Selected Bibliography for Mark G. Maffett
Associate Professor of Accounting
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Published Works
"Importing Activists: Determinants and Consequences of Increased Cross-Border Shareholder Activism." Mark Maffett, Anya Nakhmurina and Douglas J. Skinner; Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2022, 74(2), pp. 101538.
"Regulatory Cooperation and Foreign Portfolio Investment." Mark Lang, Mark Maffett, James D. Omartian and Roger Silvers; Journal of Financial Economics, 2020, 138(1), pp. 138-58.
"The Only Prescription Is Transparency: The Effect of Charge-Price-Transparency Regulation on Healthcare Prices." Hans B. Christensen, Eric Floyd and Mark Maffett; Management Science, 2020, 66(7), pp. 2861-82.
"Public Oversight and Reporting Credibility: Evidence from the Pcaob Audit Inspection Regime." Brandon Gipper, Christian Leuz and Mark Maffett; The Review of Financial Studies, 2020, 33(10), pp. 4532-79.
"The Only Prescription Is Transparency: The Effect of Charge-Price-Transparency Regulation on Healthcare Prices." Hans B. Christensen, Eric Floyd and Mark Maffett; Management Science, 2020, 66(7), pp. 2861-82.
"Proactive Financial Reporting Enforcement and Shareholder Wealth." Hans B. Christensen, Lisa Yao Liu and Mark Maffett; Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2020, 69(2), pp. 101267.
"Securities Regulation, Household Equity Ownership, and Trust in the Stock Market." Hans B. Christensen, Mark Maffett and Lauren Vollon; Review of Accounting Studies, 2019, 24(3), pp. 824-59.
"The Real Effects of Mandated Information on Social Responsibility in Financial Reports: Evidence from Mine-Safety Records." Hans B. Christensen, Eric Floyd, Lisa Yao Liu and Mark Maffett; Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2017, 64(2), pp. 284-304.
"Foreign Institutional Ownership and the Global Convergence of Financial Reporting Practices." Vivian W. Fang, Mark Maffett and Bohui Zhang; Journal of Accounting Research, 2015, 53(3), pp. 593-631.
"Post-Listing Performance and Private Sector Regulation: The Experience of London's Alternative Investment Market." Joseph Gerakos, Mark Lang and Mark Maffett; Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2013, 56(2-3, Supplement 1), pp. 189-215.
Financial Reporting Opacity and Informed Trading by International Institutional Investors; Mark G. Maffett; PhD Dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2012.
"Financial Reporting Opacity and Informed Trading by International Institutional Investors." Mark Maffett; Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2012, 54(2–3), pp. 201-20.
"Transparency and Liquidity Uncertainty in Crisis Periods." Mark Lang and Mark Maffett; Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2011, 52(2–3), pp. 101-25.
"Economic Effects of Transparency in International Equity Markets: A Review and Suggestions for Future Research." Mark Lang and Mark Maffett; Foundations and Trends in Accounting, 2010, 5(3), pp. 175-241.