Selected Bibliography for Jane L. Risen
H.G.B Alexander Professor of Behavioral Science
Jane L. Risen author profile at Scopus
Published Works
"Introducing Conspiracy Intuitions to Better Understand Conspiracy Beliefs." Russell Roberts and Jane L. Risen; Current Opinion in Psychology, 2022, 47, pp. 101395.
"Work Group Rituals Enhance the Meaning of Work." Tami Kim, Ovul Sezer, Juliana Schroeder, Jane Risen, Francesca Gino and Michael I. Norton; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2021, 165, pp. 197-212.
"When "Enemies" Become Close: Relationship Formation among Palestinians and Jewish Israelis at a Youth Camp." Shannon White, Juliana Schroeder and Jane L. Risen; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2021, 121, pp. 76-94.
"Hiding from the Truth: When and How Cover Enables Information Avoidance." Kaitlin Woolley and Jane L. Risen; Journal of Consumer Research, 2021, 47(5), pp. 675-97.
"Tied to Both Sides or Asserting a Preferred Identity? The Case of Palestinian Citizens of Israel in an Intergroup Contact Setting." Sierra H. Feasel, Jane L. Risen and Shannon M. White; Self and Identity, 2021, 20(4), pp. 545-68.
"Handshaking Promotes Deal-Making by Signaling Cooperative Intent." Juliana Schroeder, Jane L. Risen, Francesca Gino and Michael I. Norton; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2019, 116, pp. 743-68.
"Understanding People’s Fear of Tempting Fate." Jane L. Risen and Thomas Gilovich; Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2018, 3(4), pp. 599-611.
"Sudden-Death Aversion: Avoiding Superior Options Because They Feel Riskier." Jesse Walker, Jane L. Risen, Thomas Gilovich and Richard Thaler; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2018, 115, pp. 363-78.
"Enacting Rituals to Improve Self-Control." Allen Ding Tian, Juliana Schroeder, Gerald Häubl, Jane L. Risen, Michael I. Norton and Francesca Gino; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2018, 114, pp. 851-76.
"The Psychology of Rituals: An Integrative Review and Process-Based Framework." Nicholas M. Hobson, Juliana Schroeder, Jane L. Risen, Dimitris Xygalatas and Michael Inzlicht; Personality and Social Psychology Review, 2017, 22(3), pp. 260-84.
"Mental Simulation of Visceral States Affects Preferences and Behavior." Janina Steinmetz, Brittany M. Tausen and Jane L. Risen; Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2017, 44(3), pp. 406-17.
"The Empirical Case for Acquiescing to Intuition." Daniel K. Walco and Jane L. Risen; Psychological Science, 2017, 28(12), pp. 1807-20.
"Acquiescing to Intuition: Believing What We Know Isn't So." Jane L. Risen; Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2017, 11(11), pp. e12358.
"Don’t Stop Believing: Rituals Improve Performance by Decreasing Anxiety." Alison Wood Brooks, Juliana Schroeder, Jane L. Risen, Francesca Gino, Adam D. Galinsky, Michael I. Norton and Maurice E. Schweitzer; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2016, 137, pp. 71-85.
"Believing What We Do Not Believe: Acquiescence to Superstitious Beliefs and Other Powerful Intuitions." Jane L. Risen; Psychological Review, 2016, 123, pp. 182-207.
"Befriending the Enemy: Outgroup Friendship Longitudinally Predicts Intergroup Attitudes in a Coexistence Program for Israelis and Palestinians." Juliana Schroeder and Jane L. Risen; Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 2014, 19(1), pp. 72-93.
"If He Can Do It, So Can They: Exposure to Counterstereotypically Successful Exemplars Prompts Automatic Inferences." Clayton R. Critcher and Jane L. Risen; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2014, 106, pp. 359-79.
"Embodied Motivation: Using a Goal Systems Framework to Understand the Preference for Social and Physical Warmth." Yan Zhang and Jane L. Risen; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2014, 107, pp. 965-77.
"Reversing One’s Fortune by Pushing Away Bad Luck." Yan Zhang, Jane L. Risen and Christine Hosey; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2014, 143, pp. 1171-84.
"If He Can Do It, So Can They: Exposure to Counterstereotypically Successful Exemplars Prompts Automatic Inferences." Clayton R. Critcher and Jane L. Risen; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2014, 106(3), pp. 359-79.
"Reversing One’s Fortune by Pushing Away Bad Luck." Yan Zhang, Jane L. Risen and Christine Hosey; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2014, 143(3), pp. 1171-84.
"Investing in Karma: When Wanting Promotes Helping." Benjamin A. Converse, Jane L. Risen and Travis J. Carter; Psychological Science, 2012, 23(8), pp. 923-30.
"Investing in Karma: When Wanting Promotes Helping." Benjamin A. Converse, Jane L. Risen and Travis J. Carter; Psychological Science, 2012, 23(8), pp. 923-30.
"Visceral Fit: While in a Visceral State, Associated States of the World Seem More Likely." Jane L. Risen and Clayton R. Critcher; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2011, 100(5), pp. 777-93.
"How to Study Choice-Induced Attitude Change: Strategies for Fixing the Free-Choice Paradigm." Jane L. Risen and M. Keith Chen; Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2010, 4(12), pp. 1151-64.
"How Choice Affects and Reflects Preferences: Revisiting the Free-Choice Paradigm." M. Keith Chen and Jane L. Risen; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2010, 99(4), pp. 573-94.
"It's All in the Timing: Interpersonal Synchrony Increases Affiliation." Michael J. Hove and Jane L. Risen; Social Cognition, 2009, 27(6), pp. 949-61.
"Is Choice a Reliable Predictor of Choice? A Comment on Sagarin and Skowronski." M. Keith Chen and Jane L. Risen; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2009, 45(2), pp. 425-27.
"Why People Are Reluctant to Tempt Fate." Jane L. Risen and Thomas Gilovich; Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 2008, 95(2), pp. 293-307.
"Visceral Influences," Jane L. Risen, in Encyclopedia of Social Psychology. R. F. Baumeister and V. K. D., Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2007, pp. 1014-15.
"One-Shot Illusory Correlations and Stereotype Formation." Jane L. Risen, Thomas Gilovich and David Dunning; Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2007, 33(11), pp. 1492-502.
"Informal Logical Fallacies," Jane Risen and Thomas Gilovich, in Critical Thinking in Psychology. R. J. Sternberg, H. L. Roediger Iii and D. F. Halpern, Cambridge University Press: New York, 2007, pp. 110-30.
Why People Are Reluctant to Tempt Fate: The Effect of Negativity and Accessibility on Belief and Behavior; Jane Lauren Risen; Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell University, 2007.
"Another Look at Why People Are Reluctant to Exchange Lottery Tickets." Jane L. Risen and Thomas Gilovich; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2007, 93(1), pp. 12-22.
"Target and Observer Differences in the Acceptance of Questionable Apologies." Jane L. Risen and Thomas Gilovich; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2007, 92(3), pp. 418-33.
"Looking Forward to Looking Backward: The Misprediction of Regret." Daniel T. Gilbert, Carey K. Morewedge, Jane L. Risen and Timothy D. Wilson; Psychological Science, 2004, 15(5), pp. 346-50.