Selected Bibliography for Philip G. Berger
Wallman Family Professor of Accounting
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Published Works
"Did the Dodd–Frank Whistleblower Provision Deter Accounting Fraud?" Philip G. Berger and Heemin Lee; Journal of Accounting Research, 2022,
"Do Analysts Say Anything About Earnings without Revising Their Earnings Forecasts?" Philip G. Berger, Charles G. Ham and Zachary R. Kaplan; The Accounting Review, 2018, 94(2), pp. 29-52.
"Commercial Lending Concentration and Bank Expertise: Evidence from Borrower Financial Statements." Philip G. Berger, Michael Minnis and Andrew Sutherland; Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2017, 64(2), pp. 253-77.
"Challenges and Opportunities in Disclosure Research—a Discussion of ‘the Financial Reporting Environment: Review of the Recent Literature’." Philip G. Berger; Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2011, 51(1–2), pp. 204-18.
"Discretionary Disclosure in Financial Reporting: An Examination Comparing Internal Firm Data to Externally Reported Segment Data." Daniel A. Bens, Philip G. Berger and Steven J. Monahan; The Accounting Review, 2011, 86(2), pp. 417-49.
"Segment Profitability and the Proprietary and Agency Costs of Disclosure." Philip G. Berger and Rebecca N. Hann; Accounting Review, 2007, 82(4), pp. 869-906.
"Discussion of 'Are Investors Misled by 'Pro Forma' Earnings?'." Philip G. Berger; Contemporary Accounting Research, 2005, 22(4), pp. 965-76.
"The Impact of SFAS No. 131 on Information and Monitoring." Philip G. Berger and Rebecca Hann; Journal of Accounting Research, 2003, 41(2), pp. 163.
"Discussion of "Differential Market Reactions to Revenue and Expense Surprises "." Philip G. Berger; Review of Accounting Studies, 2003, 8(2-3), pp. 213-20.
"Discussion of "Anomalous Stock Returns around Internet Firms' Earnings Announcements "." Philip G. Berger; Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2003, 34(1-3), pp. 273-81.
"Managerial Entrenchment and Capital Structure Decisions," Philip G. Berger, Eli Ofek and David L. Yermack, in Empirical Corporate Finance. M. J. Brennan, Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Mass.: Elgar, 2001, pp. 153-80.
"Discussion of `the Effect of Limited Liability on the Informativeness of Earnings: Evidence From." Philip G. Berger; Contemporary Accounting Research, 1999, 16(3), pp. 575.
"A Simultaneous Equations Analysis of Forecast Accuracy, Analyst Following, and Trading Volume." Andrew W. Alford and Philip G. Berger; Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 1999, 14(3), pp. 219-40.
"Causes and Effects of Corporate Refocusing Programs." Philip G. Berger and Eli Ofek; Review of Financial Studies, 1999, 12(2), pp. 311-45.
"Managerial Entrenchment and Capital Structure Decisions." Philip G. Berger, Eli Ofek and David L. Yermack; Journal of Finance, 1997, 52(4), pp. 1411-38.
"Investor Valuation of the Abandonment Option." Philip G. Berger, Eli Ofek and Itzhak Swary; Journal of Financial Economics, 1996, 42(2), pp. 257-87.
"Bustup Takeovers of Value-Destroying Diversified Firms." Philip G. Berger and Eli Ofek; Journal of Finance, 1996, 51(4), pp. 1175-200.
"Motives for Forming Research and Development Financing Organizations." Anne Beatty, Philip G. Berger and Joseph Magliolo; Journal of Accounting and Economics, 1995, 19(2-3), pp. 411-42.
"Diversification's Effect on Firm Value." Philip G. Berger and Eli Ofek; Journal of Financial Economics, 1995, 37(1), pp. 39-65.
"Explicit and Implicit Tax Effects of the R & D Tax Credit." Philip G. Berger; Journal of Accounting Research, 1993, 31(2), pp. 131-71.
Explicit and Implicit Tax Effects of the Research and Development Tax Credit; Philip G. Berger; Ph. D Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1992.