Selected Bibliography for Philip J. Reny

Hugo F. Sonnenschein Distinguished Service  Professor in Economics and the College

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Published Works

"Nash Equilibrium in Discontinuous Games." Philip J. Reny; Economic Theory, 2016, 61(3), pp. 553-69.


"Matching to Share Risk." Pierre-Andre Chiappori and Philip J. Reny; Theoretical Economics, 2016, 11(1), pp. 227-51.


"Maximal Revenue with Multiple Goods: Nonmonotonicity and Other Observations." Sergiu Hart and Philip J. Reny; Theoretical Economics, 2015, 10(3), pp. 893-922.

"A Characterization of Rationalizable Consumer Behavior." Philip J. Reny; Econometrica, 2015, 83(1), pp. 175-92.

"A Simple Proof of the Nonconcavifiability of Functions with Linear Not-All-Parallel Contour Sets." Philip J. Reny; Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2013, 49(6), pp. 506-08.

"The Partnered Core of a Game with Side Payments." Philip Reny, Eyal Winter and Myrna Wooders; Social Choice and Welfare, 2012, 39(2), pp. 521-36.

"Tax Incidence under Imperfect Competition: Comment." Philip J. Reny, Simon J. Wilkie and Michael A. Williams; International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2012, 30(5), pp. 399-402.

"Strategic Approximations of Discontinuous Games." Philip J. Reny; Economic Theory, 2011, 48(1), pp. 17-29.

"On the Existence of Monotone Pure-Strategy Equilibria in Bayesian Games." Philip J. Reny; Econometrica, 2011, 79(2), pp. 499-553.

"Non-Cooperative Games (Equilibrium Existence)," Philip J. Reny, in S. N. Durlauf and L. E. Blume: The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008

"The Role of Excess Capacity in Determining Market Power in Natural Gas Transportation Markets." R. Preston McAfee and Philip Reny; Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2007, 32(3), pp. 209-23. 

"Toward a Strategic Foundation for Rational Expectations Equilibrium." Philip J. Reny and Motty Perry; Econometrica, 2006, 74(5), pp. 1231-69.

"An Efficient Multi-Unit Ascending Auction." Motty Perry and Philip J. Reny; Review of Economic Studies, 2005, 72(2), pp. 567.

"Reinterpreting Mixed Strategy Equilibria: A Unification of the Classical and Bayesian Views." Philip J Reny and Arthur J Robson; Games and Economic Behavior, 2004, 48(2), pp. 355.

"On the Existence of Pure Strategy Monotone Equilibria in Asymmetric First-Price Auctions." Philip J Reny and Shmuel Zamir; Econometrica, 2004, 72(4), pp. 1105.

"A Short Proof of Harsanyi's Purification Theorem." Srihari Govindan, Philip J. Reny and Arthur J. Robson; Games and Economic Behavior, 2003, 45(2), pp. 369-74.

"Existence of Subgame Perfect Equilibrium with Public Randomization: A Short Proof." Philip J. Reny and Arthur J. Robson; Economics Bulletin, 2002, 3(24), pp. 1-8.

"An Efficient Auction." Motty Perry and Philip J. Reny; Econometrica, 2002, 70(3), pp. 1199-212.

Advanced Microeconomic Theory; Geoffrey Alexander Jehle and Philip J. Reny; Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2001

"Arrow's Theorem and the Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem: A Unified Approach." Philip J. Reny; Economics Letters, 2001, 70(1), pp. 99-105.

"A General Solution to King Solomon's Dilemma." Motty Perry and Philip J. Reny; Games and Economic Behavior, 1999, 26(2), pp. 279-85.

"On the Failure of the Linkage Principle in Multi-Unit Auctions." Motty Perry and Philip J. Reny; Econometrica, 1999, 67(4), pp. 895-900.

"On the Existence of Pure and Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibria in Discontinuous Games." Philip J. Reny; Econometrica, 1999, 67(5), pp. 1029-56.

Advanced Microeconomic Theory; Geoffrey Alexander Jehle and Philip J. Reny; Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1998

"An Extension of the KKMS Theorem." Philip J. Reny and Myrna Holtz Wooders; Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1998, 29(2), pp. 125-34.

"Two Lectures on Implementation under Complete Information: General Results and the Core," Philip J. Reny, in S. Hart and A. Mas-Colell: Cooperation : Game-Theoretic Approaches. Berlin, New York Springer, 1997.

"Independence on Relative Probability Spaces and Consistent Assessments in Game Trees." Elon Kohlberg and Philip J. Reny; Journal of Economic Theory, 1997, 75(2), pp. 280-313.

"Credible Threats of Secession, Partnership, and Commonwealths," Philip J. Reny and Myrna Holtz Wooders, in W. Albers, M. Strobel and R. Selten: Understanding Strategic Interaction: Essays in Honor of Reinhard Selten. Heidelberg and New York: Springer, 1997, pp. 305-12

"The Partnered Core of a Game without Side Payments." Philip J. Reny and Myrna Holtz Wooders; Journal of Economic Theory, 1996, 70(2), pp. 298-311.

"Review of 'A Course in Game Theory'." Philip Reny; Canadian Journal of Economics, 1995, 28(3), pp. 726.

"Destructive Interference in an Imperfectly Competitive Multi-Security Market." Utpal Bhattacharya, Philip J. Reny and Matthew Spiegel; Journal of Economic Theory, 1995, 65(1), pp. 136-70.

"Rational Behaviour in Extensive-Form Games." Philip J. Reny; Canadian Journal of Economics, 1995, 28(1), pp. 1-16.

"The Existence of Subgame-Perfect Equilibrium in Continuous Games with Almost Perfect Information: A Case for Public Randomization." Christopher Harris, Philip Reny and Arthur Robson; Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1995, 63(3), pp. 507-44.

"On the Strategic Equivalence of Extensive Form Games." Susan Elmes and Philip J. Reny; Journal of Economic Theory, 1994, 62(1), pp. 1-23.

"Erratum [A Non-Cooperative Bargaining Model with Strategically Timed Offers]." Motty Perry and Philip J. Reny; Journal of Economic Theory, 1994, 62(1), pp. 253.

"A Noncooperative View of Coalition Formation and the Core." Motty Perry and Philip J. Reny; Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1994, 62(4), pp. 795-817.

"A Non-Cooperative Bargaining Model with Strategically Timed Offers." Motty Perry and Philip J. Reny; Journal of Economic Theory, 1993, 59(1), pp. 50-77.

"Common Belief and the Theory of Games with Perfect Information." Philip J. Reny; Journal of Economic Theory, 1993, 59(2), pp. 257-74.

"A Stone-Weierstrass Theorem without Closure under Suprema." R. Preston McAfee and Philip J. Reny; Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1992, 114(1), pp. 61-67.

"Correlated Information and Mecanism Design." R. Preston McAfee and Philip J. Reny; Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1992, 60(2), pp. 395-421.

"Backward Induction, Normal Form Perfection and Explicable Equilibria." Philip J. Reny; Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1992, 60(3), pp. 627-49.

"Rationality in Extensive-Form Games." Philip J. Reny; Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1992, 6(4), pp. 103-18.

"Subgame Perfect Equilibrium in Continuous Games of Perfect Information: An Elementary Approach." Martin Hellwig, Wolfgang Leininger, Philip J. Reny and Arthur J. Robson; Journal of Economic Theory, 1990, 52( 2), pp. 406.

"Extracting the Surplus in the Common-Value Auction." R. Preston McAfee, John McMillan and Philip J. Reny; Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1989, 57(6), pp. 1451-59.

"Common Knowledge and Games with Perfect Information," Philip J. Reny, in A. Fine and J. Leplin: Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association. East Lansing: Philosophy of Science Association, 1988, pp. 363-69

Two Papers on the Theory of Strategic Behavior; Philip Reny; Ph. D Dissertation, Princeton University, 1988.

"On Two Methods for Solving and Estimating Linear Simultaneous Equations under Rational Expectations." Gregory C. Chow and Philip J. Reny; Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 1985, 9(1), pp. 63-75.