Selected Bibliography for Abigail Sussman

Professor of Marketing

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Published Works

"How Consumers Budget." C. Yiwei Zhang, Abigail B. Sussman, Nathan Wang-Ly and Jennifer K. Lyu; Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2022, 204, pp. 69-88.

"Communicating Amounts in Terms of Commonly Used Budgeting Periods Increases Intentions to Claim Government Benefits." Wendy De La Rosa, Abigail B. Sussman, Eric Giannella and Maximilian Hell; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2022, 119(37), pp. e2205877119.

"A New Test of Risk Factor Relevance." Alex Chinco, Samuel M. Hartzmark and Abigail B. Sussman; The Journal of Finance, 2022, 77(4), pp. 2183-238.

"Understanding and Neutralizing the Expense Prediction Bias: The Role of Accessibility, Typicality, and Skewness." Ray Charles “Chuck” Howard, David J. Hardisty, Abigail B. Sussman and Marcel F. Lukas; Journal of Marketing Research, 2021, 59(2), pp. 435-52.

"Minimum Payments Alter Debt Repayment Strategies across Multiple Cards." Samuel D. Hirshman and Abigail B. Sussman; Journal of Marketing, 2021, 86(2), pp. 48-65.

"The Role of Risk Preferences in Responses to Messaging About COVID-19 Vaccine Take-Up." Jennifer S. Trueblood, Abigail B. Sussman and Daniel O’Leary; Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2021, 13(1), pp. 311-19.

"How and Why Our Eating Decisions Neglect Infrequently Consumed Foods." Abigail B. Sussman, Anna Paley and Adam L. Alter; Journal of Consumer Research, 2021, 48(2), pp. 251-69.

"Does Knowing Your Fico Score Change Financial Behavior? Evidence from a Field Experiment with Student Loan Borrowers." Tatiana Homonoff, Rourke O'Brien and Abigail B. Sussman; The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2021, 103(2), pp. 236-50.

"A Dragging-Down Effect: Consumer Decisions in Response to Price Increases." Shirley Zhang, Abigail B. Sussman and Christopher K. Hsee; Journal of Consumer Research, 2021, 47(5), pp. 772-86.

"The Effect of Effects on Effectiveness: A Boon-Bane Asymmetry." Abigail B. Sussman and Daniel M. Oppenheimer; Cognition, 2020, 199, pp. 104240.

"Financial Product Sensitivity Predicts Financial Health." Adam Eric Greenberg, Abigail B. Sussman and Hal E. Hershfield; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2020, 33(1), pp. 15-26.

"Do Investors Value Sustainability? A Natural Experiment Examining Ranking and Fund Flows." Samuel M. Hartzmark and Abigail B. Sussman; The Journal of Finance, 2019, 74(6), pp. 2789-837.

"Negative Responses to Taxes: Causes and Mitigation." Abigail B. Sussman and Shannon M. White; Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2018, 5(2), pp. 224-31.

"Reconciling Compensatory and Noncompensatory Strategies of Cue Weighting: A Causal Model Approach." Abigail B. Sussman, Daniel M. Oppenheimer and Matthew M. LaMonaca; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2017, 30(2), pp. 626-46.

"Valence in Context: Asymmetric Reactions to Realized Gains and Losses." Abigail B. Sussman; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2017, 146, pp. 376-94.

"Knowing When to Spend: Unintended Financial Consequences of Earmarking to Encourage Savings." Abigail B. Sussman and Rourke L. O'Brien; Journal of Marketing Research, 2016, 53(5), pp. 790-803.

"Leveraging Psychological Insights to Encourage the Responsible Use of Consumer Debt." Hal E. Hershfield, Abigail B. Sussman, Rourke L. O’Brien and Christopher J. Bryan; Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2015, 10(6), pp. 749-52.

"Framing Charitable Donations as Exceptional Expenses Increases Giving." Abigail B. Sussman, Eesha Sharma and Adam L. Alter; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 2015, 21, pp. 130-39.

"Taxes and Consumer Behavior," Cait Lamberton, Derek D. Rucker, Michael I. Norton, Christopher Y. Olivola and Abigail B. Sussman, in The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015, pp. 564-88.

"Many Behavioral Tendencies Associated with Right-Leaning (Conservative) Political Ideologies Are Malleable and Unrelated to Negativity." Christopher Y. Olivola and Abigail B. Sussman; Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2014, 37(03), pp. 323-24.

"Latent Scope Bias in Categorization." Abigail B. Sussman, Sangeet S. Khemlani and Daniel M. Oppenheimer; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2014, 52(0), pp. 1-8.

On Positive and Negative Attributes in Perceptions of Value; Abigail B. Sussman; Ph.D Dissertation, Princeton University, 2013.

"Competence Ratings in US Predict Presidential Election Outcomes in Bulgaria." Abigail B. Sussman, Kristina Petkova and Alexander Todorov; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2013, 49(4), pp. 771-75.

"On Assets and Debt in the Psychology of Perceived Wealth." Abigail B. Sussman and Eldar Shafir; Psychological Science, 2012, 23(1), pp. 101-08.

"Republicans Prefer Republican-Looking Leaders: Political Facial Stereotypes Predict Candidate Electoral Success among Right-Leaning Voters." Christopher Y. Olivola, Abigail B. Sussman, Konstantinos Tsetsos, Olivia E. Kang and Alexander Todorov; Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2012, 3(5), pp. 605-13.

"The Exception Is the Rule: Underestimating and Overspending on Exceptional Expenses." Abigail B. Sussman and Adam L. Alter; Journal of Consumer Research, 2012, 39(4), pp. 800-14.

"Axe the Tax: Taxes Are Disliked More Than Equivalent Costs." Abigail B. Sussman and Christopher Y. Olivola; Journal of Marketing Research, 2011, 48(SPL), pp. S91-S101.

"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Scope: Latent Scope Biases in Explanatory Reasoning." SangeetS Khemlani, AbigailB Sussman and DanielM Oppenheimer; Memory & Cognition, 2011, 39(3), pp. 527-35.

Negotiation, Business Fundamentals Series Herminia Ibarra, Deborah M. Kolb, Robert J. Robinson, James K. Sebenius, Lyle Sussman, Michael D. Watkins, Michael A. Wheeler, Judith Williams and George Wu; Harvard Business School Cases, 2001.