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Microfilming of Indian Publications Project (MIPP)


The aim of MIPP is to preserve and make accessible all 55,992 books listed in The National Bibliography of Indian Literature: 1901-1953 (NBIL) together with the pre-1954 titles in the NBIL supplement.

These are books in the twenty-two major languages of South Asia selected by a group of Indian scholars for their central importance to humanistic understanding of India.

Books located in libraries across India are to be preserved on microfilm, and copies of these microfilms made available to participating libraries in the U.S. and India.

*For information on the collaborating institutions which have made this project possible, see Consortia*


Search NBIL titles already microfilmed and available in the U.S. at the Center for Research Libraries.

Search the full catalog of all NBIL titles.

The Books

Titles encompassed within the NBIL fall under the following subjects:

  • General works: important bibliographies produced in that language, general encyclopedias, and dictionaries of the language;
  • Philosophy and religion;
  • Social sciences: educational, social, economic, and political works;
  • Linguistics: works that contribute to a better understanding of the origin, history, and nature of the language;
  • Arts: art portfolios and books about the arts;
  • Literature: general works, including histories of literature, anthologies, general works on literary criticism; poetry, drama, fiction, essay, letters, humor and satire;
  • History: including biography, autobiography, and travel;
  • Miscellaneous






kalighat painting

*For more about the National Bibliography of Indian Literature, visit the Digital South Asia website*

*For more about the Microfilming of Indian Publications Project, and for information about participating libraries in India, visit the Digital South Asia website*