sichere pipeda- ‘hinschaffen.’"). Neu, StBoT 5:141, calls the text "ältere Sprache." There are deponent ("dynamic middle") verbs like pa_ß- and ßarra-, which are replaced in NH by actives. There are also iter. middles of otherwise act. verbs (e.g., ak~
). Iter. and reduplicated verbs share the feature of repeated action or action prolonged or seen in progress, which could explain the mid. form of pipeda-.

Neu, StBoT 5 (1968) 141f.; Oettinger, Stammbildung (1979) 62 n. 49.

pipita, pipit_i (city name and the derived Hurr. gentilic adj., usually modifying _Nupatik); from MH?/MS?

--ta KUB 17.5:(13) (MH?/MS?), KBo 20.114 i (11), 22, v 5, vi 3, KBo 15.48 vi! 10, 17, 22, KUB 20.23 iii 10, KUB 20.49 i 6, KUB 32.99 v (30), VBoT 116:12 (all MH/NS).

--it-_i KBo 15.37 ii 29, iv 37, KBo 20.114 i 18, KUB 20.74 i 3, IBoT 2.56:3 (all MH/NS).

In [_Nu]-pa-ti-ik(-)pí-pí-ta KBo 20.114 i 22, KUB 20.23 iii 10, KUB 20.49 i 6, and _Nu-pa-ti-ik(-)--it-_i KBo 20.114 i 18, IBoT 2.56:3, there is no word space between ik and .

p. usually modifies _Nupatik in the _ißuwaß fest. but note 1 MUÍEN 3 NINDA.SIG a-a-pí-ri pí-pí-it-_i "one bird and three thin loaves for ¸piri of Pipita" or, "for ¸piri (and Nupatik?) of P." KBo 17.98 v 10 (EZEN› _ißuwaß); cf. HW™ 1:185b (s.v. (_)apiri).

Cf. […_LA]MMA URU!Pí-pí-ta[(-)…] (last three signs over eras.) KUB 42.90 rev. 13, _Nupatik URU--it-_i KUB 46.48 obv. 13 + KBo 17.103 obv. 10, KUB 51.73 rev.? 15. The GN is not listed in RGTC 6. For a sim. type of epithet, see CHD manuzi(ya), manuzu_i. Cf. the PN µPí-pí-ta-_i-in HKM 17:16 (letter, MH/MS), ed. HBM 144f., disc. ibid. 87.

pippitarSAR n.; (an herb or vegetable); NS.†

ankiåaSAR n_ruSAR […] / æandalaåSAR pí-ip-pí-tarS[AR …] / pililiåaSAR gakkuååa[SAR …] KBo 13.248 i 8-10 (rit. frag., NS), in a list of cultivated vegetables and herbs, see GIÅKIRI_.SAR ibid. 4, 14.

Ertem, Flora (1974) 49.

pipit_i see pipita.

pipue- v.; to invoke(?), summon(?); MH/MS(?).†

(In an invocation on an amulet:) _UTU-da nepißi pí-pu-et _IÍKUR nepißi pí-pu-e-et _ppa URUÓattußa KUR–YA (or: –ya) e_u "The Sungod has p.-ed you (i.e., some benevolent demon or deity) in the sky. The Stormgod has p.-ed (you) in the sky. Come back to Óattußa, my land (or: the land)" (In what follows certain sweet substances [honey, oil, etc.] commonly used in evocation-rituals are listed) KBo 8.66 obv. 1-4 ("Étiquette: invocation(?) en hittite barbare"; KBo 8 Inhaltsübersicht "Gebetsamulett?"), lines 2-4 translit. Otten, MDOG 87:24 n. 38.

per, parn- n. neut. (and com. used as erg.); 1. house, structure for habitation, 2. portion of a complex structure, 3. structure for other purposes, 4. household including both human members (family) and the total aggregate of property, 5. (in divination texts); from OS.

1. house, structure for habitation

a. dwelling of an ordinary person

1' associated w. other types of real property

2' construction

3' in other contexts

b. residence of a king and his family, palace

c. dwelling of a god, temple

1' writings

a' åiunaå parn- or åiunaå É

b' É DN

c' É + DINGIR-

2' construction or donation

3' maintenance

4' respect for temples

5' disrespect for and destruction of temples

6' divine images, possessions, and furnishings

7' personnel

8' activities

9' in myths

10' as home of a deity

d. structure to house animals

e. a model of a building

2. portion of a complex structure

3. structure for other purposes

a. royal or government buildings (É.ÆI.A B´L¨TIM)

b. work place, work area, shop, office

c. storehouse

d. other

4. household, family, totality of assets

a. composition of households

1' in general

2' master and/or mistress

b. establishing (iya-, eååa-) and dissolving households

c. donating or transferring households

d. obligations of households

e. punishment of households

f. the household in general

g. royal household

h. aggregate of property of all kinds, estate

1' of the king

2' of the queen

3' of others

5. (in divination texts)

a. (a part of the liver)

b. (as a token/symbol in a KIN oracle)

1' alone

2' in the expression parnaå _ååu

c. (location in a snake oracle)

sg. nom.-acc. É-er KBo 3.22 rev. 56, KUB 36.110 rev. 13 (both OS), KUB 30.10 rev. 14 (OH/MS), KUB 1.16 iii 18 (OH/NS), ABoT 65 rev. 5 (MH/MS), KUB 23.68 obv. 27 (MH/NS), KBo 4.8 ii 7 (Murå. II), KUB 21.38 i 10 (Æatt. III), KUB 26.43 rev. 17 (Tudæ. IV), É-r(a)- KBo 24.57 i 7, É-TUM KUB 23.68 obv. 27 (MH/NS), KBo 3.6 iii 67 (Æatt. III), KUB 4.10 obv. 10 (NH), É-TAM KBo 13.114 iv 12 (MH/NS), KUB 30.47 i 4, KUB 39.54 obv. 7 (both NH), KUB 46.40 obv. 11, É-TIM KBo 3.7 iv 25 (OH/NS), KBo 4.2 i 51 (pre-NH/NS), KUB 17.24 ii 4, É KBo 17.65 rev. 58 + ABoT 21 rev. 11 (MH/MS?), KUB 48.105 rev. 17, 18, KBo 4.14 iii 44 (NH).

nom. com. pár-na-aå KBo 10.45 i 8, iv 31, KUB 41.8 i 5 (both MH/NS).

erg. pár-na-an-za KUB 17.10 iv 9 (OH/MS), KUB 41.8 iv 30, 34 (MH/NS).

gen. pár-na-aå KUB 43.23 rev. 10, IBoT 2.121 obv. 17 (both OS), KBo 16.45 obv. 11 (MH/MS), KUB 32.137 ii 8 (MH/NS), KBo 22.55:4 (Tudæ. IV), KUB 5.1 i 96, 103 (NH), É-na-aå KBo 25.68 rev. 1 (OS), HT 4:17 (NS), É-aå KBo 17.13 rev.! 9 (OS), KUB 29.1 iii 41 (OH/NS), HT 1 i 55 (MH/NS), KUB 38.12 i 5, 7, KUB 49.78 ii 3 (both NH), pé-e-r[i-aå] KUB 51.56:4 (restored on the basis of dupl. É-aå KUB 29.1 iii 41), É-TIM KBo 5.1 ii 9 KBo 4.13 vi 25 (both NH), ÅA É-TIM KUB 43.23 rev. 45 (OS), SBo 2 obv. 7, KUB 24.13 iii 25 (MH/NS), HT 2 v 24, KBo 6.4 ii 24 (NH), É-TI KUB 38.2 ii 14, KUB 24.7 i 20 (both NH), ÅA É-TI KBo 2.6 i 35, KUB 22.27 iv 21 (both NH).

d.-l. pár-ni KBo 17.55 i 9 (OS), KUB 29.9 i 8 (OH/NS), KBo 15.33 ii 40 (MH/MS), KUB 13.4 ii 27 (pre-NH/NS), KBo 2.8 i 34 (NH), É-ni KUB 24.7 i 15 (NH), KUB 54.10 ii 11, KUB 57.1 obv. (5), É-er KBo 13.175 rev. 7 (OS), KBo 6.4 i 23 (NH), pé-e-ri KUB 51.56 rev. 4 (OH/NS), É-ri KBo 6.2 i 17, KBo 16.84:2 (both OS), KBo 3.1 ii 54 (OH/NS), KUB 15.32 i 44, 54, KUB 30.34 iv 10 (both MH/NS), KUB 42.100 iv 35 (Tudæ. IV), KUB 6.32:13, KUB 39.30 rev. 19 (both NH), É-i KBo 22.55:5 (Tudæ. IV), KUB 50.20 i 22 (NH)(?), É-i(å)(-) KBo 25.5:4 (OS), KBo 3.28:14 (OH/NS), INA É-TIM KBo 4.2 i 51, 65, ii 18 (pre-NH/NS), KUB 12.11 iv 15 (MH/NS), KBo 20.53 ii 6, KUB 12.57 i 10, INA É-TI KBo 4.2 ii 9 (pre-NH/NS), KUB 24.13 i 22 (MH/NS), ANA É-TIM KUB 29.52 i 5 (MH/MS), KBo 13.164 i 5 (OH/NS), KBo 4.2 i 57 (pre-NH/NS), ANA É-TI KUB 12.5 iv 19 (MH/ENS), KBo 4.2 ii 7
(pre-NH/NS), KBo 4.3 iv 39, 43 (Murå. II), KBo 11.1 rev. 7 (Muw. II).

all. pár-na KBo 6.2 i 2, 3, and passim, KUB 34.121 iv 7, KBo 25.109 ii 19 (all OS), KBo 8.35 i 14, IBoT 1.36 iii 61 (both MH/MS), KBo 5.1 iii 2, HT 7 iv 15 (both NH), É-na KBo 25.68 rev. 16 + KBo 17.13 rev. 8 (OS), KUB 17.6 i 27, KUB 29.1 i 19 (both OH/NS), KUB 41.21 i 17 (NH).

abl. pár-na-az KBo 25.176 obv. 5 (OH/NS), pár!-na-az KUB 20.54:5 (OH/NS), pár-na-za KUB 13.35 ii 40 (NH), KBo 22.234:2, É-er-za KBo 20.5 ii! 6 (OS), KBo 20.33 obv. 16 (OH/MS), KBo 10.45 iv 13 (MH/NS), KUB 8.50 ii 6, KUB 30.32 i 19 (both NH), É-az KBo 30.20 iii 3 (OS), KBo 17.74 ii 38, KBo 21.22:24 (both OH/MS), KBo 18.191 rev. 3, 5, KBo 18.192 rev. 3, 5 (both NH), É-za KUB 39.21 i 16, KUB 39.46:9, KUB 46.38 i 7 (all NH), IÅTU É-TIM KUB 46.30:4, KUB 11.10:9, KUB 52.98 ii 2, IÅTU É-TI KBo 13.29 ii 19 (NH).

pl. nom.-acc. É-er KUB 1.16 ii 66 (OH/NS), É-TUM KBo 5.7 obv. 26 (MH/MS), KUB 31.59 ii 32, KUB 38.12 i 7, É.ÆI.A-TUM KBo 5.7 rev. 40, 45 (MH/MS), É.ÆI.A-TIM KBo 5.7 rev. 31, 38 (MH/MS), KUB 33.10 ii 12 (OH/MS), É.MEÅ KBo 3.1 ii 13, KUB 29.1 iii 29, 37 (both OH/NS), KUB 30.51 iv 25 (NH), É.ÆI.A KBo 3.7 iv 25 (OH/NS), KBo 5.7 rev. 7, KUB 14.1 rev. 71, KUB 36.118:4 (all MH/MS), KBo 16.65 i 7, KUB 12.40 rt. col. 9 (both NH).

gen. É.MEÅ-na-aå KBo 10.6 i 12 (NH), ÅA É.MEÅ KBo 4.1 i 14 (NH).

d.-l. pár-na-aå KBo 17.65 rev. 31 (MH/MS?), KBo 21.34 i 60, KUB 7.41 i 13 (both MH/NS), KUB 7.29 obv. 19 (NH), KBo 11.14 iv 20, É-na-aå KBo 23.103 i 18, KUB 20.1 ii 33 (NH), É-aå KBo 17.65 obv. 49 + ABoT 25 obv. 27 (MH/MS?), É.ÆI.A- KUB 43.57 iv 18 (MH/NS), ANA É-TI KUB 31.51 rev. 9, ANA É.MEÅ KUB 7.13 obv. 23, ANA É.ÆI.A KUB 29.4 iii 27, 36 (NH).

abl. IÅTU É.MEÅ IBoT 1.13 v? 6, IÅTU É.ÆI.A KBo 20.33 obv. 5 (OH?/MS).

É construed w. gen. (other than DN, GN, PN): É UN¨T MUNUS.LUGAL KBo 20.7 rev.(?) 5 (OS), É MUNUS.
LUGAL KBo 5.7 rev. 8, É B´LI KBo 15.10 i 12 (both MH/MS), É LÚ-LIM KBo 13.34 iv 5 (NH).

É w. Akk. poss. pron. KBo 25.5:3 (OS), KBo 6.3 iii 10 (OH/NS), KUB 1.16 iii 45 (OH/NS), KBo 16.25 iii 12 (MH/MS), KBo 4.10 rev. 10 (NH).

É in pl. w. Akk. poss. pron. É.MEÅ KBo 3.1 ii 57 (OH/NS), KUB 13.8:4 (MH/NS), KUB 13.4 i 52 (pre-NH/NH), KUB 32.133 iv 4 (Murå. II), É.ÆI.A KBo 6.2 ii 60 (OS), KUB 11.1 i 20 (OH/NS), KUB 15.42 ii 12 (MH/NS).

The gen. per[iaå] (w. -i-, as opposed to *peraå) must be compared w. kardi(y), the gen. of ÅÀ-er (*ker) "heart" based upon the stem kard(i)- (HAB 93-96). Other oblique forms of "heart" show the stem kard- without the -i- stem extension. Although oblique cases of "house" include several from the stem per(i)-: abl. É-er-za, loc. É-ri and gen. pé-e-r[i-aå], no oblique forms of "heart" show the stem *ker. Laroche, RHA XXIII/76:52, mentions without citation a nom.-acc. pí-ir. No such form is found in the CHD files. pí-ir åa-aæ-æa-na-aå KBo 5.7 rev. 29, cited by Hrozny_, SH 60 as Bo 2004, is a single word, cf. parzaæanna-, q.v. In IBoT 2.131 obv. 27 read pí-<e->er, "they gave." For the possibility that É.GAL-ni in KUB 20.88 rev. 7 is to be read parni, see HAB 111, and below 1 b. On the optional use of a gram. pl. in reference to a single building, see Güterbock, CRRAI 19:308, and StBoT 29:171f.

(Akk.) u É SIG_ umtalli KBo 10.1 obv. 10 = (Hitt.) nu É-ermit _ååauit åar_ åunnaææun "And I filled up my house with goods" KBo 10.2 i 20-21 (bil. ann. of Æatt. I, OH/NS), ed. Saporetti, SCO 14:77, 80 (Akk.), Imparati, SCO 14:44f. (Hitt.); (Hattic) an-na eå-ka-a-æe-er-bi ta-ba-ar-na-[an? ka-at-te-e?] le-e-waa-e-el = (Hitt.) m_nat tapariyawenima l[abarnaå LUGA]L-waå É-er "But when we govern the house of Labarna, the king" KUB 2.2 ii 45-46, 48-49 (rit., OH/NS), ed. HHB 66f.; (Hattic) bi-e-wii-il iå-bi-e-el ta-aå-te-e-ta-nu-u-åi = (Hitt.) idaluåwakan UN-aå É-ri anda lË uizzi "Let no evil person enter the house" ibid. iii 40-41, 43-44, ed. HHB 72f.; (Hattic) Eå-ta-a-an-æu le-e-wee-e-el a-an-te-eæ = (Hitt.) nuza _UTU-uå É-er-åe-et wetet "The Sungod built a house for himself" KBo 37.1 obv. 6-7 (rit.), ed. Kammenhuber, RHA XX/70:2-4 (as 2121/c++).

Note also the alternation of É and syll. writings in zik am~
É-na lË uwaåi uga tuel pár-na UL uwami "Don’t you come to my house; I will not come to your house" KUB 29.1 i 19-20 (rit., OH/NS), ed. Kellerman, Diss. 11, 25, Marazzi, VO 5:148f., and cf. the sim. addresses to a magic figure of a watch-dog in a rit.: nuwakan UD.KAM-az maææan damain an~
tuæåan pár-na-aå anda UL tarnaåi keti
mawakan GE_-anti kallar uttar anda lË tarnatti "As during the day you do not allow a strange person into the house, tonight do not allow in an ill-omened word" KBo 4.2 i 24-26 (pre-NH/NS), and nuwarat EGIR-pa INA É-TIM lË tarnaåi "Do not allow it back into the house" ibid. ii 21. Finally, see the various writings parnaå-aå _ååu/SIG_/ÅE in 5 b 2' below.

1. house, structure for habitation — a. dwelling of an ordinary person — 1' associated w. other types of real property: takku LÚ-aå damËdani A.ÅÀ A.GÀR anda aki takkuELLAM A.ÅÀ A.GÀR É 1 MA.NA 20 GÍN KÙ.BABBAR–ya p_i "[I]f a man is killed on someone else’s field, if he (the victim is) a free man, he (the owner) will give fields, a house and 1 mina 20 shekels of silver" KBo 6.4 i 9-10 (NH par. law §IV), ed. HG 50f., tr. ANET 189, TUAT 1.1:98; (If someone performs a purificatory rite and does not dispose properly of the ritual materials) [(takk)]uat A.ÅÀ-ni naåma pár-ni kuelga pËdai "if he carries them to someone’s field or house, (it is sorcery and a case for the king)" KBo 6.3 ii 56 (Laws §44b, OH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 6.5 iv 19, ed. HG 30f., tr. ANET 191, TUAT 1.1:104; DUMU.MEÅ LUGAL–ma kue~
[åe]r æarkiåkantari UL ANA É.MEÅ–ÅUNU A.ÅÀ.ÆI.A–ÅUNU
GIÅKIRI_.GEÅTIN.ÆI.A–ÅUNU [KISL]AÆ.ÆI.A–ÅUNU SAG.GÉME.ÌR.MEÅ–ÅUNU GUD.ÆI.A–ÅUNU UDU.ÆI.A–ÅUNU "But why are the princes being killed? Is it not for the sake of their houses, lands, vineyards, threshing floors, servants, cattle and sheep?" KBo 3.1 ii 56-58 (, OH/NS); 6 kapunu A.ÅÀ 1 kapunu GIÅKIRI_.
GÉME.ÌR[.MEÅ] "Six kapunu of fields, one kapunu of vineyards, a house and threshing floor, three houses of/for domestic servants"
KBo 3.7 iv 24-26 (Illuy., OH/NS), ed. Beckman, JANES 14:17, 20; GIÅTIR É-TUM KISLAÆ "grove/orchard, house, threshing-floor" KBo 19.32:3 (land grant); […] QADU É–ÅU A.ÅÀ–ÅU GIÅKIRI_.GEÅTIN–ÅU "Together with his house, field (and) vineyard" KUB 23.68 rev. 28 (treaty, MH/NS), ed. Kempinski/Koåak, WO 5:198f.; cf. KUB 26.41 obv. 16; nuåma[åkan kË] NˆÅ DINGIR-LIM åumenzan SAG.DU.MEÅ–KUNU QADU DAM.
ÆI.A–KUNU GUD.ÆI.A–KUNU UDU.ÆI.A–KUNU [QADU MIMMUKUNUya] kattan aræa <æarninkandu> "May these oath deities destroy your persons, together with your wives, children, brothers, sisters, relatives, houses, lands, villages, vineyards, threshing floors, cattle, sheep and (all) your possessions"
KBo 5.3 iv 36-40 (Æuqq., Åupp.I), ed. SV 2:134-136, tr. DiplTexts 29 ("households"); kinunaååikan ap_t É-er GIÅKIRI_.GEÅTIN–ya ar[æa] lË kuitki tatti "Now you shall not in any way take that house and vineyard aw[ay] from him" Msk. 73.1097:17-19, cf. 6-8 (letter, NH).

2' construction (cf. in general THeth 12): [(takku)] LÚ-aå ELLUM É-er lukkizzi É-er [EG]IR-pa we~
"If a free man sets fire to a house, he will rebuild the house"
KBo 6.3 iv 52 (Laws §98, OH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 6.2 iv 53 (OS), ed. HG 48f., tr. ANET 193, TUAT 1.1:112, cf. KBo 6.3 iv 55, w. par. KBo 6.2 iv 55 (Laws §99); 5 ÅEÅ.MEÅ–ÅU nuåmaå É.MEÅ taggaåta p_nduwaz aåandu nuwaza azzikkandu akkuåkandu id_lumaåmaåkan lË ku[itki] taggaååi "(Æuzziya) had five brothers. (Telipinu) built (taggaåta) houses for them, saying: ‘Let them dwell there, eat and drink, and let no one harm them in any way’" KBo 3.1 ii 13-15 (, OH/NS), ed. Chrest. 186f., Josephson, Part. 247, Hoffner in Unity and Diversity 54, THeth 11:28f. ("teilte er Häuser zu"); attime É-erza wetet nat marnan parqanut palæaåtimaat 9-an æaåt_i DÙ-at "O my father! You built yourself a house and made it (as) high (as) a marnan. In width you made it nine ‘bones’" KBo 12.70 rev.! 10-11 (bil. wisdom, NH), ed. Laroche, Ugar. 5:782; cf. -mi- e 2' a', marnan A, and parganu-. Examination of the attestations of parn-/per/É reveals that a Hitt. building could include the following structural elements: foundations (åa~
KBo 6.10 ii 22, KUB 29.1 iii 21, KUB 13.2 ii 17, KBo 32.14 rev. 46), wall (kutt-, KUB 29.4 iv 24), floor (da~
KUB 9.15 iii 5-8), threshold (GIÅkattaluzzi-, KUB 13.4 iii 5), four corners (4 æalæaltumari KBo 4.2 i 29, 34, KBo 4.1 i 14), floorboards (GIÅæuimpa-, KBo 24.45 obv. 22), doorway (KÁ, VBoT 56 obv. 7), door (GIÅIG, KBo 6.10 ii 17-18, w. dupl. KUB 29.28:8), a door bolt (GIÅæattalwaå GIÅ-ru KBo 4.2 i 30, 35), window (GIÅluttai-, KUB 17.6 i 23), roof (åuææa-, KBo 10.6 i 12; KUB 9.15 iii 8), beams (GIÅÙR.ÆI.A, KUB 15.42 iii 24), inner chamber (tunnakkeååar/É.ÅÀ, KBo 23.23:(63)), court (æila-, KBo 23.23:63), pillar(?) (åaræuli- KUB 7.2 i 13), hearth/brazier (æaååa- KBo 6.2 i 54-55, KUB 17.10 i 6, iv 22), and gate structure (æilammar KBo 17.15 rev.! 12). For disc. of architectural terms, see THeth 12 passim.

3' in other contexts: _takku LÚ±-an ELLAM tapeåni appan[(zi andaå)]an pár-na _n_wi paizzi± "If a free man is seized at the outset (of a break-in), (when) he has not yet entered the house (he shall pay 12 shekels of silver)" KBo 6.3 iv 35-36 (Laws §93, OH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 6.2 iv 37 (OS), ed. HG 46f., tr. ANET 193, TUAT 1.1:111, Hoffner in LawColl 228; takku GIÅIG åullannaz kui[åki] tayËzzi kuit kuit (var. adds É-ri andan) æarkzi tat åarnikzi "If some[one] steals a door as the result of a quarrel, he shall replace whatever is lost (dupl. adds: in the house)" KBo 6.10 ii 17-18 (Laws §127, OH/NS), w. dupl. KUB 29.28:8, ed. HG 68f., tr. ANET 194, TUAT 1.1:115; takku DˆN LU[GA]L kuiåki æ„llazzi É–SU pup[u]lli kÏåa "If someone rejects the verdict of the king, his house will become a ruin(?)" KBo 6.26 ii 11-12 (Laws §173, OH/NS), ed. HG 76f., tr. ANET 195 ("his house shall be made a shambles"), TUAT 1.1:119; takku LÚ- MUNUS-an ÆUR.SAG-i Ëpzi LÚ-naå waåtul naå aki takku É-rima Ëpzi MUNUS-naå waåtaiå MUNUS-za aki "If a man takes a woman (sexually) in the mountain, it is the man’s sin, and he shall die. But if he takes (her) in (her) house, it is the woman’s sin — she shall die" KBo 6.26 iv 6-8 (Laws §197, OH/NS), ed. HG 86f., tr. ANET 196, TUAT 1.1:123, cf. comments in Hoffner, Diss. 239, 269; takku LÚ- DAM–ÅU d_i na[(n pár-naåå)a] pËæutezzi iwaruååi[(taz)] anda pËd_i takku MUNUS-za [(a)piya aki] takku [a]ddaå É-[(ri aki)] "If a man takes a wife and conducts her to his house, he takes her dowry along too. If the woman [should die] t[here], …. If she should die in the house of (her) father, …" KBo 6.5 ii 4-9 (Laws §27, OH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 6.3 ii 1-4 (OH/NS), ed. HG 24f., tr. ANET 190, TUAT 1.1:101f., cf. AlHeth 33; "What have I done to my god" numu É–YA inani peran pittuliyaå É-er kiåat "so that from sickness my house has become a house (full) of anguish?" KUB 30.10 rev. 14 (prayer, OH/MS), ed. Lebrun, Hymnes 114, 117, Güterbock, JNES 33:326, nu A a 1' c' 1'', tr. ANET 401; GIÅlutt_uå kammar_å IŒBAT É-er tuææuiå [IŒBAT] "Mist seized the windows; smoke [seized] the house" KUB 17.10 i 5 (Tel. myth, OH/MS), translit. Myth 37, tr. ANET 128, Hittite Myths 14; cf. also (When the god returned and cared for his land) GIÅluttai kammaraå tarnaå É-er tuææuiå tarnaå "mist released the windows, smoke released the house" ibid iv 21, ed. Hittite Myths 17; [(takk)]ukan antuwaææaå INA É–ÅU an~
dan paizzi
"If a man enters his house"
KUB 29.9 i 4 (omen, OH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 34.129:7, ed. Güterbock, AfO 18:79, and pai- A 1 j 4' b' (partially); B´LU-uååan B´LIYA ammel ANA É–YA IGI.ÆI.A-wa æark nat lË dammiåæiåkanzi "O lord, please, my lord, keep an eye on my house, and let them not harm it" HKM 52:25-28 (letter, MH/MS), ed. Alp, Or NS 59:109f., HBM 216f. | the form B´LU-uå does not permit a reading w. iåæa- "lord." Since the person addressed is not the king (æaååuå), perhaps the Akk. word bËlu itself was read together w. a Hitt. ending; (The incantation priest says:) "The ram mounts the ewe, and she becomes pregnant" k_ååaza URU-az pár-na-an-za-aå-åa (two ergatives, for which the var. gives nom. com. URU-aå pár-na-aå) [(UD)]U.A.
LUM DÙ-ru nu LÍL-ri GE_-in KI-an argaru "Let this town and house become a ram, and in the steppe let it mount the Dark Earth (so that the latter will become pregnant with the blood, pollution, and evil)"
KUB 41.8 iv 30-31 (rit., MH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 10.45 iv 31-32, ed. Otten, ZA 54:138f.; m_n pitteantanma kuiåki munnaizzi nan INA É–ÅU wemiyanzi "But if someone hides a fugitive, and they find him in his house" KUB 8.81 ii 13-15 (treaty, MH/MS), ed. Götze, ZA 36:11f., Petschow, ZA 55:242f., del Monte, OA 20:217; (Concerning your greetings to Æattuåili and Armaziti, they are not here. Æattuåili has driven to Æattuåa) m.dSÎN-LÚ-inna INA É–ÅU tarner "and they let Arma-ziti (go) to his house/home" ABoT 65 obv. 9-10 (letter, MH/MS), ed. Rost, MIO 4:345f.; see also IBoT 1.36 i 12-13 (instr., MH/MS), ed. AS 24:6f.; m_nkan ÅÀ URU-LIMma É DINGIR-LIM É LUGAL UL kuitki Ëåzi nuåmaå É MAÅ.EN.KAK kuitki åeåæanzi natkan par_ åanæanzi "But if in a city there is absolutely no temple (or) royal structure (lit., house of the king, see 1 b 1'), then they requisition for themselves some commoner’s (lit. poor man’s) house, and they sweep it out (and carry out the ritual)" KUB 9.15 iii 17-20 (instr., NH), tr. SV 1:45 (partially); (The priest Æutarli testifies that his father had possessed two divine images of precious metal) nuwarza INA É DINGIR-LIM åippanzakit kinunmawaza „k INA É–YA BAL-kimi "He used to make offering (to them) in the temple, but now I make offering in my house" KUB 38.37 iii 10-12 (depos., NH), ed. StBoT 4:56f.; (Nunnu was an official in Arzawa) KÙ.BABBAR–y[a KÙ.G]I natta udai kuit wemiezzi apaååa [(pár-)]na-aå-åa pittaizzi "He does not bring the gold and silver (i.e., state revenues). (Instead), he carries off to his house that which he finds" KBo 3.34 i 11-12 (anecdotes, OH/NS), w. dupl. KUB 36.104 obv. 9-10 (OS), ed. Kümmel, StBoT 3:162, cf. piddai- B 1 a 1', tr. Jasink, Mesopotamia 13-14:215 n. 15 ("egli corre a casa sua"), this ex. might also belong under mng. 4; m_nåmaå ABI pár-naåma tarnai "When my father (the king) lets you go to your house(s)" KBo 22.1:21-22 (instr., OS), ed. Archi, FsLaroche 46f.; Ït–[waza] eku nuza ninqa nuza pár-na-aå-åa(sic) iya[n]ni«å» "Go, drink, get drunk and go to your (text: his) house" KUB 24.8 ii 6-7 (Tale of Appu, pre-NH/NS), ed. StBoT 14:6f.; cf. ibid. i 24-25, ii 10-11; (After various practitioners complete a ritual) nuza apËya INA É.MEÅ–ÅUNU aræa p_nzi "Then they go off to their houses" KUB 32.133 iv 3-4 (rit., NH), cf. Kronasser, Schw.Gotth. 59 ("man geht nach Hause"); nza aræa INA É–ÅU paizzi KUB 29.4 ii 39 (rit., NH), ed. Kronasser, Schw.Gotth. 18f. ("geht heim in sein Haus"); cf. KUB 27.29 i 15 (rit., NH); (The mortal Æupaåiya was settled in a house away from his family by the goddess Inara, who then went on a trip) m_n _Inaraååa gimraz EGIR-[(pa u)]it apaååa wËågauan d_iå [(_)]ppawamu É-na tarna "When Inara returned from the countryside, he (Æupaåiya) began to whine: ‘Let me (go) back home (lit., to the house)’" KUB 17.6 i 25-27 (Illuy., OH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 3.7 ii 7-8, ed. Beckman, JANES 14:14, 19, translit. Myth 8, tr. Hittite Myths 12; ÅU.PIÅ URUUrma URU-ri _raå nkan INA É–ÅU an[d]a pait nzakan GIÅÅÚ.A-ki eåat "The fisherman arrived at the city Urma, went into his house, and sat down on a chair" KUB 24.7 iv 42-43 (tale of the fisherman and foundling), ed. Friedrich, ZA 49:232f., tr. Hittite Myths 66; (In the course of a ritual there is a hiatus:) m_naå pár-nama _ppa uizzi "But when she comes back home (then she performs a ceremony with an eya-tree) KUB 27.67 iii 67 (rit., MH/NS), tr. ANET 348 ("when she comes home").

b. dwelling of a king and his family, palace: cf. KBo 10.2 i 20-21 in bil. sec.; Labarnaå É-er-åe-et tuåkarattaå æaååaååaå æanzaååaååaå neååan NApËruni wetan appaliyallaåa É[-erået] karaitti pËran w[etan] "The house of the Labarna is one of joy, (and) of his offspring to the third generation (i.e., it will last for generations). It is built on rock but the misguided/deceived one’s (i.e., the fool’s) house [is] bu[ilt] in the path of the flood" KUB 36.110 iii 13-18 (benedictions for Labarna, OS), ed. Forrer, MAOG 4:32, Laroche, RHA XI/53:69, Hoffner, AlHeth 20; æuittiwa nammama DUMU.DUMU.MEÅ–ÅU LUGAL-waå pár-na luttiya "Furthermore draw his grandchildren to a window of the king’s house (i.e., palace)" KUB 29.1 ii 11-12 (rit., OH/NS), ed. Kellerman, Diss. 13, 27, and Marazzi, VO 5:152f., tr. ANET 357; [DUB.]1-PI m_n
LUGAL-uå É-TAM wete[zzi] "First [tab]let, when the king build[s] a palace"
KUB 30.47 i 4 (cat., NH), ed. CTH pp. 183f.; (The lands of Mira and Kuwaliya I gave back to Maåæuiluwa) nuååi É ABIÅU GIÅGU.ZA [ABIÅUya] EGIR-pa ADDIN "and I gave back to him the palace of his father [and] the throne [of his father]. Furthermore I made him lord to the land of Mira" KBo 4.7 + KBo 22.38 i 19-21 (Kup., Murå. II), ed. (without join) SV 1:108f., tr. DiplTexts 69; nu _UTU-ÅI µEN-urtan QADU É–ÅU U KUR–ÅU aræa æarninkun ÅARRUTTAÅUmaååikan GIÅGU.ZA–ÅU É–SU KUR–SUya kuit daliyanun nat ANA µAbiradda peææun "And I, My Majesty, destroyed EN-urta together with his palace and his land. But such kingship, throne, palace, and land as I left him — that I gave to Abiradda" KBo 3.3 ii 1-4 (edict, NH), ed. Klengel, Or NS 32:35, 41; (If you, Ulmi-Teååub, should violate this treaty) nuttakkan k„å LIM DINGIR.MEÅ QADU SAG.DU–KA DAM–KA DUMU.MEÅ–KA KUR–KA É–KA KISLAÆ–KA KIRI_–KA A.ÅÀ A.GÀR–KA GUD.MEÅ–KA UDU.ÆI.A–KA MIMMUKA aræa æarninkandu "May these thousand gods destroy you including your person, your wife, your children, your land, your palace (lit. house), your threshing-floor, your garden, your fields, your cattle, your sheep, (and all your other) possessions" KBo 4.10 + 1548/u rev. 6-7 (treaty, Æatt. III or Tudæ. IV), ed. THeth 38:44f., translit. Otten/Rüster, ZA 63:86; cf. ibid. rev. 9-10; DUB.1.KAM INA É LUGAL P¸NI _Zitæariya GAR-ri DUB.1.KAM–ma µ._LAMMA- KUR URU.dU-taååa INA É–ÅU æarzi "One tablet (i.e., copy of the treaty) is deposited in the king’s house before Zitæariya; and Kurunta has one tablet in his house in the land of Taræuntaååa" Bronze Tablet iv 50-51.

Although the usual word for "(residential) palace" was (É)æalentuwa-, q.v., the building could also be referred to simply as the king’s "house," parn-/per. In addition, despite the basic distinction established by Güterbock, CRRAI 19:306f., between the Sumerogram É.GAL as "palace fiscus," and É LUGAL as "estate of the king," there are occasions when the writings are employed interchangeably — see Archi, OA 12:212. Because of this uncertainty, and in order to present the material to the user without prejudice, É LUGAL will be given a separate entry in the Sumerographic sec.; cf. also É _UTU-åi "House of His Majesty" HKM 31:13 (letter, MH/MS); HKM 34:8 (letter, MH/MS), HKM 101:3 (MH/MS); m_n LUGAL-uå MUNUS.LUGAL-aååa taranzi ta DUMU.MEÅ-an pár-na paimi "If the king and queen say (so), then I go to the House of the Princes; (If they do not say so, then I do not go)" KBo 17.1 iv 11 (rit., OS), ed. StBoT 8:32f., cf. ibid. iii 17.

c. dwelling of a god, temple — 1' writings — a' wr. åiunaå parn- or åiunaå É: åiunaå É-az 3 GIÅzalu~
waniuå udanzi
t EGIR-pa ANA É DINGIR-LIM pËdanzi "They bring three zalwani’s from the god’s house … and they carry them back to the god’s house" KBo 17.74 ii 38-40 (OH/MS), ed. StBoT 12:22f.; DA[M] GUDU/¤ andan åiunaå É-ri åa[(ræul)]iyaå per[(an arta)] "The wife of the GUDU/¤ priest stands inside, in the god’s house, in front of the åaræuli" KBo 17.15 rev.! 13 (fest., OS), w. dupls. KBo 17.40 iv 7 (OH/MS?), KBo 20.125 iii? 4-5, ed. Haas/Wäfler, UF 8:82f., translit. StBoT 25:73; cf. rev.! 3; 1 IM.GÍD.DA m_n LUGAL- DINGIR-uå kiåari nu INA KUR URUZalp_ GIM-an åiunaå pár-na-aå aniyatti newaææanzi "One ‘long tablet’ (entitled) ‘If the king becomes a god (i.e., dies), how they renew the regalia of the god’s house in the land of Zalpa’" IBoT 2.130 rev. 1-5 (rit. colophon, NS), ed. HTR 92f., cf. HW™ 1:89; cf. KUB 56.46 vi 17-18 (OH/NS), translit. StBoT 25:103.

b' wr. É DN: nu É _IÅTARD]udæaliyaå DUMU–YA ¬tapardu "Let my son Tudæaliya govern the house of _IÅTAR" KUB 1.1 iv 77-78 (Apol. of Æatt. III), ed. StBoT 24:28f. For other exx., see below sub c 2', c 6', c 8', c 10', etc. The following are some of the DNs attested in the É + DN construction: É _Allani KUB 32.128 i 25, É _Aåæaluga KBo 2.4 i 17, É _Aåkaåipa KBo 10.20 iii 23, É DINGIR.GE_ KUB 29.4 i 4, É _É.A KUB 10.5 vi 9, KBo 9.140 ii 22, É _Æalkiaå/_NISABA KUB 26.9 i 18, ABoT 14 iii 10, 21, KBo 10.20 i 33, É _Æal~
KBo 3.22:57, É _Æannu KBo 10.20 ii 40, É _Æaåkalan KUB 53.14 ii 2, É _Æebat KUB 30.31 + KUB 32.114 iv 21, 36, É _Inar KBo 20.33 obv. 13, É _Iåæara KUB 32.128 i 24, É _IÅTAR KUB 1.1 iv 77, É <_>Kataææa Bo 3117 ii 6 (in Alp, Tempel 238), KUB 58.61 i 2, É _kuråaå KBo 14.76 i 13, É _LAMMA URUÆa[tti …] KUB 51.26 rt. 15, É _Lelwani KUB 13.35 i 8, É _MADANIM KUB 4.47 obv. 24, É DINGIR.MAÆ KBo 10.20 iii 19, É _Maliya KBo 15.49 iv 10, ABoT 14 iv 6, É _Mezzulla KBo 10.2 i 13, 40, É _Nupatig KBo 20.114 i 11, 22, É _Parga KBo 10.27 v 9, É _Åarrumma KUB 41.48 iv 5, É _Te~
KUB 52.14 ii 7, É _Teteåæapi KBo 21.100 rev. 12, É _UTU URUArinna KBo 10.2 i 37, É _ZA.BA›.BA› KBo 4.9 i 11, 1 É DINGIR-LIM ÅA _ZA.BA›.BA› KUB 42.100 iii 12, É _ZAR[PANITIM] KUB 4.47 obv. 24, É _Ziparwa KBo 10.20 ii 14, 25, É _Zi[tæariya] KBo 22.228:13, 16.

c' wr. É + DINGIR: É DINGIR-LIM: KBo 25.17 i 4 (OS), KUB 30.42 iv 22 (NH), KUB 13.4 iii 25, 34 (pre-NH/NS); É DINGIR-LUM: AT 454 i 4 (NH); w. phonetic compl., perhaps gen.: uncert. […]É DINGIR-LIM-aå kui[t] SI_SÁ-tat "What […] in/of(?) the temple(s?) was determined" KBo 23.114 obv. 7; ÅA! É DINGIR-LIM-aå(-)åa-a[n??…] (over eras.) KUB 11.30 iii 19 | these are the only attested exx. of possible phonetic Hitt. complementation w. this Sumerogram, and the reading of each is questionable; É.MEÅ DINGIR-LIM: KUB 6.45 i 22 (Muw. II); É.MEÅ DINGIR.MEÅ: KUB 13.4 iii 10, 17 (pre-NH/NS), KUB 14.14 rev. 4 (Murå. II), KUB 6.45 iii 24 (Muw. II), KUB 21.17 ii 7 (Æatt. III), KBo 20.90:2, 6 (Tudæ. IV); É DINGIR.MEÅ: KUB 30.34 iv 3, 4, 8 (MH/NS), KUB 18.41 obv. 19, KBo 12.132 obv. 3, KBo 24.117 left col. 3, KUB 17.21 i 7 (MH/MS); É.ÆI.A DINGIR.MEÅ: 1852/u:14 (Alp, Tempel, 366f.), KUB 15.42 ii 32 (MH/NS).

As in some other ancient Near Eastern cultures (cf. Akk. bÏt ili, bÏt DN), the temple, as the dwelling of a deity, was referred to simply as the "house" or the "house of the god" (åiunaå parn-/per). Ideographically, it was wr. É DINGIR-LIM or É plus divine name. Cf. the writing É _LAMMA in KBo 22.189 ii 3 w. _Inaraå pár-na in ii 8 of the same text. Ékarimmi-, given in HW 270 as the reading of É DINGIR-LIM, is probably not strictly equivalent to the Sumerogram. See Güterbock, CRRAI 20:125, and Starke, ZA 69:97 n. 109. Writings of the pl. of É
DINGIR(-LIM) as É.ÆI.A DINGIR(-LIM/.MEÅ) or É.MEÅ DINGIR.MEÅ/DINGIR-LIM show that the customary connected transcription É.DINGIR-LIM (as one word) is incorrect. Only the differing status of the owner of the per "house" — ordinary person, ruler, or god — requires the differing translations "house," "palace," or "temple";
see Naumann in Bittel, Yaz™ 124; cf. also É.KUR.RA HZL p. 189.

2' construction or donation: É _Æalmaåuittaå É _IM-naå [(B´LIYA U É _Åiunaåummiå ABNI)] KASKAL-za kuit _ååu utaææ[un … (apËdanda æaliååiyanun)] "I built the temple of Æalmaåuitt, the temple of the Stormgod, my lord, and the temple of Åiunaåummi. I decorated [them] with goods that I brough[t] from the campaign" KBo 3.22 rev. 57-58 (hist., OS), w. rest. of ungrammatical _Åiunaåummiå from late copy KUB 26.71 i 6-7, cf. -mi- a 1', ed. StBoT 18:14f.; m_n É [DINGIR-LI]M! G[IBI]L naåma É.MEÅ GIBIL.MEÅ dammeli pedi wedanzi "When they build a new [temp]le(!) or new houses on virgin soil" KBo 4.1 i 1 (rit., NH), ed. Kellerman, Diss. 126, 134; k_åa kË kue É DINGIR-LIM tuk ANA DINGIR-LIM wetummen nuwarat UL anz_å wetummen DINGIR.MEÅ–yawarat æ„manteå weter "These temples which we have just built for you, the deity … it is not we who built them; all of the gods built them" KBo 4.1 obv. 28-30, (foundation rit., NH), w. dupl. KUB 2.2 i 33-37, ed. Kellerman, Diss. 128, 135, cf. KBo 4.1 obv. 1, ed. 1 a 2', above, and ibid. obv. 11-13; p_nzikan ANA DINGIR-LIM GIBIL É DINGIR-LIM URUKÙ.BABBAR-åi åer wedanzi "They will build a temple for the new deity up in Æattuåa" KUB 50.89 ii 15-16 (oracle question, NH); URUTaram<me>qa _ZA.
SANGA DÙ-wen "The city of Taram<me>qa: (its deity is) Zababa; (the cultic equipment is:) a divine image … We have made a new temple (and) a priest for him" KUB 38.1 i 4, 9 (cult inv., NH), tr. Rost, MIO 8:178; uizzimazakan m_n apËz IÅTU É DINGIR.GE_ par_ tamai É DINGIR.GE_ wetezzi "If in addition to that temple of the Night Deity he proceeds to build another temple of the Night Deity" KUB 29.4 i 2-4 (rit.), ed. Schw.Gotth. 6f. (differently); cf. also KUB 29.4 + KBo 24.86 iii 17 (rit., NH), ed. Schw.Gotth. 22f. (without join); 2 T_UPPU m_n É DINGIR-LIM GIBIL wedan[zi] "Two tablets — Whenever one build[s] a new temple" KUB 30.45 + HSM 3644 iii 3 (shelf list, NH), ed. CTH pp. 160f.; 1 É DINGIR-LIM ú-e-tan_ SANGA–kan watkut "One temple is built. The priest has fled" KBo 2.1 ii 30-31 (cult inv., NH), ed. Carter, Diss. 54, 64, 4 É DINGIR-LIM wedan "Four temples (are) built" ibid. i 26, cf. ibid. i 26, ii 7, 18, 38, 44, iii 5, 11, 19, 32, 41, and iv 14-15 (É [DINGIR-LIM] nawi ú-e-da-an); nudduza paizzi DINGIR-LAM DÙ-zi nutta pËdan æinkzi nutta É-er p_i "He will make you his own deity. He will allot you a place, he will give you a house/temple. (He will give you servants and cattle)" KUB 7.5 i 19-20 (rit., MH?/NS), ed. Hoffner, AuOr 5:273, 277, tr. ANET 349, cf. peda- (n.) a 2' a'; nammazakan _LIÅ URUÅamuæi ANA P¸N ÅEÅ–YA åarraææun nuååi É.MEÅ DINGIR.MEÅ INA URUUrikina iyanun "Then during the reign of my brother I ‘divided’ Åauåga of Åamuæa, and I made (new) temples for her in Urikina" KUB 21.17 ii 5-8 (indictment, Æatt. III), ed. Lebrun, Samuha 145, 148; _U URULiæzina DINGIR-LIM-tar kinun EGIR-pa DÙ-er É DINGIR-LIMåi weter "The Stormgod of Liæzina: now they have made a divine emblem/statue again, they built a temple for him" KUB 38.12 ii 6-7 (cult inv.); 2 TAPAL É.MEÅ DINGIR.MEÅ GIBIL-TIM ÅA _U AN-E _UTU URUTÚL-na weter "They built two new sets (of) temples (each having cellas) for the Stormgod of Heaven and the Sungoddess of Arinna" ibid. ii 14-15, ed. Rost, MIO 8:200; cf. ibid. iii 13; 1 É DINGIR-LIM µ._SÎN-LÚ wedai "Arma-ziti is building one temple" KBo 12.56 i 8 (cult inv., NH).

3' maintenance: m_n É DINGIR-LIMya kuitki zappiyatta nat auriyaå EN-aå MAÅKIM.
KIya EGIR-pa SIG_-aææandu "And if some temple has a leaky roof, let the commander of the border district and the city inspector (Akk. r_biœ _li) repair it" KUB 13.2 ii 37-39 (instr., MH/NS), ed. Dienstanw. 46, cf. m_n 10 a 2'; nukan É DINGIR-LIM par_ åanæanzi daganzipuå tattar_nzi nu É DINGIR-LIM andurza araæza æarniyanzi åuææuå zappiyaz paæåanuwanzi "They will clean out the temple and sweep(?) the floors. They will sprinkle the temple inside (and) out. They will keep the roofs from leaking" KUB 9.15 iii 5-8 (instr., NH); cf. KUB 56.48 i 18; nukan É DINGIR-LIM p[ar_] åanæanzi papparåanzi "They clean out (and) sprinkle the temple" KUB 31.113:12-13 (instr.?), ed. KN 130f.; (At the conclusion of a ceremony) naåta GIÅBANÅUR.ÆI.A aræa åanæanzi É-rakan P¸NI DINGIR-LIM åanæanzi nu æaååuå INA æuååulli iåæuw[anzi] "They clean off the tables, and clean the temple before the deity. Then [they] pou[r] out the ashes in the garbage dump" KBo 24.57 i 6-8 (rit.) | this is the text that clarifies the mng. of æa-aå-åu-uå in KUB 31.100 rev. 10, mistakenly taken as the nom. sg. of "king" by Güterbock in Oriens 10:353; and[am]az[a p]aæ~
[u]enaååa uddanÏ mekki naææanteå Ëåten naåta [m]_n [INA] É DINGIR-LIM EZEN› nu IZI mekki paææaåten maææan[–ma] GE_-[a]nza kÏåa naåta paææur kuit ANA GUNNI _åzi natka[n] wedanda SIG_-in keåtanutten "In addition be very conscientious in the matter of fire. If there is a festival [in] the temple, then watch the fire carefully. [But] when nighttime comes, then extinguish well with water such fire as remains in the brazier"
KUB 13.4 iii 44-47 (instr., pre-NH/NS), ed. Chrest. 158-61 and Süel, Direktif Metni 62-65.

4' respect for temples: [nammaå]an É DINGIR-LIMK[A BIBR]IÆI.AKA [GAL.ÆI.A–KA] UN¨~
MEÅKA naæåaraza tiyanza "[Then] for your temple, your [animal-shaped vess]els, [your cups,] (and) your implements reverance has been established" KUB 24.1 ii 16-17 (prayer of Murå. II), ed. Gurney, AAA 27:20f., Lebrun, Hymnes 182, 186, tr. ANET 397; (When I occupied the town of Kapperi) nuååan INA URUKappËri kuit É DINGIR-LIM ÅA _Æatipun_ EGIR-an nat æuldal_nun nat UL åaruw_er ÌR.
URUKappËri EGIR-an eåer naå aræa dalaææun nat eåerpat "I spared (æuldalanun) the temple of Æatipuna which was back in Kapperi, and they did not plunder it. What servants of the god were back in Kapperi I left alone, and they remained (there)" KUB 19.37 iii 36-40 (AM), ed. AM 176f.; cf. also ibid. iii 41-46, and KBo 5.6 iii 31-38 (DS), ed. Güterbock, JCS 10:95, and åalik-, in a descr. of Åupp. I’s capture of Kargamiå, where Güterbock restored É.MEÅ DINGIR-LIM in l. 36; cf. passim in KUB 17.21 and its dupls. (prayer of Arn. and Aåm.), ed. Kaåkäer 152-163, Lebrun, Hymnes 132-154, tr. ANET 399f., which describes many items belonging to the temples that were treated w. respect by the Hittites (e.g., ibid. i 11-13), but plundered by the Kaåka and restored (ibid. ii 14-17, 26-iii 3); cf. in general the passages cited under naææ- b 2', naæåaratt- 2, naæåariya- 2, paæå- 2 d, 3 a, paæåanu- 4.

5' disrespect for and destruction of temples: (The enemy lands that are disrespectful to you, Telipinu, and the other gods) kuiËå(!)–maz (so w. better var. kuiËåmaz; text incorrectly kuedaå) åumenzan É.ÆI.A DINGIR.MEÅ–KUNU aræa warnummanzi ilaliåkanzi "and (those) who constantly desire to burn down your temples (and who endeavor to plunder your possessions)" KUB 24.1 iii 21-22 (prayer, Murå. II), w. dupl. KUB 24.2 rev. 5-6, ed. Gurney, AAA 27:32f., (The Kaåka(?) are accused:) nu É.MEÅ DINGIR.MEÅ aræa warnutten "And you burned down the temples" KUB 21.8 iii 13 (Æatt. III) in fragmentary context, cf. KN 40 w. n. 1; cf. passim in KUB 17.21 and its dupls. (prayer of Arn. and Aåm.), ed. Kaåkäer 152-163, and discussed in preceding paragraph and cf. pippa- 1 a; cf. also KUB 24.3 ii 29-30 (prayer, Murå. II), w. dupl. KUB 24.4 + KUB 30.12 obv. 18-19, ed. (¬)lawarr- (without dupl.).

6' divine images, possessions and furnishings: (Of the booty of Ulma) nu 7 DINGIR.MEÅ INA É _UTU URUTÚL-na []daææun 1 GUD KÙ.
ÆUR.SAGAranæabilanni _ååermakan kuiËå DINGIR.MEÅ naå INA É _Mezzulla pe<da>ææun "I transported seven deities to the temple of the Sungoddess of Arinna (including) one silver bull, a female deity Katiti (and) the mountain (deity) Aranæabilanni. What gods remained I transported to the temple of Mezzulla" KBo 10.2 i 37-40 (ann. of Æatt. I, OH/NS), ed. Imparati, SCO 14:46f. | cf. Akk. version KBo 10.1 obv. 18-20; (Of the booty of Zalpa) 1 GUD KÙ.BABBAR 1 GEÅPÚ KÙ.BABBAR INA É _IM pe<da>ææun _ååermakan kuiËå naå INA É _Mezzulla pe<da>ææun "I transported to the temple of the Stormgod one silver ox (and) one silver fist. But what (gods) remained I transported to the temple of Mezzulla" KBo 10.2 i 12-14 (bil. ann. of Æatt. I, OH/NS), ed. Imparati, SCO 14:44f. | the Akk. version KBo 10.1 obv. 5-6 (both here and in the previously cited passage) shows uåËli, which presupposes the v. pedaææun rather than the pé-eæ-æu-un that KBo 10.2 gives; for the silver fist, see Güterbock in FsEVermeule 45-60; É.MEÅ DINGIR.MEÅ–ta par~
<i?> IÅT[U KÙ.(BABBAR KÙ.GI unuwanta)] INA KUR
URUÆattipat [Ëåzi nammamatta] tamedani KU[R-e (UL kuwappikk)i Ëåzi GA]L(?).
ÆI.A] INA KUR Æattipat Ëåzi "Only in Æatti do you have lofty (or: pure) temples adorned wi[th silver and go]ld. [Beyond (this),] in [no] other count[ry do] you have (any). Only in Æatti do you have [cu]ps(?) (and) rhyta of silver, gold, (and) precious st[ones]"
KUB 24.1 i 25-ii 2 (prayer, Murå. II), w. dupl. KUB 24.2 i 21-23, w. additional restorations from par. KUB 24.3 i 12-15, ed. Gurney, AAA 27:18f. and Lebrun, Hymnes 182, 185 (tr. omits parku); nu m_n uizzi É _UTU URUTÚL-na par_ [æa]ppineåzi … m_nna É _UTU URUTÚL-_na± uizzi aåiwa[nteåzi] "If it happens that the temple of the Sungoddess of Arinna becomes richer … or if it happens that the temple of the temple of the Sungoddess of Arinna [becomes] poorer" KUB 26.43 obv. 56-57 (land grant to Åaæurunuwa, Tudæ. IV); U IÅTU É DINGIR-LIM (var. É.GAL-LIM) kÏ d_i 1 UDU.NÍTA 1 MÁÅ.GAL … UN¨T BÁÆAR! (wr. DUG.GA.QA.BUR) UN¨T [AD.KID.ÆI.A]ma zilipuriyatallaå [d_i] "And from the temple (var. palace) he takes these things: one wether, one male goat (… many other provisions), pottery implements, (and) implements [of wicker]. These things the zilipuriyatalla-man [takes]" KUB 2.2 iv 1, 10-11 (rit., pre-NH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 19.162 rev. 1-10, ed. HHB 76f. | for a disc. of æalkueååar/MELQ´TU "cult provisions," see StBoT 27:147-49 and HW™ 2:3 s.v. æalkueååar. Cf. æal~
kueååar ÅA
É _kuråaåpat "(They are) the cult provisions of the temple of the same deified Hunting Bag"
KUB 50.82:13 (oracle question, NH); cf. KUB 22.27 iv 3, 12, 29, 32, 35 (oracle questions, NH). For the renewal of furnishings, etc., see IBoT 2.130:1-5 (rit. colophon, NS) cited c 1', above; and for further exx., see (EGIR-pa) newaææ- and (EGIR-pa) æaliååiya-.

7' personnel: The most common and general terms for "priest(ess)" are åankunni- (SANGA), GUDU/¤, and åiwanzanna- (MUNUSAMA.DINGIR-LIM). In addition to the various other terms for types of priests, cultic functionaries, and craftsmen active in the temple (cf. Mestieri 204-435), there are also generic expressions like LÚ(.MEÅ) É DINGIR-LIM "man/men of the temple e.g., KUB 13.4 iv 78 (instr., pre-NH/NS) (cf. refs. in Pecchioli Daddi, Mestieri 204-207), MUNUS.MEÅ É DINGIR-LIM "women of the temple" KUB 25.49 ii 26, 27, 28 (fest.) and LÚ.MEÅæi~
"temple personnel" cf. Sommer, HAB 133, n. 2, Hoffner, AlHeth 131f., not w. Puhvel, HED 3:307f. "courtiers"; in KBo 2.1 i 24-25 and ii 5-6 they include a cook, a baker, a vintner, a potter, a singer, a reed-mat weaver, etc., and in KUB 38.12 i 17 they are the personnel of the É GIÅ.KIN.TI which was located in the "Südareal" of Temple I). Since there is no certainty that the Hitt. behind LÚ/MUNUS.MEÅ É DINGIR-LIM involved the word parn-/per, they will be found in the Sumerographic sec. Note also MAŒŒAR É DINGIR-LIM, "watchman of the temple" KUB 53.4 rev. 39 (fest.) and KUB 53.14 ii 10 (fest.).

8' activities: EGIR-andama uizzi SANGA ÅU.GI ÅA _LAMMA k„n EZEN›-an apel INA É–ÅU URUÆattuåi zËni [A]NA _LAMMA kiååan iËzzi "But afterwards the senior (lit. old) priest of the Protective Deity will perform this festival for the Protective Deity in his own temple in Æattuåa in the autumn as follows" KUB 10.93 iv 3-6 (fest.); _É.MEű [(DINGI)]R.MEÅ–ya kue TUR-R¨TI ÅA _Åulikatti U ÅA _Æaåammili EZEN› æadauri kuedaå iyanza nan INA É _IM maææan iËr apËdaåan ANA É.MEÅ DINGIR.MEÅ Q¸TAMMA iyanzi "And the small temp[le]s of Åulikatti and of Æaåammili, in which the æadauri-festival is performed — as they performed it in the temple of the Stormgod, shall they perform it likewise in those temples?" KBo 24.118 + ABoT 14 ii 8-14 (oracle question, NH), w. dupl. KUB 22.27 i 9-11, ed. Lebrun, Hethitica 12:46, 61f.; cf. KBo 24.118 + ABoT 14 i 10-15, 26-27, ii 21-26, iii 1-4; [lu]kkattima LUGAL-uå INA É _U URUÆalab [pa]izzi INA É DINGIR.
MAÆ–ma ANA _Æattagga _U.GUR _Æa[å]ammeli U ANA _É.A [E]ZEN› æadauri iyanzi "At [d]awn the king [g]oes into the temple of the Stormgod of Aleppo, but in the temple of the Mother-goddess they perform the æadauri-festival for Æattagga, Nergal, Æaåammeli, and Ea"
438/s iii 8-11 (fest. outline), ed. Alp, Tempel 148f. ("Kultraum"), tr. Güterbock, NHF 65; luk~
ma LUGAL-uå INA É _Ziparw_a [paizzi] nu EZEN› … [I]NA É _UTU–ma EZEN› æadauri iyanzi "On the following day (day 12) the king [goes] into the temple of Ziparwa: a festival (takes place); … but in the temple of the Sungod(dess) they celebrate the æadauri-festival" KBo 10.20 ii 14-15, 17 (outline of ANDAÆÅUM fest.), ed. Güterbock, JNES 19:82, 86; INA É _LAMMA [EZ]EN æadauri DÙ-anzi Bo 3117 ii 8 (fest.), ed. Alp, Tempel 238f.; EZEN›.ITU–åi ÅÀ É DINGIR-LIM Ëååanzi "They perform the monthly festival for him (the deity Kantiputti) in the temple" KUB 38.14 obv. 8 (cult inv., NH); nukan É-ri parkuin EZEN› [aniy]a?nzi "They [per]form(?) a pure festival in the temple" KBo 24.93 rev. 6-7 (fest.); (When the king comes to Æattuåa during the nuntarriyaåæa-festival) [na]å INA É _U maææan [G]UD.MAÆ.
ÆI.A kuranzi É.MEÅ DINGIR.MEÅ æ„manda weæzi "while they are cutting up bulls in the temple of the Stormgod, he makes the circuit of all the temples"
KUB 25.12 vi 14-17 (fest.); UZUåuppaÆI.A kue ZAG.
GAR.RA-aå peran kittat nez lukkatta
"On the morrow the priests take the cuts of meat which were deposited before the altar, and cook them in the temple"
KUB 53.14 ii 3-4; EGIR-andamakan É _ZA.BA›.BA› åanæanzi åuppa æ„eåu ÅA GUD.MAÆ ÅA GUDÁB.ÆI.A ÅA UDU.
ÆI.A U ÅA MÁÅ.GAL.ÆI.A iåtanani peran P¸NI DINGIR-LIM åanÏ pedi tianzi "But afterward they clean the temple of Zababa. They place the raw meat of a bull, cows, sheep, and goats before the offering table, before the god, in the same place"
KBo 4.9 i 11-15 (fest., pre-NH/NS); [nuk]an _UTU-ÅI ANA É DINGIR-LIM ap_åila ari nuza ANA DINGIR-LIM arkuwar DÙ-zi "[And] should His Majesty himself arrive in the temple and make an arkuwar prayer to the deity?" KBo 18.146 rev. 14-15 (letter, NH); nkan pár-[ni/na] anda paizzi … nuza arkuwar kiååan! iy[a(zi)] "And he enters the temp[le] … Then he m[a]kes an arkuwar prayer as follows" KUB 24.5 + FHL 125 rev. 1-3 (rit., NH), ed. StBoT 3:12f., w. dupls. KUB 36.93 rev. 7-8, KBo 15.14:5; (In shelf list entries:) 1 IM.GÍD.DA m_n NAR INA É _Inar iåpanti NINDA æaråauå paråiya ta kiååan m_lti æattili QATI "One ‘long tablet’: When the singer by night in the temple of Inar breaks thick bread and recites as follows in Hattic. (The text of the composition is) finished (on this tablet)" KUB 30.42 iv 8-10 (shelf list, NH), ed. CTH pp. 163f.; DUB.1.KAM ÅA MUNUS.MEÅzinduæiyaå ANA P¸NI LUGAL INA ÅÀ É _UTU-aå GIM-an memieåkanzi QATI "One tablet of the zintuæi-women: how they speak before the king in the temple of the Sungod. Finished" ibid. iv 11-13; MUNUSzintuæi[… INA É] _UTU ANA P¸NI LUGAL IDABBUB "A zintuæi-woman[…] speaks before the king [in the temple] of the Sungod" KUB 28.7 iv 1-2 (fest., pre-NH/NS); nu LUGAL kuwapi INA É _Kubaba pait nuzakan apËdani Ù-[an auåta nuza?] kuin Ù-an auåta GAL LÚ.MEÅÆAL ariyadu "And when the king went into the temple of Kubaba and s[aw a] drea[m] within it — let the chief of the diviners investigate by oracle the dream which he saw" KUB 22.69:4-5 (oracle question, NH); nu LUGAL-uå INA É _IÅTAR LÍL annalaå URUÅam„æa paizzi nuååi kuwapi _ååu naå apiya åeåzi P¸NI _IÅTAR LÍL–ma eåa LÚ.MEÅNAR LÚ.MEÅAZU–ya GE_-an laknu~
[i] "The king enters the old temple of IÅTAR of the Field in Åamuæa … (and he performs libations.) And if he prefers, he can spend the night there. He sits before IÅTAR of the Field, but the singers and exorcists keep active through the night"
KUB 27.1 iv 46-50 (fest., NH), ed. Lebrun, Samuha 85, 94, laknu- 7; UM~
MUNUS.LUGAL–MA p_nduwa LÚ.MEÅKUŇ KÙ.GI LÚ.MEÅåalaåæuå MUNUS.LUGAL µGAL._U- µUkkuraå UGULA.10 åakuwaååaruå INA É _Lelwani linkandu "Thus said the queen: ‘Let the golden chariot-fighters, the åalaåæa-men of the queen, GAL._U, (and) Ukkura, the commander of ten, go and swear åakuwaååaruå in the temple of Lelwani.’ (And Ukkura testified as follows under oath)" KUB 13.35 i 6-8 (dep., Pud.), ed. StBoT 4:4f.; although the word "house" (temple) does not appear when the colophon of the Bronze Tablet iv 44-51 directs that six of the seven copies be deposited "before" six different gods, the expression "before the god X" clearly indicates a temple; cf. also: weåaza k_åa UGULA LIM LÚ DUGUD ÅA ÉRIN.
iy]awen nat INA
URUÆatti ANA P¸NI DINGIR[ … NIÅK]UN "We … have made a bronze tablet of the oath and have [dep]osited it in Æattuåa before the go[d] (or: before DN)" KUB 26.24 iv 8-12 (instr. to LÚ.DUGUD, MH); cf. also (The agreement that was imposed by the Stormgod of Æatti by which the Hittites and Egyptians were made to swear) _dam~
kan kuit INA LIBBI É _IM
URUÆatti B´LIYA "Because the damnaååara-deities were in the temple of the Stormgod of Æatti, My Lord (is the breaking of this agreement the cause of the god’s anger?)" KUB 14.8 obv. 35 (PP2), ed. Goetze, KlF 1:212f., cf. pp. 228f. on the damnaååara-deities, tr. ANET 395; and the fragmentary passage: [T_U]PPU M¸MˆT […] É DINGIR-LIM x[…] KBo 18.28 iv 18 (letter, NH) | It is clear from references in Akk.-language treaties to the placing of the documents "before the god" that copies of these documents were kept in temples — see Koroåec, Hethitische Staatsverträge 100f.; m_nzakan _NISABA URUÆatti INA ÅÀ É DINGIR-LIMKA UL kuitki TUKU.
TUKU-wanza "If you, O grain deity, are not at all angry within the temple (let the omen be favorable)"
KUB 5.7 rev. 18 (oracle question, NH), tr. ANET 498; _UTU URUTÚL-nakan kuit ÅÀ É DINGIR-LIM TUKU.TUKU-ti S[I_SA-at] ariyawenma "Because the Sungoddess of Arinna [was] es[tablished] in anger (i.e., shown to be angry) in her temple, we made oracular inquiry (and she was shown to be angry concerning neglected festivals and blasphemy)" KUB 22.57 obv. 1-2 (oracle question, NH), cf. passim in oracle questions; m_nwa ANA P¸[NI] DINGIR-LIM kuiåki EN SÍSKUR idalawanni memian æarzi paidduwakan edani DINGIR-LIM-aå pár-ni and[a]n æurtaiå lingaiå papr_tarra æ_åuw_yaå iwar kiåaru "If some sacrificer has spoken in an evil way before the deity, in that temple let (his) curse, perjury, and pollution become like the soapwort (which grows up quickly but is eventually harvested and pulverized)" KUB 29.7 rev. 16-17 + KBo 21.41 rev. 25-26 (rit., MH/MS), ed. Lebrun, Samuha 123, 130, tr. ANET 346 (differently).

9' in myths: nuza[(n)] _Inaraå (var. _LAMMA-aå) NAperuni [(åer)] É-er wetet INA KUR URUT_[(rukki)] nu µÆupaåiyan andan É-[(ri)] aåaåta "Then Inara built herself a house on a rock in the land of Tarukka, and she settled Æupaåiya in the house" KUB 17.6 i 14-17 (Illuy., OH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 13.84:3-5 + KBo 12.84:1-3, ed. Beckman, JANES 14:14, 18, tr. Hittite Myths 12 (§13); _Telipinuå _ppa pár-na-aå-åa uit nuza KUR–SU kappuwet "Telipinu came back to his house (i.e., temple) and cared for his land" KUB 17.10 iv 20 (Tel. myth, OH/MS), translit. Myth 37, tr. ANET 128 ("to his house"), Hittite Myths 17; (Ullikummi grows rapidly, reaching a great height) nu Ékuntar~
É.MEÅ DINGIR.MEÅ–ya [a]nda wemiåk[i]zzi "And he reaches the sanctuary(?) and the temple(s)" KUB 33.106 + KBo 26.65 i 19-20 (Ullik., NS), ed. Güterbock, JCS 6:18f. (without join), cf. ibid. iv 27-28; [nukan m_n AN]A KÁ É _É.A peran erweni "[And when] we arrive at the entrance to Ea’s house" KUB 33.106 ii 21 (Ullik., NS), ed. Güterbock, JCS 6:40f.; cf. taknaå _UTU-waå Éæalent„waå KBo 32.13 ii 12 (myth, MH/MS), ed. StBoT 32:221.

10' as home of a deity: URUZippirimaz _UTU-waå ukturi URU-ri dunnakkeånaå É-ri andan Ëåæut "Seat yourself in Sippar, the permanent city of the Sungod, in the House with an Inner Chamber" KBo 3.21 iii 14-15 (hymn, pre-NH/NS), ed. Archi, Or NS 52:24, 26; nuzakan É NAM.ÆÉ _ååiyanti É-ri anda Ëåæut "Seat yourself in the House of Abundance, your beloved house" KBo 3.21 iii 21 (hymn, pre-NH/NS), ed. Archi, Or NS 52:24, 26; _UTU-ÅIma kuwapi laææaz neyari nu _Zitæariyan kuwapi INA É–ÅU tarnanzi nuååi EZEN› kuin iyanzi "And when His Majesty breaks off the campaign, and when they allow (the deity) Zitæariya (to return) home (lit. ‘to his temple’), then such festival as they will perform (— will such-and-such arrangements be acceptable?)" ABoT 14 v 12-15 (oracle question, NH); cf. KUB 13.27 rev.! 19-21 + KUB 26.40:90-92 (treaty, MH/MS), tr. Kaåkäer 122.

d. structure to house animals: takku É GUD kuiåki [(wetezzi)] "If anyone builds a barn (lit. house of oxen)" KBo 6.10 iii 14 (Laws §145), w. dupl. KUB 29.29 obv. 6; (After giving the horses a workout, they cool them down, etc.) [nTÚG-it] anda waååiyanzi nkan pár-ni anda peæudanzi "[Then] they cover [them with a blanket] and lead them into the stable (lit. house)" KUB 29.40 ii 6 (hipp.), ed. Hipp.heth. 178f.; cf. nTÚG-it waåå[anzi nu]åkan pár-ni anda peæudanzi ibid. ii 14-15; nkan ANA É-TIM anda tittanwanzi "Then they install them (the horses) in the stable" KUB 29.52 i 5 (hipp.), ed. Hipp.heth. 196f. | It is uncert. if Sumerographic writings such as É GUD, "cattle barn" (KBo 6.10 iii 14 (see above 1 a 2'), KUB 33.37 + KUB 33.39 iv 1, KUB 31.87 ii 14), É KUŇ "stable" (KBo 3.5 i 10, ii 24), and É NIM.LÀL "beehive" (KBo 6.3 iv 31, 33, KBo 13.29 ii 6), represent forms of parn-/per. See also 5 b below.

e. a model of a building: UMMA ƒÆepa-SUM É.MEÅ ZABAR–wa iyanzi nuwarat ANA DINGIR-LIM GAL SUM-anzi n_wi "Thus says Æepa-SUM: ‘They will make houses of bronze, and they will give them to the Great Deity. (It has) not yet (been done)’" KUB 48.122 i 6-8 (dream, NH), cf. de Roos, Diss. 204, 342f. (i 49-51); (They construct a miniature landscape, including towns, mountains, and rivers) 1 É KÙ.BABBAR 1 GÍN.GÍN 1 É KÙ.GI 1 GÍN.GÍN DÙ-anzi "They make one house of silver, one shekel, (and) one house of gold, one shekel (and they set them up, along with other objects, in the landscape)" KUB 43.49 rev.? 27 (rit., NS), see Hoffner, IEJ 19:178-180 and Popko, Kultobjekte 31.

2. portion of a complex structure: naåta(!) 1 MÁÅ.GAL anda „nniyan[zi] nammaan warpanzi nankan ÅA É.GAL-LIM É.MEÅ kuedaå anda pennanzi natkan åanæanzi nammaat æarnu~
"They driv[e] a male goat (here), and then wash him. Then into whatever rooms of the palace (or buildings of the palace complex) they drive him, these they sweep and furthermore sprinkle (with water)"
KBo 13.179 ii 6-10 (rit.); perhaps also É.ÆI.A TUR-TIM KBo 30.118 rev. 7 (fest.) and É GIÅÙR.RA "attic"(?) ibid. rev. 4. | See below, 3 b, d, for the use of É w. both independent structures and portions of larger buildings. Also relevant is the use of the det. É on syll. wr. names of rooms, such as Édu-un-na-ak-ki-iå-na KUB 55.39 i 12 (EZEN› ITU), whose Sumerogram is É.ÅÀ. Other syll. wr. exx., which could be either rooms or buildings are listed in Reichert, RHA XXI/73:123.

3. structure for other purposes — a. royal or government buildings (É.ÆI.A B´L¨TIM): [m]ani~
takkan kue É.GAL-LIM
ÆI.A B´L¨TIya (var. É.ÆI.A B´L¨TIM É.GAL-LIMya) [(and)]a naåta EGIR-an aræa punuåki "Such palaces and government buildings (lit. ‘houses of lordship’) as are in your district, keep investigating them (with regard to whether anyone has damaged them or stolen from them)"
KUB 13.2 iv 13-14 (B´L MADGALTI instr., MH/MS), w. dupl. KUB 13.1 iv 4, ed. Dienstanw. 51, 62; cf. É.ÆI.A B´L¨MEÅ-TIM KBo 20.107 iv 24 (rit.).

b. work place, work area, shop, office: par_ma KÁ É uriyanni 1 UDU appanzi "Further, they seize one sheep (at) the entrance of the House of the Chief Provisioner(?) (and slaughter it for the Sungod of the Portico)" KUB 53.12 iv 1-2 (fest.), ed. Haas/Jakob-Rost, AoF 11:51f.; IÅTU É uriyanni GÙB-laåma 3 NINDAparåulli kar„ udanteå "Three bread fragments have already been brought from the House of the Chief Provisioner(?) of the Left Side" KUB 53.13 iv 16-18 (fest.); cf. also É uri(y)anni in KBo 5.7 rev. 22, IBoT 2.9 + KUB 52.102 i 6, KBo 30.74 rev. 12, KUB 53.3 i 21, KUB 53.49 obv. 9, rev. 2, and Bo 3689:12 (StBoT 10:34) | on this official, see Pecchioli Daddi, Mestieri 266-68, and see Otten’s tr. "Küchenchef" in AA 1991:347; and tugakan apiya maniyaææiya anda ÅA DUB.SAR 1 É-TUMpat "There in your administrative district there is only one scribal office" HKM 52:10-11 (letter, MH/MS), ed. HBM 214f., tr. Beckman, StMed 9:26. Other professions for which an É is attested include MUNUSalæuitra- (KBo 29.121 obv. 4), æaliyami- (KUB 11.28 iv 4), æ_piya- (KBo 10.27 iii 32), taråip_liya- (KUB 13.3 iii 9), tupp_- (KUB 13.3 iii 10), and É KI~
HKM 100:21; w. comp. Sumerograms: É BÁÆAR "potter’s shop" KUB 36.41:12; É KUŇ "stable(?)" lit. "house of the chariot-warrior" KBo 3.5 i 10, ii 24; É (LÚ.MEÅ)DUB.SAR.GIÅ "office of the wood-tablet scribes(?)" KUB 25.31 obv. 8, KUB 34.89 rev. 5; É (LÚ)AD.KID "wicker-worker’s shop" KBo 12.34:11; É ÁZLAG "fuller’s(?) shop" KBo 9.125 iv 3; É(.ÆI.A) NA›.ARA_ "milling/grinding house(s)/room(s)" HKM 58:8, HKM 59:6, KBo 15.33 i 10; É (LÚ)NINDA.DÙ.DÙ "bakery" KUB 13.4 i 18, KUB 25.1 i 4; É (LÚ)MUÆALDIM "kitchen" KUB 13.3 iii 5; É SAGI "house of the cupbearer" KUB 13.2 ii 21; É ZABAR.DAB "wine cellar" KUB 2.6 i 11; É TU‡ "soup kitchen" KUB 13.24:14, cf. paråur 2c; and É LÚ(.MEÅ) ÅÀ.TAM "magazine, warehouse, storeroom" KUB 22.70 obv. 14, 18, KUB 25.28 i 2, É.GIÅ.
KIN.TI "house of the craftsmen"
KUB 38.12 i 17, cf. 1 c 7', above; we cannot be certain that the Hitt. reading in each case is the gen. of a professional designation and parn-/per, although in most cases it is likely; cf. also É.DUB.BA(.A) "tablet room, scribal workroom" ABoT 65 rev. 8, HKM 71:36; in most of these instances it is not possible to determine whether the structure mentioned is independent or a portion of a more extensive building.

c. storehouse: IÅTU É URUAnkuwa æarpan DUG KAÅ–ya arta "A heap and a jug of beer from the storehouse of (the city of) Ankuwa are available (lit. standing). (The administrator of Ankuwa is presented to the king)" KBo 10.24 iv 22-23 (KI.LAM fest., OH/NS), translit. StBoT 28:20, cf. StBoT 27:62; other geographic names which are attested w. É in this manner include Æalab (KUB 31.100 obv. 19), Æanæana (KUB 53.3 i 19-20), Æ_riyaåa (KUB 51.23 obv.? 12), Æupiåna (KBo 23.38:1), Karaæna (KBo 30.8 left col. 6), K_tapa (_nand_k 13), Gazzimara (KUB 26.82:2), Åugazziya (KUB 3.89 i (14), KBo 16.82 rev. (4) (= l. 20 w. join KBo 23.91 rev.)), T„wanuwa (KBo 10.24 v 1), Zallara (KBo 23.91 rev. 10). Cf. also StBoT 27:62, 135; cf. É NAKIÅIB = åiyannaå per "seal house, magazine" KUB 11.5 rev. 2 (Tel., OH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 3.67 iii 9-10, and see åiyannaå per; É IN.NU.DA "barn" (lit. "straw house") KUB 13.15 rev. 5 (Laws §158).

d. other: DUMU.LUGAL arzana pár-na paizzi "The prince goes to the inn (lit. the arzana house)" IBoT 1.29 obv. 29; NIN.DINGIR-aå arzanaå É-ri [paizzi?] KBo 19.163 iv 42-(43); naåta DUMU-aå Éæalentiwaz pa[izzi] ar-za-na-a-aå p[ar-n]a paizzi "The prince comes out of the palace (and) enters the inn" Bo 7937 left col. 10-11 (fest.), ed. Alp, Tempel 234f.; naå ar-za-na-aå pár-na paizz[i] KUB 60.41 ii 12 (fest., OS), translit. StBoT 25:109 | The alternation among genitival constructions w. parn-/per such as these last two, appositional constructions like ar-za-na pár-na IBoT 1.29 obv. 29, 50, and instances where É is employed as a det., e.g., Éar-za-na-an KBo 5.6 i 16 is probably due to the creation of new nominatives from original "free genitives." Cf. Hoffner, FsGüterbock 114f. Since the construction w. the det. is by far the most common, the primary treatment will be found under arzana-. However, the range of terms bearing the det. É must be kept in mind in any consideration of the semantic field of parn-/per; É ÅURˆPI w_e±dan Ëåtu "Let an ice (storage) house be built" KUB 13.2 iv 26 (B´L MADGALTI instr., MH/NS), É ÅURˆPI is probably to be read *egaå per; other Sumero- and Akkadographic constructions w. É could be genuine genitival constructions w. per in Hitt.; cf. LUGAL- <(INA)> É GIÅBAN (var. É BAN) ari "The king arrives at the ‘gate of the house of the bow’" (and makes offerings) KUB 2.3 iii 40 (KI.LAM-fest., OH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 25.66 i 16, translit. StBoT 28:67, cf. StBoT 27:80; cf. also É DU/‚.ÚS.SA "wash-house" KUB 13.2 ii 21; É EN.NU.UN "prison" KBo 3.34 ii 17, 19, KBo 3.28:14; É KˆLI "prison?" KUB 21.29 iii 31, 32; _ɱ NAPØARI "guest house" KBo 30.27 i 12, translit. StBoT 26:365; É.MEÅ NA›.ÆI.A IBoT 1.13 v 5; É.ÆI.A NA› KBo 20.33 obv. 5 (OS), translit. StBoT 25:53; NA›-an par-na-aå æilamni "in the portico of the mausoleum" KBo 17.15 obv.! 12 (OS), translit. StBoT 25:73, cf. HTR 133, StBoT 26:260 w. n. 45, Kammenhuber, Or NS 41:300.

4. household, aggregate of property of all kinds, estate (on É as "household," see Riemschneider, MIO 6:338 n. 76)a. composition of households — 1' in general: É µP„lliyanni 2 LÚ µPulliyanniå µAååartaå 3 DUMU.NITA µAparkammiå µIriyattÏå Æ]apiluå _4 MUNUS ƒTeåmuå± ƒZidanduå ƒÅakkummilla<å> ƒÆuliy_åuæaniå 3 DUMU.MUNUS [ƒ]Kapaå~
_nniå± ƒKapurtiå ƒPaåkuw_å 2 MUNUS ÅU.GI ƒ¸ræuwaååiå ƒTuttuwaniå [1]4 SAG.DU 4 GUD.
ÆI.A GIÅPÈÅ.ÆI.A ÅA É µPurliåari [I]NA URUÅayanuwanta 7 \ IKU GIÅKIRI_.GEÅTIN INA URUAntarl_ ÅA É µÆantapi "Household of Pulliyanni: two men: (named), three boys: (named), four women: (named), three girls: (named), two old women: (named) — four[teen] persons (lit. "head(s)") (in all); four oxen, two asses, two cows, one female calf, two plow oxen — as for bulls, a (male) calf — that is six head of cattle, ten goats (and) seven kids — that is seventeen goats, one set/complex of buildings, a vineyard, olive trees, fig trees (formerly?) of the estate of Purliåari in (the town of) Åayanuwanta, 7\ IKU-measures of vineyard in (the town of) Antarla (formerly?) of the estate of Hantapi" KBo 5.7 rev. 34-39 (land grant, MH/MS), ed. Riemschneider, MIO 6:352f., for KBo 5.7 rev. 12-13, see peåna- b; cf. passim in this text and see Laroche apud T. Özgüc, TTKYay_n V/29:115; É µÅuna-DINGIR-LIM 4 LÚ 1 MUNUS ÅU.NIGIN 5 SAG.DU[.MEÅ] 1 MUNUS-TUMmaååi ED´NU EGIR-anda piyan[za] ANA GIÅTUKUL–maååi NINDA.DÙ.DÙ artar[i] "The household of Åunaili: four men, one woman — a total of five persons (lit. "heads"). One solitary woman has been giv[en] to it afterwards. A baker has been given to him/it for GIÅTUKUL" KUB 56.1 i 12-14 (vow, Pud.), ed. StBoT 1:30f., cf. passim in this text; µ._UTU-LÚ-ƒPaåkuwammiå DAM–ÅU (there follow six more names) É µ._UTU-LÚ "Tiwataziti, Paåkuwammi, his wife, … (These persons comprise) the household of Tiwataziti" KUB 31.59 ii 3-4, 11 (list, NS); [U]RUGaggadd„wa _U 4 É ÅÀ 50 [NAM.R]A URUArzauwa … _UTU[I p_]i "In (the town of) Gaggaduwa His Majesty [gi]ves (to) the Stormgod four households/estates containing (a total of) fifty Arzawan [civilian ca]ptives (and other livestock and articles)" KUB 48.105 rev. 38-41 + KBo 12.53 rev. 15-16 (cult inv., NH), cf. passim in this text and see Klengel, SMEA 16:195f.; [namm]aza zik µKupanta-_LAMMA-aå tuel ZI-an tuel É–KA [tue]l LÚ.MEÅAMA.A.TU–KA maææan Ëååatti "[Furth]ermore, as you, Kupanta-_LAMMA, treat your own person, your (immediate) family (lit. house), and [you]r domestic servants (so look after my garrison)" KUB 6.41 iv 9-10 (treaty, Murå. II), ed. SV 1:132f., tr. DiplTexts 74; note how the circles widen from the individual himself, to his family, to his servants, which themselves form a part of his household in the broadest sense; m_nkan É-ri anda SAG.GÉME.ÌR EN É-TI naåma GAÅAN É-TI […] "If in a household the servants of the master of the house or (of) the mistress of the house […]" KBo 21.20 i 19 (frag. of med. rit.), ed. StBoT 19:42f.; "Decide well the cases of the land which you judge" natzakan apËl ÅA É–ÅU ÅA ÅEÅ–ÅU NIN–ÅU æaååannaååi pankunaååi kaenanti areååi ÅA NINDA KAÅ m_niyaææiyatti lË kuiåki iyazi "Let no one do it (i.e., make a judgment) for (someone) of his immediate family, (one) of his brother(s) (or) sister(s), (one) of his (extended) family, (one) of his clan, his relative by marriage, his friend, (or) for an allotment of bread and beer" KUB 13.20 i 32-34 (instr., MH/NS), ed. Alp, Belleten XI/43:392-395, 407.

2' master and/or mistress (refs. in Mestieri 489f. n. 1): m_nza EN É-TIM _IM URUKuliwiåna [… MU-ti] mËyani iyazzi "Whenever the master of the house worships the Stormgod of Kuliwiåna […] in the course of the year" KBo 15.32 i 1-2, cf. ibid. 4, ed. Moore, Thesis 68, 70; nuååa[n anda waænut] pár-na-aå iåæÏ pár-na-aå iåæaååari DUMU.NITA.MEÅ- DUMU.MUNUS.MEÅ-a[ååa T]I-anni æattulanni innarauwanni MU.ÆI.A G[ÍD.DA EGIR.UD-MI DINGIR.MEÅ-]aå aååiyaunit DINGIR.MEÅ-naå miumnit "[Turn yourself] (O Stormgod of Kuliwiåna) toward the master of the household (and) the mistress of the household and to the sons, daughters, for life, health," etc. KUB 33.62 ii 17-20 (prayer in rit., MH/MS), ed. Moore, Thesis 102, 105; for rest. and another ex. of this usage, see ibid. ii 7-10, quoted miu(m)mar; (The male gods of the entourage of the Stormgod of Kuliwiåna are addressed:) naåta pár-na-aå iåæuå ANA _IM URUKu[liwiåna] _ååu memiåkiten "Speak well of the masters of the household before the Stormgod of Kuliwiåna" KBo 15.31 i 14-15 (prayer in rit.), translit. Moore, Thesis 117; nuza B´LTI É-TI AÅRIÆI.A ÅA DINGIR-LIM IÅTU DINGIR-LIM aræa arÏyezzi "The mistress of the house determines by oracle the places of the deity from the deity" KUB 17.24 ii 9-10 (EZEN› witaååiaå); cf. also KUB 27.49 iii 13 (EZEN› witaååiaå); KUB 54.10 ii 4-6 (cult of Æuwaååanna), w. dupl. KUB 54.6 iv? 3-4; cf. Haroutunian, VDI 200:126f.

b. establishing (iya-, eååa-) and dissolving households: "If a free man and a slave girl are lovers, and they move in (together), so that he takes her as his wife" nuza É-er U DUMU.MEÅ ienzi appizziannatkan naååu id_lauËååanzi naåmaatkan æarpantari nuza É-er takåan åarranzi DUMU.
MEÅ–az LÚ-aå d_i 1 DUMU-AM MUNUS-za d_i "and they make a household and children — if afterwards either they become incompatible or agree to separate, then they divide the household between them, and the man will take the children for himself, (but) the woman will take one child"
KBo 6.3 ii 18-20 (Laws §31, OH/MS?), ed. HG 26f., tr. ANET 190 ("found a family"), TUAT 1.1:102 ("sich Haus und Kinder schaffen"); (You temple employees must behave in a manner pleasing to the gods) nu NINDA-an Ëzzatteni w_tarma ekutteni É-er-ra-za iyatteni "so that you will eat bread, drink water, and establish household(s) for yourselves" KUB 13.4 ii 70-71 (instr., pre-NH/NS), ed. Chrest. 156f., Süel, Direktif Metni 50f.

c. donating or transferring households: (Queen Aåmunikal endows a mausoleum:) "And such villages as are given to the mausoleum, such artisans as are given, such plowmen, oxherds (and) shepherds as are given, such åarikuwa-men as are taken" nat QADU É.MEÅ–ÅUNU URU.ÆI.A–ÅUNU ANA É.NA› piyanteå "they are given to the mausoleum, together with their households (and) their villages" KUB 13.8:2-5 (edict, MH/NS), ed. HTR 106f.; (As a result of the sorcery practiced against me by Armataræunta, my patron deity humbled him) ÅEÅ–YAyaanmu QADU DAM–ÅU DUMU.MEÅ–ÅU É–ÅU peran n_iå "And my brother (Muwatalli) turned him over to me together with his wife, his children, (and) his household" KUB 19.67 i 11-12 (edict, Æatt. III), ed. StBoT 24:18f.; (I married Puduæepa, and we had sons and daughters; IÅTAR commanded me in a dream:) [QAD(U)] É-TI-ma!-mu ÌR-aææut nu ANA DINGIR-LIM QADU É-TIYA [ÌR-a]ææaæat nunnaå É-er kuit Ëååuen nunnaåkan DINGIR-LUM anda artat nunnaå É-er par_ _iyan±niå "‘Serve me with your household (i.e., family and posterity).’ So I served the deity with my household (i.e., family). And the deity stood among us, (in) the household which we established, so that our household [de]veloped(?) (lit. ‘went forward’)" KUB 1.1 + 1304/u iii 6-8 (edict, Æatt. III), ed. StBoT 24:16f.; É-erma kuit ANA DINGIR-LIM ADDIN [(nu æ)]„manza ANA DINGIR-LIM ¬karnan ¬marnan Ëååau "In the household which I gave to the goddess let everyone perform karna- and marna- for the goddess" KUB 1.1 iv 79-80 (edict, Æatt. III), w. dupl. KBo 3.6 iv 41, ed. StBoT 24:28f., cf. :marnan B; nu k„n kuin DUMU-an AÅÅU[M SA]NGA-UTTIM É-er-ra ANA _IÅTAR [URUÅa~
]uæa ÌR-anni [peææu]n "Then this son whom for [pr]iesthood, and the household (which) I [gav]e to serve Åauåga of [Åam]uæa" (shall remain through the generations in that office) KUB 21.12 ii 9-10 (edict, Æatt. III), ed. NBr 48f.

d. obligations of households: kuiå URUA[rinna k]uiå URUZiplanti SANGA-eå INA URU.DIDLI æ„mant[i] É.ÆI.A–ÅUNU ELLU "Whoever in A[rinna], whoever in Zip(pa)landa, is a priest — in each of (these) cities his household is exempt. (But his partners render corvée)" KBo 6.2 ii 58-60 (Laws §50, OS), ed. HG 32f., tr. ANET 191, TUAT 1.1:106, cf. Hoffner, BiOr 40:410; kar„ kuiå URUArinna [(UÅ.
BAR ki)åat] U É–SU ar_uwan
LÚ.MEÅÆA.LA[(–ÅU U LÚ.MEÅNIŨÅU)] ar_weå kinuna É–SUpat [(ELLUM LÚ.MEÅÆA.LA–ÅU)] U LÚ.MEÅNIŨÅU åaææan [lu(zzi)] karpÏzzi "Formerly whoever be[came] a weaver in Arinna was exempt (from service obligations), along with his household. His partners and his people were (also) exempt. But now only his household is exempt. His partners and his people will render the åaææan (and) luzzi" KBo 6.9 i 1-5 (Laws §51, OH/NS), w. dupls. KBo 6.3 iii 3-6, KBo 6.2 iii 1-4, KBo 6.6 i 6-9, ed. HG 34f., tr. ANET 191, TUAT 1.1:106; naåta m_n É-ri 4 LÚ.MEÅ [andan] nu 2 LÚ.MEÅ ÅA É.GAL-LIM KIN-an a[niyandu] 2 LÚ.MEÅ–ma pár-na-aå KIN-an an[iyandu m]_nkan É-rima 2 LÚ.MEÅ and[an nukan?] 1 LÚ [ÅA É.]GAL-LIM KIN-an an[iyaddu na]åma pár-na-aå-ma-aå KIN-an a!-ni-[ya-ad-du m_n]–aåda É-rima 1 LÚ andan nu INA UD.4.KAM ÅA É.GAL-LIM KIN-an aniyaddu INA UD.4.KAM–ma KIN ÅA É-TIÅU aniyaddu "If [in] a household there are four men, then let two men pe[rform] the work of the palace, and let two men per[form] the work of the household. But if i[n] a household there are two men, [then] let (each) single man p[erform] (either) the work [of] the [pal]ace [o]r the work of their household. But [if] in a household there is (only) one man, then let him perform the work of the palace for four days, and let him perform the work of his household for four (alternate) days" KBo 16.54:9-14 + ABoT 53:5-13 (edict, NS), ed. (without join) Riemschneider, ArOr 33:337f. In support of the emendation in line 10, note that this word is wr. over an eras.; (In return for his loyalty to My Majesty I have distinguished µGAL._IM) nuååikan É–SU åaææanaz luzziyaz … arawa!ææun nuååikan åaææani luzzi KÁ-aå lË kuiåki ti[yazi] "And for him I have freed his household from tax and corvée (and from many other obligations). No one shall appro[ach] his door for tax or corvée" KUB 26.58 obv. 8, 12-13 (decree, Æatt. III), ed. NBr 54f. w. n. 1, cf. KBo 6.29 iii 18-27.

e. punishment of households: m_nkan ANA URU-LIMma iåtarna 1 É-TUM w[aådai nu] ap_t É-er LÚ.MEÅ-it aku "If within a town a single household s[ins, then] let that household, with (its) men, die" KUB 23.68 obv. 27 (treaty, MH/NS), ed. Kempinski/Koåak, WO 5:194f.; cf. KBo 11.1 obv. 37-38 (prayer, Muw. II), ed. Houwink ten Cate, RHA XXV/81:108, 117; (If among the princes and princesses someone should do evil, he shall pay with his head. But do not kill him secretly) É-ri-iå-åi-iå-åi ANA DAM–ÅU DUMU.MEÅ–ÅU id_lu lË takkiååanzi "Let them not undertake evil against his household, against his wife (or) his children" KBo 3.1 ii 54 (, OH/NS), ed. THeth 11:34f., Chrest. 190f., cf. ibid. ii 59-60.

f. the household in general: (If a woman produces a certain type of monstrous birth) É LÚ-LIM aåiwante[åzi] "(her) husband’s household will [become] impoverished" KBo 13.34 iv 5 (omen, NS), ed. StBoT 9:28f.

g. royal household: LUGAL-imamu DINGIR.MEÅ _UTU-_IM-aååa utnË É-er-mi-it-ta maniyaææir nuza LUGAL-uååa utnemet É-er-mi-it-ta paææaåmi "The gods, the Sungod and the Stormgod, entrusted the land and my house to me (as) king, and I, also (as) king, protect my land and my house" KUB 29.1 i 17-19 (rit. OH/NS), ed. Kellerman, Diss. 11, 25, and Marazzi, VO 5:148f., tr. ANET 357, cf. maniyaææ- 2; for continuation of passage, see above in bil. sec.; nuzan É-aå B´L¨MEÅ-TIM (var. nuåan pé-e-ri pé-e-r[i-aå iåæeå]) LUGAL-MUNUS.
LUGAL-åa DAM.MEÅ paææuwaråeå eåantari "The masters of the house — the king, the queen and the secondary wives — take their seats (var. adds: in the house/palace)"
KUB 29.1 iii 41-43 (rit., OH/NS), w. dupl. KUB 51.56 rev. 4-6 (NS), translit. Hoffner, HS 108:193; (UR.MAÆ-ziti is reported to have said:) ULwaza ÅA É labarna ANA GAL LÚ.MEÅDUB.
ÆATANU nuwamukan kar„ kuwapi ANA GAL LÚ.MEÅDUB.SAR.GIÅ kainanni aræa d_er ÅA É labarnamaw[a] UL "Am I not a member of the king’s house, a son-in-law to the Chief of the Wood Scribes? Formerly, when they took me away from in-lawed status to the Chief of the Wood Scribes, (was) he not of the Household of Labarna?" KBo 16.58 ii 3-6 (dep., NH); | the subjects of the nominal sentences are determined on the basis of -za; the dependence of the kuwapi clause on the following clause seems clear, making it past tense, even though the v. Ëåta might have been expected in such a case; (The Hittite queen informs the pharaoh:) nammakan ÅÀ É-TI kuwapi uwanun DUMU.MUNUS.MEÅ LUGAL kuiËå ÅÀ É-TI wemiyanun numu[–zaka]n ÅU-i æ_åir "Furthermore, such princesses as I found in the (royal) family upon my coming into the Household have given birth with my assistance (lit. ‘in my hand’)" KUB 21.38 i 59-60 (letter, Pud.), ed. Helck, JCS 17:92, Stefanini, Pud. 13f.; cf. the answering letter w. variant writing: "[My sister] has written [to me thus]": ÅÀ É LUGAL–wakan [kuwapi uwanun DUMU.
MUNUS.MEÅ LUGAL kuiËå we]miyanun "[When I came] into the king’s house (for the first time as queen), [the daughters whom] I found (there) …"
KUB 21.36:1-2 (letter), ed. Helck, JCS 17:96f., cf. also Edel in Geschichte und AT 39; these passages could also be cited above in usage 1 b (palace of the king); cf. LUGAL- É-er KUB 19.28 iii 9 (treaty, NH), and LUGAL-waå pár-na-aå KUB 26.10 i 9 (protocol), where the contexts are not sufficient for the establishing of nuance; ÅA Labarna La~
barnaå pár-na-aå
_LAMMA-ri "For Labarna’s Protective Deity of the house of Labarna" KUB 2.1 iii 21-22 (fest., NH), ed. McMahon, AS 25:106f., _U É µLabarna "The Stormgod of the household of Labarna" KBo 13.238 ii 10 (fest.), and _U ÅA É MUNUSTawannanna "Stormgod of the household of Tawannanna" KUB 6.45 iii 4 (prayer, Muw. II), ed. Singer, Muw.Pr. 19, 39; here also the Stormgod of the House(hold) — _U É (KUB 13.32 rev. 9, KUB 30.41 vi 29), and _U É-TI (KUB 11.35 v 8, KUB 38.2 ii 14), since the term probably refers to some protector of the royal family.

h. aggregate of property of all kinds, estate — 1' of the king: (If someone causes contamination in a bowl or a vat(?), formerly the penalty was six shekels of silver) paprezzi kuiå 3 GÍN KÙ.
BABBAR p_i (var. d_i) [æa-aå-åu-w]a?-an-na pár-na 3 GÍN KÙ.BABBAR daåkËr kinuna LUGAL-uå ÅA É.GAL-LIM [peåå]it "The one who causes the contamination pays three shekels of silver — and they used to take three shekels of silver for the [pal]ace (as fiscus) (lit. ‘house of the [ki]ng’), but now the king has [relinquish]ed (the share) of the palace (ÅA É.GAL-LIM)"
KBo 6.2 i 57-59 (Laws §25, OS), w. dupl. KBo 12.49 ii 3-4 (NS), ed. HG 22f., tr. ANET 190, TUAT 1.1:101, for restoration in line 58, see Otten apud HG 93; notice how [æaååuw]anna (or [LUGAL-w]anna) parna alternates w. É.GAL-LIM later in the same law; nu LUGAL-wan É-er-za 6 PA. ZÍ[D.DA … pianzi?] "And they [will provide(?)] six PARˆSU of […] flo[ur …] from the king’s house (i.e., royal property)" KUB 28.79:6 (fest, OH/NS); LUGAL-wan É-az tarnatta[n?] / […-a]nzi "They [give?] rations from the king’s house (i.e., royal property)" KBo 20.74 iii 7-8 (fest.); (Åuppiluliuma carried off booty to Æattuåa) nuza NAM.RA.MEÅ ku[(in)] INA É LUGAL uwatet n 3 LIM 3 ME 30[(–ya)] Ëåta "And the civilian captives which he carried off to the royal estate were 3,330 in number" KBo 5.6 iii 42-43 (DÅ), rest. from KBo 14.12 iii 14-15, ed. Güterbock, JCS 10:95; for other references to É LUGAL, see under the Sumerogram; (I conquered all these lands in one year) nuza LUGAL-uå INA É–YA [… L]IM 5 ME 30 NAM.RA.ÆI.A uwatenun "And I, the king, brought 1,530+[…] civilian captives to my estate, (but what the Hittite soldiers brought home was boundless)" KUB 19.37 ii 42-43, ed. AM 170f.; (The blood guilt of Tudæaliya has now devolved upon me, king Muråili) nat ammuqqa IÅTU É-TIYA åarnikzilaz maåkanna[z] åarnenkiåkimi "And I will make restitution for it from my estate (i.e., my financial resources), with restitution (and) a propitiatory gift" KUB 14.14 rev. 13-14 (PP 1), ed. Pestgeb. 172f., Lebrun, Hymnes 196, 201, cf. maåkan b; numu É-er kuit Ëåta nukan IÅTU É–YA _IÅTAR URUÅamuæa æantiyanun "And such an estate as I possessed — I supported Åauåga of Åamuæa from my estate" KBo 6.29 i 15-16 (edict, Æatt. III), ed. Æatt. 46f.; tr. Güterbock, Oriens 10:352.

2' of the queen: MUNUS.LUGAL É åiyannaå kuiå ÅA É MUNUS.LUGAL nan GAL LÚ.MEÅ[…] MUNUS.LUGAL Ëååai "The […] men of the queen worship she who is (divine) queen of the ‘seal-house’ of the queen’s estate" ABoT 14 iv 23-25 (oracle question, NH), ed. Lebrun, Hethitica 12:52, 66; "You wrote me …" URUKappuåiya maææan ÅA É MUNUS.LUGAL walæta nu ÅA É MUNUS.
LUGAL 1 GUD æapputri [d_er(?)] "How (the enemy) attacked the (possessions of the) queen’s estate and took an ox-æapputri"
HKM 8:6-8 (letter, MH/MS), ed. HBM 130f.

3' of others: takku LÚ.U/°.LU-an kuiåki æ„nikzi tan iåtarnikzi nu ap„n åaktaizzi pËdiååima LÚ.U/°.LU-an p_i nu É-ri-iå-åi anniåkizzi kuitm_naå l_zziyatta "If someone injures a man and makes him sick, he will take care of him. He will give a man in his place, who will work on his estate until he recovers" KBo 6.2 i 16-18 (Laws §10, OS), cf. NH par. law §IX, KBo 6.4 i 23 (É-er-åi "on his estate" is thus endingless loc., cf. Neu, Lok. 29), ed. HG 18f., tr. ANET 189, TUAT 1.1:99, for a disc. of this paragraph in connection w. sick-maintenance in Indo-European, see Watkins, Ériu 27:21-25; [k_åa] DUMU-mi Labarni É?-e[r] peææu[n A.ÅÀ.ÆI.A-åe me]kki peææun GUD.ÆI.A-åe me[kk]i peææu[n UDU.
ÆI.A-åe mekk]i peææun nu azzikkiddu [a]k[k]uå~
[u] "[Now] I have given my son Labarna an estate(?) — I have given [him m]uch in the way [of fields]. I have given him mu[c]h in the way of cattle. I have given [him muc]h in the way of [sheep.] Let him eat (and) drink"
KUB 1.16 ii 30-33 (political testament of Æatt. I, OH/NS), ed. HAB 6f., the similarity of the situation of the young Labarna to that of the five conspirators in the previous passage supports the reading É-er in ibid. ii 31; (Those who opposed my grandfather — now how much time has passed?) ÅA LÚ.GAL.GAL-TIM É–SUNU kuwapi ULat æarker "Where are the estates of the nobles? Have they not perished?" KUB 1.16 iii 45 (political testament, Æatt. I/NS), ed. HAB 14f.; "But when later the servants of the princes became corrupt" nu É.MEÅ–ÅUNU karip„wan d_er "then they began to devour their estates" KBo 3.1 i 20-21 (, OH/NS), ed. THeth 11:16f.; m_n ÅA É.NA›–ma æinqanaå waåtul kuiåki waåtai naå aki É–SUmaååi ÅA É.NA›–pat "But if someone of the mausoleum(?) commits an offense (calling for) execution, he shall die, but his estate belongs to the mausoleum(?) alone" KUB 13.8:11-12 (edict, MH/NS), ed. HTR 106f., cf. KBo 4.10 obv. 10-11 (treaty, Tudæ. IV); (When Appu’s sons grew up, they separated) É-ermakan katta [åarrer?] "And they [divided?] the estate" KUB 24.8 iv 3 (Appu, pre-NH/NS), ed. StBoT 14:10f.; (If a descendant of µGAL._U should commit an offense, let him be punished) É–SUmaåikan [aræa?] danzi nat damËdani an~
tuæåi damedani
_IM _ådu "They shall take his estate [away(?)] from him, but they shall not give them to the descendants of another man (lit. "to another person, to another seed"). If he has a son or grandson, let the estate remain with the son (or) grandson of GAL._IM"
KUB 26.58 obv. 18-22 (edict, Æatt. III); (I have deposed my stepmother from her position as priestess) nuååi É-er ADDIN nuååikan ZI-ni UL kuitki waqq_ri NINDA–aååi w_tar nu æ„man åar_ artari "And I gave her an estate. Nothing is lacking to her desire. She has bread and water. Everything stands at (her) disposal" KBo 4.8 ii 7-9 (prayer, Murå. II), ed. Hoffner, JAOS 103:188; (Thus Tudæaliya and Puduæepa:) [(ANA µÅaæur)]unu!wa pár-na-aå uttar kiåa[n …] "For Åaæurunuwa the matter of the estate is thu[s …]": KBo 22.55:4 (edict, Tudæ. IV), w. dupl. KUB 26.43 obv. 3, see in the same text [µÅ]aæurunuwaåza GAL NA.GADA ANA DUMU.MEÅ–ÅU É–SU kiåan åar[(raå)] "Åaæurunuwa, the ‘overseer of shepherds,’ has divided his estate among his sons, as follows" KUB 26.43 obv. 4, w. dupl. KBo 22.55:5, ed. Imparati, RHA XXXII:24f. ("il suo patrimonio"); URU.DIDLI.
ÆI.A É µUtti "These villages (belong to) the estate of Utti"
KUB 40.2 obv. 34 (cult inv., NH), ed. Kizz. 62f.; note also pár-na-aå MAÅKIM "bailiff(?) of an estate" KBo 25.106:5 (fest. frag., OS); w. the abl. parnaz or IÅTU É–ÅU "out of (someone’s) estate (or resources)": (If someone receives only a portion of a parcel of fields) luzzi natta karpizzi IÅTU É ABIÅUma k[arpianzi] "He shall not render the corvée, but from his father’s estate [they will render] (it)" KBo 6.2 ii 40 (Laws §46, OS), ed. HG 32f., tr. ANET 191, TUAT 1.1:105, cf. also IÅTU É ABIÅUma karpianzi KBo 6.4 iv 24-25 (NH par. law §XXXVIII); kinunmaååi 12 EZEN›.ITU.KAM 1 EZEN› zËni EZEN› æameåæi SANGA IÅTU É–ÅU Ëååai "Now for him (the deity) the priest will celebrate using his own means (lit. "from his own house") twelve monthly festivals, one autumn festival (and one) spring festival" KUB 42.100 iv 22-23 (cult inv., Tudæ. IV), cf. also SANGA IÅTU É–ÅU peåkizzi KBo 14.21 ii 56 (oracle question, NH), SANGA IÅTU É–ÅU iyazi KUB 25.27 ii 19 (fest.), and GUDU/¤ URUKartapaæa IÅTU É–ÅU p_i KUB 11.33 iii 20-21 (offering list); (If an official commits a certain offense against the king, they shall expel him) DI!-NAM IÅTU É–ÅU åarnikzi "He shall make restitution in this legal case from his own estate" KUB 13.7 i 12-13 (legal text); (An official testifies:) "Some of the asses in my care died" nuwaraå pár-na-za åarninkun "and I replaced them from (my) estate" KUB 13.35 ii 40 (dep., NH), ed. StBoT 4:8f.; (If someone blinds a free man or knocks out his tooth) kar„ 1 MA.NA KÙ.BABBAR piåker kinuna 20 GÍN KÙ.BABBAR p_i pár-na-aå-åe-a åuwaÏzzi "formerly they paid one mina of silver. Now he (the offender) shall pay twenty shekels of silver. In regard to it, however, he (the injured party) shall look to (i.e., have a claim upon) the house/estate (of the offender)" KBo 6.2 i 10 (Laws §7, OS), ed. HG 16f., tr. ANET 189, TUAT 1.1:99, and passim in the laws, on the interpretation of the phrase parnaååea åuwaizzi, see Güterbock, Or NS 52:73-80 w. antecedent bibliography, and Haase, BiOr 19:117-122. On the writings -åe-e-a, see Melchert, Phon. 163.

5. (in divination texts) — a. a part of the liver: URUZipaldaå NU.SIG_-du ni. åer ZAG-za UGU É GÙB-za aræan åi. æili. GIÅÅÚ.A GÙB-an "(Concerning the town of) Zipal(an)da, let (the oracle) be unfavorable — the nipaåuri-: above, it is on the right (and) high(?) the "house" is loose(?) (lit. ‘away’) on the left, the åintaæi-, the gallbladder is æilipåiman, the stool is the left hand one " KUB 22.52 obv. 3-4 (NH).

b. (as a token/symbol in a KIN oracle) — 1' alone: natza URUÅankawama DÙ-ri NU.ÅE-du SI[G_]-za É ME-aå ANA GIG.GAL "Or will it happen in Å. Let it be unfavorable. Goodness took the House (and gave it) to the Great Sickness" KUB 16.36:11 (NH); cf. also KUB 16.13 iii 3, 4, KUB 18.65:7, KUB 22.37 obv. 9, KUB 52.68 i 5 (all NH).

2' in the expression parnaå _ååu: IÅTU MUNUSÅU.GI ER.-TUM Q¸TAMMApat nu KIN NU.SIG_-du DINGIR-LUMza dapian ZI-an pár-na-aå _ååu KUR-eaååa _ååu ME- "The question put to the Old Woman is the same. Let the symbol oracle be unfavorable. The Deity took for himself the Complete Soul, the Goods (or Goodness) of the House and the Goods (or Goodness) of the Land" KUB 5.3 i 26-27 (NH); elsewhere the same spelling is found, e.g., KUB 5.4 i 14; but cf. pár-na-aå(-åa) SIG_ KUB 5.1 i 96, 103, ii 8, etc.; É- SIG_ KUB 49.78 ii 3 (all NH), cf. HW™ 1:519; cf. pár-na-aå aååul "Well-being of the House" KUB 34.22 iv 4 (omen).

c. (location in a snake oracle): MU.16.KAM NU.SIG_-du MUÅ.SAG.DU–kan ANA É-TI ÅUM-en "The sixteenth ‘year’ — let it be unfavorable: We have summoned the Snake of the Head to the House <of the King?>" IBoT 1.33:64-65, ed. Laroche, RA 52:154, 157, Laroche’s translation "Palais" indicates that he interprets É-TI in this passage as a var. of the É.LUGAL more usual in this text (lines 21, 33, etc.); 3 duågaranaza ui[t] É-ri AN x x mun<na>it "Third (observation): It (the snake) came from Rejoicing and concealed itself … in the House" IBoT 1.33:16, ed. Laroche, RA 52:152, 156. | Laroche reads the broken signs here as _x x and translates "il s’est caché au Temple-de-…," but it would be unusual to have the name of the deity following directly É w. phonetic compl.

Hrozny_, SH (1917) 59-61; Friedrich, ZA 39 (1930) 55 (infl.); Otten, ZA 54 (1961) 143 (nom. parnaå); Laroche, RHA XXIII/76 (1965) 52-54 (etymology); Riemschneider, MIO 6:338, n. 76 (mng. 4).

Cf. parnili, É ABUBˆTI, É.GAL, É-TIM GAL, É LUGAL and other comp. Sumerograms w. É.

[pera-] HW 167 see peri-.

peran adv., prev., and postpos.; 1. (local postpos.) before, in front of, in the presence of, in the sight or hearing of, 2., (local prev.) in front, 3. (temporal adv.) previously, at first(?), in advance, ahead of time, beforehand, provisionally, 4. (temporal prev.) in front, first (temporally), 5. (temporal postpos.) facing a person in the future, ahead of someone, temporally prior to someone’s activity, 6. (postpos.) during the reign of (a king), 7. (postpos.) under the supervision of (a superior), 8. pe~
ran eå
- (act.) to be responsible for, 9. (in verbal idioms with karti or iåtanzani), 10. (causal postpos.) because of, from, out of, 11. peran nai- to turn (someone or something) over to (someone), 12. (in combination with a second postpos., prev., or adv.); from OS.

1. (local postpos.) before, in front of, in the presence of, in the sight or hearing of

a. w. poss. pron. suff.

1' in OH

2' in MH

b. w. the gen. (OH)

1' in OH/OS

2' in OH/MS

3' in OH/NS

c. w. the dat.-loc.

1' before persons (gods or humans)

a' before, in the presence of (in general)

b' in front of, ahead of someone who (or something which) is moving

c' in someone’s hearing

1'' w. æalzai-

a'' "to read"

b'' "to cry out"

2'' w. kutruwaææ- "to give testimony"

3'' w. link- "to swear"

4'' w. markiya- "to find fault"

5'' w. mema- "to speak, say, declare"

6'' w. memian peæute- "to bring a word"

7'' w. (anda) peda- "to bring (testimony)"

8'' w. puqqanu- "to make hateful"

9'' w. åunna- "to fill"

10'' w. tarna- "to confess"

11'' w. udd_r daååanu- "to make words important"

12'' w. taåtaåiyai- "to whisper"

13'' w. te/tar- "to speak, mention"

14'' w. tepawaææ- "to belittle, demean"

15'' w. tepnu- "to belittle, demean"

16'' w. watarnaææ- "to commission"

d' in someone’s sight/eyes

e' in someone’s mind, knowledge or estimation

1'' eå- (act.), either expressed or implied

2'' w. other verbs

2' before objects

a' w. ar- (act.) "to arrive"

b' w. ar- (mid.) "to stand"

c' w. epp- "to seize, hold"

d' w. pai- "to go"

e' w. paåk- "to erect"

f' w. åeå- "to spend the night, sleep"

g' w. dai- "to place/deposit (before the statue of a deity)" or ki- "to be placed/deposited"

h' w. tiya- "to take a stand"

i' w. tittanu- "to erect, station"

j' w. tuzziya- "to encamp"

k' w. weda- "to build"

d. w. dat.-loc. but preposed

2. (local prev.) in front

a. peran æuwai- "to go/march in front"

1' lit. "to march/go in front, run/go before"

2' (of humans) "to lead, take charge of" (MH and NH)

3' (of gods) "to run/go before, or lead (troops in order to give them victory)"

b. peran æuinu-

1' "to cause B (acc.) to run/go before A (dat.), i.e., put B (acc.) in the charge of A (dat.)"

2' w. -za instead of the dat. n. or pron. ("A"), "to cause someone to run before oneself, i.e., put oneself in charge of someone, take charge of someone"

c. peran æuyatalla- "leader"

d. peran iya- (mid.) "to walk in front"

e. peran l_- "to dispel"

f. peran lamniya- "to name (someone to be) before/in charge of"

g peran pai- A "to go in front, go ahead"

h. peran palwai-

i. peran åazki- "to shove to the fore(?)"

j. peran tiya-

1' "to step in front, advance, be promoted to higher rank"

2' "to step in front/before (sometimes in the sense of to intercede)"

k. peran waænu- "to be or become important, vital, preeminent, gain preeminence, get the upper hand"

l. -za peran weriya- "to involve oneself with"

3. (temporal adv.) previously, before, at first(?), in advance, ahead of time, beforehand, provisionally

a. simple peran

1' "previously, at first"

2' "in advance, ahead of time, beforehand, provisionally"

b. peran par_ (or par_n)

1' "previously"

2' "in advance, beforehand, ahead of time"

3' pé-ra-an par_ UD-an "before daybreak(?)"

c. peran åar_ "beforehand(?), in advance(?)"

4. (temporal prev.) in front, first (temporally)

a. peran arnu- or æuinu- "to move something temporally to the first position," i. e. "to give priority to"

1' w. arnu-

2' w. æuinu-

b. peran walæ- "to beat (someone) out, beat (someone to something), act first, anticipate (someone), prevent (someone)"

5. (temporal postpos.)

a. "before, facing (a person in) the future, ahead (of someone)"

b. temporally prior to someone’s activity

6. (postpos.) during the reign of (a king)

7. (postpos.) under the supervision of (a superior)

8. w. - (act.) to be responsible for

9. in verbal idioms with karti or iåtanzani

a. karti peran or P¸NI ÅÀ

b. iåtanzani peran or P¸NI ZI

10. (causal postpos.) because of, from, out of

a. inani peran "from sickness"

b. kardimmiyatti peran "from anger"

c. kaåti peran "from hunger, because of hunger"

d. w. a verb of "fearing"

e. lappiyaå peran "from/because of the heat"

11. peran nai- to turn (someone or something) over to (someone)

12. (in combination with a second postpos., prev., or adv.)

a. peran _ppa "before (and) back," w. verbs of "going/coming" means "back and forth" = "again and again"

1' w. iya- (mid.) "to frequent"

2' w. pai- A "constantly approach"

3' w. tarna- "to allow to come and go, allow free access"

4' w. uwa-

a' to carry out the cult

b' to surround

b. peran _ppanna "before and behind"

c. peran aræa "away from in front of, from before, out in front, by/along in front, around"

1' "away from in front of, from before, out in front"

a' w. æuittiya- "to pull from in front of(?)"

b' w. iåpart- "to escape from before"

c' w. laæuwa- "to pour out in front"

d' w. munnai- "to hide from before"

e' w. pai- A "to go away from in front of"

f' w. paræ- "to race/run out in front"

g' w. parå- "to flee before (someone)"

h' w. paråiya- "to break off from the front"

i' w. paråullai- "to crumble off the front"

j' w. peda -"to carry away from in front"

k' w. piddai- ""to run/flee from before"

l' w. da- ""to take from before"

m' w. tarna- "to flee before"

n' w. tiya- "to move away from before (temporally)" > "to be disposed of, removed (from agenda), attended to

o' w. uiya- "to send away from before"

p' w. watku- "flee (lit. jump away) before"

2' by/along in front

a' w. arå- "to flow by/along in front(?)"

b' w. gulå- "to draw (a line) across the front of(?)"

c' w. pai- A (w. acc.) "to pass in front of"

d' w. peæute- "to parade before"

e' w. dai- "to place along the front"

f' w. uwa- "to pass in front"

g' w. wida(i) "to parade before"

3' "around," w. eå- (act.) "to be in circumference(?)"

d. peran aååuwaz uwa- "to fly in on the good side in front"

e. peran katta "down in front of"

1' w. ar-

2' w. æuek-

3' w. iya- (act.)

4' w. iåæuwa-

5' w. iåparr-

6' w. gang(a)-

7' w. ki- (mid.) (functions as pass. of peran katta dai-)

8' w. parånai-

9' w. peda-

10' w. åipand-

11' w. åeå-

12' w. dai-

13' w. tarna-

a' "to let down in front"

b' "to abandon (someone) before (an enemy)"

14' w. uwa-

f. peran kuåtayaz/kuåtayati uwa- "to fly in on the kuåtai-side in front"

g. peran par_

h. peran åar_

pé-e-ra-an KUB 29.29 obv. 9, (12), KUB 29.30 ii 3, KUB 36.110 rev. 18, KBo 13.137:6, 11, KBo 17.36 ii 6, KBo 20.4 iv! 2, KBo 20.22 left col. 9, KBo 20.26 obv. 21, KBo 34.17:4, HT 95 right col. 2 (all OS), KBo 30.92 rev. 3 (OS?), (for OS occurrences in festivals, see StBoT 26:144-147), KUB 33.38 iv 6, KUB 33.59 iii 3 (both OH/MS), KBo 10.11 i (4), KBo 24.87 rev. 3, KUB 54.50 iv? 2 (all OH/MS?), KUB 31.74 ii 6 (OH/NS), "pí-i-e-ra-an" KUB 58.50 iv 17 was shown by collation (Rüster/Neu, HZL 20 n. 16) to be a copyist error for the tablet’s pé-e-ra-an, pí-i-ra-an KBo 25.23 obv. 7, (8) (OS).

pé-ra-an KBo 7.14 obv. 2, 9, KUB 36.100 rev. 8, KBo 22.2 obv. 14 (all OS), (for OS exx. in festivals, see StBoT 26:144-147), KBo 3.34 ii 25, 26, KBo 3.41 + KUB 31.4 obv. 26, KBo 3.60 i 14, ii 13 (all OH/NS), KBo 16.27 ii 10, KUB 23.77:18, 36, KUB 23.77a rev. 11, HKM 25:25, HKM 13:9, KUB 23.72 obv. 19, 43, rev. 4, 17, 61, 62, 66, KUB 14.1 obv. 11, 23, 37, 62, 70 (all MH/MS), KBo 13.55 rev. 2, 3, (10) (MH), KUB 23.11 ii 29, iii 17, KUB 23.21 obv. 28, KUB 23.68 obv. 17, 21 (all MH/NS), passim in NH.

pé-ra-a-an KBo 2.8 ii 10, iv 3 (NH), KUB 58.83 iii 20 (NS), [pé-r]a-a-an HKM 24:7 (MH/MS). To our knowledge this spelling of peran in published texts is found only in these four places.

With assimilation of the final n to the following consonant: pé-ra-aå-ma-aå (for *pera(n)–åmaå) KUB 12.63 obv. 5 (cited in Zuntz, Ortsadv. 86); further exx. below under forms with poss. pron. suff.; and see ex. with sandhi: nkan URUKum~
GIÅKÁ.GAL-aå pé-ra-aå GIÅåi-ia-tal m_n tiyat "In Kummiya he (Ullikummi) took his stand before the gate like a å." KBo 26.65 i 21 (Song of Ullik.) below 3 c 2' b' 8'', where pronounced peran + åiyatal > peraå åiyatal.

Abbreviated writings: pé.-an (Zuntz, Ortsadv. 84; Kronasser, EHS 1:67, 353) are exceptional in MH/NS: KUB 13.8:9. The vast majority are from the end of the New Kingdom in: (1) historical texts: KUB 14.3 iv 46 ("Taw.," Æatt. III); (2) legal texts, land grants, depositions, etc.: KUB 26.43 rev. 27, 35 (Tudæ. IV), KUB 54.1 i 47, ii 24, iv 17; (3) myths: KUB 33.96 i 5, 9, KUB 33.98 i 10, KUB 17.7 iii 13 (JCS 5:154 line 42); (4) rituals: KUB 46.45 rev.? 10, 13, KUB 39.54 obv.? 13, 14; (5) dreams and vow texts: KUB 15.23:9 (dream of the queen), KUB 15.18 iii 6, KUB 15.20 ii? 2, KUB 15.22:10, de Roos, JEOL 25, plate XII, line 15; (6) festivals: IBoT 3.1:11, 12, KUB 34.69 + KUB 34.70 obv. 2; (7) oracle inquiries: KUB 5.1 i 15, 19, and passim, this is the regular spelling in late Hitt. oracle texts, in which it occurs hundreds of times. This is an abbreviated writing and is irrelevant to the question (e.g., HE™ §30b) of the loss of intervocalic r in Hitt.

pé. (Zuntz, Ortsadv. 84) occurs exclusively in late oracle texts: KUB 5.22:12, KUB 16.50:2, KUB 50.10 right col. 11, KUB 52.24 i 7, KUB 49.30 rev.? 21, etc.

Written w. Akkadogram: PA-NI: KBo 16.73 iii 7 (StBoT 25 no. 10) (OS), KUB 53.14 ii 23, iii 22 (OH), HKM 22:6, 12!, HKM 81:29, KUB 13.27 rev.! 8 (all MH/MS), KUB 13.9 iii 7, KUB 31.42 iii 15 (MH/NS), KUB 19.29 iv 8, KBo 5.8 ii 15 (Murå. II), KUB 21.1 iii 30 (Muw. II), KUB 1.1 ii 72 (Æatt. III), KUB 26.1 iii 42 (Tudæ. IV), PA-AN KUB 14.10 i 9 (Murå. II), KUB 21.17 ii 6, KUB 21.37 obv. 21, 22 (all Æatt. III).

With poss. pron. suff.: _pé-e±-ra-am-mi-it KBo 3.22 rev. 79 (OS) w. var. pé-ra-a-_am±-mi-i[t] KUB 36.98b rev. 6 (OH/NS), cf. Neu, StBoT 18:67 w. n. 99, pé-ra-an-te-et KUB 26.35:9, pé-ra-an-ti-it KUB 1.16 iii 57 (OH/NS), pé-e-ra-aå-åe-et KBo 17.1 i 33 (OS), pé-ra-aå-åe-et KUB 9.28 i 22 (MH/NS), KUB 41.15 obv.? 12 (LS), KUB 54.50 i? (5) (OH/MS?), pé-ra-aå-åi-it KBo 22.196 rev. 12 (OS), IBoT 1.36 i 35 (MH/MS), pé-ra-aå-åi-it-ta KUB 43.23 rev. 59, [?-r]a-aå-åi-it[-?] KBo 30.137:7, pé-ra-an-åi-it KBo 10.37 i 25 (OH/NS), KBo 25.190 obv. 25 (MH/MS or ENS), KBo 21.34 i 34 (MH/NS), KBo 19.129 obv. (6), 9 (NS), pé-e-ra-aå-mi-it KBo 25.56 i 11 (OS), KBo 17.33:5 [same tablet] (OS), pé-e-ra-a[å-mi-it] KBo 23.65:8 (OH?/NS?), pé-ra-aå-mi-it KUB 36.104 rev. 7 (OH/OS or MS), KBo 12.126 i 8 (MH/NS), KBo 21.47 ii! 7 (MS?), KUB 53.15 ii! 20 (LS), pé-e-ra-aå-mi KUB 31.74 ii 8 (OH/NS), pé-e-ra-az-mi-it KBo 17.4 iii 13 (OS), cf. StBoT 8:71f., pé-ra-an-åa-mi-it KBo 25.190 i 27 (MH/MS or ENS).

The customary transliteration pí-ra-an is based upon the assumption that the writing is "unmarked" or neutral. We believe that such a writing actually tends to prejudice the case against an e vocalism, and that a truly neutral writing would be /í. The only evidence for an i-vocalism of the first syll. of this word is the occurrence of pí-i-ra-an in KBo 25.23 obv. 7, (8) (OS). We think there is a good possibility of a vocalization
/peran/ throughout the Hitt. period.

mng. 1 c 1' b' (Akk.) (The city of Parmanna was the ‘head’ of those kings) irt_ub itabbula (from wab_lum?) "It kept governing(?) (them)" KBo 10.1 obv. 28 = (Hitt.) KASKAL.ÆI.A-