Selected Bibliography for Nicole DeHoratius

Adjunct Professor of Operations Management

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Published Works

"Online Shoppers Don't Always Care About Faster Delivery." Pedro Amorim and Nicole Dehoratius; MIT Sloan Management Review, 2021, 63(1), pp. 12-14.

"Execution Quality and Chargeback Penalties in Retail Supply Chains." Nathan Craig, Nicole DeHoratius and Diego Klabjan; Journal of Operations Management, 2021, 67(1), pp. 31-48.

"An Empirical Study of the Behavior of Patients Who Leave the Emergency Department without Being Seen." Ehsan Bolandifar, Nicole DeHoratius, Tava Olsen and Jennifer Wiler; Journal of Operations Management, 2019, 65(5), pp. 430-46.

"Retail Store Operations: Literature Review and Research Directions." Shandong Mou, David J. Robb and Nicole DeHoratius; European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, 265(2), pp. 399-422.

"Consistency and Recovery in Retail Supply Chains." Elliot Bendoly, Nathan Craig and Nicole DeHoratius; Journal of Business Logistics, 2018, 39(1), pp. 26-37.

"Want to Reduce the Bullwhip? Measure It. Here’s How." Ming Jin, Nicole DeHoratius and Glen Schmidt; Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2017, 22(4), pp. 297-304.

"In Search of Intra-Industry Bullwhips." Ming Jin, Nicole DeHoratius and Glen Schmidt; International Journal of Production Economics, 2017, 191, pp. 51-65.

"The Effectiveness of Rfid in Backroom and Sales Floor Inventory Management." Sandeep Goyal, Bill C. Hardgrave, John A. Aloysius and Nicole DeHoratius; The International Journal of Logistics Management, 2016, 27(3), pp. 795-815.

"The Impact of Supplier Inventory Service Level on Retailer Demand." Nathan Craig, Nicole DeHoratius and Ananth Raman; Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2016, 18(4), pp. 461-74.

"The Role of Execution in Managing Product Availability," Nicole DeHoratius and Zeynep Ton, in N. Agrawal and S. A. Smith: Retail Supply Chain Management: Quantitative Models and Empirical Studies. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2015, pp. 53-77

"Execution Quality: An Analysis of Fulfillment Errors at a Retail Distribution Center." Nathan Craig, Nicole DeHoratius, Yan Jiang and Diego Klabjan; Journal of Operations Management, 2015, 38(1), pp. 25-40.

"Field Research in Operations and Supply Chain Management." Nicole DeHoratius and Elliot Rabinovich; Journal of Operations Management, 2011, 29(5), pp. 371-75.

"Inventory Record Inaccuracy in Retail Supply Chains," Nicole DeHoratius, in J. J. Cochran: Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. Hobeken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010, pp.

"Introduction to the Special Issue, Part 2: Teaching Service and Retail Operations Management." Zeynep Aksin and Nicole DeHoratius; INFORMS Transactions on Education, 2010, 11(1), pp. 1-2.

"Introduction to the Special Issue : Teaching Service and Retail Operations Management." Nicole Dehoratius; INFORMS Transactions on Education, 2010, 10(3), pp. 103-04.

"The Role of Execution in Managing Product Availability Retail Supply Chain Management," Nicole DeHoratius and Zeynep Ton, in N. Agrawal and S. A. Smith: Retail Supply Chain Management: Quantitative Models and Empirical Studies. Boston: Springer-Verlag US, 2009, pp. 53-77

"Inventory Record Inaccuracy: An Empirical Analysis." Nicole DeHoratius and Ananth Raman; Management Science, 2008, 54(4), pp. 627-41.

"Retail Inventory Management When Records Are Inaccurate." Nicole DeHoratius, Adam J. Mersereau and Linus Schrage; Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2008, 10(2), pp. 257-77.

"Effective Supply Chain Design and Execution in Developing Markets." William Peace, Jr. and Nicole DeHoratius; POMS Chronicle, 2007, 14(2), pp. 5-7.

"Store Manager Incentive Design and Retail Performance: An Exploratory Investigation." Nicole DeHoratius and Ananth Raman; Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2007, 9(4), pp. 518-34.

"Identifying Defects and Rework in the Inventory Management Process." Nicole DeHoratius; Extended Retail Industry Journal, 2006, 2(5), pp. 25-25.

"Inventory Record Inaccuracy in Retail Supply Chains." Nicole DeHoratius; POMS Chronicle, 2005, 12(1), pp. 12-14.

"Warehousing Today." Arnold Maltz and Nicole DeHoratius; Material Handling Management, 2005, 60(5), pp. 30.

"In Pursuit of Information Quality, Opening Statement." Nicole DeHoratius; Cutter IT Journal, 2004, 17(9), pp. 2-4.

"Warehousing: The Evolution Continues," Arnold Maltz and Nicole DeHoratius, Warehousing Education And Research Council 26th Annual Conference, San Francisco: Warehousing Education And Research Council, 2003, pp.

"Building on Foundations of Sand?" Nicole DeHoratius and Ananth Raman; ECR Journal. International Commerce Review, 2003, 3(1), pp. 62-63.

"Incentives: Getting What You Pay For." Nicole DeHoratius and Ananth Raman; ECR Journal. International Commerce Review, 2003, 3(2), pp. 53-54.

Critical Determinants of Retail Execution; Nicole DeHoratius; DBA Dissertation, Harvard University, 2002.

"Improving Profits by Paying Store Managers Appropriately." Ananth Raman and Nicole DeHoratius; Consortium for Operational Excellence in Retailing News, 2002, (Fall).

"The Achilles' Heel of Supply Chain Management." Ananth Raman, Nicole DeHoratius and Zeynep Ton; Harvard Business Review, 2001, 79(5), pp. 25.

"Execution: The Missing Link in Retail Operations." Ananth Raman, Nicole DeHoratius and Zeynep Ton; California Management Review, 2001, 43(3), pp. 136.

What Is the Future Military Operating Environment? What Kinds of 'Soldiers' Will We Need?; Nicole DeHoratius, Claire Levy, Harry Thie, Monica Pinto and Rudolph Ehrenberg; RAND PM-521-JS; Santa Monica: RAND Corporation, 1996

Holding the Lead. Sustaining a Viable US Military Fixed-Wing Aeronautical R&D Industrial Base; Nicole DeHoratius, Michael Kennedy and Susan Resetar; RAND DRR-1371-AF (Restricted); Santa Monica: RAND Corporation, 1996

A Conceptual Framework and Preliminary Observations for Asessing Military Aerospace Design and Develoment Capability; Nicole DeHoratius, Michael Kennedy and Susan Resetar; RAND DRU-1047-1 (Unrestricted) and DRR-1047 (Restricted). Santa Monica: RAND Corporation, 1995