Selected Bibliography for Madhav Rajan
Dean and George Pratt Shultz Professor of Accounting
Madhav Rajan author profile at Scopus
Published Works
"How Economically Significant Are Unused Capacity Costs? A Large-Scale Empirical Analysis." Merle Ederhof, Venky Nagar and Madhav Rajan; Management Science, 2020, 67(3), pp. 1956-74.
"An Information-Based Model for the Differential Treatment of Gains and Losses." Venky Nagar, Madhav V. Rajan and Korok Ray; Review of Accounting Studies, 2018, 23(2), pp. 622-53.
"Structural Properties of the Price-to-Earnings and Price-to-Book Ratios." Alexander Nezlobin, Madhav V. Rajan and Stefan Reichelstein; Review of Accounting Studies, 2016, 21(2), pp. 438-72.
"Performance Monitoring by Managerial Teams." Liang Pierre Jinghong, Madhav Rajan and Korok Ray; Journal of CENTRUM Cathedra, 2016, 9(2), pp. 92-119.
"Knowledge, Compensation, and Firm Value: An Empirical Analysis of Firm Communication." Feng Li, Michael Minnis, Venky Nagar and Madhav Rajan; Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2014, 58(1), pp. 96-116.
"Knowledge, Compensation, and Firm Value: An Empirical Analysis of Firm Communication." Feng Li, Michael Minnis, Venky Nagar and Madhav Rajan; Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2014, 58(1), pp. 96-116.
"Conservatism Correction for the Market-to-Book Ratio and Tobin's Q." Maureen McNichols, Madhav V. Rajan and Stefan Reichelstein; Review of Accounting Studies, 2014, 19(4), pp. 1393-435.
"Dynamics of Rate-of-Return Regulation." Alexander Nezlobin, Madhav V. Rajan and Stefan Reichelstein; Management Science, 2012, 58(5), pp. 980-95.
"Discretion in Managerial Bonus Pools." Merle Ederhof, Madhav V. Rajan and Stefan Reichelstein; Foundations and Trends® in Accounting, 2011, 5(4), pp. 243-316.
"The Incentive Value of Inventory and Cross-Training in Modern Manufacturing." Venky Nagar, Madhav V. Rajan and Richard Saouma; Journal of Accounting Research, 2009, 47(4), pp. 991-1025.
"Objective Versus Subjective Indicators of Managerial Performance." Madhav V. Rajan and Stefan Reichelstein; Accounting Review, 2009, 84(1), pp. 209-37.
"Depreciation Rules and the Relation between Marginal and Historical Cost." Madhav V. Rajan and Stefan Reichelstein; Journal of Accounting Research, 2009, 47(3), pp. 823-65.
"Optimal Team Size and Monitoring in Organizations." Pierre Jinghong Liang, Madhav V. Rajan and Korok Ray; Accounting Review, 2008, 83(3), pp. 789-822.
"Resource Allocation Auctions within Firms." Stanley Baiman, Paul Fischer, Madhav V. Rajan and Richard Saouma; Journal of Accounting Research, 2007, 45(5), pp. 915-46.
"Insider Trades and Private Information: The Special Case of Delayed-Disclosure Trades." Shijun Cheng, Venky Nagar and Madhav V. Rajan; Review of Financial Studies, 2007, 20(6), pp. 1833-64.
"Conservatism, Growth, and Return on Investment." Madhav V. Rajan, Stefan Reichelstein and Mark T. Soliman; Review of Accounting Studies, 2007, 12(2-3), pp. 325-70.
"Conservatism, Growth, and Return on Investment." Madhav V. Rajan, Stefan Reichelstein and Mark T. Soliman; Review of Accounting Studies, 2007, 12(2-3), pp. 323-23.
"Subjective Performance Indicators and Discretionary Bonus Pools." Madhav V. Rajan and Stefan Reichelstein; Journal of Accounting Research, 2006, 44(3), pp. 585-618.
"Optimal Information Asymmetry." Madhav V. Rajan and Richard E. Saouma; Accounting Review, 2006, 81(3), pp. 677-712.
"Identifying Control Motives in Managerial Ownership: Evidence from Antitakeover Legislation." Shijun Cheng, Venky Nagar and Madhav V. Rajan; Review of Financial Studies, 2005, 18(2), pp. 637-72.
"Discussion of 'Performance Evaluation and Corporate Income Taxes in a Sequential Delegation Setting.'." Madhav V. Rajan; Review of Accounting Studies, 2003, 8(2-3), pp. 311-19.
"The Role of Information and Opportunism in the Choice of Buyer-Supplier Relationships." Stanley Baiman and Madhav V. Rajan; Journal of Accounting Research, 2002, 40(2), pp. 247-78.
"The Revenue Implications of Financial and Operational Measures of Product Quality." Venky Nagar and Madhav V. Rajan; Accounting Review, 2001, 76(4), pp. 495-513.
"Discussion of Eva Versus Earnings: Does It Matter Which Is More Highly Correlated with Stock Returns?" Madhav V. Rajan; Journal of Accounting Research, 2000, 38, pp. 247-54.
"Optimal Cost Targets and Incentives for Acquiring Expertise." Stanley Baiman and Madhav V. Rajan; Review of Accounting Studies, 1998, 3(3), pp. 231-59.
"The Value of Correlated Signals in Agencies." Madhav V. Rajan and Bharat Sarath; RAND Journal of Economics, 1997, 28(1), pp. 150-67.
"The Choice of Performance Measures in Annual Bonus Contracts." Christopher D. Ittner, David F. Larcker and Madhav V. Rajan; Accounting Review, 1997, 72(2), pp. 231-55.
"Limits to Voluntary Disclosure in Efficient Markets." Madhav V. Rajan and Bharat Sarath; Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 1996, 11(3), pp. 361-87.
"The Informational Advantages of Discretionary Bonus Schemes." Stanley Baiman and Madhav V. Rajan; Accounting Review, 1995, 70(4), pp. 557-79.
"Organizational Design for Business Units." Stanley Baiman, David F. Larcker and Madhav V. Rajan; Journal of Accounting Research, 1995, 33(2), pp. 205-29.
"Optimal Incentive Schemes in Bottleneck-Constrained Production Environments." Srikant M. Datar and Madhav V. Rajan; Journal of Accounting Research, 1995, 33(1), pp. 33-57.
"Centralization, Delegation, and Shared Responsibility in the Assignment of Capital Investment Decision Rights." Stanley Baiman and Madhav V. Rajan; Journal of Accounting Research, 1995, 33, pp. 135-64.
"On the Design of Unconditional Monitoring Systems in Agencies." Stanley Baiman and Madhav V. Rajan; Accounting Review, 1994, 69(1), pp. 217-29.
"Management Control Systems and the Implementation of Strategies." Madhav V. Rajan; Journal of Accounting Research, 1992, 30(2), pp. 227-48.
"Cost Allocation in Multiagent Settings." Madhav V. Rajan; Accounting Review, 1992, 67(3), pp. 527-45.