Selected Bibliography for George M. Constantinides
Leo Melamed Professor of Finance
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Published Works
"The Supply and Demand of S&P 500 Put Options." George M. Constantinides and Lei Lian; Critical Finance Review, 2021, 10(1), pp. 1-20.
"Mispricing of Index Options with Respect to Stochastic Dominance Bounds? A Reply." George M. Constantinides, Michal Czerwonko, Jens Carsten Jackwerth and Stylianos Perrakis; Critical Finance Review, 2021, 10(1), pp. 57-63.
"Mispriced Index Option Portfolios." George M. Constantinides, Michal Czerwonko and Stylianos Perrakis; Financial Management, 2020, 49(2), pp. 297-330.
"Asset Pricing with Countercyclical Household Consumption Risk." George M. Constantinides and Anisha Ghosh; The Journal of Finance, 2017, 72(1), pp. 415-60.
"Asset Pricing: Models and Empirical Evidence." George M. Constantinides; Journal of Political Economy, 2017, 125(6), pp. 1782-90.
Handbook of the Economics of Finance George M. Constantinides, Milton Harris and Rene M. Stulz; Elsevier, 2013.
"The Puzzle of Index Option Returns." George M. Constantinides, Jens Carsten Jackwerth and Alexi Savov; Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 2013, 3(2), pp. 229-57.
"Asset Pricing Tests with Long-Run Risks in Consumption Growth." George M. Constantinides and Anisha Ghosh; Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 2011, 1(1), pp. 96-136.
"Are Options on Index Futures Profitable for Risk-Averse Investors? Empirical Evidence." George M. Constantinides, Michal Czerwonko, Jens Carsten Jackwerth and Stylianos Perrakis; The Journal of Finance, 2011, 66(4), pp. 1407-37.
"Mispricing of S&P 500 Index Options." George M. Constantinides, Jens Carsten Jackwerth and Stylianos Perrakis; Review of Financial Studies, 2009, 22(3), pp. 1247-77.
"Understanding the Equity Risk Premium Puzzle," George M. Constantinides, in Handbook of the Equity Risk Premium. M. Rajnish, San Diego: Elsevier, 2008, pp. 331-59.
"Comment on 'Macroeconomic Crises since 1870'." George M. Constantinides; Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2008, (1).
"Junior Is Rich: Bequests as Consumption." George Constantinides, John Donaldson and Rajnish Mehra; Economic Theory, 2007, 32(1), pp. 125-55.
"Market Organization and the Prices of Financial Assets." George M. Constantinides; The Manchester School, 2006, 74(s1), pp. 1-23.
"Junior Must Pay: Pricing the Implicit Put in Privatizing Social Security." G. M. Constantinides, J. B. Donaldson and R. Mehra; Annals of Finance, 2005, 1(1), pp. 1-34.
Theory of Valuation Sudipto Bhattacharya and George M. Constantinides; New Jersey: World Scientific, 2005.
Handbook of the Economics of Finance George M. Constantinides, Milton Harris and René M. Stulz; Handbooks in Economics; Amsterdam; Boston: Elsevier/North-Holland, 2003.
"Rational Asset Prices." George M. Constantinides; Journal of Finance, 2002, 57(4), pp. 1567-91.
"Stochastic Dominance Bounds on Derivatives Prices in a Multiperiod Economy with Proportional Transaction Costs." George M. Constantinides and Stylianos Perrakis; Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2002, 26(7-8), pp. 1323-52.
"Asset Pricing with Heterogeneous Consumers and Limited Participation: Empirical Evidence." Alon Brav, George M. Constantinides and Christopher C. Geczy; Journal of Political Economy, 2002, 110(4), pp. 793-824.
"Junior Can't Borrow: A New Perspective of the Equity Premium Puzzle." George M. Constantinides, John B. Donaldson and Rajnish Mehra; Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2002, 117(1), pp. 269-96.
"Bounds on Derivative Prices in an Intertemporal Setting with Proportional Transaction Costs and Multiple Securities." George M. Constantinides and Thaleia Zariphopoulou; Mathematical Finance, 2001, 11(3), pp. 331-46.
Options Markets George M. Constantinides and A. G. Malliaris; Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Mass.: Elgar, 2001.
"Bounds on Prices of Contingent Claims in an Intertemporal Economy with Proportional Transaction Costs and General Preferences." George M. Constantinides and Thaleia Zariphopoulou; Finance and Stochastics, 1999, 3(3), pp. 345-69.
"Transaction Costs and the Pricing of Financial Assets." George M. Constantinides; Multinational Finance Journal, 1997, 1(2), pp. 93-99.
"Asset Pricing with Heterogeneous Consumers." George M. Constantinides and Darrell Duffie; Journal of Political Economy, 1996, 104(2), pp. 219-40.
"Time Nonseparability in Aggregate Consumption: International Evidence." Phillip A. Braun, George M. Constantinides and Wayne E. Ferson; European Economic Review, 1993, 37(5), pp. 897-920.
"Optimal Investment Strategies for University Endowment Funds: Comment," George M. Constantinides, in Studies of Supply and Demand in Higher Education. C. T. Clotfelter and M. Rothschild, A National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1993, pp. 236-42.
"A Theory of the Nominal Term Structure of Interest Rates." George M. Constantinides; Review of Financial Studies, 1992, 5(4), pp. 531-52.
"Habit Persistence and Durability in Aggregate Consumption: Empirical Tests." Wayne E. Ferson and George M. Constantinides; Journal of Financial Economics, 1991, 29(2), pp. 199-240.
"Habit Formation: A Resolution of the Equity Premium Puzzle." George M. Constantinides; Journal of Political Economy, 1990, 98(3), pp. 519-43.
Theory of Valuation : Frontiers of Modern Financial Theory Sudipto Bhattacharya and George M. Constantinides; Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1989.
Financial Markets and Incomplete Information : Frontiers of Modern Financial Theory Sudipto Bhattacharya and George M. Constantinides; Rowman & Littlefield Studies in Financial Economics;; Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1989.
"Optimal Investment with Stock Repurchase and Financing as Signals." George M. Constantinides and Bruce D. Grundy; Review of Financial Studies, 1989, 2(4), pp. 445-65.
"Comments on Stock Return Seasonality," George M. Constantinides, in Stock Market Anomalies. E. e. Dimson, Cambridge; New York and Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1988, pp. 123-28.
Frontiers of Modern Financial Theory Sudipto Bhattacharya and George M. Constantinides; Rowman & Littlefield Studies in Financial Economics;; Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1987.
"Capital Market Equilibrium with Transaction Costs." George M. Constantinides; Journal of Political Economy, 1986, 94(4), pp. 842-62.
"The Disposition to Sell Winners Too Early and Ride Losers Too Long: Theory and Evidence: Discussion." George M. Constantinides; Journal of Finance, 1985, 40(3), pp. 791-92.
"Debt and Taxes and Uncertainty: Discussion." George M. Constantinides; Journal of Finance, 1985, 40(3), pp. 657-58.
"Optimal Bond Trading with Personal Taxes." George M. Constantinides and Jonathan E. Ingersoll, Jr.; Journal of Financial Economics, 1984, 13(3), pp. 299-335.
"Optimal Stock Trading with Personal Taxes: Implications for Prices and the Abnormal January Returns." George M. Constantinides; Journal of Financial Economics, 1984, 13(1), pp. 65-89.
"Strategic Analysis of the Competitive Exercise of Certain Financial Options." George M. Constantinides and Robert W. Rosenthal; Journal of Economic Theory, 1984, 32(1), pp. 128-38.
"Warrant Exercise and Bond Conversion in Competitive Markets." George M. Constantinides; Journal of Financial Economics, 1984, 13(3), pp. 371-97.
"Cvl Analysis and Breakeven Capital Budgeting." George M. Constantinides, Yuji Ijiri and Robert A. Leitch; Cost and Management, 1983, 57(2), pp. 48.
"Review of 'Stochastic Methods in Economics and Finance by A. G. Malliaris'." George M. Constantinides; Journal of Business, 1983, 56(3), pp. 406-07.
"Capital Market Equilibrium with Personal Tax." George M. Constantinides; Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1983, 51(3), pp. 611-36.
"To Pay or Not to Pay Dividends: Discussion." Nils H. Hakansson and George M. Constantinides; Journal of Finance, 1982, 37(2), pp. 415.
"Optimal Bond Trading with Personal Tax: Implications for Bond Prices and Estimated Tax Brackets and Yield Curves." George M. Constantinides and Jonathan E. Ingersoll, Jr.; Journal of Finance, 1982, 37(2), pp. 349-52.
"Intertemporal Asset Pricing with Heterogeneous Consumers and without Demand Aggregation." George M. Constantinides; Journal of Business, 1982, 55(2), pp. 253-67.
"Stochastic Cost Volume Profit Analysis with a Linear Demand Function." George M. Constantinides, Yuji Ijiri and Robert A. Leitch; Decision Sciences, 1981, 12(3), pp. 417.
"Admissible Uncertainty in the Intertemporal Asset Pricing Model." George M. Constantinides; Journal of Financial Economics, 1980, 8(1), pp. 71-86.
"Optimal Liquidation of Assets in the Presence of Personal Taxes: Implications for Asset Pricing." George M. Constantinides and Myron S. Scholes; Journal of Finance, 1980, 35(2), pp. 439-49.
"Multiperiod Consumption and Investment Behavior with Convex Transactions Costs." George M. Constantinides; Management Science, 1979, 25(11), pp. 1127-37.
"A Note on the Suboptimality of Dollar-Cost Averaging as an Investment Policy." George M. Constantinides; Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 1979, 14(2), pp. 443-50.
"Existence of Optimal Simple Policies for Discounted-Cost Inventory and Cash Management in Continuous Time." George M. Constantinides and Scott F. Richard; Operations Research, 1978, 26(4), pp. 620-36.
"Market Risk Adjustment in Project Valuation." George M. Constantinides; Journal of Finance, 1978, 33(2), pp. 603-16.
"Book Review: Cash Management: An Inventory Control Limit Approach " George M. Constantinides; Journal of Financial Economics, 1976, 3( 3), pp. 299.
"Review of 'Operations Research', .Principles of Operations Research, and 'Principles of Management Science'." George M. Constantinides; Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1976, 71( 354), pp. 526.
"Comment on Chen, Kim and Kon." George M. Constantinides; Journal of Financial Economics, 1976, 3(3), pp. 295-96.
"Portfolio Selection with Transactions Costs." Michael J. P. Magill and George M. Constantinides; Journal of Economic Theory, 1976, 13(2), pp. 245-63.
"Stochastic Cash Management with Fixed and Proportional Transaction Costs." George M. Constantinides; Management Science, 1976, 22(12), pp. 1320-31.
"Optimal Portfolio Revision with Proportional Transaction Costs: Extension to Hara Utility Functions and Exogenous Deterministic Income." George M. Constantinides; Management Science, 1976, 22(8), pp. 921-23.
Transaction Costs in Portfolio and Cash Management; George M. Constantinides; Ph.D Dissertation, Indiana University, 1974.