Selected Bibliography for Harald Uhlig

Professor in Economics and the College

Home page of Harald Uhlig

Published Works  

"Accounting for Post-Crisis Inflation: A Retro Analysis." Chiara Fratto and Harald Uhlig; Review of Economic Dynamics, 2020, 35, pp. 133-53.

"Some Simple Bitcoin Economics." Linda Schilling and Harald Uhlig; Journal of Monetary Economics, 2019, 106, pp. 16-26.

"The Dynamics of Sovereign Debt Crises and Bailouts." Francisco Roch and Harald Uhlig; Journal of International Economics, 2018, 114, pp. 1-13.

"A Theory of Pruning." Giovanni Lombardo and Harald Uhlig; International Economic Review, 2018, 59(4), pp. 1825-36.

"Comment on 'Jump-Starting the Euro-Area Recovery: Would a Rise in Core Fiscal Spending Help the Periphery?'." Harald Uhlig; NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 2017, 31, pp. 183-97.

"Business Cycles and International Trade." Harald Uhlig; Journal of Political Economy, 2017, 125(6), pp. 1761-66.

"Comment on 'External and Public Debt Crises'." Harald Uhlig; NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 2016, 30, pp. 257-67.

"Chapter 17 - Housing and Credit Markets: Booms and Busts," Veronica Guerrieri and Harald Uhlig, in J. B. Taylor and H. Uhlig: Handbook of Macroeconomics. Elsevier, 2016, pp. 1427-96

"Bayesian Estimation of a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model with Asset Prices." Martin Kliem and Harald Uhlig; Quantitative Economics, 2016, 7(1), pp. 257-87.

"Is Quantity Theory Still Alive?" Pedro Teles, Harald Uhlig and Joao Valle e Azevedo; Economic Journal, 2016, 126(591), pp. 442-64.

"Financial Health Economics." Ralph S. J. Koijen, Tomas J. Philipson and Harald Uhlig; Econometrica, 2016, 84(1), pp. 195-242.

"Corporate Debt Structure and the Financial Crisis: Erratum." Fiorella De Fiore and Harald Uhlig; Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 2016, 48(1), pp. 247-47.

"Fiscal Stimulus and Distortionary Taxation." Thorsten Drautzburg and Harald Uhlig; Review of Economic Dynamics, 2015, 18(4), pp. 894-920.

"Corporate Debt Structure and the Financial Crisis." Fiorella De Fiore and Harald Uhlig; Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 2015, 47(8), pp. 1571-98.

"Comment on the Campbell-Cochrane Habit Model." Lars Ljungqvist and Harald Uhlig; Journal of Political Economy, 2015, 123(5), pp. 1201-13.

"Sovereign Default Risk and Banks in a Monetary Union." Harald Uhlig; German Economic Review, 2014, 15(1), pp. 23-41.

"Outright Monetary Transactions Und Target2." Harald Uhlig; Wirtschaftsdienst, 2013, 93(7), pp. 443-44.

"Unit Roots in White Noise." Alexei Onatski and Harald Uhlig; Econometric Theory, 2012, 28(3), pp. 485-508.

"Transitions in the German Labor Market: Structure and Crisis." Michael U. Krause and Harald Uhlig; Journal of Monetary Economics, 2012, 59(1), pp. 64-79.

"Economics and Reality." Harald Uhlig; Journal of Macroeconomics, 2012, 34(1), pp. 29-41.

"Agents as Empirical Macroeconomists: Thomas J. Sargent's Contribution to Economics." Harald Uhlig; Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2012, 114(4), pp. 1055-81.

"The Laffer Curve Revisited." Mathias Trabandt and Harald Uhlig; Journal of Monetary Economics, 2011, 58(4), pp. 305-27.

"Bank Finance Versus Bond Finance." Fiorella De Fiore and Harald Uhlig; Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 2011, 43(7), pp. 1399-421.

"Some Fiscal Calculus." Harald Uhlig; American Economic Review, 2010, 100(2), pp. 30-34.

"A Model of a Systemic Bank Run." Harald Uhlig; Journal of Monetary Economics, 2010, 57(1), pp. 78-96.

"What Are the Effects of Fiscal Policy Shocks?" Andrew Mountford and Harald Uhlig; Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2009, 24(6), pp. 960-92.

"The Slow Decline of East Germany." Harald Uhlig; Journal of Comparative Economics, 2008, 36(4), pp. 517-41.

"Pension Systems and the Allocation of Macroeconomic Risk," Lans Bovenberg and Harald Uhlig, in L. Reichlin and K. West: Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2008, pp. 241-323

"New Evidence on the Puzzles: Results from Agnostic Identification on Monetary Policy and Exchange Rates." Almuth Scholl and Harald Uhlig; Journal of International Economics, 2008, 76(1), pp. 1-13.

"Should Smart Investors Buy Funds with High Past Returns?" Frederic Palomino and Harald Uhlig; Review of Finance, 2007, 11(1), pp. 51-70.

"Explaining Asset Prices with External Habits and Wage Rigidities in a DSGE Model." Harald Uhlig; American Economic Review, 2007, 97(2), pp. 239-43.

"Regional Labor Markets, Network Externalities and Migration: The Case of German Reunification." Harald Uhlig; American Economic Review, 2006, 96(2), pp. 383-83.

"Competitive Risk Sharing Contracts with One-Sided Commitment." Dirk Krueger and Harald Uhlig; Journal of Monetary Economics, 2006, 53(7), pp. 1661-91.

"Debt Contracts and Collapse as Competition Phenomena." Hans Gersbach and Harald Uhlig; Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2006, 15(4), pp. 556-74.

"Towards a Monthly Business Cycle Chronology for the Euro Area." Emanuel Monch and Harald Uhlig; Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis, 2005, 2(1), pp. 43-69.

"What Are the Effects of Monetary Policy on Output? Results from an Agnostic Identification Procedure." Harald Uhlig; Journal of Monetary Economics, 2005, 52(2), pp. 381-419.

"Comment on 'Monetary Policy in Real Time'." Harald Uhlig; NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 2004, 19, pp. 201-15.

"Comments on 'Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy under Imperfect Competition.'." Harald Uhlig; Journal of Macroeconomics, 2004, 26(2), pp. 211-17.

"Do Technology Shocks Lead to a Fall in Total Hours Worked?" Harald Uhlig; Journal of the European Economic Association, 2004, 2(2-3), pp. 361-71.

"Commentary on 'the Macroeconomic Effects of Inflation Targeting'." Harald Uhlig; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 2004, 86(4), pp. 81-88.

"One Money, but Many Fiscal Policies in Europe: What Are the Consequences?," Harald Uhlig, in M. Buti: Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Emu: Interactions and Coordination. Cambridge; New York and Melbourne:: Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 29-56

"The Sharpe Ratio and Preferences: A Parametric Approach." Martin Lettau and Harald Uhlig; Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2002, 6(2), pp. 242-65.

"On Adjusting the Hodrick-Prescott Filter for the Frequency of Observations." Morten O. Ravn and Harald Uhlig; Review of Economics and Statistics, 2002, 84(2), pp. 371-76.

"Analysis of the Monetary Transmission Mechanism: Methodological Issues: Discussion," Harald Uhlig, in The Monetary Transmission Process: Recent Developments and Lessons for Europe. Houndmills, U.K. and New York: Palgrave, 2001, pp. 51-59

"Can Habit Formation Be Reconciled with Business Cycle Facts?" Martin Lettau and Harald Uhlig; Review of Economic Dynamics, 2000, 3(1), pp. 79-99.

"What Is the Real Story for Interest Rate Volatility?" Andreas Hornstein and Harald Uhlig; German Economic Review, 2000, 1(1), pp. 43-67.

"Tax Policy and Aggregate Demand Management under Catching up with the Joneses." Lars Ljungqvist and Harald Uhlig; American Economic Review, 2000, 90(3), pp. 356-66.

"Should We Be Afraid of Friedman's Rule?" Harald Uhlig; Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 2000, 14(4), pp. 261-303.

"A Toolkit for Analysing Nonlinear Dynamic Stochastic Models Easily," Harald Uhlig, in R. Marimon and A. Scott: Computational Methods for the Study of Dynamic Economies. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 30-61

"Growth and the Cycle: Creative Destruction Versus Entrenchment." Erik Canton and Harald Uhlig; Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie), 1999, 69(3), pp. 239-66.

"Rules of Thumb Versus Dynamic Programming." Martin Lettau and Harald Uhlig; American Economic Review, 1999, 89(1), pp. 148-74.

"Fickle Investors: An Impediment to Growth?" Andrew Scott and Harald Uhlig; European Economic Review, 1999, 43(7), pp. 1345-70.

"An Analysis of the Stability and Growth Pact." Roel Beetsma and Harald Uhlig; Economic Journal, 1999, 109(458), pp. 546-71.

"Capital Income Taxation and the Sustainability of Permanent Primary Deficits," Harald Uhlig, in S. Brakman, H. van Ees and S. K. Kuipers: Market Behaviour and Macroeconomic Modelling. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998, pp. 309-37

"The Robustness of Identified Var Conclusions About Money: A Comment." Harald Uhlig; Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1998, 49, pp. 245-63.

"Bayesian Vector Autoregressions with Stochastic Volatility." Harald Uhlig; Econometrica, 1997, 65(1), pp. 59-73.

"A Law of Large Numbers for Large Economies." Harald Uhlig; Economic Theory, 1996, 8(1), pp. 41-50.

"Increasing the Capital Income Tax May Lead to Faster Growth." Harald Uhlig and Noriyuki Yanagawa; European Economic Review, 1996, 40(8), pp. 1521-40.

"What Macroeconomists Should Know About Unit Roots: A Bayesian Perspective." Harald Uhlig; Econometric Theory, 1994, 10(3-4), pp. 645-71.

"On Jeffreys Prior When Using the Exact Liklihood Function." Harald Uhlig; Econometric Theory, 1994, 10(3-4), pp. 633-44.

"Comment on 'Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Volatility Models'." Harald Uhlig; Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 1994, 12(4), pp. 410-12.

"The Timing of Information in a General Equilibrium Framework." Jonathan B. Berk and Harald Uhlig; Journal of Economic Theory, 1993, 59(2), pp. 275-87.

"The Impact of Large Portfolio Insurers on Asset Prices." R. Glen Donaldson and Harald Uhlig; Journal of Finance, 1993, 48(5), pp. 1943-55.

"Understanding Unit Rooters: A Helicopter Tour." Christopher A. Sims and Harald Uhlig; Econometrica, 1991, 59(6), pp. 1591-99.

"Solving Nonlinear Stochastic Growth Models: A Comparison of Alternative Solution Methods." John B. Taylor and Harald Uhlig; Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 1990, 8(1), pp. 1-17.

"Reasonable Extreme-Bounds Analysis." Clive W. J. Granger and Harald F. Uhlig; Journal of Econometrics, 1990, 44(1-2), pp. 159-70.

Costly Information Acquisition, Stock Prices and Neoclassical Growth; Harald Friedrich Hans Volker Sigmar Uhlig; Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1990.

Working Papers  

How Do Laffer Curves Differ across Countries?; Mathias Trabandt and Harald Uhlig; NBER  Working Paper Series No. 17862; Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2012.

Fiscal Stimulus and Distortionary Taxation; Thorsten Drautzburg and Harald Uhlig; NBER Working Paper Series   No. 17111; Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2011.

Economics and Reality; Harald Uhlig; NBER Working Paper Series No. 16416; Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2010.

Is Quantity Theory Still Alive?; Pedro Teles and Harald Uhlig; NBER Working Paper Series No. 16393; Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2010.

How Far Are We from the Slippery Slope? The Laffer Curve Revisited; Mathias Trabandt and Harald Uhlig; NBER Working Paper Series No. 15343; Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009.

A Model of a Systemic Bank Run; Harald Uhlig; NBER Working Paper Series No. 15072; Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009. 

Monetary Policy in Europe vs the US: What Explains the Difference?; Harald Uhlig; NBER Working Paper Series No. 14996; Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009. 

Optimal Endowment Destruction under Campbell-Cochrane Habit Formation; Lars Ljungqvist and Harald Uhlig; NBER Working Paper Series No. 14772; Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009. 

What Are the Effects of Fiscal Policy Shocks?; Andrew Mountford and Harald Uhlig; NBER Working Paper Series No. 14551; Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2008. 

Explaining Asset Prices with External Habits and Wage Rigidities in a Dsge Model; Harald Uhlig; SFB 649 Discussion Papers: SFB649DP2007-003; Berlin: Humboldt University, 2007.

Pension Systems and the Allocation of Macroeconomic Risk; Lans Bovenberg and Harald Uhlig; Center for Economic Research, Discussion Paper: 101; Tilburg University, 2006.

Pension Sytems and the Allocation of Macroeconomic Risk; Lans Bovenberg and Harald Uhlig; SFB 649 Discussion Papers: SFB649DP2006-066; Berlin: Humboldt University, 2006.

How Far Are We from the Slippery Slope? The Laffer Curve Revisited; Mathias Trabandt and Harald Uhlig; SFB 649 Discussion Papers: SFB649DP2006-023; Berlin: Humboldt University, 2006.

Regional Labor Markets, Network Externalities and Migration: The Case of German Reunification; Harald Uhlig; CRC 649 Discussion Papers: SFB649DP2006-004; Berlin: Humboldt University, 2006.

On the Coexistence of Banks and Markets; Hans Gersbach and Harald Uhlig; SFB 649 Discussion Papers: SFB649DP2006-054; Berlin: Humboldt University 2006.

The Welfare Enhancing Effects of a Selfish Government in the Presence of Uninsurable, Idiosyncratic Risk; Anton Braun and Harald Uhlig; SFB 649 Discussion Papers: SFB649DP2006-070; Berlin: Humboldt University, 2006.

Approximate Solutions to Dynamic Models - Linear Methods; Harald Uhlig; SFB 649 Discussion Papers: SFB649DP2006-030; Berlin: Humboldt University, 2006.

New Evidence on the Puzzles. Results from Agnostic Identification on Monetary Policy and Exchange Rates; Almuth Scholl and Harald Uhlig; CRC 649 Discussion Papers: SFB649DP2005-037; Berlin: Humboldt University, 2005.

What Are the Effects of Fiscal Policy Shocks?; Andrew Mountford and Harald Uhlig; CRC 649 Discussion Papers: SFB649DP2005-039; Berlin: Humboldt University 2005.

Bank Finance Versus Bond Finance - What Explains the Differences between US and Europe?; Fiorella De Fiore and Harald Uhlig; Working Paper Series: 547; European Central Bank, 2005.

Bank Finance Versus Bond Finance: What Explains the Differences between US and Europe?; Fiorella De Fiore and Harald Uhlig; CRC 649 Discussion Papers: SFB649DP2005-042; Berlin: Humboldt University, 2005.

Competitive Risk Sharing Contracts with One-Sided Commitment; Dirk Krueger and Harald Uhlig; CRC 649 Discussion Papers: SFB649DP2005-003; Berlin: Humboldt University, 2005.

Discussion of 'the Source of Historical Economic Fluctuations: An Analysis Using Long-Run Restrictions' by Neville Francis and Valerie A. Ramey; Harald Uhlig; SFB 649 Discussion Papers: SFB649DP2006-042; Humboldt University, 2004.

Competitive Risk Sharing Contracts with One-Sided Commitment; Dirk Krueger and Harald Uhlig; NBER Working Papers Series no. 10135; Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2003.

Towards a Monthly Business Cycle Chronology for the Euro Area; Emanuel Monch and Harald Uhlig; CRC 649 Discussion Papers: SFB649DP2005-023; Berlin: Humboldt University, 2003.

Did the Fed Surprise the Markets in 2001? A Case Study for VARs with Sign Restrictions; Harald Uhlig; CESifo Working Paper Series No. 629; Munich: CESifo 2001.

What Is the Real Story for Interest Rate Volatility?; Andreas Hornstein and Harald Uhlig; Working Paper: 99-9; Richmond: Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, 1999.

A Toolkit for Analyzing Nonlinear Dynamic Stochastic Models Easily; Harald Uhlig; Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics Discussion Paper 101; Minneapolis: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 1995.

Transition and Financial Collapse; Harald Uhlig; CESifo Working Paper Series No. 40; Munich: CESifo 1993.

Solving Nonlinear Stochastic Growth Models: A Comparison of Alternative Solution Methods; John B. Taylor and Harald Uhlig; NBER Working Papers Series no. 3117; Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1990.

Understanding Unit Rooters: A Helicopter Tour; Christopher A. Sims and Harald Uhlig; Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics Discussion Paper 4; Minneapolis: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 1988.

Reasonable Extreme Bounds Analysis; Clive W. J. Granger and Harald F. Uhlig; Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics Discussion Paper 2; Minneapolis: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 1988.