Selected Bibliography for Zvi Gilula
Adjunct Professor of Statistics
Published Works
"Multi Level Categorical Data Fusion Using Partially Fused Data." Zvi Gilula and Robert McCulloch; Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2013, 11(3), pp. 353-77.
"Conversion of Ordinal Attitudinal Scales: An Inferential Bayesian Approach." Michael Evans, Zvi Gilula and Irwin Guttman; Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2012, 10(3), pp. 283-304.
"Correction Note to "Density Approximation by Summary Statistics: An Information-Theoretic Approach"." Zvi Gilula and Shelby J. Haberman; Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2008, 35(4), pp. 762.
"A Direct Approach to Data Fusion." Zvi Gilula, Robert E. McCulloch and Peter E. Rossi; Journal of Marketing Research, 2006, 43(1), pp. 73-83.
"Overcoming Scale Usage Heterogeneity: A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach." Peter E. Rossi, Zvi Gilula and Greg M. Allenby; Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2001, 96(453), pp. 20-31.
"Analysis of Categorical Response Profiles by Informative Summaries." Zvi Gilula and J. Haberman Shelby; Sociological Methodology, 2001, 31, pp. 129-87.
"The Effect of Mibefradil on Ischemic Episodes with and without Increase in Heart Rate." Dan Tzivoni, Zvi Gilula, MarcW Klutstein, Leonardo Reisin, Shulamit Botvin and Isaac Kobrin; Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 2000, 14(5), pp. 503-09.
"Acarbose in Frail Institutionalized Older Patients, Suffering from Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Poor Glycemic Control " Carol Rafael, Victoria Dunovetz, Vera Rosenfeld, Shlomit Solomonovits, Joshua Ben-Israel and Zvi Gilula; Gerontology, 2000, ??(4), pp. 95-102.
"Density Approximation by Summary Statistics: An Information-Theoretic Approach." Zvi Gilula and J. Haberman Shelby; Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2000, 27(3), pp. 521-34.
"An Extended Study into the Relationship between Correspondence Analysis and Latent Class Analysis." Peter G. M. van der Heijden, Zvi Gilula and L. Andries van der Ark; Sociological Methodology, 1999, 29, pp. 147-86.
"An Insightful Comparison of Brands on an Arbitrary Ordinal Scale." Benjamin Yakir and Zvi Gilula; Journal of the Market Research Society, 1998, 40(3), pp. 249-64.
"Bayesian Analysis of Stochastically Ordered Distributions of Categorical Variables." Michael Evans, Zvi Gilula, Irwin Guttman and Tim Swartz; Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1997, 92(437), pp. 208-14.
"Dispersion of Categorical Variables and Penalty Functions: Derivation, Estimation, and Comparability." Zvi Gilula and J. Haberman Shelby; Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1995, 90(432), pp. 1447-52.
"Prediction Functions for Categorical Panel Data." Zvi Gilula and J. Haberman Shelby; The Annals of Statistics, 1995, 23(4), pp. 1130-42.
"Conditional Log-Linear Models for Analyzing Categorical Panel Data." Zvi Gilula and J. Haberman Shelby; Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1994, 89(426), pp. 645-56.
"Analysis of Contingency Tables by Correspondence Models Subject to Order Constraints." Ya'acov Ritov and Zvi Gilula; Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1993, 88(424), pp. 1380-87.
"The Order-Restricted Rc Model for Ordered Contingency Tables: Estimation and Testing for Fit." Ya'acov Ritov and Zvi Gilula; The Annals of Statistics, 1991, 19(4), pp. 2090-101.
"Reproducibility of Growth Hormone Testing Procedures: A Comparison between 24-Hour Integrated Concentration and Pharmacological Stimulation." Zvi Zadik, Stuart A. Chalew, Zvi Gilula and A. Avinoam Kowarski; The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 1990, 71(5), pp. 1127-30.
"A Score Test for Monotonic Trend in Hazard Rates for Grouped Survival Data in Stratified Populations." Yohanan Wax and Zvi Gilula; Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 1990, 19(9), pp. 3375-86.
"Inferential Ordinal Correspondence Analysis: Motivation, Derivation and Limitations." Zvi Gilula and Yaakov Ritov; International Statistical Review / Revue Internationale de Statistique, 1990, 58(2), pp. 99-108.
"Latent Class Analysis of Two-Way Contingency Tables by Bayesian Methods." Michael J. Evans, Zvi Gilula and Irwin Guttman; Biometrika, 1989, 76(3), pp. 557-63.
"Collapsed Two-Way Contingency Tables and the Chi-Square Reduction Principle." Zvi Gilula and Abba M. Krieger; Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 1989, 51(3), pp. 425-33.
"Ordinal Association in Contingency Tables: Some Interpretive Aspects." Zvi Gilula, Abba M. Krieger and Yaakov Ritov; Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1988, 83(402), pp. 540-45.
"The Analysis of Multivariate Contingency Tables by Restricted Canonical and Restricted Association Models." Zvi Gilula and J. Haberman Shelby; Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1988, 83(403), pp. 760-71.
"On Some Similarities between Contingency Table Methods and Grouped Data Survival Analytic Techniques." Zvi Gilula; Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 1986, 14(2–3), pp. 203-11.
"Canonical Analysis of Contingency Tables by Maximum Likelihood." Zvi Gilula and J. Haberman Shelby; Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1986, 81(395), pp. 780-88.
"Grouping and Association in Contingency Tables: An Exploratory Canonical Correlation Approach." Zvi Gilula; Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1986, 81(395), pp. 773-79.
"On the Maximum of a Measure of Deviation from Independence between Discrete Random Variables." Zvi Gilula and Schwarz Gideon; The Annals of Probability, 1985, 13(1), pp. 314-17.
"On the Analysis of Heterogeneity among Populations." Zvi Gilula; Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 1985, 47(1), pp. 76-83.
"On Some Similarities between Canonical Correlation Models and Latent Class Models for Two-Way Contingency Tables." Zvi Gilula; Biometrika, 1984, 71(3), pp. 523-29.
"Latent Conditional Independence in Two-Way Contingency Tables: A Diagnostic Approach." Zvi Gilula; British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 1983, 36(1), pp. 114-22.
"The Decomposability and Monotonicity of Pearson's Chi-Square for Collapsed Contingency Tables with Applications." Zvi Gilula and Abba M. Krieger; Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1983, 78(381), pp. 176-80.
"A Note on the Analysis of Association in Cross-Classifications Having Ordered Categories." Zvi Gilula; Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 1982, 11(11), pp. 1233-40.
"A Note on Measuring the Degree of Dependence between Two Discrete Random Variables Measured on a Nominal Scale." Zvi Gilula; Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 1981, 10(20), pp. 2047-55.
"On Pearson's Chi-Squared Statistic for Independence in Two-Way Contingency Tables." Zvi Gilula; The American Statistician, 1981, 35(2), pp. 96-97.
"Singular Value Decomposition of Probability Matrices: Probabilistic Aspects of Latent Dichotomous Variables." Zvi Gilula; Biometrika, 1979, 66(2), pp. 339-44.