Selected Bibliography for Barış Ata
Sigmund E. Edelstone Distinguished Service Professor of Operations Management
Published Works
"An Optimal Callback Policy for General Arrival Processes: A Pathwise Analysis." Barış Ata and Xiaoshan Peng; Operations Research, 2020, 68(2), pp. 327-47.
"An Achievable-Region-Based Approach for Kidney Allocation Policy Design with Endogenous Patient Choice." Baris Ata, Yichuan Ding and Stefanos Zenios; Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2020, 23(1), pp. 36-54.
"Dynamic Volunteer Staffing in Multicrop Gleaning Operations." Barış Ata, Deishin Lee and Erkut Sönmez; Operations Research, 2019, 67(2), pp. 295-314.
"Enhancing Kidney Supply through Geographic Sharing in the United States." Mazhar Arıkan, Barış Ata, John J. Friedewald and Rodney P. Parker; Production and Operations Management, 2018, 27(12), pp. 2103-21.
"Mechanisms for Increasing Sourcing from Capacity-Constrained Local Suppliers." Mustafa Hayri Tongarlak, Deishin Lee and Baris Ata; Decision Sciences, 2017, 48(1), pp. 108-49.
"An Equilibrium Analysis of a Discrete-Time Markovian Queue with Endogenous Abandonments." Baris Ata, Peter W. Glynn and Xiaoshan Peng; Queueing Systems, 2017, 86(1), pp. 141-212.
"An Equilibrium Analysis of a Multiclass Queue with Endogenous Abandonments in Heavy Traffic." Baris Ata and Xiaoshan Peng; Operations Research, 2017, 66(1), pp. 163-83.
"Impact of Delay Announcements in Call Centers: An Empirical Approach." Zeynep Akşin, Baris Ata, Seyed Morteza Emadi and Che-Lin Su; Operations Research, 2016, 65(1), pp. 242-65.
"OrganJet: Overcoming Geographical Disparities in Access to Deceased Donor Kidneys in the United States." Barış Ata, Anton Skaro and Sridhar Tayur; Management Science, 2016, 63(9), pp. 2776-94.
"Revenue Management by Sequential Screening." Mustafa Akan, Barış Ata and James D. Dana; Journal of Economic Theory, 2015, 159, pp. 728-74.
"Price Discrimination on Booking Time." Barış Ata and James D. Dana; International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2015, 43, pp. 175-81.
"Congestion-Based Leadtime Quotation and Pricing for Revenue Maximization with Heterogeneous Customers." Barış Ata and Tava Lennon Olsen; Queueing Systems, 2013, 73(1), pp. 35-78.
"Dynamic Pricing of Remanufacturable Products under Demand Substitution: A Product Life Cycle Model." Mustafa Akan, Barış Ata and R. Canan Savaşkan-Ebert; Annals of Operations Research, 2013, 211(1), pp. 1-25.
"Structural Estimation of Callers' Delay Sensitivity in Call Centers." Zeynep Akşin, Barış Ata, Seyed Morteza Emadi and Che-Lin Su; Management Science, 2013, 59(12), pp. 2727-46.
"On Scheduling a Multiclass Queue with Abandonments under General Delay Costs." Barış Ata and Mustafa H. Tongarlak; Queueing Systems, 2013, 74(1), pp. 65-104.
"On Hospice Operations under Medicare Reimbursement Policies." Barış Ata, Bradley L. Killaly, Tava Lennon Olsen and Rodney P. Parker; Management Science, 2013, 59(5), pp. 1027-44.
"Bayesian Dynamic Pricing in Queueing Systems with Unknown Delay Cost Characteristics." Philipp Afèche and Barış Ata; Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2013, 15(2), pp. 292-304.
"Optimizing Organic Waste to Energy Operations." Barış Ata, Deishin Lee and Mustafa H. Tongarlak; Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2012, 14(2), pp. 231-44.
"On Optimality Gaps in the Halfin-Whitt Regime." Barış Ata and Itai Gurvich; Annals of Applied Probability, 2012, 22(1), pp. 407-55.
"Congestion-Based Lead-Time Quotation for Heterogenous Customers with Convex-Concave Delay Costs: Optimality of a Cost-Balancing Policy Based on Convex Hull Functions." Mustafa Akan, Barış Ata and Tava Olsen; Operations Research, 2012, 60(6), pp. 1505-19.
"Adaptive Training for Correlated Fading Channels with Feedback." Manish Agarwal, Michael L. Honig and Barış Ata; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2012, 58(8), pp. 5398-417.
"A Broader View of Designing the Liver Allocation System." Mustafa Akan, Oguzhan Alagoz, Barış Ata, Fatih Safa Erenay and Adnan Said; Operations Research, 2012, 60(4), pp. 757-70.
"Asymmetric Information and Economies of Scale in Service Contracting." Mustafa Akan, Bariş Ata and Martin A. Lariviere; Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2011, 13(1), pp. 58-72.
"The Value of Partial Resource Pooling: Should a Service Network Be Integrated or Product-Focused?" Barış Ata and Jan A. Van Mieghem; Management Science, 2009, 55(1), pp. 115-31.
"Near-Optimal Dynamic Lead-Time Quotation and Scheduling under Convex-Concave Customer Delay Costs." Barış Ata and Tava Lennon Olsen; Operations Research, 2009, 57(3), pp. 753-68.
"Dynamic Control of a Make-to-Order, Parallel-Server System with Cancellations." Melanie Rubino and Barış Ata; Operations Research, 2009, 57(1), pp. 94-108.
"Bid-Price Controls for Network Revenue Management: Martingale Characterization of Optimal Bid Prices." Mustafa Akan and Barış Ata; Mathematics of Operations Research, 2009, 34(4), pp. 912-36.
"Heavy Traffic Analysis of Maximum Pressure Policies For stochastic Processing Networks with Multiple Bottlenecks." Barış Ata and Wuqin Lin; Queueing Systems, 2008, 59(3), pp. 191-235.
"Dynamic Power Control in a Fading Downlink Channel Subject to an Energy Constraint." Barış Ata and Konstantinos E. Zachariadis; Queueing Systems, 2007, 55(1), pp. 41-69.
"Dynamic Control of an M/M/1 Service System with Adjustable Arrival and Service Rates." Bariş Ata and Shiri Shneorson; Management Science, 2006, 52(11), pp. 1778-91.
"Dynamic Control of a Multiclass Queue with Thin Arrival Streams." Barış Ata; Operations Research, 2006, 54(5), pp. 876-92.
"Dynamic Power Control in a Wireless Static Channel Subject to a Quality-of-Service Constraint." Bariş Ata; Operations Research, 2005, 53(5), pp. 842-51.
"Drift Rate Control of a Brownian Processing System." Bariş Ata, J. M. Harrison and L. A. Shepp; Annals of Applied Probability, 2005, 15(2), pp. 1145-60.
"Heavy Traffic Analysis of Open Processing Networks with Complete Resource Pooling: Asymptotic Optimality of Discrete Review Policies." Barış Ata and Sunil Kumar; Annals of Applied Probability, 2005, 15(1A), pp. 331-91.
Dynamic Control of Stochastic Networks; Barış Ata; PhD Dissertation, Stanford University, 2003.