The University of Chicago Library
EOS Search-Form


Enter a word, fragment (e.g., muse will retrieve instances of museum, museums, and musée) or phrase below. Diacritics have been stripped for simpler searching (e.g., enter goudea to search for Goudéa). Punctuation, word-order, and spacing are important. (One may, however, use upper or lower case letters; searches are case insensitive.) Realize that authors' names at this time are listed first name preceding last (e.g., Edgar James Banks).

Author/Editor: (e.g., Platner)
Title: (e.g., Bismya)
Place of Publication: (e.g., Paris)
Publisher: (e.g., Geuthner)
Date of Publication: (e.g., 1901)
Series Title: (e.g., Palestine Exploration Fund)
Call Number: (e.g., PJ1511.F45A4)
Project Code: (Select an option)

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