Selected Bibliography for Amy R. Ward
Professor of Operations Management
Amy Ward author profile at Scopus
Published Works
"Asymptotically Optimal Idling in the GI/GI/N+GI Queue." Yueyang Zhong, Amy R. Ward and Amber L. Puha; Operations Research Letters, 2022, 50(3), pp. 362-69.
"Routing for Fairness and Efficiency in a Queueing Model with Reentry and Continuous Customer Classes," Zhiqiang Zhang, Pengyi Shi and Amy R. Ward, 2022 American Control Conference (ACC) 2022, pp. 4882-87.
"Fluid Limits for Multiclass Many-Server Queues with General Reneging Distributions and Head-of-the-Line Scheduling." Amber L. Puha and Amy R. Ward; Mathematics of Operations Research, 2021, 47(2), pp. 1192-228.
"Stationary Distribution Convergence of the Offered Waiting Processes in Heavy Traffic under General Patience Time Scaling." Chihoon Lee, Amy R. Ward and Heng-Qing Ye; Queueing Systems, 2021, 99(3), pp. 283-303.
"Data-Driven Market-Making Via Model-Free Learning," Yueyang Zhong, YeeMan Bergstrom and Amy R. Ward, IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence C. Bessiere, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, 2020, pp. 4461-68.
"Impact of Task-Level Worker Specialization, Workload, and Product Personalization on Consumer Returns." Hailong Cui, Sampath Rajagopalan and Amy R. Ward; Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2020, 23(2), pp. 346-66.
"Predicting Product Return Volume Using Machine Learning Methods." Hailong Cui, Sampath Rajagopalan and Amy R. Ward; European Journal of Operational Research, 2020, 281(3), pp. 612-27.
"Dynamic Matching for Real-Time Ride Sharing." Erhun Özkan and Amy R. Ward; Stochastic Systems, 2020, 10(1), pp. 29-70.
"Stationary Distribution Convergence of the Offered Waiting Processes for $$GI/GI/1+Gi$$ Queues in Heavy Traffic." Chihoon Lee, Amy R. Ward and Heng-Qing Ye; Queueing Systems, 2020, 94(1), pp. 147-73.
"Open Problem—Regarding Static Priority Scheduling for Many-Server Queues with Reneging." Amy R. Ward; Stochastic Systems, 2019, 9(3), pp. 313-14.
"Staffing, Routing, and Payment to Trade Off Speed and Quality in Large Service Systems." Dongyuan Zhan and Amy R. Ward; Operations Research, 2019, 67(6), pp. 1738-51.
"On the Control of Fork-Join Networks." Erhun Özkan and Amy R. Ward; Mathematics of Operations Research, 2019, 44(2), pp. 532-64.
"Pricing and Capacity Sizing of a Service Facility: Customer Abandonment Effects." Chihoon Lee and Amy R. Ward; Production and Operations Management, 2019, 28(8), pp. 2031-43.
"The M/M/1+M Queue with a Utility-Maximizing Server." Dongyuan Zhan and Amy R. Ward; Operations Research Letters, 2018, 46(5), pp. 518-22.
"Dynamic Scheduling in a Many-Server, Multiclass System: The Role of Customer Impatience in Large Systems." Jeunghyun Kim, Ramandeep S. Randhawa and Amy R. Ward; Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2018, 20(2), pp. 285-301.
"Routing and Staffing When Servers Are Strategic." Ragavendran Gopalakrishnan, Sherwin Doroudi, Amy R. Ward and Adam Wierman; Operations Research, 2016, 64(4), pp. 1033-50.
"A Queueing Model with Independent Arrivals, and Its Fluid and Diffusion Limits." Harsha Honnappa, Rahul Jain and Amy R. Ward; Queueing Systems, 2015, 80(1), pp. 71-103.
"Mean Field Limits by Population Acceleration," Harsha Honnappa, Rahul Jain and Amy R. Ward, 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2014, pp. 3414-19.
"Routing and Staffing When Servers Are Strategic," Ragavendran Gopalakrishnan, Sherwin Doroudi, Amy R. Ward and Adam Wierman, Proceedings of the fifteenth ACM conference on Economics and computation Editor, Palo Alto, California, USA: ACM, 2014 of Conference, pp. Pages.
"Optimal Pricing and Capacity Sizing for the GI/GI/1 Queue." Chihoon Lee and Amy R. Ward; Operations Research Letters, 2014, 42(8), pp. 527-31.
"Staffing Call Centers with Uncertain Arrival Rates and Co-Sourcing." Yaşar Levent Koçağa, Mor Armony and Amy R. Ward; Production and Operations Management, 2014, 24(7), pp. 1101-17.
"Blind Fair Routing in Large-Scale Service Systems with Heterogeneous Customers and Servers." Amy R. Ward and Mor Armony; Operations Research, 2013, 61(1), pp. 228-43.
"On the Generalized Drift Skorokhod Problem in One Dimension." Josh Reed, Amy R. Ward and Dongyuan Zhan; Journal of Applied Probability, 2013, 50(1), pp. 16-28.
"Dynamic Scheduling of a Two-Server Parallel Server System with Complete Resource Pooling and Reneging in Heavy Traffic: Asymptotic Optimality of a Two-Threshold Policy." Samim Ghamami and Amy R. Ward; Mathematics of Operations Research, 2013, 38(4), pp. 761-824.
"Dynamic Scheduling of a GI/GI/1+Gi Queue with Multiple Customer Classes." Jeunghyun Kim and Amy R. Ward; Queueing Systems, 2013, 75(2), pp. 339-84.
"Threshold Routing to Trade Off Waiting and Call Resolution in Call Centers." Dongyuan Zhan and Amy R. Ward; Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2013, 16(2), pp. 220-37.
"A New Transitory Queueing Model and Its Process Limits," Harsha Honnappa, Rahul Jain and Amy R. Ward, 6th International ICST Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools 2012, pp. 11-20.
"Asymptotic Analysis of Queueing Systems with Reneging: A Survey of Results for Fifo, Single Class Models." Amy R. Ward; Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science, 2012, 17(1), pp. 1-14.
"The a(I)/Gi/L Queue: A New Model of Transitory Queueing," Harsha Honnappa, Rahul Jain and Amy R. Ward, 2012 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton) 2012, pp. 738-45.
"Fair Dynamic Routing in Large-Scale Heterogeneous-Server Systems." Mor Armony and Amy R. Ward; Operations Research, 2010, 58(3), pp. 624-37.
"Admission Control for a Multi-Server Queue With abandonment." Yaşar Levent Koçağa and Amy R. Ward; Queueing Systems, 2010, 65(3), pp. 275-323.
"Optimal Control of a High-Volume Assemble-to-Order System with Maximum Leadtime Quotation and Expediting." Erica L. Plambeck and Amy R. Ward; Queueing Systems, 2008, 60(1), pp. 1.
"Managing Service Systems with an Offline Waiting Option and Customer Abandonment." Vasiliki Kostami and Amy R. Ward; Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2008, 11(4), pp. 644-56.
"Asymptotically Optimal Admission Control of a Queue with Impatient Customers." Amy R. Ward and Sunil Kumar; Mathematics of Operations Research, 2008, 33(1), pp. 167-202.
"Note: A Separation Principle for a Class of Assemble-to-Order Systems with Expediting." Erica L. Plambeck and Amy R. Ward; Operations Research, 2007, 55(3), pp. 603-09.
"Optimal Control of a High-Volume Assemble-to-Order System." Erica L. Plambeck and Amy R. Ward; Mathematics of Operations Research, 2006, 31(3), pp. 453-77.
"A Diffusion Approximation for a GI/GI/1 Queue with Balking or Reneging." Amy R. Ward and Peter W. Glynn; Queueing Systems, 2005, 50(4), pp. 371-400.
"A Diffusion Approximation for a Markovian Queue with Reneging." Amy R. Ward and Peter W. Glynn; Queueing Systems, 2003, 43(1), pp. 103-28.
"On Stability of Queueing Networks with Job Deadlines." Amy R. Ward and Nicholas Bambos; Journal of Applied Probability, 2003, 40(2), pp. 293-304.
"Properties of the Reflected Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Process." Amy R. Ward and Peter W. Glynn; Queueing Systems, 2003, 44(2), pp. 109-23.
"Critical Thresholds for Dynamic Routing in Queueing Networks." Yih-Choung Teh and Amy R. Ward; Queueing Systems, 2002, 42(3), pp. 297-316.
Queues with Reneging; Amy R. Ward; Ph.D Dissertation, Stanford University, 2001.
"Internet Service Performance Failure Detection." Amy R. Ward, Peter W. Glynn and Kathy Richardson; ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 1998, 26(3), pp. 38-43.