Census of Retail Trade: 1972

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1972 census of retail trade
United States. Bureau of the Census
[Washington] : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Social and Economic Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census
"Part of the 1972 economic censuses."
Previous censuses of retail trade issued as part of the Census of business.
Vol. 1 consists of a separate part for each state, the District of Columbia, and the United States as a whole. Vol. 4 consists of a separate part for each state except Wyoming.
[1] Area statistics. 52 pts. in 10 v.--[2] Subject series: S-1. Establishment and firm size. S-2. Capital expenditures, fixed assets, and rental payments. S-3. Miscellaneous subjects.--[3] Merchandise line sales.--[4] Major retail centers in standard metropolitan statistical areas. 49 pts. in 10 v.
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1972 census of retail trade
United States. Bureau of the Census
[Washington] : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Business Division
Previous censuses of retail trade issued as part of the Census of business
v. 1. Summary and subject statistics.--v. 2. Area statistics: pt. 1. U.S. summary. Alabama-Indiana. pt. 2. Iowa-North Carolina. pt. 3. North Dakota-Wyoming.--v. 3. Major retail center statistics: pt. 1. Alabama-Indiana. pt. 2. Iowa-North Carolina. pt. 3. North Dakota-Wisconsin.
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1972 economic censuses of outlying areas
United States. Bureau of the Census
[Washington] : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Social and Economic Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census
[1] Puerto Rico, wholesale trade, retail trade, selected service industries ; area statistics -- [2] Puerto Rico, wholesale trade, retail trade, selected service industries ; subject statistics -- [3] Puerto Rico, construction industries -- [4] Puerto Rico, manufactures -- [5] Virgin Islands of the United States.
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Per capita retail sales in the United States, by counties : 1972
United States. Bureau of the Census
Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1977
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Mini-guide to the 1972 economic censuses
United States. Bureau of the Census. Data User Services Division
[Washington] Bureau of Census
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1972 economic censuses : procedural history
United States. Bureau of the Census
Washington, D.C. : U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1976
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