity. Records
University of Chicago. Phi Beta Delta. Records
University of Chicago. Phi Beta Kappa. Beta of Illinois Chapter. Records
University of Chicago. Phi Eta. Records
University of Chicago. Phi Sigma Delta, Mu Chapter. Records
University of Chicago. Philippine Studies Program. Records
University of Chicago. Philological Society. Records
University of Chicago. Pi Lambda Theta, Lambda Chapter. Records
University of Chicago. Politics and Protest. Collection
University of Chicago. Postcards.Collection
University of Chicago. Psychometric Laboratory. Records
University of Chicago. Record Portfolios of Departments of the University
University of Chicago. Recorder's Office. Records
University of Chicago. Religion on Campus. Collection
University of Chicago. Renaissance Seminar. Records
University of Chicago. Rockefeller Memorial Chapel. Office of the Carillonneur. Records
University of Chicago. Scandinavian Club. Records
University of Chicago. School Color History. Collection
University of Chicago. School of Social Service Administration. Office of the Dean. Alton Linford. Records
University of Chicago. School of Social Service Administration. Office of the Dean. Harold Richman. Records
University of Chicago. School of Social Service Administration. Office of the Dean. Leon Carroll Marshall, Edith Abbott, and Helen R. Wright. Records
University of Chicago. School of Social Service Administration. Photographs
University of Chicago. School of Social Service Administration. WIN Program. Records
University of Chicago. Seventy-fifth Anniversary. Records
University of Chicago. Shorey House. Records
University of Chicago. Social Science Research Committee. Records
University of Chicago. Society for Social Research. Records
University of Chicago. South Asia Language and Area Center. Records
University of Chicago. Student and Alumni Papers and Ephemera. Collection
University of Chicago. Student Government. Records
University of Chicago. Student Housing. Collection
University of Chicago. Student Organizations and Activities. Collection
University of Chicago. Subscriptions for Contributions. Records
University of Chicago. The Shanty. Collection
University of Chicago. The Stochastics. Records
University of Chicago. Tuesday Club. Records
University of Chicago. University Committees on Ranking Policy. Records
University of Chicago. University Extension. Records
University of Chicago. Vice President for Public Affairs. Carl von Linné Monument. Records
University of Chicago. Wartime Military Training Programs. Records
University of Chicago. Web Archive. Collection
University of Chicago. Wilder House. Records
University of Chicago. Women and Women’s Organizations. Collection
University of Chicago. Woodlawn Social Services Center. Records
University of Chicago. World War I Ephemera. Collection
University of Chicago. Yerkes Observatory. Logbooks and Notebooks
University of Chicago. Yerkes Observatory. Office of the Director. Records
Uretz, Vi Fogle. Papers
Urey, Harold C. Papers
Usuard, Martirologium. Manuscript (Ms 116)
Van Biesbroeck, George. Papers
Van Pappelendam, Laura. Papers
Van Vechten, Carl. Photograph Collection
Varro, Margit. Papers
Vater, Friedrich. Papers
Veblen, Thorstein. Papers
Velvet Lounge. Collection
Verse. Records
Veterinary Medicine. Records
Viking Penguin. Collection of Saul Bellow
Vogel, Virgil J. Collection
Vom Greulichen Laster des Volsauffens. Manuscript (Ms 67)
Von Holst, Hermann Eduard. Collection
Voth, Paul D. Papers
Wach, Joachim. Papers
Wachs, Dr. Gerald N. Collection of Tom Stoppard
Waendelin, Svend. Collection
Wagoners’ Guild of Apolda, Germany. Records
Walden, John Morgan. Papers
Walker, David W. Papers
Walker, George C. Scrapbook
Wallace, Elizabeth. Papers
Wallin, Madeline. Papers
Walmsley, William Henry. Collection
Walton, Charles. Collection
Wandel Collection of Manuscript Fragments (Ms 686)
Ward, F. Champion. Papers
Warner, Nancy E. Papers
Warner, W. Lloyd. Papers
Washington Association of Scientists. Records
Washington, George. Collection
Watkins, John Brownson. Papers
Wattenberg, Albert. Papers
Wax, Rosalie Hankey. Papers
Webster, George Washington. Lectures on Physical Diagnosis
Webster's Third New International Dictionary. Clippings
Weeks, Charles Bryant Frederick. Papers
Weil, Roman, Collection of Boris Artzybasheff
Welcker, Adair. Papers
Weller, Stuart. Papers
Welling, Harriet Walker. Papers
Wells, Edward Franklin. Papers on Pneumonic Fever
Wells, Edward Franklin. Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Wells, Ida B. Papers
Westinghouse Air Brake Company, The Story of the Air Brake
Whistler, George William, Report to Count Kleinmichel on gauge of track to be used in the St. Petersburg and Moscow Railroad
White, Leonard D. Papers
Whitman, Charles Otis. Collection
Whitman, Walt, "The Bible as Poetry." Manuscript
Whitman, Walt. Collection
Whitney, Harry. Hunting with the Eskimos Album
Whittlesey, Charles. Letter
Whyte-Melville, G. J. Collection
Wiest, Michael Edward. Papers
Wigmore Abbey chronicle and Brut chronicle. Manuscript (Ms 224)
Wilcox. Delos Franklin. Papers
Wilczynski, Ernest J. Papers
Wilder, Thornton. Papers
Wilkening, Marvin. Papers
Williams, Anne D. Alumni Collection
Willis, Alfred. Collection of African-American Popular Fiction
Wilson, John Todd. Papers
Wilson, Thomas E. Family. Collection
Wilt, Napier. Papers
Winkelman, Dr. James W. Alumni Collection
Winstein, Bruce. Film Poster Collection
Winstein, Bruce. Papers
Winston, Thomas. Papers
Wirth, Louis. Papers
Wirth, Mary Bolton. Papers
Withrow, Thomas Foster. History of the Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railway Company from its Inception, February 27, 1847 to Date
Wolfe, Richard J. Collection of Paper Marbling and Allied Book Arts. Marbled Paper Specimens Collection
Woll, Allen. Alumni Collection
Wollan, Ernest O. Collection
Woodruff, Timothy Lester. Papers
World Citizens Association. Central Committee. Records
World Citizens Association. Chicago Group. Records
World Conference on Faith and Order. Collection
World Movement for World Federal Government. Records
World Republic. Records
World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893. Collection
Worner, Ruby K. Papers
Worshipful Company of Weavers. Charter, 1707, copy
Wright, Courtenay. Papers
Wright, Quincy. Papers
Wu, Sylvia. Alumni Collection
Wyatt, Edith. Papers
Wyler, Silvain and Arma. Collection
Yates, Edgar S. Printing examples
Yoffee, William M. Collection
Yoshitoyo, Ichiryusai. Mashin teate kiho no ben, Makiyama Sensei dempo
Yuan, T'ung-li (Yuan, Tongli). Papers
Zabel, Morton Dauwen. Papers
Zeisel, Eva. Papers
Zeisel, Hans. Papers
Zendel, Kenneth. Alumni Collection
Zide, Arlene. Papers
Zlotow, Walt J. Alumni Collection
Znaniecki, Florian. Papers
Zuccarello, Paul. Collection