Selected Bibliography for Ronald S. Burt
Charles M. Harper Leadership Professor of Sociology and Strategy
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Published Works
"Cooperation Beyond the Network." Ronald S. Burt, Sonja Opper and Håkan J. Holm; Organization Science, 2021, 33(2), pp. 495-517.
"Networks, Creativity, and Time: Staying Creative through Brokerage and Network Rejuvenation." Giuseppe Soda, Pier Vittorio Mannucci and Ronald S. Burt; Academy of Management Journal, 2021, 64(4), pp. 1164-90.
"Network Capabilities: Brokerage as a Bridge between Network Theory and the Resource-Based View of the Firm." Ronald S. Burt and Giuseppe Soda; Journal of Management, 2021, 47(7), pp. 1698-719.
"Social Network and Family Business: Uncovering Hybrid Family Firms." Ronald S. Burt, Sonja Opper and Na Zou; Social Networks, 2021, 65, pp. 141-56.
"Network Brokerage and the Perception of Leadership." Ronald S. Burt, Ray E. Reagans and Hagay C. Volvovsky; Social Networks, 2021, 65, pp. 33-50.
"One Path Does Not Fit All: A Career Path Approach to the Study of Professional Women Entrepreneurs." Jennifer Merluzzi and Ronald S. Burt; Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2020, 45(6), pp. 1366-93.
"Social Network and Temporal Myopia." Sonja Opper and Ronald S. Burt; Academy of Management Journal, 2020, 64(3), pp. 741-71.
"Political Connection and Disconnection: Still a Success Factor for Chinese Entrepreneurs." Ronald S. Burt and Sonja Opper; Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2020, 44(6), pp. 1199-228.
"The Networks and Success of Female Entrepreneurs in China." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 2019, 58, pp. 37-49.
"Comparative Network Research in China." Ronald S. Burt and Bat Batjargal; Management and Organization Review, 2019, 15(1), pp. 3-29.
"Nan Lin and Social Capital," Ronald S. Burt, in Social Capital, Social Support and Stratification. R. S. Burt, Y. Bian, L. Song and N. Lin, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019, pp. 4–36.
Social Capital, Social Support and Stratification: An Analysis of the Sociology of Nan Lin Ronald S. Burt, Yanjie Bian, Lijun Song and Nan Lin; Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
"Network Disadvantaged Entrepreneurs: Density, Hierarchy, and Success in China and the West." Ronald S. Burt; Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2018, 43(1), pp. 19-50.
"More or Less Guanxi: Trust Is 60% Network Context, 10% Individual Difference." Ronald S. Burt, Yanjie Bian and Sonja Opper; Social Networks, 2018, 54, pp. 12-25.
"A Note on Business Survival and Social Network." Chenlin Zhao and Ronald S. Burt; Management and Organization Review, 2018, 14(2), pp. 377-94.
"Social Origins of Great Strategies." Ronald S. Burt and Giuseppe Soda; Strategy Science, 2017, 2(4), pp. 226-33.
"Social Network and Temporal Discounting." Ronald S. Burt; Network Science, 2017, 5(4), pp. 411-40.
"Early Network Events in the Later Success of Chinese Entrepreneurs." Ronald S. Burt and Sonja Opper; Management and Organization Review, 2017, 13(3), pp. 497-537.
"Structural Holes Versus Network Closure as Social Capital," Ronald S. Burt, in Social Capital: Theory and Research. N. Lin, K. Cook and R. S. Burt, New York: Taylor and Francis, 2017, pp. 31 - 56.
"Chinese Entrepreneurs, Social Networks, and Guanxi." Ronald S. Burt and Katarzyna Burzynska; Management and Organization Review, 2017, 13(2), pp. 221-60.
"Measurement of Guanxi Circles: Using Qualitative Study to Modify Quantitative Measurement," Chaowen Zhou, Xiao Han, Meng-Yu Cheng, Ronald S Burt, Xiaoming Fu and Jar-Der Luo, in Social Network Analysis. X. Fu, J.-D. Luo and M. Boos, Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2017, pp. 73-104.
"Reinforced Structural Holes." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 2015, 43, pp. 149-61.
"Embedded Brokerage: Hubs Versus Locals," Ronald S. Burt and Jennifer L. Merluzzi, in Contemporary Perspectives on Organizational Social Networks (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Volume 40). D. J. Brass, G. Labianca, A. Mehra, D. S. Halgin and S. P. Borgatti, Bingley: Emerald Publishing Group, 2014, pp. 161-77.
"How Many Names Are Enough? Identifying Network Effects with the Least Set of Listed Contacts." Jennifer Merluzzi and Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 2013, 35(3), pp. 331-37.
"Social Network Analysis: Foundations and Frontiers on Advantage." Ronald S. Burt, Martin Kilduff and Stefano Tasselli; Annual Review of Psychology, 2013, 64(1), pp. 527-47.
"Network-Related Personality and the Agency Question: Multirole Evidence from a Virtual World." Ronald S. Burt; American Journal of Sociology, 2012, 118(3), pp. 543-91.
"What's in a Name Generator? Choosing the Right Name Generators for Social Network Surveys in Healthcare Quality and Safety Research." Ronald S Burt, David O Meltzer, Michael Seid, Amy Borgert, Jeanette W Chung, Richard B Colletti, George Dellal, Stacy A Kahn, Heather C Kaplan, Laura E Peterson and Peter Margolis; BMJ Quality & Safety, 2012, 21(12), pp. 992-1000.
Neighbor Networks : Competitive Advantage Local and Personal Ronald S. Burt; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.
"Exploring the Use of Social Network Methods in Designing Healthcare Quality Improvement Teams." David Meltzer, Jeanette Chung, Parham Khalili, Elizabeth Marlow, Vineet Arora, Glen Schumock and Ronald S. Burt; Social Science & Medicine, 2010, 71(6), pp. 1119-30.
"The Shadow of Other People: Socialization and Social Comparison in Marketing," Ronald S. Burt, in The Connected Customer : The Changing Nature of Consumer and Business Markets. S. H. K. Wuyts, M. G. Dekimpe, E. Gijsbrechts and F. G. M. R. Pieters, New York: Routledge, 2010, pp. 217-56.
"Network Duality of Social Capital," Ronald S. Burt, in Social Capital : Reaching out, Reaching In. V. O. Bartkus, Cheltenham, UK ;Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2009, pp. 39-65.
"Gossip and Reputation," Ronald S. Burt, in Management Et Réseaux Sociaux : Ressource Pour L'action Ou Outil De Gestion? M. Lecoutre and P. Lièvre, Paris: Hermès science publications, 2008, pp. 27-42.
"Industry Performance and Indirect Access to Structural Holes," Ronald S. Burt, in Network Strategy (Advances in Strategic Management, 25). B. Silverman, Bingly: Emerald JAI, 2008, pp. 315-60.
"Information and Structural Holes: Comment on Reagans and Zuckerman." Ronald S. Burt; Industrial and Corporate Change, 2008, 17(5), pp. 953-69.
"Llustration: Closure and Stability-Persistent Reputation and Enduring Relations among Bankers and Analysts," Ronald S. Burt, in The Missing Links : Formation and Decay of Economic Networks. J. E. Rauch, New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2007, pp. 100-43.
"Teaching Executives to See Social Capital: Results from a Field Experiment." Ronald S. Burt and Don Ronchi; Social Science Research, 2007, 36(3), pp. 1156-83.
"Secondhand Brokerage: Evidence on the Importance of Local Structure for Managers, Bankers, and Analysts." Ronald S. Burt; Academy of Management Journal, 2007, 50(1), pp. 119-48.
"Review of 'Political Disagreement: The Survival of Diverse Opinions within Communication Networks'." Ronald S. Burt; American Journal of Sociology, 2006, 112(1), pp. 310-12.
Brokerage and Closure : An Introduction to Social Capital Ronald S. Burt; Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
"Structural Holes and Good Ideas." Ronald S. Burt; American Journal of Sociology, 2004, 110(2), pp. 349-99.
"Competition, Contingency, and the External Structure of Markets," Ronald S. Burt, Miguel Guilarte, Holly J. Raider and Yuki Yasuda, in The New Institutionalism in Strategic Management (Advances in Strategic Management, Volume 19). B. Silverman, Bingly: Emerald JAI, 2002, pp. 167-217.
"The Social Capital of Structural Holes," Ronald S. Burt, in The New Economic Sociology : Developments in an Emerging Field. M. F. Guillén, New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2002, pp. 148-90.
"Bridge Decay." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 2002, 24(4), pp. 333-63.
Social Capital : Theory and Research Nan Lin, Karen S. Cook and Ronald S. Burt; New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 2001.
"Structural Holes Versus Network Closure as Social Capital," Ronald S. Burt, in Social Capital: Theory and Research. N. Lin, K. Cook and R. S. Burt, Sociology and Economics: Controversy and Integration series. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 2001, pp. 31-56.
"Bandwidth and Echo: Trust, Information, and Gossip in Social Networks," Ronald S. Burt, in Networks and Markets. J. E. Rauch and A. Casella, New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2001, pp. 30-74.
"Attachment, Decay, and Social Network." Ronald S. Burt; Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2001, 22(6), pp. 619-43.
"Decay Functions." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 2000, 22(1), pp. 1-28.
"The Network Structure of Social Capital," Ronald S. Burt, in Research in Organizational Behavior. B. M. Staw and R. I. Sutton, Amsterdam; London and New York: Elsevier Science JAI, 2000, pp. 345-423.
"The Social Capital of French and American Managers." Ronald S. Burt, Robin M. Hogarth and Claude Michaud; Organization Science, 2000, 11(2), pp. 123-47.
"Entrepreneurs, Distrust, and Third Parties: A Strategic Look at the Dark Side of Dense Networks," Ronald S. Burt, in Shared Cognition in Organizations: The Management of Knowledge. L. L. Thompson, J. M. Levine and D. M. Messick, Mahwah: Erlbaum, 1999, pp. 213-43.
"The Social Capital of Opinion Leaders." Ronald S. Burt; Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1999, 566, pp. 37-54.
"Personality Correlates of Structural Holes," Ronald S. Burt, in Power and Influence in Organizations. R. M. Kramer and M. A. Neale, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 1998, pp. 221-50.
"Personality Correlates of Structural Holes." Ronald S. Burt, Joseph E. Jannotta and James T. Mahoney; Social Networks, 1998, 20(1), pp. 63-87.
"The Gender of Social Capital." Ronald S. Burt; Rationality and Society, 1998, 10(1), pp. 5-46.
"The Contingent Value of Social Capital." Ronald S. Burt; Administrative Science Quarterly, 1997, 42(2), pp. 339-65.
"A Note on Social Capital and Network Content." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 1997, 19(4), pp. 355-73.
"Trust and Third-Party Gossip," Ronald S. Burt and Marc Knez, in Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research. R. M. Kramer and T. R. Tyler, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 1996, pp. 68-89.
"Social Contagion and Social Structure," Ronald S. Burt and Gregory A. Janicik, in Networks in Marketing. D. Iacobucci, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 1996, pp. 32-49.
"Boundaryless Careers and Social Capital," Holly J. Raider and Ronald S. Burt, in The Boundaryless Career: A New Employment Principle for a New Organizational Era. M. B. Arthur and D. M. Rousseau, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996, pp. 187-200.
"A Further Note on the Network Structure of Trust: Reply to Krackhardt." Ronald S. Burt and Marc Knez; Rationality and Society, 1996, 8(1), pp. 117-20.
Structural Holes : The Social Structure of Competition Ronald S. Burt; Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1995.
"Kinds of Third-Party Effects on Trust." Ronald S. Burt and Marc Knez; Rationality and Society, 1995, 7(3), pp. 255-92.
"Social Capital, Structural Holes and the Entrepreneur." Ronald S. Burt; Revue francaise de Sociologie, 1995, 36(4), pp. 599-628.
"Contingent Organization as a Network Theory: The Culture-Performance Contingency Function." Ronald S. Burt, Shaul M. Gabbay, Gerhard Holt and Peter Moran; Acta Sociologica, 1994, 37(4), pp. 345-70.
"Measuring a Large Network Quickly." Ronald S. Burt and Don Ronchi; Social Networks, 1994, 16(2), pp. 91-135.
"Market Niche." Ronald S. Burt and Ilan Talmud; Social Networks, 1993, 15(2), pp. 133-49.
"The Social Structure of Competition," Ronald S. Burt, in Explorations in Economic Sociology. R. Swedberg, New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1993, pp. 65-103.
Structural Holes : The Social Structure of Competition Ronald S. Burt; Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1992.
"The Network Structure of Management Roles in a Large Matrix Firm." Ronald S. Burt and Norm Celotto; Evaluation and Program Planning, 1992, 15(3), pp. 303-26.
"Interorganization Contagion in Corporate Philanthropy." Joseph Galaskiewicz and Ronald S. Burt; Administrative Science Quarterly, 1991, 36(1), pp. 88-105.
"Measuring Age as a Structural Concept." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 1991, 13(1), pp. 1-34.
"Detecting Role Equivalence." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 1990, 12(1), pp. 83-97.
"Another Look at the Network Boundaries of American Markets." Ronald S. Burt and Debbie S. Carlton; American Journal of Sociology, 1989, 95(3), pp. 723-53.
"Some Properties of Structural Equivalence Measures Derived from Sociometric Choice Data." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 1988, 10(1), pp. 1-28.
"The Stability of American Markets." Ronald S. Burt; American Journal of Sociology, 1988, 94(2), pp. 356-95.
"A Note on the General Social Survey's Ersatz Network Density Item." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 1987, 9(1), pp. 75-85.
"A Note on Missing Network Data in the General Social Survey." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 1987, 9(1), pp. 63-73.
"Social Contagion and Innovation: Cohesion Versus Structural Equivalence." Ronald S. Burt; American Journal of Sociology, 1987, 92(6), pp. 1287-335.
"A Note on Strangers, Friends and Happiness." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 1987, 9(4), pp. 311-32.
"A Note on Sociometric Order in the General Social Survey Network Data." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 1986, 8(2), pp. 149-74.
"A Cautionary Note." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 1986, 8(2), pp. 205-11.
"A Note on Scaling the General Social Survey Network Item Response Categories." Ronald S. Burt and Miguel G. Guilarte; Social Networks, 1986, 8(4), pp. 387-96.
"Relation Contents in Multiple Networks." Ronald S. Burt and Thomas Schott; Social Science Research, 1985, 14(4), pp. 287-308.
"Network Items and the General Social Survey." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 1984, 6(4), pp. 293-339.
Corporate Profits and Cooptation : Networks of Market Constraints and Directorate Ties in the American Economy Ronald S. Burt; New York: Academic Press, 1983.
Applied Network Analysis : A Methodological Introduction Ronald S. Burt and Michael J. Minor; Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1983.
"Communication Networks: Toward a New Paradigm for Research." Ronald S. Burt; Sociology and Social Research, 1983, 67(3), pp. 344-46.
"Corporate Philanthropy as a Cooptive Relation." Ronald S. Burt; Social Forces, 1983, 62(2), pp. 419-49.
Toward a Structural Theory of Action : Network Models of Social Structure, Perception, and Action Ronald S. Burt; Quantitative Studies in Social Relations;; New York: Academic Press, 1982.
"Testing a Structural Model of Perception: Conformity and Deviance with Respect to Journal Norms in Elite Sociological Methodology." Ronald S. Burt and Patrick Doreian; Quality and Quantity, 1982, 16(2), pp. 109-50.
"A Note on Inferences Regarding Network Subgroups." Ronald S. Burt and Wm M. Bittner; Social Networks, 1981, 3(1), pp. 71-88.
"Studying Status/Role-Sets as Ersatz Network Positions in Mass Surveys." Ronald S. Burt; Sociological Methods and Research, 1981, 9(3), pp. 313-37.
"Comparative Power Structures in American Communities." Ronald S. Burt; Social Science Research, 1981, 10(2), pp. 115-76.
"Autonomy in a Social Topology." Ronald S. Burt; American Journal of Sociology, 1980, 85(4), pp. 892-925.
"Network Power Structures from Informant Perceptions." Ronald S. Burt, Katharyn L. Lieben and Michael G. Fischer; Human Organization, 1980, 39(2), pp. 121-33.
"Models of Network Structure." Ronald S. Burt; Annual Review of Sociology, 1980, 6, pp. 79-141.
"Actor Interests in a Social Topology: Foundation for a Structural Theory of Action." Ronald S. Burt; Sociological Inquiry, 1980, 50(2), pp. 107-32.
"On the Functional Form of Corporate Cooptation: Empirical Findings Linking the Intensity of Market Constraint with the Frequency of Directorate Ties." Ronald S. Burt; Social Science Research, 1980, 9(2), pp. 146-77.
"Testing a Structural Theory of Corporate Cooptation: Interorganizational Directorate Ties as a Strategy for Avoiding Market Constraints on Profits." Ronald S. Burt, Kenneth P. Christman and Harold C. Kilburn, Jr.; American Sociological Review, 1980, 45(5), pp. 821-41.
"Innovation as a Structural Interest: Rethinking the Impact of Network Position on Innovation Adoption." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 1980, 2(4), pp. 327-55.
"Cooptive Corporate Actor Networks: A Reconsideration of Interlocking Directorates Involving American Manufacturing." Ronald S. Burt; Administrative Science Quarterly, 1980, 25(4), pp. 557-82.
"A Structural Theory of Interlocking Corporate Directorates." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 1979, 1(4), pp. 415-35.
"Disaggregating the Effect on Profits in Manufacturing Industries of Having Imperfectly Competitive Consumers and Suppliers." Ronald S. Burt; Social Science Research, 1979, 8(2), pp. 120-43.
"Relational Equilibrium in a Social Topology." Ronald S. Burt; Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 1979, 6(2), pp. 211-52.
"Structures of Well-Being: Sufficient Conditions for Identification as Restricted Covariance Models." Ronald S. Burt, Michael G. Fischer and Kenneth P. Christman; Sociological Methods and Research, 1979, 8(1), pp. 111-20.
"Structure of Well-Being: Form, Content, and Stability over Time." Ronald S. Burt, James A. Wiley, Michael J. Minor and James R. Murray; Sociological Methods and Research, 1978, 6(3), pp. 365-407.
"Stratification and Prestige among Elite Experts in Methodological and Mathematical Sociology Circa 1975." Ronald S. Burt; Social Networks, 1978, 1(2), pp. 105-58.
"Cohesion Versus Structural Equivalence as a Basis for Network Subgroups." Ronald S. Burt; Sociological Methods and Research, 1978, 7(2), pp. 189-212.
"Feelings of Power in a Corporate Society." Ronald S. Burt; Social Indicators Research, 1977, V4(1), pp. 317-36.
Actors in Structures : Empirical Statics; Ronald S. Burt; Ph.D Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1977.
"Power in a Social Topology." Ronald S. Burt; Social Science Research, 1977, 6(1), pp. 1-83.
"Positions in Multiple Network Systems, Part One: A General Conception of Stratification and Prestige in a System of Actors Cast as a Social Topology." Ronald S. Burt; Social Forces, 1977, 56(1), pp. 106-31.
"Positions in Multiple Network Systems, Part Two: Stratification and Prestige among Elite Decision-Makers in the Community of Altneustadt." Ronald S. Burt; Social Forces, 1977, 56(2), pp. 551-75.
Conducting Social Research Nan Lin, Ronald S. Burt and John C. Vaughn; New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976.
"Interpretational Confounding of Unobserved Variables in Structural Equation Models." Ronald S. Burt; Sociological Methods and Research, 1976, 5(1), pp. 3-52.
"Positions in Networks." Ronald S. Burt; Social Forces, 1976, 55(1), pp. 93-122.
"Corporate Society: A Time Series Analysis of Network Structure." Ronald S. Burt; Social Science Research, 1975, 4(4), pp. 271-328.
"Differential Effects of Information Channels in the Process of Innovation Diffusion." Nan Lin and Ronald S. Burt; Social Forces, 1975, 54(1), pp. 256-74.
"The Differential Impact of Social Integration on Participation in the Diffusion of Innovations." Ronald S. Burt; Social Science Research, 1973, 2(2), pp. 125-44.