57th Street Art Fair. Records |
A River Runs Through It Production. Collection |
Abbott, Edith and Grace. Papers |
Abraham, Alton. Collection of Sun Ra |
Abraham, Bernard M. Papers |
Account Book |
ACT UP Chicago. Records |
Addams, Jane. Collection |
Adkins, Arthur. Papers |
Adler, Max. Collection |
Adler, Mortimer J.. Papers |
Adye, Ernest Howard, Twentieth Century Atlas of Microscopical Petrography |
Aeckern, Georg Christoph von. Receptenbuch |
Aethicus Ister. Aethici Philosophi Schytae Cosmographia |
Ahlfeld, Johann Friedrich. Collection of Drawings of Medical Deformities |
Aichinger, Wolff. Rezeptbϋcher |
Albert, Abraham Adrian. Papers |
Albert, Allen D., Reports on World's Fairs |
Alberti, Leon Battista, De re aedificatoria. Manuscript (Ms 1) |
Albertus, Magnus, Saint, De homine. Manuscript (Ms 2) |
Albright, Ivan, Exhibit. Records |
Albright, Ivan, Medical drawings made direct from patients & in operating room in Base Hospital # 11 located at Nantes, France, Manuscript (Ms 1560) |
Album of Engravings and Photographs of American Locomotives |
Aldis, Mary Reynolds. Papers |
Allee, Warder Clyde. Papers |
Allgemeine Pathologie |
Allison, Samuel King. Papers |
Almanach durch Barptolomeũ Reysacher... gemacht auff das Jar M.D.LVIII (Ms 1038) |
Altrocchi, Rudolph and Julia Cooley Altrocchi. Papers |
Altscheler, Brent. Collection of Photographs of Kentucky |
Alvarez, Geraldine. Papers |
Amberg, Alan. Gay History Collection |
American Association for Public Opinion Research. Records |
American Association of University Professors. Records |
American Baptist Education Society. Records |
American Civil Liberties Union. Illinois Division. Records |
American Hospital Association. Odin W. Anderson. Papers |
American Institute of Sacred Literature. Records |
American Journal of Theology. Records |
American Neurological Association. Records |
American Paper Currency. Collection |
American Reactionary Political Ephemera. Collection |
American Recipes |
American Standard Bible Committee. Records |
American Veterans Committee, Chicago Area Council. Records |
Ames, Edward Scribner. Papers |
Ames, Polly Scribner. Papers |
Ames, Van Meter. Papers |
Anania, Michael. Papers |
Anderson, C. Arnold. Papers |
Anderson, Charles B. Fake Books. Collection |
Anderson, Herbert L. Papers |
Anderson, William H. and the Anti-Saloon League. Papers |
Andral, Gabriel. Cours de Pathologie Interne |
Anitiphonarium for Matins. Manuscript (Ms 967) |
Anthropology Curriculum Study Project. Records |
Antonio de Raho, In rubricas soluto matrimonio. Manuscript (Ms 37) |
Archaismus Graphicus ab Henrico Spelmanno Conscriptus in Usum Filibrum Suorum |
Archicofradía del Santísimo Sacramento y Caridad. Records |
Archival Biographical Files |
Archival Buildings File |
Ardrey, Robert. Papers |
Aristotle, De moribus ad Nicomachum. Manuscript (Ms 5) |
Arnett, Trevor. Papers |
Arnoux, Hippolyte, Canal du Suez |
Artistic Circles. Records |
Ascoli, Peter. Papers |
Asher, Louis E.. Papers |
Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep Records |
Association of American Universities. Records |
Association of Cambridge Scientists. Records |
Association of Los Alamos Scientists. Records |
Association of Oak Ridge Engineers and Scientists. Records |
Association of Pasadena Scientists. Records |
Association of Scientists for Atomic Education. Records |
Astrophysical Journal. Records |
Atkinson, Fred W. Drama Collection |
Atomic Scientists of Chicago. Records |
Atomic Scientists. Miscellaneous Records |
Atomic Scientists' Printed and Near-Print Material. Records |
Audubon, John James. Letter |
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, Theological treatises. Manuscript (Ms 110) |
Austen, Jake. Zine Collection |
Austiefungen in der Nordsee bei Juist, Langeoog & Spiekeroog |
Austrian, Celia and Delia. Papers |
Averroës, Notabilia Dicta; Albertus Magnus, Tractatus Proportionum; Anonymous, Latitudines Formarum; and Robertus Anglicus, Compilatio Super Tractatu de Sphaera. Manuscript (Ms 3) |
B. Heller & Co. Collection |
Bachner, Rudolph. Papers |
Bacon, Charles R. Alumni Collection |
Baer, Joseph Louis. Papers |
Baily, Walter. Papers |
Bakwin, Dr. Harry and Dr. Ruth Morris Bakwin. Soviet Posters. Collection |
Balderston, John L., Jr. Collection |
Baldridge, Cyrus Le Roy. Collection |
Baldwin, Loammi. Papers |
Balzac Research Collection of E. Preston Dargan |
Bandettini, Teresa. Poems (Ms 1445) |
Baptist Divinity House. Records |
Baptist Ministers' Conference, Chicago. Records |
Baptist Theological Faculties Union. Records |
Baptist Theological Union. Records |
Baptist Union Theological Seminary. Records |
Barnard. Edward Emerson. Papers |
Barnes, Broda Otto Papers |
Barnes, David Leonard. Iron & Steel in Car Construction: Memoranda on Pressed Steel |
Barnes, David Leonard. Specifications for Locomotive Details |
Barrash, Annette Medow. Collection |
Barron, Elwyn A. Papers |
Barrows, Harlan H. Papers |
Barrows, Samuel J., Papers |
Bartky, Walter, Papers |
Bartlett, Frederick. Recipe for Pills |
Bartolozzi, Francesco. Collection |
Barzi, Benedetto, and Angelo Gambiglioni, Rubricae. Manuscript (Ms 8) |
Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea, De legendis gentilium libris. Manuscript (Ms 45) |
Bastin, Edson Sunderland. Papers |
Baur, E. Jackson. Papers |
Bay, J. Christian. Alphabetical Index to The Birds of America by John James Audubon |
Bay, Jens Christian. Scrapbook on Pulitzer Prizes in Journalism |
Beadle, George Wells. Papers |
Beaumont, William. Collection |
Beaver, R. Pierce. Papers |
Becker, Gary S. Papers |
Becker, Hans Karl. Schriften zur Höhlenkunde |
Bekanttnus oder Symbolum S. Athanasij: von der heÿligen drÿfelttigkeit, wider die Arrianer. Manuscript (Ms 150) |
Bekker, Immanuel. Papers |
Belfield, Henry H. and Belfield Family. Papers |
Bell, Laird. Papers |
Bellow, Saul and Mary Otis. Seize the Day. Manuscript |
Bellow, Saul. Papers |
Bennett, A. Milo. Papers |
Benon, Raoul. Titres en Travaux du Docteur R. Benon |
Benton, William. Papers |
Berelson, Bernard R., Study of Graduate Education. Records |
Berlin Wall Photographs. Collection |
Bernard of Clairvaux, De consideratione. Manuscript (Ms 9) |
Bernard, Claude. Dessins originaux pour le Précis iconographique de médecine opératoire et d'anatomie chirurgicale, par C. Bernard et Ch. Huette |
Bernard, Luther Lee. Papers |
Bernstein, Seymour. Papers |
Berthollet, Claude Louis. Rapport sur une mémoire de M. Cluzel ayant pour object l'analyse du soufre liquide de Lampadius |
Bevington, Margaret. Papers |
Bewick, Thomas. Wood Blocks |
Beyer, Erwin F. "Bud". Papers |
Bibfeldt, Franz. Papers |
Bibliotheca Riviana sive Catalogus Librorum |
Bickham Family. Papers |
Bickham, Martin Hayes. Papers |
Bigelow, Harry A. Papers |
Bill, Charles A. Collection of Yousuf Karsh. Photographs |
Billings, Frank. Papers |
Billings, John S. Letter |
Bjerrum, Jannik. Two papers on Glaucoma |
Blackwood, Easley. Papers |
Blair, Gavin, Commentarii in libros ethicos Aristotelis. Manuscript (Ms 101) |
Blair, James. Collection |
Blakemore, William Barnett. Papers |
Blatchford, E.W. Hog Raising and the Pork Packing Industry in America |
Blayney, James Roy. Papers |
Blind, Karl. Collection |
Block, Jean F. Papers |
Bloom, William. Papers |
Bloomfield, Leonard, and Clarence L. Barnhart. Collection |
Bloomfield, Leonard. Papers |
Blum, Walter J. Papers |
Boccaccio, Giovanni Genealogia Deorum Gentilium Manuscript (Ms 100) |
Boccaccio, Giovanni, Il filocolo. Manuscript (Ms 57) |
Boerhaave, Herman. Supplementa Dictatis in Institutiones & Aphorismos Boerhaavii, Notes on |
Bogorad, Lawrence. Papers |
Bogue, Donald J. Papers |
Bohr, Niels. Collection |
Bonner, Amy. Papers |
Bonney Family. Correspondence |
Book of hours (use of Châlons-sur-Marne.) Manuscript (Ms 26) |
Bookstein, Abraham. Papers |
Boop, John. Alumni Collection |
Boot, George William. The Diagnosis of Osteosclerosis |
Bothman, Louis. Papers |
Bowes' Family. Papers |
Bowman, James Edward. Papers |
Bowman, Mary Jean. Papers |
Boynton, Percy. Papers |
Bradbury, Dorothy Edith. Papers |
Bradford, Amory H. Papers |
Brainerd, Mary Bowen. Papers |
Brannen, Noah S. Papers |
Braude, Lee. Papers |
Braude, Marjorie. Papers |
Brauer, Jerald. Papers |
Braxton, Anthony. Collection |
Bray, George Eben. Equipment for Drying Fruits and Vegetables Which can be Made at Home |
Breckinridge, Sophonisba P. Papers |
Bressie, Ramona. Papers |
Bretonière, J. Sailing Flight, from Observations Made at Constantine, Algeria |
Bretz, J Harlen. Papers |
Briggs, Lloyd Vernon. Sanity Hearings and Criminal Cases of Clarence V.T. Richeson, Leon F. Czolgosz, and Bertram C. Spencer |
British Lottery Handbills |
British Romance Novelettes and Popular Paperbacks. Collection |
Brooks, Shirley. Collection |
Broussais, François Joseph Victor. Pathologie Interne, [and] Physiologie. Lecture Notes |
Brown, Edward K. Papers |
Brown, Frieda S. Papers |
Brown, Rachel Fuller. Notebooks |
Brownlow, Louis. Diaries |
Bruni, Leonardo, De primo bello Punico. Manuscript (Ms 31) |
Bruni, Leonardo, Opuscula varia. Manuscript (Ms 32) |
Bryan, Charles W., Jr. Collection |
Buchsbaum, Ralph. Papers |
Buckingham and Carnatic Mills Photograph Collection |
Buitenen, J. A. B. van. Papers |
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Records |
Bulstrode, Edward, Meditations on passages from the Bible. Manuscript (Ms 118) |
Bunting, Sir Percy William. Papers |
Burchardus de Monte Sion. Descrioptio seu declaratio terrae sanctae. Manuscript (Ms 707) |
Burgess, Ernest Watson. Papers |
Burgess, Ernest Watson. Papers. Addenda |
Burlingam, D. E., Notes on lectures at Chicago Medical College, Mercy Hospital, and Cook County Hospital |
Burnet, Gilbert, History of the Reformation of the Church of England. Manuscript (Ms 114) |
Burroughs, John. The Flight of Birds |
Burrows, Thomas Wilson. Surgical Kit |
Burrows, William. Papers |
Burton, Ernest DeWitt. Papers |
Butler-Gunsaulus. Collection |
Butler, Demia. Papers |
Butler, Digby B. Papers |
Buzzell, Edgar A. Collection |
Byrne, John. Clinical Notes on the Electric Cautery in Uterine Surgery |
Caballero, Fernán. Papers |
Cafferty, Pastora San Juan. Papers |
Cahusac, Jean Marie, Lettres de Mr. Cahusac, Américain, Juge de Paix à Fleurance. Manuscript (Ms 798) |
Calderino, Domizio, Commentaria in Martialem. Manuscript (Ms 11) |
Camp Farr Collection |
Campbell, Gladys. Papers |
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick. Letters |
Campbell, Wilbur and Valarie. Collection |
Campbell, William Henry, Correspondence |
Cannon, William B. Papers |
Capodagli, Julie. Collection |
Cappon, Alexander Patterson. Papers |
Carla Bennett Collection of Robert Redfield Papers |
Carlson, Anton Julius. Papers |
Carlson, LeRoy T. Papers |
Carnegie Council On Children. Records |
Carpenter, Frederick Ives. Papers |
Carroll, Paul D. Papers |
Carter, Henry Kendall. Papers |
Carter, John Stewart. Papers |
Casson, Harvey. Papers. |
Castle, Henry Northrup. Papers |
Castle, Mabel Wing. Papers |
Cate, James Lea. Papers |
Catterall, Helen Tunnicliff and Ralph C. H. Catterall Family. Papers |
Central Pacific Railway Company. Blueprints |
Century of Progress International Exposition Press Releases |
Century of Progress International Exposition Publications |
Century of Progress International Exposition Scrapbook |
Century of Progress International Exposition. Collection |
Chaffee, Daniel D. Alumni Collection |
Chalmers, Charles H. The Helicopter |
Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder. Papers |
Chambers, Caleb Stockton. Collection |
Chambers, H. Collection |
Chandler, David. Collection |
Chandrasekhar, Lalitha. Papers |
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan. Papers |
Chanute, Octave. Balloons in the Recent War |
Chanute, Octave. Clippings on Aeronautics |
Chanute, Octave. Collected Papers on Civil Engineering and Aeronautics (CrMs 168) |
Chanute, Octave. Letters |
Charles R. Walgreen Foundation. Records |
Chaucer Research Project. Records |
Checklist of the Official Publications of the Century of Progress International Exposition and Its Exhibitors |
Chemins de fer du Centre, de Moulins a Roanne |
Chernick, Cedric L. Collection |
Chessman, Dorothy Crowder. Papers |
Chicago Association of Commerce. Industrial Department. Report |
Chicago Belt Railroad Company. Records. |
Chicago Child Welfare Exhibit. Collection |
Chicago Citizens Commission to study the Disorders of Convention Week. Records |
Chicago Citizens Police Committee. Records |
Chicago Civil Service League. Records |
Chicago Committee of Fifteen. Records |
Chicago Committee to Save Lives in Chile Records |
Chicago Commons. Collection |
Chicago Communist Party. Records |
Chicago Drama Performances. Index |
Chicago Fire Newspaper Collection |
Chicago Foreign Language Press Survey. Records |
Chicago Heart Association. Records |
Chicago Institute: Academic and Pedagogic. Records |
Chicago Jazz Archive. WTTW Collection |
Chicago Laryngological and Ontological Society. Records |
Chicago Library Club, Records |
Chicago Manual Training School. Records |
Chicago Mechanics' Institute. Records |
Chicago Municipal Museum. Records |
Chicago Neurological Society. Records |
Chicago Pediatric Society. Records |
Chicago Psychological Association. Records |
Chicago Repertory Group Collection of Scripts and Scrapbooks |
Chicago Review. Records |
Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy. Records |
Chicago Society of Artists. Records |
Chicago Stage and Screen. Collection |
Chicago Theatre. Collection of Historical Programs |
Chicago Weekly News. Photo Negative Collection |
Chicago Women's Alliance. Records |
Chicago Zine Collection |
Chicago Zine Collection. Zinemercado |
Chirurgie aus Pierre Franco, Abstract of |
Choice, Harriet. Collection |
Chronicle of Venice to 1618. Manuscript (Ms 1003) |
Church History Documents. Collection |
Chute, Hillary. Collection of Catwoman |
Citizens Forum. Records |
Civic Disarmament Committee for Handgun Control. Records |
Clark, Charles M. Record of Cases both Surgical and Medical, Operations, Post Mortem Examinations, etc. |
Clark, E. Payson., Jr. Papers |
Clark, Solomon H. Papers |
Cleaner Air Committee of Hyde Park-Kenwood. Records |
Cliff, Melissa. Collection |
Clinton Global Initiative University. Collection |
Clippings and Pamphlets on Galveston Harbor |
Clippings on Social Evils in Chicago: Chiefly the Saloon |
Clippings on Vice in Chicago |
Closeted/Out in the Quadrangles. Oral Histories. Collection |
Clowes, Daniel. Archive |
Coase, Ronald H. Papers |
Coggeshalll, Lowell T., Papers |
Cohen, Jerry, Photograph Collection |
Cohen, Morris Raphael. Papers |
Cohn, Bernard. Papers |
Collection of Domestic and Medical Recipes |
Collection of German Medical and Pharmaceutical Formulae |
Collection of Medical Prescriptions and Notes on Folk Medicine |
Collection of Recipes |
Colonna, Asconia, Judicium in Caesarem Baronium de Monarchia Sicilia. Manuscript (Ms 13) |
Colored Pathologic Drawings |
Commemorative Dinner Plates. Collection |
Commentaries on Aristotle's Work |
Commission on Freedom of the Press. Records |
Commission on Race and Housing. Records |
Committee for Aid to German and Austrian Scholars. Records |
Committee on Science and Freedom. Records |
Committee to Frame a World Constitution. Records |
Compton, Arthur Holly. Papers |
Condit, Lester. Papers |
Cone, Fairfax M. Papers |
Confalonieri, Giovanni Aloisio De Fide, Spe et Charitate Manuscript (Ms 148) |
Container Corporation of America. Collection |
Contract, Inscribed Tablet |
Cook, Orator F. Papers |
Cookbook |
Correspondence, Estimates and Other Memoranda Relative to Motive Power on the Chicago & South Side Rapid Transit Company's Elevated Road |
Coryell, Charles D. Papers |
Coryn, W.J., Pain |
Coulter, John Merle. Papers |
Coulter, Merle C. Papers |
Coulton, George Gordon. Papers |
Council on Anthropology and Education. Records |
Country Home for Convalescent Children. Board of Trustees. Records |
Court Theatre. Records |
Courtney, R. Howard. Chicago Poster and Ephemera Collection |
Courtney, R. Howard. Miscellany Collection |
Courtney, R. Howard. Poster and Ephemera Collection |
Cowles, Henry C. Collection |
Crane, Ronald S. Papers |
Crawford, Wylie. Collection of Carilloniana |
Cremation Association of America, Proceedings of the Convention |
Crerar Library Collection of Patent Medicines |
Crerar, Adams & Co. Collection |
Cronin, James. Papers |
Crossroads International Student Center. Records |
Cruikshank, George. Collection |
Cruz Gil, Rafael Collection of Spanish Civil War |
Culbertson, William S., Papers |
Culianu, Ioan P. Papers |
Cullen, William. Practice of Physic |
Cunningham, Anna Payne. Collection |
Cunningham, James Vincent. Papers |
Cupani, Francisco. Hortus Catolicvs seu' illustrissimi et excellentissimi Principis Catholicae, ducis Misilmeres, comitis Uicaris, baronis Prizis |
Cuppy, Will. Papers |
Current Anthropology. Records |
Currie, Brainerd. Papers |
Curtiss, John Christlieb. Papers |
D'Alton, John. Collection |
Danner, Margaret. Papers |
Danos, Michael. Papers |
Darrow, Clarence. Papers |
Darwin Centennial Celebration. Records |
Darwin, Charles. Scientific Communication |
Davis, Allison. Papers |
Davis, Dorothy. Alumni Collection |
Davis, Fred Merrill. Central Power Station Equipment for Telephone Exchanges |
Davis, Jefferson, Trial Papers. MS 979 |
Day, Warren J. Papers |
De Forest, Lee. Papers |
De La Garde, Philip Chilwell. Three Letters |
De Lee, Joseph B. Notes on Obstetrics |
De mirac[u]lis S[an]c[ta]e Mari[a]e Virg[inis]. Prognosticon futuri seculi. Amphilochei Episcopi Ichonii. In vita et miraculis beati Iohannis elemosinarii. De xv signis xv dierum precedentium diem iudicii. De penetentia Regis Solomonis. [Exposition on the Mass and its meaning]. Hec sunt presepta legis. Expositio brevis Remigii autissioderensis episcopi de ordine misse. |
De Mirza, Joel. Letters |
De Morgan, Augustus. Lectures on Algebra |
De oculo tractatio |
De Roover, Florence Edler. Papers |
Dean, Clark. Photograph Collection |
Debs, Eugene V., Walls and Bars. Manuscript |
Debus, Allen G. Papers |
Deems, Barrett. Papers |
Deland, Margaret Wade. Three Letters to Dr. Hugo Erichsen |
Delaurier, E.T. Aérien et moteur à feu : description et dessins. Scrapbook |
Demlinger, Sandor. Photograph Collection |
Dennis, Helen I. Collection on Theosophical Society |
Depense de la Bouche du Roy Louis XIV |
Der Monat. Records |
Detjen, Harry. Wild Flowers, Shrubs and Trees of the Puget Sound Area |
Devotional book. Manuscript (Ms 66) |
Devotional book. Manuscript (Ms 79) |
Dewey, Donald J. Collection of Frank Knight |
Dewey, John. Collection |
Dewey, Richard Smith. Papers |
Dickens, Charles. Collection |
Dieckmann, Annetta M., Papers |
Dilworth, Hiram Powers. Papers |
Dimock, Edward C. Papers |
Dimsdale, Joseph. Collection |
Diodorus, Siculus, Bibliotheca historiarum, libri I-VI. Manuscript (Ms 241) |
Diodorus, Siculus, Bibliotheca historica. Manuscript (Ms 14) |
Diogenes Laertius, De vita et moribus philosophorum. Manuscript (Ms 15) |
Director, Aaron. Papers |
Dixson, Zella Allen. Papers |
Documentary Film Group. Records |
Dodd, William E. Papers |
Dopierala, Walter C. Comic Book Collection |
Douglas Family. Collection |
Douglas, Paul H. Papers |
Douglas, Stephen A. Papers |
Drew, Helen L.. Correspondence |
DuBois, Cora. Papers |
Duckworth, Sir John Thomas. Papers |
Dugan, Dave. Zen Comix. Collection |
Duncombe, Ariel. The Practice of Medicine, |
Dunham. Allison. Papers |
Dunn Family. Collection |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Boggs Family Papers |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Boone Family Papers |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Broadsides, Broadsheets, Pamphlets, and Leaflets |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Christopher Columbus Graham Papers |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Edmund Lyne Estate Records |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. George Nicholas Papers |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. George Rogers Clark Papers |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Government Records |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. James Wilkinson Papers |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Joel Tanner Hart Papers |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Joshua Lacy Wilson Papers |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Lewis Family Papers |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Louisville, Kentucky Board of Trustees Records |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Mann Butler Papers |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Michael Walsh Cluskey Papers |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Miscellaneous Manuscripts and Codices |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Portraits, Illustrations, and Cartographic Material |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Richard H. Collins Papers |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Richard Jouett Meneffee Collection on Matthew Harris Jouett |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. Shelby Family Papers |
Durrett, Reuben T. Collection. William and George Croghan Papers |
Durrett, Reuben T. Personal Papers |
Dyke, Andrew Lee. Collection |
Eby, Kermit. Papers |
Eggan, Dorothy. Papers |
Eggan, Fred. Papers |
Eggan, Joan Rosenfels. Papers |
Einstein, Albert. Collection |
Elgin, St Charles & Southern Railway Company, Articles of Incorporation. |
Eliade, Mircea. Papers |
Elliott, William I. Papers |
Elmer, Manuel Conrad. Papers |
Elshtain, Jean Bethke. Papers |
Emberley, Daniel. Alumni Collection |
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists. Records |
Emerson, Alfred Edwards. Papers |
Emil Schwarzhaupt Foundation. Papers |
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., Board of Editors. Records |
English Recipes |
English, William H. Collection |
Epstein, Dena. Papers |
Erichsen, Hugo. Papers |
Ermengaud, Matfre, Breviario de amor. Manuscript (Ms 63) |
Ernest, Maurice. Papers |
Estrin, Mary Lloyd. Collection |
Eubank, Earle Edward. Papers |
Eusebius, of Caesarea Historia Ecclesiastica. Manuscript (Ms 18) |
Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, Chronica. Manuscript (Ms 17) |
Evans, Earl A. Papers |
Evensen, Robert L. Alumni Collection |
Extracts from Various Works on the Origin of Printing Made by S. Sotheby During His Researches for His Intended Work Thereon |
Falk, Ella Tilles. Papers |
Fallers, Lloyd A. Papers |
Fano, Ugo. Papers |
Fantus, Bernard. Collection |
Farr, Shirley. Papers |
Farrell, James T. Papers |
Farris, June. Soviet Travel Collection |
Federation of American Scientists. Records |
Feeney, Jim. Collection |
Feldkamp, Fred. Collection |
Feltrio, Orazio Conatus irriti Ossunae ducis ne a regimine Neapolitani regni amoveretur Liber Unus. Manuscript (Ms 20) |
Fermi, Enrico. Collection |
Fermi, Laura. Papers |
Field, Eugene. Correspondence |
Fight for Freedom Committee. Records |
Filbey, Emery T. Papers |
Finder, Morris. Papers |
Finnish Folktales. Records |
Finsen, Niels R. Clippings |
First Flight at Kitty Hawk |
Fishacre, Richard, [Sentences-Commentary.] Manuscript (Ms 156) |
Fishbein, Morris. Papers |
Fiske, Horace Spencer. Papers |
Flavin, Martin. Papers |
Fleischer, Cornell. Papers |
Flint, Edith Foster. Papers |
Flood Editions. Records |
Flott, Leslie W. Augustus Moore Herring : Typescript |
Fogarty, Thomas B. Motors |
Fogarty, Thomas B. Scrapbooks |
Foster, George Burman. Papers |
Fowle, Franke Fuller. The Covered Bridges Across the Contoocook River at Hancock, New Hampshire: Designed and Patented by Col. Stephen H. Long in 1830 |
Fox, Philip. Collection |
Francisco Zea, Carlos de |
Franck, James. Papers |
Frank, Ira. The Medical Side of Goethe |
Fraser, Claud Lovat. Collection |
French Currency. Collection |
Freund, Ernst. Papers |
Friedrich, Paul. Papers |
Friends in Council. Records |
Frocht, Max Mark. Papers |
Frost, Edwin B. Papers |
Fuessli, Heinrich Lebens Beschreibung Hrn. Joh. Jac. Breitingers. Manuscript (Ms 332) |
Fuller, George D. Papers |
Fussler, Herman Howe. Papers |
G. Cramer Plate Co. Lantern Slide Plates |
Gage, Sir Thomas. A Monograph of the Genus Cenomyce Consisting of Colored Drawings of Each Species and Variety as described in the Lichenographia Universalis of Acharius |
Gale, Henry Gordon. Papers |
Garfield, James A., Memorabilia |
Gates, Frederick Taylor. Papers |
Geertz, Clifford. Papers |
Geiling, Eugene M. K. Papers |
Genealogies of German, Italian and Polish Families |
General Archival Files |
Gerardus Senensi Distinctiones. Manuscript (Ms 22) |
Geschichte der Philosophie nach Hegel, Notes Taken in Lectures |
Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Company. Collection |
Giles, of Rome, Archbishop of Bourges, De regimine principum. Manuscript (Ms 533) |
Gilkey, Charles Whitney. Papers |
Gilkey, Langdon. Papers |
Glueck, Bernard, Sr. Papers |
Goettler, Harold E. Papers |
Goettsch, Henry Max. Papers |
Goetz, Rachel Marshall. Papers |
Goldberger, David. Collection |
Goldman, Samuel. Papers |
Goldsmith, Joel. Papers |
Goldstein, Jan. Papers |
Goldstein, Meyer. Alumni Collection |
Goodman, Edward. Papers |
Goodman, Howard. Papers |
Goodrich, Adelaide Eunice. Collection |
Goodspeed, Charles Ten Broeke. Papers |
Goodspeed, Edgar J. Papers |
Goodspeed, Thomas W. Papers |
Goodwin Car Company. Photographs |
Gosnell, Harold F. Papers |
Gossett, Philip. Papers. |
Gottschalk, Louis. Papers |
Gran Conquista de Ultramar, La. Materials |
Grant, Elijah Phelps. Papers |
Grauman, Lawrence S. Papers |
Grauman, Lawrence S., Jr. Papers |
Gray, Albert A., Atlas of Otology: Illustrating the Normal and Pathological Anatomy of the Temporal Bone |
Gray, Charles, Papers. |
Gray, Charlotte C. Papers |
Gray, William Scott. Papers |
Green, Arnold. Collection |
Green, William. Photographic Collection |
Greene-Mercier, Marie Zoe. Papers |
Greene, Benjamin Franklin. Lectures in Rational Mechanics |
Greene, Wesley H. Papers |
Gregory I, Pope, Morali. Manuscript (Ms 59) |
Gregory of Nyssa, Saint, Of the framing of man. Manuscript (Ms 111) |
Grene, David. Papers |
Gridley Family. Papers |
Grulee, Clifford Groselle. Papers |
Grzeca, Dan. Collection |
Guglielmo, da Varignana. Secreta Sublimia ad Varios Curandos Morbos |
Guide to Medical Recipes |
Guido de Monte Rocherii Manipulus Curatorium. Manuscript (Ms 23) |
Gumbel, Emil Julius. Papers |
Gunter, Archibald Clavering. Plays |
Gunther, John. Papers |
Gurley, W.F.E. Papers |
Gutiérrez, Ramón. Papers |
Gyarfas, Mary. Papers |
H. S. Hutchinson (Firm), Cutting in a Whale |
Hagerstown and Smithburg Turnpike Company. Records |
Haighton, John. Lectures on Midwifery |
Hale, George Ellery. Papers |
Hale, William Gardner. Papers |
Hall, John Vine, Letter |
Hall, Robert A., Jr. Papers |
Hamilton, Alfred Starr. Papers |
Hamilton, Earl J. Papers |
Hammond, Eleanor Prescott |
Hancock, Winfield Scott. Collection |
Handwritten Medical Instructions |
Hannum, Carol B. Sketchbooks |
Hansen, Harry. Papers |
Hansen, Mikkel. Collection of Henry Moore |
Hansen, Miriam. Papers |
Hanson, J. C. M. (James Christian Meinich). Papers |
Harkins, William D. Papers |
Harlan, Robert and Lois. Papers |
Harper, Paul Vincent. Papers |
Harper, Samuel Northrup. Papers |
Harper, Samuel. Diaries |
Harper, William Rainey. Papers |
Harris, Chauncy D. Papers |
Harris, Gertrude Epstein. Papers |
Harrison, Roland Wendell. Papers |
Harrison, Samuel, Sermon Notes on the Apostles’ Creed. Manuscript (Ms 149) |
Hart, Schaffner and Marx Labor Agreement. Records |
Hauser, Philip M.. Papers |
Havighurst, Robert J.. Papers |
Haydon, Harold. Papers |
Hayner, Norman S.. Papers |
Heaton, David F. Papers |
Hebrew Tracts on Domestic and Ceremonial Matters. Manuscript (Ms 74) |
Heckman, Wallace. Papers |
Heirens, William Case. Newspaper Clippings |
Hektoen, Ludvig. Papers |
Heller, Helen Family. Papers |
Henderson, Charles Richmond. Papers |
Hendrickson, Carol. Alumni Collection |
Henshaw, Paul Stewart. Papers |
Herbert, Paul, Jr. Papers |
Herrick, James Brian. Papers |
Herrick, Robert. Papers |
Hess, Julius Hays. Papers |
Hilberry, Norman. Papers |
Hill, Thomas Brumfield. Alumni Collection |
Hilliard, Thomas. Papers |
Hirsch, Edwin F. Papers |
Historical Manuscripts. Collection |
Histories of Pediatric Hospitals. Collection |
Hitchcock Family. Papers |
Hitchcock, Annie McClure. Papers |
Hodgson, Marshall G. S. Papers |
Hoebeke, Cornelius. J. Papers |
Hoff, Ramon B. Papers |
Hogness, Thorfin R. Papers. |
Holbrook, Silas P., Medical Daybooks |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Dementia Praecox |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Dementia Praecox and Other Studies |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Outline of the Conditions of a Laboratory Building or Buildings for the Laboratories of Cook County, Especially Those of Cook County Hospital |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Papers |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Papers |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Report |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. The Castor Oil Bean Poison |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. The Punishment of Carl Carleson |
Holmes, Bayard Taylor. Third Annual Report of Dementia Praecox Studies |
Homilies and Religious Treatises. Manuscript (Ms 155) |
Hooker, George Ellsworth.City Planning, Transportation and Housing. Collection |
Hooper, Frances. Papers |
Horace Opera. Manuscript (Ms 27) |
Horn, Anton Ludwig Ernst. Horn's Specielle Therapeutik |
Horrigan, Brian. Alumni Collection |
Horton, Horace Everett, Notes on the Manufacturing of Glucose, Grape Sugars and Starches |
Horwitz, Alexander Philip. Papers |
Hoselitz, Bert F., Papers |
Hospicio de Pobres. Records |
Hostetter, Charles Linnaeus. Papers |
Howard, Luke. Collection |
Howell, Bertha Mae. Alumni Collection |
Howell, Standley. Collection |
Huffaker, Edward C. Experiments with Gliding Models Conducted by E.C. Huffaker for Mr. O. Chanute, C.E |
Huffaker, Edward C. The Kite : Its Mechanism and Equilibrium |
Huffaker, Edward C., Soaring Flight |
Hughes, Everett Cherrington. Papers |
Hughes, George Warner, Jr. Collection |
Hulbert Family. Papers |
Hulbert, James R. Papers |
Humboldt, Alexander von. Letter |
Hunt, Henry. Papers. MS 563 |
Hunt, Leigh, and Craik Family. Collection |
Huppert, Max Oscar. Papers on the Cause and Treatment of Epilepsy |
Hutchins, Maude Phelps McVeigh. Collection |
Hutchins, Robert M., and Associates. Oral History Interviews |
Hutchins, Robert Maynard. Papers |
Hutchinson, Charles L. Postcards |
Hutchinson, William Thomas. Papers |
Hutchison, Clyde A., Jr. Papers |
Huttner, Sidney F. Papers |
Hutton, William Ralph, Papers |
Hyde Park and Kenwood Interfaith Council. Records |
Hyde Park Center. Collection |
Hyde Park Garden Fair Commitee. Records |
Hyde Park Herald. Records |
Hyde Park High School. Records |
Hyde Park Historical Society. Collection |
Hyde Park Historical Society. Hyde Park Co-op. Records |
Hyde Park Historical Society. Joyce Turner Hilkevitch. Papers |
Hyde Park Youth Symphony. Records |
Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference. Records |
Hyde Park-Kenwood Razed Buildings. Collection |
Hyde Park, Kenwood, and Woodlawn Neighborhoods. Collection |
Idea of the University of Chicago. Records |
IfNotNow UChicago. Collection |
Illinois Central Railroad Company. Records |
Illinois General Assembly. Submerged and Shore Lands Legislative Investigating Committee. Report |
Illinois Joint Committee for the Merit System in Civil Service Records |
Illinois Society for Medical Research. Records |
Illinois State Charities Commission, Annual Report |
Images of Hot Air Balloons and Whitehead's Airplane |
Indentured Persons Collection |
Indo-Persian Medical Text |
Ingalls, Jeremy. Papers |
International Association for Cultural Freedom. Records |
International Congress of Americanists. Records |
International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Records |
International Seminar on Comparative Administrative Problems Related to Social and Economic Development. Records |
Investigation by the United Mine Workers of Illinois into the Cherry Mine Disaster |
Ireland, William Rutherford P. Papers |
Isaacs, Roger, Collection of Bud Freeman Papers |
Isidorus, Saint, Contra Idudaeos. Manuscript (Ms 28) |
Iuschenko, Aleksandr Ivanovich. The Physical Basis of Mental Diseases and their Biologic-Chemical Examinations |
Jackson, Eleanor and Julian. Papers |
Jackson, Franz. Papers |
Jackson, William Henry. Photographs |
Jacobs, Phoebe. Papers |
Jacobson, Leon O. Papers |
James, Stafford. Collection |
Jameson, Vesta. Papers |
Janowitz, Morris. Collection |
Jansson, Lois. Papers |
Jay, Frank Webster. Collection |
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Artwork and Posters. Collection |
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Crilly, Edgar. Collection |
Jazz Institute of Chicago. DeMicheal, Don. Papers |
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Figi, Jamil. Papers |
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Gillis, Frank. Collection |
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Granato, Jimmy. Collection |
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Martin, Terry. Papers |
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Oral Histories |
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Peck, Robert. Collection |
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Records |
Jazz Institute of Chicago. Sheet Music. Collection |
Jazz Piano Song Sheet. Collection |
Jazz Serial Publications. Collection |
Jazz Sheet Music. Collection |
Jazz Subject Files. Collection |
Jazz Textile. Collection |
Jeffries, Benjamin Joy. Correspondence |
Jerome, Saint Explanationes in Ysayam, excerpta. Manuscript (Ms 25) |
Jervis, John B. The Croton Aqueduct |
Ji Zhong Zhi Nan |
John Crerar Library. Records |
Johns, Sister Agnes. Collection |
Johnson, Charles S. (ed.) Education and the Cultural Process. Typescript |
Johnson, Edgar N. . Papers |
Johnson, Harry. Papers. |
Johnson, Oliver. Collection |
Johnson, Walter. Papers |
Johnston, James Kendall. Papers |
Joliet Penitentiary Testimony. Records |
Jones, Ella May. Papers |
Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. Papers |
Jones, Sara Tucker. Collection |
Jones, Wellington D. Papers |
Jordan, Edwin Oakes. Papers |
Journal of Religion. Records |
Judd, Charles Hubbard. Papers |
Judson, Harry Pratt. Papers |
Junker, Buford. Papers |
Justinian I, Novellae constitutiones. Manuscript |
Juvenal, Satirae. Manuscript (Ms 29) |
Juxon, William. Collection |
Kahn, Maurice M. Papers |
Kaplan, Norman Maurice. Papers |
Kapp, Georg Ludwig Karl. Recepttaschenbuch |
Karpp Family. Collection of Underwood & Underwood |
Kass, Leon. Papers. |
Katz, Dewey. Papers |
Katz, Friedrich. Papers |
Katzenstein, Constance. Papers |
Kauder, Hugo. Papers |
Kayser, Emanuel. Die devonischen Bildungen der Eifel |
Keddie, William. Papers |
Keen, Mike. Papers |
Khokhlov, Alexei M. Papers |
Kidder, Edward. Receipts for Pastry and Cookery |
Kimpton, Lawrence A. Papers |
Kinoshita, Florence K. Alumni Collection |
Kirkham, W.B. Alumni Collection |
Kirkpatrick, J. Collection |
Kitagawa, Joseph M. |
Kittinger, Isaac. Collection |
Klauck, Hans-Josef. Papers |
Klebs, Friedrich, Zürcherische Seidenwebschule : I Curs : Composition & Décomposition |
Klebs, Friedrich, Zürcherische Seidenwebschule : II Curs : Composition & Décomposition |
Klebs, Friedrich, Zürcherische Seidenwebschule : Theorie : I Curs |
Klebs, Friedrich, Zürcherische Seidenwebschule : Theorie : II Curs |
Klein, Ben. Movie Advertising Cuts Collection |
Kleitman, Nathaniel. Papers |
Kleppa, Ole. Papers |
Kluit, Adriaan, Dictata ad Statisticam, zeu Amnem administrationem publicam & Oeconomicam, totius Belgii nostri |
Klutznick, Philip M. Papers |
Klüver, Heinrich. Papers |
Knight, Frank Hyneman. Papers |
Koch, Gustav. Papers on Aerial Navigation |
Koch, Helen Lois. Papers |
Koester, Bob. Collection |
Konrad Kristian Karl Lundsgaard. Brillernes Historie (The History of Spectacles), Abstract |
Kostuch, Keith. Alumni Collection |
Kracke, Edward A., Jr. Papers |
Kramer, Ferdinand. Papers |
Krämer, Richard. The Theory of Cylinder Skiascopy and its Practical Evaluation |
Kraupa, Ernst. Collection |
Kraus, Ezra J. Papers |
Kraus, Paul. Papers |
Krauss, Michael C. Alumni Collection |
Kress, Wilhelm. The Aeroplane and its Stability During Flight |
Kristof, Ladis Donabed. Soviet Posters. Collection |
Krug, Fr. V., Correspondence |
Krug, Mark M. Papers |
Kruskal, William. Papers |
Kuaua Kiva Drawings. Collection |
Kupfer-Koberwitz, Edgar. Dachau Diaries |
Kurland, Philip B. Papers |
Kurtze erlãuterungen derer zeichnungen zu dem Collegio des Ingenieurs, und zwar über die Fortification Passagere |
L'histoire universelle de tous les oyseaux de l'univers |
Lach, Donald F. Papers |
Ladies Matinee Musicale of Woodlawn. Records |
Ladurelle. Maimoire pour servir […] la cuisine |
Lafayette Manuscripts |
Lafayette-Bonaventure. Collection |
Laing, Gordon Jenning. Papers |
Lamson, Charles Henry. C. H. Lamson's Experiments on Kite Flying |
Lan, Ching Huong . Watercolor Sketches Showing Details of Buying, Curing, Packing, and Shipping Tea |
Land Grants. Collection |
Land Indenture Document |
Landahl, Karen. Papers |
Landesco, John. Papers |
Lane, Ebenezer, Family. Papers |
Lang, Harvey. Collection |
Lange, Oskar. Papers |
Langenbeck, Conrad Johann Martin. Chirurgie |
Langley, S. P., The Internal Work of the Wind |
Langley, S.P. The Langley Aerodrome |
Lanza, Gaetano, Train Resistance |
Lanzl, Lawrence H. Papers |
Larkin, Emmet. Papers |
Latham, Vida Annette. Papers |
Latimer, Ronald Lane. Papers |
Latin Bible, scattered leaves. Manuscript (Ms 122) |
Laughlin, James Laurence. Papers |
Laves, Gerhardt. Papers |
Le Baron, William. Papers |
Le Count, Edwin Raymond. Papers |
Leacock, Stephan Butler. Papers |
League of Nations Association, Midwest Branch. Records |
Lecture Notes. Physiologie von A.F. Hempel |
Lee, Elon N. and Edson S. Bastin. Papers |
Leites, Nathan. Papers |
Leland, Simeon E. Papers |
Leo I, Pope, Sermones. Manuscript (Ms 30) |
Leopold, Nathan F. Collection |
Les Narbonnais : chanson de geste. Manuscript (Ms 708) |
Leslie, Leonie. Correspondence |
Lester, Helen. Papers |
Lester, Robin. Papers |
Letters to Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett-Browning |
Léveillé, Hector. Catalogue illustré et alphabétique des plantes du Seu Tchouen |
Levi, Edward H. Inauguration. Records |
Levi, Edward H., Papers |
Levine, Donald. Papers and Addenda. |
Levinson, Salmon. Papers |
Levy, Ernst. Papers |
Lewis, Edwin Herbert. Papers |
Lewis, Eva Overton and Julian Herman Lewis, MD, PhD Collection |
Lewis, Fielding. Papers |
Lewis, Leon. Papers |
Lewis, Ralph. Papers |
Lewis, Sinclair, and Josephine Weil Meyer. Correspondence |
Library Quarterly. Records |
Lieberman, Harold. Alumni Collection |
Lilienthal, Otto. Clippings and Photographs on the Lilienthal Flyer |
Lilienthal, Otto. Papers on Aeronautics |
Lillie, Frank R. Papers |
Lillie, Ralph S. Papers |
Limited Editions Club. Collection |
Lincoln Collection. American Historical Portraits |
Lincoln Collection. American Political Cartoons |
Lincoln Collection. Art, Artifacts, and Ephemera |
Lincoln Collection. Barton Codex Manuscripts |
Lincoln Collection. Broadsides |
Lincoln Collection. Cartoons, Drawings and Photographs |
Lincoln Collection. Charles Edwards Wilcox. Civil War Diary |
Lincoln Collection. Currier & Ives Lithographs |
Lincoln Collection. Lincoln Law Cases |
Lincoln Collection. Lincoln Miscellaneous Manuscripts |
Lincoln Collection. Lincoln Portraits |
Lincoln Collection. Monuments and Memorials |
Lincoln Collection. Osborn H. Oldroyd. Collection |
Lincoln Collection. Publications and Newspapers |
Lincoln Collection. Robert S. Todd. Papers |
Lincoln Collection. Sheet Music |
Lincoln Collection. William E. Barton Collection of Books from the Lincoln and Herndon Law Library |
Lincoln Collection. William E. Barton Collection of Lincolniana. The John Hay Library |
Lincoln Collection. William E. Barton. Papers |
Lincoln, Adaline. Papers |
Lincoln, Edwin Hale. Sailing Vessels. Photographs |
Lincoln, Robert Todd. Collection |
Lindblad, Andrew. Collection |
Linford, Alton, Papers. |
Link, Adeline De Sale. Papers |
Linné, Carl von. Species plantarum exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specifis, nominibus synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas |
Lipson, Lillian Rose Witz. Alumni Collection |
Lisco, Thomas Edward. Alumni Collection |
Llewellyn, Karl N. Papers |
Lloyd, Alice. Papers |
Llull, Ramon, Ars Brevis |
Loeb, Hedwig L. Papers |
Longstreet, Stephen. Collection |
Lorie, James. Papers |
Lous, Christian Carl. Arithmetica, Geometrien, Trigonometrien, Longimetrien, Transformationen |
Lovett, Robert Morss. Papers |
Lowden, Frank O. Papers |
Lowinsky, Edward E. Papers |
Lowitz, Leza. Papers |
Lucan, Pharsalia. Manuscript (Ms 33) |
Luckhardt, Arno B. Papers |
Lunde Family. Papers |
LVNG. Records |
MacClintock, William D. Papers |
MacDowell, Charles Henry. Papers |
MacFarland, Faye Millard. Papers |
Maclean, Norman. Papers |
MacNair, Harley F. Papers |
MacRae, Donald Alexander. Papers |
Madison, James and Dolley Madison. Collection |
Mailer, Norman. Manuscript of The Deer Park |
Majima, Seigan. Majima Aammoku Ichibu No Gokui No Makimono |
Malone, Virginia Eckels. Family. Papers |
Maloof, John. Collection of Vivian Maier |
Manby, George William. Sketches Made in Greenland |
Mandel, Sidney W.. Collection of English Legal Documents |
Manly, John Matthews. Papers |
Manning, George, Adventures of a Half Guinea. Manuscript (Ms 626) |
Manning, Richard. Band. Collection |
Manufacturers of Toledo. Committee on Smoke Abatement. Majority Report of the Investigating Committee |
Marcus, Ralph. Papers |
Margolis, A. Fundamental Principles of Municipal Heating |
Markwick, William. Danish Plants Found in the British Isles |
Marshall, Arthur W., Madeira-Mamoré Railroad. Records |
Martin, August Eduard. Illustrations of Forcepses. Scrapbook |
Martin, August Eduard. Notes |
Martin, John. Book of Receipts |
Martinez, Maria Elena. Papers |
Maser, Edward. Papers |
Materia Medica |
Mathematics Manuscripts |
Mather, Kirtley Fletcher. Papers |
Mathesius, Johann, Joachimsthaler Chronica. Manuscript (Ms 68) |
Mathews, Shailer. Papers |
Matthews, Fred. Papers |
Mauder, József. Letter |
Max Mason. Papers |
Maximow, Alexander A. Papers |
Mayer, Albert A. Papers |
Mayo-Smith, Richmond. Papers |
McBurney, Charles. Papers |
McCaul, Robert L., Jr. Papers |
McClanahan, K.P. Collection of University Ephemera |
McClintock, Martha. Papers |
McDavid, Raven I. Papers |
McDowell, Harold Louis. Collection of the Century of Progress Exposition |
McFarland, Ronald E. Collection of Norman Maclean |
McHugh, John F. Collection of John Gunther |
McKeon, Richard Peter. Papers |
McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham. Papers |
McLean, Franklin C. Papers |
McNeill, William H. Papers |
McPartland, Jimmy and Marian. Collection |
McQuown, Norman A. Papers |
Mead, George Herbert. Papers |
Mead, Irene Tufts, Collection of Alice Boughton. Photographs |
Mead, Mildred. Photographs |
Medical History, Correspondence |
Medical Prescriptions |
Medical Prescriptions and Other Recipes |
Medical Tax Reports, Mecklenburg-Schwerin |
Meisen, Vlademar. Treatment of Varices and Their Sequelae by Injection (Eczema and Ulcus Cruris) |
Mencken, H. L. Collection |
Mendelson, Alan. Alumni Collection |
Mentschikoff, Soia. Papers |
Merriam, Charles E. Papers |
Merriam, Robert E. Papers |
Metzler, Lloyd A. Papers |
Meyer, Leonard B. Papers |
Meyer, Peter. Papers. |
Meynell, Alice. Collection |
Michelson, Albert A. Papers |
Michigan Governor's Committee to Investigate the Detroit Race Riot. Records |
Middle Eastern Posters. Collection |
Mikesell, Marvin W. Papers |
Miles, Nelson Appleton. Collection |
Mill, John Stuart. Collection |
Milla, Karl, Die Flugbewegung der Vögel |
Millard Avenue Woman's Club. Collection |
Miller, Merton H. Papers |
Miller, Richard L. Alumni Collection |
Miller, Robert S. Papers |
Mills, Ralph J., Jr. Papers |
Milne-Edwards, Alphonse, Mammifères. Mélanges |
Minerva. Records |
Minnick, James L., University of Chicago Settlement Album |
Mirsky, Marvin. Papers |
Mitchell, James V., Jr. Alumni Collection |
Miyakawa Family Collection |
Modern Cook, The |
Modern Poetry Collection of Miscellaneous Manuscripts |
Modern Poetry Little Magazine Collection |
Modern Poetry Photograph Collection |
Moedebeck, Herman, W.L. Papers on Aeronautics |
Moffitt, George Wilbur. Papers |
Monroe, Harriet. Papers |
Montgomery, Mike. Collection |
Moody, Harriet Brainard. Papers |
Moody, William Vaughn. Papers |
Moore, Carl R. Papers |
Moore, Eliakim Hastings. Papers |
Moore, James H. Papers |
Morgan, Thomas J. Papers |
Morgan, W. W. Papers |
Morgenstern, William and George. Papers |
Morris, Edward House. Collection |
Morris, Norval. Papers. |
Morrison, Henry Clinton. Papers |
Morton, Charles, Agency. Collection of American Popular Drama |
Moscow Twelfth International Congress of Medicine. Scrapbook |
Motion Picture Stills. Collection |
Muir, Henry Dupee. Collection |
Mulliken, Robert S. Papers |
Mulliken, Robert S. Scientific Offprints Collection |
Munting, Abraham. Phytographia Curiosa |
Murdock, Fanny Bristol and Sarah Bristol Family. Papers |
Murphy, William S. Papers |
Musham, Harry A. The Graphic Solution of Triangles by Means of the Triangle Diagram/Graphic Calculation |
Music Relating to the University of Chicago. Records |
Nambu, Yoichiro. Papers |
Nash, D. A. Letter |
Nash, Manning. Papers |
National Conferences of Social Work. Records |
National Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers. Records |
National Opinion Research Center. Records |
National Physicians' Committee for the Extension of Medical Service. Records |
Native American Educational Services Press. Records |
Native American Educational Services. American Indian Business Association. Records |
Native American Educational Services. American Indian Chicago Conference. Records |
Native American Educational Services. American Indian Economic Development Association. Records. |
Native American Educational Services. American Indian Health Service. Records |
Native American Educational Services. American Indian Press Association Records |
Native American Educational Services. Americans for Indian Opportunity. Records |
Native American Educational Services. Armin Beck. Papers |
Native American Educational Services. Beaulieu, David. Papers |
Native American Educational Services. Chapman, Michael. Papers |
Native American Educational Services. Chicago American Indian Community Organization Conference. Records |
Native American Educational Services. Chicago Campus. Records |
Native American Educational Services. Chicago Community Agencies. Records |
Native American Educational Services. Community Board Training Project. Records |
Native American Educational Services. David Beck. Papers |
Native American Educational Services. Johns, Edith E. Papers |
Native American Educational Services. Robert Rietz. Papers |
Native American Educational Services. Robert V. Dumont, Jr. Papers |
Native American Educational Services. Rose Robinson. Papers |
Native American Educational Services. Student Field Projects |
Native American Educational Services. Subject Files |
Native American Educational Services. Tax, Sol. Papers |
Natural History Extracts |
Neal, Phil C. Papers |
Nef, Elinor Castle. Papers |
Nef, Evelyn Stefansson. Papers |
Nef, John Ulric, Jr. Papers |
Nef, John Ulric, Sr., Papers |
New York State Canal Commissioners. Statement of Work |
Nicetas, Archbishop of Heraclea, Commentaria in Orationes Gregorii Nazianzeni. Manuscript (Ms 52) |
Nicetas, Archbishop of Heraclea, Commentaria in Orationes Gregorii Nazianzeni. Manuscript (Ms 53) |
Nichols, Verna Lamantia. Alumni Collection |
Nickerson, Aaron. Collection |
Niewiarowski, Radzia Jankowski. Papers |
Nitecki, Matthew H. Papers |
Nitze, William A. Papers |
Noé, Adolf Carl. Papers |
Norfolk County, Collection of English Deeds |
Norman Wait Harris Foundation. Records |
Norris, Hoke. Papers |
Northrup, George W. Papers |
Northwestern Baptist Education Society of Chicago. Records |
Norton, Charles Eliot. Correspondence |
Notes from Albinus' Lectures on Anatomy at Leyden |
Notes on Physiology |
Notes on William A. Michel's Fuming Sulphuric Acid. The New Specialty for Cancer |
Notgeld. Collection |
Noyes, Ida. Papers |
Nuveen, John, Jr.. Papers |
O'Connell, Charles David. Papers |
O'Flaherty, James C. Papers |
O'Gorman Mahon. Papers |
O'Hara, Frank Hurburt. Papers |
O'Hara, James E. Papers |
Obermayer, Albert, Concerning the Effect of the Wind Upon Slightly Arched Surfaces |
Ochsenheimer, Ferdinand. Verzeichniss der europäischen Schmetterlinge nach Ochsenheimer und Treitschke |
Offen, Ron. Papers |
Offenbach Archival Depot. Collection |
Ogburn, William Fielding. Papers |
Old University of Chicago. Records |
Olmsted, Charles E. Papers |
Olmsted, Wendy. Papers |
Olson, Elder. Papers |
Oppenheim, Adolf Leo and Elizabeth. Papers |
Oral Opinion of Hon. Smith McPherson in the Case of the United States vs. Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railway Company |
Origin of Man Symposium. Records |
Otway, Samuel, Syntagmatis disputationum. Manuscript (Ms 119) |
Packard Airplane Engines. Photographs and Typescripts |
Paepcke, Elizabeth H. Papers |
Paepcke, Hilken, and Nitze Families. Papers |
Paepcke, Walter P. Papers |
Page, Anita. Collection of Vivian Gussin Paley |
Palyi, Melchior. Papers |
Panarity, Gerim M. Papers |
Paper Dolls. Collection |
Parish, William L. and Martin King Whyte. Collection |
Park House. Records |
Park, Robert Ezra. Collection |
Parker, Eugene. Papers |
Parker, Francis Warner. Papers |
Parker, Francis Wayland. Papers |
Pashutin, Victor. Course of General and Experimental Pathology |
Pasteur, Louis. Letter |
Patterson, Harry N. Obituary |
Patton, Phyllis J. Container Corporation of America. Collection |
Payne, Devall. Collection |
Pelacani da Parma, Biagio, Quaestiones super libro Methaurorum. Manuscript (Ms 10) |
Perlberg, Mark. Papers |
Perlman, Helen Harris. Papers |
Perrin, Norman. Papers |
Perzigian, Jerome. Collection of Philip Roth |
Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris, Collectanea in epistolas Pauli. Manuscript (Ms 112) |
Petrus, Comestor, Historia scholastica. Manuscript (Ms 120) |
Petrus, Comestor, Historia scholastica. Manuscript (Ms 121) |
Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life Records |
Philips, Horatio. Letter to Octave Chanute |
Photomicrographs of Pathologic Preparations |
Pickens, Anna Gwin. Papers |
Pickering, George. Papers |
Pierce, Bessie Louise. Papers |
Pietro da Verona, Rubricae super quartum et quintum decretalium. Manuscript (Ms 34) |
Pilcher, Percy. Materials for the Study of Aeronautical Experiments |
Pinero, Arthur Wing. Collection |
Pitcher, Emma Bickham. Papers |
Pitcher, W. Alvin. Papers |
Platt, Robert S.. Papers |
Platzman, Robert Leroy. Papers |
Playbill and Program. Collection |
Plotnick, Harvey B. Collection of the History of Quantum Mechanics and the Theory of Relativity |
Poe, Edgar Allan. Collection |
Poetry Center of Chicago. Records |
Poetry: A Magazine of Verse. Records |
Polanyi, Michael. Papers |
Poleni, Giovanni. Specifications and Drawings of the Poleni Calculating Machine by Joannis Poleni |
Political Pamphlets. Collection |
Pollak, Richard. Collection of Bruno Bettelheim Research Materials |
Pollak, Robert. Papers |
Pool, Ithiel de Sola. Papers |
Popular Literature. Collection |
Posner, Richard A., Papers. |
Postcards on Wright's Airplane Ascension at Le Mans |
Powell, Elizabeth Robbins. My Cookery Books II |
Prass, Marjorie Whitney. Papers |
Prenant, Auguste. Les Methodes D'enseignement en General et Celles de L'histologie en Particulier |
Presidential Campaign Mementos |
Price, Ira M. Papers |
Primavera. Records |
Principes de fabrique pour les étoffes de soie |
Proclus, Elementa theologica. Manuscript (Ms 54) |
Procopius of Gaza, Epitome Eclogarum in Heptateuchum et Canticum Canticorum. Manuscript (Ms 55) |
Ptaszyńska, Marta. Papers |
Pugh, Jane. Papers |
Putnam, Alfred L. Papers |
Putnam, Edward Kirby. Papers |
Puttkammer, Ernst W. Papers |
Putzel, Max. Papers |
Quadrangle Club. Records |
Quadranglers. Records |
Queen, Stuart Alfred. Papers |
Quintana, Ricardo Beckwith, Jr. Papers |
R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company. Archive |
Rabinowitch, Eugene I., Papers |
Railroadiana |
Railroads, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters |
Railroads, Original Contracts and Petitions |
Rainforth, S.I. The Stereoscopic Skin Clinic |
Rala, Punci. Medicinal Book |
Ramanujan, A.K. Papers |
Rands, Bernard. Papers |
Raphael. Spurious Letters |
Rashevsky, Nicolas. Papers |
Ray, David. Papers |
Razzi, Serafino, Costumi e morte di Papa Alexxandro VI contrario Al P. F : Girolamo Savonarola da Ferrara del ordine de Predicatori. Manuscript (Ms 58) |
Read, Douglas. Postcard |
Receptarium de medicinis communiter usitatis. Manuscript (Ms 36) |
Records of Clinical Case Histories and Postmortem Examinations |
Recueil Factice de Cartes et de Plans de Ville de l'Europe et Particulièrement de la France |
Redfield, Margaret Park. Papers |
Redfield, Robert. Ford Foundation Cultural Studies Program. Records |
Redfield, Robert. Papers |
Regulae Grammaticae et Rhetoricae With: Ovid, De Remedio Amoris Manuscript (Ms 99) |
Reid, Margaret G. Papers |
Republican National Convention. Collection |
Research Notes Concerning Augustus Moore Herring |
Rheinstein, Max. Papers |
Ribe, Fred L. Alumni Collection |
Rice, Eleanor Smith. Papers |
Rice, Stuart Alan. Papers |
Richard, of Saint Victor, Religious Treatises. With: Hugo, Argentinensis, Compendium Theologicae Veritatis Manuscript (Ms 102) |
Richards, Bob. Productions. Collection |
Rickert, Edith. Papers |
Rickert, Margaret. Papers |
Ricketts, B. Merrill (Benjamin Merrill), Surgery of the prostate, pancreas, and diaphragm |
Ricketts, B. Merrill (Benjamin Merrill). The Lung |
Ricketts, Howard Taylor. Papers |
Riesman, David. Papers |
Rise, John Manfred. Papers |
Robertson, Wyndham. Papers |
Robie House Collection |
Rocket Manual A4 |
Roger of Waltham, Compendium morale. Manuscript (Ms 103) |
Rogers, Burton Ray. Papers |
Rompon, Peter. Collection |
Rosenfeld, Charles H. Papers |
Rosenfeld, Isaac. Papers |
Rosenthal, Earl. Papers |
Rosenthal, Robert. Papers |
Rosenthal, Samuel R. and Marie-Louise. Collection of Northern Italian Documents |
Rosenwald, Julius. Papers |
Rosenwald, Samuel. Papers |
Roser, John H. Papers |
Rosner, Jonathan. Papers |
Rothman, Elizabeth Davidson. Alumni Collection |
Rowley, Janet D. Papers |
Royal Palm Artifacts and Ephemera. Collection |
Rubricae de accusationibus, etc. Manuscript (Ms 39) |
Rubricae, libelli, etc. Manuscript (Ms 40) |
Rudolph, Lloyd and Susanne. Papers |
Ruml, Beardsley. Papers |
Rush Medical College. Records |
Rush, Benjamin. Lectures |
Rush, Benjamin. On the Influence of Physical Causes on the Moral Faculty |
Rush, Joseph H. Papers |
Ryerson Family. Papers |
Ryerson, Caroline Hutchinson. Collection |
Ryerson, Martin A. Papers |
Ryerson, Martin. Papers |
Sagan, Bruce. Papers |
Sage, Evan Taylor. Manuscripts |
Sahlins, Marshall. Papers |
Salgado Correa, Alejo, Libro nombrado memorial de martires de Hespana. Manuscript (Ms 64) |
Salisbury, Rollin D. Papers |
Salloch, William and Marianne, Collection of Prints and Drawings: “People with Books.” |
Sand, Knud Aage Buchtrup. Legal Medicine, its Origin, Development and Status in Modern Times, with Special Regard to Denmark |
Sandburg, Carl and Ruth Falkenau. Correspondence |
Sandburg, Carl-Joseph Halle Schaffner. Collection |
Sanders, Edgar. Papers |
Sanders, Edgar. Scrapbooks |
Sarton, May. Collection |
Saville, Julie. Papers |
Saxe, John Godfrey. Collection |
Say, Jean Baptiste. Collection |
Scammon, Arianna E. Collection |
Scammon, Jonathon Young. Papers |
Schaffner, Joseph Halle, Collection in the History of Science |
Schein, Marcel. Papers |
Schevill, Ferdinand. Papers |
Schilling, George A., Papers |
Schmidt, Frederick H. Alumni Collection |
Schmitt, Bernadotte E. Papers |
Schneider, David M. Papers |
Schomerus, C.P. Ueber die durch das gleichzeitige Vorhandensein eines Herzleidens, einer Struma und eines Exophthalmus characterisirte Krankheit |
Schramm, David N. Papers |
Schultz, Arthur W. Papers |
Schulz, Marjorie Preston. Papers |
Schütze, Eva Watson. Photographs |
Schütze, Martin. Papers |
Schwab, Joseph J. Papers |
Schwartz, Samuel. Papers |
Schwimmer, Rosika. Papers |
Scotch, Hank. Moby Dick Comic Books. Collection |
Scott, Arthur Pearson. Papers |
Scott, Hugh M. Papers |
Scranton, Robert L. Papers |
Scrapbook of Clippings on the Boston Subway |
Scrapbook of the Chicago Subway System |
Sebastian of Naples, Declarationes supplectiones as remissiones. Manuscript (Ms 41) |
Second City, The. Recording |
Sen, Mrinal. Papers |
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, Spurious works. Manuscript (Ms 42) |
Senn, Nicholas Papers |
Sermones de Adventu Domini. Manuscript (Ms 157) |
Sermones Domicales. Manuscript (Ms 158) |
Seven Woods Press. Records |
Sewell, William H. Papers |
Shackelford, Benjamin. Papers |
Shapey, Ralph. Papers |
Sharp, Benjamin. Peary's North Greenland Expedition and the Relief |
Shaw, Albert E. Papers |
Sheean, Vincent and Ruth Falkenau. Correspondence |
Sheet Music. Collection |
Shepherd, David. Papers |
Sherer, Albert. Papers |
Sherwood, Andrew and Clark. Collection |
Shillinglaw, David Lee. Papers |
Shimer, Henry. Epidemic Diseases |
Shorey, Paul. Papers |
Shortall, Harrington. Papers |
Silbert, Layle. Papers |
Silverberg, James. Papers |
Simon, Bernece K. Papers |
Simons, Henry C. Papers |
Simons, Hi. Papers |
Simpson, John A. Papers |
Simpson, John A.. Papers. Addenda |
Simpson, Tracy W. Electrification Project : The Illinois Central Railroad Company Suburban Service at Chicago, Ill. |
Simson, Otto G. von. Papers |
Singer, Milton. Papers |
Sir Nicholas Bacon Collection of English Court and Manorial Documents |
Sketch of East High Green Lead Mine |
Slaney Family. Notebooks on Gas and Machinery |
Slavery in North America Collection |
Sloan, Victor. Alumni Collection |
Slotin, Louis Memorial Fund. Records |
Slotkin, Elizabeth J. Papers |
Slotkin, James Sydney. Papers |
Slye, Maud. Papers |
Small, Albion W.. Papers |
Smetanka, John A. Alumni Collection |
Smith, Adolphe. Chicago and the Slaughter House Question : Inspection an Insufficient Guarantee |
Smith, Goldwin. Collection |
Smith, Harry M. Papers |
Smith, J. M. Powis. Papers |
Smith, Joseph V. Papers |
Smith, Maurine. Papers |
Smith, Raymond T. Papers |
Smith, Thomas Vernor. Papers |
Smyth Family. Papers |
Socialist Party of America. Collection |
Society of Medical History of Chicago, Bulletin and Correspondence |
Society of Medical History of Chicago. Records |
Soemmerring, Samuel Thomas von. Icones oculi humani |
Sokei-An (Sasaki Shigetsu) and First Zen Institute of America in Japan, Archive of |
Solon, Israel. Collection |
Sondel, Bess S. Papers |
Sondheim, Harry B. and Branka J. Jewish Heritage Collection |
Song Plugger Cards. Collection |
Song Sheet and Broadside Poem. Collection |
Songs and instrumental pieces. Manuscript (Ms 445) |
Songs with instrumental ensemble. Manuscript (Ms 446) |
Sonnenschein, Robert. Collection |
South Park Improvement Association. Records |
South Side Academy. Records |
South Side Community Art Center. Collection |
Spallanzani, Lazzaro. Correspondence |
Specielle Pathologie und Therapie |
Spektral Quartet. Records |
Spencer, William M. Collection of French Manuscripts |
Spergel, Irving A. Papers |
Sperring, Beverly A., Papers |
Spike, Robert W. Papers |
Spink, George. Collection |
Spitzer, Alexander. Collection |
Squibb, Francis P. Papers |
Stagg, Amos Alonzo. Papers |
Stanfield, Reuel. Autobiography |
Stanger, Philip. Collection |
Stark, Johann Christian. Hebammen-Buch |
Stark, Johann Christian. Über Frauenkrankheiten und Kinderkrankheiten |
Starr, Frederick. Liberian Research Collection |
Starr, Frederick. Mexican Manuscripts. Collection |
Starr, Frederick. Papers |
Starrett School for Girls. Records |
Statius, P. Papinius, Achilleid. Manuscript (Ms 704) |
Steed, Gitel P. Papers |
Stein, Howard. Lectures |
Steinbrecher, Frederick "Fritz". Collection |
Steiner, John. Collection |
Stenn, Frederick. Papers |
Stent, G.C., Chinese Eunuchs: Or, the Origin, Character, Dress, Duties, and Preparation of the Castrati of China |
Stephens, Alexander H. Collection |
Stephenson, William A. F., Papers |
Stereograph Cards Collection |
Stevens, David H. Papers |
Stevens, Warder W., Fruit Culture in Indiana |
Stewart, Donald E. Papers |
Stieglitz-Mathieu. Correspondence |
Stiernberg, Ed. Collection |
Stirn, Ernest W. and Henry J. Papers |
Stoddard, William Osborn. Collection |
Stone, Ursula Batchelder. Collection |
Strauss, Herbert R. Collection of Theodore Roosevelt Papers |
Strauss, Leo. Papers |
Strong, Reuben Myron. History of the Stritch Medical School of Loyola University |
Stroud, Drew McCord (Ryu Makoto). Papers |
Stutz, John G. Papers |
Sublett, Michael D. Alumni Collection |
Suddeth, Persis Burns. Papers |
Sussman, Alan. Collection |
Sutherland, Zena Bailey. Papers |
Sweet, William Warren. Papers |
Swerdlow, Noel M. Collection |
Swift, Charles H. Papers |
Swift, Harold. Papers |
Talbot, Marion. Papers |
Taliaferro, Lucy Graves. Papers |
Tannenbaum, Edward. Papers |
Tax, Ervin Hanwit. Papers |
Tax, Sol. Papers |
Taylor, Bayard. Collection |
Taylor, Edwin W. Papers |
Teichmann, Emil. Papers |
Test Results for Railway Brake Shoes |
Test, Francis W. Papers |
The Printed Book: The Materials and Features of a Printed Book |
Theatrical Portraits and Illustrations. Collection |
Thelen, Herbert. Papers |
Théorie de la fabrication des étoffes de soie |
Thoma, George F. Collection |
Thomas, Augusta Read. Papers |
Thomas, Evan A. Papers |
Thomas, Roger, Reply to accusations made by Puritan ministers. Manuscript (Ms 109) |
Thomas, William I., Papers |
Thompson, Manley H. Lectures |
Thompson, Manley H. Papers |
Thomson, S. Harrison, Collection of Photostats and Microfilms English Medieval Manuscripts |
Thomson, Virgil. Papers |
Thomson, William H. Clinical Notes of W. H. Thomson's Medical Clinic |
Thorn, Edmund, A General History of Printing Wherein is Shewn the Origin of that Noble Art |
Ticktin, Esther. Alumni Collection |
Tolman, Albert Harris. Notebooks |
Topping, Helen. Papers |
Toth, Joseph J. Photograph Collection |
Towle, Charlotte. Papers |
Townshend, George, Marquis Townshend, and Charlotte, Lady Townshend. Collection |
Trattato delli orioli solari astronomici, ovvero la maniera di fare questi orologi orizzontali, verticali, e portatili ancora |
Tribolet, Harold W. Archive on the Florence Flood |
Triggs, Oscar Lovell. Papers |
Tröltsch, Anton Friedrich, Freiherr von. Ohrenheilkunde |
Trowbridge, Raymond W. Rockefeller Chapel Album |
Truran, James. Papers |
Tuckerman, Edward. A Synopsis of the Lichenes of New England, the Other Northern States, and British America |
Tufts, James Hayden. Papers |
Tuttleman Family, Edna S. and Stanley C. Collection of Nineteenth-Century Photographs |
Tyler, Ralph W. Papers |
U.S. Presidential Inauguration and Rationing Memorabilia. |
Ubaldi, Baldo degli, Consilia de Iure. Manuscript (Ms 6) |
Ulrey, Grace and Harry. Alumni Collection |
Uncle Tom's Cabin. Collection |
United States Government War Exposition, 1918. Collection |
United States Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board Hearings. Records |
United States. Army Sanitary School (Langres, France), Mimeographed Literature of Army Sanitary School |
Unity of Science Movement. Records |
University Hospitals and Clinics. Auxiliary Committee. Records |
University of Chicago Press. Records |
University of Chicago Scrapbooks. Collection |
University of Chicago Service League. Records |
University of Chicago Settlement. Records |
University of Chicago. African Studies Workshop. Records |
University of Chicago. Alumni Foundation. Records |
University of Chicago. Arts, Science and Culture Initiative. Records |
University of Chicago. Awards and Prizes. Collection |
University of Chicago. Band. Records |
University of Chicago. Beecher House. Records |
University of Chicago. Biology Club. Records |
University of Chicago. Blackfriars. Records |
University of Chicago. Board of Trustees. Collection |
University of Chicago. Board of Trustees. Correspondence of the Secretary. Records |
University of Chicago. Board of Trustees. Minutes |
University of Chicago. Board of Trustees. Presidential Search Committees. Records |
University of Chicago. Burton-Judson Courts. Records |
University of Chicago. Cancer Research. Records |
University of Chicago. Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality Records |
University of Chicago. Center for the Study of Welfare Policy. Records |
University of Chicago. Center for Urban Studies. Records |
University of Chicago. Central Administration. Letterbooks |
University of Chicago. Chess Club. Records |
University of Chicago. Chicago Alumnae Club. Records |
University of Chicago. Chicago Lying-In Hospital. Records |
University of Chicago. Cityspace: The Past of Urban Renewal and the Future of Community Development. Records |
University of Chicago. College of Education. Records |
University of Chicago. Committee for the Comparative Study of New Nations. Records |
University of Chicago. Committee of the Council of the University Senate. Committee on University Women. Records |
University of Chicago. Committee on African Studies. Records |
University of Chicago. Committee on Education, Training, and Research in Race Relations. Records |
University of Chicago. Committee on Public Policy Studies. Records |
University of Chicago. Committee on the Preparation of Teachers. Records |
University of Chicago. Community Service Workshop. Records |
University of Chicago. Comparative Education Center. Records |
University of Chicago. Contemporary Chamber Players. Records |
University of Chicago. COVID-19 Archive |
University of Chicago. Dean of the College. Records |
University of Chicago. Delta Sigma Women's Club. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Anthropology. Chiapas Project. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Anthropology. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Botany. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Buildings and Grounds. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Classics. Photograph Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Economics. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of English Language and Literature. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Geography. 75th Anniversary Exhibit. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Geography. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Geology. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of History. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Mathematics. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Medicine. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Meteorology. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Music. Choral Ensembles. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Music. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Physical Education and Athletics. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Physics. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Physiology. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Political Science. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Psychology. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Sociology. Interviews |
University of Chicago. Department of Sociology. Records |
University of Chicago. Department of Zoology. Records |
University of Chicago. Development Campaigns and Anniversaries. Records |
University of Chicago. Division of Humanities. Committee on Deanship. Records |
University of Chicago. Division of the Humanities. Comprehensive Examinations. Records |
University of Chicago. Division of the Humanities. Research Grants. Records |
University of Chicago. Division of the Physical Sciences. Records |
University of Chicago. Employees and Employment. Collection |
University of Chicago. Faculty Wives' Dinners. Records |
University of Chicago. Founders' Correspondence |
University of Chicago. Friends of the Library. Records |
University of Chicago. Graduate Library School. Records |
University of Chicago. Graduate School of Business. Records |
University of Chicago. Graduate School of Education. Records |
University of Chicago. Harper College Center Rededication Records |
University of Chicago. Henderson House. Records |
University of Chicago. Hospitals and Clinics. Collection |
University of Chicago. Innominates / X-Club. Records |
University of Chicago. Institute for Nuclear Studies. Cyclotron. Records |
University of Chicago. International House Board of Governors. Records |
University of Chicago. International House Council. Records |
University of Chicago. John U. Nef Committee on Social Thought. Records |
University of Chicago. Laboratory Schools. Records |
University of Chicago. Laboratory Schools. Work Reports |
University of Chicago. Language Laboratories and Archives. Records |
University of Chicago. Law Review. Records |
University of Chicago. Law School. Arbitration Study. Records |
University of Chicago. Law School. Jury Project. Records |
University of Chicago. Library. Chicago Jazz Archive. Exhibits. Records |
University of Chicago. Library. Dissertation Office. Records |
University of Chicago. Library. Exhibit Publications. Collection |
University of Chicago. Library. John Crerar Library. Records |
University of Chicago. Library. Office of the Director. Ernest Dewitt Burton and J. C. M. Hanson. Records |
University of Chicago. Library. Office of the Director. M. Llewellyn Raney, Ralph A. Beals and Allen T. Hazen. Records |
University of Chicago. Library. Office of the Director. Zella Allen Dixson. Records |
University of Chicago. Lower Rickert House. Records |
University of Chicago. MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics. Records |
University of Chicago. Mathematical Club. Records |
University of Chicago. Midway Studios. Records |
University of Chicago. Model United Nations. Records |
University of Chicago. Mortar Board. Records |
University of Chicago. New Testament Club. Records |
University of Chicago. Nu Pi Sigma. Records |
University of Chicago. Nuclear Pile and Plutonium 20th Anniversary Celebrations. Records |
University of Chicago. Off-Off Campus. Records |
University of Chicago. Office of Public Information. Records |
University of Chicago. Office of Public Relations. Records |
University of Chicago. Office of Public Relations. Records. |
University of Chicago. Office of Radio and Television Records |
University of Chicago. Office of Student Activities. Records |
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Beadle Administration. Records |
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Gray Administration. Records |
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Harper, Judson and Burton Administrations. Records |
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Hutchins Administration. Records |
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Kimpton Administration. Records |
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Levi Administration. Records |
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Mason Administration. Records |
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Scrapbooks |
University of Chicago. Office of the President. Wilson Administration. Records |
University of Chicago. Office of the Registrar. World War I Service. Records |
University of Chicago. Office of the Vice-President. Records |
University of Chicago. Office of University News and Information. Records |
University of Chicago. Order of the Grey Towers. Records |
University of Chicago. Phi Alpha Delta. Law Fraternity. Records |
University of Chicago. Phi Beta Delta. Records |
University of Chicago. Phi Beta Kappa. Beta of Illinois Chapter. Records |
University of Chicago. Phi Eta. Records |
University of Chicago. Phi Sigma Delta, Mu Chapter. Records |
University of Chicago. Philippine Studies Program. Records |
University of Chicago. Philological Society. Records |
University of Chicago. Pi Lambda Theta, Lambda Chapter. Records |
University of Chicago. Politics and Protest. Collection |
University of Chicago. Postcards.Collection |
University of Chicago. Psychometric Laboratory. Records |
University of Chicago. Record Portfolios of Departments of the University |
University of Chicago. Recorder's Office. Records |
University of Chicago. Religion on Campus. Collection |
University of Chicago. Renaissance Seminar. Records |
University of Chicago. Rockefeller Memorial Chapel. Office of the Carillonneur. Records |
University of Chicago. Scandinavian Club. Records |
University of Chicago. School Color History. Collection |
University of Chicago. School of Social Service Administration. Office of the Dean. Alton Linford. Records |
University of Chicago. School of Social Service Administration. Office of the Dean. Harold Richman. Records |
University of Chicago. School of Social Service Administration. Office of the Dean. Leon Carroll Marshall, Edith Abbott, and Helen R. Wright. Records |
University of Chicago. School of Social Service Administration. Photographs |
University of Chicago. School of Social Service Administration. WIN Program. Records |
University of Chicago. Seventy-fifth Anniversary. Records |
University of Chicago. Shorey House. Records |
University of Chicago. Social Science Research Committee. Records |
University of Chicago. Society for Social Research. Records |
University of Chicago. South Asia Language and Area Center. Records |
University of Chicago. Student and Alumni Papers and Ephemera. Collection |
University of Chicago. Student Government. Records |
University of Chicago. Student Housing. Collection |
University of Chicago. Student Organizations and Activities. Collection |
University of Chicago. Subscriptions for Contributions. Records |
University of Chicago. The Shanty. Collection |
University of Chicago. The Stochastics. Records |
University of Chicago. Tuesday Club. Records |
University of Chicago. University Committees on Ranking Policy. Records |
University of Chicago. University Extension. Records |
University of Chicago. Vice President for Public Affairs. Carl von Linné Monument. Records |
University of Chicago. Wartime Military Training Programs. Records |
University of Chicago. Web Archive. Collection |
University of Chicago. Wilder House. Records |
University of Chicago. Women and Women’s Organizations. Collection |
University of Chicago. Woodlawn Social Services Center. Records |
University of Chicago. World War I Ephemera. Collection |
University of Chicago. Yerkes Observatory. Logbooks and Notebooks |
University of Chicago. Yerkes Observatory. Office of the Director. Records |
Uretz, Vi Fogle. Papers |
Urey, Harold C. Papers |
Usuard, Martirologium. Manuscript (Ms 116) |
Van Biesbroeck, George. Papers |
Van Pappelendam, Laura. Papers |
Van Vechten, Carl. Photograph Collection |
Varro, Margit. Papers |
Vater, Friedrich. Papers |
Veblen, Thorstein. Papers |
Velvet Lounge. Collection |
Verse. Records |
Veterinary Medicine. Records |
Viking Penguin. Collection of Saul Bellow |
Vogel, Virgil J. Collection |
Vom Greulichen Laster des Volsauffens. Manuscript (Ms 67) |
Von Holst, Hermann Eduard. Collection |
Voth, Paul D. Papers |
Wach, Joachim. Papers |
Wachs, Dr. Gerald N. Collection of Tom Stoppard |
Waendelin, Svend. Collection |
Wagoners’ Guild of Apolda, Germany. Records |
Walden, John Morgan. Papers |
Walker, David W. Papers |
Walker, George C. Scrapbook |
Wallace, Elizabeth. Papers |
Wallin, Madeline. Papers |
Walmsley, William Henry. Collection |
Walton, Charles. Collection |
Wandel Collection of Manuscript Fragments (Ms 686) |
Ward, F. Champion. Papers |
Warner, Nancy E. Papers |
Warner, W. Lloyd. Papers |
Washington Association of Scientists. Records |
Washington, George. Collection |
Watkins, John Brownson. Papers |
Wattenberg, Albert. Papers |
Wax, Rosalie Hankey. Papers |
Webster, George Washington. Lectures on Physical Diagnosis |
Webster's Third New International Dictionary. Clippings |
Weeks, Charles Bryant Frederick. Papers |
Weil, Roman, Collection of Boris Artzybasheff |
Welcker, Adair. Papers |
Weller, Stuart. Papers |
Welling, Harriet Walker. Papers |
Wells, Edward Franklin. Papers on Pneumonic Fever |
Wells, Edward Franklin. Pulmonary Tuberculosis |
Wells, Ida B. Papers |
Westinghouse Air Brake Company, The Story of the Air Brake |
Whistler, George William, Report to Count Kleinmichel on gauge of track to be used in the St. Petersburg and Moscow Railroad |
White, Leonard D. Papers |
Whitman, Charles Otis. Collection |
Whitman, Walt, "The Bible as Poetry." Manuscript |
Whitman, Walt. Collection |
Whitney, Harry. Hunting with the Eskimos Album |
Whittlesey, Charles. Letter |
Whyte-Melville, G. J. Collection |
Wiest, Michael Edward. Papers |
Wigmore Abbey chronicle and Brut chronicle. Manuscript (Ms 224) |
Wilcox. Delos Franklin. Papers |
Wilczynski, Ernest J. Papers |
Wilder, Thornton. Papers |
Wilkening, Marvin. Papers |
Williams, Anne D. Alumni Collection |
Willis, Alfred. Collection of African-American Popular Fiction |
Wilson, John Todd. Papers |
Wilson, Thomas E. Family. Collection |
Wilt, Napier. Papers |
Winkelman, Dr. James W. Alumni Collection |
Winstein, Bruce. Film Poster Collection |
Winstein, Bruce. Papers |
Winston, Thomas. Papers |
Wirth, Louis. Papers |
Wirth, Mary Bolton. Papers |
Withrow, Thomas Foster. History of the Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railway Company from its Inception, February 27, 1847 to Date |
Wolfe, Richard J. Collection of Paper Marbling and Allied Book Arts. Marbled Paper Specimens Collection |
Woll, Allen. Alumni Collection |
Wollan, Ernest O. Collection |
Woodruff, Timothy Lester. Papers |
World Citizens Association. Central Committee. Records |
World Citizens Association. Chicago Group. Records |
World Conference on Faith and Order. Collection |
World Movement for World Federal Government. Records |
World Republic. Records |
World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893. Collection |
Worner, Ruby K. Papers |
Worshipful Company of Weavers. Charter, 1707, copy |
Wright, Courtenay. Papers |
Wright, Quincy. Papers |
Wu, Sylvia. Alumni Collection |
Wyatt, Edith. Papers |
Wyler, Silvain and Arma. Collection |
Yates, Edgar S. Printing examples |
Yoffee, William M. Collection |
Yoshitoyo, Ichiryusai. Mashin teate kiho no ben, Makiyama Sensei dempo |
Yuan, T'ung-li (Yuan, Tongli). Papers |
Zabel, Morton Dauwen. Papers |
Zeisel, Eva. Papers |
Zeisel, Hans. Papers |
Zendel, Kenneth. Alumni Collection |
Zide, Arlene. Papers |
Zlotow, Walt J. Alumni Collection |
Znaniecki, Florian. Papers |
Zuccarello, Paul. Collection |