Copy, Print & Scan

Library Copy/Print/Scan Station

The D'Angelo Law Library has a Copy/Print/Scan Station that is part of the University of Chicago's printing service, which also includes other campus libraries, residence halls, and the Arley D. Cathey Learning Center.

For information about using this station, please visit

Please note that currently, the station cannot be used by faculty, staff, or library visitors.

Law School Printing and Scanning

Law School students are given a $195.00 printing credit per academic year (August-July). To print to the Law School printers from the web, you must use the Law School wired or Wi-Fi network and use your CHICAGOLAW credentials to access the web interface at: There are Law School wired printers located on the second, fourth, fifth, and sixth floors of the library. Additional information for Law School faculty and students is available on the Law School's Information Technology page.

Microfilm and Microfiche

Materials in microfilm and microfiche formats are located on the 4th floor. Ask the Circulation staff for assistance. A microform reader-printer is available in the Reserve Room on the second floor.