Selected Bibliography for Ann L. McGill
Sears Roebuck Professor of General Management, Marketing and Behavioral Science
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Published Works
"A Preference for Preference: Lack of Subjective Preference Evokes Dehumanization." Jessica M. Lopez, Kaitlin Woolley and Ann L. McGill; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2021, 164, pp. 52-67.
"Arousal Increases Self-Disclosure." Brent Coker and Ann L. McGill; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2020, 87, pp. 103928.
"Minions for the Rich? Financial Status Changes How Consumers See Products with Anthropomorphic Features." Hye-Young Kim and Ann L. McGill; Journal of Consumer Research, 2018, 45(2), pp. 429-50.
"Helping Others by First Affirming the Self: When Self-Affirmation Reduces Ego-Defensive Downplaying of Others’ Misfortunes." Sara Kim and Ann L. McGill; Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2017, 44(3), pp. 345-58.
"Anthropomorphism," Pankaj Aggarwal and Ann L. McGill, in Routledge International Handbook of Consumer Psychology. C. V. Jansson-Boyd and M. J. Zawisza, London: Routledge, 2016, pp. 600-17.
"Contemplating the Futures of Branding," Michaela Breazeale, Susan Fournier, Jill Avery, David Aaker, John Deighton, Gavan Fitzsimons, Robert V. Kozinets, Deborah MacInnis, Ann L. McGill, Deborah Roedder John and Jonathan Schroeder, in Strong Brands, Strong Relationships. S. Fournier, M. J. Breazeale and J. Avery, London: Routledge, 2015, pp. 395-414.
"Who or What to Believe: Trust and the Differential Persuasiveness of Human and Anthropomorphized Messengers." Maferima Touré-Tillery and Ann L. McGill; Journal of Marketing, 2015, 79(4), pp. 94-110.
"Building Bridges for an Interconnected Field of Consumer Research." Laura A. Peracchio, Mary Frances Luce and Ann L. McGill; Journal of Consumer Research, 2014, 40(6), pp. v-viii.
"Fooled by Heteroscedastic Randomness: Local Consistency Breeds Extremity in Price-Based Quality Inferences." Bart de Langhe, Stijn M. J. van Osselaer, Stefano Puntoni and Ann L. McGill; Journal of Consumer Research, 2014, 41(4), pp. 978-94.
"We’ll Be Honest, This Won’t Be the Best Article You’ll Ever Read: The Use of Dispreferred Markers in Word-of-Mouth Communication." Ryan Hamilton, Kathleen D. Vohs and Ann L. McGill; Journal of Consumer Research, 2014, 41(1), pp. 197-212.
"The Influence of Perceived Causation on Judgments of Time: An Integrative Review and Implications for Decision-Making." David Faro, Ann L. McGill and Reid Hastie; Frontiers in Psychology, 2013, 4.
"Promoting an Environment of Scientific Integrity: Individual and Community Responsibilities." Mary Frances Luce, Ann McGill and Laura Peracchio; Journal of Consumer Research, 2012, 39(3), pp. iii-viii.
"When Brands Seem Human, Do Humans Act Like Brands? Automatic Behavioral Priming Effects of Brand Anthropomorphism." Pankaj Aggarwal and Ann L. McGill; Journal of Consumer Research, 2012, 39(2), pp. 307-23.
"Gaming with Mr. Slot or Gaming the Slot Machine? Power, Anthropomorphism, and Risk Perception." Sara Kim and Ann L. McGill; Journal of Consumer Research, 2011, 38(1), pp. 94-107.
"The Locus of Choice: Personal Causality and Satisfaction with Hedonic and Utilitarian Decisions." Simona Botti and Ann L. McGill; Journal of Consumer Research, 2011, 37(6), pp. 1065-78.
"No Pain, No Gain? How Fluency and Construal Level Affect Consumer Confidence." Claire I. Tsai and Ann L. McGill; Journal of Consumer Research, 2011, 37(5), pp. 807-21.
"Development and Pilot Study of a Marketing Strategy for Primary Care/Internet Based Depression Prevention Intervention for Adolescents (Catch-It)." Benjamin W. Van Voorhees, Natalie Watson, John F. P. Bridges, Joshua Fogel, Jill Gallas, Clark Kramer, Marc Connery, Ann L. McGill, Monika Marko, Alonso Cardenas, Josephine Landback, Karoline Dmochowska, Sachiko A. Kuwasbara, Justin Ellis, Micah Prochaska and Carl Bell; Primary care companion to the Journal of clinical psychiatry, 2010, 12(3), pp. 1-9.
"Naïve Theories of Causal Force and Compression of Elapsed Time Judgments." David Faro, Ann L. McGill and Reid Hastie; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2010, 98(5), pp. 683-701.
"Consuming with Others: Social Influences on Moment-to-Moment and Retrospective Evaluations of an Experience." Suresh Ramanathan and Ann L. McGill; Journal of Consumer Research, 2007, 34(4), pp. 506-24.
"Is That Car Smiling at Me? Schema Congruity as a Basis for Evaluating Anthropomorphized Products." Pankaj Aggarwal and Ann L. McGill; Journal of Consumer Research, 2007, 34(4), pp. 468-79.
"When Choosing Is Not Deciding: The Effect of Perceived Responsibility on Satisfaction." Simon Botti and Ann L. McGill; Journal of Consumer Research, 2006, 33(2), pp. 211-19.
"Alignable and Nonalignable Differences in Causal Explanations." Ann L McGill; Memory & Cognition, 2002, 30(3), pp. 456-68.
"The Role of Taxonomic and Goal Derived Product Categorization in, within, and across Category Judgments." E. Marla Felcher, Malaviya Prashant and Ann L McGill; Psychology & Marketing, 2001, 18(8), pp. 865.
"How We Explain Depends on Whom We Explain: The Impact of Social Category on the Selection of Causal Comparisons and Causal Explanations." Sonya A. Grier and Ann L. McGill; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2000, 36(6), pp. 545-66.
"Counterfactual Reasoning in Causal Judgments: Implications for Marketing." Ann L McGill; Psychology & Marketing, 2000, 17(4), pp. 323.
"Mutability and Propensity in Causal Selection." Ann L McGill and Ann E Tenbrunsel; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2000, 79(5), pp. 677.
"Relative Use of Necessity and Sufficiency Information in Causal Judgments About Natural Categories." Ann L. McGill; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1998, 75(1), pp. 70.
"Counterfactual and Contrastive Reasoning in Explanations for Performance: Implications for Gender Bias," Ann L. McGill and Jill G. Klein, in What Might Have Been: The Social Psychology of Counterfactual Thinking. N. J. Roese and J. M. Olsen, Hillsdale, NJ, England: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, 1995, pp. 333-51.
"American and Thai Managers' Explanations for Poor Company Performance: Role of Perspective and Culture in Causal Selection." Ann L. McGill; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 1995, 61(1), pp. 16.
"Differences in the Relative Influence of Product Attributes under Alternative Processing Conditions: Attribute Importance Versus Attribute Ease of Imagability." Punam Anand Keller and Ann L. McGill; Journal of Consumer Psychology, 1994, 3(1), pp. 29-49.
"Selection of a Causal Background: Role of Expectation Versus Feature Mutability." Ann L. McGill; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1993, 64(5), pp. 701.
"Contrastive and Counterfactual Reasoning in Causal Judgment." Ann L. McGill and Jill G. Klein; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1993, 64(6), pp. 897.
"Conjunctive Explanations: Accounting for Events That Differ from Several Norms." Ann L. McGill; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 1991, 27(6), pp. 527-49.
"The Influence of the Causal Background on the Selection of Causal Explanations." Ann L. McGill; British Journal of Social Psychology, 1991, 30(1), pp. 79-87.
"Predicting Consumers' Reactions to Product Failure: Do Responsibility Judgments Follow from Consumers' Causal Explanations." Ann L. McGill; Marketing Letters, 1991, 2(1), pp. 59-70.
"Conjunctive Explanations: The Effect of Comparison of the Target Episode to a Contrasting Background Instance." Ann L. McGill; Social Cognition, 1990, 8(4), pp. 362-82.
"The Effect of Direction of Comparison on the Selection of Causal Explanations." Ann L. McGill; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 1990, 26(2), pp. 93-107.
"Analysis of Attribution Data: Theory Testing and Effects Estimation." Dawn Iacobucci and Ann L. McGill; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1990, 59(3), pp. 426.
"The Effect of Imagery on Information Processing Strategy in a Multiattribute Choice Task." Ann L. McGill and Punam Anand; Marketing Letters, 1989, 1(1), pp. 7-16.
"Context Effects in Judgments of Causation." Ann L. McGill; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1989, 57(2), pp. 189.
"The Effect of Vivid Attributes on the Evaluation of Alternatives: The Role of Differential Attention and Cognitive Elaboration." Ann L. McGill and Punam Anand; Journal of Consumer Research, 1989, 16(2), pp. 188-96.
"Processing by Attribute Versus Brand: The Mediating Role of Imagery." Ann McGill and Punam Anand; Advances in Consumer Research, 1988, 15(1), pp. 184-84.
Context Effects in Judgments of Causation; Ann Lisa McGill; Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Chicago, 1986.