Selected Bibliography for Eric Budish
Paul G. McDermott Professor of Economics and Entrepreneurship
Eric Budish author profile at Scopus
Published Works
"Market Design to Accelerate COVID-19 Vaccine Supply." Juan Camilo Castillo, Amrita Ahuja, Susan Athey, Arthur Baker, Eric Budish, Tasneem Chipty, Rachel Glennerster, Scott Duke Kominers, Michael Kremer, Greg Larson, Jean Lee, Canice Prendergast, Christopher M. Snyder, Alex Tabarrok, Brandon Joel Tan and Witold Więcek; Science, 2021, 371(6534), pp. 1107-09.
"Chapter 10 - Market Design," Nikhil Agarwal and Eric Budish, in Handbook of Industrial Organization. K. Ho, A. Hortaçsu and A. Lizzeri, Elsevier, 2021, pp. 1-79.
"An Improved Bound for the Shapley–Folkman Theorem." Eric Budish and Philip J. Reny; Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2020, 89, pp. 48-52.
"Strategy-Proofness in the Large." Eduardo M Azevedo and Eric Budish; The Review of Economic Studies, 2019, 86(1), pp. 81-116.
"Keynote Talk: High-Frequency Trading and the Design of Financial Exchanges: Will the Market Fix the Market?," Eric Budish, Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation Editor, Ithaca, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2018 of Conference, pp. Pages.
"Course Match: A Large-Scale Implementation of Approximate Competitive Equilibrium from Equal Incomes for Combinatorial Allocation." Eric Budish, Gérard P. Cachon, Judd B. Kessler and Abraham Othman; Operations Research, 2017, 65(2), pp. 314-36.
"Patents and Research Investments: Assessing the Empirical Evidence." Eric Budish, Benjamin N. Roin and Heidi Williams; American Economic Review, 2016, 106(5), pp. 183-87.
"Do Firms Underinvest in Long-Term Research? Evidence from Cancer Clinical Trials." Eric Budish, Benjamin N. Roin and Heidi Williams; American Economic Review, 2015, 105(7), pp. 2044-85.
"The High-Frequency Trading Arms Race: Frequent Batch Auctions as a Market Design Response *." Eric Budish, Peter Cramton and John Shim; The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2015, 130(4), pp. 1547-621.
"Implementation Details for Frequent Batch Auctions: Slowing Down Markets to the Blink of an Eye." Eric Budish, Peter Cramton and John Shim; American Economic Review, 2014, 104(5), pp. 418-24.
"Designing Random Allocation Mechanisms: Theory and Applications." Eric Budish, Yeon-Koo Che, Fuhito Kojima and Paul Milgrom; American Economic Review, 2013, 103(2), pp. 585-623.
"Strategyproofness in the Large as a Desideratum for Market Design," Eduardo M. Azevedo and Eric Budish, Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce Editor, Valencia, Spain: Association for Computing Machinery, 2012 of Conference, pp. Pages.
"The Multi-Unit Assignment Problem: Theory and Evidence from Course Allocation at Harvard." Eric Budish and Estelle Cantillon; American Economic Review, 2012, 102(5), pp. 2237-71.
"The Combinatorial Assignment Problem: Approximate Competitive Equilibrium from Equal Incomes." Eric Budish; Journal of Political Economy, 2011, 119(6), pp. 1061-103.
"Finding Approximate Competitive Equilibria: Efficient and Fair Course Allocation," Abraham Othman, Tuomas Sandholm and Eric Budish, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: volume 1 - Volume 1 Editor, Toronto, Canada: International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2010 of Conference, pp. Pages.
Essays on Market Design; Eric Budish; Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University, 2009.
"Buy Prices in Online Auctions: Irrationality on the Internet?" Eric B. Budish and Lisa N. Takeyama; Economics Letters, 2001, 72(3), pp. 325-33.