Selected Bibliography for Varun Gupta
Associate Professor of Operations Management
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Published Works
"Approximations and Optimal Control for State-Dependent Limited Processor Sharing Queues." Varun Gupta and Jiheng Zhang; Stochastic Systems, 2022, 12(2), pp. 205-25.
"Dynamic Regret Minimization for Control of Non-Stationary Linear Dynamical Systems." Yuwei Luo, Varun Gupta and Mladen Kolar; Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems, 2022, 6(1), pp. 1–72.
"On the Optimal Design of a Bipartite Matching Queueing System." Philipp Afèche, René Caldentey and Varun Gupta; Operations Research, 2021, 70(1), pp. 363-401.
"Approximation Schemes for Multiperiod Binary Knapsack Problems," Zuguang Gao, John R. Birge and Varun Gupta, in Computer Science – Theory and Applications. CSR 2021. R. Santhanam and D. Musatov, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021, pp. 131-46.
"Greed Works—Online Algorithms for Unrelated Machine Stochastic Scheduling." Varun Gupta, Benjamin Moseley, Marc Uetz and Qiaomin Xie; Mathematics of Operations Research, 2020, 45(2), pp. 497-516.
"Simultaneous Inference for Pairwise Graphical Models with Generalized Score Matching." Ming Yu, Varun Gupta and Mladen Kolar; Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2020, 21(1), pp. Article 91.
"Estimation of a Low-Rank Topic-Based Model for Information Cascades." Ming Yu, Varun Gupta and Mladen Kolar; Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2020, 21(1), pp. Article 71.
"Permutation Strikes Back: The Power of Recourse in Online Metric Matching," Varun Gupta, Ravishankar Krishnaswamy and Sai Sandeep, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs 2020, pp. 40:1 - 40:20.
"Interior-Point-Based Online Stochastic Bin Packing." Varun Gupta and Ana Radovanović; Operations Research, 2020, 68(5), pp. 1474-92.
"Load Balancing in the Nondegenerate Slowdown Regime." Varun Gupta and Neil Walton; Operations Research, 2019, 67(1), pp. 281-94.
"Information Models: Creating and Preserving Value in Volatile Cloud Resources," Chaojie Zhang, Varun Gupta and Andrew A. Chien, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E) 2019, pp. 45-55.
"Search among Queues under Quality Differentiation." Luyi Yang, Laurens G. Debo and Varun Gupta; Management Science, 2019, 65(8), pp. 3605-23.
"Stochastic Online Scheduling on Unrelated Machines," Varun Gupta, Benjamin Moseley, Marc Uetz and Qiaomin Xie, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 228-40.
"An Influence-Receptivity Model for Topic Based Information Cascades," Ming Yu, Varun Gupta and Mladen Kolar, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) 2017, pp. 1141-46.
"Trading Time in a Congested Environment." Luyi Yang, Laurens Debo and Varun Gupta; Management Science, 2016, 63(7), pp. 2377-95.
"Lagrangian-Based Online Stochastic Bin Packing." Varun Gupta and Ana Radovanovic; SIGMETRICS Performance Evalaluation Review, 2015, 43(1), pp. 467–68.
"Stability of the Bipartite Matching Model." Ana Bušić, Varun Gupta and Jean Mairesse; Advances in Applied Probability, 2013, 45(2), pp. 351-78.
Stochastic Models and Analysis for Resource Management in Server Farms; Varun Gupta; Ph.D. Dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University, 2011.
"Tight Moments-Based Bounds for Queueing Systems," Varun Gupta and Takayuki Osogami, Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS joint international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems Editor, San Jose, California, USA: ACM, 2011 of Conference, pp. Pages.
"On Markov–Krein Characterization of the Mean Waiting Time in M/G/K and Other Queueing Systems." Varun Gupta and Takayuki Osogami; Queueing Systems, 2011, 68(3), pp. 339-52.
"Robust and Flexible Power-Proportional Storage," Hrishikesh Amur, James Cipar, Varun Gupta, Gregory R. Ganger, Michael A. Kozuch and Karsten Schwan, Proceedings of the 1st ACM symposium on Cloud computing Editor, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA: ACM, 2010 of Conference, pp. Pages.
"Distributed Caching Algorithms for Content Distribution Networks," Sem Borst, Varun Gupta and Anwar Walid, Proceedings of the 29th conference on Information communications Editor, San Diego, California, USA: IEEE Press, 2010 of Conference, pp. Pages.
"Sampling Strategies for Epidemic-Style Information Dissemination." Milan Vojnovic, Varun Gupta, Thomas Karagiannis and Christos Gkantsidis; IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2010, 18(4), pp. 1013-25.
"Stability of the Bipartite Matching Model." Ana Buaic, Varun Gupta and Jean Mairesse; ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 2010, 38(2), pp. 6-8.
"On the Inapproximability of M/G/K: Why two moments of Job Size Distribution Are not enough." Varun Gupta, Mor Harchol-Balter, J. Dai and Bert Zwart; Queueing Systems, 2010, 64(1), pp. 5-48.
"Analysis of Scheduling Policies under Correlated Job Sizes." Varun Gupta, Michelle Burroughs and Mor Harchol-Balter; Performance Evaluation, 2010, 67(11), pp. 996-1013.
"Optimality Analysis of Energy-Performance Trade-Off for Server Farm Management." Anshul Gandhi, Varun Gupta, Mor Harchol-Balter and Michael A. Kozuch; Performance Evaluation, 2010, 67(11), pp. 1155-71.
"Self-Adaptive Admission Control Policies for Resource-Sharing Systems," Varun Gupta and Mor Harchol-Balter, Proceedings of the eleventh international joint conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems Editor, Seattle, WA, USA: ACM, 2009 of Conference, pp. Pages.
"Finding the Optimal Quantum Size: Sensitivity Analysis of the M/G/1 Round-Robin Queue." Varun Gupta; ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 2008, 36(2), pp. 104-06.
"Fluid Level in a Reservoir with an on-Off Source." Varun Gupta and Peter G. Harrison; ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 2008, 36(2), pp. 128-30.
"The Effect of Higher Moments of Job Size Distribution on the Performance of an M/G/S Queueing System." Varun Gupta, Jim Dai, Mor Harchol-Balter and Bert Zwart; ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 2007, 35(2), pp. 12-14.
"Analysis of Join-the-Shortest-Queue Routing for Web Server Farms." Varun Gupta, Mor Harchol Balter, Karl Sigman and Ward Whitt; Performance Evaluation, 2007, 64(9–12), pp. 1062-81.
"Fundamental Characteristics of Queues with Fluctuating Load." Varun Gupta, Mor Harchol-Balter, Alan Scheller Wolf and Uri Yechiali; ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 2006, 34(1), pp. 203-15.