University of Chicago Library
Guide to the Henry C. Simons Papers 1925-1972
© 2011 University of Chicago Library
Descriptive Summary
Title: | Simons, Henry C. Papers |
Dates: | 1925-1972 |
Size: | 6.25 linear feet (13 boxes) |
Repository: |
Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.
Abstract: | Henry Calvert Simons (1899-1946) Economist and Professor of Law and Economics at the University of Chicago. The Simons Papers include correspondence, manuscripts and biographical materials. |
Information on Use
Access to student files in Series VIII is restricted for 80 years from the date of each file. The remainder of the collection is open for research.
When quoting material from
this collection, the preferred citation is: Simons, Henry C. Papers, [Box #, Folder #], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library
Biographical Note
Henry Calvert Simons (1899-1946) was born in Virden, Illinois on October 9, 1899. His father, Henry Calvert Simons Sr., was a lawyer by profession. His mother, Mollie Sims Simons, was a woman with great social and educational ambitions for her children. She sent Simons' older sister, Ella Simons [Siple], to Wellesley College and Simons to the University of Michigan.
Simons received his A.B. degree from the University of Michigan in 1920. He continued his studies at the University of Michigan and Columbia University, but did not receive a degree. In 1921, he went to the University of Iowa as a part-time Instructor and graduate student. He was appointed Assistant Professor at Iowa in 1925 and remained through the spring of 1927. It was here that Simons came under the influence of Frank H. Knight, who interested him in the Department of Economics at the University of Chicago.
In the summer of 1927, Simons came to the University of Chicago, as a Lecturer in Economics. He was appointed Assistant Professor in October, 1928. Simons had previously completed his graduate coursework in economics at the University of Chicago. Despite his many later contributions to periodical literature in the field of economics, he never submitted the necessary dissertation to receive the Ph.D. degree. This lack of formal credentials undoubtedly hampered Simons' academic career at the University of Chicago-he was not appointed Associate Professor until October, 1942. However, except for part-time consulting services to the Departments of Justice and Treasury during World War II, there is no indication that he ever sought employment anywhere else.
Simons' formal (and informal) education was enhanced by studies in Germany during 1928. Upon his return to Chicago, he published four book reviews and a famous Syllabus Materials for Economics 201. In 1934 Simons' A Positive Program for Laissez-Faire was published by the University of Chicago Press as Public Policy Pamphlet No. 15 and he became an instant celebrity. Personal Income Taxation followed in 1938. The remainder of Simons writing career was devoted to book reviews and monographs. An additional treatise, Federal Income Taxation was published posthumously along with Economic Policy for a Free Society, a book of reprinted monographs edited by Aaron Director.
In 1939, Simons was assigned to teach, in the University of Chicago Law School as part of a continuing interdisciplinary program in law and economics. Simons' appointment as Associate Professor in 1942 was considered to be "two-thirds in the Economics Department and one-third in the Law School". This divided assignment was continued until July 1945 when he finally achieved the rank of Professor.
After years of a bachelor existence at the University of Chicago Quadrangle Club, Simons married Marjorie Kimball Powell in 1941. The Simons had one daughter, Mary Powell Simons, born January 27, 1944.
In 1941, Simons listed his "academic fields of special interest" as economic theory, money and taxation. His "recreational interests" were tennis, fishing and gramophone. He considered himself somewhat of an authority on classical music recordings.
Throughout 1945 and 1946 Simons suffered from failing health, mainly in the form of insomnia and stomach ulcers. On the morning of June 19, 1946, he was found unconscious and died later the same day apparently of an overdose of sleeping tablets. There is no evidence in Simons' papers that his death was not accidental.
Scope Note
The Henry C. Simons Papers are divided into seven series.
Series I: Correspondence includes Simons' correspondence with personal and academic acquaintances, government officials, publishers, newspapers, associations and individuals affiliated with these organizations such as newsmen, editors, officers, etc. Because Simons' professional interests were so often pursued in the context of personal relationships and academic and social activities, no attempt has been made to distinguish between personal and professional correspondence except insofar as the University of Chicago institutional policy memoranda and related correspondence are included in Series II. University Policy Memoranda. Correspondence with Simons' estate is included in Series V: Biographical Documents.
General correspondence is filed alphabetically by the name of the correspondent Corporate correspondent names are used for most periodicals, newspapers, publishing houses and some organizations. Individuals representing institutional correspondents are cross indexed with the respective principals.
The overwhelming bulk of correspondence consists of typewritten letters between Simons and the correspondents and is listed in the index in an abbreviated form. All other correspondence material is fully described. Thus, letters not otherwise identified were written by the correspondent to Henry C. Simons. All correspondence material is typewritten unless otherwise identified in the index.
Manuscripts and publications written by correspondents are included in their respective correspondence files whenever they are of no great length and/or are referred to in other items in the file.
Series II: University Policy Memoranda is divided into three subseries. Subseries 1: University (Educational) Policy includes a number of letters and memos surrounding a controversy over University of Chicago faculty contracts in Spring of 1944, an unpublished manuscript entitled "Some Comments on University Policy" and correspondence concerning a proposal for an "Institute of Political Economy". "Some Comments on University Policy" is an informal but comprehensive discussion of Simons' personal education philosophy.
The "Institute of Political Economy" is a proposal for an institutional structure which would preserve and promote the "traditional-liberal political philosophy" of "Chicago economics". Simons succeeded in interesting F.A. Hayek (SEE Series I: Correspondence, von Hayek, Friedrich A.), a noted economist, in his proposal. In 1945/46, an attempt was made to bring Hayek to the University of Chicago to found and administer an institute combining Simons' proposal with Hayek's proposals for an international "Academy for Political Philosophy". The scheme never materialized and Simons' proposal was dropped at his death in June 1946.
Subseries 2: Economics Department includes memos regarding specific faculty appointments, faculty politics and complaints as well as some comments on student work.
Series III: Lectures and Speeches includes both typewritten and manuscript drafts of speeches and other public presentations given by Simons.
Series IV: Unpublished Manuscripts contains a number of relatively short essays, memoranda and other miscellaneous writings in various stages of completion. Much of this material is untitled and/or undated. These papers have been divided into two Subseries 1: Literary Works (Drama and Poetry) and 2: Economics and Policy. Because many of Simons' writings fall into more than one of these categories, references are made to the most frequently overlapping topics. All manuscripts are typewritten unless otherwise indicated in the individual entry. Articles published in mimeographed form are found in Series VI. Published Manuscripts.
Series V: Biographical Materials contains miscellaneous biographical documents, news clippings, photographs, recordings and transcripts of interviews, manuscript biographies and correspondence regarding Simons' estate and posthumous publications. The interview was recorded November 16, 1972 as part of an effort to obtain and preserve information concerning Simons' childhood and early adult life.
Series VI: Published Manuscripts includes reprints and both typescript and manuscript drafts of documents published by Simons.
Series VII includes letters of recommendations for students. Access to these files is restricted for 80 years from the date of each file.
This guide to the Simons Papers was compiled by Clara Ann Bowler, Journal of Law and Economics, University of Chicago Law School, and revised and expanded by staff of the Special Collections Research Center.
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Subject Headings
- Simons, Henry Calvert, 1899-1946
- Director, Aaron
- Levi, Edward Hirsch, 1911-
- Redfield, Robert, 1897-
- Ruml, Beardsley, 1894-1960
- Hayek, Friedrich A. von (Friedrich August), 1899-1992-
- Hutchins, Robert Maynard, 1899-
- Stigler, George Joseph, 1911-
- Lippmann, Walter, 1889-1974
- Yntema, Theodore O. (Theodore Otte), 1900-
- University of Chicago. Law School. Program in Law and Economics
- University of Chicago. Law School
- University of Chicago. Dept. of Economics
- University of Chicago Round Table (Radio program)
- Law and economics
- Banks and banking -- United States
- Economics
- Labor economics
Box 1 Folder 1 | AARON, JOSEPH H.
- Copy of Simons' medical history, December 3, 1941 [2 pp]
Box 1 Folder 2 | ABBOTT, CHARLES C.
- Letter, June 6, 1944 [1 p] Copy of letter from Simons, June 27, 1944 [2 pp]
- ADELSON, SHIRLEY, SEE Yale Law Journal
Box 1 Folder 3 | ALLARD, KENNETH
- Handwritten letter, December 25, 1944 [2 pp] Copy of letter from Simons, December 29, 1944 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 4 | ALLEN, EDWARD D.
- Letter, February 1, 1944 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 5 | ALLEN, FREDERIC L.
- Letter, January 14, 1936 [1 p]
- Letter, February 10, 1936 [1 p]
- Letter, April 21, 1936 [1 p]
- Letter, November 23, 1937 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 17, 1943 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 6 | ALLYN, C. B.
- Letter, November 30, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, March 16, 1944 [4 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 20, 1944 [2 pp]
Box 1 Folder 7 | ALSBERG, CARL L.
- Postcard, November,27, 1934. Letter, December 11, 1934 [1 p]
- Letter from Sherman E. Johnson, July 9, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter from E. Fred Koller, April 17, 1945 [1 P.]
- letter from E. Fred Koller, April 27, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to E. Fred Koller, May 5, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from E. Fred Koller, May 11, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to E.
- Fred Koller, July 17, 1945 [1 p] Letter from E. Fred Koller, July 19, 1945 [1 p]
- AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, SEE Bell, James Washington Goldenweiser, E. A. Nourse, Edwin G. Sharfman, I. L.
- AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, SEE Homan, Paul T. and Machlup, Fritz, Series V: Biographical Documents, Posthumous Correspondence
- Letter from Harry G. Guthmann and Neil H. Jacoby, May 15, 1946 [1 p]
- Letter from Lawrence Spivak, November 20, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Lawrence Spivak, November 30, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Eugene Lyons, July 27, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter from Lawrence Spivak, April 21, 1944 [1 p]
- THE ANNALS, SEE Sellin, Thorstein
Box 1 Folder 11 | ANDERSON, A. I.
- Letter, November 24, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 1, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 10, 1945 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 12 | ANDERSON, BENJAMIN M.
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 18, 1945 [2 pp]
- Handwritten note, July 9, 1945 [1 p]
- ANDERSON, CHARLES D., SEE MacMillan Company
Box 1 Folder 13 | ANDERSON, GEORGE R.
- Letter, February 15, 1946 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 14 | ANDRESON, PAUL
- Letter, January 24, 1945 [1 p] Handwritten letter, April 12, ? [2 pp]
Box 1 Folder 15 | ANGELL, JAMES W.
- Letter, September 1, 1935 [2 pp]
Box 1 Folder 16 | ARNOLD, THURMAN
- Letter, September 9, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 8, 1943 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 17 | ARRAGON, REGINALD (REX)
- SEE ALSO Hutchins, Robert M.
- Letter, January 4, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 15, 1945 [2 pp]
- Handwritten letter, September 1, 1945 [3 pp]
Box 1 Folder 18 | ARROTT, CHARLES F.
- Letter, January 14, 1935 [1 p]
- AUBREY, GLADYS T., SEE League of Women Voters
Box 1 Folder 19 | AXELSON, C. F.
- Letter, April 29, 1942 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 6, 1942 [2 pp]
Box 1 Folder 20 | BAAR, ARNOLD R.
- SEE ALSO Groves, Harold M.
- Letter, January 7, 1944 [6 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 10, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, January 15, 1944 [1 p]
- Manuscript, "Proposal for a Permanent Commission for the Revision of the Federal Revenue Laws", undated [3 pp]
Box 1 Folder 21 | BACH, GEORGE LEE
- Letter, November 5, 1942 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 9, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, November 25, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 30, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, June 1, 1943 [1 p] Letter, October 15, 1945 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 22 | BARBER, JOSEPH JR.
- Letter, December 21, 1937 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 23 | BARKER, JAMES M.
- Letter to Simons and James W. Bell, November 7, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 11, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 7, 1942 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 24 | BARR, EMMETT C.
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 5, 1938 [1 p]
- BAYLEY, MALCOLM W., SEE Christian Science Monitor
Box 1 Folder 25 | BEARD, CHARLES A.
- Handwritten letter, September 30, (1943?) [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 26 | BECKER, CARL
- Handwritten letter, December 26, 1934 [2 pp] Copy of letter from Simons, April 24, 1943 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, April 29, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 12, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, August 3, 1944 [4 pp] (American Economic Association, Committee on "The Function of Government in the Postwar American Economy" hereinafter cited as A.E.A. Comm.)
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 24, 1944 [1 p.] (A.E.A. Comm.)
- Memo, September 30, 1944 [4 pp] (A.E.A. Comm.) Memos, October 6, 1944 [6 pp] (A.E.A. Comm.) Letter and Minutes of October 9, 1944 meeting, November 6, 1944 [4 pp] (A.E.A. Comm.)
- Letter and questionnaire, November 13, 1944 [9 pp] (A.E.A. Comm. questionnaire answers possibly in Simons' handwriting)
- Two questionnaires, November 20, 1944 (A.E.A. Comm.-no answers indicated)
- Copy of letter and answers to A.E.A. Comm. questionnaire from Simons, November 22, 1944 [7 pp]
- Letter, December 6, 1944 [1 p.] (A.E.A. Comm.) Letter, December 7, 1944 [1 p.] (A.E.A. Comm.) Copy of letter from Leverett S. Lyon to Bell, December 11, 1944 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 14, 1944 with Handwritten notes [1 p] (A.E.A. Comm.)
- Letter and Revised questionnaire, December 20, 1944 [8 pp] (A.E.A. Comm. questionnaire answers possibly in Simons' handwriting)
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 20, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, October 8, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 17, 1945 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 28 | BELL, LAIRD
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 24, 1944 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 29 | BENHAM, FREDERIC
- Handwritten letter, November 12, 1938 [2 pp] Copy of letter from Simons, July 25, 1939 [2 pp]
Box 1 Folder 30 | BENTON, WILLIAM B.
- Memo from Miss Maltby, Secretary, February 17, 1938 attached to letter from Paul Mazer to Benton, February 15, 1938 [1 p] and Copy of Benton's reply to Paul Mazer, February 17, 1938 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 15, 1938 [2 pp]
- Letter, July 21, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from H. W. Peters to Benton, July 23, 1942 [1 p] Memo, July 28, 1942 [1.p] Copy of memo to Mr. Howe and Mr. Dryer March 8, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 7, 1943 [1 p] Memo, November 2, 1943 [1 p.] (re; excise tax on beer, liquor and admissions) Memo, November 2, 1943 [2 pp] (re; luncheon invitation)
- Copy of memo from Simons, November 4, 1943 [2 pp] (re; excise tax) Memo, November 6, 1943 [1 p] Memo, November 6, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter from Gorbon Mason to Benton, November 18, 1943 [1 p.] (re; excise tax) Memo, December 23, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 29, 1943 [2 pp]
- Memo, January 3, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Benton to William Hale, January 13, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of memo from Simons, February 8, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. to Benton, June 12, 1944 [2 pp] Copy of memo from Simons, undated [1 p] Handwritten draft of letter from Simons, undated [6 pp] (pencil, donated by George J. Stigler, Univ. of Chicago, Dep't of Economics)
Box 1 Folder 31 | BERNSTEIN, ?
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 18, 1937 [2 pp]
Box 1 Folder 32 | BERRIDGE, WILLIAM A.
- Letter, October 10, 1945 [1 p] Copy of letter from Simons, October 15, 1945 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 33 | BETTISON, (P. R.?)
- Letter, November 26, 1934 [1 p] Copy of play "Oscar and Herman", November 26 (1934?) [9 pp]
- Letter [from Simons] to head of Dep't to be sent to Bettison as "professional opinion", undated [1 p] Memo from Mr. Schultz, undated [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 34 | BEZOU, SIDNEY
- Hologtaphic letter, October 4, 1944 [3 pp] Copy of letter from Simons, undated [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 35 | BITTNER, C. J.
- Handwritten letter, December 8, 1945 [1 p] Copy of letter from Simons, December 19, 1945 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 36 | BIRNBERG, RICHARD G.
- Letter, May 25, 1942 [1 p] Copy of letter from Simons, June 17, 1942 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 37 | BLADEN, VINCENT W.
- Handwritten note, February 21 (1936?) [2 pp] attached to copy of The Commerce Journal February 1936.
- Handwritten letter, October 25, 1945 [2 pp] Copy of letter from Simons, November 15, 1945 [2 pp] Handwritten letter, undated [2 pp] (reply to Simons' letter supra) Handwritten letter, November 20, (1945?) [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 38 | BLAIR, W. McCORMICK
- Draft of letter from Simons, May 3, 1938 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, Final Draft, May 6, 1938 [2 pp]
Box 1 Folder 39 | BLAISDELL, THOMAS C. JR.
- Letter, September 4, 1942 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 40 | BLAKEY, ROY G.
- Letter, December 17, 1943 [1 p]
- BLIVEN, BRUCE, SEE The New Republic
Box 1 Folder 41 | BLOCH, WILLY
- Handwritten letter, August 31, 1928 [2 pp] Handwritten letter, June 8, 1931 [2 pp]
Box 1 Folder 42 | BLOOMFIELD, ARTHUR I.
- Letter, February 5, 1946 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 43 | BLOUGH, ROY
- Memo, May 16, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, April 1, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, April 10, 1943 [1 p.]
- Letter, May 27, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, June 8, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, June 23, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 4, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, November 9, 1943 [1 p] Letter, October 6, 1944 [2 pp] Copy of letter from Simons, October 11, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 12, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, April 3, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 9, 1945 [2 pp] Letter, May 16, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, August 6, 1945 [1 p] Letter, December 28, 1945 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 12, 1946 [7 pp] Copy of letter from Simons, January 24, 1946 [2 pp] Letter, January 30, 1946 [1 p] Letter, February 26, 1946 [1 p]
- Letter, March 20, 1946 [1 p]
- Letter, April 2, 1946 [1 p]
- Letter, April 13, 1946 [1 p]
- Letter, May 23, 1946 [1 p] Letter, May 24, 1946 [1 p]
- Letter, June 14, 1946 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 44 | BOFMAN, ALBERT
- Letter, March 29, 1944 [1 p] Copy of letter from Simons, May 17, 1944 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 45 | BOGERT, ANITA E. (Mrs. George Bogert)
- Handwritten letter, April 18, ? [2 pp]
Box 1 Folder 46 | BONBRIGHT, JAMES C.
- Letter, February 21, 1939 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 28, 1939 [4 pp]. Letter, March 11, 1939 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 47 | BORAH, WILLIAM E. (U.S. Senate)
- Letter to William Hard, December 31, 1935 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 48 | BOSLAND, CHELCIE C.
- Letter, May 27, 1942 [1 p] Copy of letter from Simons, June 1, 1942 [1 p]
- BOTTENS, LEVI E, SEE Teacher's Insurance and Annuity
- BOWEN, HOWARD R., SEE U.S. Congress, Jt. Comm. on Internal Revenue Taxation
Box 1 Folder 49 | BRAND, LAWRENCE H.
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 15, 1939 [2 pp]
Box 1 Folder 50 | BRANDEIS, LOUIS D.
- Letter, December 15, 1934 [1 p.]
- BRANDT, JOSEPH A., SEE Holt and Company University of Chicago Press
Box 1 Folder 51 | BRAUNFELD, FRITZ L.
- Letter, February 15, 1946 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 52 | BRIGHT, W. M.
- Letter, May 8, 1944 attached to manuscript "The Parity Plan of Post War Employment" undated (1944?) [6 pp] Reprint of "Adam Smith, Unemployment is Caused by Disparity of Wages", undated [23 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 16, 1939 [2 pp]
- Letter, April 14, 1944 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, undated [1 p.] (1944?) Copy of letter from Simons, December 29, 1944 [2 pp]
- Letter, January 11, 1945 [1 p] Copy of letter from Simons, January 25, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, February 12, 1945 [1 p.] (reduced to small photo copy) Copy of letter from Simons, August 17, 1945 [2 pp]
- Letter, October 31, 1945 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 15, 1945 [1 p] Letter, April 9, 1946 [1 p.] attached to manuscript "The Dilemma of Liberal Economics" undated [19 pp]
- Letter, June 21, 1939 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 7, 1939 [2 pp]
- Letter, July 12, 1939 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 25, 1939 [1 p] Postcard, undated. Copy of letter from Simons, July 9, 1942 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 55 | BROWNLEE, O. H.
- Letter, November 12, 1945 [1 p] Copy of letter from Simons, November 15, 1945 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 56 | BROWNLOW, LOUIS
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 3, 1933 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 57 | BRYAN, MALCOLM H.
- Letter, January 27, 1937 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 19, 1937 [1 p] Letter, March 2, 1937 [2 pp]
- Letter, October 16, 1944 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 58 | BRYANT, LYLE C.
- Letter, April 14, 1942 [2 pp]
- Copy of manuscript, "The Role of the Economist in Business Administration" undated [38 pp]
Box 1 Folder 59 | BUELL, BOB
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 10, 1938 [1 p]
- Letter, April 18, 1944 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 61 | BURDICK, R. T.
- Letter, August 31, 1945 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 62 | BURNS, ROBERT K.
- Letter, July 14, 1944 [1 p]
Box 1 Folder 63 | BUSH, STEPHEN H.
- Letter, November 18, 1934 [4 pp] Letter, October 6, 1941 [2 pp]
Box 1 Folder 64 | BUTTERS, J. KEITH
- Handwritten letter, January 11, 1938 [2 pp] Copy of letter from Simons, November 22, 1938 [2 pp]
- Letter, November 27, 1943 [1 p] Letter, February 3, 1944 [1 p] Handwritten letter, June 28, 1944 [4 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 30, 1944 [1 p]
- CAHN, REUBEN, SEE The Chicago Tribune
Box 2 Folder 1 | CAMPBELL, F. N.
- Letter, July 6, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 9 1942 [3 pp]
- Letter, July 16, 1942 [1 p] Letter, September 30, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 4, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, August 23, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 26, 1944 [1 p] Letter, September 4, 1944 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 2 | CHANDLER, LESTER V.
- Handwritten letter to C. W. Wright, April 9, 1935 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from C. W. Wright, April 12, 1935 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 3 | CHAU, YAU PIK
- SEE ALSO II. UNIVERSITY POLICY MEMORANDA, Student Letters of Recommendation
- Handwritten letter, October 19. 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 2, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 15, 1944 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, February 8, 1945 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, February 21, 1945 [1 p.]
Box 2 Folder 4 | CHEYFITZ, EDWARD T.
- Letter, November 21, 1945 [1 p] Copy of letter from Simons December 4, 1945 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 10, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 19, 1945 [1 p] Letter, January 7, 1946 [1 p]
- Letter from Harper Leech, March 24, 1943 [1 p] Copy of letter from Simons to Harper Leech, April 6, 1943 [2 pp] Letter from Harper Leech, April 9, 1943 [1 p]
- Newspaper clipping, Robert P. Vanderpoel, November 24, 1943
- Copy of letter from Simons to Robert P. Vanderpoel, November 29, 1943 [1 p] Letter from Robert P. Vanderpoel, December 7, 1943 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 7 | CHICAGO SUN
- Copy of letter from Simons to the Editors, May 6, 1943 [1 p] Copy of letter from Simons, February 23, 1944 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 8 | CHICAGO TRIBUNE
- Copy of letter from Simons to Reuben Cahn, May 13, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to the Editor, October 28, 1942 and manuscript "Some Fiscal Proposals" undated [2 pp]
- Copy of a cover letter from Simons to the Editor, March 5, 1943 [1 p]
- Two drafts of letter from Simons to the Editor, March 5, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter from Donovan Richardson to Simons, March 11, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Donovan Richardson, March 16, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Donovan Richardson, April 1, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 18, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter from Malcolm W. Bayley, May 21, 1943 [1 p]
- Statement undated [1 p]
- Letter, June 7, 1935 [1 p]
- Letter, March 26, 1936 [1 p]
- Letter, November 26, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, April 10, 1946 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 11 | CLARK, COLIN
- Letter, August 4, 1943 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 14, 1943 [1 p.]
- Letter, March 10, 1944 [1 p.]
Box 2 Folder 12 | CLARK, J. [JOHN BATES?]
- Handwritten letter, November 1, 1942 [2 pp]
Box 2 Folder 13 | CLARKE, MRS. GEORGE B.
- Postcard, September 2, ?
- COHEN, ELLIOT E. SEE Commentary
Box 2 Folder 14 | COHRSSEN, HANS R. L.
- Letter, May 31, 1944 [1 p.]
Box 2 Folder 15 | COLM, GERHARD
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 25, 1939 [1 p]
- Letter, May 11, 1942 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 16, 1942 [1 p.] Copy of letter from Simons, November 23, 1942 [1 p.] Letter, December 1, 1942 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 7, 1942 [2 pp] Copy of letter from Simons, August 22, 1944 [1 p.]
Box 2 Folder 16 | COLPITTS?, R. A.
- Handwritten letter, March 31, 1943 [4 pp]
Box 2 Folder 17 | COMMENTARY
- Letter from Elliot E. Cohen, April 1, 1946 [1 p.]
- SEE Fennelly, John F. Yntema, Theodore O.
Box 2 Folder 18 | Consumer's Defender (Cooperative Distributors)
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 12, 1934 [2 pp]
- Letter from E. J. Lever, December 19, 1934 [2 pp]
Box 2 Folder 19 | COOK, PAUL W.
- Letter, March 30, 1944 [1 p.]
Box 2 Folder 20 | COPPOCK, J. D.
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 10, 1939 [2 pp]
Box 2 Folder 21 | COREY, LEWIS
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 17, 1942 [1 p.]
- Letter, September 20, 1942 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 5, 1943 [1 p.]
- COUCH, W. T., SEE University of Chicago Press
- Letter from Harry B. Price, March 7, 1941 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Harry B. Price, March 13, 1941 [2 pp] (Re; David Cushman Coyles' manuscript, "Financing Defense")
Box 2 Folder 23 | COURT, ANDREW T.
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 19, 1944 [1 p.]
- Letter, November 6, 1945 [1 p.] with news clipping
Box 2 Folder 24 | COWLES, ALFRED
- Letter, October 16, 1943 [1 p.]
Box 2 Folder 25 | COYLE, DAVID CUSHMAN
- SEE ALSO Council for Democracy Handwritten letter, February 7, 1934? [2 pp] Copy of letter from Simons, January 23, 1936 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, January 19, 1937 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, January 27, 1937 [2 pp]
- Handwritten letter, February 1, 1937 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 3, 1937 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 11, 1937 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 2, 1937 [4 pp]
Box 2 Folder 26 | COX, GARFIELD V.
- Copy of memo from Simons, May 3, 1944 [1 p.] (re; Martin v. Jones, "Prerequisites to Postwar Prosperity")
Box 2 Folder 27 | CRONSON, DONALD B.
- Handwritten letter, undated [8 pp] (1944?)
Box 2 Folder 28 | CROWTHER, GEOFFREY
- Letter from Simons, January 24, 1944 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 29 | CULLINAN, J. S.
- Letter, December 28, 1934 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 12, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 24, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 23, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 29, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 3, 1944 [2 pp]
Box 2 Folder 31 | DAHLBERG, ARTHUR
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 6, 1938 [2 pp]
Box 2 Folder 32 | DAILY TIMES (CHICAGO)
- Copy of letter from Simons to the Editor, April 29, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Richard J. Finnegan, May 7, 1943 [1 p]
- DAINES, HARVEY E., SEE Teacher's Insurance and Annuity
- DAVIS, LAMBERT, SEE Harcourt Brace and Company
- DAVENPORT, JOHN SEE Fortune, Time Magazine
Box 2 Folder 33 | DEIBLER, F. S.
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 31, 1936 [2 pp]
Box 2 Folder 34 | DERIAN, JOHN B.
- Handwritten letter, May 4, 1946 [1 p]
- Letter from W. W. Waymeck, May 13, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 17, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter from Oval Quist, May 18, 1943 [1 p.]
Box 2 Folder 36 | DEWHURST, FREDERIC
- Letter, January 7, 1936 [1 p]
- Letter, September 28, 1937 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 8, 1937 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 37 | DILLMAN, DAVID
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 11, 1938 [1 p.]
Box 2 Folder 38 | DIRECTOR, AARON
- SEE Series V: Biographical Documents, Posthumous Correspondence; II. UNIVERSITY POLICY MEMORANDA, Economics Department
Box 2 Folder 39 | DODD, ALVIN E.
- Telegram, January 2, 1946.
- Draft of telegram from Simons, January 2, 1946
Box 2 Folder 40 | DOERING, OTTO C.
- Letter, April 22, 1935 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 27, 1935 [1 p] Letter, May 6, 1935 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 41 | DOUGHTON, ROBERT L. (U.S. House of Representatives)
- Draft of letter from Simons, March 3, 1938 [2 pp]
- Draft of letter from Simons, March 4, 1938 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, Final Draft, March 5, 1938 [2 pp]
Box 2 Folder 42 | DOUGLAS, PAUL H.
- Letter, January 23, 1934 [1 p.] with typewritten enclosure "People's Political Alliance" undated [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 25, 1934 [2 pp]
- Letter, September 22, 1934 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 2, 1934 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter and typed copy, December 25, 1943 [5 pp]
- DOYLE, JOHN T., SEE U.S. Treasury Department
Box 2 Folder 43 | DUNLOP, GEORGE H.
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 23, 1939 [2 pp]
Box 2 Folder 44 | DUNLOP, JOHN T.
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 26, 1942 [1 p] Letter, March 25, 1946 [1 p]
- DUNN, FREDERICK S., SEE University of Chicago Press
Box 2 Folder 45 | DYKEMA, M. F.
- Letter, August 21, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 4, 1945 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 46 | ECCLES, MARRINER S.
- Copy of letter May 27, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, May 31, 1943 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 47 | ECKER-RACZ, L. LASZLO
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 13, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, February 19, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 2, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, April 6, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, May 4, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 21, 1942 [3 pp]
- Letter, June 2, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 9, 1942 [1 p]
- Carbon copies of two drafts of letter from Simons, June 18, 1942 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 8, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, July 29, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 14, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, and statement, October 22, 1942 [4 pp]
- Copy of memo from Simons, December 4, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, February 27, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 3, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 3, 1943 [2 pp] (re; stock dividends)
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 21, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, May 8, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter from C. W. McKee, February 27, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to C. W. McKee, March 3, 1943 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 49 | EDGINGTON, ALBERT E.
- "A Critical Review... on `Some Reflections of Syndicalism' by Henry C. Simons," undated [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 12, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, October 19, 1944 [2 pp]
Box 2 Folder 50 | EDIE, L. D.
- Copy of joint letter from G. V. Cox, Aaron Director, Paul Dogulas, A. G. Hart, F. N. Knight, L. W. Mints, Henry Schultz, H. C. Simons, March 15, 1933 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 51 | EDWARDS, CORWIN D.
- Letter and outline "Round Table on Monopoly and Competition", August 10, 1945 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 20, 1945 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 52 | ELLIS, EFFIE G. W.
- Letter, September 19, 1934 [1 p.]
Box 2 Folder 53 | ELLIS, HOWARD S.
- Handwritten letter, June 9, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 5, 1943 [2 pp] (with notation [in Simons' handwriting] "Aaron [Director?]; Please return secretly-only copy")
- Handwritten letter, November 29, 1943 [2 pp]
- Handwritten letter, February 21, 1944 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, March 6, 1944 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, May 22, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 2, 1944 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, July 10, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 8, 1944 [2 pp]
- Handwritten letter, October 3, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 12, 1944 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, October 16, 1944 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, October 31, 1944 [1 p.] Copy of letter from Simons, November 30, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, December 18, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 6, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, February 10, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, April 26, 1945 [2 pp]
- Letter, May 10, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 15, 1945 [2 pp]
- Letter, May 21, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, November 19, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 23, 1945 [1 p]
- ELLISTON, HERBERT, SEE Washington Post
Box 2 Folder 54 | ELLSWORTH, P. T.
- Letter, December 15, 1934 [1 p]
- Letter from Walter Yust, September 27, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 11, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 28, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from Walter Yust, December 4, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 14, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Mae H. MacKay, July 13, 1945 [2 pp]
- EVERITT, C. RAYMOND, SEE Little, Brown and Company
Box 2 Folder 56 | FAIRCHILD, FRED R.
- Letter, April 10, 1926 [1 p]
- Letter, April 28, 1926 [1 p]
- Letter, May 7, 1926 [1 p]
- Letter, May 28, 1926 [2 pp]
- Letter, June 4, 1926 [1 p]
- Letter, June 19, 1926 [1 p]
- Letter, July 19, 1926 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 57 | FARIS, ELLSWORTH
- Letter, July 13, 1929 [1 p.]
Box 2 Folder 58 | FAYANT, FRANK H.
- Letter, April 9, ? [1 p]
- Eccles, Marriner S. Ellis, Howard S. Musgrave, Richard A. Robinson, Roland I.
Box 2 Folder 59 | FEDERAL UNION, INC
- Letter from Clarence K. Streit, September 5, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Clarence K. Streit, September 11, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, September 14, 1944 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 60 | FENNELLY, JOHN F.
- Letter from Carroll L. Wilson, May 3, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, June 24, 1944 [2 pp] Copy of letter from Simons, June 27, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, June 30, 1944 [1 p]
- FETTER, ELLA COLE, SEE Fetter, Frank A.
Box 2 Folder 61 | FETTER, FRANK A. (SENIOR)
- Handwritten letter from Ella Cole Fetter to Simons, June 4, 1931 [2 pp]
- Handwritten letter from Ella Cole Fetter to Simons, undated [2 pp]
- Handwritten note, December 26, 1935 [2 pp]
- Letter, April 3, 1936 [1 p]
- Handwritten postcard, June 6, 1942. Copy of letter from Simons, July 6, 1942 [1 p.]
- Handwritten postcard, July 8, 1942
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 21, 1942
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 14, 1942
- Handwritten postcard, June 24, 1943
- Handwritten postcard, May 13, 1944
- Handwritten letter, November 8, 1945 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 62 | FETTER, FRANK W. (JUNIOR)
- Letter, January 16, 1935 with newspaper clipping, [1 p]
- Letter, January 23, 1937 [1 p]
- Letter from W. S. Soden-Irwin, June 21, 1943 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 64 | FINKELSTEIN, LOUIS
- Letter, June 22, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons June 27,1944 [1 p]
- Letter, June 30, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, December 15, 1944 [4 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons January 4, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, January 12, 1945 [1 p] Letter, October 26, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, March 8, 1946 [2 pp]
Box 2 Folder 65 | FISHER, ALLAN G. B.
- Letter, October 19, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, November 20, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, December 16, 1945 [2 pp] attached to manuscript, "The Illusion of Omnipotence," undated [8 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 22, 1946 [2 pp]
- Letter, April 1, 1946 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 66 | FISHER, IRVING
- SEE ALSO Edie, L. D.
- Reply to joint letter addressed to L. D. Edie, March 19, 1933 [8 pp]
- Carbon copies of letter from Simons, March 24, 1933 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 29, 1934 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 4, 1934 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 9, 1934 [2 pp]
- Two letters, December 14, 1934 [2 pp and 3 pp]
- Handwritten letter, January 29, 1937 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 3, 1937 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 28, 1938 [4 pp]
- Reprint of "The Principle of 100% Reserves", Dynamic American, July 1938 [7 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 22, 1938 [3 pp]
- Draft of letter from Simons [penciled date, 1940][9 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 25, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, June 8, 1942 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 16, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, September 18, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 19, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, November 4, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, January 17, 1943 [4 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 19, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Albert G. Hart, August 17, 1945 [1 p.]
- Letter, August 25, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, May 7, 1946 [1 p.] attached to proposed letter to American Economic Association, April 30, 1946 [14 pp]
- SEE ALSO Series V: Biographical Documents, Posthumous Correspondence
Box 2 Folder 67 | FISHER, KARL W.
- Letter, January 15, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, March 16, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, March 18, 1944 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 68 | FISHER, WALTER D.
- Handwritten letter, October 28, 1943 [4 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 11, 1943 [2 pp]
Box 2 Folder 69 | FLANDERS, RALPH E.
- Letter, January 24, 1944 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 70 | FLYNN, JOHN T.
- Letter, January 4, 1938 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 11, 1938 [1 p]
- Letter, January 13, 1938 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 71 | FOOTE, F. H.
- Letter, March 27, 1935 [4 pp]
Box 2 Folder 72 | FORD, GUY STANTON
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 3, 1934 [2 pp]
Box 2 Folder 73 | FORTUNE
- Letter from John Davenport, May 22, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to John Davenport, May 28, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter from Raymond Leslie Buell, June 5, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Raymond Leslie Buell, June 11, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter from John K. Jessup, August 19, 1942 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to John K. Jessup, August 21, 1942 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to John K. Jessup, August 25, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter from John K. Jessup, August 26, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter from John K. Jessup, October 26, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to John K. Jessup, November 9, 1942 [4 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to John K. Jessup, April 23, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter from John Davenport, December 23, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to John Davenport, January 6, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from William D. Geer, January 24, 1944 [1 p.] with reprint "Transition to Peace; Business in A.D. 1942", Fortune, January 1944.
- Letter from John Davenport, May 11, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to John Davenport, May 15, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to John Davenport, May 31, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from John Davenport, June 9, 1944 [2 pp]
- Telegram, from John Davenport, June 12, 1944
- Copy of letter from Simons to John Davenport, June 14, 1944 [2 pp]
- Letter from John Davenport, June 23, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to John Davenport, June 27, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to John Davenport, June 29, 1944 [1 p]
- Telegram, from John Davenport, June 31, 1944.
- Copy of letter from Simons to John Davenport, July 2, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to John Davenport, July 5, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from John Davenport, August 17, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to John Davenport, October 3, 1944 [2 pp]
- Letter from Edith Roper, May 2, 1946 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Edith Roper, May 6, 1946 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Guy Greer, September 4, 1945 [1 p]
- SEE ALSO Series V: Biographical Documents, Posthumous Correspondence
Box 2 Folder 74 | FREEMAN, MARTIN
- Memo, April 24, 1939 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 3, 1939 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 75 | FRIEDMAN, HORTENSE
- Letter, February 6, 1946 [1 p]
Box 2 Folder 76 | FRIEDRICH, CARL J.
- Letter, January 23, 1935 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 20, 1935 [3 pp]
- Letter, January 31, 1941 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 13, 1941 [4 pp]
Box 2 Folder 77 | FROEHLICH, WALTER
- Letter and personal resume, February 28, 1942 [4 pp]
- Letter from Kossuth M. Williamson to Simons, May 23, 1942 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Kossuth M. Williamson, May 28, 1942 [2 pp]
- Handwritten letter, June 22, 1942 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 1 | GALBRAITH, J. K.
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 6, 1938 [3 pp]
- Letter, undated (reply to letter from Simons, October 6, 1938) [3 pp]
Box 3 Folder 2 | GARRETT, GARET
- Letter, December 18, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 20, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, January 17, 1945 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 3 | GAUS, JOHN M.
- Letter, March 18, 1935 [1 p]
- Letter, March 20, 1936 [1 p]
- Letter, July 13, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 8, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, August 23, 1944 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 4 | GEARHART, BERTRAND W. (U. S. House of Representatives)
- Letter, May 25, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, May 31, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, June 9, 1943 [1 p]
- Enclosures "Pay as You Go Before You Know..." [3 pp]; "Pay as You Earn Before You Learn ..." [2 pp]; "Pay as You Go" [1 p]; "Pay When You Learn..." [2 pp] (Feb.-May, 1943)
Box 3 Folder 5 | GILKEY, CHARLES W.
- Memo and newspaper clipping, April 15, 1946 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Chief Ranger, June 19, 1944 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 7 | GLICK, PHILIP M.
- Letter, December 20, 1945 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 8 | GOLDENWEISER, E. A.
- Letter, May 20, 1946 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 28, 1946 [1 p]
- Letter; May 31, 1946 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 23, 1945 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 9 | GOODE, RICHARD B.
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 15, 1945 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 22, 1945 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 10 | GOODRICH, LELAND M.
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 21, 1944 [3 pp]
Box 3 Folder 11 | GRAHAM, FRANK D.
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 20, 1942 [3 pp]
- Letter, October 23, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, November 14, 1942 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 7, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 16, 1942 [4 pp]
- Copy of edited collection of the preceding 5 letters, undated [8 pp]
- Letter, April 7, 1943 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 12 | GRAUE, ERWIN
- Letter, June 2, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 8, 1942 [2 pp]
- Handwritten letter, November 10, 1943 [3 pp]
Box 3 Folder 13 | GRAVES, HELEN M.
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 18, 1934 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 14 | GREEN, "BUD"
- Handwritten letter, undated [4 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 14, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, May 20, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, August 7, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 5, 1944 [1 p]
- GREER, GUY, SEE Fortune,
Box 3 Folder 16 | GRIFFIN, CLARE E.
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 12, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 21, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, May 5, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 8, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, June 16, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, July 27, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, August 26, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 30, 1943 [2 pp] (marked "not sent")
- Letter, October 14, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, January 8, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, September 21, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, October 12, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 14, 1944 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 17 | GRISWOLD, ERWIN N.
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 8, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 20, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, August 5, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, January 8, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, June 29, 1943 [1 p] (with some clipping attached)
- Handwritten note, undated, attached to copies of letters in Katz file
- Letter, November 26, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, January 21, 1944 [2 pp]
- Letter, April 18, 1944 [3 pp]
Box 3 Folder 18 | GROVES, HAROLD M.
- SEE ALSO Yntema, Theodore O.
- Letter, September 11, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 13, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 14, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, September 28, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 4, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, October 19, 1943 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 22, 1943 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 26, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 6, 1943 [3 pp]
- Letter, December 16, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Arnold R. Baar to Groves, December 16, 1943 [8 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 19, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, February 23, 1944 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 19 | GUBBINS, W. B.
- Letter, December 4, 1943 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 20 | GUTHMANN, HARRY
- Letter, December 13, 1934 [1 p]
- HAAS, GEORGE C., SEE U.S. Treasury Department, Secretary
- HADDAD, WM. N., SEE Katz, Wilber G.
Box 3 Folder 21 | HAGGART, HARRY H. (M.D.)
- Copy of letter, April 27, 1939 [1 p]
- Letter, July 26, 1939 [2 pp]
Box 3 Folder 22 | HAIG, ROBERT M.
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 22, 1936 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 15, 1936 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 22, 1936 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 24, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 3, 1943 [1 p.]
- Handwritten letter, March 13, 1944 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 23 | HALASSI, ALBERT B.
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 18, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, April 17, 1944 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 24, 1945 [1 p.]
- Letter, May 22, 1945 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 30, 1945 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 24 | HALCROW, HAROLD G.
- Letter, March 24, 1943 [2 pp]
Box 3 Folder 25 | HALE, GEORGE
- Letter, August 16, 1940 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 26 | HANCHETT, PAUL
- Letter, January 11, 1941 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 27 | HANCOCK, FRANK W.
- Carbon copies of letter from Simons, May 19, 1933 [1 p.] attached to manuscript "Thoroughgoing Reform of the Banking System", undated [6 pp ] (pencil notations by C. O. Hardy)
Box 3 Folder 28 | HANSEN, ALVIN H.
- Letter, March 10, 1934 [2 pp]
- Pencil draft of letter from Simons, undated [2 pp]
- Letter, July 20, 1939 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 25, 1939 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 13, 1942 [1 p.]
- Letter, February 14, 1942 [1 p.]
- Letter, October 20, 1942 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 11, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter from Simons, November 2, 1943 [1 p.]
- Letter, November 9, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 26, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 29, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 24, 1944 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 6, 1945 [1 p.]
- Letter, March 27, 1945 [1 p.]
- Letter from Lambert Davis, June 5, 1946 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 30 | HARD, WILLIAM
- Handwritten letter, February 14, 1935 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 27, 1935 [1 p.]
- Letter, January 3, 1936 [1 p.]
- Letter, January 5, 1936 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 9, 1935 [1936?] [1 p.]
- Letter from Edith Need Lane, February 15, 1936 [1 p.]
- Letter, March 26, 1936 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 31 | HARDY, C. O.
- SEE ALSO Hancock, Frank W.
- Letter, January 4, 1927 [1 p.] attached to manuscript "Economic Effect of Accumulation of Bank Deposits", undated [3 pp] (excerpts from book review by Hardy)
- Memorandum, November 21, 1933 [2 pp] (notes on unidentified Simon's manuscript)
Box 3 Folder 32 | HARPER, J. W. C.
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 17, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, February 5, 1943 [2 pp]
- HARPER'S MAGAZINE, SEE Allen, Frederic L.
- HARRELL, WILLIAM B., SEE Quadrangle Club
Box 3 Folder 33 | HARRIS, ABRAM L.
- Handwritten letter, April 17, 1943 [1 p.] attached to mimeographed reprint of "Collective Bargaining" 33 American Economic Review, No. 1, pt. 2, supp (1943) [5 pp]
- Letter, April 10, 1944 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 11, 1944 [1 p.]
- Handwritten letter, April 15, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 21, 1944 [1 p.]
- Letter, September 18, 1944 [1 p.]
- Letter, December 17, 1945 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 34 | HARRIS, SEYMOUR E.
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 9, 1942 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 25, 1944 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 10, 1945 [1 p.]
- Letter, October 16, 1945 [1 p.]
- Letter, October 23, 1945 [1 p.]
- Letter, November 15, 1945 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 21, 1945 [1 p.]
- Letter, November 26, 1945 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 7, 1946 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 21, 1946 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 35 | HARRISS, C. LOWELL
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 7, 1939 [1 p.]
- Handwritten letter, June 2, 1942 [1 p.]
- Handwritten letter, May 7, 1944 [3 pp]
- Handwritten letter, August 29, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 11, 1944 [1 p.]
- Handwritten letter, January 7, 1946 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 15, 1946 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 36 | HART, ALBERT G.
- Letter, December 9, 1934 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 11, 1934 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 5, 1942 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 7, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 14, 1943 [4 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 16, 1943 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 12, 1944 [1 p.]
- Letter, January 16, 1946 [1 p.] attached to Copy of outlines for Committee for Economic Development project in monetary policy [6 pp]
- SEE ALSO Fisher, Irving
Box 3 Folder 37 | HART, CLYDE W.
- Letter, April 10, 1943 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 14, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, November 13, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 15, 1943 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 38 | HARVARD LAW REVIEW
- Letter from Harry K. Mansfield, April 7, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Harry K. Manfield, April 12, 1943 [1 p]
- HARVEY, B. J., SEE R. C. A. Manufacturing Company
Box 3 Folder 39 | HASTINGS, MILO
- Letter, November 24, 1934 [4 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 17, 1934 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 40 | von HAYEK, FRIEDRICH A.
- SEE ALSO II. UNIVERSITY POLICY MEMORANDA, University (Educational) Policy
- Letter, December 1, 1934 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 18, 1934 [3 pp]
- Letter, December 29, 1935 [1 p.]
- Carbon copies of letter from Simons, April 14, 1939 [2 pp]
- Letter, April 28, 1939 [1 p]
- Letter, December 26, 1941 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 7, 1942 [1 p.]
- Handwritten postcard, January 4, 1943
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 9, 1943 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 7, 1943 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 6, 1944 [1 p.]
- Letter, August 2, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 1, 1944 [2 pp]
Box 3 Folder 41 | HEILPERIN, MICHAEL A.
- Letter, December 16, 1943 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 42 | HELLER, WALTER W.
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 5, 1945 [1 p.]
- Letter, September 7, 1945 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 43 | HILDEBRAND, GEORGE H. JR.
- Letter, April 3, 1946 [2 pp]
Box 3 Folder 44 | HINTON, DEANE
- Handwritten letter, June 23, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 30, 1944 [1 p.]
- Letter, August 20, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 22, 1944 [1 p.]
- HIRSCHFELD, GERHARD, SEE Research Council for Economic Security
Box 3 Folder 45 | HOAG, C. G.
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 22, 1938 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 15, 1939 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 3, 1939 [2 pp]
- Letter, August 2, 1939 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 8, 1939 [2 pp]
- Handwritten letter, August 15, 1939 [2 pp]
- Handwritten letter, October 21, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 24, 1944 [1 p.]
- Handwritten letter, October 31, 1944 [1 p.]
- Handwritten letter, December 16, 1944 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 46 | HODGES, PAUL C. (M.D.)
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 3, 1939 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 27, 1939 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 47 | HOEKSTRA, A.
- Handwritten letter, March 28, 1943 [2 pp]
Box 3 Folder 48 | HOFF, TRYGVE J. B.
- Letter, January 5, 1939 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 7, 1939 [3 pp]
- Letter, February 25, 1939 [2 pp]
- Letter, November 17, 1945 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 15, 1946 [1 p.]
- Letter, February 12, 1946 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 49 | HOFFMAN, PAUL G.
- Handwritten draft of letter from Simons, undated [2 pp] attached to Essay, undated [6 pp] (re; Wartime price controls)
Box 3 Folder 50 | HOILES, R. C.
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 14, 1939 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 15, 1939 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 51 | HOLT (HENRY) AND COMPANY
- Letter from Robert H. MacMurphey, November 13, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from Joseph A. Brandt, November 15, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 21, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from Joseph A. Brandt, November 23, 1945 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 52 | HOMAN, PAUL T.
- SEE ALSO Corey, Lewis
- Letter, June 10, 1942 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 16, 1942 [1 p.]
- Letter, August 7, 1942 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 19, 1942 [1 p.]
- Letter, October 14, 1942 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 20, 1942 [1 p.]
- Letter, February 4, 1944 [1 p.] (with Handwritten reply from Simons)
- SEE ALSO Series V: Biographical Documents, Posthumous Correspondence
Box 3 Folder 53 | HOOVER, GLENN E.
- Letter, November 21, 1933 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 1, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, November 12, 1945 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 54 | HORNE, ALBERT
- Handwritten letter, May 7, 1943 [1 p.] (photocopy)
Box 3 Folder 55 | HOUSTON, G. SIDNEY
- Letter, December 16, 1943 [2 pp]
- Carbon copies of letter from Simons, December 23, 1943 [3 pp]
- Letter, December 28, 1943 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 56 | HOWARD, EDWARD
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 22, 1941 [1 p.]
Box 3 Folder 57 | HULL, WALTER HENRY
- Letter, November 18, 1937 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 30, 1937 [1 p.]
- Postcard, June 9, 1944
- HUMPHRIES, CLARA G. (HENRY), SEE U.S. Treasury Department
Box 3 Folder 58 | HUTCHINS, ROBERT M.
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 4, 1933 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 18, 1934 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 10, 1934 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter (from Simons?), October 17, 1935 [1 p.]
- Letter from Robert L. Nash to Hutchins, February 21, 1938 [1 p]
- Memo from Hutchins to Simons, February 23, 1938
- Copy of letter from Simons to Robert L. Nash, March 14, 1938 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 2, 1939 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 27, 1939 [1 p.] attached to
- Copy of letter from Hutchins to Mr. Smazel, April 27, 1939 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 15, 1939 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 8, 1942 [4 pp]
- Memo, January 29, 1943 [1 p.] (re; Reginald Arragon)
- Copy of memo from Simons, February 2, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 1, 1943 [1 p.]
- Letter, November 5, 1943 [1 p.]
- SEE ALSO II. UNIVERSITY POLICY MEMORANDA, University (Educational) Policy and Economics Department.
- IRWIN, MARY, SEE University of Chicago Press
Box 3 Folder 59 | JACOBS, CLIFFORD D.
- Letter, April 1, 1935 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 60 | JACOBS, J. L.
- Letter, May 5, 1934 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 61 | JACOBY, NEIL H.
- Letter, November 21, 1934 [1 p]
- Memo, October 21, 1943 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 62 | JESNESS, O. B.
- Letter, April 3, 1944 [1 p]
- JESSUP, JOHN K., SEE Fortune
- JOHNSON, SHERMAN E., SEE The American Farm Economic Association
- JOHNSON, W. A., SEE The North Carolina Law Review
Box 3 Folder 63 | JOHNSTONE, ALAN
- Letter, February 23, 1938 [2 pp] with enclosure "Taxation in Relation to Unemployment".
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 2, 1938 [2 pp]
- JONES, MARTIN V., SEE Cox, Ganfield V.
Box 3 Folder 64 | JONES, HOMER
- Letter, January 28, 1937 [5 pp] with manuscript "The Problem of the Capital Gains Tax" January 18, 1937 [8 pp]
- Letter, September 1, 1937 with comments on Simons' manuscript [2 pp] with newspaper clippings
- SEE ALSO Leland, Simon Shoup, Carl
- Letter, February 19, 1938 [1 p]
- Letter, May 20, 1944 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 29, 1944 [1 p.]
- Letter, May 30, 1945 [1 p]
- JORDAN, W. K., SEE University of Chicago Press
Box 3 Folder 65 | KATZ, WILBER G.
- Letter from Wm. N. Haddad to Katz, October 14, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Katz, October 29, 1943 [2 pp]
- Handwritten note from Milton Friedman to Simons, undated, attached to Copy of letter from Simons to Timothy C. Mooney November 13, 1943 [2 pp]; Copy of letter from Wm. N. Haddad, supra; Copy of letter from Simons to Katz, October 29, 1943 [1 p]
- SEE ALSO Series V: Biographical Documents, Posthumous Correspondence.
Box 3 Folder 66 | KELLOGG, JOHN P.
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 24, 1942 [1 p]
- Handwritten note, undated [2 pp]
- Letter, February 28, 1946 [2 pp] Copy of letter from Simons, March 2, 1946 [1 p]
- KELLY, PAUL L., SEE U.S. Treasury Department, Secretary
Box 3 Folder 68 | KENDRICK, M. SLADE
- Letter, December 18, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 20, 1944 [1 p] Letter, January 8, 1945 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 69 | KEYNES, J. M.
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 10, 1943 [2 pp] Postcard, July 21, 1943. Letter, July 16, 1943 [1 p.] (marked Private and Confidential)
Box 3 Folder 70 | KINNEY, HAROLD
- Letter, November 16, 1939 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 71 | KLEIN, J. R.
Box 3 Folder 72 | KLOVE, ROBERT C.
- Handwritten letter, November 21, 1944 [2 pp]
Box 3 Folder 73 | KNIGHT, FRANK H.
- Letter, May 21, 1926 [1 p]
- Letter, May5 (1930?) [3 pp]
- Letter, June19, 1930 [1p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 1, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from Alfred A Knopf to Simons, April 2, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Alfred
- A. Knopf, April 9, 1945 [1 p] Letter from Alfred A. Knopf, November 1, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from Emily M. Morison, February 18, 1946 [1p]
Box 3 Folder 75 | KNOX, FRANK
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 2, 1935 [1 p]
- Letter, January 4, 1935 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 27, 1939 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 5, 1939 [2 pp]
- KOBALL, MARGARET H., SEE MacMillan Company
Box 3 Folder 76 | KOLLER, E. FRED
- Letter, April 12, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, August 7, 1944 [1 p]
- SEE ALSO The American Farm Economic Association.
- KROUT, JOHN A., SEE Political Science Quarterly
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 1,1942 [1 p]
Box 3 Folder 78 | KUZNETS, SIMON
- Letter, September 28, 1937 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 8, 1937 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 21, 1937 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, December 27, 1937 [1 p.]
- Letter, January 19, 1938 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 1 | LABOVITZ, I. M.
- Letter, March 18, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February
- 2,1937 [3 pp]
- Letter, February 15, 1937 [1 p]
- Letter, May 11, 1943 [1 p.]; with enclosure "Current Tax Payments Act of 1943",
- Senate Report 221, pt. 2, 78th Cong.,
- 1st Sess. (May 3, 1943)
- Letter, May 28, 1943 [1 p.] with enclosure
- "Current Tax Payment Act", supra.
Box 4 Folder 3 | LAMKE, EDWIN A.
- Letter, May 20, 1935 [1 p]
- Letter, "Thursday" [1 p]
- Letter, April 10, 1936 [2 pp]
Box 4 Folder 4 | LANDRY, RICHARD
- Letter, November 7, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 10, 1945 [1 p]
- LARKIN, THOMAS III, SEE Who's Who in Illinois
Box 4 Folder 5 | LA RUE, JESSE A.
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 16, 1935 [2 pp]
Box 4 Folder 6 | LASKY, JUDITH
- Letter, September 19, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, October 2, 1945 [1 p.]
- Letter, October 10, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, November 15, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November
- 21, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, November 28, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from Gladys T. Aubrey, April 18, 1936 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 8 | LEAVENS, DICKSON H.
- Memo, October 7, 1943 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 9 | LEGAN, W. E.
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 10, 1938 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 10 | LELAND, SIMEON E.
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 3, 1933 [1 p]
- Letter, February 9, 1937 [2 pp] with copy. Letter, May 14, 1937 [1 p.] (re; Simons manuscript)
- SEE ALSO Jones, Homer
- Shoup, Carl
Box 4 Folder 11 | LERNER, ABBA P.
- Letter, September 25, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 3,1944 [1 p.]
- Letter, October 9, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 18, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, October 20, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October
- 24, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, October 27, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 14,1944 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 12 | LERNER, MAX
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 9,1943 [1 p]
- Letter, February 25, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, April 22, 1943 [1 p]
- LEVER, E. J., SEE Consumer's Defender
Box 4 Folder 13 | LEVI, EDWARD H.
- SEE ALSO Kronstein Heinrich
- Letter, July 15, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, July 27, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, August 20, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 15,1943 [1 p]
- Letter, October 5, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 11, 1943 [1 p]
- Note, October 13, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 15, 1943 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 4,1943 [1 p.]
- Letter, November 26, 1943 [1 p]
- Carbon copies of letter from Simons, December 10,1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, March 10, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, March 23, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, July 24, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 8, 1944 [1 p.]
Box 4 Folder 14 | LEVIN, NATHAN W.
- Letter, December 7, 1934 [1 p.]
- Letter, February 2, 1944 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 15 | LEWIS, MILTON, Postcard, March 27, 1943 |
- Letter, November 30, 1934 [2 pp]
- Letter, March 17, 1936 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 17 | LINDSAY, EDWIN B.
- Letter, January 4, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 12, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, January 15, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 9, 1943 [1 p.]
- Letter, April 10, 1943 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 18 | LIPPMAN, WALTER
- Handwritten letter and typewritten copy, January 21, 1935 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 14, 1935 [2 pp]
- Letter, March 19, 1936 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 18, 1937 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 3, 1937 [1 p]
- Letter, February 8, 1937 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 5, 1937 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 1, 1938 [1 p]
- Letter, March 3, 1938 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 23, 1938 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 25, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, May 26, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 10, 1943 [3 pp]
- Letter, June 18, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter from C. Raymond Everitt, August 8, 1939 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to C. Raymond Everitt, August 24, 1939 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 20 | LOOMIS, ARTHUR K.
- Letter, December 10, 1937 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 20, 1937 [1 p]
- Letter, December 23, 1937 [1 p]
- Letter, February 18, 1938 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 21 | de LOURENCO, JOAO
- Letter and newspaper clipping, October 24, 1945 [2 pp] (Rio de Janiero, Brazil)
Box 4 Folder 22 | LUCAS, SCOTT (U.S. SENATE)
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 12, 1943 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 23 | LUTZ, FRIEDRICH A.
- Handwritten letter, May 17, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, June 7, 1945 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 26, 1945 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, October 6, 1945 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 24 | LYON, LEVERETT S.
- Letter, November 26, 1934 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 25 | MAC BETH, NORMAN
- Letter, September 18, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, September 22, 1944 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 26 | MAC DOUGALL, JOHN L.
- Letter, July 3, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 8, 1944 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 27 | MAC KENZIE, FINDLAY
- Handwritten letter, May 18, 1936 [1 p.] with outline of proposed book; "Economic Control and Planning", undated [2 pp]
Box 4 Folder 28 | MAC LEAN, GORDON G.
- Letter, December 23, 1944 [2 pp]
- Letter from Simons, December 27, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter and manuscript, "Outline for Liberalism", January 20, 1945 [10 pp]
Box 4 Folder 29 | MAC MILLAN COMPANY
- Letter from Charles D. Anderson, July 20, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Charles D. Anderson, November 4, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter from Charles D. Anderson, November 9, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Charles D. Anderson, November 29, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter from Charles D. Anderson, December 1, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Charles D. Anderson, January 20, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from Charles D. Anderson, January 29, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from Margaret H. Koball, December 19, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Margaret H. Koball, January 7, 1946 [1 p]
- MAC MURPHY, ROBERT H., SEE Holt and Company
- Mc CARY, CLARA HUMPHRIES, SEE U.S. Treasury Department
Box 4 Folder 30 | Mc GANN, PAUL W.
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 11, 1941 [1 p.]
Box 4 Folder 31 | Mc GREGOR, F. A.
- Letter, December 17, 1935 [1 p.]
Box 4 Folder 32 | Mc GUIRE, CARL
- Handwritten letter, July 26, 1942 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 21, 1942 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 33 | Mc ILVAINE, WILLIAM D.
- Letter, March 14, 1946 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 34 | Mc INTYRE, FRANCIS
- Letter, September 2, 1941 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 21, 1942 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 35 | Mc IVER, ROBERT M.
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 6, 1944 [3 pp]
- Letter; January 13, 1944 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 36 | Mc IVOR, R. CRAIG
- Letter, December 28, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 17, 1946 [1 p]
- Mc KEE, C. W., SEE The Economic and Business Foundation
- Mc KEON, RICHARD P., SEE II. UNIVERSITY POLICY MEMORANDA, University (Educational) Policy.
- Mc NEILL, JOHN T., SEE University of Chicago Press
Box 4 Folder 37 | MACHLUP, FRITZ
- Letter to "Gentlemen", undated [3 pp] (Critique of "Memorandum on Banking and Currency Reform" pencil date 1933?)
- Letter, September 13, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 27, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, January 5, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 9, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, January 17, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, October 17, 1945 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 38 | MAGILL, ROSWELL
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 3, 1937 [1 p]
- Letter, February 8, 1937 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 39 | MAHONEY, J. R.
- Letter, February 5, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 15, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, May 22, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 29, 1944 [2 pp]
- MAIS, PAULE E., SEE Teacher's Insurance and Annuity
- MANSFIELD, HARRY K., SEE Harvard Law Review
Box 4 Folder 40 | MARGET, ARTHUR W.
- Handwritten letter, March 21, 1933 [1 p]
- Letter, November 20, 1937 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 22, 1937 [3 pp]
- Letter, November 26, 1937 [3 pp]
- Letter, December 6, 1937 [1 p]
- University (Educational) Policy.
Box 4 Folder 41 | MARSDEN, CARL A.
- Letter, January 13, 1938 [1 p]
- Letter, January 26, 1938 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 42 | MARTIN, GORDON
- Letter, March 19, 1941 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 43 | MAYER, MILTON
- Handwritten letter from Simons, undated [1 p.] attached to Memo, January 22, 1946 [1 p]
- MERRILL, HARWOOD F., SEE Modern Industry
- MERCER, SAMUEL D., SEE Yale Law Journal
Box 4 Folder 44 | MILLIS, H. A.
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 3, 1933 [1 p.]
- MINTS, LLOYD, SEE Series V: Biographical Documents, Posthumous Correspondence
Box 4 Folder 45 | MITCHELL, ELAINE
- Letter, August 25, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 28, 1944 [1 p.]
Box 4 Folder 46 | MITCHELL, GEORGE W.
- Letter, November 26, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 4, 1944 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 47 | MODERN INDUSTRY
- Letter from Harwood F. Merrill, February 16, 1945 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Harwood F. Merrill, February 23, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from Harwood F. Merrill, February 26, 1945 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Harwood F. Merrill, March 5, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from Harwood F. Merrill, March 8, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Harwood F. Merrill, March 16, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from Harwood F. Merrill, March 23, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from Harwood F. Merrill, March 26, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from Harwood F. Merrill, May 15, 1945 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Harwood F. Merrill, May 19, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from Harwood F. Merrill, October 11, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from Harwood F. Merrill, October 31, 1945 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 48 | MOELLER, G. G.
- Handwritten letter, January 8, 1928 [4 pp]
Box 4 Folder 49 | MOFFETT, CAROL
- Letter, January 11, 1943 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 50 | MOHR (J. C. B.) VERLAG
- Copy of letter, July 25, 1939 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 51 | MOIR, P.
- Letter, November 5, 1936 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 52 | MOONEY, TIMOTHY C.
- Letter, June 11, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 8,1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, November 6, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 13, 1943 [2 pp]
- SEE ALSO Katz, Wilber G.
Box 4 Folder 53 | MOORE, WILLIAM C.
- Letter, April 8, 1935 [1 p.]
Box 4 Folder 54 | MOREY, CHARLES L.
- Letter, February 28, 1946 [1 p]
- MORISON, EMILY M., SEE Knopf Incorporated
Box 4 Folder 55 | MURPHY, BLAKELY M.
- Letter, November 20, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 27, 1945 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 4, 1945 [1 p.]
Box 4 Folder 56 | MUSGRAVE, RICHARD A.
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 18, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 9,1945 [3 pp]
- Letter and table "Velocity of Money", June 10,1946 [2 pp]
Box 4 Folder 57 | NATHAN, OTTO
- Letter, December 11, 1934 [1 p]
- NASH, ROBERT L., SEE Hutchins, Robert M.
Box 4 Folder 58 | THE NATION
- Letter from Henry Hazlett, March 20, 1933 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 12, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to the Editor, April 28, 1943 [2 pp]
- Postcard from Caroline Whiting, April 30, 1943.
Box 4 Folder 59 | NELSON, BERTRAM G. JR.
- Handwritten letter, November 3, 1939 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 60 | NELSON, RICHARD W.
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 29, 1946 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 61 | NEF, JOHN U.
- Handwritten note from Nef to "Warner", December 1, 1940 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 62 | NEUBAUER, JULIUS
- Letter, May 3, 1931 [4 pp]
Box 4 Folder 63 | THE NEW REPUBLIC
- Copy of letter to the Editor from Simons, March 3, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter from Bruce Bliven, March 23, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Bruce Bliven, March 25, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter from Bruce Bliven, April 7, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Bruce Bliven, May 7, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to the Editor, November 10, 1945 [1 p]
- SEE ALSO Eccles Marriner S., Lippmann, Walter
- Copy of letter from Simons to the Editor, May 27, 1943 [1 p]
- Acknowledgement from Secretary to the Editor, May 29, 1943.
Box 4 Folder 65 | NEW YORK TIMES
- SEE ALSO Roe, Chas. H.
- Copy of cover letter from Simons to Editor, March 29, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to the Editor, March 29, 1943 [3 pp]
- Rejection notice, undated, attached to letter from Simons to the Editor, May 26, 1943 [1 p]
- Two drafts of letter from Simons to the Editor, undated [4 pp] (1943?)
- Letter from Simons, February 25, 1944 [1 p.]
- attached to Copy of letter to Time Magazine, February 24, 1944 [1 p]
- NIGHTENGALE, EDMUND A., SEE Public Administration Service
- Letter from W. A. Johnson, October 30, 1943 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 67 | NOURSE, EDWIN G.
- Letter, August 14, 1942 [1 p.] with enclosure "The Program of the 1942 Session of the American Economic Association" [2 pp] (August 14, 1942?)
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 19, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, August 21, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, November 16, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 18, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, November 24, 1942 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 28, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 8, 1942 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 12, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 17, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, December 22, 1942 [2 pp]
Box 4 Folder 68 | NOYES, C. REINOLD
- Letter, November 27, 1934 [1 p]
- Letter, December 19, 1934 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 69 | NUNAN, JOSEPH D. JR.
- Letter, April 30, 1946 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 6, 1946 [1 p]
Box 4 Folder 70 | NUTTER, GILBERT W.
- Letter, October 11, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 5, 1945 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, November 24, 1945 [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 1 | ODELL, WILLIAM R. JR.
- Letter, June 15, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 16, 1944 [1 p]
- O'DONNELL, A. R., SEE University of Chicago Press
Box 5 Folder 2 | OGBURN, WILLIAM F.
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 24, 1944 [1 p]
- Handwritten note attached to mimeographed manuscript, "Peace as a Problem of Sociology", undated [29 pp]
Box 5 Folder 3 | OSTRANDER, F. TAYLOR
- Handwritten letter, September 24, 1934 [2 pp]
- Memo from Ostrander to Leland Hazard, November 6, 1943 [31 pp] ("A Federal Tax Program-1943; Summary of Recommendation")
- Letter, November 26, 1943 [1 p.] attached to Memo from Ostrander to Leland Hazard, November 17, 1943 [7 pp]
Box 5 Folder 4 | OTTO, M. C.
- Letter, March 6, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, March 7, 1945 [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 5 | PALYI, MELCHOIR
- Letter, December 10, 1928 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 26, 1929 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Oscar Jaszi to Palyi, March 19, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Palyi to Oscar Jaszi, March 20, 1942 [4 pp]
- Letter, November 2, 1942 [2 pp]
- Copy of book review of Frank D. Graham Social Goals and Economic Institutions by Melchoir Palyi, [3 pp] (November 2, 1942?)
Box 5 Folder 6 | THE PANEL
- Letter and membership list from Morrison Waud, November 21, 1945 [2 pp]
- Letter, January 4, 1946 [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 7 | PARKER, KENNETH
- Letter, September 5, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 11, 1944 [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 8 | PATTERSON, ERNEST M.
- Letter, December 1, 1934.
Box 5 Folder 9 | PATON, WILLIAM A.
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 21, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, April 28, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 14, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, September 25, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, October 6, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 11, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, October 14, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, October 26, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, November 12, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 3, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, April 26, 1944 [3 pp]
- Letter, November 17, 1945 [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 10 | PAUL, RANDOLPH E.
- Letter, August 4, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, August 17, 1942 [1 p.]
- Letter, June 19, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, November 11, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons November26, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, April 19, 1946 [2 pp] and Manuscript "The Policy Implications of Recent Issues in The Theory of Employment,"
- undated [20 pp]
- Manuscript, "Building in Defense of Monopoly",
- undated [4 pp]
- Letter from John A. Krout, April 29, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to John A. Krout, May 17, 1943 [1 p.] (re; Herbert von Beckerath, In Defense of the West)
Box 5 Folder 13 | POLLAK, R.
- Letter, June 11, 1943 [1 p.] with attached telegram (unidentified and incomplete, on torn sheet of paper)
Box 5 Folder 14 | POSEY, J. J.
- Postcard, January 9, 1935.
Box 5 Folder 15 | POTTER, ALDEN A.
- This file contains 27 pieces of correspondence dating from April 18, 1943 to May 29, 1946. Most of the pieces are carbon copies of letters sent by Alden Potter to other people and forwarded to Simons by Potter. There are ALSO carbon copies of three letters from Simons in response to Potter's enclosures, dated August 8, 1944, September 12, 1944 and January 24, 1945, respectively. Because this material is somewhat incoherent, no further attempt has been made to identify individual letters.
Box 5 Folder 16 | POTTER, NEAL
- Letter, February 1, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 14, 1944 [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 17 | POTTER, PAUL D.
- Letter to A. H. Compton, May 18, 1938 [1 p.] attached to Sketch "Economic Equilibrium" undated [1 p.]; Poem "The Machine Talks Back", January, 1938 [1 p.]; and Memo from Arthur H. Compton to Frank H. Knight, June 10, 1938 [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 18 | PRENTICE-HALL, INC.
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 29, 1944 [1 p]
- PRICE, HARRY B., SEE Council for Democracy
- Letter from Farrell Symons, August 17, 1945 [1 p.] (re; Edmund A. Nightengale, "Taxation in Great Britain")
- Letter from Farrell Symons, September 7, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from Maxwell Stewart, October 2, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter from Maxwell Stewart, March 2, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from Maxwell Stewart, March 18, 1944 [2 pp]
- Letter from Maxwell Stewart, March 27, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from Maxwell Stewart, October 19, 1944 [1 p.] (re; unidentified manuscript on trade)
- Copy of letter from Simons to Maxwell Stewart, October 24, 1944 [2 pp] (re; manuscript, supra)
- Letter from Maxwell Stewart, October 26, 1944 [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 21 | PUTNAM,? E. (SWIFT and CO.)
- Letter, April 10, 1935 [1 p]
- Letter, April 29, 1935 [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 22 | PUTTKAMMER, ERNEST W.
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 23, 1944 [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 23 | QUADRANGLE CLUB
- Copy of letter from Simons to House Committee, November 5, 1934 [1 p]
- Copy of memo from Simons to William B. Harrell, November 30, 1942 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 2, 1945 [2 pp]
- QUIST, OVAL, SEE The Des Moines Register and Tribune
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 19, 1937 [2 pp]
- Letter from B. J. Harvey, Service Parts Division, September 29, 1937 [1 p.]
Box 5 Folder 25 | RANDALL, HARRIS K.
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 22, 1936 [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 26 | RAPP, ROBERT E.
- Letter, May 20, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 25, 1942 [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 27 | RAYMOND, F. I.
- Letter, September 24, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 30, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, October 8, 1943 [1 p] attached to Manuscript "What American Needs Most- A Limitations Conference", undated [5 pp] (1938?)
- Letter and criticism of Simons "Postwar Federal Tax Reform", December 12, 1943 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 16, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, January 5, 1944 [3 pp]
- Letter, January 12, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 14, 1944 [2 pp]
- Letter, February 18, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, February 28, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, March 18, 1944 [4 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 22, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, March 24, 1945 [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 28 | READ, LEONARD E.
- Letter, June 4, 1943 [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 29 | REDFIELD, ROBERT
- Copy of memo from C. H. Faust to Robert Redfield, May 11, 1942 [7 pp] (re; University of Chicago College)
- Mimeographed letter, March 25, 1946 [1 p.] with
- Mimeographed manuscripts, "Suggestions for Administrative Control of Atomic Energy," undated [5 pp]; "Draft for a Convention on the Control of Atomic Energy", March 21, 1946 [9 pp]; "Analysis of United Nations Resolution on Control of Atomic Energy," undated, [9 pp]
Box 5 Folder 30 | REED, HAROLD L.
- Letter, March 24, 1933 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 11, 1933 [1 p]
- Letter, April 22, 1933 [2 pp]
- Letter, September 26, 1934 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 2, 1934 [2 pp]
- Letter, October 8, 1934 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 17, 1935 [3 pp]
Box 5 Folder 31 | REEVE, J. E.
- Letter, May 15, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from Gerhard Hirschfeld, May 29, 1946 [1 p.]
- SEE ALSO Series V: Biographical Documents, Posthumous Correspondence.
- RICHARDSON, DONOVAN, SEE The Christian Science Monitor
Box 5 Folder 33 | RIETZ, H. L.
- Letter, November 30, 1934 [1 p]
- Letter, May 17, 1943 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 19, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 21, 1943 [3 pp]
- Letter, May 24, 1943 [2 pp]
Box 5 Folder 35 | ROBINSON, ROLAND I.
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 17,1945 [2 pp]
Box 5 Folder 36 | ROE, CHAS. H.
- Letter, January 5, 1935 [1 p]
- Newspaper clipping, NEW YORK TIMES, January 8, 1935, (pasted on piece of stationary signed "Chas. H. Roe",) [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 37 | ROE, FREDERICK
- Letter, November 27, 1934 [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 38 | RÖPKE, WILHELM
- Letter, December 18, 1945 [2 pp] and Manuscript "Plan for an International Periodical" [5 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 29, 1946 [2 pp]
- Letter, May 9, 1946 [1 p]
Box 5 Folder 39 | ROSTOW, EUGENE
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 7, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, January 12, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 19, 1945 [1 p]
- ROWLEY, RICHARD C., SEE University of Chicago Press
Box 5 Folder 40 | RUML, BEARDSLEY
- Copy of letter from Simons, with enclosure, April 10, 1933 [4 pp] (from Dep't of Social Sciences, Univ. of Chicago, Office of the Dean)
- Letter from Walter Lichtenstein to Beardsley
- Ruml, December 9, 1933 [1 p]
- Letter from Walter Lichtenstein to Beardsley Ruml, December 11, 1933 [2 pp]
- Letter from C. A. Phillips to Beardsley Ruml, January 18, 1934 [[1 p]
- Letter, February 8, 1937 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 23, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, June 1, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 8, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, August 31, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, September 4, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 5, 1943 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 1 | SAMUELSON, PAUL A.
- Letter, March 28, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 3, 1945 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 2 | SANDFORD, J. R.
- Handwritten letter, May 25, 1943 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 3, 1944 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 4 | SCHIRMER, E. A.
- Letter, October 20, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, October 25, 1944 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 5 | SCHMIDT, EMERSON P.
- Letter, November 2, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, November 7, 1944 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 6 | SCHIFF, SYDNEY
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 21, 1943 [2 pp]
Box 6 Folder 7 | SCHULTZ, THEODORE W.
- Copy of letter to Ralph Flanders with Handwritten note to Simons, February 18, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter to Ralph Flanders, April 24, 1944 [2 pp]
- SCOON, JOHN, SEE University of Chicago Press
Box 6 Folder 8 | SCOTTO, ALDO
- Letter, December 5, 1945 [1 p] (Genoa, Italy)
Box 6 Folder 9 | SCUDDER, VIDA D.
- Letter, December 21, 1934 [2 pp]
Box 6 Folder 10 | SELLIN, THORSTEIN
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 13, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, September 20, 1944 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 11 | SELTZER, LAWRENCE H.
- Letter, December 17, 1934 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, undated [1 p](re; Aaron Director)
- Letter, January 16, 1935 [1 p] (acknowledges undated letter re; Aaron Director)
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 23, 1937 [2 pp]
- Letter, May 20, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 26, 1942 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, August 17, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 2, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, September 8, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 14, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, November 26, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 3, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 28, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 5, 1944 [2 pp]
- Letter, April 15, 1944 [6 pp]
- Letter, March 27, 1944 [3 pp]
- Letter, August 1, 1944 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter, August 30, 1944 [3 pp]
Box 6 Folder 12 | SEVERSON, HARRY L.
- Letter, June 14, 1945 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 13 | SHARFMAN, I. L.
- Letter, March 10, 1921 [1 p]
- Letter, December 3, 1934 [1 p]
- Letter, September 11, 1945 [2 pp]
- Letter, October 3, 1945 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 14 | SHARPE, DONALD M.
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 16, 1939 [2 pp]
Box 6 Folder 15 | SHERE, LOUIS
- Memo and copy of tax schedules for U.S. Treasury Memorandum, "Tax Program for Averting Inflation", September 28, 1942 [23 pp]
- Copy of letter, October 26, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, May 17, 1945 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 16 | SHERMAN, ARTHUR G.
- Letter, November 6, 1944 [2 pp]
Box 6 Folder 17 | SHERWIN, D. G.
- Letter, January 24, 1936 [2 pp]
- Letter, March 17, 1936 [2 pp]
Box 6 Folder 18 | SHOUP, CARL
- Letter, March 20, 1937 [1 p.] attached to "Comments on Mr. Simon's Manuscript", [8 pp]
- SEE ALSO Jones, Homer
- Leland, Simeon E.
- Letter, June 4, 1943 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 19 | SIEGEL, CLARENCE S.
- Letter, August 3, 1943 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 20 | SIPLE, ELLA SIMONS
- Letter, from "Sis", April 17, 1924 [1 p]
- Letter, from "Sis", August 25, 1924 [1 p]
- Letter, from "Sis", November 20, 1934 [1 p]
- Letter, from "Sis", January 9, 1935 [2 pp]
- SEE ALSO Unidentified Correspondence
Box 6 Folder 21 | SISSON, LEWIS H.
- Letter, April 6, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 10, 1943 [2 pp]
Box 6 Folder 22 | SMITH, HERBERT
- Copy of letter Herbert Smith to Mr. Paine
- (Fortune Magazine), September 13, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 11, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 10, 1939 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 24 | SMITH, WALTER B.
- Letter, December 12, 1934 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Walter B. Smith to Miss Kyrk, December 11, 1934 [2 pp]
Box 6 Folder 25 | SNYDER, CARL
- Letter, February 14, 1934 [1 p]
- SOLOMON, EDNA, SEE Solomon, Morton
Box 6 Folder 26 | SOLOMON, MORTON
- Letter, April 15, 1942 [3 pp] (parts of letter cut out, apparently by military security to conceal place of origin)
- Handwritten letter, August 9, 1942 [2 pp]
- mutilated by military security)
- Handwritten letter, November 6, 1942 [2 pp]
- (written "somewhere in Asia")
- Student Letters of Recommendation
- Handwritten letter, undated (early 1943?)
- [2 pp] (written from Iran)
- Handwritten letter, March 25, 1943 [4 pp]
- (written from Iran)
- Handwritten letter from Edna Solomon, May 26, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Edna Solomon, June 10, 1943 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, August 5, 1943 [3 pp] (written from Iran)
- Handwritten letter, December 27, 1944 [5 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 24, 1945 [2 pp]
- Handwritten letter, February 21, 1946 [3 pp]
- SODEN-IRWIN, SEE The Financial Times
Box 6 Folder 27 | SPENGLER, JOSEPH J.
- Letter, October 23, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 16, 1945 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 28 | SPINGARN, E. D. W.
- Letter, March 4, 1946 [1 p]
- Letter, April 1, 1946 [2 pp]
Box 6 Folder 29 | SPIEGEL, HENRY W.
- Letter, June 14, 1944 [1 p]
- STAM, COLIN F., SEE U.S. Congress, Jt. Comm. on Internal Revenue Taxation
Box 6 Folder 30 | STARK, W. R.
- Letter, March 13, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, March 17, 1944 [1 p]
- STEVENSON, ANN, SEE Time Magazine
- STEWART, MAXWELL S., SEE Public Affairs Pamphlets
Box 6 Folder 31 | STIGLER, GEORGE J.
- Handwritten letter, February 25 [2 pp]
- Handwritten note, undated [1 p] attached to Manuscript "The Current Housing Problem; Ceiling or Roofs?", undated [14 pp]
- Letter, undated [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 32 | STILES, JAMES F. JR.
- Letter, March 16, 1944 [1 p] attached to Memo, James F. Stiles, "Suggestions for Modifications of Present Income Tax Bases and Rates", undated [5 pp]
- SIMPSON, LOIS, SEE Time Magazine
Box 6 Folder 33 | STOCKING, GEORGE W.
- Handwritten letter, August 22, 1945 [2 pp] (in pencil)
Box 6 Folder 34 | STONER, PAUL MATTHEW
- Letter, January 11, 1943 [1 p]
- STREIT, CLARENCE K., SEE Federal Union Inc.
Box 6 Folder 35 | STROOK, SYLVAN I.
- Letter, September 7, 1944 [2 p]
- Copy of letter, September 20, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, September 22, 1944 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 36 | SUTHERLAND, W. A.
- Letter, November 26, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 29, 1943 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 37 | SWANSON, ERNST W.
- Letter, May 25, 1944 [4 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 10, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, October 23, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 15, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, September 4, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 6, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, October 15, 1945 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 38 | SWEEZY, ALAN R.
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 10, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, May 26, 1943 [1 p]
- SYMONS, FARRELL, SEE Public Administration Service
Box 6 Folder 39 | von SZELISKI, VICTOR S.
- Letter, October 9, 1945 [2 pp]
Box 6 Folder 40 | TAFT, ROBERT A. (U.S. SENATE)
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 7, 1943 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 41 | TAITEL, MARTIN
- Letter, February 7, 1938 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, February 17, 1938 [1 p]
- Letter, March 21, 1938 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 30, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, May 3, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 7, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, May 19, 1943 [1 p]
- TASKER, J. DANA, SEE Time Magazine
Box 6 Folder 43 | TAUSSIG, F. W.
- Letter, February 6, 1934 [1 p]
- Letter, November 7, 1934 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 12, 1934 [2 pp]
- Letter, November 15, 1934 [2 pp]
- Letter, April 6, 1936 [1 p]
- Letter, November 27, 1936 [1 p]
- TAX INSTITUTE, SEE Walker, Mabel L.
Box 6 Folder 44 | TAYLOR, GEORGE
- Handwritten letter, December 1, 1934 [2 pp]
- Letter from Ray Stannard Baker to George
- Taylor, December 24, 1934 [1 p]
- Letter from H. C. Daines, University of Chicago Comptroller, December 31, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to H. C. Daines, January 6, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter to H. C. Daines, January 18, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from Simons to H. C. Daines, February 17, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from H. C. Daines, February 21, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from Simons, March 1, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from Simons to H. C. Daines, March 1, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from H. C. Daines, March 4, 1944 [2 pp]
- Letter from H. C. Daines, September 11, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from H. C. Daines, January 3, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 12, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from Levi E. Bottens to Simons, January 23, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Levi E. Bottens, January 29, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from Levi E. Bottens to Simons, February 6, 1945 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 46 | THOMAS, R. G.
- Letter, June 19, 1934 [1 p]
- Manuscript, "Criticisms of the Banking Reform Proposals (continued)" [3 pp] June 19, 1943?
Box 6 Folder 47 | THOMPSON, MISS
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 5, 1937 [2 pp]
Box 6 Folder 48 | THOMPSON, DONALD S.
- Letter, December 22, 1942 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 49 | THORNTON, IRVING T.
- Handwritten letter, January 13, 1935 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 18, 1935 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 50 | TIME MAGAZINE
- Copy of letter from Simons to John Davenport, October 29, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of cover letter from Simons to John Davenport, undated [1 p] (March 3, 1943?)
- Draft of letter from Simons to The Editors, March 3, 1943 [3 pp]
- Copy of final draft of letter from Simons to The Editors, March 3, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of memo from John Davenport re; Simons letter to The Editors, March 9, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter from Ann Stevenson, March 26, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Ann Stevenson, March 31, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter from John Davenport, April 16, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to John Davenport, April 24, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to The Editors, May 6, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 21, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to J. Dana Tasker, October 22, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter from J. Dana Tasker, October 28, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, October 29, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 2, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 24, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter from Lois Simpson, December 6, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Lois Simpson, December 10, 1943 [4 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to the Editor, February 24, 1944 [1 p]
Box 6 Folder 51 | TINLEY, J. M.
- Letter, June 8, 1935 [3 pp]
Box 6 Folder 52 | TIPPETTS, CHARLES S.
- Letter, April 18, 1936 [1 p]
- U.S. BUREAU OF THE BUDGET, SEE Labovitz, I. M., Reeve, J. E., Swanson, Ernst W.
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 10, 1939
- Copy of letter from Simons to Colin F. Stam, August 8, 1939 [1 p]
- Letter from Howard R. Bowen, October 24, 1944 [1 p]
- U.S. JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, SEE Levi, Edward H., Kronstein, Heinrich, Watkins, Myron W.
- SEE ALSO Blough, Ray
- Campbell, F. N.
- Ecker-Racz, L. Laszlo
- Goode, Richard B.
- Haas, George C.
- Hart, Albert G.
- Heller, Walter W.
- Mooney, Timothy C.
- Nunnam, Joseph D. Jr.
- Paul, Randolph E.
- Seltzer, Lawrence H.
- Shere, Louis
- Wald, Haskell P.
- Letter from John T. Doyle to Simons, August 4, 1926 [1 p]
- Letter from George Haas to Simons, April 19, 1935 [1 p]
- Letter from Simons to George C. Haas, May 4, 1935 [1 p] (marked in pencil "Not sent")
- Letters to payroll clerk, April 28, 1942 to July 20, 1942 re; payroll aspect of Simons' position as Consulting Expert [13 pp]
- Letter to payroll clerk, October 7, 1942 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 16, 1943 [1 p]
- Letters to payroll clerk, July 3, 1943 to August 14, 1943 [5 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 30, 1943 [1 p]
- Letters to payroll clerk, November 9, 1944 to November 30, 1944 [5 pp]
- Letters to payroll clerk, April 11, 1945 to December 18, 1945 [12 pp]
- Letter from Charles S. Bell to Simons, April 18, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter from Charles S. Bell to Simons, April 28, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter from Paul L. Kelley to Simons, June 6, 1946 [1 p]
- Letter from Chester W. Wright, May 14, 1925 [2 pp]
- Letter from L. C. Marshall, March 8, 1927 [1 p]
- Letter from L. C. Marshall, May 6, 1927 [1 p]
- Letter from Secretary, June 15, 1927 [1 p]
- Letter from Secretary, May 8, 1934 [1 p]
- Letter from Secretary, May 6, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 2, 1944 [2 pp] (re; health insurance benefits)
- Letter from Secretary, June 19, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from Comptroller's Office, June 14, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from Comptroller's Office, June 21, 1945 [1 p]
- Two Summer Quarter Employment Contracts
- Economics Department, Appointments Politics and Complaints.
- Memo and press release re; A Positive Program for Laissez Faire from Mary Irwin, October 13, 1934 [5 pp]
- Memo from Mary Irwin, July 3, (1935?) [1 p]
- Copy of letter from F. A. Blethen, June 10, 1935 [1 p] (attached to July 3 Memo)
- Copy of letter to Al F. O'Donnell, January 14, 1938 [1 p]
- Memo from W. K. Jordan, October 23, 1942 [1 p](re; E. Donald Walker, "From Economic Theory to Policy")
- Copy of letter from Simons to W. K. Jordan, October 26, 1942 [2 pp] (re; Walker Manuscript)
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 5, 1943 [2 pp] (re; Nonny Major-Wright, "Report on the Economics of Diplomacy")
- Copy of letter from Simons to John T. McNeill, May 14, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter from John T. McNeill, July 28, 1943 [1 p] (re; Myron W. Watkins, "Post-War Cartel Policy")
- Copy of letter from Simons to John T. McNeill, July 29, 1943 [1 p] (re; Watkins Manuscript)
- Letter from John T. McNeill, September 1, 1943 [1 p] (re; Watkins Manuscript)
- Letter from John T. McNeill, October 9, 1943 [1 p] (re; Walker Manuscript)
- Copy of letter from Simons to Frederick S. Dunn, November 26, 1943 [2 pp] (re; Bert F. Hoselitz, "British Trade Policy and the United States")
- Letter from Rollin D. Hemens, February 11, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of memo from Simons to Joseph A. Brandt, March 23, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of memo from Simons to Joseph A. Brandt, May 14, 1945 [2 pp]
- Letter from Joseph A. Brandt, June 14, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of memo from Simons to Joseph A. Brandt, June 20, 1945 [1 p]
- Memo from Joseph A. Brandt, July 3, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of memo from Simons, August 28, 1945 [4 pp] (re; Randenbush, "Democratic Capitalism")
- Memo from Simons, September 6, 1945 [1 p] (re; "Democratic Capitalism?") Memo from John Scoon, September 26, 1945 [1 p] (re; Simons memo)
- Letter from W. T. Couch, January 5, 1946 [1 p]
- Handwritten memo from John Scoon to Simons, April 5, 1946 [2 pp]
- Letter from Richard C. Rowley, August 2, 1946 [1 p]
- Letter from H. G. Lewis to Richard C. Rowley, August 8, 1946 [1 p]
- Two publication contracts with duplicate copies.
- SEE ALSO Series V: Biographical Documents, Posthumous Correspondence
- Undergraduate Record from University of Michigan [4 pp]
- Letter from Office of President, July 10, 1924 [1 p]
- Telegram from C. A. Phillips, May 11, 1926 [1 p]
- Letter from C. A. Phillips, May 19, 1926 [1 p]
- Letter from Office of President, July 31, 1926 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 7 | UPGREN, ARTHUR R.
- Letter, March 27, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter, March 31, 1944 [1 p]
- Telegram, April 19, 1944.
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 19, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, February 9, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 5, 1945 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 8 | VANDERLITZ, F. A.
- Letter, January 28, 1936 [2 pp]
Box 7 Folder 9 | VANDER WAL, OLIVE A.
- Letter, September 9, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, September 21, 1942 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 10 | de VEGH, I.
- Letter, April 24, 1944 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 11 | VERITY, WALTER
- Letter, December 7, 1934 [2 pp]
Box 7 Folder 12 | VINER, JACOB
- Letter, April 17, 1925 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 3, 1933 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 3, 1934 [2 pp]
- Handwritten letter, February 11 (1937?) [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 19, 1937 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 13 | VINING, RUTLEDGE
- Letter, January 25, 1941 [1 p.] attached to Manuscript "Two Recent Quantitative Studies of Business Cycle Phenomena", 1940 [32 pp]
- Letter, August 9, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 19, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, June 2, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 16, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, September 11, 1945 [1 p] attached to printed copy of speech by Jerry Vorhees, "A Bill to Prevent Inflation and Deflation and Answer America's Debt Problem", July 2, 1945 [15 pp]
Box 7 Folder 15 | WAGNER, ROBERT F. (U.S. SENATE)
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 9, 1945 [3 pp]
Box 7 Folder 16 | WALD, HASKELL P.
- Letter, January 6, 1944 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 17 | WALKER, MABEL L.
- Letter, December 10, 1943 [2 pp]
Box 7 Folder 18 | WALMSLEY, EDWIN C.
- Handwritten letter, January 22, 1945 [1 p] Copy of letter from Simons, January 25, 1945 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 19 | WANDYCZ, D.
- Letter, February 27, 1945 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 20 | WARBURTON, CLARK
- Letter, March 19, 1934 [1 p.] attached to Manuscript, "An Act to aid in regulating the value of money..." [8 pp] (March, 1934?)
- Copy of letter from Warburton to Seymour E. Harris, January 10, 1945 [2 pp]
Box 7 Folder 21 | WARBURG, JAMES P.
- Letter, November 28, 1934 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 22 | WARNE, COLSTON E.
- Letter, December 30, 1934 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 21, 1935 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 23 | WASHINGTON POST
- Telegram from Herbert Elliston, August 6, 1945.
- Copy of letter from Simons to Herbert Elliston, August 8, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 14, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Herbert Elliston, October 10, 1945 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter from Herbert Elliston, October 12, 1945 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 24 | WASSON, R. GORDON
- Letter, December 20, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 4, 1944 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 25 | WATKINS, MYRON M.
- Letter, April 8, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 16, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, April 27, 1943 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 23, 1943 [2 pp]
- Letter, July 1, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 27, 1943 [1 p]
- SEE ALSO University of Chicago Press
- Handwritten letter, August 31, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, September 2, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, September 15, 1943 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 26 | WAUGH, FREDERICK V.
- Letter, October 12, 1942 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter, December 3, 1942 [2 pp]
- WAYMACK, W. W., SEE Des Moines Register and Tribune
Box 7 Folder 27 | WEATHERLY,
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 3, 1943 [2 pp]
Box 7 Folder 28 | WEIMER, ARTHUR
- Handwritten letter, April 9, 1935 [2 pp]
Box 7 Folder 29 | WEINSTEIN, DONALD
- Handwritten letter, January 20, 1937 [2 pp]
Box 7 Folder 30 | WEINSTEIN, E. P.
- Letter, September 27, 1935 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 31 | WEISSKOPF, WALTER A.
- Letter, July 4, 1943 [1 p.]
Box 7 Folder 32 | WESCOTT, DOROTHY
- Copy of letter from Simons, August 4, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, September 18, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, September 29, 1942 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 33 | WHARTON, JOHN F.
- Letter, February 5, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter, February 10, 1945 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 34 | WHIPPLE, HOWARD
- Letter, April 2, 1935 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 35 | WHITE, ALEXANDER
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 10, 1939 [2 pp]
- WHITE, MILDRED G., SEE U.S. Treasury Department
Box 7 Folder 36 | WHO'S WHO IN ILLINOIS
- Letter from Thomas Larkin III, August 26, 1946 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from H. G. Lewis to
- Thomas Larkin III, August 28, 1946 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 37 | WILDER, THORNTON
- Handwritten letter, November 29, 1936 [3 pp]
- Handwritten letter, undated [3 pp]
Box 7 Folder 38 | WILHELM, WARREN
- Handwritten letter, March 4, 1945 [7 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 22, 1945 [2 pp]
Box 7 Folder 39 | WILLIAMS, JOHN H.
- Copy of letter from Simons, June 1, 1942 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 31, 1943 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 40 | WILLIAMS, HARRY M.
- Letter, November 28, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, December 5, 1944 [1 p]
- WILLIAMSON, KOSSUTH M., SEE Froehlich, Walter
- WILSON, CARROLL L., SEE Fennelly, John F.
Box 7 Folder 41 | WILSON, JOHN C.
- Letter, June 3, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 9, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter, July 14, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, July 21, 1942 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 42 | WINN, WILLIS J.
- Handwritten letter, March 18, 1943 [2 pp]
Box 7 Folder 43 | WINSLOW, EARLE M.
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 20, 1934 [2 pp]
- Letter, December 3, 1934 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 25, 1942 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 44 | WOLMAN, LEO
- Handwritten letter, July 1, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter, March 13, 1945 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, March 16, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 22, 1945 [2 pp]
- Handwritten letter, March 30, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 3, 1945 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, April 16, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 3, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter, May 22, 1945 [2 pp]
Box 7 Folder 45 | WOOD, ELMER
- Handwritten letter, November 22, 1945 [2 pp]
Box 7 Folder 46 | WOOD, NELLE E.
- Handwritten letter, November 5, 1945 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, November 17, 1945 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 47 | WOOD, W. C.
- Letter, May 25, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from W. C. Wood Co. Ltd. to Canadian Manufacturers Ass'n, Inc., May 25, 1945 [2 pp]
Box 7 Folder 48 | WOODWARD, DONALD B.
- Copy of letter from Simons, January 11, 1938 [1 p]
- Economic Department
Box 7 Folder 49 | WUELLER, PAUL H.
- Copy of letter from Simons, May 10, 1938 [1 p]
Box 7 Folder 50 | WYNHAUSEN, FRITS A.
- Handwritten letter, October 3, 1943 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, October 13, 1943 [2 pp]
Box 8 Folder 1 | YALE LAW JOURNAL
- Letter from Shirley Adelson, March 1, 1940 [1 p]
- Letter from Shirley Adelson, May 2, 1940 [1 p]
- Letter from Franz M. Oppenheimer, February 27, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Franz Oppenheimer, March 5, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from Samuel D. Mercer, October 29, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Samuel D. Mercer, November 5, 1945 [1 p]
Box 8 Folder 2 | YNTEMA, THEODORE O.
- Letter, June 17, 1943 [1 p]attached to Outline, National Bureau of Economic Research, "Project E., Investigation of the Tax Treatment of Capital Gains and Losses," February 10, 1943 [8 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 15, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 19, 1944 [1 p] attached to Copy of memo, re; Committee on Economic Development, "Post War Employment and the Federal Tax System" (Policy Statement #2, Draft 2/1/44) [6 pp]
- Handwritten draft of memo re; Committee on Economic Development, supra, undated [10 pp] (pencil, donated by George J. Stigler, Univ. of Chicago, Dep't of Econ.)
- Copy of letter from Simons, February 26, 1944 [1 p] (re; C.E.D. Policy Statement, supra)
- Copy of letter from Simons, March 30, 1944 [2 pp] (re; Clark manuscript)
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 1, 1944 [2 pp] (re; Harold Groves manuscript)
- Copy of "Travels through Groves" by Simons (undated) [14 pp] (critique of Harold Groves manuscript)
- Copy of unidentified critique by Simons (undated) [4 pp] (possible more critique of Harold Groves manuscript)
- Memo, December 12, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of memo from Simons, December 18, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of memo from Simons, January 7, 1946 [1 p]
- Letter from Simons, January 16, 1946 [2 pp]
Box 8 Folder 3 | YODER, DALE
- Letter, December 4, 1934 [1 p]
Box 8 Folder 4 | YOUNG, C. MERVYN
- Letter, March 17, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, April 5, 1943 [1 p]
- Letter, April 13, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons, November 17, 1942 [1 p]
Box 8 Folder 6 | Unidentified Correspondence
- Handwritten letter from "Walter", August 16, 1924 [4 pp]
- Typed draft of letter to Rev. Singley [6 pp] (handwritten date 1933?)
- Letter from "Dick", November 22, 1934 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to "Walter", November 27, 1941 [2 pp] (brother-in-law Walter Siple?)
- Handwritten letter from E. R. Pendru..., March 7, 1943 [4 pp]
- Handwritten letter from "Arthur", June 24, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter to Mr. Fisher, September 22, 1943 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter to Tongue, November 15, 1944 [1 p]
- Letter from Mints?, April 19, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from Knox, December 5 [1 p]
- Card from J., postmarked May 15, 1943
- Letter from Richard Swight? Hillis?, June 29, 1943 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter from Kenneth L. Treiman?, November 21, 1945 [1 p]
- Letter from "Sidney", November 18 [3 pp]
- Handwritten letter addressed to "Fellow Bolshevik" from D. C. [1 p]
- Handwritten letter, January 18 ? from ? [2 pp]
- Handwritten notes from Stone, undated [6 pp] (pencil)
- Handwritten note from ? Hayt at Lake George, New York, undated [2 pp]
Series II: University Policy Memoranda |
Subseries 1: University (Educational) Policy |
Box 8 Folder 7 | Faculty Contract Controversy
- Mimeographed notice of new faculty contract, January 24, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of memo from Simons to Robert M. Hutchins, January 30, 1944 [3 pp]
- Mimeographed collection of correspondence between Jacob Viner, R.S. Crane, Sewall Wright, A. O. Craven, E. J. Kraus, Frank H. Knight; and Robert M. Hutchins, February 28, March 2, March 18, March 25, 1944 [8 pp]
- Memo from Simons, undated [4 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Robert M. Hutchins, March 1, 1944 [3 pp] (from Faculty File)
- Letter from Robert M. Hutchins to Simons, March 4, 1944 [1 p]
- Handwritten letter from Sewall Wright, March 9, 1944 [4 pp]
- Copy of memo from Simons to Viner, Crane, Wright, Craven, Kraus and Knight, April 10, 1944 [2 pp]
- Memo from Avery O. Craven, May 2, 1944 [1 p]
- Memo from Simons to Jacob Viner, undated [1 p]
- List of four proposals, undated [1 p]
- Mimeographed copy of petition to Faculty Senate, undated [1 p]
Box 8 Folder 8 | "Some Comments on University Policy"
- Three drafts of unpublished manuscript entitled "Some Comments on University Policy", undated [62 pp] (probably written in early 1944)
- Letter from John U. Nef, February 17, 1944 [2 pp]
- Memo from Richard P. McKeon to Charner M. Perry, April 15, 1944 [1 p]
- Copy of memo from Simons to Richard P. McKeon, April 20, 1944 [1 p.]
- Memo from Richard P. McKeon, May 2, 1944 [1 p]
Box 8 Folder 9 | "Institute of Political Economy"
- This file includes Simons' original proposals, his correspondence with F. A. Hayek concerning the proposals, and other correspondence in regard to an abortive attempt to bring Hayek to the University of Chicago to administer the "Institute".
- Copies of letter from Simons to F. A. Hayek, May 18, 1945 [1 p] [2 pp]
- Proposal by Simons entitled "Memorandum I on a proposed Institute of Political Economy", undated [13 pp]
- Proposal by Simons entitled "Memorandum II on a proposed Institute of Political Economy", undated [4 pp]
- Letter from Jacob Marschak, June 8, 1945 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to F. A. Hayek, July 2, 1945 [1 p]
- Memo from W. B. Harrell, July 17, 1945 [1 p.] attached to copy of "Memoranda I and II" supra.
- Copy of letter from Harold W. Luhnow to F. A. Hayek, August 15, 1945 [2 pp]
- Proposal by F. A. Hayek entitled "Memorandum on the Proposed Foundation of an International Academy for Political Philosophy Tentatively called `The Action-Tocqueville Society"', August, 1945 [6 pp]
- Handwritten letter and typed copies from F. A. Hayek, August 22, 1945 [4 pp] [2 pp]
- Copy of memo from Simons to Robert M. Hutchins, September 4, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to F. A. Hayek, September 6, 1945 [2 pp]
- Letter from Robert M. Hutchins, September 10, 1945 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Robert M. Hutchins, October 6, 1945 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from F. A. Hayek to Robert M. Hutchins, November 5, 1945 [2 pp]
- Letter from F. A. Hayek, November 5, 1945 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Hayek, January 22, 1946 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Hayek, February 27, 1946 [1 p.]
Subseries 2: Economics Department (and General Faculty) Appointments, Politics and Complaints |
Box 8 Folder 10 | Correspondence
- SEE ALSO Series I: Correspondence, Hutchins, Robert M.
- Copy of letter and memo from Simons to Henry Schultz, December 6, 1934 [10 pp] Handwritten draft of memo by Simons re; the Function of the University of Chicago as it is Related to the College, undated [7 pp] (pencil, donated by George J. Stigler, Univ. of Chicago, Dep't of Economics) Memo from Simons to C. W. Wright, January 15, 1935 [3 pp] (re; "reading-period arrangement")
- Copy of letter from Simons to C.W. Wright, January 15, 1935 [1 p.]
- Handwritten draft on "Outline of Statement to Redfield Comm. on Curriculum" by Simons, January 29, 1935 [14 pp] (pencil, donated by George J. Stigler, supra) attached to Copy of Minutes of the "Sub-Committee on Curriculum, January 29, 1935) [10 pp]
- Letter from Simons to Millis, September 24, 1936 [2 pp] (marked in pencil "not sent")
- Copy of letter from Simons to Robert Redfield, March 11, 1937 [2 pp]
- Letter from Robert Redfield, March 19, 1937 [2 pp]
- Memo from Henry Schultz, July 8, 1937 [1 p.] attached to
- Carbon copies of letter from Simons to Henry Schultz, June 4, 1937 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Dean Bigelow, November 26, 1938 [2 pp]
- Signed Copy of letter from Simons to C. W. Wright, February 20, 1939 [3 pp] (re_ Aaron Director)
- Copy of letter from Simons to C. W. Wright, February 24, 1939 [2 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Robert M. Hutchins, March 18, 1939 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Chester W. Wright, May 22, 1939 [4 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to R. W. Tyler, July 6, 1939 [2 pp]
Box 8 Folder 11 | Correspondence
- Copy of letter from Simons to Simeon E. Leland, January 30, 1940 [2 pp]
- Copy of memo from Robert Redfield to Emery T. Filbey, April 1, 1942 [1 p.] (from Faculty File)
- Memo from John F. Moulds to Robert Redfield, April 11, 1942 [1 p.] (from Faculty File)
- Copy of memo from Simons to Robert Redfield May 25, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter from Robert Hutchins, July 14, 1942 [1 p]
- Letter from Erwin Griswold, July 13, 1942 [1 p.] attached to
- Letter from Robert Hutchins to Simons, July 25, 1942 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Simeon E. Leland, June 26, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of memo from Wilber G. Katz to Robert Redfield, July 7, 1943 [1 p.] (from Faculty File)
- Memo from Simons to Robert Redfield, August 28, 1943 [1 p.] attached to
- Copy of memo from Redfield, August 31, 1943 [1 p.] (from Faculty File)
- Copy of memo from "Corporal" to "Chief of Staff", October 19, 1943 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Robert M. Hutchins, December 16, 1943 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Simeon E. Leland, December 16, 1943 [3 pp]
- Copy of letter from Simons to Sheldon Tefft, January 20, 1944 [4 pp]
- Carbon copies of letter from Simons to Robert M. Hutchins, March 14, 1944 [1 p.]
- Letter from Robert M. Hutchins to Simons, March 14, 1944 [1 p.]
- Copy of memo from Simons to Simeon E. Leland, May 27, 1944 [2 pp]
- Memo from John Nef, June 6, 1944 [1 p.] attached to
- Copy of memo from Simons, supra.
- Copy of memo from Simons to Simeon E. Leland, November 17, 1944 [2 pp]
- Copy of memo from Simons to Simeon E. Leland, undated, [1 p]
Box 8 Folder 12 | Correspondence
- Memo from Ralph W. Tyler to Wilbur G. Katz, January 5, 1945 [2 pp] (from Faculty File)
- Memo from E. C. Colwell to Ralph W. Tyler, January 16, 1945 [1 p.] (from Faculty File)
- Copy of memo from Robert Redfield to E. C. Colwell, January 30, 1945 [1 p.] attached to Memo from Simons to Robert Redfield, undated [1 p.] (from Faculty File)
- Copy of memo from Robert Redfield to Simons, January 30, 1945 [1 p.] (from Faculty File)
- Sami S. Tetiner, "Outline of my Ph.D. thesis in Economics", August 2, 1945 [4 pp]
- Copy of memo from Simons to Simeon E. Leland, August 20, 1945 [2 pp]
- Copy of memo from Simons to Robert Redfield, September 6, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of memo from Simons to Frank H. Knight, October 8, 1945 [1 p] (re; Lindblom's dissertation)
- Copy of memo from Simons to Simeon E. Leland, October 11, 1945 [1 p]
- Copy of memo from E. C. Colwell to Robert Redfield, April 15, 1946 [1 p.] attached to
- Memo from Robert Redfield to E.C. Colwell, April 12, 1946 [1 p.] (from Faculty File)
- Memo, undated [4 pp] (marked in pencil "Mints")
- Handwritten letter from Simons to Robert Redfield, undated [3 pp] (pencil) Memo, undated [6 pp] (re; University finances)
- Copy of memo from Simons to Farrell Symons, undated [2 pp] (re; Nightingale manuscript)
- W. H. Nichols and T. Koopmans, "Remarks on Kosloff's Thesis", undated [7 pp]
Series III: Lectures and Speeches |
Box 9 Folder 1 | Identified Speeches and Lectures
- Speech, Iowa City, 1925? [7 pp] ("delivered to Weatherly Gang (what was name)...") Speech, Downtown Club, 1932? [7 pp]
- University of Chicago, Round Table Broadcast Discussion Script, Slesinger, Leland, and Simons, undated [4 pp] (re; Revenue Act of 1932)
- Speech, Greek Club, 1933? [7 pp]
- Speech, Greek Club, February 16, 1934 [4 pp]
- "Some Practical Problems in Public Finance", lecture, University of Chicago School of Business, July 16, 1936 [21 pp] (with Handwritten pencil note attached)
Box 9 Folder 2 | Identified Speeches and Lectures
- Program, Extension Worker School, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa (and U.S. Dep't of Agr., A.A.A.), May 24-27, 1937 [4 pp]
- Speech, "General Social and Economic Background of the Present", Ames, Iowa, May 24, 1937 [12 pp]
- Speech, "The Relation of Government to Social Economic Affairs", Ames, Iowa, May 25, 1937 [11 pp]
- Classroom lecture, August 10, 1937 [15 pp] (re; Revenue Act of 1938)
- Lecture, League of Women Voters, Chicago, 1937? [17 pp] (re; federal taxation)
- Lecture, League of Women Voters, Chicago, 1937? [14 pp] (re; problems of taxation)
- Lecture, League of Women Voters, Chicago, 1937 [14 pp] (re; tax reforms) "Outline for Round Table," Spring 1938 [1 p.] ("called off")
- Lecture, Art Institute, Chicago, May 1938 [20 pp] ("last lecture in Series on Monopoly")
- Speech, University of Chicago Alumni, June 1, 1938 [9 pp]
- Speech, "Republicans", August 3, 1938 [10 pp]
Box 9 Folder 2 | Outline, "prepared for Round Table with Cox and Gideouse for Prospective Univ. Donors", Chicago, Winter, 1938 [4 pp] Speech, for unidentified Round Table Broad-case on monetary and banking problems, undated [3 pp]
- Outline, for unidentified Round Table Broad-case on "Reciprocal Treaty Agreements Bill", undated [4 pp]
Box 9 Folder 3 | Unidentified Speeches
- Introductory statement on Laissez-Faire, undated [5 pp] 1932-34? (possible origin of A Positive Program for Laissez-Faire)
- Speech on "the Monopoly Problem", undated [12 pp] (SEE ALSO Series III: Lectures and Speeches, Stigler Donation)
- Commentary on President's [Roosevelt] federal tax proposals, 1935-36? [9 pp]
- Speech on "Wartime finance", undated [7 pp] (1942-45?)
- Speech on "post-war world trade", undated [10 pp] (1944-46?)
- Two drafts of statement to an unidentified academic group on "Birth Control and National Defense" 1942-45? [2 pp] with Handwritten rejoinder on back of p. 2
- Speech on "Federal Reserve Policy", undated [6 pp]
- Copy of "Comments by way of answer to your questions", undated [4 pp] (Monetary policy, pencil question mark on first page)
Box 9 Folder 4 | Later Speeches
- Two drafts of speech on "federal revenue problems" undated [14 pp; 15 pp] (pencil notation "Mr. Simons, not identified" 1938-1940?)
- Statement, Conference with Groves, Simons, Paton and Griffin, Ann Arbor, April 17, 18, 1943 [8 pp] ("The Proposed Report on Taxes in the Reconversion Period")
- Summary of article, "Postwar Federal Tax Reform" with introduction and conclusion written for oral presentation at unidentified occasion, Autumn 1943 [11 pp]
- Copy of Speech by I. deVegh, "Peace Aims, Capital Requirement, and International Lending", American Economic Ass'n, February 1-4, 1944 [9 pp] attached to
- Two drafts of comments by Simons on deVegh speech supra, February 1-4, 1944 [4 pp]
- Two copies of speech "Federal Tax Reform", Citizens Bd. of Univ. of Chicago luncheon, March 15, 1944 [11 pp]
- Speech, "Federal Tax Reform", supra, with introduction written for a later, unidentified occasion [15 pp]
- Speech on economic problems of peace with pencil annotations by "Q.W." [21 pp]
- Four drafts of speech, "What Postwar Price Level?", undated [6 pp; 9 pp; 10 pp] (pencil notation "1945")
Box 9 Folder 5 | Typewritten speech, "The New Deal", social workers discussion group, June 7, 1933 [11 pp] attached to reprint from 1 Social Service Bulletin, No. 3 (July 1933)
- Handwritten draft of "Talk to Econ. and Bus. Bluc", 1934 [32 pp] (pencil)
- Handwritten draft for "discussion of papers by Edward and Riddle", Statistical Association, December 1935 [8 pp] (pencil)
- Handwritten draft of "An Imaginary Round Table Series", Winter 1937-38 [92 pp] (Spencer, Cox and Simons, in pencil)
- Handwritten draft of speech, "The General Problem of Economic Policy", Minn. Agricultural Ext. Conference, December 11, 1939 [21 pp] (pencil) attached to Conference Program
- Handwritten draft of speech, marked "Law Frat-Talk", February, 1939 [12 pp] (pencil)
Box 9 Folder 6 | Draft speeches
- Handwritten draft of commentary on unidentified document, undated [22 pp] (pencil notation "Walgreen")
- Handwritten draft of speech on democracy and the intellectuals, undated [9 pp] (pencil)
- Handwritten draft of unidentified speech on "monopoly problems", undated [2 pp] (pencil)
- Handwritten draft of speech on a visit to Toronto, undated [3 pp] (pencil)
- Handwritten draft of unidentified speech, undated [3 pp] (re; General Motors Corp., post 1942, in pencil)
- Handwritten draft of commentary on unidentified speech, undated [5 pp] (re; role of economic policies in international affairs, in pencil)
- Handwritten draft of statement on "unpopular ideas", undated [3 pp] (pencil)
- Handwritten draft of statement of "free trade", undated [3 pp]
- Handwritten statement of "the good society", undated, [1 p.] (pencil)
- Handwritten list of eight characteristics of the "good society", undated [4 pp] (pencil)
- Handwritten draft of Invocation, undated [1 p.] (1945-46?, in pencil)
- Handwritten outline of "present political status and prospects of the Monopoly Problem", undated [6 pp] (pencil)
- Handwritten draft of statement on "the monopoly investigation", undated [8 pp] (pencil)
- Handwritten outline on "the Monopoly Problem", undated, [18 pp] (pencil)
- Handwritten draft of statement on "borrowing from the banking system", undated [5 pp] (pencil)
- Handwritten draft of short statement on "borrowing from the banking system", undated [1 p.] (pencil)
Series IV: Unpublished Manuscripts |
Subseries 1: Literary Works |
Box 9 Folder 7 | Unpublished play, The Political Economy of War; The Domestic Front, undated, "Prologue" [7 pp] (Copy); "Epilogue" [13 pp] (Copy); "Act II following Epilogue" [12 pp] (Handwritten draft in Simons' handwriting); Various drafts of The Political Economy of War, supra [76 pp] |
Box 9 Folder 8 | Poems
- Poem, "After dancing in the Solarium", 1929 [3 pp] (free verse)
- Poem, "I pity him...", December 1929 [2 pp] (free verse)
- Poem, "Life ever and anon becomes intolerable...", January, 1930 [1 p.] (free verse)
- Poem, "My soul of late..." undated [2 pp] (free verse, pencil notation on back "Duplicates")
Box 10 Folder 1 | Tax Policy
- Memorandum, untitled, discussion of five measures for "remodelling the income tax", undated [5 pp]
- Essay, untitled discussion of "justice in taxation", undated [5 pp]
- "Preliminary Memorandum on Stock Dividends", undated, [10 pp] (Copy has annotations)
- Three drafts of essay, "Tax Capital Gains Like Other Income" and "Summary", undated [7 pp; Summary 1 p.] (attached to "Biographical Data" complete through 1944)
- Mimeographed copy of "Simplification of Federal Tax Administration", undated, [10 pp] (author ?)
- Photocopy of manuscript, "Summary Statement", undated [6 pp] (Federal Tax Reform)
- SEE ALSO Misc. Technical Papers, Handwritten Notes
Box 10 Folder 2 | Anti-Trust Policy
- Essay, "Requisites of Free Competition" [8 pp] (to be read before American Economic Ass'n, New York, Dec. 26, 1935)
- Two drafts of "Memorandum on General Policy", undated [14 pp; 12 pp] (post-war and international economic policy, 1944-1946)
- SEE ALSO Wartime and Post-War Economics. Handwritten draft of essay on "centralization" of industry, undated [5 pp] (pencil, donated by George J. Stigler, Univ. of Chicago, Dep't of Economics)
- SEE ALSO Series III: Lectures and Speeches, Drafts, Unidentified Speeches.
Box 10 Folder 3 | Monetary Policy
- Unidentified statement on contemporary monetary situation, undated [3 pp] (1938-40?)
- Essay, "Money, Tariffs, and the Peace," May, 1944 [16 pp] (stamped "Confidential-Not for Quotation," originally filed in folder marked "Essay", appears in Reprints of Articles and Memoranda by Henry C. Simons) SEE ALSO Fiscal Policy and Wartime and Post War Economics
- SEE ALSO Series I: Correspondence, Hancock, Frank W.
Box 10 Folder 4 | Fiscal Policy
- Statement, "Some Recommendations on Federal Fiscal Policy," undated [2 pp] (nine points)
- Unidentified statement on government expenditures and the Depression, undated [6 pp] (yellow paper, 1930-38?)
- Unidentified statement on the Depression, its causes and proposed remedies, undated [8 pp] (yellow paper, 1930-38?)
- Two drafts of statement, "Fiscal Deflation", undated [5 pp; 3 pp] (1930-38?) "A statement on S. 380", undated [3 pp] (1932-38?)
- Statement "Some Fiscal Proposals", undated [2 pp] (13 points, 1942?)
- SEE ALSO Subseries 4: Monetary Policy (Series III)
Box 10 Folder 5 | Labor Economics
- Statement on unemployment and the Depression, undated [12 pp] (pencil notation "prepared for Horner Commission" (Doring))
- Statement, "Should Rates of Pay in Federal Service be Reduced," undated [5 pp] (minority paper for supplementary "Memorandum on Economic Policy", (SEE Subseries: 8 (Series III) General Economic Policy, infra)
Box 10 Folder 6 | Wartime and Post-War Economics
- Statement on "straightforward devices" in wartime finance, undated [7 pp] (Rejection letter from Eugene Lyons, THE AMERICAN MERCURY to Simons, August 12, 1943 attached)
- Two drafts of essay, "Free Trade for Republicans [A Conservative Program], undated [14 pp] (both drafts are annotated)
- Mimeographed copy of essay, "Cartels and General Post-War Policy", undated [11 pp]; attached to Copy of "Cartels and General Post-War Policy", supra [14 pp] (with pencil annotations, not in Simons' handwriting)
- Answer by Corwin D. Edward to "Function of Government in the Postwar American Economy", undated [5 pp]
- Typewritten copy of "The Function of Government in the Postwar American Economy", undated [6 pp] (pencil annotation "L.S. Lyn", statement is summary of "Government and Economic Life")
- SEE ALSO Literary Works, Unpublished play, The Political Economy of War; The Domestic Front
Box 10 Folder 7 | General Economic Policy
- Mimeographed copy of C. M. Elkinton, A. G. Hart, N. H. Jacoby, L. W. Mints, H. C. Simons, "A Memorandum on Economic Policy", undated [23 pp] (1937-38?)
- Draft of Statement, "In undertaking to discuss economic policy, one must recognize at the outset an obligation to indicate clearly the values which policies should serve", undated [10 pp] (yellow paper)
- Copy of statement on reform with respect to corporations, undated [5 pp] (the type on p. 3 is reversed)
Box 10 Folder 8 | Miscellaneous Technical Papers
- Student paper by Simons, "Interest; Its Relation to the valuation of Capital Goods in the Accounts", undated [23 pp] (blue cover, pencil annotations by unidentified professor)
- Mimeographed memorandum, "Computation of present value of a future sum", etc., undated [3 pp]
- Mimeographed outline [by Simons?] "Principles of School Organization and Finance", undated [9 pp]
- Excerpt from review [by Simons?], Foster and Catching, undated [pp5-8]
- List of "Suggested topics for investigations and reports under auspices of the Twentieth Century Fund", undated, [2 pp] (Copy has pencil annotations)
- Alvin H. Hansen and Jacob Viner, The War and United States Foreign Policy, October 19, 1940 [16 pp] (Preliminary memorandum, Council on Foreign Relations, Studies of American Interests in the War and The Peace)
- Id., The Future Position of Germany and the United States in World Trade, November 23, 1940 [21 pp]
- Statement by "CBC", "A plan by which Federal Individual Income Taxes may be placed on a PAY-AS-YOU-GO basis...", February 22, 1943 [7 pp]
- American Economic Association, "A statement on the renewal of the Trade Agreements Act," undated [6 pp] (1943?)
- Two typewritten copies of Simons' Review; Readings in the Social Control of Industry (selected by Comm. of Amer. Econ. Ass'n. 1942) undated [1 p.] (pencil annotations by "J. V." [Jacob Viner?] on second copy)
- Handwritten Notes, undated [12 pp] (found March 1973 in Simons' copy of Alexander Vilkov, "Der Staatshaushalt und das Finanz-system Russlands", in 3 Handbuch der Finanz-wissenschaft 298 (1929) Simons' book is catalogued as copy 2 at the University of Chicago Law Library)
Series V: Biographical Material |
Box 10 Folder 9 | Biographical Documents
- Acknowledgement from Social Science Research Council, April 6, 1935
- Personal Resume through 1938
- Photocopy of press release on Personal Income Taxation, February 24, 1938 [4 pp]
- Photocopy of press release, "Biographical Information-Henry C. Simons", September, 1942 [1 p]
- Photocopy of Neil H. Jacoby, "A Statement on the Passing of Henry C. Simons", undated [1 p.] (press release)
- Photocopy of two biographical forms [2 pp] (one form annotated with date of death)
- Copy of partial bibliography, undated (from Dep't of Social Science, Univ. of Chicago, Office of the Dean)
Box 10 Folder 10 | Clippings and Photographs
- Anna P. Youngman, A Tax Theory, Washington D. C. Post, March 9, 1938 (Review of Simons', Personal Income Taxation) (clipping is in a white envelope labeled "Youngman Editorial on P.I.T. Book")
- "Coroner's Office Studies U. of C. Man's Death", Chicago Daily News, unidentified (Henry P. [sic] Simons)
- Obituary, THE CHICAGO SUN, June 20, 1946 (Henry R. [sic] Simons)
- Obituary, The NEW YORK TIMES, June 20, 1946, at 25 (Henry C. Simons)
- Photocopy of "Review and Outlook", Wall Street Journal, July 16, 1962
- Two photographs and cover letter from Louise Towsley, Fortune to Aaron Director, August 23, 1946
- Two copies of photograph described supra
- Series of five picture-postcards featuring David Ricardo, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Alfred Marshall, Henry C. Simons, undated (donated by the Economics Dep't, Univ. of Chicago)
Box 10 Folder 11 | Cassette recording and transcript of interview with unidentified friend of Simons' family from Virden, Ill., Nov. 16, 1972 [11 pp] |
Box 10 Folder 12 | Biography
- Photocopy of Lloyd Mints, "The Work of Henry Simons", undated [1 p]
- Copy of John Davenport, "The Testament of Henry Simons; an uncritical appreciation", July 12, 1946 [18 pp]
- 14 University of Chicago Law Review 1-151 (1946) containing Wilber G. Katz, "Economics and the Study of Law-The Contributions of Henry C. Simons"; John Davenport, "The Testament of Henry Simons"; Aaron Director, "Simons on Taxation"; Henry C. Simons, "Federal Tax Reform".
Box 10 Folder 13 | Posthumous correspondence
- Letter from Irving Fisher to Simons' Estate, September 19, 1946 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from H. G. Lewis to Irving Fisher, October 4, 1946 [1 p]
Box 10 Folder 14 | Posthumous correspondence
- Letter from Paul T. Homan to H. Gregg Lewis, August 9, 1946 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from H. G. Lewis to Paul T. Homan, August 14, 1946 [1 p.]
- Copy of letter from Paul T. Homan, August 28, 1946 [1 p.]
Box 10 Folder 15 | Posthumous correspondence
- Letter from Gerhard Hirschfeld to Simons, October 18, 1946 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from H. G. Lewis to Gerhard Hirschfeld, October 21, 1946 [1 p]
- Letter from E. Foster to H. G. Lewis, October 22, 1946 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from H. G. Lewis to E. Foster, October 23, 1946 [1 p]
Box 10 Folder 16 | Posthumous correspondence
- Memo from Lloyd W. Mints to W. T. Couch (University of Chicago Press), July 26, 1946 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Marjorie Simons to W. T. Couch, July 26, 1946 [1 p]
- Letter from Lloyd (Mints?) to Aaron Director, July 31, 1946 [2 pp]
- Letter from Harry J. Levi to Lloyd Mints, October 2, 1946 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from K. E. Fisher (Fortune) to Aaron Director, October 22, 1946 [1 p.]
- Memo from Wilber G. Katz to Aaron Director, October 29, 1946 [1 p]
- Copy of letter from Aaron Director to K. E. Fisher, November 20, 1946 [1 p]
Series VI: Published Manuscripts |
Subseries 1: Manuscript Drafts of Published Works |
Box 11 Folder 1 | Drafts and copies
- Mimeographed copy of Simons, "Banking and Currency Reform" [15 pp] with Appendix "Banking and Business Cycles" [6 pp] and Supplementary Memorandum "Long-time Objectives of Monetary Management" [7 pp] (dated November 17, 1953 on p. 15; this copy donated by Aaron Director, originally published in mimeographed form, November 1933)
- Photocopy of Simons, "Banking and Currency Reform, Long-time Objectives of Monetary Management, Banking and Business Cycles", undated [26 pp] (Handwritten note on first page "Lynn Stiles"; this copy donated by University of Chicago Law Library, originally published in mimeographed form, November 1933)
Box 11 Folder 2 | Drafts and copies
- Manuscripts for "Capital Gains" (discussion), in The Conference on Research in National Income and Wealth, 2 Studies in Income and Wealth 255 (National Bureau of Economic Research 1938)
- Letter from Milton Friedman, May 17, 1938 [1 p.]; attached to
- Mimeographed copy of Simons, "Comments on Paper by Roy Blough and W. W. Hewett", undated [6 pp]; attached to Typewritten comments and corrections by Simons, undated [12 pp]
- Untitled typewritten comments on Paper by Roy Bough and W. W. Hewett, undated [7 pp]
- Mimeographed copy of Morris A. Copeland, "Comments on Paper by W. W. Hewett and Roy Blough", undated [5 pp]
- Mimeographed copy of Simon Kuznetz, "Comments on Paper by Roy Blough and W. W. Hewett", undated [3 pp]
- Mimeographed copy of Harold Groves, "Comments on Paper by Roy Bough and W. W. Hewett", undated [8 pp]
- Two copies "remarks" in answer to Dr. Blough's letter, undated [3 pp]
Box 11 Folder 3 | Drafts and copies
- Typewritten draft of Simons, "Incedence Theory and Fiscal Policy" undated, [19 pp] (Handwritten annotations), published as Summary of Discussion, 30 American Economic Review, Supplement at 242 (March 1940)
- Mimeographed copy of Simons, "Economic Stability and Anti-Trust Policy" [9 pp], published in 11 University of Chicago Law Review 38 (Summer 1943)
- Typewritten draft of Simons, "Trade and the Peace", undated [24 pp], published in Postwar Economic Problems 141 (Seymour E. Harris, ed. 1943)
- Mimeographed copy of Simons, "On Debt Policy" [7 pp], published in 52 Journal of Political Economy 356 (December 1944), SEE ALSO "Debt Policy and Banking Policy", infra.
- Copy of typewritten abridgement of Simons, "Postwar Economic Policy; Some Traditional Liberal Proposals" [13 pp], published in its entirety in 33 American Economic Review, Supplement at 431 (March 1943)
- Mimeographed and typewritten copies of Simons "On Debt Policy and Banking Policy" [11 pp; 16 pp], published in 28 Review of Economics and Statistics 85 (May 1946)
Box 11 Folder 4 | Typewritten draft of "Introduction; A Political Credo", undated [52 pp] (with some Handwritten corrections possibly in Simons' handwriting) Essay first published posthumously as Introduction to Economic Policy for a Free Society (1948) |
Subseries 2: Manuscript Drafts of Book Reviews |
Box 11 Folder 5 | Book Reviews
- Typewritten copy of Review: Harry Gunnison Brown, "The Economics of Taxation" [3 pp] (34 Journal of Political Economy 134, February 1926)
- Typewritten copy of Review; Harrison B. Spaulding, "The Income Tax in Great Britain and the United States" [2 pp] (37 Journal of Political Economy 373, June 1929)
- Typewritten copy of Review; James W. Angell, "The Recovery of Germany" #1 [4 pp] (39 Journal of Political Economy 263, April 1931)
- Typewritten copy of Review; T. E. Gregory, "The Gold Standard and Its Future" [2 pp] (41 Journal of Political Economy 137, February 1933)
- Typewritten copy of "Mercantilism as Liberalism" (revie of "America Faces the Future", Charles A. Beard, ed.) [5 pp] (41 Journal of Political Economy 548, August 1933)
- Typewritten copy of Review; Sir Josiah Stamp, "Taxation During the War" [2 pp] (42 Journal of Political Economy 716, October 1934)
- Typewritten copy of "Economic Reconstruction; The Columbia Report" [8 pp] (SEE Series VI: Published Manuscripts, Reprints)
- Typewritten copy of Review; Bhalchandra P. Adavkav, "The Principles and Problems of Federal Finance" [4 pp] (43 Journal of Political Economy 267, April 1935)
- Typewritten copy of Review; Lauchlin Currie, The Supply and Control of Money in the United States [5 pp] (43 Journal of Political Economy 555, August 1935)
- Two typewritten copies of Review; John Maynard Keynes, "The General Theory of Employment", Interest and Money [5 pp; 2 pp] (The Christian Century, July 22, 1936, at 1016)
- Typewritten copy of Review; "Facing the Tax Problem; A Survey of Taxation in the United States and a Program for the Future" (Comm. on Taxation of the Twentieth Century Fund, Inc.) [5 pp] (45 Journal of Political Economy 535, August 1937)
Box 11 Folder 6 | Reprints
- Reprint, "Hansen on Fiscal Policy" (review of Alvin H. Hansen, "Fiscal Policy and Business Cycles") 50 Journal of Political Economy 161 (April 1962) [35 pp]
- Reprint, "Postwar Economic Policy; Some Traditional Liberal Proposals", 33 American Economic Review Supplement at 431 (March 1943) [15 pp]
- SEE ALSO Manuscript Drafts of Published Works for manuscript abridgement.
- Reprint, "Trade and the Peace", in Postwar Economic Problems at 141 (Seymour E. Harris, ed., 1943) [15 pp]
Box 11 Folder 7 | Reprints
- Reprint, "Some Reflections on Syndicalism", 52 Journal of Political Economy 1 (March 1944) [25 pp]
- Reprint, "On Debt Policy" 52 Journal of Political Economy 356 (December 1944) [6 pp]
- Reprint, "The Beveridge Program; An Unsympathetic Interpretation" (review of William H. Beveridge, "Full Employment in a Free Society" and "The Economics of Full Employment") 53 Journal of Political Economy 212 (September 1945) [22 pp]
- Reprint, "Federal Tax Reform", International Postwar Problems, January 1943, at 19 [12 pp]
- Reprint, "Debt Policy and Banking Policy" 28 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STATISTICS 85 (May 1946) [5 pp]
Box 12 Folder 1 | Memoranda, essays, manuscripts, 1929-1944 |
Box 12 Folder 2 | Memoranda, correspondence, 1945-1946 |
Box 12 Folder 3 | Memoranda, correspondence, essays, 1932-1946 |
Box 12 Folder 4 | Newspaper article, "Full Employment," undated |
Box 12 Folder 5 | Class notes (photocopy), Don Patinkin, Econ 361, 1945 |
Series VIII: Restricted Student Files |
Box 13 Folder 1 | Letters of recommendation, 1934 |
Box 13 Folder 2 | Letters of recommendation, 1935 |
Box 13 Folder 3 | Letters of recommendation, 1937 |
Box 13 Folder 4 | Letters of recommendation, 1938 |
Box 13 Folder 5 | Letters of recommendation, 1939 |
Box 13 Folder 6 | Letters of recommendation, 1940 |
Box 13 Folder 7 | Letters of recommendation, 1941 |
Box 13 Folder 8 | Letters of recommendation, 1942 |
Box 13 Folder 9 | Letters of recommendation, 1943 |
Box 13 Folder 10 | Letters of recommendation, 1944 |
Box 13 Folder 11 | Letters of recommendation, 1945 |
Box 13 Folder 12 | Letters of recommendation, 1946 |
Box 13 Folder 13 | Letters of recommendation, undated |