Selected Bibliography for Reid Hastie
Ralph and Dorothy Keller Distinguished Service Professor of Behavioral Science
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Published Works
"The Preference for Moderation Scale." Aimee Drolet, Mary Frances Luce, Li Jiang, Benjamin C. Rossi and Reid Hastie; Journal of Consumer Research, 2021, 47(6), pp. 831-54.
"The Case for Relative Plausibility Theory: Promising, but Insufficient." Reid Hastie; The International Journal of Evidence & Proof, 2019, 23(1-2), pp. 134-40.
"Connecting Laboratory and Field Research in Judgment and Decision Making: Causality and the Breadth of External Validity." Daniel M. Bartels, Reid Hastie and Oleg Urminsky; Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 2018, 7(1), pp. 11-15.
"Do People Reason Rationally About Causally Related Events? Markov Violations, Weak Inferences, and Failures of Explaining Away." Benjamin M. Rottman and Reid Hastie; Cognitive Psychology, 2016, 87, pp. 88-134.
"Garbage in, Garbage Out? Some Micro Sources of Macro Errors." Cass R. Sunstein and Reid Hastie; Journal of Institutional Economics, 2015, 11(3), pp. 561-83.
"Causal Thinking in Judgments," Reid Hastie, in The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making. G. Keren and G. Wu, Marlden, MA: John Wiley & Sons, 2015, pp. 590-628.
"Making Dumb Groups Smarter." Cass R. Sunstein and Reid Hastie; Harvard Business Review, 2014, 92(12), pp. 90-98.
"The Influence of Perceived Causation on Judgments of Time: An Integrative Review and Implications for Decision-Making." David Faro, Ann L. McGill and Reid Hastie; Frontiers in Psychology, 2013, 4.
"When Deliberation Produces Extremism." David Schkade, Cass R. Sunstein and Reid Hastie; Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society, 2010, 22(2), pp. 227 - 52.
"Naïve Theories of Causal Force and Compression of Elapsed Time Judgments." David Faro, Ann L. McGill and Reid Hastie; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2010, 98(5), pp. 683-701.
"What's Next? Judging Sequences of Binary Events." An T. Oskarsson, Leaf Van Boven, Gary H. McClelland and Reid Hastie; Psychological Bulletin, 2009, 135(2), pp. 262-85.
"Effects of Amount of Information on Judgment Accuracy and Confidence." Claire I. Tsai, Joshua Klayman and Reid Hastie; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2008, 107(2), pp. 97-105.
"Conscious and Non-Conscious Cognitive Processes in Jurors’ Decisions," Reid Hastie, in Better Than Conscious? : Decision Making, the Human Mind, and Implications for Institutions. C. Engel and W. Singer, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2008, pp.
"What's the Story? Explanations and Narratives in Civil Jury Decisions," Reid Hastie, in Civil Juries and Civil Justice: Psychological and Legal Perspectives. B. H. Bornstein, R. L. Wiener, R. Schopp and S. L. Willborn, Springer: New York, 2008, pp. 23-34.
"We Want the Same Thing: Projection in Judgments of Sexual Intent." Alison P. Lenton, Angela Bryan, Reid Hastie and Oliver Fischer; Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2007, 33(7), pp. 975-88.
"Introduction to the Special Issue: Decision Making and the Law." Mandeep K. Dhami, Reid Hastie, Jonathan J. Koehler and Richard L. Wiener; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2007, 20(5), pp. 453-54.
"Calibration Trumps Confidence as a Basis for Witness Credibility." Elizabeth R. Tenney, Robert J. MacCoun, Barbara A. Spellman and Reid Hastie; Psychological Science, 2007, 18(1), pp. 46-50.
"What Happened on Deliberation Day?" David Schkade, Cass R. Sunstein and Reid Hastie; California Law Review, 2007, 95(3), pp. 915-40.
"Heuristics for Applying Laws to Facts," Reid Hastie and Bernd Wittenbrink, in Heuristics and the Law. G. Gigerenzer and C. Engel, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006, pp. 259-80.
"Decision and Experience: Why Don't We Choose What Makes Us Happy?" Christopher K. Hsee and Reid Hastie; Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2006, 10(1), pp. 31-37.
"The Influence of Social Categories and Patient Responsibility on Health Care Allocation Decisions: Bias or Fairness?" Alison P. Lenton, Irene V. Blair and Reid Hastie; Basic & Applied Social Psychology, 2006, 28(1), pp. 27-36.
"Perceived Causality as a Cue to Temporal Distance." David Faro, France Leclerc and Reid Hastie; Psychological Science, 2005, 16(9), pp. 673-77.
"The Robust Beauty of Majority Rules in Group Decisions." Reid Hastie and Tatsuya Kameda; Psychological Review, 2005, 112(2), pp. 494-508.
"Explanations Determine the Impact of Information on Financial Investment Judgments." Elizabeth J. Mulligan and Reid Hastie; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2005, 18(2), pp. 145.
"Building an Even Better Conceptual Foundation: Comment." Tatsuya Kameda and Reid Hastie; Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 2004, 27(3), pp. 345-46.
"Dynamic Networks and Other Thought Systems: Remote Ramifications of a Focused Persuasive Communication," Reid Hastie and Katherine A. Rawson, in Perspectivism in Social Psychology: The Yin and Yang of Scientific Progress. J. T. Jost and M. R. Banaji, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2004, pp. 53-68.
"Category Coherence and Category-Based Property Induction." Bob Rehder and Reid Hastie; Cognition, 2004, 91(2), pp. 113-53.
"Comprehension and Decision Making," David A Rettinger and Reid Hastie, in Emerging Perspectives on Judgment and Decision Research. S. L. Schneider and J. Shanteau, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 165-200.
"Social Psychology in Court," Michael J. Saks and Reid Hastie, in The Jury Trial in Criminal Justice. D. D. Koski, Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 2003, pp. xxv, 350 p.
"The Logic of Social Sharing: An Evolutionary Game Analysis of Adaptive Norm Development." Tatsuya Kameda, Masanori Takezawa and Reid Hastie; Personality & Social Psychology Review, 2003, 7(1), pp. 2-19.
"Phineas Gauged: Decision-Making and the Human Prefrontal Cortex." Alan G. Sanfey, Reid Hastie, Mary K. Colvin and Jordan Grafman; Neuropsychologia, 2003, 41(9), pp. 1218-29.
Punitive Damages : How Juries Decide Cass R. Sunstein, Reid Hastie, John W. Payne, David A. Schkade, W. Kip Viscusi and George L Priest; Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2002.
"Juries, Hindsight, and Punitive Damages Awards. (Response to Richard Lempert, Depaul Law Review, Vol. 48, P. 867, 1999)." Reid Hastie and W. Kip Viscusi; DePaul Law Review, 2002, 51(4), pp. 987-96.
Inside the Jury Reid Hastie, Steven Penrod and Nancy Pennington; Union, N.J.: Lawbook Exchange, 2002.
"Interevent Relationships and Judgment under Uncertainty: Structure Determines Strategy." Alan G. Sanfey and Reid Hastie; Memory & Cognition, 2002, 30(6), pp. 921-33.
"The Reliability of the Drm Paradigm as a Measure of Individual Differences in False Memories." Irene V. Blair, Alison P. Lenton and Reid Hastie; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2002, 9(3), pp. 590-96.
"Emotions in Jurors' Decisions.(the Jury in the Twenty-First Century: An Interdisciplinary Conference)." Reid Hastie; Brooklyn Law Review, 2001, 66(4), pp. 991-1009.
"Problems for Judgment and Decision Making." Reid Hastie; Annual Review of Psychology, 2001, 52, pp. 653-83.
"Content Effects on Decision Making." David A. Rettinger and Reid Hastie; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2001, 85(2), pp. 336-59.
"Illusions of Gender: Stereotypes Evoke False Memories." Alison P. Lenton, Irene V. Blair and Reid Hastie; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2001, 37(1), pp. 3-14.
"Causal Knowledge and Categories: The Effects of Causal Beliefs on Categorization, Induction, and Similarity." Bob Rehder and Reid Hastie; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2001, 130(3), pp. 323-60.
Rational Choice in an Uncertain World: The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making Reid Hastie and Robyn M. Dawes; Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc, 2001.
"A Review of the Effects of Financial Incentives on Performance in Laboratory Tasks: Implications for Management Accounting." Sarah E. Bonner, Reid Hastie, Geoffrey B. Sprinkle and S. Mark Young; Journal of Management Accounting Research, 2000, 12, pp. 19-64.
"Explanation-Based Decision Making," Reid Hastie and Nancy Pennington, in Judgment and Decision Making: An Interdisciplinary Reader (2nd Ed ). T. Connolly, H. R. Arkes and K. R. Hammond, 2000, pp. 212-28.
"Judgment and Decision Making across the Adult Life Span: A Tutorial Review of Psychological Research," Alan G. Sanfey and Reid Hastie, in Cognitive Aging: A Primer. D. C. Park and N. Schwarz, 2000, pp. 253-73.
"Computer Simulation Methods for Social Psychology," Reid Hastie and Garold Stasser, in Handbook of Research Methods in Social and Personality Psychology. H. T. Reis and C. M. Judd, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 85-114.
"The Role of "Stories" in Civil Jury Judgments." Reid Hastie; University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, 1999, 32(2), pp. 227-39.
"Juror Judgments in Civil Cases: Effects of Plaintiff's Requests and Plaintiff's Identity on Punitive Damage Awards." Reid Hastie, David A. Schkade and John W. Payne; Law and Human Behavior, 1999, 23(4), pp. 445-70.
"Juror Judgments in Civil Cases: Hindsight Effects on Judgments of Liability for Punitive Damages." Reid Hastie, David A. Schkade and John W. Payne; Law and Human Behavior, 1999, 23(5), pp. 597-614.
"Reply to Vidmar." Reid Hastie, David A. Schkade and John W. Payne; Law and Human Behavior, 1999, 23(6), pp. 715-18.
"The Differential Effects of Causes on Categorization and Similarity," B. Rehder and R. Hastie, in Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. M. A. Gernsbacher and S. J. Derry, Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1998, pp.
"What Juries Can't Do Well: The Jury's Performance as a Risk Manager.(Courts on Trial)." Reid Hastie and W. Kip Viscusi; Arizona Law Review, 1998, 40(3), pp. 901-21.
"Does Evidence Presentation Format Affect Judgment? An Experimental Evaluation of Displays of Data for Judgments." Alan Sanfrey and Reid Hastie; Psychological Science, 1998, 9(2), pp. 99-103.
"A Study of Juror and Jury Judgments in Civil Cases: Deciding Liability for Punitive Damages." Reid Hastie, David A. Schkade and John W. Payne; Law and Human Behavior, 1998, 22(3), pp. 287-314.
"The Roles of Causes and Effects in Categorization," B Rehder and R Hastie, in Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. M. G. Shafto and P. Langley, Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997, pp. 650-55.
"Proper Analysis of the Accuracy of Group Judgments." Daniel Gigone and Reid Hastie; Psychological Bulletin, 1997, 121(1), pp. 149-67.
"The Impact of Information on Small Group Choice." Daniel Gigone and Reid Hastie; Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 1997, 72(1), pp. 132-40.
"Mental Representations of Persons and Personality," John F. Kihlstrom and Reid Hastie, in Handbook of Personality Psychology. R. Hogan, J. Johnson and S. R. Briggs, San Diego: Academic Press, 1997, pp. 711-35.
"The O.J. Simpson Stories: Behavioral Scientists' Reflections on the People of the State of California V. Orenthal James Simpson." Reid Hastie and Nancy Pennington; University of Colorado Law Review, 1996, 67(4), pp. 957-76.
"Human Performance Reading Statistical Maps." Reid Hastie, Oliver Hammerle, Jeffrey Kerwin and Douglas J. Hermann; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 1996, 2(1), pp. 3-16.
"The Moderating Influence of Variability on Belief Revision." Bob Rehder and Reid Hastie; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1996, 3(4), pp. 499-503.
"The Impact of Information on Group Judgment: A Model and Computer Simulation," Daniel Gigone and Reid Hastie, in Understanding Group Behavior. E. H. Witte and J. H. Davis, Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1996, pp. 221-51.
"A Cognitive Approach to Judgment and Decision Making," Reid Hastie and Nancy Pennington, in Decision Making from a Cognitive Perspective. J. Busemeyer, R. Hastie and D. L. Medin, San Diego, CA.: Academic Press, 1995, pp.
Decision Making from a Cognitive Perspective Jerome Busemeyer, Reid Hastie and Douglas L. Medin; The Psychology of Learning and Motivation;; San Diego, CA.: Academic Press, 1995.
"The Big Story: Is It a Story?," Reid Hastie and Nancy Pennington, in Knowledge and Memory: The Real Story. R. S. Wyer Jr., 1995, pp. 133-38.
"Review of "Anchored Narratives : The Psychology of Criminal Evidence" by Willem A. Wagenaar, Peter J. Van Koppen and Hans F.M. Crombag." Reid Hastie and Nancy Pennington; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 1994, 7, pp. 293-97.
"Implications of the Story Model for the Trial Judge's Behavior," Reid Hastie and Nancy Pennington, in Filtering and Analyzing Evidence in an Age of Diversity. M. T. MacCrimmon and M. Ouellette, Montréal: Éditions Thémis, 1994, pp.
"Contemporary Approaches to the Study of Thinking and Problem Solving," K. Ericsson and Reid Hastie, in Thinking and Problem Solving. R. J. Sternberg, 1994, pp. 37-79.
"Introduction to Models of Juror Decision Making," Reid Hastie, in Inside the Juror: The Psychology of Juror Decision Making. R. Hastie, Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp.
"Use of Mental Frequency Distributions to Represent Variability among Members of Social Categories." Susan Kraus, Carey S. Ryan, Charles M. Judd, Reid Hastie and B Park; Social Cognition, 1993, 11(1), pp. 22-43.
"A Theory of Explanation-Based Decision Making," Nancy Pennington and Reid Hastie, in Decision Making in Action: Models and Methods. G. A. Klein, Norwood, N.J: Ablex Publishing, 1993, pp. 188-201.
Inside the Juror: The Psychology of Juror Decision Making Reid Hastie; Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
"Algebraic Models of Juror Decision Processes," Reid Hastie, in Inside the Juror: The Psychology of Juror Decision Making. R. Hastie, Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp. 84-115.
"The Story Model for Juror Decision Making," Nancy Pennington and Reid Hastie, in Inside the Juror: The Psychology of Juror Decision Making. R. Hastie, Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp. 192-221.
"Reasoning in Explanation-Based Decision Making." Nancy Pennington and Reid Hastie; Cognition, 1993, 49(1-2), pp. 123-63.
"The Common Knowledge Effect: Information Sharing and Group Judgment." Daniel Gigone and Reid Hastie; Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 1993, 65(5), pp. 959-74.
"Explaining the Evidence: Tests of the Story Model for Juror Decision Making." Nancy Pennington and Reid Hastie; Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 1992, 62(2), pp. 189-206.
"Making Better Use of Scientific Knowledge: Separating Truth from Justice." Kenneth R. Hammond, Lewis O. Harvey and Reid Hastie; Psychological Science, 1992, 3(2), pp. 80-87.
""Comment on Application of Decision Science": Reply." Kenneth R. Hammond, Lewis O. Harvey and Reid Hastie; Psychological Science, 1992, 3(6), pp. 383-84.
"Rational Analysis and the Lens Model." Reid Hastie and Kenneth R Hammond; Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1991, 14, pp. 498.
"Is Attorney-Conducted Voir Dire an Effective Procedure for the Selection of Impartial Juries?" Reid Hastie; American University Law Review, 1991, 40, pp. 703-26.
"A Cognitive Theory of Juror Decision Making: The Story Model. (Decision and Inference in Litigation)." Nancy Pennington and Reid Hastie; Cardozo Law Review, 1991, 13(2-3), pp. 519-57.
"Review of 'from a High Place: The Field of Judgment and Decision Making as Revealed in Its Current Textbooks'." Reid Hastie; Psychological Science, 1991, 2( 3), pp. 135.
"The Social Consequences of Cognitive Illusions," Tom Tyler and Reid Hastie, in Handbook of Negotiation Research. M. H. Bazerman, R. J. Lewicki and B. H. Sheppard, Research on Negotiation in Organizations, vol. 3 Greenwich, Conn. and London: JAI Press, 1991, pp. 69-98.
"Hindsight and Causality." David Wasserman, Richard O. Lempert and Reid Hastie; Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 1991, 17(1), pp. 30-35.
"Cognitive and Social Processes in Decision Making," Reid Hastie and Nancy Pennington, in Perspectives on Socially Shared Cognition. L. B. Resnick and J. M. Levine, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1991, pp. 308-27.
"Comment on Mcguire and Mcguire's "Thought Systems."," Reid Hastie, in The Content, Structure, and Operation of Thought Systems. R. S. Wyer Jr and T. K. Srull, 1991, pp. 143-46.
"Social Judgment Theory and Its Accomplishments." Reid Hastie; Contemporary Psychology, 1990, 35, pp. 959-60.
"Hindsight: Biased Judgments of Past Events after the Outcomes Are Known." Scott A. Hawkins and Reid Hastie; Psychological Bulletin, 1990, 107(3), pp. 311.
"Judgment Tasks and Biases in Negotiation," Leigh Thompson and Reid Hastie, in Research on Negotiation in Organizations. B. H. Sheppard, M. H. Bazerman and R. J. Lewicki, A Biannual Research Series Greenwich, Conn. and London: JAI Press, 1990, pp. 31-54.
"Practical Implications of Psychological Research on Juror and Jury Decision Making." Nancy Pennington and Reid Hastie; Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 1990, 16(1), pp. 90-105.
"Tracing the Footsteps of Sherlock Holmes: Cognitive Representations of Hypothesis Testing." Lori R. Van Wallendael and Reid Hastie; Memory & Cognition, 1990, 18(3), pp. 240-50.
"Creating Complex Social Conjunction Categories from Simple Categories." Reid Hastie, Colin Schroeder and Renee Weber; Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 1990, 28(3), pp. 242-47.
"Social Perception in Negotiation." Leigh Thompson and Reid Hastie; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 1990, 47(1), pp. 98-123.
"The Evaluation of Evidence in Complex Decision-Making." Nancy Pennington and Reid Hastie; Estudios de Psicologia, 1990, (42).
"Notes on the Distinction between Memory-Based Versus on-Line Judgments," Reid Hastie and Nancy Pennington, in On-Line Cognition in Person Perception. J. N. Bassili, Hillsdale, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1989, pp. 1-17.
"Explanation-Based Decision Making: Effects of Memory Structure on Judgment." Nancy Pennington and Reid Hastie; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 1988, 14(3), pp. 521-33.
"A Computer Simulation Model of Person Memory." Reid Hastie; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 1988, 24(5), pp. 423-47.
"The Concept of Accuracy in Social Judgment," Reid Hastie and Kenneth A. Rasinski, in The Social Psychology of Knowledge. D. Bar-Tal and A. W. Kruglanski, New York, NY ; Paris, France: Cambridge University Press; Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1988, pp. 193-208.
"An Information-Processing Analysis of Graph Perception." David Simkin and Reid Hastie; Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1987, 82(398), pp. 454-65.
"Explanation-Based Decision Making," Nancy Pennington and Reid Hastie, in Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Cognitive Science Society Meeting. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates, 1987, pp. 682-90.
"Information Processing Theory for the Survey Researcher," Reid Hastie, in Social Information Processing and Survey Methodology. H. J. Hippler, N. Schwarz and S. Sudman, New York: Springer, 1987, pp.
"Perception of Variability in Category Development: Instance- Versus Abstraction-Based Stereotypes." Bernadette Park and Reid Hastie; Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 1987, 53(4), pp. 621-35.
"A Primer of Information Processing for the Political Scientist," Reid Hastie, in Political Cognition : The 19th Annual Carnegie Symposium on Cognition. R. R. Lau and D. O. Sears, Hillsdale, N.J: L. Erlbaum Associates, 1986, pp. 11-39.
"Experimental Evidence on Group Accuracy," Reid Hastie, in Information Pooling and Group Decision Making : Proceedings of the Second University of California, Irvine, Conference on Political Economy. B. Grofman and G. Owen, Greenwich: JAI Press, 1986, pp. 129-57.
La Institucíon Del Jurado En Los Estados Unidos : Sus Intimi Dades Reid Hastie, Steven Penrod and Nancy Pennington; Madrid: Editorial Civitas, 1986.
"Notes on the Psychologist Expert Witness." Reid Hastie; Law and Human Behavior, 1986, 10(1-2), pp. 79-82.
"The Relationship between Memory and Judgment Depends on Whether the Judgment Task Is Memory-Based or on-Line." Reid Hastie and Bernadette Park; Psychological Review, 1986, 93(3), pp. 258-68.
"Evidence Evaluation in Complex Decision Making." Nancy Pennington and Reid Hastie; Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 1986, 51(2), pp. 242-58.
"Social Psychology in Court: The Judge," Michael J. Saks and Reid Hastie, in Judgment and Decision Making: An Interdisciplinary Reader. H. R. Arkes and K. R. Hammond, Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986, pp. 255-74.
"Individual Differences in the Use of Simplification Strategies in a Complex Decision-Making Task." James Onken, Reid Hastie and William Revelle; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 1985, 11(1), pp. 14-27.
"Another Look at Sex Stereotypes and Social Judgments: An Analysis of the Social Perceiver's Use of Subjective Probabilities." Kenneth A. Rasinski, Jennifer Crocker and Reid Hastie; Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 1985, 49(2), pp. 317-26.
"Revision of Beliefs When a Hypothesis Is Eliminated from Consideration." Lori B. Robinson and Reid Hastie; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 1985, 11(4), pp. 443-56.
"Memory for Information About People," R. Hastie, B. Park and R Weber, in Handbook of Social Cognition. R. S. Wyer and T. K. Srull, Hillsdale, N.J: L. Erlbaum Associates, 1984, pp. 151-212.
"Causes and Effects of Causal Attribution." Reid Hastie; Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 1984, 46(1), pp. 44-56.
"Social Inference." Reid Hastie; Annual Review of Psychology, 1983, 34, pp. 511-42.
"What Goes on in a Jury Deliberation." Reid Hastie and Steven D. Penrod; American Bar Association Journal, 1983, 69(12), pp. 1849.
An Empirical Evaluation of Five Methods of Instructing the Jury: Final Report, National Institute of Justice, Grant #78-Ni-Ax-0146 Reid Hastie; S.l.: s.n., 1983.
Inside the Jury Reid Hastie, Steven Penrod and Nancy Pennington; Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1983.
"Comment: Consumer's Memory for Product Knowledge." Reid Hastie; Advances in Consumer Research, 1982, 9(1), pp. 72.
"Schematic Principles in Human Memory," Reid Hastie, in Social Cognition : The Ontario Symposium. E. T. Higgins, C. P. Herman and M. P. Zanna, Hillsdale, N.J: L. Erlbaum Associates, 1981, pp. 39-88.
"Review of 'Judgment Non Obstantibus Datis'." Reid Hastie; Michigan Law Review, 1981, 79(4), pp. 728-36.
"Juror Decision-Making Models: The Generalization Gap." Nancy Pennington and Reid Hastie; Psychological Bulletin, 1981, 89(2), pp. 246-87.
"Theoretical Issues in Person Memory," Reid Hastie, in Person Memory : The Cognitive Basis of Social Perception. R. Hastie, Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates, 1980, pp. 1-53.
"Memory for Behavioral Information That Confirms or Contradicts a Personality Impression," Reid Hastie, in Person Memory : The Cognitive Basis of Social Perception. R. Hastie, Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates, 1980, pp. 155-77.
Person Memory : The Cognitive Basis of Social Perception Reid Hastie; Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates, 1980.
"A Computer Simulation of Jury Decision Making." Steven Penrod and Reid Hastie; Psychological Review, 1980, 87(2), pp. 133-59.
"Models of Jury Decision Making: A Critical Review." Steven Penrod and Reid Hastie; Psychological Bulletin, 1979, 86(3), pp. 462-92.
"Person Memory: Personality Traits as Organizing Principles in Memory for Behaviors." Reid Hastie and Purohit A. Kumar; Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 1979, 37(1), pp. 25-38.
"The Independence of Evaluative and Item Information: Impression and Recall Order Effects in Behavior-Based Impression Formation." Elizabeth K. Dreben, Susan T. Fiske and Reid Hastie; Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 1979, 37(10), pp. 1758-68.
"The Effects of Initial Questioning on Subsequent Eyewitness Testimony." R. Hastie, R. Landsman and E.F. Loftus; Jurimetrics Journal, 1978, 19(1), pp. 1-8.
Social Psychology in Court Michael J. Saks and Reid Hastie; New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1978.
"Learning as Accumulation: A Reexamination of the Learning Curve." James E. Mazur and Reid Hastie; Psychological Bulletin, 1978, 85(6), pp. 1256-74.
"The Effects of Lottery Game Structure and Format on Subjective Probability and Attractiveness of Gambles." William R. Cole and Reid Hastie; Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 1978, 4(4), pp. 608-11.
"The Relationship of Depth of Processing to Free Recall in Second and Fourth Graders." Sara L. Weiss, Georgene Robinson and Reid Hastie; Developmental Psychology, 1977, 13(5), pp. 525-26.
"Intralist Repetition in Free Recall: Effects of Frequency Attribute Recall Instructions." Reid Hastie; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning & Memory, 1975, 1(1), pp. 3-12.
"Individuation and Reference in Memory: Proper Names and Definite Descriptions." John Anderson and Reid Hastie; Cognitive Psychology, 1974, 6(4), pp. 495-514.
Intralist Repetition Effects in Free Recall; Reid Hastie; Ph.D Dissertation, Yale University, 1973.
"Inhibition Effects of Intralist Repetition in Free Recall." Endel Tulvig and Reid Hastie; Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1972, 92(3), pp. 297-304.