Selected Bibliography for Alexander Todorov
Leon Carroll Marshall Professor of Behavioral Science
Home page of Alexander Todorov
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Published Works
"Generative Models for Visualizing Idiosyncratic Impressions." Alexander Todorov, Stefan Uddenberg and Daniel Albohn; British Journal of Psychology, 2022.
"Deep Models of Superficial Face Judgments." Joshua C. Peterson, Stefan Uddenberg, Thomas L. Griffiths, Alexander Todorov and Jordan W. Suchow; PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022, 119(17), pp. 1-9.
"A Neuronal Social Trait Space for First Impressions in the Human Amygdala and Hippocampus." Runnan Cao, Chujun Lin, Johnie Hodge, Xin Li, Alexander Todorov, Nicholas J. Brandmeir and Shuo Wang; Molecular Psychiatry, 2022.
"Violence Exposure Is Associated with Atypical Appraisal of Threat among Women: An Eeg Study." Virginie Chloé Perizzolo Pointet, Dominik Andrea Moser, Marylène Vital, Sandra Rusconi Serpa, Alexander Todorov and Daniel Scott Schechter; Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 11.
"The Structure and Perceptual Basis of Social Judgments from Faces," Alexander Todorov and DongWon Oh, in Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. San Diego, CA: Elsevier Academic Press, 2021, pp. 189-245.
"Pain and Satisfaction: Healthcare Providers’ Facial Appearance Matters." Katia Mattarozzi, Elisa Caponera, Paolo Maria Russo, Valentina Colonnello, Margherita Bassetti, Elena Farolfi and Alexander Todorov; Psychological Research, 2021, 85(4), pp. 1706-12.
"Did You See It? Robust Individual Differences in the Speed with Which Meaningful Visual Stimuli Break Suppression." Asael Y. Sklar, Ariel Y. Goldstein, Yaniv Abir, Alon Goldstein, Ron Dotsch, Alexander Todorov and Ran R. Hassin; Cognition, 2021, 211.
"The Eye Wants What the Heart Wants: Female Face Preferences Are Related to Partner Personality Preferences." DongWon Oh, Natalie Grant-Villegas and Alexander Todorov; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2020, 46(11), pp. 1328-43.
"Quantifying Idiosyncratic and Shared Contributions to Judgment." Joel E. Martinez, Friederike Funk and Alexander Todorov; Behavior Research Methods, 2020, 52(4), pp. 1428-44.
"Learning the Affective Value of People: More Than Affect-Based Mechanisms." Chiara Ferrari, DongWon Oh, Brandon P. Labbree and Alexander Todorov; Acta Psychologica, 2020, 203.
"Gender Biases in Impressions from Faces: Empirical Studies and Computational Models." DongWon Oh, Ron Dotsch, Jenny Porter and Alexander Todorov; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2020, 149(2), pp. 323-42.
"Economic Status Cues from Clothes Affect Perceived Competence from Faces." DongWon Oh, Eldar Shafir and Alexander Todorov; Nature Human Behaviour, 2020, 4(3), pp. 287-93.
"Can We Reduce Facial Biases? Persistent Effects of Facial Trustworthiness on Sentencing Decisions." Bastian Jaeger, Alexander T. Todorov, Anthony M. Evans and Ilja van Beest; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2020, 90.
"Revealing Hidden Gender Biases in Competence Impressions of Faces." DongWon Oh, Elinor A. Buck and Alexander Todorov; Psychological Science, 2019, 30(1), pp. 65-79.
"Person Information Facilitates Memory for Face Identity." Katia Mattarozzi, Valentina Colonnello, Paolo Maria Russo and Alexander Todorov; Psychological Research, 2019, 83(8), pp. 1817-24.
"Loud and Unclear: Intense Real-Life Vocalizations During Affective Situations Are Perceptually Ambiguous and Contextually Malleable." Doron Atias, Alexander Todorov, Shai Liraz, Arella Eidinger, Ilan Dror, Yaacov Maymon and Hillel Aviezer; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2019, 148(10), pp. 1842-48.
"Differences in Emotion Recognition from Body and Face Cues between Deaf and Hearing Individuals." Chiara Ferrari, Costanza Papagno, Alexander Todorov and Zaira Cattaneo; Multisensory Research, 2019, 32(6), pp. 499-519.
"Contributions of Shape and Reflectance Information to Social Judgments from Faces." DongWon Oh, Ron Dotsch and Alexander Todorov; Vision Research, 2019, 165, pp. 131-42.
"Stimulus Generalization as a Mechanism for Learning to Trust." Oriel FeldmanHall, Joseph E. Dunsmoor, Alexa Tompary, Lindsay E. Hunter, Alexander Todorov and Elizabeth A. Phelps; PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018, 115(7), pp. E1690-E97.
"Robust Effects of Affective Person Learning on Evaluation of Faces." Sara C. Verosky, Jenny Porter, Joel E. Martinez and Alexander Todorov; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2018, 114(4), pp. 516-28.
"Republican Voters Prefer Candidates Who Have Conservative‐Looking Faces: New Evidence from Exit Polls." Christopher Y. Olivola, Dustin Tingley and Alexander Todorov; Political Psychology, 2018, 39(5), pp. 1157-71.
"Behavioral and Neural Adaptation in Approach Behavior." Shuo Wang, Virginia Falvello, Jenny Porter, Christopher P. Said and Alexander Todorov; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2018, 30(6), pp. 885-97.
"The Shape of Novel Objects Contributes to Shared Impressions." Aaron Kurosu and Alexander Todorov; Journal of Vision, 2017, 17(13).
"The Biasing Effects of Appearances Go Beyond Physical Attractiveness and Mating Motives." Christopher Y. Olivola and Alexander Todorov; Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2017, 40.
"Modelling Perceptions of Criminality and Remorse from Faces Using a Data-Driven Computational Approach." Friederike Funk, Mirella Walker and Alexander Todorov; Cognition and Emotion, 2017, 31(7), pp. 1431-43.
"I Care, Even after the First Impression: Facial Appearance-Based Evaluations in Healthcare Context." Katia Mattarozzi, Valentina Colonnello, Francesco De Gioia and Alexander Todorov; Social Science & Medicine, 2017, 182, pp. 68-72.
"For Your Local Eyes Only: Culture-Specific Face Typicality Influences Perceptions of Trustworthiness." Carmel Sofer, Ron Dotsch, Masanori Oikawa, Haruka Oikawa, Daniel H. J. Wigboldus and Alexander Todorov; Perception, 2017, 46(8), pp. 914-28.
Face Value: The Irresistible Influence of First Impressions Alexander Todorov; Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2017.
"What Can the Study of First Impressions Tell Us About Attitudinal Ambivalence and Paranoia in Schizophrenia?" Fabien Trémeau, Daniel Antonius, Alexander Todorov, Yasmina Rebani, Kelsey Ferrari, Sang Han Lee, Daniel Calderone, Karen A. Nolan, Pamela Butler, Dolores Malaspina and Daniel C. Javitt; Psychiatry Research, 2016, 238, pp. 86-92.
"The Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex Plays a Causal Role in Integrating Social Impressions from Faces and Verbal Descriptions." Chiara Ferrari, Carlotta Lega, Mirta Vernice, Marco Tamietto, Peter Mende-Siedlecki, Tomaso Vecchi, Alexander Todorov and Zaira Cattaneo; Cerebral Cortex, 2016, 26(1), pp. 156-65.
"Physical Strength as a Cue to Dominance: A Data-Driven Approach." Hugo Toscano, Thomas W. Schubert, Ron Dotsch, Virginia Falvello and Alexander Todorov; Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2016, 42(12), pp. 1603-16.
"Neural Dissociations between Meaningful and Mere Inconsistency in Impression Updating." Peter Mende-Siedlecki and Alexander Todorov; Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2016, 11(9), pp. 1489-500.
"Interfering with Activity in the Dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex Via Tms Affects Social Impressions Updating." Chiara Ferrari, Tomaso Vecchi, Alexander Todorov and Zaira Cattaneo; Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 2016, 16(4), pp. 626-34.
"Contributions of Facial Expressions and Body Language to the Rapid Perception of Dynamic Emotions." Laura Martinez, Virginia B. Falvello, Hillel Aviezer and Alexander Todorov; Cognition and Emotion, 2016, 30(5), pp. 939-52.
"Amygdala Tuning toward Self and Other," Vincent Man, Daniel L. Ames, Alexander Todorov and William A. Cunningham, in Positive Neuroscience. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 105-23.
"What Is Typical Is Good: The Influence of Face Typicality on Perceived Trustworthiness." Carmel Sofer, Ron Dotsch, Daniel H. J. Wigboldus and Alexander Todorov; Psychological Science, 2015, 26(1), pp. 39-47.
"Thrill of Victory or Agony of Defeat? Perceivers Fail to Utilize Information in Facial Movements." Hillel Aviezer, Daniel S. Messinger, Shiri Zangvil, Whitney I. Mattson, Devon N. Gangi and Alexander Todorov; Emotion, 2015, 15(6), pp. 791-97.
"The Robustness of Learning About the Trustworthiness of Other People." Virginia Falvello, Michael Vinson, Chiara Ferrari and Alexander Todorov; Social Cognition, 2015, 33(5), pp. 368-86.
"The Look That Binds: Partner-Directed Altruistic Motivation and Biased Perception in Married Couples." Raluca Petrican, Alexander Todorov, Christopher T. Burris, R. Shayna Rosenbaum and Cheryl Grady; Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 2015, 39(2), pp. 165-79.
"The Development of Race‐Based Perceptual Categorization: Skin Color Dominates Early Category Judgments." Yarrow Dunham, Elena V. Stepanova, Ron Dotsch and Alexander Todorov; Developmental Science, 2015, 18(3), pp. 469-83.
"Social Attributions from Faces: Determinants, Consequences, Accuracy, and Functional Significance." Alexander Todorov, Christopher Y. Olivola, Ron Dotsch and Peter Mende-Siedlecki; Annual Review of Psychology, 2015, 66, pp. 519-45.
"Response to Bonnefon Et Al: Limited ‘Kernels of Truth’ in Facial Inferences." Alexander Todorov, Friederike Funk and Christopher Y. Olivola; Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2015, 19(8), pp. 422-23.
"Memory for Faces: The Effect of Facial Appearance and the Context in Which the Face Is Encountered." Katia Mattarozzi, Alexander Todorov and Maurizio Codispoti; Psychological Research, 2015, 79(2), pp. 308-17.
"Implicit Emotion Perception in Schizophrenia." Fabien Trémeau, Daniel Antonius, Alexander Todorov, Yasmina Rebani, Kelsey Ferrari, Sang Han Lee, Daniel Calderone, Karen A. Nolan, Pamela Butler, Dolores Malaspina and Daniel C. Javitt; Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2015, 71, pp. 112-19.
"Effects of Gender and Personality on First Impression." Katia Mattarozzi, Alexander Todorov, Michele Marzocchi, Alba Vicari and Paolo Maria Russo; PLOS ONE, 2015, 10(9).
"Contextual Alignment of Cognitive and Neural Dynamics." Daniel L. Ames, Christopher J. Honey, Michael A. Chow, Alexander Todorov and Uri Hasson; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2015, 27(4), pp. 655-64.
"The Role of the Amygdala in Face Processing," Peter Mende-Siedlecki and Alexander Todorov, in The Cognitive Neurosciences., 5th Ed. Cambridge, MA: Boston Review, 2014, pp. 767-75.
"The Cognitive and Neural Basis of Impression Formation," Alexander Todorov and Peter Mende-Siedlecki, in The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Neuroscience, Vol. 2: The Cutting Edges. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 188-203.
"Social Attributions from Faces Bias Human Choices." Christopher Y. Olivola, Friederike Funk and Alexander Todorov; Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2014, 18(11), pp. 566-70.
"Personality at Face Value: Facial Appearance Predicts Self and Other Personality Judgments among Strangers and Spouses." Raluca Petrican, Alexander Todorov and Cheryl Grady; Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 2014, 38(2), pp. 259-77.
"People Claim Objectivity after Knowingly Using Biased Strategies." Katherine Hansen, Margaret Gerbasi, Alexander Todorov, Elliott Kruse and Emily Pronin; Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2014, 40(6), pp. 691-99.
"Misleading First Impressions: Different for Different Facial Images of the Same Person." Alexander Todorov and Jenny M. Porter; Psychological Science, 2014, 25(7), pp. 1404-17.
"Inferring Character from Faces: A Developmental Study." Emily J. Cogsdill, Alexander T. Todorov, Elizabeth S. Spelke and Mahzarin R. Banaji; Psychological Science, 2014, 25(5), pp. 1132-39.
"How Do You Say ‘Hello’? Personality Impressions from Brief Novel Voices." Phil McAleer, Alexander Todorov and Pascal Belin; PLOS ONE, 2014, 9(3).
"When Physical Similarity Matters: Mechanisms Underlying Affective Learning Generalization to the Evaluation of Novel Faces." Sara C. Verosky and Alexander Todorov; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2013, 49(4), pp. 661-69.
"Validation of Data-Driven Computational Models of Social Perception of Faces." Alexander Todorov, Ron Dotsch, Jenny M. Porter, Nikolaas N. Oosterhof and Virginia B. Falvello; Emotion, 2013, 13(4), pp. 724-38.
"The Social Evaluation of Faces: A Meta-Analysis of Functional Neuroimaging Studies." Peter Mende-Siedlecki, Christopher P. Said and Alexander Todorov; Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2013, 8(3), pp. 285-99.
"The Neural Dynamics of Updating Person Impressions." Peter Mende-Siedlecki, Yang Cai and Alexander Todorov; Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2013, 8(6), pp. 623-31.
"Social Judgments from Faces." Alexander Todorov, Peter Mende-Siedlecki and Ron Dotsch; Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 2013, 23(3), pp. 373-80.
"Robust Selectivity for Faces in the Human Amygdala in the Absence of Expressions." Peter Mende-Siedlecki, Sara C. Verosky, Nicholas B. Turk-Browne and Alexander Todorov; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2013, 25(12), pp. 2086-106.
"Representations of Individuals in Ventral Temporal Cortex Defined by Faces and Biographies." Sara C. Verosky, Alexander Todorov and Nicholas B. Turk-Browne; Neuropsychologia, 2013, 51(11), pp. 2100-08.
"Diagnostic Value Underlies Asymmetric Updating of Impressions in the Morality and Ability Domains." Peter Mende-Siedlecki, Sean G. Baron and Alexander Todorov; The Journal of Neuroscience, 2013, 33(50), pp. 19406-15.
"Criminal Stereotypes in the Courtroom: Facial Tattoos Affect Guilt and Punishment Differently." Friederike Funk and Alexander Todorov; Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 2013, 19(4), pp. 466-78.
"Competence Ratings in US Predict Presidential Election Outcomes in Bulgaria." Abigail B. Sussman, Kristina Petkova and Alexander Todorov; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2013, 49(4), pp. 771-75.
"Unconscious Evaluation of Faces on Social Dimensions." Lorna H. Stewart, Sara Ajina, Spas Getov, Bahador Bahrami, Alexander Todorov and Geraint Rees; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2012, 141(4), pp. 715-27.
"The Role of the Amygdala in Face Perception and Evaluation." Alexander Todorov; Motivation and Emotion, 2012, 36(1), pp. 16-26.
"The Least Likely Act: Overweighting Atypical Past Behavior in Behavioral Predictions." Carey K. Morewedge and Alexander Todorov; Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2012, 3(6), pp. 760-66.
"Reverse Correlating Social Face Perception." Ron Dotsch and Alexander Todorov; Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2012, 3(5), pp. 562-71.
"Normal Face-Based Judgements of Social Characteristics Despite Severely Impaired Holistic Face Processing." Susanne Quadflieg, Alexander Todorov, Renaud Laguesse and Bruno Rossion; Visual Cognition, 2012, 20(8), pp. 865-82.
"Holistic Person Processing: Faces with Bodies Tell the Whole Story." Hillel Aviezer, Yaacov Trope and Alexander Todorov; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2012, 103(1), pp. 20-37.
"Body Cues, Not Facial Expressions, Discriminate between Intense Positive and Negative Emotions." Hillel Aviezer, Yaacov Trope and Alexander Todorov; Science, 2012, 338(6111), pp. 1225-29.
"Accuracy of Inferring Self- and Other-Preferences from Spontaneous Facial Expressions." Michael S. North, Alexander Todorov and Daniel N. Osherson; Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 2012, 36(4), pp. 227-33.
"Republicans Prefer Republican-Looking Leaders: Political Facial Stereotypes Predict Candidate Electoral Success among Right-Leaning Voters." Christopher Y. Olivola, Abigail B. Sussman, Konstantinos Tsetsos, Olivia E. Kang and Alexander Todorov; Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2012, 3(5), pp. 605-13.
Social Neuroscience : Toward Understanding the Underpinnings of the Social Mind Alexander B. Todorov; Oxford Series in Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience.; New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
"Task-Invariant Brain Responses to the Social Value of Faces." Alexander Todorov, Christopher P. Said, Nikolaas N. Oosterhof and Andrew D. Engell; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2011, 23(10), pp. 2766-81.
"Reprint Of: The Amygdala and Ffa Track Both Social and Non-Social Face Dimensions." Christopher P. Said, Ron Dotsch and Alexander Todorov; Neuropsychologia, 2011, 49(4), pp. 630-39.
"Impression Formation: A Focus on Others' Intents," Daniel L. Ames, Susan T. Fiske and Alexander T. Todorov, in The Oxford Handbook of Social Neuroscience. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 419-33.
"Evaluating Faces on Social Dimensions," Alexander Todorov, in Social Neuroscience: Toward Understanding the Underpinnings of the Social Mind. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 54-76.
"Data‐Driven Methods for Modeling Social Perception." Alexander Todorov, Ron Dotsch, Daniel H. J. Wigboldus and Chris P. Said; Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2011, 5(10), pp. 775-91.
"Automatic Prediction of Facial Trait Judgments: Appearance Vs Structural Models." Mario Rojas Q, David Masip, Alexander Todorov and Jordi Vitria; PLOS ONE, 2011, 6(8).
"A Statistical Model of Facial Attractiveness." Christopher P. Said and Alexander Todorov; Psychological Science, 2011, 22(9), pp. 1183-90.
"A Policy Maker’s Dilemma: Preventing Terrorism or Preventing Blame." A. Peter McGraw, Alexander Todorov and Howard Kunreuther; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2011, 115(1), pp. 25-34.
"Valuing Money and Things: Why a $20 Item Can Be Worth More and Less Than $20." A. Peter McGraw, Eldar Shafir and Alexander Todorov; Management Science, 2010, 56(5), pp. 816-30.
"The Obligatory Nature of Holistic Processing of Faces in Social Judgments." Alexander Todorov, Valerie Loehr and Nikolaas N. Oosterhof; Perception, 2010, 39(4), pp. 514-32.
"The Amygdala and Ffa Track Both Social and Non-Social Face Dimensions." Christopher P. Said, Ron Dotsch and Alexander Todorov; Neuropsychologia, 2010, 48(12), pp. 3596-605.
"Predicting Election Outcomes from Positive and Negative Trait Assessments of Candidate Images." Kyle Mattes, Michael Spezio, Hackjin Kim, Alexander Todorov, Ralph Adolphs and R. Michael Alvarez; Political Psychology, 2010, 31(1), pp. 41-58.
"Inferring the Preferences of Others from Spontaneous, Low-Emotional Facial Expressions." Michael S. North, Alexander Todorov and Daniel N. Osherson; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2010, 46(6), pp. 1109-13.
"Generalization of Affective Learning About Faces to Perceptually Similar Faces." Sara C. Verosky and Alexander Todorov; Psychological Science, 2010, 21(6), pp. 779-85.
"Fooled by First Impressions? Reexamining the Diagnostic Value of Appearance-Based Inferences." Christopher Y. Olivola and Alexander Todorov; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2010, 46(2), pp. 315-24.
"Elected in 100 Milliseconds: Appearance-Based Trait Inferences and Voting." Christopher Y. Olivola and Alexander Todorov; Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 2010, 34(2), pp. 83-110.
"Distributed Representations of Dynamic Facial Expressions in the Superior Temporal Sulcus." Christopher P. Said, Christopher D. Moore, Andrew D. Engell, Alexander Todorov and James V. Haxby; Journal of Vision, 2010, 10(5).
"Differential Neural Responses to Faces Physically Similar to the Self as a Function of Their Valence." Sara C. Verosky and Alexander Todorov; NeuroImage, 2010, 49(2), pp. 1690-98.
"Common Neural Mechanisms for the Evaluation of Facial Trustworthiness and Emotional Expressions as Revealed by Behavioral Adaptation." Andrew D. Engell, Alexander Todorov and James V. Haxby; Perception, 2010, 39(7), pp. 931-41.
"Two Faces Are Better Than One: Eliminating False Trait Associations with Faces." Amir Goren and Alexander Todorov; Social Cognition, 2009, 27(2), pp. 222-48.
"'Structural Resemblance to Emotional Expressions Predicts Evaluation of Emotionally Neutral Faces': Correction to Said, Sebe, and Todorov (2009)." Christopher Said, Nicu Sebe and Alexander Todorov; Emotion, 2009, 9(4), pp. 509-09.
"Structural Resemblance to Emotional Expressions Predicts Evaluation of Emotionally Neutral Faces." Christopher P. Said, Nicu Sebe and Alexander Todorov; Emotion, 2009, 9(2), pp. 260-64.
"Shared Perceptual Basis of Emotional Expressions and Trustworthiness Impressions from Faces." Nikolaas N. Oosterhof and Alexander Todorov; Emotion, 2009, 9(1), pp. 128-33.
"On the Richness and Limitations of Dimensional Models of Social Perception." Alexander Todorov; Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2009, 32(5), pp. 402-03.
"Nonlinear Amygdala Response to Face Trustworthiness: Contributions of High and Low Spatial Frequency Information." Christopher P. Said, Sean G. Baron and Alexander Todorov; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2009, 21(3), pp. 519-28.
"Evaluating Faces on Trustworthiness after Minimal Time Exposure." Alexander Todorov, Manish Pakrashi and Nikolaas N. Oosterhof; Social Cognition, 2009, 27(6), pp. 813-33.
"Understanding Evaluation of Faces on Social Dimensions." Alexander Todorov, Chris P. Said, Andrew D. Engel and Nikolaas N. Oosterhof; Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2008, 12(12), pp. 455-60.
"The Role of the Amygdala in Implicit Evaluation of Emotionally Neutral Faces." Alexander Todorov and Andrew D. Engell; Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2008, 3(4), pp. 303-12.
"The Functional Basis of Face Evaluation." Nikolaas N. Oosterhof and Alexander Todorov; PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2008, 105(32), pp. 11087-92.
"Robust Learning of Affective Trait Associations with Faces When the Hippocampus Is Damaged, but Not When the Amygdala and Temporal Pole Are Damaged." Alexander Todorov and Ingrid R. Olson; Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2008, 3(3), pp. 195-203.
"Reading Trustworthiness in Faces without Recognizing Faces." Alexander Todorov and Bradley Duchaine; Cognitive Neuropsychology, 2008, 25(3), pp. 1-16.
"Evaluating Faces on Trustworthiness: An Extension of Systems for Recognition of Emotions Signaling Approach/Avoidance Behaviors," Alexander Todorov, in The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience 2008. Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 2008, pp. 208-24.
"Evaluating Face Trustworthiness: A Model Based Approach." Alexander Todorov, Sean G. Baron and Nikolaas N. Oosterhof; Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2008, 3(2), pp. 119-27.
"A Neural Basis for the Effect of Candidate Appearance on Election Outcomes." Michael L. Spezio, Antonio Rangel, Ramon Michael Alvarez, John P. O'Doherty, Kyle Mattes, Alexander Todorov, Hackjin Kim and Ralph Adolphs; Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2008, 3(4), pp. 344-52.
"The Illusion of Knowledge: When More Information Reduces Accuracy and Increases Confidence." Crystal C. Hall, Lynn Ariss and Alexander Todorov; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2007, 103(2), pp. 277-90.
"Spontaneous Retrieval of Affective Person Knowledge in Face Perception." Alexander Todorov, M. Ida Gobbini, Karla K. Evans and James V. Haxby; Neuropsychologia, 2007, 45(1), pp. 163-73.
"Probability as a Psychological Distance: Construal and Preferences." Alexander Todorov, Amir Goren and Yaacov Trope; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2007, 43(3), pp. 473-82.
"Implicit Trustworthiness Decisions: Automatic Coding of Face Properties in the Human Amygdala." Andrew D. Engell, James V. Haxby and Alexander Todorov; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2007, 19(9), pp. 1508-19.
"Toward Socially Inspired Social Neuroscience." Alexander Todorov, Lasana T. Harris and Susan T. Fiske; Brain Research, 2006, 1079(1), pp. 76-85.
"First Impressions: Making up Your Mind after a 100-Ms Exposure to a Face." Janine Willis and Alexander Todorov; Psychological Science, 2006, 17(7), pp. 592-98.
"Inferences of Competence from Faces Predict Election Outcomes." Alexander Todorov, Anesu N. Mandisodza, Amir Goren and Crystal C. Hall; Science, 2005, 308(5728), pp. 1623-26.
"Implicit Impressions," James S. Uleman, Steven L. Blader and Alexander Todorov, in The New Unconscious. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. 362-92.
"Believe It or Not: On the Possibility of Suspending Belief." Uri Hasson, Joseph P. Simmons and Alexander Todorov; Psychological Science, 2005, 16(7), pp. 566-71.
"The Person Reference Process in Spontaneous Trait Inferences." Alexander Todorov and James S. Uleman; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2004, 87(4), pp. 482-93.
"Public Opinion on Foreign Policy: The Multilateral Public That Perceives Itself as Unilateral." Alexander Todorov and Anesu N. Mandisodza; Public Opinion Quarterly, 2004, 68(3), pp. 323-48.
"Psychologists Seek the Unexpected, Not the Negative, to Provoke Innovative Theory Construction: Comment." John Darley and Alexander Todorov; Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2004, 27(3), pp. 331-32.
"The Efficiency of Binding Spontaneous Trait Inferences to Actors' Faces." Alexander Todorov and James S. Uleman; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2003, 39(6), pp. 549-62.
"Cognitive Procedures for Correcting Proxy-Response Biases in Surveys." Alexander Todorov; Applied Cognitive Psychology, 2003, 17(2), pp. 215-24.
Binding Unintentional Inferences to Person Representations; Alexander T. Todorov; PhD Dissertation, New York University, 2002.
"Spontaneous Trait Inferences Are Bound to Actors' Faces: Evidence from a False Recognition Paradigm." Alexander Todorov and James S. Uleman; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2002, 83(5), pp. 1051-65.
"Communication Effects on Memory and Judgment." Alexander Todorov; European Journal of Social Psychology, 2002, 32(4), pp. 531-46.
Binding Unintentional Inferences to Person Representations; Alexander T. Todorov and B.; Dissertation, ProQuest Information & Learning, 2002.
"Automatic Sources of Aggression." Alexander Todorov and John A. Bargh; Aggression and Violent Behavior, 2002, 7(1), pp. 53-68.
"The Accessibility and Applicability of Knowledge: Predicting Context Effects in National Surveys." Alexander Todorov; Public Opinion Quarterly, 2000, 64(4), pp. 429-51.
"Contextual Effects in Natonal Health Surveys: Effects Pf Preceding Questions on Reporting Serious Difficulty Seeing and Legal Blindness." Alexander Todorov; Public Opinion Quarterly, 2000, 64(1), pp. 65-76.
"Communication Context, Explanation, and Social Judgment." Alexander Todorov, Mansur Lalljee and William Hirst; European Journal of Social Psychology, 2000, 30(2), pp. 199-209.
"Bias in Proxies' Reports of Disability: Data from the National Health Interview Survey on Disability." Alexander Todorov and Corinne Kirchner; American Journal of Public Health, 2000, 90(8), pp. 1248-53.
"Another Look at Reasoning Experiments: Rationality, Normative Models and Conversational Factors." Alexander Todorov; Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 1997, 27(4), pp. 387-417.