Selected Bibliography for Pradeep K. Chintagunta
Joseph T. and Bernice S. Lewis Distinguished Service Professor of Marketing
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Published Works
"Retail Store Formats, Competition and Shopper Behavior: A Systematic Review." André Bonfrer, Pradeep Chintagunta and Sanjay Dhar; Journal of Retailing, 2022, 98(1), pp. 71-91.
"Effects of Payment on User Engagement in Online Courses." Ali Goli, Pradeep K. Chintagunta and S. Sriram; Journal of Marketing Research, 2021, 59(1), pp. 11-34.
"Comments on “Counterfactual Inference for Consumer Choice across Many Product Categories”." Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2021, 19(3), pp. 411-15.
"What Happens When a Retailer Drops a Product Category? Investigating the Consequences of Ending Tobacco Sales." Ali Goli and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2021, 40(6), pp. 1169-98.
"Commercial Success through Commercials? Advertising and Pay-Tv Operators." Joonhyuk Yang, Jung Youn Lee and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing Research, 2021, 58(5), pp. 925-47.
"Drinking through Good Times and Bad: The Role of Consumer Differences." Hailey Hayeon Joo, Minki Kim, Jungmin Lee and Pradeep Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing Research, 2021, 58(4), pp. 721-41.
"Do Marketers Matter for Entrepreneurs? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Uganda." Stephen J. Anderson, Pradeep Chintagunta, Frank Germann and Naufel Vilcassim; Journal of Marketing, 2021, 85(3), pp. 78-96.
"Geography as Branding: Descriptive Evidence from Taobao." Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Junhong Chu; Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2021, 19(1), pp. 53-92.
"Search Duration." Raluca M. Ursu, Qingliang Wang and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2020, 39(5), pp. 849-71.
"It’s About Time: A Call for More Longitudinal Consumer Research Insights." Pradeep Chintagunta and Aparna A. Labroo; Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2020, 5(3), pp. 240-47.
"Marketing-Mix Response across Retail Formats: The Role of Shopping Trip Types." Pranav Jindal, Ting Zhu, Pradeep Chintagunta and Sanjay Dhar; Journal of Marketing, 2020, 84(2), pp. 114-32.
"Assessing the Sales Impact of Plain Packaging Regulation for Cigarettes: Evidence from Australia." André Bonfrer, Pradeep K. Chintagunta, John H. Roberts and David Corkindale; Marketing Science, 2019, 39(1), pp. 234-52.
"Search and Learning at a Daily Deals Website." Mantian Hu, Chu Dang and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2019, 38(4), pp. 609-42.
"Capital Market Returns to New Product Development Success: Informational Effects on Product Market Advertising." Kyung M. Park, Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Inho Suk; Journal of Marketing Research, 2018, 56(1), pp. 37-56.
"Licensing and Price Competition in Tied-Goods Markets: An Application to the Single-Serve Coffee System Industry." Pradeep K. Chintagunta, Marco Shaojun Qin and Maria Ana Vitorino; Marketing Science, 2018, 37(6), pp. 883-911.
"Price Uncertainty and Market Power in Retail Gasoline: The Case of an Italian Highway." Federico Rossi and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2018, 37(5), pp. 753-70.
"Targeting Mr. Or Mrs. Smith: Modeling and Leveraging Intrahousehold Heterogeneity in Brand Choice Behavior." Hernán A. Bruno, Javier Cebollada and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2018, 37(4), pp. 631-48.
"Structural Models in Marketing," Pradeep K. Chintagunta, in Handbook of Marketing Analytics : Methods and Applications in Marketing Management, Public Policy, and Litigation Support. N. Mizik and D. M. Hanssens, Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018, pp. 200-23.
"Personalization in Email Marketing: The Role of Noninformative Advertising Content." Navdeep S. Sahni, S. Christian Wheeler and Pradeep Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2018, 37(2), pp. 236-58.
"Promotion Spillovers: Drug Detailing in Combination Therapy." Hongju Liu, Qiang Liu and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2017, 36(3), pp. 382-401.
"Pharmaceutical Product Recalls: Category Effects and Competitor Response." Ram Bala, Pradeep Bhardwaj and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2017, 36(6), pp. 931-43.
"Editorial—Marketing Science and Big Data." Pradeep Chintagunta, Dominique M. Hanssens and John R. Hauser; Marketing Science, 2016, 35(3), pp. 341-42.
"Price Transparency and Retail Prices: Evidence from Fuel Price Signs in the Italian Highway System." Federico Rossi and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing Research, 2016, 53(3), pp. 407-23.
"Price Reactions to Rivals’ Local Channel Exits." O. Cem Ozturk, Sriram Venkataraman and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2016, 35(4), pp. 588-604.
"Simultaneous or Sequential? Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry." Elisabeth Honka and Pradeep Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2016, 36(1), pp. 21-42.
"What's in a Brand Name? Assessing the Impact of Rebranding in the Hospitality Industry." Yi-Lin Tsai, Chekitan s Dev and Pradeep Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing Research, 2015, 52(6), pp. 865-78.
"Impact of Competition on Product Decisions: Movie Choices of Exhibitors." A. Yeşim Orhun, Sriram Venkataraman and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2015, 35(1), pp. 73-92.
"Satisfaction Spillovers across Categories." Xiaojing Dong and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2015, 35(2), pp. 275-83.
"Service Quality Variability and Termination Behavior." S. Sriram, Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Puneet Manchanda; Management Science, 2015, 61(11), pp. 2739-59.
"Structural Models of Complementary Choices." Steve Berry, Ahmed Khwaja, Vineet Kumar, Andres Musalem, Kenneth C. Wilbur, Greg Allenby, Bharat Anand, Pradeep Chintagunta, W. Michael Hanemann, Przemek Jeziorski and Angelo Mele; Marketing Letters, 2014, 25(3), pp. 245-56.
"Blogs, Advertising, and Local-Market Movie Box Office Performance." Shyam Gopinath, Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Sriram Venkataraman; Management Science, 2013, 59(12), pp. 2635-54.
"Editorial—Marketing Science: A Strategic Review." Pradeep Chintagunta, Dominique Hanssens, John R. Hauser, Jagmohan Singh Raju, Kannan Srinivasan and Richard Staelin; Marketing Science, 2013, 32(1), pp. 4-7.
"New Drug Diffusion When Forward-Looking Physicians Learn from Patient Feedback and Detailing." Pradeep K. Chintagunta, Ronald L. Goettler and Minki Kim; Journal of Marketing Research, 2012, 49(6), pp. 807-21.
"Investigating Brand Preferences across Social Groups and Consumption Contexts." Minki Kim and Pradeep Chintagunta; Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2012, 10(3), pp. 305-33.
"Quantifying Transaction Costs in Online/Off-Line Grocery Channel Choice." Pradeep K. Chintagunta, Junhong Chu and Javier Cebollada; Marketing Science, 2012, 31(1), pp. 96-114.
"A Pre-Diffusion Growth Model of Intentions and Purchase." Pradeep Chintagunta and Jonathan Lee; Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2012, 40(1), pp. 137-54.
"Structural Workshop Paper—Discrete-Choice Models of Consumer Demand in Marketing." Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Harikesh S. Nair; Marketing Science, 2011, 30(6), pp. 977-96.
"Assessing the Effect of Marketing Investments in a Business Marketing Context." V. Kumar, S. Sriram, Anita Luo and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2011, 30(5), pp. 924-40.
"An Empirical Test of Warranty Theories in the U.S. Computer Server and Automobile Markets." Junhong Chu and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing, 2011, 75(2), pp. 75-92.
"The Effects of Online User Reviews on Movie Box Office Performance: Accounting for Sequential Rollout and Aggregation across Local Markets." Pradeep K. Chintagunta, Shyam Gopinath and Sriram Venkataraman; Marketing Science, 2010, 29(5), pp. 944-57.
"An Empirical Analysis of Shopping Behavior across Online and Offline Channels for Grocery Products: The Moderating Effects of Household and Product Characteristics." Junhong Chu, Marta Arce-Urriza, José-Javier Cebollada-Calvo and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2010, 24(4), pp. 251-68.
"The Effect of Signal Quality and Contiguous Word of Mouth on Customer Acquisition for a Video-on-Demand Service." Sungjoon Nam, Puneet Manchanda and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2010, 29(4), pp. 690-700.
"Complementarities and the Demand for Home Broadband Internet Services." Hongju Liu, Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Ting Zhu; Marketing Science, 2010, 29(4), pp. 701-20.
"Investigating Consumer Purchase Behavior in Related Technology Product Categories." S. Sriram, Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Manoj K. Agarwal; Marketing Science, 2010, 29(2), pp. 291-314.
"Tipping and Concentration in Markets with Indirect Network Effects." Jean-Pierre H. Dubé, Günter J. Hitsch and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2010, 29(2), pp. 216-49.
"Nonparametric Discrete Choice Models with Unobserved Heterogeneity." Richard A. Briesch, Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Rosa L. Matzkin; Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2010, 28(2), pp. 291-307.
"Information, Learning, and Drug Diffusion: The Case of Cox-2 Inhibitors." Pradeep Chintagunta, Renna Jiang and Ginger Jin; Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2009, 7(4), pp. 399-443.
"Advertising Strategies in a Franchise System." Simon Pierre Sigué and Pradeep Chintagunta; European Journal of Operational Research, 2009, 198(2), pp. 655-65.
"Retailer Pricing and Competitive Effects." Praveen Kopalle, Dipayan Biswas, Pradeep K. Chintagunta, Jia Fan, Koen Pauwels, Brian T. Ratchford and James A. Sills; Journal of Retailing, 2009, 85(1), pp. 56-70.
"Quantifying the Benefits of Individual-Level Targeting in the Presence of Firm Strategic Behavior." Xiaojing Dong, Puneet Manchanda and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing Research, 2009, 46(2), pp. 207-21.
"How Does Assortment Affect Grocery Store Choice?" Richard A. Briesch, Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Edward J. Fox; Journal of Marketing Research, 2009, 46(2), pp. 176-89.
"Measuring Marketing-Mix Effects in the 32/64 Bit Video-Game Console Market." Pradeep K. Chintagunta, Harikesh S. Nair and R. Sukumar; Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2009, 24(3), pp. 421-45.
"Quantifying the Economic Value of Warranties in the U.S. Server Market." Junhong Chu and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2009, 28(1), pp. 99-121.
"Research Note--a Comparison of within-Household Price Sensitivity across Online and Offline Channels." Junhong Chu, Pradeep Chintagunta and Javier Cebollada; Marketing Science, 2008, 27(2), pp. 283-99.
"A Discrete-Continuous Model for Multicategory Purchase Behavior of Households." Inseong Song and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing Research, 2007, 44(4), pp. 595-612.
"Assessing the Economic Value of Distribution Channels: An Application to the Personal Computer Industry." Junhong Chu, Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Naufel J. Vilcassim; Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), 2007, 44(1), pp. 29-41.
"The Role of Self Selection, Usage Uncertainty and Learning in the Demand for Local Telephone Service." Sridhar Narayanan, Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Eugenio J. Miravete; Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2007, 5(1), pp. 1-34.
"Learning and Exit Behavior of New Entrant Discount Airlines from City-Pair Markets." Ashutosh Dixit and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing, 2007, 71(2), pp. 150-68.
"Endogeneity and Simultaneity in Competitive Pricing and Advertising: A Logit Demand Analysis." Pradeep K. Chintagunta, Vrinda Kadiyali and Naufel J. Vilcassim; Journal of Business, 2006, 79(6), pp. 2761.
"Structural Modeling in Marketing: Review and Assessment." Pradeep Chintagunta, Tulin Erdem, Peter E. Rossi and Michel Wedel; Marketing Science, 2006, 25(6), pp. 604-16.
"Measuring Cross-Category Price Effects with Aggregate Store Data." Inseong Song and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Management Science, 2006, 52(10), pp. 1594.
"Effects of Brand Preference, Product Attributes, and Marketing Mix Variables in Technology Product Markets." S. Sriram, Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Ramya Neelamegham; Marketing Science, 2006, 25(5), pp. 440.
"Research Note-Sole Entrant, Co-Optor, or Component Supplier: Optimal End-Product Strategies for Manufacturers of Proprietary Component Brands." R. Venkatesh, Pradeep Chintagunta and Vijay Mahajan; Management Science, 2006, 52(4), pp. 613.
"Understanding Store-Brand Purchase Behavior across Categories." Karsten Hansen, Vishal Singh and Pradeep Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2006, 25(1), pp. 75-90.
"The Effect of Banner Advertising on Internet Purchasing." Puneet Manchanda, Jean-Pierre Dubé, Khim Yong Goh and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing Research, 2006, 43(1), pp. 98-108.
"Estimating a Stockkeeping-Unit-Level Brand Choice Model That Combines Household Panel Data and Store Data." Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Jean-Pierre Dubé; Journal of Marketing Research, 2005, 42(3), pp. 368-79.
"Temporal Differences in the Role of Marketing Communication in New Product Categories." Sridhar Narayanan, Puneet Manchanda and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing Research, 2005, 42(3), pp. 278-90.
"Accounting for Primary and Secondary Demand Effects with Aggregate Data." Harikesh Nair, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Pradeep Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2005, 24(3), pp. 444.
"Beyond the Endogeneity Bias: The Effect of Unmeasured Brand Characteristics on Household Level Brand Choice Models." Pradeep K. Chintagunta, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Khim Yong Goh; Management Science, 2005, 51(5), pp. 832.
"Recovering Stockkeeping-Unit-Level Preferences and Response Sensitivities from Market Share Models Estimated on Item Aggregates." David R. Bell, André Bonfrer and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), 2005, 42, pp. 169.
"Time-Varying Competition." K. Sudhir, Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Vrinda Kadiyali; Marketing Science, 2005, 24(1), pp. 96.
"Strategic Pricing and Detailing Behavior in International Markets." Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Ramarao Desiraju; Marketing Science, 2005, 24(1), pp. 67.
"Diffusion of New Pharmaceutical Drugs in Developing and Developed Nations." Ramarao Desiraju, Harikesh Nair and Pradeep Chintagunta; International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2004, 21(4), pp. 341.
"Response Modeling with Nonrandom Marketing Mix Variables." Puneet Manchanda, Peter E. Rossi and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing Research, 2004, 41(4), pp. 467.
"Responsiveness of Physician Prescription Behavior to Salesforce Effort: An Individual Level Analysis." Puneet Manchanda and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Letters, 2004, 15(2-3), pp. 129.
"Modeling and Forecasting the Sales of Technology Products." Ramya Neelamegham and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2004, 2(3), pp. 195.
"Return on Investment Implications for Pharmaceutical Promotional Expenditures: The Role of Marketing-Mix Interactions." Sridhar Narayanan, Ramarao Desiraju and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing, 2004, 68(4), pp. 90-105.
"The Augmented Latent Class Model: Incorporating Additional Heterogeneity in the Latent Class Model for Panel Data." Sajeev Varki and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing Research, 2004, 41( 2), pp. 226.
"Store Brands: Who Buys Them and What Happens to Retail Prices When They Are Introduced?" André Bonfrer and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Review of Industrial Organization, 2004, 24(2), pp. 195.
"Empirical Analysis of Indirect Network Effects in the Market for Personal Digital Assistants." Harikesh Nair, Pradeep Chintagunta and Jean-Pierre Dubé; Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2004, 2(1), pp. 23.
"Balancing Profitability and Customer Welfare in a Supermarket Chain." Pradeep K. Chintagunta, Jean-Pierre Dubé and Singh Vishal; Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2003, 1(1), pp. 111.
"Comment on Bayesian Analysis of Simultaneous Demand and Supply." Jean-Pierre Dubé and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2003, 1(3), pp. 293.
"A Micromodel of New Product Adoption with Heterogeneous and Forward Looking Consumers: Application to the Digital Camera Category." Song Inseong and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2003, 1(4), pp. 371.
"The Proportional Hazard Model for Purchase Timing: A Comparison of Alternative Specifications." P. B. Seetharaman and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2003, 21(3), pp. 368-82.
"Structural Applications of the Discrete Choice Model." Jean-Pierre Dubé, Pradeep Chintagunta, Amil Petrin, Bart Bronnenberg, Ron Goettler, P. B. Seetharaman, K. Sudhir, Raphael Thomadsen and Ying Zhao; Marketing Letters, 2002, 13(3), pp. 207-20.
"Market Structure across Stores: An Application of a Random Coefficients Logit Model with Store Level Data," Pradeep Chintagunta, Jean-Pierre Dube and Vishal Singh, in Econometric Models in Marketing. P. H. Franses and A. L. Montgomery, Amsterdam; London and New York: Elsevier Science, JAI, 2002, pp. 191-221.
"Investigating Category Pricing Behavior at a Retail Chain." Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing Research, 2002, 39( 2), pp. 141.
"Structural Applications of the Discrete Choice Model." Jean-Pierre Dubé, Pradeep Chintagunta, Amil Petrin, Bart Bronnenberg, Ron Goettler, P. B. Seetharaman, K. Sudhir, Raphael Thomadsen and Zhao Ying; Marketing Letters, 2002, 13( 3), pp. 207.
"Investigating the Effects of Store-Brand Introduction on Retailer Demand and Pricing Behavior." Pradeep K. Chintagunta, Andre Bonfrer and Inseong Song; Management Science, 2002, 48(10), pp. 1242-67.
"Semiparametric Estimation of Brand Choice Behavior." Richard A. Briesch, Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Rosa L. Matzkin; Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2002, 97(460), pp. 973-82.
"Panel Data Analysis of Household Brand Choices." Pradeep Chintagunta, Ekaterini Kyriazidou and Joseph Perktold; Journal of Econometrics, 2001, 103(1-2), pp. 111-53.
"Endogeneity and Heterogeneity in a Probit Demand Model: Estimation Using Aggregate Data." Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 2001, 20(4), pp. 442-56.
"Manufacturer-Retailer Channel Interactions and Implications for Channel Power: An Empirical Investigation of Pricing in a Local Market." Vrinda Kadiyali, Pradeep Chintagunta and Naufel Vilcassim; Marketing Science, 2000, 19(2), pp. 127-48.
"Measuring the Effects of New Brand Introduction on Inter Brand Strategic Interaction." Pradeep K Chintagunta; European Journal of Operational Research, 1999, 118(2), pp. 315.
"Investigating Household State Dependence Effects across Categories." P. Seetharaman, Andrew Ainslie and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing Research, 1999, 36(4), pp. 488-500.
"Product Line Extensions and Competitive Market Interactions: An Empirical Analysis." Vrinda Kadiyali, Naufel Vilcassim and Pradeep Chintagunta; Journal of Econometrics, 1999, 89(1-2), pp. 339-63.
"A Bayesian Model to Forecast New Product Performance in Domestic and International Markets." Ramya Neelamegham and Pradeep Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 1999, 18(2), pp. 115-36.
"Variety Seeking, Purchase Timing, and the "Lightning Bolt" Brand Choice Model." Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Management Science, 1999, 45(4), pp. 486-98.
"Investigating Dynamic Multifirm Market Interactions in Price and Advertising." Naufel J. Vilcassim, Vrinda Kadiyali and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Management Science, 1999, 45(4), pp. 499-518.
"A Model of Inertia and Variety Seeking with Marketing Variables." P. B. Seetharaman and Pradeep Chintagunta; International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1998, 15(1), pp. 1.
"Investigating Purchase Timing Behavior in Two Related Product Categories." Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Sudeep Haldar; Journal of Marketing Research, 1998, 35(1), pp. 43-53.
"An Empirical Investigation of the "Dynamic Mcfadden" Model of Purchase Timing and Brand Choice: Implications for Market Structure." Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Alok R. Prasad; Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 1998, 16(1), pp. 2-12.
"Inertia and Variety Seeking in a Model of Brand-Purchase Timing." Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 1998, 17(3), pp. 253-70.
"Representing Heterogeneity in Consumer Response Models." Wayne S. Desarbo, Asim Ansari, Pradeep Chintagunta, Charles Himmelberg, Kamel Jedidi, Richard Johnson, Wagner Kamakura, Peter Lenk, Kannan Srinivasan and Michel Wedel; Marketing Letters, 1997, 8( 3), pp. 335.
"Household Heterogeneity and State Dependence in a Model Purchase Strings: Empirical Results and Managerial Implications." Sachin Gupta, Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Dick R. Wittink; International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1997, 14(4), pp. 341.
"Investigating the Effects of a Line Extension or New Brand Introduction on Market Structure." Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Letters, 1996, 7( 4), pp. 319.
"Investigating the Effects of Marketing Variables and Unobserved Heterogeneity in a Multinomial Probit Model." Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Bo E. Honore; International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1996, 13(1), pp. 1.
"Do Household Scanner Data Provide Representative Inferences from Brand Choices: A Comparison with Store Data." Sachin Gupta, Pradeep Chintagunta, Anil Kaul and Dick R. Wittink; Journal of Marketing Research, 1996, 33(4), pp. 383-98.
"A Framework for Investigating Habits, "the Hand of the Past," and Heterogeneity in Dynamic Brand Choice." Rishin Roy, Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Sudeep Haldar; Marketing Science, 1996, 15(3), pp. 280-99.
"Empirical Analysis of Competitive Product Line Pricing Decisions: Lead, Follow, or Move Together?" Vrinda Kadiyali, Nauel J. Vilcassim and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Business, 1996, 69(4), pp. 459-87.
"Pricing Strategies in a Dynamic Duopoly: A Differential Game Model." Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Vithala R. Rao; Management Science, 1996, 42(11), pp. 1501-14.
"A Two-Period Repeated Game Advertising Investment Model for Oligopolistic Markets with an Application to the Beer Industry." Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Naufel J. Vilcassim; Decision Sciences, 1995, 26(4), pp. 531.
"Investigating Retailer Product Category Pricing from Household Scanner Panel Data." Naufel J. Vilcassim and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Retailing, 1995, 71(2), pp. 103.
"Empirical Analysis of a Dynamic Duopoly Model of Competition." Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Dipak C. Jain; Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 1995, 4(1), pp. 109-31.
"Heterogeneous Logit Model Implications for Brand Positioning." Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing Research, 1994, 31(2), pp. 304.
"Marketing Investment Decisions in a Dynamic Duopoly: A Model and Empirical Analysis." Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Naufel J. Vilcassim; International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1994, 11(3), pp. 287.
"On Using Demographic Variables to Determine Segment Membership in Logit Mixture Models." Sachin Gupta and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Marketing Research, 1994, 31(1), pp. 128-36.
"A Random-Coefficients Logit Brand-Choice Model Applied to Panel Data." Dipak C. Jain, Naufel J. Vilcassim and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 1994, 12(3), pp. 317-28.
"Customer Value Assessment in Business Markets: A State-of-Practice Study." James C. Anderson, Dipak C. Jain and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 1993, 1(1), pp. 3.
"Investigating Purchase Incidence, Brand Choice and Purchase Quantity Decisions of Households." Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 1993, 12(2), pp. 184-208.
"Equilibrium Pricing and Advertising Strategies for Nondurable Experience Products in a Dynamic Duopoly." Pradeep K. Chintagunta, Vithala R. Rao and Naufel J. Vilcassim; Managerial and Decision Economics, 1993, 14(3), pp. 221-34.
"Investigating the Sensitivity of Equilibrium Profits to Advertising Dynamics and Competitive Effects." Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Management Science, 1993, 39(9), pp. 1146-62.
"Heterogeneity in Nested Logit Models: An Estimation Approach and Empirical Results." Pradeep K. Chintagunta; International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1992, 9(2), pp. 161.
"A Dynamic Model of Channel Member Strategies for Marketing Expenditures." Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Dipak Jain; Marketing Science, 1992, 11(2), pp. 168-88.
"An Empirical Investigation of Advertising Strategies in a Dynamic Duopoly." Pradeep K. Chintagunta and Naufel J. Vilcassim; Management Science, 1992, 38(9), pp. 1230-44.
"Estimating a Multinomial Probit Model of Brand Choice Using the Method of Simulated Moments." Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Marketing Science, 1992, 11(4), pp. 386-407.
"Investigating Heterogeneity in Brand Preferences in Logit Models for Panel Data." Pradeep K. Chintagunta, Dipak C. Jain and Naufel J. Vilcassim; Journal of Marketing Research, 1991, 28(4), pp. 417-28.
Customer Value Assessment in Business Markets : A State-of-Practice Study James C. Anderson, Dipak C. Jain and Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Isbm Report 10-1991; University Park, Pa.: Institute for the Study of Business Markets College of Business Administration Pennsylvania State University, 1991.
"A Study of Manufacturer-Retailer Marketing Strategies: A Differential Game Approach," Pradeep Chintagunta and Dipak C. Jain, in Dynamic Games in Economic Analysis: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Differential Games and Applications, August 9-10, 1990, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland. R. P. Hamalainen and H. K. Ehtamo, New York; Berlin; London and Tokyo: Springer, 1991, pp. 1-10.
Issues in Panel Data Analysis: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation; Pradeep K. Chintagunta; Ph.D Dissertation, Northwestern University, 1990.