University of Chicago Library

Guide to the Robert Ezra Park Collection 1882-1979

© 2009 University of Chicago Library

Descriptive Summary


Park, Robert Ezra. Collection




13.5 linear feet (27 boxes)


Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.


Robert Ezra Park (1864-1944), sociologist. Includes personal and professional correspondence, manuscripts, notes, articles, course material, speeches, interviews, life histories, notebooks, diaries, bibliographies, outlines, student papers, newspaper clippings, offprints and typescripts, and scrapbooks. Contains information relating to the Tuskegee Institute, Congo Reform Association, Pacific Coast Survey, African-Americans and race relations, Asian Americans, and social psycology. The collection also contains material collected by Winifred Raushenbush for a biography of Park.

Information on Use


The collection is open for research.


When quoting material from this collection, the preferred citation is: Robert Ezra Park. Collection, [Box #, Folder #], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library

Biographical Note

Robert Ezra Park was born on February 14, 1864, in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. His mother, Theodosia Warner Clark, was a school teacher. His father, Hiram Asa Park, was a soldier in the Union Army. After the war, the Parks moved to Red Wing, Minnesota, the home of Robert’s paternal grandfather, and Hiram Park opened a grocery store.

Robert Park spent the next eighteen years of his life in Red Wing. Though he did not show much promise inside the classroom, his extra-curricular interests were already wide ranging. Curious about his ancestry and the personal histories of his fellow townspeople, he studied the immigrant community of his household helper, Litza, and the careers of the middle-class citizens of Red Wing. He graduated high school in 1882, finishing tenth in a class of thirteen.

To the surprise and chagrin of his father, he ran away and enrolled in the University of Minnesota as a freshmen. Since Park passed all of his courses, however, his father’s objections to his attending college eased. He even offered to finance Robert’s education, suggesting that Robert go to the more reputable University of Michigan to further his studies. While at Michigan, Park initially chose to major in philology, eventually switching to philosophy after coming under the influence of John Dewey, who was then at the start of his career. In 1887, Park graduated with a Ph.B.

The next several years of his life Park spent as a newspaperman. He got his start in Minneapolis but proceeded to make his way across the country, working in Detroit, then Denver, and, finally, in New York. His perseverance in following a story led to being assigned to cover gambling houses, opium dens, and the like. These provided him with the exposure to the underworld that would continue to interest him in his later sociological studies.

In 1892, Park decided to quit journalism and work with his father, who had since relocated to South Carolina. On the way there, however, he learned that Dewey was planning to put together an experimental newspaper. Interested, he took a detour back to Michigan. While Park was visiting Michigan, Dewey introduced him to Franklin Ford and his revolutionary ideas about the role information should or could play in society. At the center of this revolution was to be a newspaper, The Thought News, that would unite the scholarship of the academy with the journalism of the day. Though the newspaper they planned never came into existence, Park remained in Michigan, eventually resuming his job as a journalist in Detroit.

During his involvement with Ford’s project, however, he had met a young artist named Clara Cahill. During his time in Detroit, he continued to court her and in June 1894 they were married.

In 1898, after eleven years of journalism, Park decided to return to school, and he went to Harvard to get a M.A. in philosophy. While there, he studied with the “three graces”: Josiah Royce, George Santayana, and William James. It was William James who made the strongest impression on him. Though Dewey had made him interested in the contemplative life, James turned him away from contemplating ideas to contemplating things.

Park left Harvard in the fall of 1899 to go to the Friederich-Wilhelm University in Berlin. He took several classes there with George Simmel, including the only sociology class he would ever take in his life. Park effectively dropped out, though, after discovering a book which attacked the methodological problem he had come to think was most important. The book was written by a student of Wilhem Windelband’s, and in 1900 Park went to Strassburg to study with him. He followed Windelband to Heidelberg in 1902 and in 1903 submitted his dissertation Masse und Publikum to the Heidelberg faculty.

Park then returned to Boston, having secured a position as Assistant in the Department of Philosophy at Harvard. He took two other jobs to make ends meet, serving as the editor of the Sunday edition of a Boston newspaper and as the secretary of the Congo Reform Association. He grew to see that the problem in the Congo was not merely an administrative one that could be done away by changing the foreign policy of Belgium (or the West in general). The problem was inherent in the idea of colonialism and in the encounter of more and less developed peoples. The only solution, he decided, was education of the younger and less-developed people. While planning a trip to an industrial school in South Africa, Park sought out Booker T. Washington for advice. Washington invited Park to see his Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, in Tuskegee, Alabama, before he left.

After he visited Tuskegee, Park was offered a job by Washington as publicity handler for the Institute (a job that was first offered to W.E.B. DuBois). Never making it to Africa, Park instead went to work at the Tuskegee Institute. While there, his interest in the role of the Negro in the South blossomed. On top of his official duties, he did field research and took courses at the Institute. In 1910, he went on a tour of Europe with Washington to compare European poverty to its American counterpart. The book The Man Farthest Down, which Park co-wrote with Washington, came out of this visit. Park resigned from his post at the Tuskegee Institute in 1912 to spend more time with his wife and four children, who had remained in Wollaston, Massachusetts throughout his association with Washington.

In 1914, Park accepted an offer to teach a winter course on the Negro at the University of the Chicago. The offer was extended by W.I. Thomas, who had befriended Park at the “International Conference on the Negro,” which Park had helped plan for the Tuskegee Institute in 1912. Park was a perfect fit with Thomas and the department and so was quickly taken on by the University as a professiorial lecturer.

His first major work at Chicago was the famous Park-Burgess Introduction to the Science of Sociology (1921). The production of the book was actually motivated more by Burgess. In 1916, Burgess was brought on as an instructor and required to teach an introductory class on sociology. He asked an older professor for his notes, but was rebuffed. Burgess then asked Park for help and they together assembled what became the Introduction. Park would later claim that his major contribution to sociology was in giving it working concepts and a systematic basis. A large part of Park’s influence was due to this book since it would later become the standard textbook for the study of sociology in America.

Park taught at the University of Chicago from 1914 until 1932. While he was there he was involved in various research projects in conjunction with his many students. During this time, his own personal interests never flagged. He studied race relations on the Pacific Coast and took trips to Hawaii, Japan, and China to further his research. In 1929, he also helped in founding the Park House, which was a social center for young people who had recently moved to the city of Chicago.

After retiring from the University of Chicago, Park took a trip around the world with his wife, Clara. When he returned from his trip, he did not cease teaching. He taught courses during this time at Michigan and at Harvard Summer School. They then settled down in Nashville, Tennessee, where Fisk University gave Park the opportunity to teach as much or as little as he wanted. Even in his old age, though, Park was interested in novel ideas and new fields of study, spending most of his years at Fisk investigating human ecology.

Robert Ezra Park died at his home in Nashville on February 7, 1944.

Scope Note

This collection consists of 13 linear feet of material and covers the period 1882-1979. It includes personal and professional correspondence, manuscripts, notes, articles, course material, speeches, interviews, life histories, notebooks, diaries, bibliographies, outlines, student papers, newspaper clippings, offprints and typescripts, and scrapbooks. The collection has been organized into five series: I. Research Material, II. Correspondence, III. Notebooks and Miscellany, IV. Life Histories, and V. Addenda.

The Robert Park papers were received in December 1969 from Winifred Raushenbush (Mrs. James Rorty), who in turn received them from Everett Hughes. Both he and Miss Raushenbush have written identifying comments on many of the papers, Mr. Hughes usually in pencil, Miss Raushenbush in blue ball point pen ink. This and the fact that some of the papers appear to be Miss Raushenbush's, Mr. Hughes', W. I. Thomas' and others means that the researcher cannot always assume that he is dealing strictly with Robert Park materials.

Most of the papers are from the 1920s, specifically the period of the Pacific Coast Survey (a survey of the Oriental population living in California and Seattle). There are, however, scattered materials from Park's period as secretary to Booker T. Washington at Tuskegee Institute, and considerable material related to courses taught at the University of Chicago on the newspaper, the Negro, the crows and the public, race relations, etc. This material may also be considered as source material for some of the books and articles Park wrote.

The Addenda contains personal material about Park's family, including autobiographical sketches; business, professional and personal correspondence from the early 1900s to the end of Park's life. It also includes diaries and journals relating to various trips; monographs, articles, holograph drafts, and outlines for various studies. A series of biographical reminiscences collected by Winifred Raushenbush for her biography of Park; Raushenbush's correspondence and notes about the biography; and several complete and incomplete drafts of the biography, Robert E. Park: Biography of a Sociologist can be found towards the end of the Addenda series.

The correspondence within the Addenda series includes a substantial exchange with W. I. Thomas and R. D. McKenzie. Among the subject files, there is a large collection of Park's correspondence with Booker T. Washington, much of which is duplicated from the Library of Congress's Booker T. Washington collection. Park's diaries and notebooks of trips to Europe and the Far East are filled with political and social observations as well as personal asides. Significant material is found in several detailed outlines for unpublished works on population migration, race relations, and methodology.

Boxes 17-25 contain the products of Raushenbush's twenty years of work (1959-1979) on the Park biography which she wrote with the aid of Everett C. Hughes and Margaret Park Redfield. The correspondence related to the biography falls into three main categories: biographical reminiscences by Park's former students and colleagues; Raushenbush's extensive correspondence with Hughes concerning administrative details, suggested revisions, etc.; and general correspondence with publishers, Park's family, and Park's students about the progress of the book. The drafts of the manuscript are arranged chronologically to show the evolution of the biography. The fragments at the end of the drafts are parts of intermediate chapter drafts as well as revisions of material in the preserved draft chapters. The fragments are arranged in the order of the material found in the chapters of the published work. Taken as a whole, the reminiscences, correspondence, drafts, and fragments contain much information that is not present in the biography.

Related Resources

The following related resources are located in the Department of Special Collections:


Subject Headings


Series I: Research Material

Subseries 1: Tuskegee

Box 1   Folder 1

Booker T. Washington's Tennessee trip, 1909, newspaper reports, speech of introduction

Box 1   Folder 2

Booker T. Washington, speeches by, articles about

Box 1   Folder 3

Tuskegee Institute, materials on Tuskegee and Negro education in the South, also material on 1912 and 1915 conferences on the Negro

Box 1   Folder 4

Manuscript notes on "Southern Sentiment and Southern Policy Toward the Negro"; "Tuskegee and Its Problems"; "Notes on Race Prejudice"; typescript from 1914 Negro Conference

Box 1   Folder 5

Clippings from Tuskegee period

Subseries 2: University of Chicago Courses

Box 1   Folder 6

Student papers on the American Negro, 1913

Box 1   Folder 7

Notes on the American Negro

Box 1   Folder 8

Notes on the American Negro, Africa, slavery, isolation

Box 1   Folder 9

Notes on the American Negro

Box 1   Folder 10

Miscellaneous material on the Negro

Box 1   Folder 11

Student paper, "History of the Negro Press," by John W. Crawford, 1924, typescript

Box 1A   Folder 12

Course materials on the Negro, questions and essay-type answers, mimeo and typescript student notes

Box 1A   Folder 13

Life history of Horace Cayton, an American Negro, typescript

Box 1A   Folder 14

Life histories, American Negroes, collected by G. R. Wilson

Box 1A   Folder 15

The Negro in America, course outline and notes, spring quarter 1931, typescript, 45 pp.

Box 2   Folder 1

Race relations seminar, outline, general materials, 1939

Box 2   Folder 2

Manuscript notes on invasion, conquest, migration, racial mixture, racial prejudice

Box 2   Folder 3

Notes on races and nationalities, typescript; notes on applied anthropology, typescript; statistics on Negro employment, mimeo; Urban League materials; notes on race prejudice

Box 2   Folder 4

Crowd and public course, public opinion, mimeographs

Box 2   Folder 5

Materials for course on the newspaper, mimeo; bibliography, mimeo; miscellaneous materials on the newspaper

Box 2   Folder 6-7

Notes on the newspaper, manuscript and typescript

Box 2   Folder 8

Clippings for course on the newspaper

Box 2   Folder 9

Student papers for course on the newspaper

Box 2A   Folder 1-4

Student notes from courses on the Negro, 1928, 1933, and Race and nationality course, notes, student papers, bibliographies, etc.Student papers for course on the newspaper

Box 3   Folder 1


Box 3   Folder 2

Student papers for course on the newspaper

Box 3   Folder 3

"The Poet and the Rebel Press," by Nels Anderson, containing hobo and I. Folder W. W. Songs, typescript

Box 3   Folder 4

The newspaper in America, typescript, incomplete manuscript

Box 3   Folder 5

Newspaper circulation, manuscript notes and typescript

Box 3   Folder 6

Foreign language press in America

Box 3   Folder 7

Newspapers in America

Box 3   Folder 8

Press, Hungarian and New York papers

Subseries 3: Pacific Coast Survey, ca. 1924-1925

Box 4   Folder 1-5

Life histories, Seattle Japanese, 1924

Box 4   Folder 6

Pacific Coast Survey, interviews, summary of questionnaire replies, correspondence file for The Oriental Study)

Box 4   Folder 7

Pacific Coast Survey, student biographies

Box 4   Folder 8-10

American Council, Institute of Pacific Relations, mimeo reports, minutes of meetings, etc.

Subseries 4: Notes

Box 5   Folder 1

Notes on the city, neighborhoods, segregation, the social survey, manuscript and typescript

Box 5   Folder 2

Notes on the city, delinquency, rural communities, the survey; classroom plans on the survey, the survey method; bibliography on the survey, manuscript and typescript

Box 5   Folder 3

Notes on the social survey, the survey movement, manuscript and typescript

Box 5   Folder 4

Course materials, "The Crowd and the Public," mimeographs

Box 5   Folder 5

Notes on methods, 1927, manuscript and typescript

Box 5   Folder 6

Notes on the survey and the social group, crowds and collective behavior, interaction, manuscript and typescript

Box 5   Folder 7

Reprint of article "William Graham Sumner and the Folkways," n.d.

Box 5   Folder 8

Notes on the crowd, social control, secret societies, the neighborhood, survey methods, manuscript and typescript

Subseries 5: Articles

Box 6   Folder 1

Miscellaneous articles collected by Park from The Atlantic Monthly, The Living Age, The American Standard, etc.

Box 6   Folder 2

Typescript of article "L'Antipathie," by Th. Ribot, 1908

Box 6   Folder 3

Reprints and typescripts of articles by Park, 1914-1930

Box 6   Folder 4

Reprints and typescripts of articles by Park, 1930-1944

Box 6   Folder 5

"Race Relations," by Robert E. Park, partial typescript

Box 6   Folder 6

"Walt Whitman," by Robert E. Park, typescript and speech notes

Box 6   Folder 7

List of Park's publications, mimeo

Box 7   Folder 1-4

"The Negro: His Life and Problems," mimeograph of typescript

Series II: Correspondence

Box 8   Folder 1

Correspondence, Tuskegee period, 1908-1914

Box 8   Folder 2

Correspondence, 1914-1922

Box 8   Folder 3-6

Correspondence, Pacific Coast Survey, 1923

Box 8   Folder 7-14

Correspondence, Pacific Coast Survey, 1924

Box 9   Folder 1-2

Correspondence, Pacific Coast Survey, 1924

Box 9   Folder 3-4

Correspondence, Pacific Coast Survey, 1925

Box 9   Folder 5

Correspondence, 1933-1935

Box 9   Folder 6

Correspondence, 1940s

Series III: Notebooks and Miscellany

Box 9   Folder 7

Scrapbook containing letters from students and colleagues at Fisk University, 1941

Box 9   Folder 8

"From Poverty to Prosperity," by J. Sierman (?), 1899, manuscript

Box 9   Folder 9

"The Day of Atonement," by Sampson Raphaelson, short story, typescript

Box 9   Folder 10

"The Thugs -- A Criminal Tribe of India," by Lillian Adler, student paper, typescript

Box 10   Folder 1

Miscellaneous notebooks

  • Scrapbook of clippings from Detroit newspapers, 1890s
  • Notebook, Chicago, September 12, 1913, notes on social psychology
Box 10   Folder 2

Miscellaneous notebooks

  • Two address books, n.d.
  • Notebook, Mississippi trip
  • Notebook, addresses, notes on Charles Elton's Human Ecology
  • Notebook, immigrant press notes by Winifred Raushenbush
Box 10   Folder 3

Miscellaneous notebooks

  • Notebook, 1919, notes on trip to Pacific coast
  • Notebook, 1919, notes on Pacific coast
  • Notebook, Race Relations Survey, January-October 1924
Box 10   Folder 4

Miscellaneous notebooks

  • Tuskegee notebook A, brief life histories, travel notes, etc.
  • Tuskegee notebook B, travel, Mobile, Savannah, Charleston; interviews
Box 11   Folder 1

Miscellaneous notebook

  • Tuskegee notebook C, notes, Macon County, Tuskegee, a student
Box 11   Folder 2

Miscellaneous notebooks

  • Tuskegee notebook D, notes on race psychology, African tales, Africa, questionaire-Thomas
  • Tuskegee notebook E, notes on Muskogee, Oklahoma, 1912; on Baton Rouge, 1910
Box 11   Folder 3

Miscellaneous notebooks

  • Tuskegee notebook F, notes on history of the Negro in America
  • Tuskegee notebook G, notes on Negroes and trade unions, the strike of 1902, census of Chicago by occupation, notes on the Negro Business League, interviews, notes on colored Chicago
Box 11   Folder 4

"Criminalistic Secret Societies," by Joseph F. O'Brien, 1926, student paper, typescript

Box 11   Folder 5

W. I. Thomas, letters, "Memorandum on the Limits of Enmity, Efficiency and the Value of Diversities of National Organization," typescript

Box 11   Folder 6


Box 11   Folder 7

Xeroxes and reprints of articles collected by Winifred Raushenbush

  • S.s eries IV: Life Histories
Box 12   Folder 1-2

Life histories, marriage

Box 12   Folder 3-9

Life histories, Chinese and Japanese, Pacific Coast Survey

Box 12   Folder 10-12

Life histories, Hawaii, 1930s

Series V: Addenda

Subseries 1: Personal

Box 13   Folder 1

Father's military record, obituaries, pension

Box 13   Folder 2

Park's transcripts, University of Minnesota (1882-1883), University of Michigan (1883-1887), Heidelberg (1899-1900), letter from Harvard about Park's position (1903-1905)

Box 13   Folder 3

Autobiographical sketches

Box 13   Folder 4

Student examinations, 1920s

Box 13   Folder 5

Student notes, outlines, and paper from Park's classes, 1924-1928

Box 13   Folder 6

Lists of Park's Chicago students, 1919-1933

Box 13   Folder 7

Newspaper clippings about Park, lecture announcement, 1933

Box 13   Folder 8

Financial affairs, 1933-1934

Box 13   Folder 9

Poems from Fisk students in tribute to Park

Box 13   Folder 10

"Park, Robert E.," Who's Who, 1944-1945

Box 13   Folder 11

Obituaries (1944) and early will (1926)

Box 13   Folder 12

Dedication of Robert E. Park Hall at Fisk University, March 31-April 2, 1955

Subseries 2: Correspondence

Box 13   Folder 13

Adams, Romanzo - Burns, Thomas

Box 13   Folder 14

Cahill, Edward - Evans, W. A.

Box 13   Folder 15

Fei, Hsiao-tung - Hazeltine, H.

Box 13   Folder 16

Henderson, Charles Richmond - Hughes, Helen MacGill

Box 14   Folder 1

Hume, Theodore C. - McKenzie, F. A.

Box 14   Folder 2

McKenzie, R. D.

Box 14   Folder 3

McNaughton, D. - Page, Walter H.

Box 14   Folder 4

Park, Anna - Park, Theodosia (family letters)

Box 14   Folder 5

Park, R. E. (no relation) - Rondthaler, E.

Box 14   Folder 6

St. Paul's Hospital - Steiner, E. A.

Box 14   Folder 7

Tanner, Amy - Vorse, M. H.

Box 14   Folder 8

Walker, H. - Yun, Helen

Box 14   Folder 9


Subseries 3: Subject Files

Box 15   Folder 1

Colored American Magazine

Box 15   Folder 2

Congo Reform Association

Box 15   Folder 3-4

Institute of Race Relations

Box 15   Folder 5

Pacific Coast Survey

Box 15   Folder 6

Race Relations Seminar

Box 15   Folder 7

Trip to Asia, and Africa, 1933

Box 15   Folder 8

Tuskegee Institute, miscellaneous

Box 15   Folder 9

Tuskegee Institute, Booker T. Washington, April 1905-June 1908

Box 15   Folder 10

Tuskegee Institute, Booker T. Washington, July 1908-December 1914 and undated

Box 16   Folder 1

Miscellaneous clippings, materials on property for sale, fliers

Subseries 4: Notebooks and Diaries

Box 16   Folder 2

Notebook, 1909

Box 16   Folder 3

Diary of trip through Europe, 1910-1911

Box 16   Folder 4

Two notebooks on European trip, 1910-1911

Box 16   Folder 5

Diary of trip through Germany, 1922

Box 16   Folder 6

Diary of trip to Maui, 1925

Box 16   Folder 7

Diary of trip to Japan, 1929

Box 16   Folder 8

Notebook with miscellaneous entries on race relations, Southeast Asia, schools, 1933

Box 16   Folder 9

Journal of tour of Gulf Coast, 1935

Box 16   Folder 10

Two notebooks of the South, undated

Subseries 5: Writings

Sub-subseries 1: Monographs

Box 17   Folder 1

"Masse und Publikum. Eine Methodologische und sociologische Untersuchung" (1904)

Box 17   Folder 2

"Mobility," undated outline for an unpublished work on human migrations

Box 17   Folder 3

Outline for an untitled work on race relations, 1924

Box 17   Folder 4

"The Sociological Method," outline for an unfinished work in collaboration with Floyd House, 1931-1934

Box 17   Folder 5

Readings in Race and Culture, v. 1. Seminar in Race and Culture (1938)

Box 17   Folder 6

Readings in Race and Culture, v. 2. Seminar in Race and Culture (1938)

Box 17   Folder 7

Introduction to the Italian version of The City by Alessandro Pizzorno, 1967

Box 17   Folder 8

Publicity and book jackets for Park's publications

Sub-subseries 2: Essays, Lectures, and Reviews

Box 17   Folder 9

Essays, lectures, reviews

  • "Education by Cultural Groups," International Conference on the Negro, Tuskegee Institute, 1912 (2)
  • "Methods of Forming Public Opinion Applicable to Social Welfare Publicity," typescript and offprint, 1918
  • "Americanization Study. Preliminary Outline of the Foreign Language Press," 1918
  • "Life Histories - Standpoint and Questionnaire," Americanization Study, Division of Immigrant Heritages, 1919
  • "A Race Relations Survey," suggestions for a study of the Oriental population of the Pacific Coast, 1924
  • "The Mind of the Hobo," Chapter 10 of The City (1925) by Park and Burgess
  • "Behind Our Masks" and "Our Racial Frontier on the Pacific," both in Survey Graphic (May 1926)
  • Review of Races, Nations, and Classes for American Journal of Sociology (1926)
  • "Human Nature as Elemental Communication"
  • Review of The Negro in the Reconstruction of Virginia and Negro Labor in the United States 1850-1925 for American Journal of Sociology (1928)
  • "Mentality of Racial Hybrids," 1929
  • "Personality and Cultural Conflict," 1931
Box 17   Folder 10

Essays, lectures, reviews

  • "The University and the Community of Races," from Pacific Affairs
  • "William Graham Sumner's Conception of Society" from Chinese Social and Political Science Review (1933)
  • Division of Social Science lectures, November-December 1934: "The `In-Group' and the `Out-Group': Culture and Civilization"; "Migration and Empire"; "The Marginal Man: Personality and Culture"; and "Miscegenation and the Race Problem"
  • "Succession, an Ecological Concept," 1936
  • "Comments on Graduate Study at Fisk University," 1938
  • "Social Contributions of Physics," 1939
  • "Physics and Society," 1940
  • "Methods and Teaching: Impressions and a Verdict," 1941 (Xerox copies of typescript and offprint)
  • "Modern Society," 1942
  • "Founder's Day Address," Tuskegee Institute, 1942
Box 18   Folder 1

Essays, lectures, reviews

  • "The Social Sciences and the War" from American Journal of Sociology
  • "Negroes," "Negroes, Education of in the United States," "Negro Problem" for The Perpetual Loose-Leaf Encyclopedia
Box 18   Folder 2

Essays, lectures, reviews

  • "The City as a Natural Phenomenon"
  • Review of The Development of Sociology from Survey Midmonthly
  • "India"
  • "The Nature of Race Relations"
  • "The Principles of Human Behavior" from Studies in Social Sciences
  • "The Problem of Community Organization"
  • "The Significance of Social Research in Social Service"
  • "The Thought Perilous"
  • Review of Das Wirtschaftsleben im Zeitalter des Hochkapitalismus, by Werner Sombart
  • Unidentified speech

Sub-subseries 3: Notes and Course Materials

Box 18   Folder 3

Notes, course material

  • "Aggregation"
  • "Americanization as Participation"
  • "The City"
  • "The Community"
  • "Ecological Organization"
  • "Field Studies in Americanization"
  • "Flora Belle Jan"
  • "The Free Negro"
  • "General Principles and Definitions"
  • "Human Ecology"
  • "Human Migrations"
  • "Imperialism and Nationalism"
  • "Marginal Man" notes
  • "Markings Are a Force"
  • "Memorandum on Rote Learning"
  • "The Mulatto Mind"
  • "The Negro"
Box 18   Folder 4

Notes, course material

  • "The Newspaper"
  • "Notes on Human Migration"
  • "Power"
  • "Race Relations"
  • "Race Relations Survey"
  • "Races and Nationalities"
  • "Social Aggregation"
  • "Social Survey," January 4, 1917
  • " Social Survey," February 20, 1917
  • "Society as a Territorial Organization"
  • "The Survey. The Study of Groups"
  • "The Survey and the Social Group"
  • "Symbiosis and Society"
  • "What Americans Can Learn from a Study of Its Immigrants"
  • Unidentified
Box 18   Folder 4a

Sociology 326: Collective Behavior, typescript from notes by unidentified student, Autumn 1934

Box 18   Folder 5

Miscellaneous notes and fragmentary drafts

Subseries 6: Robert E. Park, Biography Of A Sociologist, by Winifred Raushenbush

Sub-subseries 1: Biographical Information on REP

Box 18   Folder 6


  • Adams, Samuel C., Jr.
  • Alinsky, Saul
  • Anderson, Nels
  • Blumer, Herbert
  • Bogardus, Emory S.
  • Bourg, Carol (Fisk University)
  • Brause, Lee
  • Breed, Donald
  • Brown, W. O.
  • Burgess, Ernest W.
Box 18   Folder 7


  • Cahnman, Werner
  • Cavan, Ruth Shonle
  • Cayton, Horace
  • Coser, Lewis A.
  • Cressey, Paul S.
  • Dai, Bingham
  • Doyle, Bertram W.
  • Dun & Bradstreet
  • Duncan, Otis Dudley
  • Edwards, G. Franklin
  • Faris, Robert
  • Fisher, Galen
  • Frazier, E. Franklin
  • Glazer, Nathan
Box 19   Folder 1


  • Glick, Clarence
  • Goist, Park Dixon
  • Gosnell, Harold
  • Harlan, Louis R.
  • Hawley, Amos
  • Hayes, Wayland J.
  • Hayner, Norman S.
  • Hiller, Ernest T.
  • Hormann, Bernard
  • House, Floyd N.
  • Hughes, Everett C.
  • Hughes, Helen MacGill
Box 19   Folder 2


  • Johnson, Charles S.
  • Johnson, Earl S.
  • Jones, Lewis W.
  • Jones, Robert C.
  • Lasswell, Harold D.
  • Levine, Donald N.
  • Library of Congress
  • Lind, Andrew W.
  • Lipset, Seymour M.
  • Long, Herman H.
  • Mack, Eva
  • Masuoka, Jitsuichi
  • Matthews, Fred H.
  • Meyersohn, Deborah E.
  • Nobel, J. D.
  • Noss, Theodore K.
Box 19   Folder 3


  • Park, Edward
  • Park, Fentress
  • Park, Robert
  • Pierson, Donald and Helen
  • Plenk, Agnes
  • Reckless, Walter C.
  • Red Wing, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
  • Rorty, James
Box 19   Folder 4


  • Steiner, J. F.
  • Stonequist, Everett V.
  • Tax, Sol
  • Thompson, Edgar T.
  • Villa-Rojas, Alfonso
  • Warner, W. Lloyd
  • Wax, Murray
  • Wirth, Mary (Mrs. Louis Wirth)
  • Wisconsin, University of, Department of Sociology
  • Yang, C. K.
  • Young, Erle F.
  • Young, Kimball
  • Young, Pauline
  • Unidentified fragment

Sub-subseries 2: Correspondence, Raushenbush-Hughes

Box 19   Folder 5


Box 19   Folder 6


Box 19   Folder 7


Box 20   Folder 1


Box 20   Folder 2


Box 20   Folder 3


Box 20   Folder 4


Box 20   Folder 5


Box 20   Folder 6


Box 20   Folder 7


Box 20   Folder 8


Box 20   Folder 9


Box 20   Folder 10


Sub-subseries 3: Correspondence, General

Box 21   Folder 1

Adams, Samuel C. - Hutchins, Robert M.

Box 21   Folder 2

Janowitz, Morris

Box 21   Folder 3

Johnson, D. Gale - Redfield, James

Box 21   Folder 4

Redfield, Margaret (Greta) Park

Box 21   Folder 5

Riesman, David - Thompson, Edgar

Box 21   Folder 6

Turner, Ralph H. - Williams, Barbara

Box 21   Folder 7


Sub-subseries 4: Memoranda, Notes, and Miscellaneous

Box 21   Folder 8

Hughes memoranda about Park and the biography, 1960-1970

Box 21   Folder 9

Hughes memoranda about Park and the biography, 1971-1980

Box 22   Folder 1

Hughes memoranda about Park and the biography, n.d.

Box 22   Folder 2

Raushenbush memoranda

Box 22   Folder 3

Raushenbush biographical material

Box 22   Folder 4

Raushenbush obituaries

Box 22   Folder 5

Review of Robert E. Park: Biography of an Sociologist

Sub-subseries 5: Manuscripts

Box 22   Folder 6

Tables of contents and acknowledgements

Box 22   Folder 7

First draft (incomplete), Chapters 2-3, 5, 8-11, 13

Box 22   Folder 8

First draft (incomplete), Chapters 14-15, 18-20

Box 22   Folder 9

First draft (incomplete), Chapters 19-23, 25-26

Box 22   Folder 10

First draft (incomplete), Chapters 27-29, 31, 33

Box 23   Folder 1

Incomplete draft, Chapters 2, 4, 8, 13, 15

Box 23   Folder 2

Incomplete draft, Chapters 4, 5, 6 (changed to 9)

Box 23   Folder 3

Incomplete draft, Chapters 7, 9, 17

Box 23   Folder 4

Incomplete draft, Chapters 6, 8

Box 23   Folder 5

Incomplete draft, Chapters 10-12

Box 23   Folder 6

Incomplete draft, 1972, Chapters 9-10. 15, 17

Box 23   Folder 7

Incomplete draft, 1973-1974, Chapters 10, 11, 13

Box 23   Folder 8

Complete draft, 1974, title page, acknowledgements, table of contents, Chapters 1-5

Box 23   Folder 9

Complete draft, 1974, Chapters 6-10

Box 23   Folder 10

Complete draft, 1974, Chapters 11-14

Box 23   Folder 11

Complete draft, 1974, Chapters 15-17

Box 24   Folder 1

Complete draft, 1976, table of contents, Chapters 1-4

Box 24   Folder 2

Complete draft, 1976, Chapters 5-8

Box 24   Folder 3

Complete draft, 1976, Chapters 9-12

Box 24   Folder 4

Complete draft, 1976, Chapters 13-16

Box 24   Folder 5

Complete draft, 1976, Chapters 17-19

Box 24   Folder 6

Final draft, acknowledgements, table of contents, Chapters 1-3

Box 24   Folder 7

Final draft, Chapters 4-7

Box 24   Folder 8

Final draft, Chapters 8-11

Box 24   Folder 9

Final draft, Chapters 12-15

Box 24   Folder 10

Final draft, Chapters 16-19

Box 24   Folder 11

Fragments of various drafts, Preface - Chapter 5

Box 25   Folder 1

Fragments of various drafts, Chapter 6

Box 25   Folder 2

Fragments of various drafts, Chapters 8-9

Box 25   Folder 3

Fragments of various drafts, Chapter 10

Box 25   Folder 4

Fragments of various drafts, Chapter 11

Box 25   Folder 5

Fragments of various drafts, Chapter 12

Box 25   Folder 6

Fragments of various drafts, Chapter 13

Box 25   Folder 7

Fragments of various drafts, Chapters 14-15

Box 25   Folder 8

Fragments of various drafts, Chapter 16

Box 25   Folder 9

Fragments of various drafts, Chapter 17

Box 25   Folder 10

Fragments of various drafts, Chapter 18

Box 26   Folder 1


Box 26   Folder 2-3

Criticism and commentary on drafts

Subseries 7: Miscellaneous

Box 26

Microfilm of essays by Robert Park