Academic Regulations Manual. 1958-1961 (annual). General grading and degree requirements. ASF.
Announcements, see Official Publications
Annual Confidential Statement to the Board of Trustees. 1938-1939 (annual). Continues Report of the President to the Board of Trustees. 1, A.
Annual Register. 1893-1930 (annual). Faculty vitae, course descriptions, lists of students, registration statistics. 1, A.
Annual Report (1892). 1892. First annual report compiled by President William Rainey Harper, not completed or published. Bound typescript. 1, Vault.
*Annual Report (1982). 1982- (annual). Overview of the year's activities, financial statements. 1, A.
*Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Statutes. 1915- (annual). For the Board of Trustees. Title varies. After 1949, includes lists of trustees and officers. A.
Audited Financial Statements. 1976-1980. 1, ASF.
Budget Estimates of Income and Appropriations. 1906-1935 (annual). ASF.
Bulletin of Information (quarterly), see Official Publications
Circular of Information. 1893-1899 (annual). Information on admissions, regulations, course offerings. ASF.
*Convocation. 1893- (quarterly). Names, honors, and degrees of graduates. 1 [1893- ], A [1893- ], Vault [1893-1905].
Convocation Statements. 1893-1914 (quarterly). Statements by the president of the University delivered at convocations, also published in the Quarterly Calendar and the University Record. A.
Departmental Programmes. 1892-1905 (annual). Course descriptions and schedules (see also Official Publications). ASF.
Divisions and Professional Schools Handbook. 1932 (annual). Academic regulations. ASF.
Executive Bulletin. 1894-1900. Official announcements for administrators, faculty, and students from the President's Office regarding policy, rules, and regulations. ASF.
Graduate Schools Handbook. 1923-1930 (annual). Academic regulations and requirements. ASF.
*Guide to University of Chicago Programs for Teachers, Students, and Schools. 1987- (annual). Pre-collegiate programs. ASF.
*Handbook of the Graduate Schools of Arts, Literature, and Science. 1922-1926. Information and regulations. B.
High School Competitive Examinations. 1913-1943 (annual). Reports of scholarship examinations and awards given to high school graduates, including names of winners. ASF.
*Honors Awards Assembly Program. 1959- (annual). ASF.
Manual of Academic Regulations. 1960. ASF.
Official Bulletin. 1891-1892. Description of proposed University organization and academic programs. 1, A, Vault.
Official Manual for Students. 1932-1957 (biennial). General information and regulations. Continues Handbook of the Graduate Schools of Arts, Literature, and Science and Undergraduate Handbook. Continued by Student Handbook. B.
*Official Publications. 190l- (annual). Includes Announcements, Bulletin of Information (quarterly), Circular of Information (semiquarterly and quarterly), and Time Schedules (quarterly). Lists of faculty, degree requirements, course descriptions, time schedules. 1 [1901-1982], A [1931- ].
Official Publications / Online Catalogs (online edition)
Old University of Chicago Annual Catalogue. 1859-1886 (annual). List of officers and students, descriptions of departmental academic programs. A.
President's Report. 1898-1930 (annual). Statement to the Board of Trustees concerning all aspects of the University. Continued by Report of the President to the Board of Trustees. 1, A.
President's Report. 1966-1968 (annual). ASF.
Quarterly Announcements. 1897-1901 (quarterly). Course descriptions and schedules. ASF.
Quarterly Calendar. 1892-1896 (quarterly). Faculty vitae, degree requirements, course descriptions, lists of students, official reports and addresses, abstracts of papers read before student clubs. 1, A.
*Quarterly Enrollment Statistical Report. 1965- (quarterly). Produced by University Registrar. ASF.
Recorder's Monthly Report. 1904-1906 (monthly). Reports on actions of Ruling Bodies. ASF.
Recorder's Quarterly Report. 1907-1908 (quarterly). Reports on actions of Ruling Bodies. ASF.
Report of the President to the Board of Trustees. 1934-1936 (annual). Continues President's Report. Continued by Annual Confidential Statement to the Board of Trustees. 1, A.
Registrar's Annual Report. 1930-1958 (annual). Enrollment, matriculation, and graduation statistics. 1 [1930-1952, 1954-1955], ASF [1953, 1956-1958].
Regulations of the University of Chicago. 1901, 1903. Administrative organization, duties of ruling bodies, policies and procedures. 1, A.
Report of the Comptroller. 1928-1966 (annual). 1 [1928-1966], A [1966].
*Ryerson Lectures. 1974- (annual). Invitational lectures by members of the faculty, established in honor of Nora and Edward Ryerson. B [1974-1990], ASF [1991- ].
Special Circular of Information. 1894-1896 (annual). Summer Quarter course descriptions and schedules. ASF.
Special Reports. 1965. Issued by Office of the President. Selected speeches. ASF.
*State of the University. 1938- (annual). President's report to faculty, students, and alumni. Published in various formats. 1 [1938-1959], A [1938-1959], ASF [1969- ].
Student Handbook. 1958-1973 (annual). General information and regulations. Continues Official Manual for Students. Continued by Student Information Manual. B.
*Student Information Manual. 1974- (annual). General information and regulations. Continues Student Handbook. B.
Summer Quarter Announcements. 1926-1929 (annual). Course listings. Other years bound with Official Publications. B.
Summer Quarter Bulletin. 1948-1988 (annual). Courses and special programs. Published by Summer Quarter Office. ASF.
*Summer Session. 1991- (annual). Courses and programs. Published by Office of Continuing Education. ASF.
*Time Schedules. 1927- (quarterly). Course listings with time and room assignments. Before 1982, normally bound with Official Publications. B [1927-1929, 1982-1989], ASF [1989- ].
Time Schedules (online edition)
Treasurer's Report. 1971-1980 (annual). ASF.
Undergraduate Course Book. 1907-1924 (annual). Information and regulations, with space to list courses. ASF.
Undergraduate Handbook. 1926-1930 (annual). General information and regulations. B.
University of Chicago Financial Report. 1966-1975, 1981 (annual). 1, A.
*University of Chicago Record. 1967- (irregular). Official reports, addresses, faculty appointments and honors, eulogies. After 1986, published as insert in University of Chicago Chronicle. 1 [1967-1986], A [1967-1986], B [1986- ].
University of Chicago Record (online edition)
*University Policies on Drugs and Alcohol. 1993- (annual). ASF.
University Record. 1896-1908 (weekly). Official reports, addresses, actions of Ruling Bodies, notices of campus events, and activities of faculty. 1, A.
University Record New Series 1. 1915-1933 (quarterly). Official reports, addresses, notices of campus events. 1, A.
University Ruling Bodies. 1901-1930 (annual). Lists of members of faculties and administrative boards. A.
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I. Official Publications
II. Handbooks, Directories, and Guides
III. General News and Calendars
IV. Newsletters and Publications of Departments, Divisions, Schools, Committees, and Offices
V. Student Publications
VI. Alumni and Community Publications