South Asia at Chicago:
Fifty Years of Scholarship

Bibliography of Secondary Sources

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1996. Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

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1988. "Gitel (Gertrude) Poznanski Steed." In Women Anthropologists: A Biographical Dictionary. Ed. Ute Gacs, Aisha Khan, Jerrie McIntyre, Ruth Weinberg. NY: Greenwood Press, pp. 331-336.

Bucher, Bernadette.

1981. Icon and Conquest. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Cohn, Bernard S.

1992. "The Past in the Present: India as Museum of Mankind." Unpublished manuscript.

Davis, Richard H.

1985. South Asia at Chicago: a history. Foreword by Milton Singer. University of Chicago: COSAS New Series, No. 1.

Emmett, Robert C.

1977. Guide to the Albert Mayer Papers on India in the University of Chicago Library. University of Chicago: COSAS and SARC.

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1995. "Locating Gandhi in Indian Art History: Nandalal and Ramkinkar" in Addresing Gandhi, Delhi: SAHMAT.

Hamilton, Alexander.

1930. The East Indies, Vol. I. London: The Argonaut Press.

Helgerson, Richard.

1992. Forms of Nationhood: The Elizabethan Writing of England. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

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1957. Book review in the American Anthropologist, Vol. 59, No. 1, February, 1957, of The Voices of Silence by Andre Malraux, trans. Stuart Gibert, Garden City: Doubleday, 1953. [The phrase quoted in the text was underlined in Milton Singer’s copy of Kroeber’s review, which may be found in Box 36 of the Milton B. Singer Papers at the University of Chicago Library, Department of Special Collections.]

1958. Unpublished letter to Milton Singer, Dec. 4, 1958. In "Milton Singer: Five Careers into a Sixth Decade (1940-1994)," a section of the finding guide to the Milton B. Singer Papers in the University of Chicago Library Special Collections.

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1990. "Contentious Traditions: The Debate on Sati in Colonial India." In Recasting Women: Essays in Indian Colonial History, ed. Kumkum Sangari and Sudesh Vaid. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, pp. 88-126.

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1995. Guide to the Gitel P. Steed Papers in the University of Chicago Library.

Mitter, Partha.

1992. Much Maligned Monsters: A History of European Reactions to Indian Art. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. [Originally published 1977, Oxford: Clarendon Press.]

Pal, Pratapaditya and Vidya Dehejia.

1986. From Merchants to Emperors: British Artists and India, 1757-1930. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.

Padmanabhan Tampy, K. P.

1934. Ravi Varma: A Monograph. Trivandrum: Kripon & Co.

Seymour, Susan.

1988. "Cora Du Bois." In Women Anthropologists: A Biographical Dictionary. Ed. Ute Gacs, Aisha Khan, Jerrie McIntyre, Ruth Weinberg. NY: Greenwood Press, pp. 72-9.

Shils, Edward, ed.

1991. Remembering the University of Chicago: Teachers, Scientists, and Scholars. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.

Singer, Milton.

1991. "Robert Redfield." In Edward Shils, ed., Remembering the University of Chicago: Teachers, Scientists, and Scholars. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, pp. 413-429.

1954. "Recent Concepts of National Character and their Validity." Unpublished notes from Stanford, Winter 1954. In Milton B. Singer Papers, box 50, University of Chicago Library Special Collections.

n.d. "Urban Pastoral: Psychological and Cultural Interpretations of the Bhajan." Unpublished ms. In Milton B. Singer Papers, Box 35, University of Chicago Library, Department of Special Collections.

Sontheimer, Gunther D.

1982. "Hero and Sati-Stones of Maharashtra" in Memorial Stones: A study of their origin, significance, and variety. Ed. S. Settar and Gunther D. Sontheimer. Dharwad: Institute of Indian Art History, I.A. H. Series: No. 2.

Venniyoor, E. M. J. (for the Kerala Lalit Kala Akademi).

1981. Raja Ravi Varma. Published by The Government of Kerala.

Williamson, Captain Thomas.

1813. Preface and Descriptions to The Costume and Customs of Modern India from a Collection of Drawings by Charles Doyley, Esq. London: Edward Orme.

Worswick, Clark, ed.

1980. Princely India: Photographs by Raja Deen Dayal, 1884-1910. Edited and with text by C. Worswick. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.


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