peda- n. neut.; place, location, position, locality; wr. syll. and Akk. AÅRU; from OS.

a. a location or position

1' in general

2' sacred places

a' in general

b' sacred places (AÅRIÆI.A) in the temple (window, throne dais, brazier, etc.) where sacrifice is made

3' a geographical unit

a' region or territory

b' a city, village or settlement

b. position, post, rank, status or station in a hierarchy

c. situation or circumstance

d. specific places identified by a dependent gen.

1' gen. n.

a' _piyaå p. "place of the offering pit"

b' æalluwaå p. "_place of depth" (as a designation of part of liver in omen)

c' æapaå p. "place of the rivers"

d' æaååueznaå p. "the place of kingship"

e' æazziwiyaå p. "place of (performing) a rite"

f' iåæuzziyaå p. "place of the belt" = "beltline"

g' *itarkiaå p.

h' kariyaåæaå p. "place of (showing) mercy"

i' GIÅkurakkiyaå p. "place of the column"

j' linkiyaå p. "place of oath(-taking)"

k' nepiåaå p. "place of the sky"

l' parnaå p.

m' paråuraå p. "place of soup" > "soup kitchen"

n' åakiyaå p."the place of the omen"

o' GIÅåaræuliyaå p. "place of the pillar"

p' åurziyaå p.

q' talpuriyaå p.

r' tuliyaå p. "place of assembly"

s' walliyaå p. "place of pride"

t' wilanaå p. "place of clay"

u' zaææiyaå p. "place of battle, battlefield"

v' AÅAR ANDAÆÅUMSAR "place of the ANDAÆÅUM-plant"

w' AÅAR DINGIR-LIM "the place of the divinity"

x' AÅAR DN "place of DN":

y' DUMU.LUGAL-aå p. "place of the prince"

z' ÉRIN.MEÅ-aå p. "place of the troops"

aa' AÅAR GAL MEÅEDI "the place of the Chief of the Guards"

bb' AÅAR SISKUR "place of sacrifice"

2' gen. of verbal nouns

a' _ppa appannaå p. "place of retreat"

b' æanneånaå p "place of judgement"

c' æaååannaå p. "place of breeding"

d' æinkuwaå p. "place of bowing"

e' iræawaå p. "place of worshipping"

f' piddumaå p. "place of running"

g' tiyawaå p. "place of dismounting"

h' wiåiyawaå p. "place of grazing"

e. p. modified by adjectives

1' arpuwan p. "inaccessible place"

2' aååiyan p. "beloved place"

3' aååu p. "good place"

a' in general

b' an anatomical term

4' æarwaåi p. "secret place"

5' æatku p. "a tight spot, difficult circumstances"

6' ikunan p. "cool place"

7' innarawan p. "a challenging(?) situation"

8' nakki p.

a' "an important place"

b' "a difficult place"

9' parku p. "elevated place"

10' åalli p. "Great Place"

11' åani p. "one and the same place"

12' åuppi p. "holy place"

13' damai p. "another place"

14' dammel(i) p. "uncultivated land, uninhabited land, virgin land"

a' in the nom.-acc.

b' in the d.-l.

15' daååu p. "strong place"

16' tepu p. "little place" (perhaps euphemism for the netherworld or the grave)

f. w. preceding adv.

1' apiya pedi "in that place"

2' iåtarna p.

a' "inside, in the interior"

b' "in the center, midpoint, middle"

g. w. possessive

h. pedi (d.-l.) and pediååi "in place, on the spot, in loco"

1' wr. pedi or INA AÅRI

2' wr. pedi– or AÅAR– + poss. pron.

i. pedi (d.-l.) and pediååi "instead of, in place of, in his stead/place"

1' wr. pediååi

2' wr. pedi

3' wr. AÅAR

j. construed w. numbers

1' cardinals

a' in general

1" where pedan is used like a d.-l.

a" wr. AÅRA (which could be an Akk. acc. sg.)

b" wr. syll. pedan

2" 1-edani pedi

3" others

b' places where an object is plated or inlaid, or where the plating is

scratched off

2' ordinals

a' d_n pedaå "of the second place"

1" in competition

2" as a designation of rank

3" as a designation of quality, opposite of "first class" (æantezzi)

a" w. wine:

b" w. garments, probably indicating the rank of the wearer

b' other ordinals

k. pedan epp- and æar(k)-

1' epp- "to take/assume a position"

a' w. -za

b' w. d.-l. enclitic personal pron.

c' without –za or d.-l. pron.

d' w. _ppa epp- "to take refuge in a place"

2' æar(k)- "to keep/hold/maintain a position"

a' without -za

b' w. -za

c' w. _ppa æar(k)- "to remain in or occupy a place of refuge"

sg. nom.-acc. pé-e-da-an KUB 23.77: 28, 29, ABoT 60 obv. 20 (both MH/MS), KUB 13.2 i 14, 15,18, 19, KUB 26.19 ii 11, VBoT 24 ii 16, KUB 7.5 i 19 (all MH/NS), KBo 6.4 i 11, KUB 29.4 iii 28, 29, KUB 19.13 i 48, KBo 1.28 obv. 14, KBo 3.4 iii 72 (all NH), pé-e-ta-an IBoT 1.36 i 9, iii 14 (MH/MS), KUB 32.137 ii 8 (MH/NS), KUB 14.7 iv 5 (Æatt. III), KUB 18.11 rev. 11 (late NH), pé-da-an KUB 33.120 ii 77 (pre-NH/NS), pé-e-da<-an> KBo 11.51 iii 6 (NS), pé-e-da-mi-it KUB 31.130 rev. 5, KUB 36.75 iii 20 (both OH/MS), pé-e-da-aå-åi-it KUB 10.66 vi 5, KUB 58.5 obv. 12, pé-e-da-aå-me-et KBo 20.12 i 4 (OS), Tel Aviv 2:92, l. 21, pé-e-da-aå-åi-me-et KBo 21.85 i 41 (OH/MS), pé-e-da-aå-mi-it KBo 25.47 iv 12, KBo 30.181 right col. 5, AÅ-RU KUB 49.103 rev.10, KUB 19.70 iv 23, AÅ-RA KBo 10.2 i 6 (OH/NS), HT 1 iv 10, HKM 46:4 (MH/MS), KBo 15.25 obv. 20 (MH/NS), KUB 14.3 i 23 (Æatt. III), KBo 11.17 i 2, KUB 15.1 ii 43 (both NH) (this spelling always preceded by a no. higher than 1, see j 1' a' 1" a"; perhaps this Akk. acc. writing originated as a logogr. wr. of pedan [nom.-acc.]); the nom.-acc. can also be used where one expects either a gen. (e.g., KUB 10.13 iii 7, KBo 12.4 ii 6 [var. KBo 3.1 ii 37 has sg. gen. pé-e-da-aå]) or a d.-l. (e.g., KBo 16.49 iv 4, 9, KBo 15.25 obv. 20).

sg. gen. pé-e-da-aå KBo 3.22 obv. 40 (OS), KBo 15.31 iv 10 (OH/MS), KBo 3.1 ii 37 (OH/NS), KUB 9.1 ii 15 (pre-NH/NS), KUB 6.45 iii 11 (Muw. II), KUB 36.90 obv. 16, KUB 2.1 iii 4 (both NH), pé-da-aå KUB 52.75 obv. 13; in comp. ta-an-pé-da-aå KBo 21.91:11; w. word space ta-a-an pé-e-da-aå-åa Bo 3371:9 (AfO 23:38 n. 18); pé-e-da-aå KBo 3.1 ii 37 (OH/NS) (w. dupl. pé-e-da-an KBo 12.4 ii 6, NS).

sg. d.-l. pé-e-di KBo 3.22 rev. 48 (OS), KUB 30.10 obv. 8 (OH/MS), KUB 23.77:27, KBo 15.33 ii 38 (both MH/MS), KUB 36.79 i 24, KBo 6.3 i 26 (both OH/NS), KUB 43.55 iv 4 (pre-NH/NS), KBo 5.2 ii 31, 32 (MH/NS), KBo 4.7 i 16, KBo 5.8 iii 20 (both Murå. II), KUB 41.17 iv 19 (NS), pé-e-ti KBo 21.90 obv. 13 (OH/MS), KBo 16.50:16 (MH/MS), KBo 20.51 ii 4 (MS), KBo 4.2 i 27 (pre-NH/NS), KUB 19.51:(5) (Murå. II), KBo 22.247 right col. 7 (OH/NS?), pé-e-te KUB 29.1 ii 24 (OH/NS), KBo 4.9 i 49 (OH?/NS), pé-di KBo 3.34 i 14 (OH/NS), KUB 13.4 i 20, iv 65, 75 (pre-NH/NS), KBo 10.12 ii 18 (Åupp. I/NS), KUB 14.7 iv 7, KUB 14.3 iv 3, KUB 21.38 i 23, ii 15, KUB 19.9 i 15, KUB 5.1 iii 65, 71 (all Æatt. III), KBo 4.10 obv. 31 (Æatt. III or Tudæ. IV), pé-ti KUB 2.8 i 29 (NH), pe-te KUB 6.46 obv. 50, 51 (coll. Singer, Muw.Pr. 20), KUB 41.8 i 39 (MH/NS).

sg. abl. pé-e-da-az KUB 33.53:(12) (OH/NS?), HKM 116:(15) (MH/MS), KUB 33.120 ii (75), ii 84 (pre-NH/NS), KUB 30.56 iii 15 (NH), pé-da-az KUB 33.120 ii 34 (pre-NH/NS), pé-e-ta-az KUB 4.72 rev. 5 (OH/MS?), KUB 43.55 iv 11 (pre-NH/NS), pé-e-da-za KBo 13.101 rev. 23 (NS), KUB 17.16 iv 12 (NH), KBo 16.81 i 2, pé-ta-za Bo 3315 obv. 13 (Otten translit. in Haas, KN 277a).

pl. nom.-acc. AÅ-RIÆI.A KUB 2.8 ii 21, 23, 32 (NH), KUB 11.21 iv (16), KUB 25.18 iv 34, KBo 30.58 ii? 8, KUB 11.35 iii 12, KUB 11.26 ii 13.

pl. gen. pé-e-da-aå KUB 52.15 iii 5, 6.

pl. d.-l. pé-e-da-aå KBo 19.128 iii (35), 36, 38 (OH?/NS), KBo 15.37 i 2 (MH/NS), KUB 6.45 iii 11 (Muw. II), pé-da-aå KUB 42.97 + HHT 80 rev. 10 (NH), pé-e<-da>- KUB 2.1 ii 40 (NH).

Akkadogram AÅ-RU KUB 21.27 i 15, KUB 48.111:12, KBo 4.10 rev. 18, KUB 7.10 i 6, AÅ-RA see "sg. nom.-acc." above, AÅ-RI, AÅ-RUÆI.A KUB 22.51 rev. 12, AÅ-RIÆI.A KUB 34.70:12, 16, 17, IBoT 3.1:18, 50, 51, 58, and passim, A-ÅAR (construct followed by n.) KUB 32.137 ii 11 (MH/NS), A-ÅAR-ÅU KBo 11.45 iii 12, 15 (OH/NS), A-ÅAR-ÅU-NU KBo 20.8 obv.? (19) (OS), KBo 20.26 obv. 13, A-ÅAR-ÅI-NA KBo 25.64:9. We have no evidence for an equation KI = peda-, as Sommer, AU 100, 411 maintained. In Hitt. texts KI = tekan, and daganzipa- "earth."(Sum.) [Á.–R] = (Akk.) _pu-u-ru = (Hitt.) æarw_åi pé-e-da-an "secret place" KBo 1.42 i 37 (Izi Bogh.), ed. MSL 13:134 (l. 47); (Sum.) […] = (Akk.) kà-la-ak-ku "excavation" = (Hitt.) IM-aå pé-e-da-an "place of clay" KUB 3.93:8 (Erimæuå Bogh.), ed. MSL 17:124; (Akk.) ina qaqqariåu "on its (Ulma’s) site/territory" KBo 10.1 obv. 17 = (Hitt.) pé-di-iå-åi "on its site" KBo 10.2 i 36 (bil. ann. of Æatt. I, NS), ed. Saporetti, SCO 14:77, 80 (Akk., "sul suo suolo"), Imparati, SCO 14:46f. (Hitt., "al suo posto"), tr. Houwink ten Cate, Anatolica 11:48 (Akk.), CAD Q 118b; for the tr. of qaqqaru see CAD Q 117-119 (mng. 3).

The equation of æuååulli in KBo 24.57 i 8 w. AÅ-RI in dupl. KBo 23.42 i 8 which Otten notes (KBo 24 p. VII n. 2) is only an interchange of two words w. overlapping semantic fields, "pit" and "place," not evidence of synonymity.

We write pé-di rather than pí-di on the basis of the plene writings pé-e-di and the absence of exx. of *pí-i-di. Eichner has proposed that a pronunciation /pidi/ has arisen by Umlaut, but Melchert disagrees.

a. a location or position — 1' in general: nu ÅD._SA_± AN[A] ÅDMaraååanda ku_ed±ani pé-e-di anda imm[i]åkittari nu w_tar apËdani pé-di UL æ_nanzi "They shall not draw water at the place where the Red River mingles with the Maraååanda River" KBo 23.27 ii 28-30 (incant., MS?); [kue]dani pé-di IZKIM-in iyatten kinuna [… a]p_t AÅ-RU iåæarnummawen "In whatever place you have given an oracular sign, […] now we have bloodied that place" KBo 13.101 i 27-28 (rit., NS); kue Ëååeåta kuedani pé-di "Whatever he has done in whatever place" KUB 17.27 ii 29 (rit., MH?/NS), tr. ANET 347; (Someone [takes] a loaf of bread) nukan æatteååar iåt_p[i] [nam]maat åer anda [appa]nzi … [nu a]p_t pé-e-da-an ipu_ran±zi naåta å_ar±[_ …] []æuwanzi "He blocks the (mouth of the) hole (with it), and [th]en they [dr]aw it (the hole/soil) together on top. … They mound up [t]hat place, they [h]eap (it) u[p…]" KUB 32.137 ii 27-28, 31-32 + KBo 15.24 ii 6-7, 10-11 (foundation rit., MH/NS), ed. Kellerman, Diss. 167, 174 | for epurai- see HW™ 2:89 ("Erdmassen bewegen, flach machen, planieren, Rampe bauen"), HED 1/2:282 ("besiege, dam up") | for tekan åer anda appanzi see HW™ 2:68 epp- IV 1.c; cf. KBo 15.24 ii 10; "At the gate (or: outside?) we take seven pegs … and a stone. … And if it (i.e., the door) opens somewhere" nuza ap„n NA›-an tummeni nu pé-e-da-an tarmiåkaweni "we take that stone and keep hammering/securing the place" KUB 17.28 i 12-13 (incant. of the moon, NS).

2' sacred places — a' in general: nutta pé-e-da-an æinikzi "He will allot to you (_Uliliyaååi) a place (where you can receive worship)" KUB 7.5 i 19-20 (Paåkuwatti’s rit., MH/NS), ed. Hoffner, AuOr 5:273, 277; [m]_nkan DINGIR.MEÅ pé-e-da-az nininkanzi "When they move (the statues of) the deities from (their) places" KUB 30.56 iii 15 (cat., NH), ed. CTH pp. 181f.; nammakan DINGIR.MEÅ URUÆatti GIDIM.ÆI.A–ya pé-di ninikta "Moreover he (i.e., Muwatalli II) loosened the gods of Æatti and the manes from in (their) place (and carried them off down to Taræuntaååa)" KUB 1.1 ii 52, ed. Æatt. 20f., StBoT 24:14f.; [1 ØU]PPU m_nkan ÅA GIDIM æaåtai pé-e-d[i] n[ininkanzi]"[One tab]let: when [they] l[oosen] the bones of a dead person in (their) place" KUB 30.65 ii 12 (cat., NH), ed. CTH p. 170 ("quand on ra[masse …] sur place les ossements d’un mort").

b' sacred places (AÅRIÆI.A) in the temple (window, throne dais, brazier, etc.) where sacrifice is made: UGULA LÚ.MEÅMUÆALDIM memalit AÅ-RIÆI[.A] iræaizzi æaååÏ 1-ÅU GIÅDAG-ti 1-ÅU GIÅAB-ya 1-ÅU GIÅæattalwaå GIÅ-i 1-ÅU namma æaååÏ ta!puåza 1-ÅU iåæ„wai "The chief of the cooks makes the rounds of the (sacred) places with groats: he pours (groats) once at the brazier, once at the throne dais, once at the window, once at the wood of the bolt, and finally (or: again) once alongside the brazier" KUB 11.21 iv 16-21 (fest. frag.); EGIR–ÅU tawallit AÅ-RIÆI.A Q¸TAMMA iræ__i± "Afterwards he makes the rounds of the places in the same way with tawal-drink" KUB 11.35 iii 11-12 (winter fest., OH/NS); EGIR–ÅU iåæanÏ EGIR-anda KAÅ-it GEÅTIN-it tawalit walæit AÅ-RIÆI.A iræ_izzi "Afterwards, after the (draining of) the blood [cf. aulin kar-ap-pa-an-zi in line 10], he makes the rounds of the places with beer, wine, tawal, and walæi-drink" KUB 11.26 ii 11-13 (fest.); DINGIR.MEÅ-aå æ„mantaå ANA AÅ-RIÆI.A–ya æ„mantaå peran åipantanz[i] "They libate before all deities and all (sacred) places" KUB 27.15 i 7-8 (cult of Teååub and Æebat), w. dupl. KUB 27.13 i 26; nuza BÍLTI É-TI AÅ-RIÆI.A ÅA DINGIR-LIM IÅTU DINGIR-LIM aræa arÏËzzi "The mistress of the house makes an oracular inquiry from the deity concerning the places of the deity" KUB 17.24 ii 9-10 (witaåå(iy)-fest., NH?); cf. Archi, SMEA 1:83-102.

3' a geographical unit — a' region or territory: m_n URU-LUM kuiå naåma AÅ-RU kuitki ANA µUlmi-Teååub LUGAL KUR URU._U-taååa piyanna UL ZI-anza "If it is not the wish (of the Hittite king) to give Ulmi-Teååub, the king of Taræuntaååa, any town or place" KBo 4.10 rev. 18 (treaty w. Ulmi-Teååub, Æatt. III?), ed. StBoT 38:46f.; "If His Majesty campaigns against Tanizila in this year" m_n kuedani pé-di laæiyaizzi "if at the place at which he campaigns (he goes from the camp/with the army to the … river" KUB 5.1 iii 65-66 (oracle question, NH), ed. la(æ)æiyai- 1 b, THeth 4:74f., cf. ibid. iii 71 and KUB 49.103 rev. 10 s.v. m_n 10 a 2'; BAL-anmu kuiå IGI-anda iyat naåta ap_t pé-e-da-an åer aræa p_„n "Whoever made a rebellion against me, I ignored/neglected that place" KUB 36.87 iii 8-10 (prayer, NH), ed. pai- A 5 d 1', KN 190f., | Kammenhuber HW™ 1:444a, following KN 191, tr. "da verlieå ich deswegen(!) jenen Ort" (exclamation point hers); since åer aræa w. verbs of movement is a common collocation, we see no reason to translate this åer without a related d.-l. as "deswegen" nor aræa pai- w. the acc.(!) as "verlassen"; (They drive sheep to the steppe) nkan p_nzi ANA ZAG L–.K–R anda aræa pittalanzi kuedani pé-di anzel UL aranzi "and they proceed to abandon them in the borderlands of the enemy, in a place to which ours do not come" KUB 9.31 iii 46-47 (Aåæella’s rit., NH), ed. Dinçol, Belleten 49/193:15, 24; cf. KUB 8.12 ii 4 (lunar omen), ed. g, below; see also arpuwan pedan (e 1' below) and nakki pedan (e 8' below).

b' a city, village or settlement: nuza ÅEÅ–YA µNIR.GÁL-i[(å)] [(kuit AÅ)]-RU URU._U-aååan parnawaiåkit "Taræuntaååa, the place which my brother Muwatalli made into property of the royal house" KUB 1.1 iv 62-63 (Apol. of Æatt. III), w. dupls. KBo 3.6 + KUB 19.70 iv 23-24, ed. parnawiåke- a, Æatt. 36f., NBr 32f., StBoT 24:28f.; (The different deities settled in different cities, i.e., they have chosen these places as their abodes) [DINGIR.]MAÆ–makan pé-e-da-an UL _åta nuååikan DUMU.L–.U/·.LU [pe-e]-da-an _åta "But for Æannaæanna there did not remain a place; so for her, man<kind> remained (as her) [pl]ace" KUB 30.29 obv. 14-15 (birth rit., NS), ed. pÏËtta a, StBoT 29:22f.; nunnaå _UTU URUT–L-na GAÅAN–YA kuedani pé-di tittanut nat tuel _ååiyantaå DUMU-aå ÅA _IM URUNerik AÅ-RU "The place in which you, Sungoddess of Arinna, my Lady, installed us (i.e., the city of Nerik) is the place of the Stormgod of Nerik, your beloved son" KUB 21.27 i 13-15 (prayer of Pud., Æatt. III), ed. Lebrun, Hymnes 330, 337, Sürenhagen, AOF 8:108f., tr. ANET 393; tuel NÅ.TE ZI–KAya kuedani pé-di _e±æu "Come (from your beloved Mt. Æaæruwa) to the place where your body and your soul are (i.e., the city of Nerik)" KUB 36.90 obv. 21-22 (prayer, NH), ed. KN 178f.; "Come, (O Stormgod of Nerik,) to your festival tomorrow" lukkattaåkan U›.KAM-ti µDudæaliyan tuedaå _ååiyantaå pé-e-da-aå URUÆakmiå URUNerik AÅÅUM L–!SANGA-UTTIM iåkanzi "Tomorrow they will anoint Tudæaliya to the priesthood of Æakmiå (and) Nerik, your beloved places" ibid. obv. 15-18, ed. KN 176-179, Lebrun, Hymnes 365, 369; cf. KUB 21.19 + 1193/u iii 40-41; takku L– ELLUM ara[(uwanni)]uå annanekuå annaåmanna wenzi k_å takiya utnË k_ååa takiya utnËya UL æar_[(tar)] takku 2-el (var. åaniya) pé-di nu åakki æurkil "If a free man has sexual intercourse with free sisters who have the same mother and their mother, one in one country and the other in another contry, it is not an offence, but if (they live) in the same place, and (s)he knows (of the forbidden degree of relationship), (it is) æurkil" KBo 6.26 iii 31-35 (Laws §191, OH/NS), w. dupl. KUB 29.34:14-17, ed. HG 82f.

b. position, rank, status or station in a hierachy: nukan ÅA _UTU–ÅI aååulan anda lË daliyanzi nuåmaåkan aååulaå A-ÅARÅU-NUya lË wËætari "Let them not waste the good will of My Majesty, and let (that) good will and their position (in the king’s favor) not change for them" KBo 4.12 rev. 9-11 (decree of Æatt. III), ed. Æatt. 44f. ("Und die Gnade meiner Sonne sollen sie nicht einstellen. Und ihnen soll die Gnade und ihre Stellung nicht umgestossen werden"), HW™ 1:529a ("‘Güte’ des heth. Königs"), HED 1:203 ("may their place of favor"; erroneously joins aååulaå AÅARÅUNUya as a gen. phrase, ignoring the connective –ya), StBoT 5:196 ("und (von) ihnen soll sich Wohlergehen und ihre Stellung nicht (ab-)wenden!" — is also possible); GIM-anma µMuråilin ABUYA DINGIR.M[EÅ] A-ÅAR ABIÅU tit!tanuer "But when the gods installed my father Muråili in the place of his father" KUB 21.16 i 14-15 (hist., Æatt. III); m_n irmalanzaåa Ëåta _UTU–ÅIma–[t]ta [ANA] A-ÅAR ABIKA tittanununpat "Even though you were sick, I, my Majesty, nevertheless installed you [in] the position of your father" KBo 5.9 i 16-17 (treaty of Murå. II w. Duppiteååub), ed. SV 1:10f., tr. Diplomatic Texts 55; cf. ibid. 20; [numukan] DINGIR-LUM kuiå kËdani pé-di tittanut "The deity who installed [me] to this position" KUB 21.38 ii 15 (letter of Pud.), ed. Stefanini, Pud. 16f., Helck, JCS 17:93; [u]ninma UN-an apez pé-e-da-az aræa ULpat tit[t]anuwanzi "They shall likewise not dismiss that person from that position" KUB 5.24 i 45-46 (oracle question, NH), cf. ibid. i 56; cf. pé-di tiyat KUB 23.92 obv. 9 (frag.); KUR ABIÅU[–maå]åi A-ÅAR ABIÅU EGIR-pa UL [p]eåta "He did not give him back the country of his father (and) the position of his father" KBo 4.4 iv 64-65 + KBo 19.46:4, ed. AM 142f. (differently: "an Stelle seines Vaters"); cf. Bronze Tablet ii 39-40, ed. Otten, StBoT Beiheft 1:16f.; cf. also d_n pedaå, j 2' a', below and KUB 13.2 i 14-15, j 2' b', below.

c. situation or circumstance: (In a prayer:) nankan i[d_lawaz] _d_±[n]–an _ååawi pé-e-di tit_ta±nut "Take him (i.e., the king) [from evil] and stand him in a favorable place" KBo 7.28:13-14 (prayer, OH/MS), ed. Friedrich, RSO 32: 218, 221 (rest. from l. 44); cf. KUB 31.127 iv 1 (solar hymn, OH/NS), ed Lebrun, Hymnes 100, 106; KUB 45.20 ii 16 (rit.); naååumaåta L–-aå æatgauwaz pé-e-ta-az iåparzizi "Or the man will escape from a tight spot (i.e., difficult circumstances)" KUB 4.72 rev. 4-5 (Akk.-Hitt. liver model, OS?), ed. Güterbock, FsReiner 151 (tr. incorrectly "from a terrible spot" [= æatugaz petaz]); innar_uwantimamu pé-e-di Ïyauwa zikpat DINGIR–YA maniyaæta "Only you, O my god, taught me (how?) to proceed in a challenging(?) situation" KUB 30.10 obv. 8 (prayer of Kantuzzili, OH/MS), ed. Lebrun, Hymnes 112, 115 ("toi seul, mon dieu, tu m'as signifié que faire en un lieu calme/reposant"), cf. maniyaææ- 4 b, tr. ANET 400 ("Thou, my god, didst show me what to do in time of distress"), cf. also HED 1-2:368 ("to a position of strength you alone, my god, directed my doings"); for further exx. see e 16' (tepu p.) below.

d. specific places identified by a dependent gen. — 1' in general — a' _piyaå p. "place of the offering pit": nu GIÅBANÅUR.ÆI.A [åar]_ karpanzi nat _piyaå pé-e-di pËdanzi "They lift up the tables, and they carry them to the place of the offering pit" (… as soon as they bring them to the place of the offering pit) KUB 15.31 ii 6-7 (rit. of drawing paths, MH/NS), cf. ibid. ii 10-11, ed. Haas/Wilhelm, AOATS 3:154f.

b' æalluwaå p. "place of depth(?)" (as a designation of part of a liver in oracles): EGIR SU.MEÅ temmeå æall„waå pé-e-ta-an IŒBAT "Second SU-oracle: the temmiå ‘seized’ the place of depth(?)" KUB 18.11 rev. 10-11 (oracle, NH), cf. te-me-eå (or: TE.MEÅ) æalluwaå A-ÅAR æarzi KUB 22.31 obv. 6.

c' æapaå p. "place of the rivers": nu DINGIR.MEÅ åar_ karpanzi naå apiyapat ÅD.MEÅ-aå pé-e-di tienzi "They lift up (the statues of) deities and place them in that same place of the rivers" KUB 15.31 iii 57-58 (rit. of drawing paths, MH/NS), ed. Haas/Wilhelm, AOATS 3:164-167; cf. KBo 23.27 ii 28-30, ed. a 1' above.

d' æaååueznaå p. "place(s) of kingship": EME µ._SÎN-_U ANA DINGIR.MEÅ LUGAL-UTTI pean aræa aniyanzi AÅ-RIÆI.A LUGAL-UTTI GIÅ[TU]KUL.ÆI.A–ya parkunuwanzi "They will counteract the slander of Arma-Taræunta in the presence of the deities of kingship; they will (also) purify the places of kingship (i.e., the places associated with the king’s daily life) and the [we]apons" KBo 2.6 i 31-33 (oracle question, NH), cf. KUB 16.41 iii 2-4; KUB 50.6 ii 38-40 (both oracle questions).

e' æazziwiyaå p. "place of (performing) a rite": nan [DINGIR.MEÅ-] æazziwiaå pé-e-da-aå åarrai "He distributes it (the bread) to the cult places [of deities]" KUB 27.68 i 10-11 (fest.).

f' iåæuzziyaå p. "place of the belt" = "beltline": nuååikan arunaå [… (iåæuzziyaå pé-d)]i T–G-aå m_n anda pËdanza (dupl. […]x-zi) "The sea was brought up to his belt-line like a garment" KUB 33.93 iv 24-25 (Ullik., NH), w. dupl. KUB 33.92 + KUB 36.10 iii 14-15, ed. Güterbock, JCS 5:158f., tr. Hittite Myths 54; (IÅTAR drove back the flooding waters of the Zuliya River) nanzaankan A-az iå[æu]zziya[å pé-d]i åar_ Ëp[t]a "and held him (Tudæaliya) up out of water (with the water reaching) to the belt-line" KUB 31.20 iii 2-4 + KBo 16.36 iii 5-7 (hist., Æatt. III), ed. Riemschneider, JCS 16:112.

g' *itarkiaå p.: (After extinguishing torches with a mixture of wine and water poured from a bowl, they carry the materials out) nat INA A-ÅAR itarkÏ QADU DUGDÅLIM.GAL aræa peååiyanzi "and discard them (i.e., the extinguished torches) along with the bowl in the place of itarki " KUB 25.42 ii 14-15 (æiåuwaå fest.), translit. Dinçol, Belleten 53/206:16; nat maææan A-ÅAR itarkÏ aranzi "And when they arrive at the place of itarki (they place 1 mulati bread on the altar of Liluri)" KBo 33.186 obv. 12.

h' kariyaåæaå p. "place of (showing) mercy": ANA DINGIR.MES kariyaåæaå pé-e-ta-an daæangaå "For the gods the daæangaå-installation is a place of (showing) mercy" KUB 14.7 iv 5 (prayer of Æatt. III and Pud.), ed. Lebrun, Hymnes 315, 321 ("un lieu de déférence"), tr. THeth 3:141f.

i' GIÅkurakkiyaå p. "place of the column": nu iåtarna pé-di GIÅkurakkiyaå pé-di daganzi_pan± padda_i± "In the central place, at the place of the column, he digs up the ground" KBo 4.1 obv. 4-5 (foundation rit., OH/NS), w. dupl. KUB 2.2 i 2-3, ed. Kellerman, Diss. 126, 134.

j' linkiyaå p. "place of oath(-taking)": [k]inunaan k_åa […] linkiyaå pé-di daåuwaææir "Now they have just blinded him at the place of oath" KBo 6.34 i 13-14 (soldiers’ oath, MH/NS), ed. StBoT 22:6f.

k' nepiåaå p. "place of the sky": [(n)]–aå nepiåaå pé-di katta tia[nzi] "They put them (i.e., the birds) down at the ‘place of the sky’" KUB 15.32 iv 46 (rit. of drawing paths, MH/NS), w. dupl. KUB 15.31 iv 13 (MH/NS), ed. Haas/Wilhelm, AOATS 3:168f. (wrongly "tritt man zum Platz des Himmels hin"); perhaps a place named "sky" is in view.

l' parnaå p.: [å]ipanzakanzima ap_tpat parnaå pé-e-ta-an KUB 32.137 ii 8 (foundation rit., MH/NS), for full treatment see under pËdant- a.

m' paråuraå p. "place of soup" > "soup kitchen": nammakan parå„raå pé-di ÅAÆ-_± UR.GI‡-aå KÁ-aå lË tiyazi "Moreover, let a pig (or) a dog not enter the doorway into the soup kitchen (lit. place of soup)" KUB 13.4 i 20 (instr. for temple officials, pre-NH/NS), ed. Chrest. 148f., Süel, Direktif Metni 22f.; cf. ibid. iii 59-60; ÅA TU‡.ÆI.A AÅ-RIÆI.A SIG_-yaææan Ëåtu "Let the soup kitchens be kept in good condition" KUB 13.2 iv 25 (BÍl madgalti, MH/NS), ed. Dienstanw. 51.

n' åakiyaå p."the place of the omen": nuwarat A-ÅAR IZKIM- […] Bo 1850 obv. 20, translit. StBoT 15:19.

o' GIÅåaræuliyaå p. "place of the pillar": nan GIÅåaræuliaå pé-e-di t[iyanzi] "And they deposit it (i.e., the figure of a bull) at the place of the pillar" KBo 15.24 ii 30 (foundation rit., MH/NS).

p' åurziyaå p.: namma _IM Manuzi DINGIR.MEÅ–ya åurziyaå pé-e-da-aå kattan aræa udanzi "Moreover they bring the Storm God of Manuzi and the (other) deities out to the places of åurzi-" KBo 15.37 i 1-3 (æiåuwaå fest., MH/NS); cf. KBo 9.133 obv. 10.

q' talpuriyaå p.: par_ma talpuriyaå pé-di 1 NINDAmulatin ÅA [\ UPNI …] / … paråiya KBo 20.123 iv 13-14 (Kizzuwatnean rit.).

r' tuliyaå p. "place of assembly": tuliyaå AÅ-RU _A±-ÅAR DˆNI DINGIR.MEÅ kue[dani][-di tul]iya [t]iåkanzi "And to the place of assembly, the place of judgment, to what place the deities are accustomed to assemble" KUB 31.121 iv 21-22 + KUB 48.111:12 (prayer, Murå. II), ed. Lebrun, Hymnes 242, 245; tuliyaå pé-e-da-aå (var. tuliyaå pé-te(coll. Singer) DINGIR.MEÅ kuedani pé-di (dupl. [p]é-te coll. Singer) tuliya tiåkanzi "Place of Assembly: to what place the gods step for assembly" KUB 6.45 iii 11-12 (prayer, Muw. II), w. dupl. KUB 6.46 iii 50-51, ed. Singer, Muw.Pr. 20, 39, pé-e-da-aå is contextually a nom. and should be emended to pé-e-da-an!; nat duliyaå pé-di anda erir "And they (i.e., the deities) arrived at the place of assembly" KUB 33.106 iv 18 (Ullikummi, 3rd tablet), ed. Güterbock, JCS 6:30f.; LUGAL-un dul[iyaå] pé-e-di wakrian_zi± "They will revolt against the king at the place of asse[mbly]" KBo 10.7 iii 6-7 (omen apod., OH/NS), ed. Riemschneider, Omentexte 39, 44; nuttakkan URUÆattuåaå DING[IR.MEÅ]-aå tuliya[å AÅ]-RU URUArinnaå tuel _ååianza U[RU-] URUNeriqqaå URUZippaland[a]å ÅA DUMU–KA URU.DIDLI.ÆI.A uwandaru "Let Æattuåa, the pla[ce] of div[ine] assembly, Arinna, your beloved c[ity], Nerik (and) Zippalanda, the cities of your son, be visible/distinguished for you" KUB 21.19 iv 25-28 (prayer of Pud.), ed. Sürenhagen, AOF 8:98f.

s' walliyaå p. "place of pride": nu URUTimuæalaå URU- [ÅA L–.MEÅ UR]UGaåga walliyaå pé-e-da-an Ëåta "The town of Timuæala was a place of pride [of the] Kaågaeans" KUB 19.13 i 47-48 (DÅ frag. 34, Murå. II), ed. Güterbock, JCS 10:110.

t' wilanaå p. "place of clay": IM-aå pé-e-da-an KUB 3.93:8 (Erimæuå Bogh.), see lex. sec.

u' zaææiyaå p. "place of battle, battlefield": [m]_n apiyapat _zaææ±iyaå pé-e-di aræa […] nammaan munn_izzi "If in that same place on the battlefield […] away, and then he conceals him" KUB 23.72 rev. 50 (Mita of Paææuwa, MH/MS), tr. Gurney, AAA 28:38; nuza ÅEÅ-an L–gainan / […-]an L–aran L–åa-ag-ga-an-ta-an _UN±-an zaææiyaå pe-di / [æ„d_k(?) U]L Ëpåi ULmaankan [ku][i]"(If) you do not [immediately(?)] seize brother, in-law, […], friend, (or?) acquaintance in the place of battle, and you do not kill him, (but you put him on the road)" KUB 26.29 + KUB 31.55 17-18 (protocol of Arn. I, MH/NS), cf. Klengel, ZA 57:228 w. n. 1.

v' AÅAR ANDAÆÅUMSAR "place of the ANDAÆÅUM-plant": A-ÅAR AND[AÆÅUMSAR] KBo 22.186 ii 5 (fest., NS) (in bronken context).

w' AÅAR DINGIR-LIM "the place of the divinity": naåta 2 KUÅkuråuå LABˆR¨TIM katta danzi nu pé-e-da-an duqq_ri ANA A-ÅAR DINGIR-LIMpat awan katta GIÅKAK.ÆI.A walæanteå nuå apiya gankanzi A-ÅAR DINGIR-LIMma 2 KUÅkuråuå GIBIL-TIM gankanzi "They take the two old hunting bags down; (their) place is prescribed; the pegs are (already) driven in directly below the place of the aforementioned (-pat 1 a 2') deified (hunting bags); it is there that they hang them; but in the (previous) place of the deified (hunting bags) they hang the two new hunting bags" KUB 55.43 i 8-11 (rit. for renewing the hunting bags), ed. McMahon, AS 25:144f., Otten, FsFriedrich 352, 354.

x' AÅAR DN "place of DN": par_ma L–[M]AŒAR A-ÅAR _Kataææa 1 UDU TI-an Ëpzi nankan ANA A-ÅAR _Kataææa anda æat<tan>zi "Further, the watchman/guard of the place of Kataææa seizes a live sheep, and they slit it open at the place of Kataææa" KUB 53.12 iii 22-24 (festival for Tel.), ed. Haas/Jakob-Rost, AOF 11:51f. (differently).

y' DUMU.LUGAL-aå p. "place of the princes": 1 L–SAGI[(.A DUMU.LUGAL-)] pé-e-da-an d_[i] "One cupbearer ta[kes] the place of the prince" KUB 51.1 i 2 (fest. for Tel.), w. dupl. KUB 53.1 i 3, ed. Haas/Jakob-Rost, AOF 11:40, 44, 48.

z' ÉRIN.MEÅ-aå p. "place of the troops": _1 ÉRIN±.MEÅ-aå pé-e-da-an KBo 10.31 ii 15 (KI.LAM fest., OH/NS), translit. StBoT 28:102; […] ÉRIN.MEÅ-aå pé-e-di åËr kuit […] KUB 43.29 iii 12 (village offerings, OS); see also ex. in j 1' a' 3", below.

aa' AÅAR GAL MEÅEDI "the place of the Chief of the Guards": L–UGULA.10 L–.MEÅ MEÅEDIma pa[izzi] naå ANA A-ÅAR GAL M[EÅEDI] ANAL–.MEÅMEÅEDI k[attan tiyazi] "The Decurion of the Guards g[oes] and he [steps] n[ext] to the guards in the place of the Chief of the Guards" IBoT 2.84 iii 9-11 (fest. of the month).

bb' AÅAR SISKUR "place of sacrifice" KUB 32.137 ii 11 (foundation rit., MH/NS), for interpretation see pedant-.

2' gen. of verbal nouns — a' _ppa appannaå p. "place of retreat": URU.BÀD (eras.) EGIR-pa appannaå AÅ-RU NU.GÁL kuiåki Ëåta "(In Pal_) there was no fortress, no place of retreat" KBo 5.8 ii 24-25, ed. AM 152-15; cf. k 1' d' below.

b' æanneånaå p. "place of judgement": æanneånaå iåæ_å zik nu æanneånaå pé-e-di dariyaåæaåtiå NU.GÁL "You are a (just) judge (lit. lord of judgment); in the place of the judgment you do not tire" ABoT 44 + KUB 36.79 i 24-25 (solar hymn, OH/NS), ed. Güterbock, JAOS 78:239, cf. KUB 24.3 i 48; KUB 30.11 rev. 22; cf. A-ÅAR DˆNI KUB 31.121 iv 21-22, ed. d 1' r'. above.

c' æaååannaå p. "place of breeding": [ANÅE.KUR.RA] MUNUS.AL–ma æaååannaå pé-e-da-aå / [peæud?]anzi "They [lead(?)] the mare(s) to the places of breeding(??)" KUB 9.1 ii 15-16 (rit., pre-NH/NS) | in view of the part. arnuwant- "pregnant (animal)" perhaps we should restore the v. here as [arnu]anzi.

d' æinkuwaå p. "place of bowing": par_ma æinkuwaå pé-di 1 NINDAmulatin ÅA 1/2 UP[NI] 5 NINDA.SIG.MEÅ–ya paråiya "Next (s)he breaks one mulati-bread of 1/2 measure and five thin breads for the place of bowing" KBo 20.123 iv 11-12 (fest.).

e' iræawaå p. "place of offering": maææanma _.KUÅkuråaå […] iræauwaå pé-di ari "As soon as the deified hunting bag arrives at the place of offering" KUB 20.25 i 4-5 (winter trip of hunting bag, OH?/NS); cf. KUB 11.30 iv 6.

f' piddumaå p. "place of running": []d-du-ma-aå pé-e-da-an […] KBo 13.119 ii 7 (purif. rit., NS).

g' tiyawaå p. "place of dismounting": LUGAL-kan GIÅGI[GIR]-az katta tiyazi LUGAL-kan tiya[uw] pé-di eåa "The king steps down from the chariot; the king sits down at the place of dismounting" KUB 25.18 ii 6-7 (ANDAÆÅUM fest.).

h' wiåiyawaå p. "place of grazing": KUR URUIåtitinamaza æ„man d_å natza apel wiåiyauwaå pé-e-da-an iyat "He (sc. Piææuniya) took the whole country of Iåtitina and made it his grazing place" KBo 3.4 iii 71-72, ed. AM 88f.; [o+]\ IKU GIÅTIR ÅA GIÅTUKUL L–IÅ.KÙ.GI _x-x± INA URUZunauliya ueåiy[auwaå pé]-_e±-da-an "X\ IKUs of forest belonging to the GIÅTUKUL-estate of the golden chariot-fighter, […] in Zunauli, a place of grazing" KBo 5.7 rev. 10 (land grant, MH/MS), ed. Riemschneider, MIO 6:348f.

e. p. modified by adjectives (in alphabetical order) — 1' arpuwan p. "inaccessible place": [namma] arp„wan AÅ-RU "[Moreover it (i.e. the city of Timmuæala)] is an inaccessible place" KUB 19.37 ii 16 (ann. of Murå. II), ed. AM 168f. | on arpuwant- see HED 168-170, HW™ 1:341, Weitenberg, U-Stämme 89f.

2' aååiyan p. "beloved place": KUB 36.90 obv. 15-18 (prayer, NH), see a 3' b' above.

3' aååu p. "good place" — a' in general: KBo 7.28:13-14 (prayer, OH/MS), see c above; a-aå-åa-wa-az pé-e-d[a-az] KUB 45.20 ii 16 in uncert. context.

b' an anatomical term: m_naåta _å_åu± naåta _å_åu±wa_z pé-e-d±[a-az eæ]u "If it is good (to you), come out through the ‘good place’" KUB 33.120 ii 28 (Song of Kumarbi, pre-NH/NS), translit. Myth. 156, tr. Hittite Myths 41; cf. _a-aå-åu?-u?-wa-az±–ma pé-da!-az KUB 33.120 ii 34; a-aå-åu-u-wa-za pé-e-da-az KUB 33.120 ii 84; [aååuwaz pe]-e-da-az UR.SAG- _IM- par_ uit § … nu _ååu pé-_e-da±-an-åe-_et± T–G-an m_n [anda åËkuer(?)] "The heroic Stormgod came out of [the ‘good p]lace’ … and his good place [they closed up(?)] as (they would mend) a (torn) cloth" KUB 33.120 ii 75-76 (Song of Kumarbi, pre NH/NS), translit. Myth. 158, tr. Hittite Myths 42, based on Hoffner in Mem.Finkelstein 110, who compares KUB 33.120 ii 73-75: nu tarnaåået T–G-an m_n[…] anda åËkuËr … [naåta SIG_-az pé]-e-da-az UR.SAG-iå _IM-aå par_ uit.

Note how the adjectival aååawaz writing seems to be confined to the non-anatomical expression, while the substantival aååuwaz writing is consistently used in the anatomical idiom.

4' æarwaåi p. "secret place": For KBo 1.42 i 37 (Izi Bogh., NH), see lex. sec. above; uååaniyazimaatza kuwapi nat æarwaåi pé-di (dupl. omitted pedi) lË uååaniyazi "If at some time he sells it (i.e., the gift) let him not sell it in a secret place" KUB 13.6 ii 30-31 (instr. for temple officials, pre-NH/NS), ed. Chrest. 154f. (ii 47), Süel, Direktif Metni 44f.; natkan URU-ri ÅÀ É.ÅÀ æarwaåi pé-di d_i "And she deposits it (i.e., the ritual paraphernelia) in the city within the inner chamber, in a secret place" KUB 17.27 ii 24 (rit. against sorcery, MH?/NS), tr. ANET 347; nu æarw_åi pé-di GIÅ_ZA.LAM.GAR± tarnan "In a secret place a tent is pitched" KBo 5.2 iii 54 (Ammiæatna’s rit., MH?/NS); nuwaåmaå ap_å id_luå æuw[(a)]ppaå æarwaåiya pé-di mukiåkit "And has that evil hostile one kept calling you (gods) to a secret place" KUB 15.32 i 48-49 (rit. of drawing paths, MH/NS), w. dupl. KUB 15.31 i 45-46 (MH/NS), ed. Haas/Wilhelm, AOATS 3:152f., s.v. mugai a 1' a' 2"; cf. [EN SÅSKU]R æarwaåiya pé-di tÏËzzi KBo 23.23 obv. 28 (MH/MS) | æarwaåiya (note: not *æarwaåaya) is an all. of an i-stem adj. of type karuili- (HE §71).

5' æatku p."a tight spot, difficult circumstances": cf. KUB 4.72 rev. 4-5 (Akk.-Hitt. liver model, OS?), c above.

6' ikunan p. "cool place": […] ikuni pé-di tittanua[nzi] "[They] make [them (i.e., the horses)] stand in a cool place" KUB 29.41:4 (hipp., MH/MS), ed. Hipp. heth. 168, cf. ikuni pé-e-di ibid. line 7.

7' innarawan p. "a challenging(?) situation": see KUB 30.10 obv. 8 (prayer of Kantuzzili, OH/MS), c, above.

8' nakki p. — a' "an important place" (cf. nakki- A 1 e): nu edaååa ANA É.ÆI.A GIBIL.ÆI.A eæu nuza nakkÏ pé-e-da-an Ëp nu maææan iyattari nuza enipat pé-e-da-an Ëp "Come to these new temples and take (them as your) important place. When you go, take this very place" KUB 29.4 iii 27-29 (relocation of the Night Deity, NH), ed. Schw.Gotth. 24f.; nu _UTU-ÅI BÍLIYA å_k pé-e-da-an mekki nakki ANA L–.K–R–ya(sic) arziyan "My Majesty, my Lord, know that the place is very important; it is the bread-basket(??) of the enemy" ABoT 60 obv. 20-21 (letter, MH/MS), ed. THeth 16:76f.

b' "a difficult/hard to reach place" (cf. nakki- A 2 a): nkan nakki pé-e-di [(anza)] "And it (the city of Ura) is [situa]ted in a place hard to reach" KUB 14.17 iii 22-23 (ann. of Murå. II), w. dupl. KUB 26.79 i 16, ed. AM 98f.; cf. also nakkÏ AÅ-RIÆI.A KBo 4.4 iv 30-31, ed. AM 138f., and k 2' c', below.

9' parku p. "elevated place": "Before the sun rises" nuååan L–AZU pargaui pé-di [o]x-nai åar_ paizzi "the exorcist-diviner goes up to an elevated place to a x-nai; (then after the sun rises, …)" KUB 46.57 i 6-7 (rit.); for pargawei (pedi) KBo 3.8 iii 9-11, see e 15' below.

10' åalli p. "Great Place": naåma kuiå ÅA µPiyaåili NUMUN-aå INA KURKargamiå åalli pé-e-da-an tiyazi "Or whatever descendant of Piyaåili assumes(?)/ascends(?) the ‘Great Place’ (i.e., the throne) in the land of Kargamiå" KBo 1.28 obv.12-14 (recognition of Piyaååili, NH) | note that tiyazi governing the acc. instead of the d.-l. is highly unusual; nuza URU._U-åan åal[lin AÅ-R]A iyat "And he made the city of Tarhuntaååa (his) ‘Gr[eat Plac]e’ (i.e., capital)" KBo 6.29 i 32 (short vers. of Apology of Æatt. III), ed. Æatt. 46f. ("H[auptstadt]"), NBr 46f. ("und machte … zur Residenz"); nan apiya pé-[(di LUGAL-i)]znanni tittanunun numu _IÅTAR GAÅAN–YA! maåiwan [(da)]tta numu åallai pé-di ANA KUR URUÆatti LUGAL-iznani [(ti)]ttanut "And I installed him in that place (apiya pedi "there in place") in the kingship. IÅTAR, my Lady, how many times you took me! And you made me to stand in the ‘Great Place’ in kingship over the land of Æatti" KUB 1.1 iv 63-66 (Apology of Æatt. III), w. dupl. KBo 3.6 + KUB 19.70 iv 24-27, ed. NBr 32f., StBoT 24:28f. ("hast du … mich auf hervorragendem Platz im Lande Hatti zur Königsherrschaft eingesetzt").

11' åani p. "one and the same place": åuppa æ„eåu ÅA GU›.MAÆ ÅA GU›ÁB.ÆI.A ÅA UDU.ÆI.A U ÅA MÁÅ.GAL.ÆI.A iåtanani peran P¸NI DINGIR-LIM åanÏ pé-di tianzi "The raw meat of the bull, cows, sheep (and) billy goats they place before the altar, in front of the deity, in one and the same place" KBo 4.9 i 12-15 (fest., OH??/NS).

12' åuppi p. "holy place": m_nkan INA É DINGIR-LIM anda åup[p]ai pé-di kuin imma kuin maråaåtarrin wemiyanzi "If they find desecration, of whatsoever sort, in the temple, in a holy place, (this is the ritual for/against it)" ABoT 28:2-4 + ABoT 29 ii 19-21 (= KBo 23.1 ii 19-21) (colophon of rit., NH), ed. maråaåtarri-, Lebrun, Hethitica 3:144, 151f.; cf. KUB 30.42 iv 21-23 (cat., NH); cf. ABoT 28:8-11 + ABoT 29 ii 25-28 (= KBo 23.1 ii 25-28) (Ammiæatna’s rit., NH), ed. Lebrun, Heth. 3:144, 152; nankan åuppai pé-di anda pËdai "And he (L–patili-) brings it (i.e., the lamb) into the holy place" KBo 5.1 iv 25-26 (Papanikri’s rit., NH), ed. Pap. 12*f.; m_nma ÆUR.SAG–ma kuiåki naåma åinapåi åuppa AÅ-RU kuitki ÆUL-aææan "But if any mountain or any åinapåi, any holy place, has been abused" KBo 11.1 obv. 32 (prayer, Muw. II), ed. Houwink ten Cate, RHA XXV/81:107, 116.

13' damai- p. "another place": numu pittuliyai peran iåtanzaåmiå tamatta pé-e-di zappiåkizzi "Out of anxiety my soul keeps dripping/leaking to another place (i.e., away from me)" KUB 30.10 rev. 14-15 (prayer, OH/MS), ed. Lebrun, Hymnes 114, 117, tr. ANET 401, RTAT 191, NERT 169, Güterbock, JNES 33:326; nu namma damËdani pé-di GIÅlaæur[nuzzin d]_i "Then, he/she places the foliage in another place." KUB 27.67 iii 48 (rit. for Tarpataååi, MH/NS); [nukan?] DUMU.MUNUS d[a]mËdani kuedanikki pé-di pËdanzi "They will bring/move the daughter to some other place" KBo 18.10:14-17 (letter, NH), ed. THeth 16:205f.

14' dammel(i) p. "uncultivated land, uninhabited land, virgin land" (for the mng. of dammeli- see Güterbock, RHA XII/74:103-105; earlier differently Pap. 12) a' in the neut. nom.-acc.: [UMMA? … LUG]AL.GAL m_nza UN-aå dammel AÅ-RU dammelin URU-an eåari "The Great [Ki]ng [(speaks) as follows]: If a person inhabits an uninhabited place (or) an uninhabited town" KUB 45.28 + KUB 39.97 obv. 1 (rit.), translit. Otten/Rüster, ZA 68:154 | since "a place of another" (gen. of damai-) makes no sense here, and the immediate juxtaposition w. dammelin URU-an virtually assures us that the adj. is the same, we can see that the adj. dammeli- also has a stem dammel-; perhaps this stem was preferred w. neuters in order to avoid confusion w. the d.-l. form dammeli; takku L–-aå damËdani A.ÅÀ A.GÀR anda aki takku L– ELLAM A.ÅÀ A.GÀR É 1 MA.NA 20 GÅN KÙ.BABBAR–ya p_i takku MUNUS-zama 3 MA.NA KÙ.BABBAR p_i takku ULma A.ÅÀ A.GÀR dammel pé-e-da-an duwan 3 DANNA duwanna 3 DANNA nukan kuiå kuiå URU-aå anda SIœSÁ-ri nu ap„åpat d_i takku URU- NU.GÁL nkan åamenzi "If a man has been killed on the field and fallow of another person — if he (the victim) is a free man, he (the land owner) shall give the field and fallow, a house, 1 mina and 20 shekels of silver. If (the victim) is a free woman, he shall pay 3 minas of silver. If, however, it is not field and fallow, (but) an uncultivated place, (then they shall measure) 3 miles in one direction and 3 miles in the opposite direction, and whatever settlement is determined within that area, he (the victim’s representative) shall take the same (payments) as (prescribed) above. If there is no town (within the measured area), he shall give up his claims" KBo 6.4 i 9-13 (late vers. of laws, par. IV), ed. HG 50f., tr. Hoffner, Diss. 15 (both differently), cf. Hoffner in WAW 6:216.

b' in the d.-l.: nu ÆUR.SAG-i dammeli pé-di [paiwani nu k]uwapi GIÅAPIN-aå UL _råkizzi [nu apiya] paiwani "We go to a mountain, to an uncultivated place; we go where the plow does not come" VBoT 24 i 31-33 (Anniwiyani’s rit., MH/NS), ed. Chrest. 108f. (differently: "to the second location"); [m_]n _É.x.x.x. n±a!åma É.MEÅ _GIBIL±.MEÅ dammeli pé-di wedanzi "When they build … house(s) or new houses in an uninhabited place" KBo 4.1 obv. 1 (building rit., NH), ed. Kellerman, Diss. 126, 134, tr. ANET 356 ("in a different place"); nat araæza dammili pé-di d_i "And he puts them (i.e., the utensils) outside in an uninhabited/uncultivated place" KBo 5.1 i 13 (Papanikri’s rit., NH), ed. Pap. 2*f.; nu kuit dammeli pé-di tianzi kuitma ANA GIDIM SUM-anzi "And the one (scapegoat) they put in an uninhabited place, the other one they give (i.e., sacrifice?) to the spirit of the dead" KBo 2.6 i 35-36 (oracle question, NH) | this is strikingly sim. to the rit. of the scapegoat in Leviticus 16, where one goat is sacrificed to Yahweh, and one is sent into the wilderness; nat (dupl. ) dammeli pé-e-di (dupl. [p]é-di) pariyan ANA _[(7.7.BI)] aræa kuranzi "They cut them (i.e., the sacrificial animals) beyond an uncultivated place for the (divine) Heptad" KUB 56.59 ii 17-18 (rit., NH), w. dupl. KUB 7.54 ii 21-22, translit. Otten/Rüster, ZA 72:140; GIÅZA.LAM.GAR.ÆI.A m_n dammili pé-di m_nkan GIÅTIR-iåni anda tarnanzi "They set up the tents either in an uncultivated place or in the forest/orchard" KUB 17.28 iii 36-38 (incant., NS); cf. KBo 5.2 ii 30-33 (Ammiæatna’s rit., MH/NS), translit. HE 36f.; [nu UR.TU]R ÅAÆ.TUR dammili pé-e-di pËdanzi / [n IZI-i]t warnuwanzi "They bring the [pup]py (and) the piglet to an uninhabited place [and] burn [them] with [fire]" KUB 12.58 iii 17-18 (NH); cf. KBo 15.34 ii 11-12 (rit. for the Stormgod of Kuliwiåna, MH/NS).

15' daååu p. "strong place": DÀRA.MAÅ-an katta GIÅeya æamikta paråanan! taååa<u>i pé-di æamikta ulipanan pargawei æamikta " It (sc. the river) bound the deer under the eya-tree, it bound the leopard at a strong place, it bound the ulipana- at a high (place)" KBo 3.8 iii 9-11 (conjuration in Wattiti’s rit., NS), ed. Collins, Diss. 49f., for an earlier interpretation we no longer follow see paråana- a 1'.

16' tepu p. "little place," used as technical term (perhaps a euphemism for the netherworld and/or the grave; cf. lala- 3): [nuza? A-ÅAR-ÅU?] ANA _Æebat menaææanda Ëpta tepawewamu pé-di pau?[wanzi _U-aå memiåta?] kuitmanwaååi MU.KAM.ÆI.A kuiËå daranteå nuwarza åar_ tittanuzi "He (i.e., Taåmiåu) took [his place] across from Æepat (saying): ‘[The Stormgod commanded] me [to] g[o?] to the Little Place, until he fulfills the years that are decreed for him" KUB 33.106 ii 5-7 (Ullikummi), ed. Güterbock, JCS 6:20f., tr. Hittite Myths 58, LMI 159 ("[Il dio della tempesta mi ha detto di anda]re in un posto piccolo fino a che non avesse compiuto gli anni che erano stati stabiliti per lui"); nu tepu pé-e-da-an wËå[(kanzi)] "[They] bewail the Little Place (i.e., the grave?)" KUB 30 25 rev. 10 (funeral rit., NS), w. dupl. KUB 39.5 rev. 13, ed. HTR 28f.; (The king drinks) tepu pé-e-da-an EME-aå æant_nza … _U›.SIG_–ya "the little place, true speech … the propitious day " KUB 2.8 v 25-30 (ANDAÆÅUM fest., NS), cf. lala- 3; cf. KUB 2.8 ii 12-14, 44; [t]epu pé-e-da-an EME-an æanda_n±tan lammar tartan _UD.SIG_ "the little place, true speech, the … moment, the propitious day" KBo 19.128 vi 22-24 (ANDAÆÅUM fest.?, OH/NS), ed. lammar 1, StBoT 13:16f.; KBo 23.72 rev. 24-25 + KUB 32.87 rev. 13-14 (fest., OH/NS); KBo 13.176:9-10 (ANDAÆÅUM fest.); KBo 4.13 vi 36-37 + KUB 10.82 vi 8-9 (ANDAÆÅUM fest., NH); tepauwaå pé-e-<da->aå lamaræandattiå KUB 2.1 ii 40, ed. lamaræandatt-; cf. frag. KUB 36.79 ii 46 (prayer, OH/NS) | lammaræandatt- may have to do w. the determining of the hour of death.

f. w. preceding adv. (on this category cf. HED 1:480f.)1' apiya pedi "in that place": m_n ULma nuåmaååan uwanzi apiya pé-e-di taåuwaææanzi "Otherwise, they will come and blind you in that place (i.e., where you are)" HKM 14:10-14 (letter, MH/MS), ed. HBM 140f. ("an Ort und Stelle"); cf. HKM 16:11-15; [m_n LUGAL- URUÆa]ttuåaz URUT_winiya / […-]paå paååui _ri / […]x apiya pé-e-di arta "[When the king] arrives in Tawiniya from Æattusa, at the paååu of …, […] stands […] in that place" KBo 34.167 i 1-3 (fest. frag., MS); for KUB 1.1 iv 63-64 (Apology of Æatt. III) see above e 10'.

2' iåtarna p. — a' "inside, in the interior": GIÅkapanumazakan MUÅ- æarzi […] iåtarna pé-dimaatzakan NIM.LÀL _æarzi± GIÅlaææurnuzziaååan åer TI°MUÅEN tiya[t] kattamaanzaan GIÅgapanuååi MUÅ- neyat iåtarna pé-dimakan NIM.LÀL ney[at] "The snake holds (i.e., occupies) the trunk (of the tree), the bee holds (i.e., occupies) it (sc. the tree trunk, namely) the midst. Above an eagle perched in the foliage, below a snake encircled it(?–an faulty for –at) at its trunk; in (its) midst the bee buzzed around(?)" KUB 43.62 iii? 3-7 (myth.), s.v. laæurnuzzi b | Eichner, Heth.u.Idg. 45 n. 9, took GIÅg/kapanu as either an Akkadogram or a loan from Semitic, and not a case of an endingless loc.; the antecedant of the -at in 4 is either the tree (neut. taru) or the neut. Hitt. n. g/kapanu; the antecedant of the -an in line 6 is unclear (the eagle??) | for –zakan … æar- see nuzakan L–.K–R kuit [NA›æekur P]ittalaæåa IÅTU ÉRIN.MEÅ NAM.RA æarta "Because the enemy held the æekur of Pittalaåæa with troops and civilian captives" KBo 2.5 i 11-12, ed. AM 180f.; andayazakan GIÅåuruææaå GIÅGIDRU-an æarzi nkan LUGAL-i menaææanda tiyazi "He holds the staff of åuruææa, and he approaches the king" KBo 4.9 iii 38-40 (ANDAÆÅUM fest., OH?/NS); æaååÏ (GUNNI-i) iåtarna pedi, i.e., the interior of the brazier (or hearth) in opposition to æaååÏ tapuåza, appears as a place where different cultic activities take place (cf. Popko, Kultobjekte 48-59): æaååÏ iåtarna pé-e-di 1-ÅU GIÅæalmaååuitti 1-ÅUnamma æaååÏ tapuåza 1-ÅU åuææ_i "He pours once inside the brazier, once at the throne, … again/finally once to the side of the brazier" KUB 53.11 ii 19-21 (fest.); æ[aåå]Ï iåtarna pé-e-di d_i "He puts (different offering material) into the interior of the brazier" KUB 53.11 ii 25-26; cf. KUB 11.19 iv 5, KUB 20.13 iv 3; KUB 20.59 vi 4-5 (OH or MH/MS), KBo 30.53:3 and passim in fest.; nu maææan nekuzi nuååan ANA EN SISKUR æantezzi palåi ANA GÌR.MEÅ–ÅU ÅU.MEÅ–ÅU UZUG––ÅU iåtarna pé-di ANA GIÅNÁ–ÅU 4 GIÅpatiyallËå æantezzi palåi SÅG _ndaran æamanki "When it becomes evening, for the sacrificer she binds wool first of all upon his feet, hands, and neck, and (then) inside (the house?) upon his bed, and upon (its) four legs, first (with) blue wool" VBoT 24 i 10-14 (rit., MH/NS), ed. Chrest. 106f. and s.v. GIÅpatiyalli-; "When they arrive up at the portico" nukan åuppiå L–SANGA ÅA Éæeåt_ U 3 L–.MEÅ Éæeåt_ åar_zziya Éæilamni iåtarni pé-di anda tianzi "The elite (lit. most holy) priest of the æeåta-house and three men of the æeåta-house step into the upper portico, (namely) in (its) interior" VAT 7470:14-16 (fest.), translit. Otten, OLZ 50:390 n. 2; EGIR–ÅUma gangati ANA GIÅŒR.ÆI.A É-ri iåtarna pé-di d_i EGIR-ÅUma kangati É-ripat iåtarna pé-di d_i "Afterwards he (the sacrificer) places gangati on/at the beams inside the house, then he places gangati inside the same house" KUB 15.42 iii 23-24 (purif. rit., MH/NS); [naåm]akan É-ri iåtarna pé-di uizzi "[O]r it (the snake) comes into the interior of the house" KUB 53.50 i 9 (rit.); 10 æazizi ÅA NINDA iyan ANA GIÅBANSUR.GIÅ iåtarna pé-e-di GIÅåaræulikan menaææanta ANA _É.A d_i "10 æazizi made of bread (s)he places for Ea upon a wooden table inside (the house) opposite the pillar" KBo 24.109 + KBo 15.24 iii 3-4 (foundation rit., MH/NS); iåtarna pé-e-di KBo 34.68 iii 17, 18, 24; for KBo 4.1 obv. 4-5 (foundation rit., OH/NS), w. dupl. KUB 2.2 i 2-3, see d 1' i' above.

b' "in the center, midpoint, middle": kar„wariwar UD._KAM±!-ti iåtarna pé-di 1-ÅU nekuz meæur 1-ÅU "Early in the morning (once), at the noon time (lit. ‘at midday’) once, (and) at dusk once" (I invoke the deity) KUB 7.5 ii 21-23 (Paåkuwatti’s rit., MH/NS), ed. Hoffner, AuOr 5:274, 278, tr. ANET 350, cf. nekuz b 2'; […]x L– GIÅGIDRU iåtarna pé-e-da<-an> æarzi "The marshall occupies the central position" KBo 11.51 iii 6 (ANDAÆÅUM fest., OH/NS), ed. Badalì, SEL 2:69f.

g. w. possessive: nu w_tar m_ææan kuwapi aråmi nu pé-e-da-mi-it UL åaqaææi "Wherever I flow like water, I don’t know my place (i.e., I don’t know where I am)" KUB 36.75 + 1226/u iii 19-20 (prayer of Kantuzzili, OH/MS), w. par. KUB 31.130 rev. 5 (OH/MS), ed. Otten/Rüster, ZA 67:56f., for this couplet see the lines from an Old Babylonian bil. incant. quoted by W. Lambert, JNES 33:301 (bottom), and cf. KUB 30.10 rev. 14-15 w. Güterbock, JNES 33:326; "[If the stars(?)] surround the horn of the moon" [(æarkan) KUR]-e EGIR-pa pé-e-diåi eå[(a)] "a depopulated [lan]d will again settle in its place" KUB 8.12 ii 4 (lunar omen), w. dupl. KUB 34.16 iii 13-14, ed. Riemschneider, Omentexte 124f.; for approximate Akk. apodoses cf. CAD A/2 403f.; åan iåpandi nakkit d_ææun pé-e-diååima ZÀ.AÆ.LI-an aniy[anun] "I took it (i.e., the city Æattuåa) at night with difficulty and on its site [I] sowed [wee]ds" KBo 3.22 rev. 47-48 (Anitta, OH/NS), ed. StBoT 18:12f.; cf. KBo 10.2 i 36-37 (ann. of Æatt. I, NS), ed. Imparati, SCO 14:46f.; tÏya åalliå MUL- nu ÆUR.SAG.MEÅ- pé-di-iå-mi a[ra]_i± ÆUR.SAGPentayaå pé-e-te-et-ti Ëå … ÆUR.SAGÆargaå pé-e-ti-id-di Ëå ÆUR.SAGTudæaliyaå pé-e-di-it-ti Ëå "Rise, O great star. Ha[lt] the mountains in their places. Mount Pentaya stay in your place. … Mt. Æarga, remain in your place. Mt. Tudæaliya, remain in your place" KUB 29.1 ii 23-27 (foundation rit., OH/NS), ed. Kellerman, Diss. 14, 28, Marazzi, VO 5:154f. w. previous lit. (both differently), tr. ANET 357 (also differently); nat NIM.LÀL.MEÅ udandu [n–]at pé-diååi tiandu "Let the bees bring it and put it in its place" KUB 43.60 i 9-10; cf. pé-e-di-iå-åi d_u KUB 43.60 i 8, 13, 15; the difference between the locatives in this catagory and those in h 2' is not always clear.

h. pedi (d.-l.) and pediååi in place, on the spot, in loco — 1' wr. pedi or INA AÅRI: nuååan paizzi INA URUÅam„æa ANA _IÅTAR ŒÍRI mukeååar pé-di p_i "He will proceed to give an invocation ritual to IÅTAR of the Field in Åamuha in place" KUB 32.130 6-7 (cult of IÅTAR, NH), ed. mukeååar 1 b 1', Danmanville, RHA XIV/59:42f., Lebrun, Samuha 168f.; MUNUSalæuitrimaååan akuwanna pé-di (var. pé-e[-di]) pianzi "They give to the alæuitra-woman (something) to drink in place" KUB 27.59 iv 9 + KUB 54.2 iv 10 (fest.), w. dupl. KBo 29.67:13; [URU]Kuru[(åt)]amaå URUGazziuraååa [(pé-di kururiyaææer)] "The cities of Kuruåtama and Gazziura started war on the spot (i.e., right where they were)" KUB 1.1 ii 8-9 (Apology of Æatt. III), w. dupls. KBo 3.6 i 72-73, KUB 1.6 ii 2-3, ed. Æatt. 14f., StBoT 24:10f.; maææanmaååan MELQÍTA (i.e., æalkueååar) æ„man pé-e-di æandanzi "When they arrange the entire material for sacrifice in place" KUB 32.123 iii 8-9 (fest., NH); EN.SISKUR–mazakan adanna akuwanna pé-di æandaiz[zi] "The sacrificer arranges food (and) drink in (that?) place" KUB 27.66 ii 26 (fest.); nu maææan DINGIR-LAM aniyauwanzi zinnanzi kiyaååan æ„man pé-di æand_nzi "And when they finish treating the deity, they arrange all this in place" KUB 29.4 i 50-52 (rit. for Night Goddess, NH), ed. Schw.Gotth. 10-13; cf. ibid. ii 13, ed. Schw.Gotth. 14f.; L–.MEÅMUÆALDIM–maååan MU-ti mËyaniaå 1 UDU.ÅIR 1 GU›.MAÆ–ya æuiku!anzi GIÅzintina pé-e-di æand_nzi "The cooks arrange the zintina in place for the slaughtering of one ram and one bull (as the offerings) of the ‘year-period’ KBo 15.33 ii 37-38 (rit., MH/MS), cf. meya(n)ni- a 2' a' 2"; pé-e-dimakan (var. [pé-e]-timakan) [ku]_e± KUR.KUR.MEÅ daliyanu[(n)] "The countries which I left in place" (to these countries I laid down boundaries) KBo 4.7 i 16-17 (Kup.), w. dupl. HFAC 1:2-3 + KUB 19.51:5-6, ed. SV 1:108f., tr. Diplomatic Texts 69; (If lands rebel against the Hittite king) zikma ¬allall_ p_uwar 1-eda tiyauwar pé-dikán waådumar lË åanaæti "you must not attempt to defect, to go it alone, (or) to ‘transgress in place’" KBo 4.14 ii 63-65 (treaty, Tudæ. IV or Åupp. II), ed. Stefanini, AANL20:43; maææanma nekuttat nuååan pé-e-di (var. pé-di) waænunun "But when it became evening, I turned back on the spot (and went to Pitaggatalli)" KBo 5.8 iii 19-20 (ann. of Murå. II), w. dupl. KBo 16.8 iii 24, ed. AM 156f.; nu takåan tarwiåkanzi pé-diyaååan waænuåkanzi "(The men of Lalupiya) dance together; and they turn in place" KUB 25.37 ii 18 (tablet of Lalupiya, NS), ed. Güterbock, FsHouwink ten Cate 67; cf. KUB 25.37 i 7, 9, ii 15-16, translit. DLL 172; nu æaååuå INA AÅ-RI (dupl. æuååulli) i[(åæuw)anzi] "And the ashes they throw in (the proper) place (dupl. in a pit)" KBo 23.42 i 8 (rit., NH), w. dupl. KBo 24.57 i 8, cf. bil. sec. above.

2' wr. pedi– or AÅAR + poss. pron.: _±-e-di-iå-mipat ZAG-ni 1-ÅU waæa[(nzi)] "They turn to the right once in their same place" KBo 25.31 iii 4 (OS), w. dupl. KUB 56.46 ii 17-18 (OH/NS), translit. StBoT 25:84, cf. KBo 20.26:19, w. dupl. KBo 30.161:3; [(NI)]N.DINGIR-aå pé-e-di-iå-åipat tuwanta [(1-ÅU wËæzi)] "The priestess turns once tuwanta in her aforementioned place" KBo 25.41 obv. 8, w. dupl. KBo 25.42 left col. 12; "Other performers (L–.MEÅALAN.ZU·) have put on multicolored garments" nat LUGAL-i tapuåza aranta nu ÅU.MEÅ-uå åar_ æarkanzi natåan pé-e-teåi weæantari paluiåkanziya "They stand at the side of the king, hold (their) hands up, turn around in their (text: its) place, and keep shouting" KBo 4.9 i 47-50 (ANDAÆÅUM-fest., OH?/NS), ed. de Martino, SMEA 24:137; nu maææan L–AZU kÏ æ„man pé-e-diååi æand_izzi "And when the exorcist arranges all this in its place" KBo 5.2 i 40-41 (Ammiæatna’s rit., MH?/NS); arnuwalaåatakkan kuiå KUR-az aræa uizzi pé-dimaååiåan kuiå _åzi "The person-to-be-resettled who comes out of your country (or) the one who remains in his (own) place (i.e., remains where he is)" KUB 13.2 iii 38-39 (bÍl madgalti, MH/NS), ed. Dienstanw. 48 ("wer aber an seiner Stelle bleibt").

i. pedi (d.-l.) and pediååi "instead of, in place of, in his stead/place" — 1' wr. pediååi: takku L–.U/·.LU-an kuiåki æ„nikzi tan iåtarnikzi [(_nu± ap„)]n åakt_izzi pé-e-diååima antuæåan (var. L–.U/·.LU-an) p_i nu [(É-riååi)] _ann±eåkizzi kuitman SIG_-attari (var. l_zziatta) "If anyone batters a person and makes him ill, he must care for him. In his stead he must provide a person, who will work his estate until he recovers" KBo 6.3 i 25-27 (Laws §10, OH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 6.2 i 16-18 (OS), ed. HG 18f.; (I investigated by means of oracle) naå pé-e-diååi INA KUR URUKummanni INA É.DINGIR-LIM piyauwanzi SIœSÁ-at "and it was determined by oracle that it (the substitute ox) must be sent in his (i.e., Mursili’s) stead, to the country of Kummanni, to the temple" KBo 4.2 iii 51-53 (Murå. II’s speech loss), w. dupl. KUB 43.50 obv. 13-15 + KUB 15.36 obv. 5-7, ed. MSpr 4-7 ("an Ort und Stelle"), Lebrun, Heth. 6:105, 110; nuwaååi k_å L–KARTAPPU pé-di-åi eåaru "Let this chariot-driver sit in his (i.e., the other man’s) place (as a hostage)" KUB 14.3 ii 70-71 (Taw., Æatt. III), ed. AU 10f.; nuååi ap_å pé-e-deååi eåaru kuitmanaå u_izzi± "Let (the hostage) sit down in his (the one whose safe return is being guaranteed) place until he comes (back)" ibid. ii 75; MUNUS.LUGAL–mawa ANA DINGIR-LIM URUAruåna 2 GILIM KÙ.BABBAR tam_i pé-diååi Ëååeåta "However, in its stead (i.e., instead of the gold crown which the deity of Aruåna had requested in a dream) the queen had two other crowns of silver made for the deity of the city of Aruåna" KUB 22.70 obv. 14-15 (oracle question, NH), ed. THeth 6:58f. ("an seiner Stelle"); nuwanna_å± æappar d_wËn pé-deååimawa maklandan tarnu_mme±n "(Or if) we traded (with that animal) for our own profit and put an emaciated one in its place" KUB 13.4 iv 74-75 (instr. for temple officials, pre-NH/NS), ed. Chrest. 166f.; Süel, Direktif Metni 88f.; cf. ibid. iv 65, ed. maklant-.

2' wr. pedi: numu k_å TI-anza PUÆÅU pé-di ar[taru] "[Let] this living substitute stand instead of me(dat. –mu)" KUB 17.14 "rev." 19 (substitution rit., MH/NS), ed. StBoT 3:58f. ("an die Stelle treten"); [(nuwaza k_åa) k„å :tarpal]liuå pé-di SUM-iææun nuwaza k„å d_ "I have just now given [these subs]titutes instead of myself (-za). Take these, (and let me go)" KUB 24.5 i 10 (substitution rit., NH), w. dupl. KUB 36.92:8! (line missing in copy, cf. StBoT 3:8 n. 11) (NH), ed. StBoT 3:8f.; nutta k_å MUNUS-TUM pé-di artaru "Let this woman stand for you instead of (her, i.e., Gaååuliyawiya)" KBo 4.6 rev. 15 (prayer, NH), ed. Tischler, Gass. 16f.; "You Sungoddess of the Netherworld and gods of the Netherworld be witnesses" k_å[a] apËdaå kuit idaluwaå uddanaå pé-di k„å tar_p±alliuå tittanummen "that we have just now installed these substitutes in place of (d.-l. pl.) those evil words" KUB 60.161 ii 7-8 (rit.); nuza pé-di lË kuitki kapp„watteni "Do not consider anything instead (of them)" ibid. iii 11.

3' wr. AÅAR: [n]u A-ÅAR UDU 1 GA.KIN.AG pedai "And he carries out one cheese in place of the sheep" KBo 29.65 iv 12 (cult of Æuwaååana).

j. construed w. numbers (cf. AU 61 w. n. 6)1' cardinals — a' in general — 1" where pedan is used like a d.-l. — a" wr. AÅRA (which could be an Akk. acc. sg.): [ÉRIN.M]EÅ 2 AÅ-RA aåandulanni da<la>ææun "I left troops in garrison in two places" KBo 10.2 i 6 (ann. of Æatt. I, OH/NS), ed. Imparati, SCO 14:44f.; namma IZI 2 AÅ-RA [(warn)]uwanzi "Moreover they light fire at two places" HT 1 iv 10-11 (Aåæella’s rit.), w. dupl. KUB 9.32 rev. 3 (MH/NS), ed. Dinçol, Belleten 49/193:18, 25; k_åakan L–K–R pangarit 2 AÅ-RA z_i[å] "The enemy just crossed (the border) en masse at two (different) places" HKM 46:3-4 (letter, MH/MS), ed. Alp, Belleten 41/164:638f., HBM 200f.; numu L–.K–R 3 AÅ-RA zaææiya tiyat "The enemy came to battle against me at three (different) places" KUB 14.3 i 23 (Taw. letter, Æatt. III), ed. AU 2f.; (Åarruma urges the queen in her dream) INA ÆUR.SAG–ma–_wa±–mukan åer 12 AÅ-RA adanna p_i "But up in the mountain in 12 (different) places give me (something) to eat" KUB 15.1 ii 43-44 (queen’s dream, NH), ed. de Roos, Diss. 187f., 327f., 335 n. 27, Sommer, AU 61, tr. RGTC 6:238; nu wappu[i pera]n katta 3 AÅ-RA paddaææi "Below [bef]ore the river bank I dig in three places" KBo 15.25 obv. 20 (rit. for Wiåuriyanza, MH/NS), ed. StBoT 2:2f.; nu KASKAL-an 7 AÅ-RA paddan[zi] "They dig up the road at seven places" KBo 11.17 i 2 (rit., NH); nammayakan ANA GIÅKIRI_.GEÅTIN and[a] kuwapitta par_ 9 AÅ-RA padd_[nzi] "Moreover [they] dig in the vineyard separately in nine (different) places" KUB 12.44 iii 14-15 (rit., NH).

b" wr. syll. pedan: EGIR-pama 3 pé-e-da-an laææurnuzi daiå "Afterwards he put foliage in(?) three places" KBo 15.10 iii 62 (rit., MH/MS), ed. THeth 1:44f.; ÅA 1 pé-e-da-an … 78 pé-e-da-an tianzi KBo 16.49 iv 4, 9 (fest.).

2" 1-edani pedi: [natka]n katta 1-edani pé-di d_i "[And] he will put [them (i.e., the black garments)] down in one place" KUB 12.58 ii 51 (Tunnawi’s rit., NH), ed. Tunn. 14f.; [EZEN …]-annaåmu INA URUNeriqqa 1-edani pé-di DŒ-wanzi SIœSÁ-ri "For me it is determined by oracle to celebrate […]-annaå [festival] in Nerik, in one place (i.e., not to visit several cities and temples)" KUB 48.119 obv.? 7 (oracle question, NH); [o-o-o]-ma æaåtai KUÅ? SILA›–ya 1-edani pé-e-di tianzi "[Afterward]s(?) they put the bones and the hide(?) of a lamb in one place" KBo 13.164 iv 1 (rit., OH/NS).

3" others: [_T]_æaåa KÁ.GAL 129 A-ÅAR ÉRIN.MEÅ tia[nzi] KBo 16.78 iv 17 (frag. fest., MH?/MS?), cf. d 1' z', above; takku 1-el pé-di KBo 6.26 iii 35, see a 3' b' above.

b' places where an object is plated or inlaid, or where the plating is scratched off: 1 SIåawatar 2 AÅ-RU KÙ.BABBAR GAR.RA "One horn inlaid with silver in two places" KUB 38.1 i 34 (inv., NH), tr. Jakob-Rost, MIO 8:179; [1? BIBR]U GU› 2 AÅ-RA KÙ.GI GAR.R[A] "[One? rhy]ton in the shape of an ox, in two places inlaid with gold" KUB 42.42 iv 11 (inv., NH), ed. THeth 10:58, Siegelová, Verw. 474f.; 1-EN TI°_MUÅEN± [Z]U· AM.SI 2 AÅ-RA KÙ.GI GAR.RA "One eagle (made of) ivory, in two places inlaid with gold" KUB 12.1 iv 6 (inv., NH), ed. Güterbock, Anadolu 15:3, Siegelová, Verw. 446f.; x GIÅGIDRU 3 AÅ-RA KÙ.BABBAR GAR.RA "x scepters, in three places inlaid with silver" KBo 2.1 i 31 (inv., NH); […-]x-eååar TA KÙ.BABBAR KÙ.G[I] 3 -RA æaliååianta "… in three places overlaid with silver" KUB 42.97:3 (rit.); 1 GIÅBANÅUR 3 AÅ-RA aræa arriran "One table, scratched in three places" KUB 42.39:9 (inv.), ed. THeth 10:152, Siegelová, Verw. 72f.

2' ordinals — a' d_n pedaå "of the second place" — 1" in competition: EGIR-ÅUma 10 L–.MEÅKAÅ›.E uwanzi nu taræzi kuiå d_n pé-e-da-aå-åa kuiå "Afterwards 10 runners race (lit., come). The one who wins and him who is of the second place (they reward with garments)" IBoT 1.13 v? 14-16 (KI.LAM fest); cf. KBo 30.172 obv. 1; Bo 3371:8f. (Otten/Siegelová, AfO 23:38 n. 18); KBo 22.196 rev. 11 (all frag. of fest.).

2" as a designation of rank (cf. b above): takku DUMU.LU[(GAL)] æantezziå NU.GÁL nu kuiå t_n pé-e-da-aå (var. pé-e-da-an) DUMU-RU nu LUGAL-uå ap_å kiåaru "If there is no prince of the first rank, let one who is a son of second rank become king" KBo 3.1 ii 36-38 (, OH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 7.15 ii 11-13+ KBo 12.4 ii 5-7 (NS), ed. Chrest. 188f., THeth 11:32f.

3" as a designation of quality, opposite of "first class" (æantezzi) — a" w. wine: GEÅTIN akuwannaå [DU]GKUKUB GEÅTIN d_n pé-e-da-aå "Wine to drink, a pitcher of wine of second quality" KUB 43.58 i 21-22 (purif. rit., MH/MS).

b" w. garments, probably indicating the rank of the wearer: ANA L–SANGA 1 T–G æantez[(zin)] pianzi L–tazze[(lli)] 1 T–G d_n pé-e-da-an p[ianzi] L–æamin_i 1 T–G d_n pé-e-da-an pianzi "To the priest they give one garment of first quality, to the L–tazze[lli] [they] g[ive] one garment of second quality, to the L–æamina- they give one garment of second quality" KUB 10.13 iii 4-8 (fest., OH?/NS), w. dupl. KBo 25.176 rev. 8-10 (OH?/NS); nu 3 L–.MEÅSANGA URUDurmitta IÅTU T–G.ÆI.A d_n pËdaå P¸NI GAL DUMU.MEÅ É.GAL waååanzi ta kuedaniya 1-ÅU pianzi "They dress three priests of Durmitta in second-quality garments before the chief of the courtiers, and they give (food) once to each one." KUB 56.34 iv 12-15 (fest. frag.).

b' other ordinals: LUGAL-uååan namma 3-an pé-di NINDAt[aparw_]å„i GIÅkalmuå ta[kåan] _Ëp±zi "The king again on the third occasion holds the lituus against the taparwaåu-bread" KUB 2.10 iv 33-35 (Fest. of the Month, OH/NS), ed. Alp, JCS 1:167f. w. n. 11, against Sommer, AU 61 n. 6 and 272 n. 1, cf. namma d_n in ibid. iv 24-26, cf. namma 2 a 3' a'; nuzakan L–.MEÅDUGUD 2 pé-e-da-an 3 pé-e-da-an 4 pé-e-da-an pé-di å_kki "He (i.e., a BÍL MADGALTI) shall know the officers — second grade, third grade, fourth grade — by (their) rank" KUB 13.2 i 14-15 (BÍL MADGALTI, MH/NS), ed. Dienstanw. 42 (differently); cf. KUB 13.2 i 18-19.

k. pedan epp- and æar(k)- — 1' epp- "to take/assume a position" (contrast pedan æark-, below k 2') — a' w. -za: DUMU.MEÅ É.GAL-TIMmaz L–.MEÅMEÅED¨TIM pé-e-da-aå-åi-me-et appanzi "But the palace servants and the guards take their places" KBo 21.85 41 (fest., OH/MS); DUMU.MEÅ É.GAL _ppa [tienz]i taz pé-e[-d]_a±-aå-me-et appanzi "The palace servants step back and take their places" KBo 17.74 i 11 + ABoT 9 i 12 (Storm-fest., OH/MS), ed. StBoT 12:10f.; nuzakan ANA MUNUS.LUGAL menaææanda ZAG-az A-ÅARÅUNU appanzi L–.MEÅALAN.ZU· x(erased sign)-az EGIR GUNNI A-ÅARÅUNU appanzi "And they (i.e., the guards) take their places at the right side across from the queen, (while) the performers take their places on the <left?> behind the brazier" KUB 27.69 v 8-14 (fest. of the month, OH/NS) | the force of the -za-kán carries over from the first clause to the following one; nuza L–.MEÅMEÅEDI ÅA L–MEÅEDI ÉæÏli pé-e-ta-an appanzi "The guards take up (their) place in the courtyard of the guards" IBoT 1.36 i 9 (instr. MH/MS), ed. Jakob-Rost, MIO 11:174f., AS 24:6f.; "When the exorcist arranges all this in its place" nuza kuitman _UTU-uå A-ÅARÅU nawi _Ëpzi± "and before the sun takes its place (in the heaven)" KBo 5.2 i 42 (Ammiæatna’s rit., MH/NS); [DUMU.L]UGAL UÅKÊN taza pé-e-da-aå-åi-it Ëp[zi] "The prince bows and takes his place" KUB 58.5 obv. 12 (fest.), ed. Alp, Tempel 20 (as Bo 2965); cf. HW™ 2:51f. s.v. epp- II 1 d.

b' w. d.-l. enclitic personal pron.: nuåmaå pé-e-da-an Q¸TAMMA EGIR-pa appanzi "They (i.e., the deities) take (their) places again in the same way" KBo 11.1 obv. 26 (prayer, Muw. II), ed. Houwink ten Cate, RHA XXV/81:107, 116.

c' without –za or d.-l. pron.: L–æatwaayaå pé-e-da-aå-åi-it Ëpzi "The æatwaaya-man takes his place" KUB 10.66 vi 5-6 (frag. fest.?); æaååankan æ„y[(anzi)] pé-e-da-aå-mi-it (var. A-ÅARÅUNU) appanzi "[They] run around the brazier and take their places" KUB 56.46 ii 24-25 (fest.), w. dupl. KBo 25.31 iii 8 (OS), translit. (of dupl.) StBoT 25:80; GIÅkarlaå katta A-ÅARÅU Ëpzi "He takes his place down on the step" KUB 58.72 ii 15-16.

d' w. _ppa "to take refuge in a place"(contrast pedan EGIR-pa æar(k)-, k 2' c', below): nuza kuiååa [(apel A-ÅARÅU E)GIR-pa Ë]pta "And everyone took refuge in his own place" KUB 34.23 i 11-12 (DÅ frag. 25), w. dupl. KUB 40.8 i 4, ed. Güterbock, JCS 10:83 without KUB 40.8, translit. Klengel, OA 7:67, for the following context see k 2' c' below; _ppa appannaå p. see d 2' a' above; for KBo 11.1 obv. 26 (prayer, Muw. II) see k 1' b'; cf. perhaps also KBo 16.86 i 8-9, translit. StBoT 9:13 n. 8.

2' æar(k)- "to keep/hold/maintain a position (HW™ 2:51d), (contrast pedan epp-, above j 1') — a' without -za: [DUMU.MEÅ.É.G]AL pé-e-da-aå-me-et æarkanzi "The palace servants keep their places" KBo 20.12 i 4 (rit., OS), translit. StBoT 25:63; [(m_n DUMU.É.GAL)] __±ppai DUMU.MEÅ.SANGA A-ÅARÅUNUpat æarkanzi "If the palace servant is ready, the novice(?) priests hold their own place" KBo 25.109 iii 22, w. dupl. KUB 60.31 rev. 1-6.

b' w. -za: nuza GAL MEÅEDI pé-e-ta-anpat æarzi "The chief MEÅEDI keeps (his) own place" IBoT 1.36 iii 14 (protocol, MH/MS), ed. Jakob-Rost, MIO 11:192f., AS 24:24f.

c' w. _ppa "to remain in or occupy a place of refuge" (contrast pedan EGIR-pa epp-, k 1' d', above): nu L–.MEÅ URUAzzi kuiËå URU.DIDLI.ÆI.A BÀD NA›pËrunuå ÆUR.SAG.MEÅ-uå pargawËå nakkÏ AÅ-RIÆI.A EGIR-pa æarker "And the men of Azzi who were occupying as places of refuge fortified cities, rocky places, high mountains (and) hard to reach places (became afraid)" KBo 4.4 iv 29-31 (ann., Murå. II), ed. AM 138f., see e 8' b' above and nakki- A 2 a; "The Iåuwans who were previously there" nuåmaå pé-e-da-anpát æarker "remained in their own places of refuge" KUB 40.8 i 6 (DÅ frag. 25), translit. Klengel, OA 7:67, for preceding context, see k 1' d' above.

Sommer, Heth. 2 (1922) 36-45; Götze, Madd. (1928) 125; idem., NBr. (1930) 32-35; Ehelolf, KlF 1 (1930) 146 n. 6; Sommer, AU (1932) 100, 164; Szabó, THeth. 1 (1971) 71f.; Nowicki, KZ 95 (1981) 267-270.

Cf. pedaååaææ-, tekan-.

peda-, pieda-, pida- v.; 1. to take (somewhere) (contrasted w. uda- "to bring"), carry, transport, 2. to spend (time); from OS.

pres. sg. 1 pé-e-ta-aæ-æ[é] KBo 25.7 + IBoT 3.135 i? 1 (OS), pé-e-taæ-æé KBo 17.7 + KBo 25.7 iv? 3, KBo 20.15 iii 30 (both OS), pé-taæ-æé KBo 17.4 iii 10 (OS), pé-e-taæ-æi KBo 17.6 ii 6, KBo 17.1 ii (12), iii 30 (both OS), pé-da-aæ-æi KBo 17.61 obv. 16 (MH/MS), _±-taæ-æi KBo 20.82 i 16 (OH?/NS?), pé-e-da-aæ-æi KBo 3.20 iii 4 (OH/NS), VBoT 24 iv 18 (MH/NS), KUB 24.14 ii 5, 6 (NH), KUB 17.28 i 22 (NS), KBo 24.133:8, KUB 50.114:13, ABoT 56 i 21 (Åupp. II), HT 10:3.

sg. 2 pé-e-da-at-ti KUB 37.223 rev. 4 (OS), KUB 33.63 obv. 11 (OH/MS?), KBo 23.8 i 12 (MS?), KBo 10.45 ii 42 (OH/LNS), KUB 30.34 iv (23), 24 (MH/NS), KBo 27.60:8, pé-e-da-ad-d[i] KUB 33.59 ii 2 (OH/MS).

sg. 3 pé-e-ta-i KBo 17.1 i 32, 34, KBo 17.2 i 5 (both OS), pé-ta-i KBo 17.28:13(!), KBo 17.51 obv.? 3, KBo 20.10 i 8, 9, ii 5, 6, KBo 25.59 iii 5 (all OS), pé-e-da-i KBo 25.12 i 2, KBo 25.45 rt. col. 10, KBo 25.61 ii? 11, iii? 12, 19, KUB 32.94 rev. 6, KUB 43.30 ii 19 (all OS), KBo 9.140 ii 23, KBo 17.74 i 16, 22, 33, iii 16 (both OH/MS), KBo 17.105 iii 23, IBoT 1.36 i 55 (both MH/MS), KBo 25.72 rt. col. 17 (pre-NH/MS?), KBo 20.61 i 27, 38 (OH/ENS?), KBo 3.7 ii 26, KBo 6.3 ii 53, 56, KBo 19.163 ii 46, iii 17, KUB 1.17 iv 26, KUB 8.3 obv. 8, KUB 20.28 i 11, KUB 41.29 iii 6 (all OH/NS), KBo 5.2 iii 57, KBo 10.41:14, KUB 24.10 ii 14, KUB 27.67 iii 4, KUB 41.1 iv 4 (all MH/NS), KBo 2.8 i 38, KBo 23.1 ii 34, KUB 46.37 rev. 8 (all NH), KUB 30.34 iii 2, iv 20, 38, KUB 30.35 iv 4 (both Murå. II), KBo 6.28 rev. 19 (Æatt. III), KBo 4.10 rev. 25 (Æatt. III or Tudæ. IV), KUB 26.1 i 60 (Tudæ. IV), pé-da-a-i KBo 3.7 ii 27 (OH/NS), KBo 10.45 iv 44 (OH/LNS), KUB 6.2 obv. 5 (NH), pé-da-i KUB 33.62 iii 5, IBoT 1.36 i 53 (both MH/MS), KUB 25.32 i (27) (OH/NS), KBo 13.131 obv. 18, 19 (MH?/NS), KBo 9.91 rev. 9, KUB 22.56 rev. 11 (both NH), KUB 21.37 obv. 48 (Æatt. III), KBo 27.130 rev. 2, pé-e-da-a-i KBo 25.109 ii 19 (OS? or MS?), KBo 3.7 ii 24, KBo 6.5 iv 18 (both OH/NS), KBo 25.72 rt. col. 10 (pre-NH/MS?), KBo 5.2 ii 1, 31 (MH/NS), KBo 2.8 iv 8, KBo 5.1 i 13, 32 (both NH), pí-i-e-da-i IBoT 4.139:5 (cf. Hoffner, IBoT 4 xviii), KUB 41.40 v 27.

pl. 1 pé-du-me-ni KBo 17.3 i 25 (OS), pé-e-tu-me-ni KBo 17.1 i 32, ii 29, 39, iii 16, KBo 17.6 ii 9 (both OS), pé-e-tu-me-e-ni KBo 17.3 ii 10 (OS), pé-e-tu-mi-ni KBo 17.1 i 27 (OS), pé-e-du-mi-ni KUB 24.9 iii 15, KUB 24.11 iii 6 (both MH/NS), pé-e-[d]u-um-me-e-ni KUB 6.5:7 (NH), pé-e-du-um[-me]-ni KUB 8.52 + KUB 23.9:3 (NH, coll. Laroche, Myth. 130 n. 42), pé-e-tum-me-e-ni KBo 10.37 ii 11 (OH/NS), KUB 9.27 i 17 (MH?/NS), pé-e-_dum!±-me-ni KBo 9.99 rt. col. 9 (NS).

pl. 2 pé-ta-at-te-ni KBo 3.28:23 (OH/NS), pé-e-da-at-te-ni KUB 13.4 iv 48 (pre-NH/NS), KUB 26.19 ii 6 (MH/NS), KUB 21.37 obv. 44 (Æatt. III).

pl. 3 pé-e-ta-an-zi KBo 17.6 ii 18, KBo 20.11 ii 3, KBo 34.12 obv. 5 (all OS), KUB 15.34 iv 44 (MH/MS), Bo 2689 ii 30 (Ehelolf, ZA 43:173), pé-ta-an-zi KBo 20.10 i 13, ii 10 (OS), pé-da-an-zi KBo 25.51 i? 9 (OS), KBo 15.10 iii 43, KBo 15.33 i 21 (MH/MS), KBo 27.165 rev. 16 (MS), KBo 8.55:25, KUB 46.37 obv. 9 (both NH), KUB 44.1 rev. 16, 17 (Tudæ. IV), pé-e-da-an-zi KUB 43.26 i 3, iv 16, KUB 43.30 ii 7 (both OS), KUB 34.123 i 18, KBo 17.74 ii 38, 40 (both OH/MS), KBo 16.27 iv 3, KBo 17.105 iii 14, IBoT 1.36 i 14 (all MH/MS), KUB 2.3 i 49 (OH/NS), KBo 4.2 ii 14 (pre-NH/NS), KUB 7.5 iii 4, KBo 21.34 ii 10 (both MH/NS), KBo 2.13 rev. 4, KUB 16.77 ii 42, 49 (all NH), pé-dan_-zi KUB 44.21 iii 12 (NH), KUB 17.35 i 6 and passim, KUB 25.25:6, 16 (all Tudæ. IV), pé-e-dan_-zi KBo 2.7 rev. 19 (NH), KBo 13.237 obv. 13, rev. 3 (NS), KBo 26.191:5, 7, pé-e-da-zi KBo 2.13 obv. 10, KUB 46.37 obv. 27 (both NH), pé-e-da-an-«an-»zi KBo 27.42 iii 62 (OH/NS), pí-i-e-d[a-an-zi] IBoT 1.36 i 31, cf. 32 where Jakob-Rost, MIO 11:176 should be read pí-i-e-e[z-zi].

pret. sg. 1 pé-e-da-aæ-æu-un KBo 10.2 ii 37, 40, 44, iii 28, KUB 23.41:5 (both OH/NS), KUB 19.8 iii (36) (Æatt. III), pé-da-aæ-æu-un KUB 23.41:3 (OH/NS).

sg. 2 pé-e-da-aå KUB 26.22 ii 4 (ENS).

sg. 3 pé-e-ta-aå KUB 36.49 i 10 (OS), KUB 17.10 i 22 (OH/MS), pé-ta-aå KBo 18.151 obv.? 10, 15, rev.? 17 (OS), pé-ta-a-aå ibid. obv.? 4 (OS), pé-e-da-aå KBo 22.2 obv. 4 (OS), KUB 17.10 i 28 (OH/MS), KUB 33.59 ii 4 (OH/MS), KBo 23.4:10 (MS), KBo 3.7 iii 17, KUB 35.148 ii 3 (both OH/NS), KUB 18.6 iv 1, 8, KUB 18.11 rev. 9, KUB 26.66 iii 11 (all NH), KUB 14.20:19 (Murå. II), KUB 1.1 ii 53 (Æatt. III), pé-da-aå KUB 40.20:8 (LNS).

pl. 1 pé-e-tu-mi-en KBo 9.73 obv. 4 (OS), pé-e-du-me-en KBo 15.10 ii 1 (MH/MS), pé-e-tu-um-me-en IBoT 3.148 iii 27 (LNS), [p]é-tu-um-me-e[n] KBo 13.74:13 (NH).

pl. 3 pé-e-te-er VBoT 76:3 (OS? or MS?), KUB 31.79:5 (MS?), KBo 3.16 ii 15 (OH/NS), KUB 22.70 obv. 26, KUB 31.65 obv. 8, 9 (both NH), KBo 5.8 i 7, KUB 19.37 iii 20 (both Murå. II), pé-te-er KBo 16.16 iii 12 (Murå. II), KBo 18.160 iv? 6, KUB 26.66 iv 17, KUB 42.84 rev. 24, 27 (all NH), pí-i-te-er KUB 31.65 obv. 7 (NH), pé-e-ti-ir KUB 46.38 i 14 (LNS).

imp. sg. 2 pé-e-da KUB 36.55 iii 21 (MH?/MS?), KUB 29.1 ii 45, KUB 41.23 ii 12 (both OH/NS), KBo 15.25 obv. 19 (MH/NS), KUB 36.89 obv. 26 (NH), KBo 5.4 rev. 48 (Murå. II), KUB 21.1 iii 54 (Muw. II), KBo 34.62 obv. 4, pé-da KBo 13.131 rev. 12 (MH?/NS).

sg. 3 pé-e-da-ú KUB 29.1 iii 3 (OH/NS), KBo 6.34 i 39, ii 29, KUB 30.36 i 20 (both MH/NS), KUB 26.90 iv 6 (NH), pé-e-da-a-ú KBo 4.2 ii 12, KUB 13.4 iii 34 (both pre-NH/NS), KUB 27.67 ii 40 (MH/NS), KUB 7.54 iii 18 (NH), pé-da-a-ú KBo 10.45 iv 41 (OH/NS), pé-e-da-ad-du KUB 39.71 iv 21 (NH).

pl. 2 pé-ti-iå-te-en KUB 36.100 rev. 8, 9 (OS), pé-e-da-at-te-en KBo 12.126 i 26 (MH/NS), pé-e-da-at-tén KBo 10.45 ii 9 (OH/NS), KUB 9.1 iii 28, KUB 13.17 iv 10 (both pre-NH/NS), pé-e-ta-at[-tén] KBo 26.61 iii! 21 (NS), pé-e-da-at-te-in KUB 60.157 ii 12, pé-e-da-tén KUB 7.41 rev. 21 (MH/MS?), pé-da-at-t[én] KUB 33.98 iii 11 (NS).

pl. 3 pé-e-ta-an-tu KBo 17.1 iv 4 (OS), pé-e-da-an-du KUB 13.17 iv 29 (NS), pé-e-da-du KUB 30.34 iv 34, KUB 30.35 iv 1 (MH/NS), pé-da-an-du HKM 72:13 (MH/MS).

part. sg. nom. com. pé-e-da-an-za KUB 50.104:17, KUB 33.93 iv 25 (both NH).

nom.-acc. neut. pé-e-da-an KUB 26.43 obv. 57 (Tudæ. IV), KUB 22.70 rev. 51, 54, KUB 49.70 rev.? 12, 14, 21, KUB 50.52:2, KUB 50.123 rev. 9 (all NH), KBo 25.184 iii 67 (NS), pé-dan_ KBo 2.7 obv. 17, KBo 18.48 obv. 16, KUB 38.26 obv. 20, 22, 30, KUB 38.34:7, KUB 46.21 obv. 4 (all NH).

verbal subst. nom. pé-e-tum-mar KUB 16.7 obv.? 17 (Murå. II), KBo 24.126 obv. 19 (NH).

gen.pé-[e-]du-um-ma-aå KBo 2.1 i 43 (NH) see also peran pedumaå.

inf. pé-e-tum-ma-an-zi KBo 18.86:24 (MH/MS?), KUB 7.36 iv 4 (NS), KUB 41.37 i 6 (NS), pé-_tum±-ma-an-zi KBo 23.18 rev. 4 (NS), pé-e-du-ma-an-zi KUB 5.6 ii 72 (NH).

uncert. pé-e-tu-um-me[-ni? or en?] 240/r iii 2, pé-e-ta<?> KBo 17.1 iii 13, KBo 17.6 iii 5 (both OS).

(Akk.) u 7 DINGIR.MEÅ ana _UTU URUT–L-na ú-åe-li "I dedicated (cf. å„lû in CAD elû 9c) to the Sungoddess of Arinna seven (statues of) deities" KBo 10.1 obv. 18 = nu 7 DINGIR.MEÅ INA É _UTU URUT–L-na [pé-]e-da-aæ-æu-un "I carried off seven (statues of) deities to the temple of the Sungoddess of Arinna" KBo 10.2 i 37-38 (ann. of Æatt. I, OH/NS). Melchert, JNES 37:10 observed that "Elsewhere, KBo 10.2 has substituted peææun ‘I gave,’ confusing ‘I carried it to the temple of X’ w. ‘I gave it to X.’" See pai- B bil. sect. On the rendering of the Akk. å„lû w. Hitt. peda- or pai-, see also Houwink ten Cate, Anatolica 10:97, 103.

1. to take (somewhere) (contrasted w. uda- "to bring"), carry, transport — a. (a real, physical carrying) — 1' (objects) — a' v. without prev. or adv.: "[The man of] the Stormgod says: ‘Arise from the sweet sleep, Stormgod of Ziplanta’" k_åawatta tabarnaå LUGAL-u[å] ÅA AMA–KA ÅA _UTU URUArinna L–SANGA INA ÆUR.SAGD_æa tuËl _ååiyanti pé-e-da-i "Tabarna, the king, the priest of your mother, the Sungoddess of Arinna, is about to take you (i.e., your statue) to your beloved Mt. Daæa" KUB 41.29 iii 3-6 (fest., NS), ed. Otten, ZA 61:235 (partially); DUMU É.GAL LUGAL-i MÍ Q¸TI pé-e-da-i "The palace servant carries water for hand(-washing) to the king" KUB 56.45 ii 16 (monthly fest.); [åaå]anuå pé-da-an-zi "They carry out the lamps" KUB 56.39 iv 29 (cult inv., NH); Ïtwa GUL-(a)æ nuwa pé-e-da "Go attack and carry off (plunder)" KUB 21.1 iii 54 (Alakå., Muw. II); (A dead body or corpse, not a living person:) (Åarri-Kuåuæ died) [(nankan)… ]-e-te-er "[(and they) b]rought [(him) to his tomb?]" (and performed the funerary rites in the presence of the king) KUB 14.29 i 29 (ann., Murå. II), w. dupl. KBo 4.4 i 7, ed. AM 108f.; "[If a child] dies in the birth-stool, the patili-priests [take-up?] the (dead body of the) child" nan dammeli pËdi pé-e-da-an-zi "and they carry it to an uninhabited place" Bo 4951 rev.? 7 (birth rit., NH), w. dupl. KBo 17.68:5, ed. StBoT 29:124f.; cf. also ya kuit ØUPPU ANA LUGAL KUR MizrÏ æatr_nun nat tuËl L–PITÆALLUM pé-e-da-ú "May your mounted courier bring this tablet which I wrote to the king of Egypt" KUB 26.90 iv 4-6 (letter, NH), ed. Cornil/Lebrun, OLP 6/7:88. Any movable items such as tools, weapons, foodstuffs, ritual paraphernalia, etc., can be the obj. of peda-.

b' w. prev. or adverbs — 1" anda: andakan æalËnaå teååummiuå tarlipit å„wamuå 2-TAM pé-e-tu-mi-ni "Twice we bring in the cups (made) of clay(?) filled with tarlipa-beverage" KBo 17.1 i 26-27 (rit., OS), ed. StBoT 8:20f., translit. StBoT 25:6 (Neu’s coll. shows 2-TAM, not 2-ki); "They cook the breads" nammaankan É.ÅÀ-ni anda pé-e-_da-an±-zi "Then they carry it into the inner chamber" KUB 17.24 ii 8 (witaååiyaå-fest.); nankan anda pé-e-da-an-zi "They carry it (the bread) in" KBo 17.88 + KBo 24.116 ii 19 (fest. of the month, OH/MS); "They take the statue down from the chariot-with-a-seat" nanåan GIÅZA.LAM.GAR.ÆI.A-aå anda pé-e-da-an-zi "and take it into the tent" KUB 39.14 iv 5-6 (royal funerary rit), ed. HTR 82f.; "They bring the goddess down from the roof …" nankan É.DINGIR-LIM anda pé-e-da-an-zi "They carry her into the temple" KUB 29.4 iii 7 (Night Deity rit., NH), ed. Schw.Gotth. 22f.; L–ÆAL–makan 8 _UTU.ÆI.A URUArinna Éæalent„waå anda pé-e-da-i "The exorcist carries the eight Sungoddesses of Arinna into the palace" KUB 25.14 i 10-11 (nuntarriyaåæa-fest., OH?/NS); "When the god arrives at the temple of the new priest …" DINGIR-LUM INA É.DINGIR-LIM ÅA L–SANGA GIBIL anda pé-tan_-zi "They carry the deity into the house of the new priest, (and place (him) on the altar)" KUB 17.35 i 31 (cult inv., Tudæ. IV), ed. Carter, Diss. 125, 138; "If a man takes a wife and leads (pËæute-) her to his house" _iwaruååetaz anda± [(pé-e-da-a)]-i "he carries her dowry into his (house)" KBo 6.3 i 75-ii 1 (Law §27, OH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 6.5 ii 5-6 (NS), KUB 26.56 ii 7 (NS), ed. HG 24f., tr. Hoffner, WAW 6:220f.; "The scepter-bearers go before the gate … the singers lift up the lyres. § …" naåta L–.MEÅNAR GIÅ._INANNA.ÆI.A anda pé-e-da-an-zi "and the musicians carry the lyre in" KBo 4.9 v 38-39 (ANDAÆÅUM-fest., OH?/NS); naåta UN¨TÍMEÅ SAL-TI anda pé-e-da-an[-zi] "They carry in the woman’s implements" KBo 25.184 ii 1 (funerary rit.); (The god's valuables belong excluseively to the god and should not be used by a temple official) ANA NÅ.TE–ÅUzaatkan anda lËpat pé-e-da-a-i (var. pé-e-da-i) "Let him not carry them on his own person. (Let him not make it ornament his own wife or his child)" KUB 13.4 ii 30-31 (instr. for temple officials, pre-NH/NS), KUB 13.6 ii 21-22, ed. Süel, Direktif Metni 42f., tr. ANET 208; for other usages of anda peda- see 1 a 2' a' 2", 3", 3' c', 1 b 2' b', d', f', 2, below.

3"' _ppa anda: "They will resettle it" nukan DINGIR.MEÅ ƒTanuæe[pa] EGIR-pa anda pé-e-da-an-zi "They will bring the gods of Tanuæepa back in" KUB 16.32 ii 4-5 (oracle question, NH).

4" _ppan anda: see below usage 1 a 2' a' 2".

5" andan: naåta ÅUKUR KÙ.GI _Åarruma kuedani Ékippi andan pé-e-da-an-zi _Æepatyakan apËdani andan pé-e-da-an-zi "They also carry Æepat into whatever kippi-room they have carried the golden spear of Åarruma" KBo 21.34 iii 3-5; cf. KUB 51.79 rev.? 9 (cult of LAMMA of the River).

6" _ppa: "Previously, Uæna, King of Z_lpuwa had carried (pËda[å]) Åiuåu[mmi] from Neåa to Zalpuwa" [app]ezziyana µAnittaå LUGAL.GAL _Åiuåu[mmin URUZ]_lpuwaz _ppa URUNËåa pé-e-[da-aæ-æu-un] "But later, [I], Anitta, the Great King, carried Åiuåummi back from Z_lpuwa to NËåa" KBo 3.22 obv. 41-42 (hist., OS), ed. StBoT 18:12f.; "When they bring her (IÅTAR of Åamuæa) before My Majesty" … § nammaan _ppa INA URUÅam„æa pé-e-da-an-zi "Then they carry her back to Åamuæa" KUB 32.130:20-2 (Murå. II), ed. Lebrun, Samuha 168f.; [nu 2 BI]BRIÆI.A DINGIR-LIM EGI[R-pa INA É]._DINGIR-LIM± pé-e-da-a[n-zi] "They carry two animal-form vessels of the god back to the temple (and place them back on the altar)" KBo 23.1 iv 4-5 (rit.), rest. from par. KUB 30.38 i 31; cf. nan pé-e-da-a-i nammaan EGIR-pa pé-e-da-a-i "he carried it, … then he carried it back" KUB 39.91: 6, 8 (rit.); for other usages of _ppa peda- see b 2' a', d'.

7" aræa: DINGIR-LUM karpanzi DINGIR-LUM INA É.DINGIR-LIM MUNUS.MEÅæa_zi±qaraza aræa pé-tén-zi "They lift up the deity(’s statue). The æazqara-women carry the the deity(‘statue) away. (They place the deity on the altar)" KUB 17.35 ii 27-28 (cult inv., Tudæ. IV), ed. Carter, Diss. 128, 141 ("carry home"); ÅA ZABAR aramniå INA É.NA› pé-e-da-an-zi GInatinma KUÅkuråanna _aræa± pé-e-da-an-zi "They carry the aramni- of bronze into the ‘stone-house,’ but the reed and the hunting bag they carry away" KUB 39.14 iii 8-11 (royal funerary rit.), ed. HTR 80f.; (If someone finds implements or a farm animal …) "But if he cannot find its owner, he shall secure witnesses. Afterwards (when) its owner finds it" nååikan kuit æarkan nat åakuwaååar aræa pé-e-da-i "He shall carry off in full what was lost" KBo 6.4 iv 9 (Law § XXXV, NH), ed. Hoffner (forthcoming); lukkattam(a)–kan aræa pé-e-da-an-zi "In the morning they carry them off" KBo 27.165 rev. 15 (rit.); _x±-runkan aræa pé-_e-da-an±-zi _n±–an INA URUÅaææ„waliya pé-e-da-an-zi "They will carry off x, and they will carry it to Åaææ„waliya" KUB 52.45 obv. 9 (oracle question, NH); åallikan waåtul aræa p[é-e-da-an] "The ‘great misdeed’ was carried off" KUB 49.70 rev.? 4 (KIN oracle, NH); [… I]ZI MÈ aræa pé-_e±-[da-an] "[…] ‘fire’ (and) ‘battle’ were carried off" ibid. 7; cf. […]aræa pé-e-da-_an± ibid. 12; for other usages of aræa peda- see 1 a 2' a' 1", b 1' b', below.

8" _ppan aræa: [GI]ÅÅ–.A–maåmaåkan GUNNI-an EGIR-an aræa [p]é-e-da-an-zi "They carry their stools away behind the brazier" KUB 2.3 i 48-49 (KI.LAM-fest., OH/NS), translit. StBoT 28:63.

9" iåtarna aræa: "They pick up the god. They place fire on either side…" nukan DINGIR-LUM iåtarna aræa pé-e-da-i "They carry the goddess through the middle" KBo 21.42 i 7-8 (Autumn fest. for Iåæara); cf. similarly KUB 5.6 iii 30-31 (oracle question, NH); KUB 22.70 rev. 52 (oracle question, NH), ed. THeth 6:94f.; nammakan [(UD)]U.ÅIR.ÆI.A MUNUS-TUMya NINDA.GUR›.RA KAÅ–ya KARAÅ iåtarna aræa pé-e-da-an-zi (dupl. A: pé-da-an-zi) n LÅL-ri pennianzi "Then they carry the rams and the woman, the thick bread and beer through the army, and drive them to the country-side" HT 1 iii 37-40 (Aåæella’s rit., NH), w. dupl. A: KUB 9.32 obv. 25-26, B: KUB 9.31 iii 44-45, ed. Dinçol, Belleten 49/193:15, 24;

10" kattan aræa: see b 2' a', below.

11" peran aræa: kar„wariwarma æ„dak IMBA_RI± ud_å numukan KARAÅ.[ÆI].A–ya IMBARU d_iånumukan IM_BA±R[U] peran aræa pé-e-da-aå "(The Stormgod) right away in the morning brought in a cloud and placed it for me and my army. (… The enemy could not see. But when I arrived in Malazziya,) he carried the cloud away from before me" KBo 19.76 i 28-29, 31-32 + KUB 14.20 i 15-16, 18-19 (ann., Murå. II), tr. Otten, AfO 22:113; cf. KUB 29.7 rev. 59-60, below 1 b 2' d'.

12" takåan aræa: "We saw an aramnanta-bird tarlian. It flew in on the good side in front. It seized a bird GUN-lian" nan takåan aræa pé-e-da-aå "and carried it away in the middle" KUB 16.46 iv 7-8 (bird oracle, NH).

13" katta: (Muwatalli collected/picked up the divine statues of Æatti and the images of the ancestors) naå INA URU._U-aååa katta pé-e-da-aå "and he transported them down to Taræuntaååa" KUB 1.1 ii 53 (Apology of Æatt. III), ed. StBoT 24:14f.; nu GIÅBANÅUR.ÆI.A åar_ karpanzi natkan KÁ.GAL-TIM ÅA URUTauiniya (dupl. [… aå-ka]-az) katta pé-e-da-an-zi "They lift up the tables and carry them under the Tawiniya gate" KUB 15.31 i 13-14 (evocation rit., MH/NS), w. dupl. KUB 15.32 i 14-15 (ENS), ed. Haas/Wilhelm, AOATS 3:150f.; nanåan katta INA ÅD¸l_(da)] pé-e-da-an-zi "They carry it (the æiliåtarni-) down to the ¸lda River" KBo 24.13 iv 17-18 (æiåuwa-fest.), w. dupl. KBo 20.117 + KBo 24.14 iv 15; nu åaåtan åar_ d_i nankan katta pé-e-da-i "He picks up the bed and carries it down" KBo 5.11 iv 10-11 (instr. for gateman, MH/NS); nukan GIÅGIDRU katta pé-e-da-[an-z]i "They carry the staff down" KUB 12.2 iv 6 (cult inv.), ed. Carter, Diss. 79, 86; for other usages of katta peda- see 1 a 2' a' 2", and 1 b 2' e' below.

14" kattan: They prepare six rams, six billy-goats, twelve GÌR.GAN-vessels, twelve cups, twelve thick-breads, one æuppar-vessel of beer, (and) three small copper knives. Then they drive to another place in the countryside" ya æ„man kattan pé-e-da-an-zi "And they carry all these things with" KUB 9.31 iii 59 (Aåæella’s rit., NH), ed. Dinçol, Belleten 49/193:16f., 24; for another usage of kattan peda- see 1 b 2' d', below.

15" kattanda: nu KUR UGU åar_ d_å natkan INA KUR Gaåga kattanda pé-e-da-aå "(Piæuniya) seized the Upper Land and transported it ([the booty? of] the land) down to the Kaåka Land" KBo 3.4 iii 70-71 (ann., Murå. II), ed. AM 88f. | grammatically the obj. is the neut. n. utne; […]x–kan _U NA›ZI.KIN GAM-ta [p]é-tan_-zi KUB 41.34 rev. 8; for another usage of kattanda peda- see 1 b 2' d' below.

16" menaææanda: GIM-an DINGIR-LUM URU-ri maninkuwaææi nuååikan MUNUSSANGA _Æatepinun menaææanda pé-e-da-i "When the deity draws near to the city, the priestess carries (the statue of) Æatepinu to meet him (i.e., the deity)" KUB 60.147 iii? 15-17 (fest.); for another usage of menaææanda peda- see b 2' d' below.

17" par_: see par_ 1 hh.

18" _ppa par_: KBo 22.190:8 (in broken context).

19" parranda: see b 2' d' below.

20" pariyan: see pariyan 1 a 5'.

21" peran: KBo 27.80:9, translit. Otten/Rüster, ZA 71:126; cf. peran pedumaå.

22" åar_: _Ninattanniuåmakan TUR.TUR-TIM GIÅ-rui åar_ pé-e-da-an-zi "But the small breads (in the shape) of Ninatta (and Kulitta) they carry up to the woods/tree" KUB 10.63 vi 5-6 (winter fest. for IÅTAR of Nineveh, MH?/NS), ed. _ninattanni- a; "He will attack Kaæameiååa and carry of its grains" nkan URUÆatienzuwa åar_ pé-e-da-i "and carry them up to Æatenzuwa" KUB 40.106 ii? 6-7 (oracle question?, NH); "She places them (a spindle whorl and the stem of a reed) on the thick-bread" nat iåpantaz åar_ åuææa pé-e-da-i "and at night carries them up to the roof" KUB 7.1 ii 18-19 (Wattiti’s rit., NH), ed. Kronasser, Die Sprache 7:149, 151, cf. panzakitti-.

23" _ppa åar_: "We will go up" [(U G)IÅÅUKUR ZAB]AR _ppa åar_ pé-e-tu-me-ni "and we will carry the bro[nze spear] back up" KUB 17.1 iii 16 (rit., OS), w. dupl. KUB 17.3 iii 16 (OS), ed. StBoT 8:30f.

2' (obj. living) — a' (humans or animals seen as unable to walk themselves and therefore carried or swept along without their own assistance or cooperation) — 1" (a baby, who is unable to be led but must be carried): [nan] aræa pé-e-da-aå "(The fisherman) carried it (sc. the child) home" KUB 24.7 iv 40-41 (tale of the Fisherman, NH), ed. Friedrich, ZA 49:232f., tr. Hoffner, Hittite Myths 66; (Take this newborn [stone monster Ullikummi]) [(nuwaran)] GE_-i KI-pí pé-e-ta-at[-tén] (var. pé-da-at-t[én]) "and carry him to the dark earth" KUB 33.102 iii 21 (Ullik., NH), w. dupl. KUB 33.98 iii 11, ed. Güterbock, JCS 5:154f.

2" (obj. people; the following exx. pose problems and may not fit our pattern): "The enemy will surround the city" naå katta pé-e-da-at-ti nan æullaåi "You will bring them (sc. the troops of the city?) down and defeat him" KUB 37.223 rev. 3-5 (omen, OS), ed. StBoT 23:142; [naåt]a? MUNUS.LUGAL- TUR.MUNUS É-TIM kuwatan pé-ta-at-te-ni "Where are you taking the queen’s ‘daughter-of-the-house’?" KBo 3.28 ii 23 (anecdotes, OH/NS); [nukan?] DUMU.MUNUS d[a]mËdani kuedanikki pedi pé-e-da-an-zi "They will bring/move the girl to some other place" KBo 18.10:14-17 (letter, NH), ed. THeth 16:206; ÉRIN.MEÅ-nan kuiå anda pé-e-ta-i … ÉRIN.MEÅ-nan _ppan anda pe-e-ta-i (var. []-_e±-da-i) "He who brings the troops in … brings the troops in at the back" KBo 17.1 i 32-34 (rit., OS), w. dupl. KBo 17.3 i 26-27, ed. StBoT 8:20f.; see ex. in HT 1 iii 37-40, above 1 a 1' b' 9".

3" (animals which seem to be carried, not led; therefore not conveying themselves): [o o –m]a 2 GU›.MAÆ GE_-TIM karpanzi 1 GU›.MAÆ 10 L–.MEÅ ÅUKUR ZABAR [(karpanz)]i _namma± 1 GU›.MAÆ 10 L–.MEÅ ÅUKUR ZABAR karpanzi […-z(i? tuå anda Éæ)]alentiu pé-e-da-an-zi nu ap„ååa / [æ(ukanzi)] "They lift two black bulls. Ten ‘men of the bronze spear’ ‘lift’ one bull, (another) ten men of the bronze spear lift another bull. They … carry(?) them to the palace and slaughter them also" KBo 21.25 i 46-48 + KUB 34.123 i 16-18 (thunder fest., OH/MS), w. dupl. KUB 43.26 i 4-6 (OS), ed. Archi, RSO 52:24f., Alp, Tempel 212f.; "I take a piglet" nan É.ÅÀ-na anda pé-e-da-aæ-æi nan MUNUS.MEÅSUÆUR.LAL adanzi æaåtaema ANA É.MUÆALDIM pé-e-da-an-zi "and carry it into the inner chamber. The female attendants eat it and they carry the bones to the kitchen" KUB 17.28 i 22-24 (incant., NS); naåta L–patiliå SILA› anda pé-e-da-a-i "The patili-priest carries in a lamb" KBo 5.1 iv 9 (rit., NH), ed. Pap. 12*f., cf. ibid. iv 21; naåta 3 NINDA.KU‡ TUR 1 DUGHAB.HAB GEÅTIN 1 MÁÅ.GAL ÅIR (cf. MÁÅ.ÅIR, line 26) par_ _åkaz pé-e-da-i "She (i.e., the Old Woman) brings from outside three small sweet cakes, one pitcher of wine and a male goat" KBo 17.105 iii 23 (incant., MH/MS); cf. KUB 5.6 iii 30-31, KUB 30.34 iv 19-20; cf. ex. in HT 1 iii 37-40, above, 1 a 1 b' 9".

c' (animals which are led, an apparent exception to the pattern of peæute-/uwate- for leading persons or animals able and/or willing to propel themselves, versus peda-/uda- for "bringing/carrying" objects or persons/animals not willing or able to propel themselves): maææanmaaå INA 5 KASKAL aræa uwadanzi naå INA É L–IÅ pé-e-da-an-zi "When they lead them (sc. the horses) back home for the fifth time, they bring them to the stable" KBo 3.5 iv 38-40 (Kikk., MH/NS), ed. Hipp.heth. 100-103; cf. IBoT 2.136 iv 50, 69 | outside of iv 40, 50, 60 in Tablet II of Kikk., peæute- is used instead of peda-. Kammenhuber, Hipp.heth. 102 n. 134, therefore considers a possibility of a three-time error on this one tablet for pé-e-<æu->da-an-zi.

3' (subj. waters) — a' karez "flood": [m_]nwa GIÅKIRI_.GEÅTIN–ma garez par_ pé-e-d[a-i BÍ]LÅU GIÅtieååar _ppa t_n ti[ttanuzi] "and [whe]n a flood carri[es] off a vineyard, its [own]er [will] p[lant] (lit. make to stand) the fruit plantation a second time" KUB 57.30:8-9 (OS); [… utn]Ë kariz pé-e-da-i "… the flood will carry off the land" KUB 8.27 l.e. 3a (apod. to lunar omen, NH); cf. KBo 10.45 iv 41, below 1 b 2' d'.

b' ÅD "river": ÅD-åa ANA A.AB.BA KUR URUZalpuwa pé-e-da-a[å] "The river carried (them, sc. the sons, or the baskets containing the sons) to the sea, to the land of Zalpa" KBo 22.2 i 3-4 (lit., OS), ed. StBoT 17:6f. and StBoT 23:35, 111; nu BÍL GU› ÅD-aå pé-e-da-i (var. pé-e-da-a-i) "The river carries off the owner of the ox" KBo 6.3 ii 53 (Laws §43, OH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 6.5 iv 14, ed. HG 30f.; nat ÅD-aå pé-e-da-i (var. pé-e-da-a-i) KBo 11.10 ii 11 (rit., MH?/NS), w. dupl. KBo 11.72 iii 13-14 (MH?/NS).

c' PA_ "canal": naåta GIÅMÁ iåtappeånaå PA_-aå iåtappeånaza par_ ÅD–kan anda pé-e-d[a-]_i± "The reservoir canal carries the boat out of the reservoir to the river" KUB 29.7 rev. 42-43 (rit., MH/MS), ed. Lebrun, Samuha 124, 131 (= rev. 51-52) w. rest. pé-e-e[n-na-]_i± cf. HED 1/2:473.

b. Extended meaning; not a literal carrying/transporting — 1' in general — a' subj. a deity: L–.MEÅ URUKuruåtamma maææan [(_U URUÆa)]tti INA KUR URUMizri pé-_e-da±-aå "How the Stormgod of Æatti carried the men of Kuruåtamma into Egyptian territory" KUB 14.8 obv. 13-14 (prayer, Murå. II), w. dupl. KUB 14.10 ii 2-3, tr. maææan 3 a; cf. KBo 19.76 i 28-29, 31-32 + KUB 14.20 i 15-16, 18-19, above 1 a 1' b' 11".

b' subj. "death," "day of death": (If a king confides in you, saying:) waranz–(å)an kuedanikki [par_] mematti nanzaan kuitman apËl [UD-za(?)] aræa pé-e-da-i "‘You must not [dis]close it to anyone, until [death] (lit. ‘his [day]’) carries him away’" KUB 26.1 i 58-60 (SAG 1 instr., Tudæ. IV), ed. Dienstanw. 11.

2' obj. abstract nouns or nouns representing intangibles — a' a message (memiya(n)-, æaluka-): nukan ANA L–.MEÅ URUTaggaåta memian kattan aræa pé-e-te-er (var. pé-te-e[r]) "They brought the message to the people of Taggaåta" KBo 5.8 i 7 (ann., Murå. II), w. dupl. KUB 19.36 i 2, ed. AM 146f.; cf. KBo 16.16 iii 11-12, w. dupl. KUB 19.37 iii 19-20, KUB 14.20:9; [… EG]IR-pa _Kumarbiya memiyan pé-e-da[-aå] KBo 26.83:15, cf. KBo 26.88 iv 5; [INIM.?M]EÅ kuiËå _UTU-ÅI mem_i naå apiya pé-e-da-an-zi KBo 24.128 obv. 2 (oracle question, NH); åe EGIR-pa ANA µNaram-_SÎN-na [E]N-aååi æalukan pé-e-te-er (dupl _ppa memir) "They brought the message (var. they reported back) to their lord Naramsîn" KBo 3.16 ii 14-15 (hist., OH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 3.18 iii 1, ed. Güterbock, ZA 44:52-55; nu EGIR-pa _UTU-i æalukan pé-e-da-aå "He brought the message back to the Sungod" KUB 17.10 i 27-28 (myth, OH/MS), translit. Myth. 31, tr. Hoffner, Hittite Myths 15; cf. KUB 33.24 i 24, w. dupl. KUB 33.26 obv. 4; [… æalu]gan pé-e-da-aå KUB 35.148 ii 3 (Zuwi’s rit., OH/NS).

b' testimony, a solemn declaration (object "testimony" implied, expressed only by a pron.) (-zaanda peda- "to bring in"): "Thus speaks Arlawizzi": P¸NI DINGIR-LIMwazakan kÏ anda pé-e-da-aæ-æi "I bring in the following (testimony) before the deity": (a sworn statement follows) KUB 13.35 + KBo 16.62 iv 20-21 (dep., NH), ed. StBoT 4:12f.; cf. nuzakan linkiya anda kiåan pé-e-da-aå KUB 13.35 i 10, ed. StBoT 4:4f. and lingai- mng. 1 a 1'; (If temple officials neglect to offer first-fruits to the gods first, and this becomes known, it is a capital offence) "But if it does not become known" nat udatteni kuedani mËæuni nuåmaåkan P¸NI DINGIR-LIM kiååan anda pé-e-da-at-te-ni (var. pé-e-da-at-tén(eras.)) "you will bring in (a solemn declaration) before the deity at the time in which you do bring them (as follows): (‘If we at first devoted these first-fruits to ourselves … , and have offended the gods,’ implied: May the gods punish us)" KUB 13.4 iv 47-48 (instr., pre-NH/NS), w. dupl. KUB 13.17 iv 9-10, ed. Süel, Direktif Metni 82f., Chrest. 164f., tr. ANET 210 (both of the latter: "you bring them before the god with these words," although "them" is not in the text; the obj. of peda- is "(words)" not "(first fruits)"); for KUB 13.4 ii 30-31 see above 1 a 1' b' 1".

c' (everything) good, good (items): "Telipinu became angry" nuwaz! æ„man _ååu pé-e-ta-aå (dupl. pé-e-da-aå) "and carried off everything good" KUB 17.10 i 22 (OH/MS), w. dupl. KUB 33.2 i 7 (OH/MS), translit. Myth. 31, tr. Hittite Myths 15; cf. KUB 33.4:8 + IBoT 3.141 obv. 3, translit. and rest. Myth. 39; æalkin _Immarnin åalæianten mannitten iåpiyatarra pé-e-da-aå KUB 17.10 i 10-11 (OH/MS), see mannitti- mng. a, tr. Hittite Myths 15; __±åå„yaz pé-e-da "And carry away good" KBo 34.62 obv. 4.

d' various evils: IM.ÆI.A-uå walliwalliuå _LAMMA-aå idalauwa udd_r ANA _É.A KASKAL-åi IGI-anda pé-e-te-er HT 25 + KUB 33.111 ii or iii 3-5 (myth., NS), tr. menaææanda mng. 5 f; nuwakan id_lu k[allar? uttar] pé-e-da-a-ú KBo 4.2 ii 11-12 (rit., pre-NH/NS), see lamniya- mng. 4 a; natza k_å wappuwaå IM-aå tarææan æarzi nat za EGIR-pa wappui pé-e-da-ú "This river-bank mud has vanquished it (sc. the unfavorable thing). Let it carry it back to its own riverbank" KBo 4.2 i 52-53 (Æuwarlu’s rit., pre-NH/NS), ed. Kronasser, Die Sprache 8:91, 96; (Whoever breaks the oath, may he be shattered by a disease) nu id_lu æinkan pé-e-da-ú "May he carry (i.e., experience) a horrible death" KBo 6.34 i 39, cf. ibid. ii 28-29 (soldier’s oath, MH/NS), ed. StBoT 22:8f. differently and w. comment on p. 29; "In the future, the royal power in Taræuntaååa belongs to Ulmi-Teååub’s descendants" kuiåmaååi uw_i pé-e-da-a-i "Whoever brings him woe/harm (and takes his country away … may the gods extinquish his line)" KBo 4.10 rev. 25 (treaty, Æatt. III or Tudæ. IV), ed. StBoT 38:48f.; cf. KBo 6.29 iii 38, ed. NBr. 50f. ("Schwierigkeiten macht"); [… ANA] _UTU-ÅI ÆUL-lu kuiåki pé-da-i "[If] someone brings harm [to] My Majesty" KUB 21.37 obv. 48 (hist., Æatt. III); ÆUL-lu pe.-an aræa UL pé-da-a-i KUB 6.2 obv. 5 (liver oracle, NH); idalu utta[r …] pé-e-da KUB 41.23 ii 11-12 (incant., OH/NS); ezzan GIM-an IM-anza pít-te-nu-uz-zi (var. pít-te-nu-zi) natkan aruni parranta pé-e-da-i kËlla parnaå Ëåæar papratar Q¸TAMMA pít-te-nu-ud-du natkan aruni parranda pé-e-da-a-ú (var. pé-da-a-ú) "Just as the wind whisks away the chaff and carries it across the sea, let it likewise whisk away the murder and impurity of this house and carry it across the sea" KUB 41.8 ii 15-18 (rit., pre-NH/NS), w. dupl. KBo 10.45 ii 52-54 (NS), ed. Otten, ZA 54:124-127; natkan kariz aruni anda pé-da-a-ú (vars. pé-e-da-ú) "Let the cloud-burst carry it (sc. slander, lit. the evil tongue) into the sea" KBo 10.45 iv 41, w. dupls. KUB 7.41 iv 8, KUB 41.8 iv 39 (rit. pre-NH/NS), ed. Otten, ZA 54:138f.; "Whatever evil matter, oath, curse (or) [unclea]nness has been committed before the deity" nat kË nakkuååiËå ANA DINGIR-LIM peran aræa pé-e-da-an-du "Let these scapegoats remove them from the presence of the deity (and let the deity and client be pure from that matter)" KUB 29.7 rev. 59-60 (rit. of Åamuæa, MH/MS), ed. Lebrun, Samuha 125, 132, tr. Gurney, Schweich 50; "Take these sacrifices for yourselves. Make the bloodshed, uncleanliness, misdeed, oath, and kurkurai- of the house run before you" nkan katt[(an)] pé-e-da-tén "And carry them with (you)" KUB 7.41 iv 20-21 (rit. for the underworld, MH/MS?), w. dupl. KBo 10.45 iv 54 (NS), ed. Otten, ZA 54:140f; "Whatever evil blood is there-in, take it and give it to the god of blood" nat GAM-anta GE_ taknÏ pé-da-a-ú "Carry it down into the dark earth" KBo 10.45 iii 19-20 (rit. for the underworld, MH/NS), ed. Otten, ZA 54:128f. iii 11; cf. KBo 26.79:5 (Æedammu), ed. StBoT 14:68f.; KUB 30.36 ii 16 (purif. rit.)

e' odor: "They unhitch them. They do not take their halter/bridle off" naå katta aånuanzi waråulayaåmaå katta pe-e-da-i "They rub them down (lit. treat them) and it carries their odors down" KBo 3.2 rev. 11 (Kikk., MH/NS), ed. Hipp.heth. 136f. | for waråula- see Güterbock, JKF 10:212.

f' the sea (aruna-), logical obj. expressed as pass. subject: nuååikan arunaå [… (iåæuzziyaå ped)]i T–G-aå m_n anda pé-e-da-an-za (var. […]x-zi) "The sea having reached (lit. "was brought") up to his waist (lit. ‘the place of the belt’) like a garment" KUB 33.93 iv 24-25 (Ullik., NH), w. dupl. KUB 33.92 + KUB 36.10 iii 15, ed. Güterbock, JCS 5:158f.; if we take the main text’s reading pedanza as the correct one, this could be a pass. part. of a trans. v., and we wouldn’t have to posit an intrans. use. If the [pedan]zi var. is correct, the intrans. option would become necessary.

c. (special usage: obj. furrow): "If someone violates the boundary of a field" 1 akk_lan pé-e-da-i (NS dupls. 1 aggalan penn_i) "(in that) he carries (NS var. "drives") one furrow(?) (into the neighbor’s field)" KUB 29.30 iii 9 (Laws §168, OS), w. dupls. KBo 6.26 i 46-47 (NS), KBo 6.13 i 1-2 (NS), ed. HG 76f., see padda- v. for disc. of this passage.

2. to spend (time): (My grandfather Åuppiluliuma restored order in the lost territories and rebuilt them) nukan MU.20.KAM anda pé-e-da-aå "He spent twenty years (until he repossessed them completely)" KUB 19.8 i 8-9 (hist., Æatt. III), ed. Riemschneider, JCS 16:119, tr. Kitchen, Suppiluliuma and the Amarna Pharoahs, p. 3; cf. ibid. i 22, and iii 34-36, w. dupl. KUB 19.9 iii 6; [nu] UD.7.KAM–pat pé-_e±-da-aå "He spent seven days" KUB 15.36 obv. 19 (aphasia of Murå. II), w. dupl. KUB 12.31 obv. 17, ed. MSpr. 6f. ("Sieben Tage vergingen") and 17; Güterbock, ZA 42:227 pointed out that the subj. is the person, not the time; cf. also Pedersen ArOr 7:86 "es trug volle 7 Tage fort," i.e., impers. usage; nukan maåiËå imma U›.ÆI.A UGU pé-e-da-i "(Regardless of) how many days he will spend up there" KUB 5.1 i 88, tr. maåi- mng. 2 c.

The criteria for using uwate-/peæute- or uda-/peda- are not completely clear. But it seems that the former indicates a "leading" or "conducting." The latter is either a "carrying," where the object cannot walk, or the action is performed on an passive human or animal, or the subject is a deity and the action is not a literal carrying.

Sommer, Heth. 2 (1922) 45; Friedrich, ZA 36 (1925) 52f.; Sturtevant, Lang. 7 (1931) 1-9; Götze, ArOr 5 (1933) 22 fn. 3; Sturtevant, JAOS 54 (1934) 406; Güterbock, ZA 42 (1934) 226f. (mng. 1 "ferre"; mng. 1 b "(Worte) vorbringen," "aussagen"; mng. 2 "(Zeit) hinbringen," ("… ist die Person Subjekt, nicht die Zeitangabe"); Pedersen, ArOr 7 (1935) 85f.; Güterbock, JCS 5 (1951) 159 (mng. 1 b 2' f'); Kronasser, EHS 1 (1966) 530f. ("bringen … je nach Objekt auch ‘transportieren’ u. ä. (Götterbilder, Menschen, Tiere, Leichen, Sachen)"); Starke, StBoT 23 (1977)142.

[pè-da-] "to dig," Puhvel, Heth.u.Idg. (1979) 214-216, and idem, FsNeumann (1982) 317 see padda-.

pitta- see piËtta-.

L–píd-da[(-)…] see L–pád-da[(-)…].

piddai- A, pittiya/e-, pitte- v.; 1. to run, race, 2. (trans.) to run a gauntlet, 3. to fly, 4. (associated prev., postpostions, or adverbs); from OS.

pres. sg. 1 pít-ti-ia-mi KUB 18.58 iii 32 (NH).

sg. 3 píd-da-a-i KBo 17.43 i 16, KBo 20.12 i 1 (both OS), ABoT 9 i 1 (OH/MS), IBoT 1.36 iii 10 (MH/MS), KBo 14.3 iv 37 (Murå. II), pí-it-t[a-i] KUB 56.46 vi 3 (OH/ENS?), píd-da-i KUB 56.52:9, pí-it-ta-iz-zi KBo 3.34 ii 35 (OH/NS), píd-da-a-iz-zi KBo 10.7 iv 11 (OH/ENS), KUB 30.36 iii 5 (MH/NS), KBo 5.6 ii 41 (Murå. II), pít-ta-a-iz-zi KBo 4.14 iii 48, 49 (Åupp. II).

pl. 1 píd-da-a-u-e-ni KBo 17.48 obv. 7 (ENS?).

pl. 3 pít-ti-ia-an-zi IBoT 1.36 iii 66 (MH/MS), VBoT 24 ii 14 (MH/NS), KBo 10.20 i 21 (NS), VBoT 56 obv. 6 (NS), KUB 10.22 i 4, pít-ti-an-zi KUB 10.1 i 12 (OH/NS), KUB 30.39 obv. 15 (NS), pít-t[e]-an-zi IBoT 1.36 ii 17 (MH/MS), píd-da-a-an-zi KBo 5.4 obv. 28, KUB 6.41 iv 17 (Murå. II), píd-da-an-zi KBo 19.73a iii 17 (Muw. II)

pret. sg. 2 píd-da-it-ta KBo 23.1 i 20 (NH) (w. Oettinger, Stammbildung 472 n. 30; Lebrun, Hethitica 3:156, interprets it as Luw. pret. sg. 3; cf. also differently Haas/Wilhelm, AOATS 3:11).

sg. 3 [p]_íd-da±- KUB 14.1 obv. 3 (MH/MS), píd-da-a-iå KBo 8.34 + KBo 16.12:3 (Murå. II), KBo 2.5 + KBo 16.17 ii 25 (Murå. II), KBo 16.36 iii (13) (Æatt. III), KUB 19.61 ii (41) (Æatt. III), KUB 33.120 i 14, 22 (NS), píd-da-a-it KBo 26.65 ii 8 (MH?/MS?), KUB 17.1 ii 12 (NH), KBo 3.6 ii 24 (Æatt. III), [d-d]a-it KUB 31.118:6 (NS).

pl. 3 pít-ta-a-er KBo 19.80 rt. col. 10, (11) (NH), píd-da-a-er KUB 34.125 left col. 8 (NS)

imp. sg. 2 píd-da-i KBo 22.201 iii 9 (pre-NH/NS), píd-da-a-i ibid. iv 9, KBo 20.67 (same text as KBo 17.88) iv 15 (OH/MS?), KBo 17.88 (same text as KBo 20.67) iii 16 (OH/MS?), KBo 11.55:3, 7 (NS).

pl. 2 píd-da-at-tén KUB 1.15 ii 8 (OH/NS), píd-da-a-at-tén VAT 7481 obv. iv 24.

part. (L–)pitteyant- q.v.

verbal subst. nom. pít-te-ia-u-wa-ar KUB 36.75 iii 15 (OH/MS), pít!(text: nu)_-ti-i±[a-u-wa-ar] KUB 31.130 rev. 2 (MS); here or belonging to piddai- B are píd-da-a-u-wa-ar KBo 26.10 iv 7, KBo 26.11 rev. 5, see also bil. sec.

gen. []d-du-ma-aå KBo 13.119 ii 7 (NS), pít-ti-ia-u-wa-aå KBo 10.20 ii 13, iii 8 (NS).

inf. píd-du-ma-an-zi KBo 13.119 ii 9, 19, [píd-da-a-u-an-z]i KBo 5.6 ii 37 [rest. Forrer apud Güterbock, JCS 10:93].

uncert. pít-ti-ia-u-wa-x[…] KUB 51.77 obv. 6, either -a[å] v.. subst. gen., or -a[n-zi] inf.

iter. pres. sg. 2 pít-te-eå-ki-åi KUB 33.92 iv 12 (NS)

pl. 3 píd-da-a-eå-kán-zi KBo 5.13 iv 9 (Murå. II), píd-da-a-iå-kán-zi KBo 4.3 iii 20 (Murå. II), píd-da-iå-kán-zi KUB 14.3 iv 13 (LNH), KUB 36.12 i 19 (NS).

pret. pl. 3 píd-da-eå-ker KUB 14.3 iii 51 (LNH), KUB 19.23 rev. 11 (LNH).

sup. pít-ta-iå-ki-u-wa-an KBo 6.29 i 14 (hist., Æatt. III).

EGIR-pa par_ píd-da-a-u-wa-ar w. Sum. and Akk. cols. broken KBo 26.10 iv 7 (Diri Bogh., NH), w. dupl. KBo 26.11 rev. 5; [… ku]iå píd-da-iz-zi KBo 1.39 i 11 (proto-Lu, NH), ed. MSL 12:218 | both exx. could belong also to piddai- B.

The morphology in HW differs since Friedrich assigned here some forms belonging to piddai- B. The imp. sg. 2 pidda (Güterbock, IF 60:202 iv 10), is probably to be emended to <a>padda, see after the morphology of pitt(a)-.

Oettinger, Stammbildung 472f. postulates an older stem pitt¥e-ææi distinct from piddae- "entrichten" (our piddai- B, which only began to mutually coalesce in NH.

1. to run, race — a. (said of people, gods, horses) — 1' to run: "He takes the body part and drops it back into the pot" t _píd±-da-a-i (dupl -it-t[a-i]) "and runs off" KBo 17.43 i 16 (OS), w. dupl. KUB 56.46 vi 3 (OH/ENS?), translit. StBoT 25:102 (= l. 10); "One guard motions with the spear toward the guards and the palace attendants and calls out in Hittite: ‘To the side!’" nu L–.MEÅMEÅED¨TI DUMU.MEÅ É.GAL–ya EGIR-an aræa pít-ti-ia-an-zi "and the guards and palace attendants run past the rear" IBoT 1.36 iii 66 (instr., MH/MS), ed. Jakob-Rost, MIO 11:196f., AS 24:30f.; "He who walks at the end of the line, breaks the gate down and throws it away. He shouts" natkan aræa pít-ti-ia-an-zi "and they run away. (When they have departed…)" VBoT 24 ii 14 (rit., MH/NS), ed. Chrest. 110f.; ikniyanza píd-da-i "Does the lame man run? (Certainly not)" KUB 12.62 rev. 9 (rit., pre-NH/NS), ed. e; dudduwaranzakan L–-aå m_ææan pít-te-ia-u-wa-ar (dupl. pít!-_ti-i±[a-u-wa-ar]) peååiyanun "Like a … man I have given up running" KUB 36.75 iii 14-15 (prayer, OH/MS), w. dupl. KUB 31.130 rev. 2 (OH/MS), ed. maææan 1 a 1' a' | Lebrun, Hymnes 130 tr. "j’ai rejeté l’ang[oisse]," apparently considering p. as related to pittuliya-; cf. also píd-du-ma-an[-zi o o]x peååi[(yanun)] KBo 13.119 ii 19 (purif. rit., NS), w. dupl. KBo 13.133:8; "The performer speaks: ‘Come, Mt. Æulla and Mt. Piåkurunuwa! Rise!’" EGIR-pama L–.MEÅaraåteå(sic) píd-da-at-tén (dupl. píd-da-a-at-tén, par. píd-da-a-i) "Run back to your friends" KUB 1.15 ii 7-8 (monthly fest., OH/NS), w. dupl. VAT 7481 obv. iv 23-24 and par. KBo 17.88 + KBo 24.116 iii 16 (OH/MS?); cf. ibid. iii 19-21, ed. (L–)mayant- 2 b 1'; "If anything whatsoever becomes difficult for the king" L–KARTAPPUmankan GIÅGIGIR-za GAM pít-ta-a-iz-z[i L–SAG?]–ma<n>–kan É.ÅÀ-za par_ pít-ta-a-iz-zi "and the charioteer might run down from (his) chariot and the [eunuch/personal attendant?] might scurry/run out of the bed chamber" KBo 4.14 iii 47-49 (hist., Tudæ.IV/Åupp. II), ed. Stefanini, AANL 20:46f.; "He saw a seventh dream: Keååi went (to hunt) lions" nkan par_ _åki píd-da-a-it "he ran out to the gate (and found in front of the gate serpents and sphinxes)" KUB 17.1 ii 12 (Keååi, NH), ed. Friedrich, ZA 49:238f.; kuwapi[(–warat)] andan píd-da-iå-kán-z[i] 2 L–.MEÅATÆUTIM "Where do they run, the two brothers?" KUB 33.113 i 6-7 + KUB 36.12 i 19 (Ullik., LNS), w. dupl. KUB 33.92 iv 9, ed. Güterbock, JCS 6:10f.; cf. KUB 33.92 iv 12; DINGIR-LUM kuedani kuedani papranni peran aræa píd-da-it-ta "O deity, from whichever uncleanness you ran away" (come back now) KBo 23.1 i 19-20 (rit., NH), ed. Lebrun, Hethitica 3:141, 149; Lebrun, Hethitica 3:156, interprets this as Luw. act. pret. sg. 3; since the deity is addressed directly (eæu ibid. i 23-25) the form is pret. sg. 2, see Oettinger, Stammbildung 472 n. 30; without the object: "The chief spearmen bow" nammaat pít-_te-an-zi± "Then they run (and they walk in front)" IBoT 1.36 ii 17 (instr., MH/MS), ed. AS 24:16f., Jakob-Rost, MIO 11:182f. (differently); ammukmakan DINGIR-LUM GAM-an pít-ta-iå-ki-u-wa-an teææun "I began to run (for protection) to the goddess" KBo 6.29 i 14 (hist., Æatt. III), ed. Æatt. 46f., Puhvel, Heth.u.Idg. 213 (differently); (The king travels. When he comes away from the city Æiåarluwa) "the ÆAZANNU stands on the right, on top of the paååu. But when [the kin]g(?) is lined up with him" n (par. t) UÅKÊN [na]åkan paååun EGIR-an [katta] píd-da-a-i (par. pa-iz-zi) "he bows and runs (par. goes) down the back of the paååu" KBo 34.160:4-6 (nuntarriyaåæaå fest.), w. par. KUB 58.22 i 17-18, KUB 2.7 i 19-20, parallels ed. Popko, AoF 13:220, Koåak, Linguistica 16:62, 57; cf. paååu- a.

2' to race — a' (said of people): "The king and the queen come down to the aåuåa-gate, the chief of the bodyguards gives a sign with his spear" nu L–.MEÅKAÅ›.E pít-ti-an-zi "and the runners race" KUB 10.1 i 12 (KI.LAM, OH/NS), cf. StBoT 27:104; nu L–.MEÅMEÅEDI pít-ti-an-zi "The bodyguards race. (He who wins takes the bridle)" KUB 10.18 i 14 (fest., OH/NS), ed. Archi, RSO 52:20 and Watkins, FsPalmer 431f.; cf. KUB 10.18 vi 15; cf. […]x pít-ta-a-i nu taræzi kuiå nuååi […] 96/f:7, ed. Archi, RSO 52:22; [L]–.MEÅGAD.TAR pít-ti-ia-an[-zi] KUB 10.22 i 4 (fest. frag., NS); nu INA ÆUR.SAGTipp„wa L–.MEÅMEÅEDI DUMU.MEÅ É.GAL pít-_ti-ia±-an-zi (dupl pít-ti-an-zi) "At Mt. Tippuwa the bodyguards and the palace attendants race" KBo 10.20 i 20-21 (ANDAÆÅUM fest.), w. dupl. KUB 30.39 obv. 14-15 (NS), ed. Güterbock, JNES 19:80, 85.

b' (said of horses): "The king goes to the boxwood grove" nukan pít-ti-ia-u-wa-aå ANÅE.KUR.RA.MEÅ KASKAL-åi d_i "and sets the race horses on their track" KBo 10.20 iii 8-9 (ANDAÆÅUM fest., NS), ed. Güterbock, JNES 19:83, 86; cf. ibid. ii 13; [o] ANÅE.KUR.RA.MEÅ píd-da-i KUB 56.52:9 (Alp, Tempel 56) is uncert. If the horses are the subj. then piddai is intrans. and belongs here. | for "horses" as a collective n., see e.g., [A]NÅE.KUR.RA.ÆI.A-un KBo 8.36 i 4 (HW Erg. 1:25).

b. (said of rumors, "to circulate," i.e., "run (around)"?): "Further, since humanity is treacherous" nukan AWATEMEÅ kattan píd-da-a-eå-kán-zi "(if) rumors circulate …" KBo 5.13 iv 8-9 (Kup., Murå. II), ed. SV 1:134f., tr. Diplomatic Texts 74; see maråaææ- 2 for other exx. in treaties; cf. Kestemont, Diplomatique 618; cf. AWATEMEÅ katta píd-da-a-an-zi KBo 5.4 obv. 28 (Targ.).

2. to flee: (Attariååiya would have killed you) nuå[åa]n zik µMadduwattaå anda ANA AB[I _UTU-ÅI pí]d-_da-iå± "but you, Madduwatta, fled to My Majesty’s father" KUB 14.1 obv. 3 (hist., MH/MS), ed. Madd. 2f. tr. Diplomatic Texts 145; "When my father heard: ‘Ahead of time he (sc. the enemy) will go" [nuwa] IÅTU URU-LIM kattan aræa píd-da-a-iz-zi "and flee secretly from the town’" KBo 5.6 ii 41 (DÅ), ed. Güterbock, JCS 10:93; "I went to meet him" numu µP[ittaparaå U]L tuæuåiyai[t] nmukan píd-da-a-iå "Pittapara did not wait for me but he fled from me" KBo 8.34 + KBo 16.12:2-3 (ann., Murå. II), ed. Houwink ten Cate, JNES 25:168, 177; "I sent to Maåæuiluwa: ‘Come here to me.’ Because Maåæuiliuwa saw his error, he accordingly rejected me, My Majesty" nmu peran aræa píd-da-a-iå "He (i.e., Maåæuiluwa) fled before me (and crossed over into Maåa)" KUB 6.41 i 41 (Kup., Murå. II), ed. SV 1:112f., ed. Diplomatic Texts 70; (When I killed their leader) L–.K–R–maza [(píd-da-)]_a±- (dupl píd-da-_a±-it) "the enemy fled" KUB 1.1 + KUB 19.61 ii 41 (Apology of Æatt. III), w. dupl. KBo 3.6 ii 24, ed. StBoT 24:12f. (tr. the reflexive -za "da verlief sich der Feind"); (Anu defeated Alalu) nåi peran aræa píd-da-a-iå "and he (Alalu) fled from him (and went to the dark earth)" KUB 33.120 i 14 (myth, NH), ed. Kum. *2, 6, tr. Hittite Myths 40, LMI 117; naå píd-da-a-iå _Anuå n nepiåi iyanneå "Anu fled, and set out for the sky" ibid. i 22, ed. Kum. *2, 7, tr. Hoffner, Hittite Myths 40.

3. (w. inner acc.) to run (a review?): nikumanza uw_tar pí-it-ta-iz-zi "Naked he runs ‘a review’(?)" KBo 3.34 ii 35 (anecdotes, OH/NS), ed. THeth 20:536, w. disc. 555f., for alternative tr. see under nekumant- 1.

4. to fly: _IÅTAR-i[å]–ma–[(ka)]n MUÅEN-iå iwar æuript[()] parran[t]a pí[d-d]a-it "Iåtar flew like a bird across the desert places(?)" KUB 31.118:5-6 + KUB 36.37 ii 10 (myth, NH), w. dupl. KUB 12.61 ii! 12-13, ed. parranda 1 c, tr. Hoffner, Hittite Myths 70; note that in bird oracles, only pai- and uwa- are used in the mng. "to fly," see Ünal, RHA XXXI:34.

5. (associated prev., postpositions, or adverbs) — a. anda: "In the same way, […] the city gate inside and outside with stone" nammaååan BÀD.MEÅ-ni anda lË kuiåki [(píd-da-)i] "In addition, let no-one run in the fortification walls" KUB 31.86 + 1203/u ii 22 (Instr. for BÍL MADGALTI, MH/NS), w. dupl. KUB 31.89 ii 11 (MH/NS), translit. StBoT 15:35 (without dupl.); KUB 14.1 obv. 3 (mng. 2, above); […] maææan anda píd-da-a-er "As they ran in […]" KUB 34.125 left col. 8 (æiåuwa-fest.); […ki]nunmakan ariyaåeåni kuit anda UL píd-da-a[_-i] "But now, because he does not run to the oracle" KUB 49.39 ii 10 (oracle question, NH).

b. andan: KUB 33.113 i 6-7 + KUB 36.12 i 19 (Ullik., LNS) (1 a 1', above).

c. _ppa: karpiya zik EGIR–ma píd-da-a-i "You, lift and run back!" KBo 22.201 iv 9 (fest. of the month); "The MEÅEDI-guard who brings in the litigants" n EGIR-papat píd-da-a-i "runs back again" IBoT 1.36 iii 10 (instr. for MEÅEDI, MH/MS), ed. AS 24:24f.; KUB 1.15 ii 7-8 (1 a 1', above).

d. _ppan: […] EGIR-an pít-ta-a-[er] "They ran behind […]" KBo 19.80 rt. col. 11 (frag.).

e. _ppan aræa: IBoT 1.36 iii 66 (1 a 1', above).

f. _ppan par_: KBo 26.10 iv 7, KBo 26.11 rev. 5 (for both see lex. sec.).

g. _ppanda: m_nman (so w. Forrer, Forsch., AU and photograph) URUMillawanda<n>ma aræa d[aliyazi n]ukan ÌR.MEÅ–YA apËdani ¬kargar[anti EGIR-pa]n_da píd-da-iå-kán-zi± "But if [he] were to le[ave] thecity Millawanda, my servants would ever run after him kargaranti" KUB 14.3 iv 11-13, ed. AU 16f., Forrer, Forsch. 1:116f.; cf. nu kargaranti apËdani EGIR-panda x píd-da-eå-ker ibid. iii 51, ed. AU 14f.

h. aræa: VBoT 24 ii 14 and IBoT 1.36 iii 66 (instr., MH/MS) (both 1 a 1', above); […] INA ÆUR.SAG aræa píd-da-a-it "He ran off to the mountain" KUB 8.50 ii 4 (Gilg., NH), translit. Myth. 133.

i. awan aræa: numu INA KUR L–.K–R awan aræa lË kuiåki píd-da-a-i "Let no one run away from me in the enemy country" KUB 21.47 rev.! 12; cf. KUB 23.82 rev. 18 + KUB 21.47 rev.! 14 (MH/MS).

j. katta: KBo 5.4 obv. 28 (1 b, above).

k. kattan: KBo 5.13 iv 9 (1 b, above); KBo 6.29 i 14 (1 a ', above); […]x KUR ÆATT[I] GAM-an pít-ti-ia-mi "I will run down [to/from] the land of Æatti" KUB 18.58 iii 32 (oracle question, NH); annalazapatkan GAM-an píd-da-eå-k[er] "Also from earlier times they repeatedly fled down" KUB 19.23 rev. 11 (letter, NH), ed. THeth 16:28f. (differently); GAM (= kattan?) KBo 19.80 rt. col. 10 (frag.).

l. kattan aræa: KBo 5.6 ii 41 (mng. 2, above).

m. par_: KBo 4.14 iii 48-49 (1 a 1', above), KUB 30.36 iii 5; KUB 17.1 ii 12 (for both see par_ 1 ii).

n. peran aræa: "Go away from before me […] They will not abandon you [_…]" [G]E_-azpat peran aræa píd-da-a[-it(?)] "At night he ran away from before (… he went down into a valley)" KBo 12.75:6 (myth, NS), KBo 23.1 i 19-20 (1 a 1', above); KUB 6.41 i 41 (mng. 2, above); KUB 33.120:14 (mng. 2, above).

Götze, Æatt. (1923) 85; Friedrich, SV 1 (1926) 81 (mng. 1 b), 156; Güterbock, ZA 42 (1934) 228-232; Risch, Cor.Ling. (1955) 192; Oettinger, Stammbildung (1979) 472f. w. n. 30; Puhvel, Heth.u.Idg. (1979) 212.

Cf. (L–)pitteyant-, (L–)pitteyantili, pittiyali-.