Selected Bibliography for Richard Hornbeck
V. Duane Rath Professor of Economics
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Published Works
"How Much Do Existing Borrowers Value Microfinance? Evidence from an Experiment on Bundling Microcredit and Insurance." Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Richard Hornbeck; Economica, 2018, 85(340), pp. 671-700.
"Creative Destruction: Barriers to Urban Growth and the Great Boston Fire of 1872." Richard Hornbeck and Daniel Keniston; American Economic Review, 2017, 107(6), pp. 1365-98.
"Railroads and American Economic Growth: A “Market Access” Approach " Dave Donaldson and Richard Hornbeck; The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2016, 131(2), pp. 799-858.
"Economic Dynamics in the Malthusian Era: Evidence from the 1609 Spanish Expulsion of the Moriscos." Eric Chaney and Richard Hornbeck; The Economic Journal, 2016, 126(594), pp. 1404-40.
"Does Agriculture Generate Local Economic Spillovers? Short-Run and Long-Run Evidence from the Ogallala Aquifer." Richard Hornbeck and Pinar Keskin; American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2015, 7(2), pp. 192-213.
"When the Levee Breaks: Black Migration and Economic Development in the American South." Richard Hornbeck and Suresh Naidu; American Economic Review, 2014, 104(3), pp. 963-90.
"The Historically Evolving Impact of the Ogallala Aquifer: Agricultural Adaptation to Groundwater and Drought." Richard Hornbeck and Pinar Keskin; American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2014, 6(1), pp. 190-219.
"Bundling Health Insurance and Microfinance in India: There Cannot Be Adverse Selection If There Is No Demand." Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Richard Hornbeck; American Economic Review, 2014, 104(5), pp. 291-97.
"The Enduring Impact of the American Dust Bowl: Short- and Long-Run Adjustments to Environmental Catastrophe." Richard Hornbeck; American Economic Review, 2012, 102(4), pp. 1477-507.
"Nature Versus Nurture: The Environment's Persistent Influence through the Modernization of American Agriculture." Richard Hornbeck; American Economic Review, 2012, 102(3), pp. 245-49.
"Being Surveyed Can Change Later Behavior and Related Parameter Estimates." Alix Peterson Zwane, Jonathan Zinman, Eric Van Dusen, William Pariente, Clair Null, Edward Miguel, Michael Kremer, Dean S. Karlan, Richard Hornbeck, Xavier Giné, Esther Duflo, Florencia Devoto, Bruno Crepon and Abhijit Banerjee; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2011, 108(5), pp. 1821-26.
"Barbed Wire: Property Rights and Agricultural Development." Richard Hornbeck; Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2010, 125(2), pp. 767-810.
"Identifying Agglomeration Spillovers: Evidence from Winners and Losers of Large Plant Openings." Michael Greenstone, Richard Hornbeck and Enrico Moretti; Journal of Political Economy, 2010, 118(3), pp. 536-98.
Essays on the Development of the American Economy; Richard Hornbeck; Ph.D Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2009.
"Price Discrimination and Smuggling of Aids Drugs." Richard A. Hornbeck; B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy: Topics in Economic Analysis and Policy, 2005, 5(1), pp. 1-25.