Selected Bibliography for Daniel Bartels
Professor of Marketing
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Published Works
"Identity, Personal Continuity, and Psychological Connectedness across Time and over Transformation," Oleg Urminsky and Daniel M. Bartels, in Handbook of Research on Identity Theory in Marketing. A. Reed, II and M. Forehand, Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019, pp. 225–39.
"Periodic Pricing and Perceived Contract Benefits." Stephen A Atlas and Daniel M Bartels; Journal of Consumer Research, 2018, 45(2), pp. 350-64.
"The Future Self," Hal E Hershfield and Daniel M. Bartels, in The Psychology of Thinking About the Future. G. Oettingen, A. T. Sevincer and P. M. Gollwitzer, New York: The Guilford Press, 2018, pp. 89-109.
"Personal Change and the Continuity of the Self." Sarah Molouki and Daniel M. Bartels; Cognitive Psychology, 2017, 93, pp. 1-17.
"What’s Wrong with Using Steroids? Exploring Whether and Why People Oppose the Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs." Justin F. Landy, Daniel K. Walco and Daniel M. Bartels; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2017, 113(3), pp. 377-92.
"Beliefs About the Causal Structure of the Self-Concept Determine Which Changes Disrupt Personal Identity." Stephanie Y. Chen, Oleg Urminsky and Daniel M. Bartels; Psychological Science, 2016, 27(10), pp. 1398-406.
"The Average Laboratory Samples a Population of 7,300 Amazon Mechanical Turk Workers." Neil Stewart, Christoph Ungemach, Adam J. L. Harris, Daniel M. Bartels, Ben R. Newell, Gabriele Paolacci and Jesse Chandler; Judgment and Decision Making, 2015, 10(5), pp. 479-91.
"Connecting Cognition and Consumer Choice." Daniel M. Bartels and Eric J. Johnson; Cognition, 2015, 135, pp. 47-51.
"On the Mental Accounting of Restricted-Use Funds: How Gift Cards Change What People Purchase." Nicholas Reinholtz, Daniel M. Bartels and Jeffrey R. Parker; Journal of Consumer Research, 2015, 42(4), pp. 596-614.
"To Know and to Care: How Awareness and Valuation of the Future Jointly Shape Consumer Spending." Daniel M. Bartels and Oleg Urminsky; Journal of Consumer Research, 2015, 41(6), pp. 1469-85.
"Moral Judgment and Decision Making," Daniel M. Bartels, Christopher W. Bauman, Fiery A. Cushman, David A. Pizarro and A. Peter McGraw, in The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making. G. Keren and G. Wu, Chichester, West Sussex ; Marlden, MA: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2015, pp. 478-515.
"Choice and Self: How Synchronic and Diachronic Identity Shape Choices and Decision Making." Oleg Urminsky, Daniel M. Bartels, Paola Giuliano, George E. Newman, Stefano Puntoni and Lance Rips; Marketing Letters, 2014, 25(3), pp. 281-91.
"Are Artworks More Like People Than Artifacts? Individual Concepts and Their Extensions." George E. Newman, Daniel M. Bartels and Rosanna K. Smith; Topics in Cognitive Science, 2014, 6(4), pp. 647-62.
"Revisiting External Validity: Concerns About Trolley Problems and Other Sacrificial Dilemmas in Moral Psychology." Christopher W. Bauman, A. Peter McGraw, Daniel M. Bartels and Caleb Warren; Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2014, 8(9), pp. 536-54.
"Choice and Self: How Synchronic and Diachronic Identity Shape Choices and Decision Making." Oleg Urminsky, Daniel M. Bartels, Paola Giuliano, George E. Newman, Stefano Puntoni and Lance Rips; Marketing Letters, 2014, 25(3), pp. 281-91.
"Selfless Giving." Daniel M. Bartels, Trevor Kvaran and Shaun Nichols; Cognition, 2013, 129(2), pp. 392-403.
"Extralegal Punishment Factors: A Study of Forgiveness, Hardship, Good Deeds, Apology, Remorse, and Other Such Discretionary Factors in Assessing Criminal Punishment." Paul H. Robinson, Sean E. Jackowitz and Daniel M. Bartels; Vanderbilt Law Review, 2012, 65(3), pp. 737-826.
"The Mismeasure of Morals: Antisocial Personality Traits Predict Utilitarian Responses to Moral Dilemmas." Daniel M. Bartels and David A. Pizarro; Cognition, 2011, 121(1), pp. 154-61.
"On Intertemporal Selfishness: How the Perceived Instability of Identity Underlies Impatient Consumption." Daniel M. Bartels and Oleg Urminsky; Journal of Consumer Research, 2011, 38(1), pp. 182-98.
"A Group Construal Account of Drop-in-the-Bucket Thinking in Policy Preference and Moral Judgment." Daniel M. Bartels and Russell C. Burnett; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2011, 47(1), pp. 50-57.
"Psychological Connectedness and Intertemporal Choice." Daniel M. Bartels and Lance J. Rips; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2010, 139(1), pp. 49-69.
"Competing Theories of Blackmail: An Empirical Research Critique of Criminal Law Theory." Paul H. Robinson, Michael T. Cahill and Daniel M. Bartels; Texas Law Review, 2010, 89(2), pp. 291-352.
"Perspectives on the Ecology of Decision Modes: Reply to Comments." Will M. Bennis, Douglas L. Medin and Daniel M. Bartels; Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2010, 5(2), pp. 213-15.
"The Costs and Benefits of Calculation and Moral Rules." Will M. Bennis, Douglas L. Medin and Daniel M. Bartels; Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2010, 5(2), pp. 187-202.
"Attending to Moral Values," Rumen Iliev, Sonya Sachdeva, Daniel M. Bartels, Craig Joseph, Satoru Suzuki and Douglas L. Medin, in Psychology of Learning and Motivation Vol. 50, Moral Judgment and Decision Making. Academic Press, 2009, pp. 169-92.
The Psychology of Learning and Motivation. Vol. 50, Moral Judgment and Decision Making Daniel M. Bartels, Christopher W. Bauman, Linda J. Skitka and Douglas L. Medin; London: Academic, 2009.
"Principled Moral Sentiment and the Flexibility of Moral Judgment and Decision Making." Daniel M. Bartels; Cognition, 2008, 108(2), pp. 381-417.
"Representation over Time: The Effects of Temporal Distance on Similarity." Samuel B. Day and Daniel M. Bartels; Cognition, 2008, 106(3), pp. 1504-13.
Accounting for Some of the Flexibility of Morally-Motivated Judgment and Decision Making; Daniel M. Bartels; 3278028 Dissertation, Northwestern University, 2007.
"Are Morally Motivated Decision Makers Insensitive to the Consequences of Their Choices?" Daniel M. Bartels and Douglas L. Medin; Psychological Science, 2007, 18(1), pp. 24-28.
"Caring About Framing Effects." Amber N. Bloomfield, Josh A. Sager, Daniel.M. Bartels and Douglas L. Medin; Mind & Society, 2006, 5(2), pp. 123-38.
"Proportion Dominance: The Generality and Variability of Favoring Relative Savings over Absolute Savings." Daniel M. Bartels; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2006, 100(1), pp. 76-95.