Selected Bibliography for Christopher K. Hsee
Theodore O. Yntema Professor of Behavioral Science and Marketing
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Published Works
"Obligatory Publicity Increases Charitable Acts." Adelle X. Yang and Christopher K. Hsee; Journal of Consumer Research, 2022, 48(5), pp. 839-57.
"Incivility Awareness Could Save Lives." Xilin Li, Christopher K. Hsee and Li Wang; Behavioral Science and Policy, 2021, 7(1), pp. 1-8.
"The Psychology of Marginal Utility." Xilin Li and Christopher K. Hsee; Journal of Consumer Research, 2021, 48(1), pp. 169-88.
"Prediction Biases: An Integrative Review." Yang Yang, Christopher K. Hsee and Xilin Li; Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2021, 30(3), pp. 195-201.
"Free-Riding and Cost-Bearing in Discrimination." Xilin Li and Christopher K. Hsee; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2021, 163, pp. 80-90.
"A Dragging-Down Effect: Consumer Decisions in Response to Price Increases." Shirley Zhang, Abigail B. Sussman and Christopher K. Hsee; Journal of Consumer Research, 2021, 47(5), pp. 772-86.
"People Adapt More Slowly to Social Income Changes Than to Temporal Income Changes." Xilin Li, Christopher K. Hsee and Li Wang; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 2021, 27, pp. 46-56.
"Relevance Insensitivity: A New Look at Some Old Biases." Christopher K. Hsee, Yang Yang and Xilin Li; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2019, 153, pp. 13-26.
"Less Willing to Pay but More Willing to Buy: How the Elicitation Method Impacts the Valuation of a Promotion." Zoe Y. Lu and Christopher K. Hsee; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2019, 32(3), pp. 334-45.
"Being “Rational” Is Not Always Rational: Encouraging People to Be Rational Leads to Hedonically Suboptimal Decisions." Xilin Li and Christopher K. Hsee; Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2019, 4(2), pp. 115-24.
"Idleness Versus Busyness." Adelle X. Yang and Christopher K. Hsee; Current Opinion in Psychology, 2019, 26, pp. 15-18.
"The Teasing Effect: An Underappreciated Benefit of Creating and Resolving an Uncertainty." Bowen Ruan, Christopher K. Hsee and Zoe Y. Lu; Journal of Marketing Research, 2018, 55(4), pp. 556-70.
"Small Economic Losses Lower Total Compensation for Victims of Emotional Losses." Shirley Zhang, Christopher K. Hsee and Xueer Yu; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2018, 144, pp. 1-10.
"Hedonic Nondurability Revisited: A Case for Two Types." Raegan J. Tennant and Christopher K. Hsee; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2017, 146, pp. 1749-60.
"Numerical Nudging: Using an Accelerating Score to Enhance Performance." Luxi Shen and Christopher K. Hsee; Psychological Science, 2017, 28(8), pp. 1077-86.
"The Role of Hedonic Behavior in Reducing Perceived Risk: Evidence from Postearthquake Mobile-App Data." Jayson S. Jia, Jianmin Jia, Christopher K. Hsee and Baba Shiv; Psychological Science, 2016, 28(1), pp. 23-35.
"Consumer Happiness Derived from Inherent Preferences Versus Learned Preferences." Yanping Tu and Christopher K. Hsee; Current Opinion in Psychology, 2016, 10, pp. 83-88.
"The Pandora Effect: The Power and Peril of Curiosity." Christopher K. Hsee and Bowen Ruan; Psychological Science, 2016, 27(5), pp. 659-66.
"Lay Rationalism: Individual Differences in Using Reason Versus Feelings to Guide Decisions." Christopher K. Hsee, Yang Yang, Xingshan Zheng and Hanwei Wang; Journal of Marketing Research, 2015, 52(1), pp. 134-46.
"The Motivating-Uncertainty Effect: Uncertainty Increases Resource Investment in the Process of Reward Pursuit." Luxi Shen, Ayelet Fishbach and Christopher K. Hsee; Journal of Consumer Research, 2015, 41(5), pp. 1301-15.
"Approach Aversion: Negative Hedonic Reactions toward Approaching Stimuli." Christopher K. Hsee, Yanping Tu, Zoe Y. Lu and Bowen Ruan; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2014, 106(5), pp. 699-712.
"Unit Asking: A Method to Boost Donations and Beyond." Christopher K. Hsee, Jiao Zhang, Zoe Y. Lu and Fei Xu; Psychological Science, 2013, 24(9), pp. 1801-08.
"Magnitude, Time, and Risk Differ Similarly between Joint and Single Evaluations." Christopher K. Hsee, Jiao Zhang, Liangyan Wang and Shirley Zhang; Journal of Consumer Research, 2013, 40(1), pp. 172-84.
"Overearning." Christopher K. Hsee, Jiao Zhang, Cindy F. Cai and Shirley Zhang; Psychological Science, 2013, 24(6), pp. 852-59.
"Wish Versus Worry: Ownership Effects on Motivated Judgment." Xianchi Dai and Christopher K. Hsee; Journal of Marketing Research, 2013, 50(2), pp. 207-15.
"Overpredicting and Underprofiting in Pricing Decisions." Luxi Shen, Christopher K. Hsee, Qingsheng Wu and Claire I. Tsai; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2012, 25(5), pp. 512-21.
"Fate or Fight: Exploring the Hedonic Costs of Competition." Christopher K. Hsee, Luxi Shen, Shirley Zhang, Jingqiu Chen and Li Zhang; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2012, 119(2), pp. 177-86.
"The Ab Identification Survey: Identifying Absolute Versus Relative Determinants of Happiness." Adelle Yang, Christopher Hsee and Xingshan Zheng; Journal of Happiness Studies, 2012, 13(4), pp. 729-44.
"The Art and Science of Guessing." Luxi Shen, Christopher K. Hsee, Jiao Zhang and Xianchi Dai; Emotion, 2011, 11(6), pp. 1462-68.
"The Supremacy of Singular Subjectivity: Improving Decision Quality by Removing Objective Specifications and Direct Comparisons." Adelle X. Yang, Christopher K. Hsee, Yi Liu and Li Zhang; Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2011, 21(4), pp. 393-404.
"General Evaluability Theory." Christopher K. Hsee and Jiao Zhang; Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2010, 5(4), pp. 343-55.
"Idleness Aversion and the Need for Justifiable Busyness." Christopher K. Hsee, Adelle X. Yang and Liangyan Wang; Psychological Science, 2010, 21(7), pp. 926-30.
"Dazed and Confused by Choice: How the Temporal Costs of Choice Freedom Lead to Undesirable Outcomes." Simona Botti and Christopher K. Hsee; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2010, 112(2), pp. 161-71.
"Duration Sensitivity Depends on Stimulus Familiarity." Carey K. Morewedge, Karim S. Kassam, Christopher K. Hsee and Eugene M. Caruso; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2009, 138(2), pp. 177-86.
"Wealth, Warmth, and Well-Being: Whether Happiness Is Relative or Absolute Depends on Whether It Is About Money, Acquisition, or Consumption." Christopher K. Hsee, Yang Yang, Naihe Li and Luxi Shen; Journal of Marketing Research, 2009, 46(3), pp. 396-409.
"Specification Seeking: How Product Specifications Influence Consumer Preference." Christopher K. Hsee, Yang Yang, Yangjie Gu and Jie Chen; Journal of Consumer Research, 2009, 35(6), pp. 952-66.
"A Behavioral Account of Compensation Awarding Decisions." Claire I. Tsai and Christopher K. Hsee; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2009, 22(2), pp. 138-52.
"An Introduction to Experimental Design," Yan Zhang, F. Xu and Christopher K. Hsee, in Empirical Methods for Organization and Management Research (in Chinese). X. Chen, A. Tsui and L. Fah, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2008, pp.
"Two Recommendations on the Pursuit of Happiness." Christopher K Hsee, Fei Xu and Ningyu Tang; The Journal of Legal Studies, 2008, 37(S2), pp. S115-S32.
"Hedonomics in Consumer Behavior," Christopher K. Hsee and Claire I. Tsai, in Handbook of Consumer Psychology. C. P. Haugtvedt, P. M. Herr and F. R. Kardes, New York: Taylor & Francis Group/Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2008, pp. 639-57.
"The Prominence Effect in Shanghai Apartment Prices." Christopher K. Hsee, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Yan Zhang; Journal of Marketing Research, 2008, 45(2), pp. 133-44.
"Sun and Water: On a Modulus-Based Measurement of Happiness." Christopher K. Hsee and Judy Ningyu Tang; Emotion, 2007, 7(1), pp. 213-18.
"Decision and Experience: Why Don't We Choose What Makes Us Happy?" Christopher K. Hsee and Reid Hastie; Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2006, 10(1), pp. 31-37.
"The Majority Rule in Individual Decision Making." Jiao Zhang, Christopher K. Hsee and Zhixing Xiao; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2006, 99(1), pp. 102-11.
"Narrow Focusing: Why the Relative Position of a Good in Its Category Matters More Than It Should." France Leclerc, Christopher K. Hsee and Joseph C. Nunes; Marketing Science, 2005, 24(2), pp. 194-205.
"When Is More Better?. On the Relationship between Magnitude and Subjective Value." Christopher K. Hsee, Yuval Rottenstreich and Zhixing Xiao; Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2005, 14(5), pp. 234-37.
"Lay Rationalism and Inconsistency between Predicted Experience and Decision." Robert A. Olsen, Christopher Hsee, Jiao Zhang, Fang Yu and Yiheng Xi; Journal of Behavioral Finance, 2004, 5(1), pp. 67-68.
"Music, Pandas, and Muggers: On the Affective Psychology of Value." Christopher K. Hsee and Yuval Rottenstreich; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2004, 133(1), pp. 23-30.
"Distinction Bias: Misprediction and Mischoice Due to Joint Evaluation." Christopher K. Hsee and Jiao Zhang; Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 2004, 86(5), pp. 680-95.
"Why Are People So Prone to Steal Software? The Effect of Cost Structure on Consumer Purchase and Payment Intentions." Joseph C. Nunes, Christopher K. Hsee and Elke U. Weber; Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 2004, 23( 1), pp. 43.
"Lay Rationalism and Inconsistency between Predicted Experience and Decision." Christopher K. Hsee, Zhang Jiao, Yu Fang and Xi Yiheng; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2003, 16(4), pp. 257.
"Medium Maximization." Christopher K. Hsee, Fang Yu, Jiao Zhang and Yan Zhang; Journal of Consumer Research, 2003, 30(1), pp. 1-14.
"Stretching the Truth: Elastic Justification and Motivated Communication of Uncertain Information." Maurice E. Schweitzer and Christopher K. Hsee; Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2002, 25(2), pp. 185-201.
"Emotional Intelligence and the Self-Regulation of Affect," Peter Salovey, Christopher K. Hsee and John D. Mayer, in Emotions in Social Psychology: Essential Readings. W. G. Parrott, Philadelphia: Psychology Press, 2001, pp. 185-97).
"Risk as Feelings." George F. Loewenstein, Elke U. Weber, Christopher K. Hsee and Ned Welch; Psychological Bulletin, 2001, 127(2), pp. 267-86.
"Money, Kisses, and Electric Shocks: On the Affective Psychology of Risk." Yuval Rottenstreich and Christopher K. Hsee; Psychological Science, 2001, 12(3), pp. 185-90.
"Culture and Individual Judgment and Decision Making." Elke U. Weber and Christopher K. Hsee; Applied Psychology: An International Review, 2000, 49(Issue 1), pp. 32.
"Attribute Evaluability: Its Implications for Joint-Separate Evaluation Reversals and Beyond," Christopher K. Hsee, in Choices, Values, and Frames. D. Kahneman and A. Tversky, Cambridge; New York and Melbourne: Cambridge University Press; New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2000, pp. 543-63.
"The Affection Effect in Insurance Decisions." Christopher K. Hsee and Howard C. Kunreuther; Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2000, 20(2), pp. 141-59.
"Cross-National Differences in Risk Preference and Lay Predictions." Christopher Hsee and Elke U. Weber; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 1999, 12(2), pp. 165-79.
"Value Seeking and Prediction-Decision Inconsistency: Why Don't People Take What They Predict They'll Like the Most?" Christopher K. Hsee; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1999, 6(4), pp. 555-61.
"Models and Mosaics: Investigating Cross-Cultural Differences in Risk Perception and Risk Preference." Elke U. Weber and Christopher K. Hsee; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1999, 6(4), pp. 611-17.
"Preference Reversals between Joint and Separate Evaluations of Options: A Review and Theoretical Analysis." Chrisopher K. Hsee, George F. Loewenstein, Sally Blount and Max H. Bazerman; Psychological Bulletin, 1999, 125(5), pp. 576-90.
"Less Is Better: When Low-Value Options Are Valued More Highly Than High-Value Options." Christopher K. Hsee; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 1998, 11(2), pp. 107-21.
"What Folklore Tells Us About Risk and Risk Taking: Cross-Cultural Comparisons of American, German, and Chinese Proverbs." Elke U. Weber, Christopher K. Hsee and Joanna Sokolowska; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 1998, 75(2), pp. 170-86.
"Cross-Cultural Differences in Risk Perception, but Cross-Cultural Similarities in Attitudes Towards Perceived Risk." Elke U. Weber and Christopher Hsee; Management Science, 1998, 44(9), pp. 1205-17.
"Will Products Look More Attractive When Presented Separately or Together?" Christopher K. Hsee and France Leclerc; Journal of Consumer Research, 1998, 25(2), pp. 175-86.
"A Fundamental Prediction Error: Self-Others Discrepancies in Risk Preference." Christopher K. Hsee and Elke U. Weber; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 1997, 126(1), pp. 45-53.
"The Evaluability Hypothesis: An Explanation for Preference Reversals between Joint and Separate Evaluations of Alternatives." Christopher Hsee; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 1996, 67(3), pp. 247-57.
"Elastic Justification: How Unjustifiable Factors Influence Judgments." Christopher K. Hsee; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 1996, 66(1), pp. 122-29.
"The Impact of Vocal Feedback on Emotional Experience and Expression." Elaine Hatfield, Christopher K. Hsee, Jason Costello and Monique Schalekamp Weisman; Journal of Social Behavior & Personality, 1995, 10(2), pp. 293-312.
"Elastic Justification: How Tempting but Task-Irrelevant Factors Influence Decisions." Christopher K. Hsee; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 1995, 62( 3), pp. 330.
"The Quasi-Acceleration Relation: Satisfaction as a Function of the Change of Velocity of Outcome over Time." Christopher K. Hsee, Peter Salovey and Robert P. Abelson; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 1994, 30(1), pp. 96-111.
"Emotional Intelligence and the Self-Regulation of Affect," Peter Salovey, Christopher K. Hsee and John D. Mayer, in Handbook of Mental Control. D. M. Wegner and J. W. Pennebaker, Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall, 1993, pp. 258-77.
Elastic Justification: Affective Influences on Monetary Decision-Making; Christopher Kaiyuan Hsee; Ph.D Dissertation, Yale University, 1993.
"Assessments of the Emotional States of Others: Conscious Judgments Versus Emotional Contagion." Christopher K. Hsee, Elaine Hatfield and Claude Chemtob; Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, 1992, 11(2), pp. 119-28.
"Velocity Relation: Satisfaction as a Function of the First Derivative of Outcome over Time." Christopher K. Hsee and Robert P. Abelson; Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 1991, 60(3), pp. 341-47.
"The Relative Weighting of Position and Velocity in Satisfaction." Christopher K. Hsee, Robert P. Abelson and Peter Salovey; Psychological Science, 1991, 2( 4), pp. 263.
"The Effect of Power on Susceptibility to Emotional Contagion." Christopher K. Hsee, Elaine Hatfield, John G. Carlson and Claude Chemtob; Cognition & Emotion, 1990, 4(4), pp. 327-40.