Dissertation Checklist

  • Receive permission for previously copyrighted material included beyond fair use
  • Defend dissertation and complete revisions
  • Apply to graduate
  • Discuss dissertation embargo with faculty and research collaborators
  • Check diploma name
    • Matches name on title page (ROBERT REDFIELD)
  • Check format of PDF and supplemental files
    • fonts
    • line spacing
    • margins
    • page numbers
    • parts of the dissertation
    • title page
    • table of contents
    • list of tables, figures, other lists
    • chapters
    • tables, figures, other images
    • references
    • appendices
    • supplemental files
    • reference list or bibliography
  • Proofread PDF and supplemental files
  • Notify graduate program administrator that dissertation is ready for departmental approval and provide department with dissertation file(s)
  • Complete Survey of Earned Doctorates; certificate of completion will be emailed to you and to the Dissertation Office
  • Complete the University of Chicago Doctoral Graduate Survey
  • After Departmental Approval Form is completed and signed by Chair of Department or Dean of School, create dissertation submission in Knowledge@UChicago
  • Check submission information in Knowledge@UChicago for compliance with submission guidelines
    • Information is accurate and complete
    • Title uses headline style as does the convocation program (Plan for a Study of Tepoztlan, Mexico)
    • Title matches title on PDF title page but uses upper and lower case and html tags if needed
  • Upload final version of dissertation and supplemental files
  • Upload signed and completed copy of Departmental Approval Form
  • Upload permissions if needed
  • Note information for later use such as cc license, repository license, embargo date, or permissions
  • Submit dissertation
  • Wait to hear from Dissertation Office and correct formatting or provide additional material upon request
  • Wait to hear from Knowledge@UChicago staff regarding status of dissertation submission