Selected Bibliography for Ozan Candogan
Associate Professor of Operations Management
Ozan Candogan profile at Scopus
Published Works
"Optimal Commissions and Subscriptions in Networked Markets." John Birge, Ozan Candogan, Hongfan Chen and Daniela Saban; Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2021, 23(3), pp. 569-88.
"Multistage Intermediation in Display Advertising." Santiago R. Balseiro, Ozan Candogan and Huseyin Gurkan; Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2020, 23(3), pp. 714-30.
"Optimal Signaling of Content Accuracy: Engagement Vs. Misinformation." Ozan Candogan and Kimon Drakopoulos; Operations Research, 2020, 68(2), pp. 497-515.
"Supply Disruptions and Optimal Network Structures." Kostas Bimpikis, Ozan Candogan and Shayan Ehsani; Management Science, 2019, 65(12), pp. 5504-17.
"Intermediation in Online Advertising," Santiago R. Balseiro, Ozan Candogan and Huseyin Gurkan, in Sharing Economy: Making Supply Meet Demand. M. Hu, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 505-28.
"Spatial Pricing in Ride-Sharing Networks." Kostas Bimpikis, Ozan Candogan and Daniela Saban; Operations Research, 2019, 67(3), pp. 744-69.
"Efficient Allocation and Pricing of Multifeatured Items." Ozan Candogan and Saša Pekeč; Management Science, 2018, 64(12), pp. 5521-43.
"Pricing Equilibria and Graphical Valuations." Ozan Candogan, Asuman Ozdaglar and Pablo Parrilo; ACM Trans. Econ. Comput., 2018, 6(1), pp. Article 2.
"Dayahead Electricity Pricing for a Heterogeneous Microgrid under Arbitrary Utility and Cost Structures." Ozgur Dalkilic, Ozan Candogan and Atilla Eryilmaz; IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018, 9(1), pp. 336-45.
"Optimal Commissions and Subscriptions in Networked Markets," John Birge, Ozan Candogan, Hongfan Chen and Daniela Saban, Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation Editor, Ithaca, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2018 of Conference, pp. Pages.
"Optimal Contracts for Intermediaries in Online Advertising." Santiago R. Balseiro and Ozan Candogan; Operations Research, 2017, 65(4), pp. 878-96.
"Competitive Equilibrium and Trading Networks: A Network Flow Approach," Ozan Candogan, Markos Epitropou and Rakesh V. Vohra, Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation Editor, Maastricht, The Netherlands: Association for Computing Machinery, 2016 of Conference, pp. Pages.
"Zero-Sum Polymatrix Games: A Generalization of Minmax." Yang Cai, Ozan Candogan, Constantinos Daskalakis and Christos Papadimitriou; Mathematics of Operations Research, 2016, 41(2), pp. 648-55.
"Iterative Auction Design for Tree Valuations." Ozan Candogan, Asuman Ozdaglar and Pablo A. Parrilo; Operations Research, 2015, 63(4), pp. 751-71.
"Optimal Multiperiod Pricing with Service Guarantees." Christian Borgs, Ozan Candogan, Jennifer Chayes, Ilan Lobel and Hamid Nazerzadeh; Management Science, 2014, 60(7), pp. 1792-811.
Dynamic Strategic Interactions : Analysis and Mechanism Design; Utku Ozan Candogan; Ph.D Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2013.
"Dynamics in near-Potential Games." Ozan Candogan, Asuman Ozdaglar and Pablo A. Parrilo; Games and Economic Behavior, 2013, 82, pp. 66-90.
"Pricing Algorithms for the Day-Ahead Electricity Market with Flexible Consumer Participation," O. Dalkilic, O. Candogan and A. Eryilmaz, 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops 2013, pp. 369-74.
"Optimal Pricing in Networks with Externalities." Ozan Candogan, Kostas Bimpikis and Asuman Ozdaglar; Operations Research, 2012, 60(4), pp. 883-905.
"Learning in near-Potential Games," O. Candogan, A. Ozdaglar and P. A. Parrilo, 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference 2011, pp. 2428-33.
"Flows and Decompositions of Games: Harmonic and Potential Games." Ozan Candogan, Ishai Menache, Asuman Ozdaglar and Pablo A. Parrilo; Mathematics of Operations Research, 2011, 36(3), pp. 474-503.
"Optimal Pricing in the Presence of Local Network Effects," Ozan Candogan, Kostas Bimpikis and Asuman Ozdaglar, in Internet and Network Economics. A. Saberi, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, pp. 118-32.
"A Projection Framework for near-Potential Games," O. Candogan, A. Ozdaglar and P. A. Parrilo, 2010 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2010, pp. 244-49.
"Near-Optimal Power Control in Wireless Networks: A Potential Game Approach," U. O. Candogan, I. Menache, A. Ozdaglar and P. A. Parrilo, 2010 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2010, pp. 1-9.
"Competitive Scheduling in Wireless Collision Channels with Correlated Channel State," U. O. Candogan, I. Menache, A. Ozdaglar and P. A. Parrilo, International Conference on Game Theory for Networks, 2009. 2009, pp. 621-30.