Information for Graduate Program Administrators
Program Contacts for the Dissertation Office
Review the Dissertation Office guide to our PhD Programs and Contacts for the divisions and schools. We include links to library research guides for your program, links to to your recent dissertations, and the text for the department line as it should appear on the title page of your students' dissertations.
Departmental Approval Forms and the Departmental Review
Graduate program administrators explain the procedures for a departmental review of dissertations each quarter, and they provide information on the amount of time the department needs for this review. The review occurs when the dissertation is in its final form and ready to be submitted. The departmental review is not a draft review. After the dissertation defense, the student should complete revisions recommended by the dissertation committee and then proofread and copy edit the dissertation. When the dissertation is in its final form, the dissertation is ready for the departmental review. Either the student or the administrator can provide the chair of the department or dean of the professional school with a copy of the final version of the dissertation pdf and with any supplemental or additional files. The student should receive a signed copy of the Departmental Approval Form once the dissertation has been approved by the department.
Before a student submits their dissertation to Knowledge@UChicago, the student must upload a completed copy of the Departmental Approval Form, signed by the department chair or dean of the professional school. The approval form confirms that the dissertation is in its final form, meets the University-Wide Requirements for the Ph.D. Dissertation, and has been accepted as satisfying the degree requirements of the department or school.
After the student has submitted the dissertation to Knowledge@UChicago, the student cannot make any revisions other than those that may be requested by Dissertation Office staff.
Survey of Earned Doctorates
Students may register for the Survey of Earned Doctorates while the departmental review is underway. The University asks doctoral candidates to complete two surveys.
Dissertation Submissions
Early submissions are welcome, but students should wait until the end of one quarter before submitting a dissertation for the next quarter. Graduate program administrators may refer students to the Dissertation Office for assistance with final submissions of their dissertations. Dissertation Office staff will keep program administrators up-to-date with the status of dissertation submissions.
After a dissertation has been approved for publication in Knowledge@UChicago, students will be given instructions for creating a ProQuest submission if they wish.
They will create separate submissions for ProQuest after their dissertation has been approved for publication in Knowledge@UChicago, uploading a copy of the same dissertation published in Knowledge@UChicago after receiving instructions from the Dissertation Office. There should only be one version of the dissertation available.
Dissertation Office staff will approve these submissions and then assign them to the program administrators for their information before sending the submission to ProQuest. Please keep track of your student participation in ProQuest if this is a requirement for your department.
Participation in ProQuest is optional, however some departments require students to create submissions for ProQuest.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global is a subscription database providing access to millions of records for dissertations and full text for over 3.5 million. PQDT has records for nearly all UChicago dissertations completed before Summer 2024. The database is available through many academic libraries worldwide and through the Library of Congress.
Dissertations sent to ProQuest will appear in:
- ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global (PQDT),
- the Web of Science,
- and other indexes noted on ProQuest’s Dissertation & Theses web page.
This provides additional access points and research tools.
Final Submissions
The dissertation defense and any revisions recommended by the dissertation committee must occur prior to departmental approval and prior to the final submission. Students are welcome to file dissertations at any time after the end of the previous quarter but must file no later than:
- Spring 2025: Wednesday, May 7, 4:30 p.m.
- Summer 2025: Wednesday, July 30, 4:30 p.m.
- Autumn 2025: Wednesday, November 12, 4:30 p.m.
- Winter 2026: Wednesday, February 18, 4:30 p.m.
See Also: