Retrieving Documents and Limiting a
To retrieve a document, enter Mansfield Park in the Title
Field (leave the Search
Texts for: field blank). Click on the title to go to
the digital table of contents. To limit a search, leave Mansfield
in the Title Field and enter
scruples in the Search Texts for: field.
Limiting a Search by Multiple
To search the early works of X enter X in the Author
Field and a date range in the
Date Field: XXXX-XXXX. Enter X in the Search Field.
Phrase Search:
Search the phrase: X X
Phrase with Boolean OR:
Search the following: loyal|faithful servant
Proximity Same Sentence or
First search the phrase: false promise.*
Now search the phrase again: false promise.* in the Same
Now do the same with Proximity - Same Paragraph. Make sure you have
the Concordance Report format turned on.
Wildcard Searching
For simple truncation, search majest.* with KWIC Report
turned on.
Search for calend[ae]r to find alternate spellings. This
can also be found by entering
calend.r. Try the following as well: hono.?r.
look only for proper nouns enter: #bacon
Wildcards for discovering textual emendations: Search
inf.*ity with Frequency by Title report clicked on.
There are no images in the database.
For an inline image search the phrase: X X
For a linked image search the phrase: X X
There are no notes in the database.
To see a linked note reference in text search the phrase X X
and click on page.
To see a page reference from note text search the phrase: X X
and click on [Note].
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