Mission and Staff
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center is the principal repository for and steward of the University of Chicago Library's rare books, manuscripts, and University Archives. Its mission is to provide primary sources to stimulate, enrich, and support research, teaching, learning, and administration at the University of Chicago. Special Collections makes these resources available to a broad constituency as part of the University's engagement with the larger community of scholars and independent researchers. In pursuit of its mission, Special Collections:
- Provides unique opportunities for teaching and learning
- Provides responsive, personable, and expert public service
- Builds distinctive and unique collections
- Facilitates discovery through online access to information about all Special Collections holdings
- Promotes access to and use of Special Collections by collaborating with the Library, University, and Chicago-area special collections communities
- Collaborates with other Library units to promote preservation of the holdings of Special Collections
Contacting Us
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center public services staff are glad to answer inquiries about hours, services, and access to the collections: 773-702-8705. Please note: questions that require consulting the collections cannot be answered by telephone.
Please submit your specific questions that require consulting the collections in writing using the Special Collections reference service form. Questions from the University of Chicago community are usually answered within 1-2 days. Questions from the general public are handled as staff time permits; written responses are normally provided within 3-4 weeks.
- Alexandra Breza — Archives & Manuscripts Accessions Supervisor
- Christine Colburn — Supervisor, SCRC Reader Services
- Kathleen Feeney — University Archivist
- Rebecca Flore — Special Collections Metadata Librarian
- Elizabeth Frengel — Curator of Rare Books and Director of the Kim-Park Program
- Patti Gibbons — SCRC Head of Collection Management and Exhibitions
- Ashley Gosselar — Head of Digital Special Collections
- Chelsea Kaufman — Library Exhibition Designer
- Weckea Lilly — Project Archivist
- L'Soft — SCRC Collection Management Coordinator
- Angela Solis — Projects Archivist
- Catherine Uecker — Director, Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center