Selected Bibliography for Hans B. Christensen
Chookaszian Family Professor of Accounting
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Published Works
"Financial Shocks to Lenders and the Composition of Financial Covenants." Hans B. Christensen, Daniele Macciocchi, Arthur Morris and Valeri V. Nikolaev; Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2022, 73(1), pp. 101426.
"Mandatory CSR and Sustainability Reporting: Economic Analysis and Literature Review." Hans B. Christensen, Luzi Hail and Christian Leuz; Review of Accounting Studies, 2021, 26(3), pp. 1176-248.
"The Informational Effects of Tightening Oil and Gas Disclosure Rules." Marc Badia, Miguel Duro, Bjorn N. Jorgensen, Gaizka Ormazabal and Hans B. Christensen; Contemporary Accounting Research, 2020, 37(3), pp. 1720-55.
"The Only Prescription Is Transparency: The Effect of Charge-Price-Transparency Regulation on Healthcare Prices." Hans B. Christensen, Eric Floyd and Mark Maffett; Management Science, 2020, 66(7), pp. 2861-82.
"Proactive Financial Reporting Enforcement and Shareholder Wealth." Hans B. Christensen, Lisa Yao Liu and Mark Maffett; Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2020, 69(2), pp. 101267.
"Securities Regulation, Household Equity Ownership, and Trust in the Stock Market." Hans B. Christensen, Mark Maffett and Lauren Vollon; Review of Accounting Studies, 2019, 24(3), pp. 824-59.
"The Real Effects of Mandated Information on Social Responsibility in Financial Reports: Evidence from Mine-Safety Records." Hans B. Christensen, Eric Floyd, Lisa Yao Liu and Mark Maffett; Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2017, 64(2), pp. 284-304.
"Contracting on GAAP Changes: Large Sample Evidence." Hans B. Christensen and Valeri V. Nikolaev; Journal of Accounting Research, 2017, 55(5), pp. 1021-50.
"The Effect of Regulatory Harmonization on Cross-Border Labor Migration: Evidence from the Accounting Profession." Matthew J. Bloomfield, Ulf Bruggemann, Hans B. Christensen and Christian Leuz; Journal of Accounting Research, 2017, 55(1), pp. 35-78.
"Accounting Information in Financial Contracting: The Incomplete Contract Theory Perspective." Hans B. Christensen, Valeri V. Nikolaev and Regina Wittenberg-Moerman; Journal of Accounting Research, 2016, 54(2), pp. 397-435.
"Capital-Market Effects of Securities Regulation: Prior Conditions, Implementation, and Enforcement." Hans B. Christensen, Luzi Hail and Christian Leuz; Review of Financial Studies, 2016, 29(11), pp. 2885-924.
"Incentives or Standards: What Determines Accounting Quality Changes around IFRS Adoption?" Hans B. Christensen, Edward Lee, Martin Walker and Cheng Zeng; European Accounting Review, 2015, 24(1), pp. 31-61.
"Mandatory IFRS Reporting and Changes in Enforcement." Hans B. Christensen, Luzi Hail and Christian Leuz; Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2013, 56(2–3, Supplement 1), pp. 147-77.
"Does Fair Value Accounting for Non-Financial Assets Pass the Market Test?" Hans B. Christensen and Valeri V. Nikolaev; Review of Accounting Studies, 2013, 18(3), pp. 734-75.
"Why Do Firms Rarely Adopt IFRS Voluntarily? Academics Find Significant Benefits and the Costs Appear to Be Low." Hans B. Christensen; Review of Accounting Studies, 2012, 17(3), pp. 518-25.
"Capital Versus Performance Covenants in Debt Contracts." Hans B. Christensen and Valeri V. Nikolaev; Journal of Accounting Research, 2012, 50(1), pp. 75-116.
"Do IFRS Reconciliations Convey Information? The Effect of Debt Contracting." Hans B. Christensen, Edward Lee and Martin Walker; Journal of Accounting Research, 2009, 47(5), pp. 1167-99.
"Cross-Sectional Variation in the Economic Consequences of International Accounting Harmonization: The Case of Mandatory IFRS Adoption in the UK." Hans B. Christensen, Edward Lee and Martin Walker; The International Journal of Accounting, 2007, 42(4), pp. 341-79.