University of Chicago Library
Guide to the Robert S. Mulliken Papers 1908-1985
© 2007 University of Chicago Library
Descriptive Summary
Title: | Mulliken, Robert S. Papers |
Dates: | 1908-1985 |
Size: | 63 linear ft. (131 boxes) |
Repository: |
Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.
Abstract: | The papers of Robert S. Mulliken, comprising 63 linear feet, document most aspects of his long and successful career in the field of chemical physics from the 1920s through 1985. They include correspondence, lectures and writings, research and teaching materials, and files from his affiliations at the University of Chicago and with other scientific organizations. |
Information on Use
No restrictions
When quoting material from
this collection, the preferred citation is: Mulliken, Robert S. Papers, [Box #, Folder #], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library
Biographical Note
Robert Sanderson Mulliken was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts on June 7, 1896. His father, Samuel Mulliken, was a chemistry professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where Robert Mulliken received his B.S. degree in chemistry in 1917. During World War I, Mulliken worked under James B. Conant of the Chemical Warfare Service doing research on poison gases. He began graduate work in the Chemistry Department at the University of Chicago in 1919 under the supervision of William D. Harkins. He received a National Research Fellowship upon completing his Ph.D. degree in 1921 with a thesis on the partial separation of mercury isotopes by evaporation. Mulliken continued this research at the University of Chicago until 1923, when he went to Harvard University to learn spectroscopy and to study theoretical physics. Visiting Europe in the summers of 1925 and 1927, he met many of the most important physicists of the day including Niels Bohr and Erwin Schrödinger, along with a number of younger scientists. He returned to Europe as a Guggenheim Fellow in 1930 and again in 1932-1933, accompanied by his wife, Mary Helen Von No‚ Mulliken, whom he married on December 24, 1929. The Mullikens had two daughters, Lucia Maria born in 1934, and Valerie No‚ born in 1948.
Mulliken joined the faculty of New York University as an assistant professor of physics in 1926 and remained there until 1928, when he returned to the University of Chicago as Associate Professor of Physics. He was made Professor of Physics in 1931, and Ernest DeWitt Burton Distinguished Service Professor of Physics in 1956. He remained an active member of the faculty after official retirement as Distinguished Service Professor of Physics and Chemistry from 1961 through 1985. He also held an appointment as Distinguished Research Professor of Chemical Physics during winter quarters at Florida State University in Tallahassee from 1964-1971. Mulliken died in Alexandria, Virginia on October 31, 1986.
Mulliken’s postdoctoral work at Harvard led him to explore the relations between molecules and atomic electronic states through analysis and classification of band spectra. Following the establishment of the new quantum theory in the 1920s, Mulliken (contemporaneously with Friedrich Hund) applied group theoretical methods to these phenomena and developed the molecular orbital, or MO, method for explaining molecular structure. At the same time, he continued the work in experimental spectroscopy he began at Harvard and was instrumental in the design and construction of a spectroscopic laboratory at the University of Chicago. This extensive theoretical and experimental work in the study of molecules was highlighted in the 1930s with the publication of a series of papers on electronic structures of Polyatomic Molecules and valence. It was this foundational work that is largely credited for his receipt of the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1966. Mulliken followed this work in the late 1930s by extending the MO theory to the study of the absolute strengths of electronic transitions in molecules.
The MO theory was one of two descriptive theories developed in this period to apply the ideas and formalisms of quantum mechanics to the problems of molecular structure. While the valence bond theory (articulated primarily by Heitler, London, and Pauling) treated molecules as made of interacting but individual atoms, each maintaining its own electrons, the MO theory as developed by Mulliken and others treats the electrons of a molecule as being spread out in wave functions, or orbitals, over all the atoms in a chemical bond of molecule. This model gave predictive equations describing properties of spatial structure, chemical binding energies, ionization potentials, and molecular spectra.
While Mulliken’s early work provided the MO theory with a rigorous mathematical form, the complexity of the equations makes their exact solution impossible. Attempts were made during the 1940s and 1950s to improve available approximations through the use of semi empirical methods, and beginning in the late 1940s, Mulliken and his collaborators were engaged in research using new wholly theoretical techniques and increasingly sophisticated computers to improve the accuracy of calculations based on the MO theory. During the 1950s and 1960s, he pursued research on the study of donor-acceptor relations and charge-transfer complexes, conjugation and hyper conjugation in ions, and population analysis on LCAO-MO wave functions.
During World War II, Mulliken served as Director of the Information Division of the Plutonium Project at the Metallurgical Laboratory of the University of Chicago. In 1944, he helped to draft the Plutonium Project’s first “Prospectus on Nucleonics” on peaceful uses of atomic energy. Following the war, Mulliken’s active research group in spectroscopy resumed its activities, and from 1952 were officially designated the Laboratory of Molecular Structure and Spectra. Dozens of researchers from all over the world, both theoreticians and experimentalists, spent time at LMSS as students, postdoctoral fellows, or research associates. Mulliken spent a year in Oxford as a Fullbright Fellow in 1953, and served as scientific attach‚ at the United States Embassy in London during 1955. He maintained extensive contacts with scientists throughout Europe, India, and Japan and attended many international scientific meetings.
In the course of his career, Mulliken published over 200 papers. In addition, he collaborated on the publication of three review volumes in the 1960s and 1970s. His autobiography, Life of a Scientist, was edited by Bernard Ransil and published posthumously by Springer-Verlag in 1989.
Mulliken received many honorary degrees and most of his profession’s highest honors, including the G. N. Lewis Medal, the Peter Debye Award, the J. Willard Gibbs Medal, and the Priestley Medal of the American Chemical Society. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1966. He was a member of many scientific societies both in the U.S. and abroad, including the National Academy of Sciences to which he was elected in 1936. A member of the American Physical Society from the 1920s, he was in 1944-1945 chairman of a committee to organize a Division of Spectroscopy. Their work led to the establishment of the Division of Chemical Physics, with Mulliken as its inaugural chairman, in 1951.
Scope Note
Mulliken maintained extensive files of his correspondence, and other materials concerning research and professional activities through most of his long career. The papers have been arranged in four series:
Series I begins with items associated with Mulliken’s youth, his hometown of Newburyport, Massachusetts, and his college days at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Items in BOX 1, Folders 10-12 possibly came to Mulliken from his father Samuel Mulliken. The collection of memorabilia that follows consists of materials from Mulliken’s travels abroad and from the period surrounding his receipt of the Nobel Prize. Filed with his personal memorabilia are biographical items about Mulliken and his collection of biographical reprints about other scientists. Some other memorabilia (honorary certificates and degrees) can be found in BOX 131. The final section of this series includes material from Mulliken’s various political and extrascientific activities, including records from his year as science attach‚ in London.
Series II includes Mulliken’s correspondence from the 1920s through 1985 and is arranged in four subseries. The first and largest part of the series consists of his correspondence with individuals, mostly though not exclusively fellow scientists. It is arranged alphabetically by the last name of correspondent, with the exception of some files of correspondence with Indian colleagues collected together as “India correspondence” in BOX 25.
The second section contains his correspondence with various institutions, including professional societies, corporations for whom he did consulting work, and funding agencies. This correspondence is arranged alphabetically by name of institution.
The next subseries includes most of Mulliken’s correspondence with editors and publishers about his work, arranged alphabetically by name of publisher or publication. The final subseries contains correspondence about particular books. Filed with this correspondence are typescripts and related material.
Series III consists of four subseries, corresponding to different aspects of Mulliken’s scientific work. The first part of this series includes material from Mulliken’s extensive attendance at conferences and symposia. This material is arranged in two sections. The first of these contains material, arranged alphabetically by conference name, from a select group of special annual conferences which Mulliken attended in several years. The second contains material from all other conferences, symposia, and certain visits, arranged chronologically.
The next subseries contains materials associated with many of Mulliken’s talks to scientific and popular audiences from the 1920s through 1981. Arranged chronologically, the material includes drafts, typescripts, and photocopies of slides from talks on a wide range of Mulliken’s research interests. A small collection of tape recordings is also included (BOX 79).
The third subseries contains Mulliken’s research materials from the 1920s through the 1970s. It includes notes, drafts and typescripts for published and unpublished research, and annotated reprints arranged roughly chronologically in Boxes 80-100. Boxes 101-104 contain glass photographic plates of spectra from Mulliken’s work in the 1920s.
The final section of this series contains copies of many of Mulliken’s published papers, arranged chronologically.
This series is divided into five subseries. The first three contain general material about the University of Chicago, the Physical Sciences Division and the Physics Department. These are followed by material from the Laboratory of Molecular Structure and Spectra. The LMSS material is broken into general material, research reports, personnel, grants and contracts, and miscellaneous. The next subseries contains records of Mulliken’s activities with the Department of Chemistry and the final subseries contains notes from various courses taught by Mulliken from 1928 through the 1970s, arranged chronologically.
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A large collection of Mulliken’s scientific offprints and related material is held separately in the archives. Other material related to Mulliken can be found in the University Presidents’ Papers, the John A. Simpson Papers, and records of the Department of Physics and the Physical Sciences Division. The papers of his father-in-law, Adolf Carl Noe, are also located in the archives.
Subject Headings
- Clementi, Enrico
- Coulson, C. A. (Charles Alfred), 1910-1974
- De Maine, Paul A. D
- Duchesne, J. (Jules)
- Fernández Morán Villalobos, Humberto, 1924-
- Herzberg, Gerhard, 1904-
- Libby, Leona Marshall, 1919-
- Löwdin, Per Olov, 1916-
- Mulliken, Robert Sanderson
- Parr, Robert G., 1921-
- Person, Willis B., 1928-
- Platt, John Rader, 1918-
- Price, William Charles, 1909-
- Slater, John Clarke, 1900-1976
- University of Chicago. Dept. of Chemistry
- University of Chicago. Dept. of Physics
- University of Chicago. Division of the Physical Sciences
- University of Chicago. Laboratory of Molecular Structure and Spectra
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Molecular orbitals
- Molecular spectroscopy
Series I: Biographical Materials |
Box 1 Folder 1 | Letters to Katherine Mulliken, ca. 1910 |
Box 1 Folder 2 | Newburyport, Massachusetts, miscellaneous |
Box 1 Folder 3-5 | Newburyport, Massachusetts, high school, commencement programs |
Box 1 Folder 6 | "Electrons; What they are and what they do," correspondence, ca. 1960s |
Box 1 Folder 7 | Student essays, 1908, 1913-1914 |
Box 1 Folder 8 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Themes, English class, 1913-1914 |
Box 1 Folder 9 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Class of 1917, 50th reunion |
Box 1 Folder 10 | National Research Council, Division of Chemistry, minutes, April 27, 1921 |
Box 1 Folder 11 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Proposal to establish a graduate school," 1932 |
Box 1 Folder 12 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, chemistry department, miscellaneous material, ca. 1930s |
Box 1 Folder 13-15 | Autobiographical notes |
Box 1 Folder 16 | Autobiography, notes and correspondence, ca. 1980s |
Box 1 Folder 17-20 | Autobiography, drafts |
Box 2 Folder 1-4 | Autobiography, drafts |
Box 2 Folder 5-10 | Christmas cards, ca. 1970s-1980s |
Box 3 Folder 1 | Europe, 1948, memorabilia |
Box 3 Folder 2 | Europe, 1948, personal correspondence |
Box 3 Folder 3 | Europe, 1948, Paris, posters |
Box 3 Folder 4-6 | Europe, 1953, memorabilia |
Box 3 Folder 7 | Russia, 1958 |
Box 3 Folder 8 | University of Chicago, Citizens' Board Dinner, December 1966 |
Box 3 Folder 9 | Chicagoan of the Year, Award Dinner, January 1967 |
Box 3 Folder 10-20 | Nobel prize, autograph requests |
Box 4 Folder 1-10 | Nobel prize, congratulatory letters and telegrams |
Box 4 Folder 11 | Nobel prize, invitations |
Box 4 Folder 12-14 | Nobel prize, lecture |
Box 4 Folder 15 | Nobel prize, miscellaneous |
Box 4 Folder 16 | Student inquiries |
Box 5 Folder 1-2 | Miscellaneous invitations |
Box 5 Folder 3 | Invitations declined, 1966-1981 |
Box 5 Folder 4 | Guest of honor, recruit graduation review, Great Lakes Naval Training Center, March 19, 1976 |
Box 5 Folder 5 | Biography entries |
Box 5 Folder 6-7 | Articles about Mulliken |
Box 5 Folder 8-12 | Scientists' biographical reprints |
Box 6 Folder 1-3 | Scientists' biographical reprints |
Box 6 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous correspondence and memorabilia |
Box 7 Folder 1 | Plaque, guest of honor Great Lakes Recruit Training Command, 1976 |
Box 7 Folder 2 | National Academy of Sciences Centennial Medal |
Box 7 Folder 3 | Chicago Press Club, Chicagoan of the Year, 1966, inscribed plaque from commemorative statue |
Box 8 Folder 1-3 | Indian decorative memorabilia |
Subseries 3: Political and special interest activities |
Box 9 Folder 1 | Gamma Alpha fraternity, Chicago chapter |
Box 9 Folder 2-7 | American Association of Scientific Workers |
Box 10 Folder 1-2 | Scientists' Committee on Loyalty Problems, 1948-1950 |
Box 10 Folder 3 | "Loyalty tests," talk, 1949 |
Box 10 Folder 4 | Atomic Scientists of Chicago, ca. 1950s |
Box 10 Folder 5 | Geneva Atomic Energy Conference, 1955 |
Box 10 Folder 6-7 | American Embassy, London, personal correspondence, 1955-1961 |
Box 10 Folder 8 | Science attache, activities, ca. 1955 |
Box 10 Folder 9 | Science attache, diary |
Box 10 Folder 10 | Science attache, personal papers |
Box 10 Folder 11 | Science attaché, personal correspondence |
Box 10 Folder 12-13 | Science attache, engagement calendar |
Box 10 Folder 14-18 | Science attache, personal contacts |
Box 11 Folder 1 | Embassy activities, miscellaneous |
Box 11 Folder 2 | Embassy period material |
Box 11 Folder 3-4 | Science and the state, correspondence, 1956-1958 |
Box 11 Folder 5 | Japan Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs |
Box 11 Folder 6 | Science and Foreign Relations |
Box 11 Folder 7 | Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions |
Box 11 Folder 8-9 | Committee on the Present Danger |
Box 11 Folder 10 | Congressional correspondence file |
Box 11 Folder 11 | Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C. |
Box 11 Folder 12 | Federation of American Scientists, ca. 1960s-1970s |
Box 11 Folder 13-14 | International Cultural Foundation |
Box 11 Folder 15 | International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, London, 1974 |
Box 12 Folder 1-4 | International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, New York, 1975 |
Box 12 Folder 5 | International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, Washington, D. C., 1976 |
Box 12 Folder 6 | International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, 1977-1978 |
Box 12 Folder 7 | International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, Los Angeles, 1979 |
Box 12 Folder 8 | International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, Miami Beach, Florida, 1980 |
Box 12 Folder 9 | International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, Seoul, Korea, 1981 |
Box 12 Folder 10 | Negative Population Growth, Inc. |
Box 12 Folder 11 | Sakharov, Andrei, tribute, May 19, 1981 |
Box 12 Folder 12 | Sakharov, Andrei, efforts to assist |
Box 12 Folder 13 | Savile Club |
Box 13 Folder 1-4 | Scientists and Engineers for Secure Energy |
Box 13 Folder 5-6 | Weizmann Institute of Science |
Box 13 Folder 7-8 | World Cultural Council |
Box 13 Folder 9-10 | Miscellaneous political groups, correspondence |
Box 13 Folder 11 | Astrology |
Box 13 Folder 12 | Futurology |
Box 13 Folder 13 | Ball lightning |
Box 13 Folder 14 | "Through ZPG to NPG," typescript and correspondence |
Series II: Correspondence |
Box 14 Folder 1 | Abelson, Phillip |
Box 14 Folder 3 | Allen, L. C. |
Box 14 Folder 4 | Allison, Michael D. |
Box 14 Folder 5 | Altman, S. L. |
Box 14 Folder 6 | Anderson, Herbert L. |
Box 14 Folder 7 |
- Araki, Gentaro
- Aronson, Harmon
- Atkinson, Edward R.
- Auterhoff, H.
Box 14 Folder 8-9 | A, general |
Box 14 Folder 10 | Bader, R. F. W. |
Box 14 Folder 11 | Bak, Borge |
Box 14 Folder 12 | Barrow, R. F. |
Box 14 Folder 13 | Barton, Henry A. |
Box 14 Folder 14 | Basu, S., with Bhattacharya, R. |
Box 14 Folder 15 | Bates, D. R. |
Box 14 Folder 16 | Bauer, Edmond |
Box 14 Folder 17 | Baur, S. H. |
Box 14 Folder 18 | Bayliss, Noel S. |
Box 14 Folder 19 | Bell, R. P. |
Box 14 Folder 20 | Berry, R. Stephen |
Box 14 Folder 21 | Bicerano, Jozef |
Box 14 Folder 22 | Bidelman, William P. |
Box 14 Folder 23 | Bloomenthal, S. |
Box 14 Folder 24-25 | Breene, R. G., 1959-1966 |
Box 14 Folder 26 | Briegler, G. |
Box 14 Folder 27 | Broida, H. P. |
Box 14 Folder 28 |
- Brown, H. C.
- Brown, M. G.
- Brown, R. D.
- Brown, W. G.
- Browne, J. C.
Box 15 Folder 1-2 | Buenker, Robert J., 1969-1982 |
Box 15 Folder 3 | Bunnett, J. F. |
Box 15 Folder 4 |
- Buraway, Ida
- Burke, Mrs. Edmund
- Burnelle, Louis
- Burton, Milton
Box 15 Folder 5-12 | B, general |
Box 15 Folder 13 | Cade, Paul E. |
Box 15 Folder 14 |
- Calais, Jean-Louis
- Callomon, J. H.
- Carrington, Alan
Box 15 Folder 15 | Carroll, Peter K., 1960-1963 |
Box 15 Folder 16-17 | Carroll, Peter K., 1965-1984 |
Box 16 Folder 1 |
- Castex, M. C.
- Certain, Phillip R.
- Chandrasekharan, V.
- Chisolm, S. L.
Box 16 Folder 2 | Chiu, Lue-yung chow |
Box 16 Folder 3-4 | Chiu, Ying-nan, 1962-1985 |
Box 16 Folder 5 | Chutjian, Ara |
Box 16 Folder 6-12 | Clementi, Enrico, 1960-1982 |
Box 16 Folder 13-14 | Clementi, Enrico, reprints |
Box 17 Folder 1 | Cleveland, F. F. |
Box 17 Folder 2 |
- Closs, G. L.
- Cockcroft, Sir John
- Codling, Keith
- Coffman, Robert E.
- Cohen, Morrell H.
Box 17 Folder 3 | Coleman, G. H. |
Box 17 Folder 4 | Condon, Edward U. |
Box 17 Folder 5 | Coon, Jesse B. |
Box 17 Folder 6 | Cotton, F. Albert |
Box 17 Folder 7-10 | Coulson, Charles A., 1948-1975 |
Box 17 Folder 11 | Cowan, Robert D. |
Box 17 Folder 12 | Coxon, J. A. |
Box 17 Folder 13 | Cram, D. J. |
Box 17 Folder 14 | Crawford, Bryce L., Jr. |
Box 17 Folder 15 | Crawford, Victor A. |
Box 17 Folder 16-19 | C, general |
Box 18 Folder 1 | Dalby, F. W. |
Box 18 Folder 2 |
- Dalgarno, A.
- Daniels, Farrington
Box 18 Folder 3 | Darrow, Karl K. |
Box 18 Folder 4 | Daudel, R., 1951-1963 |
Box 18 Folder 5 | Daudel, R., 1967-1972 |
Box 18 Folder 6 | Daudel, R., 1980-1981 |
Box 18 Folder 7 | David, E. E. |
Box 18 Folder 8 | Davidson, Ernest |
Box 18 Folder 9 | De Heer, Joseph |
Box 18 Folder 10 | Del Re, Giuseppe |
Box 18 Folder 11-13 | DeMaine, Paul |
Box 18 Folder 14 | DeMaine, Paul, iodine correspondence |
Box 18 Folder 15 | Dewar, Michael J. S. |
Box 18 Folder 16 | Diercksen, Gerd |
Box 18 Folder 18 | Douglas, A. E. |
Box 19 Folder 1 | Dowling, Jerome M. |
Box 19 Folder 2 | Downie, Arthur |
Box 19 Folder 3 | Dressler, Kurt |
Box 19 Folder 4 | Drickamer, H. G. |
Box 19 Folder 5-6 | Duchesne, Jules, 1946-1981 |
Box 19 Folder 7-8 | Duchesne, Jules, reprints |
Box 19 Folder 9 | Duncan, A. B. F. |
Box 19 Folder 10-11 | D, general |
Box 19 Folder 12 | Ehrenson, Stanton |
Box 19 Folder 13 | Ellison, Frank O. |
Box 19 Folder 14 | El-Sayad, Mostafa |
Box 19 Folder 15 | Emeleus, Karl G. |
Box 19 Folder 16-17 | Ermler, Walter C. |
Box 19 Folder 18 | Evans, Dennis F. |
Box 20 Folder 1 | E, general |
Box 20 Folder 3 | Ferguson, Eldon |
Box 20 Folder 4-5 | Fernandez-Moran, H. |
Box 20 Folder 6 | Ferreira, Ricardo |
Box 20 Folder 7 | Fischer-Hjalmars, Inga |
Box 20 Folder 8 | Fontana, Peter R. |
Box 20 Folder 9 | Foster, Roy |
Box 20 Folder 10 | Fraga, Serafin |
Box 20 Folder 11 | Freed, Karl F. |
Box 20 Folder 12 | Frost, A. A. |
Box 20 Folder 13 | Fujioka, Y. |
Box 20 Folder 14 | Fujiwara, Takeo |
Box 20 Folder 15 | Fukui, K. |
Box 20 Folder 16 | Fumi, Fausto G. |
Box 20 Folder 17 | F, general |
Box 20 Folder 18 | Gallery, Admiral W. O. |
Box 20 Folder 19 | Garg, Satya |
Box 20 Folder 20 | Garwin, Richard |
Box 20 Folder 21 | Gerding, H. |
Box 20 Folder 22 | Gilbert, T. L. |
Box 21 Folder 1 | Gilmore, Forrest |
Box 21 Folder 2-4 | Ginter, M. L., 1962-1984 |
Box 21 Folder 5 | Glockler, George |
Box 21 Folder 6-12 | Gloersen, P., General Electric Corporation, 1956-1969 |
Box 22 Folder 1 | Gloersen, P., |
Box 22 Folder 2 | Goodman, Lionel |
Box 22 Folder 3 | Gordy, Walter |
Box 22 Folder 4 | Goudsmit, S. A. |
Box 22 Folder 5 | Gouterman, Martin |
Box 22 Folder 6-8 | Green, David W., 1968-1983 |
Box 22 Folder 9-10 | Green, David W., thesis and reprints |
Box 22 Folder 11 | Greenshields, John B. |
Box 22 Folder 12 | Griem, Hans R., preprint |
Box 22 Folder 13 | Grein, F., Sixth Canadian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry |
Box 22 Folder 14 | Griffith, Helen E. |
Box 22 Folder 15 | Grinfield, Rafael |
Box 22 Folder 16 | G, general |
Box 23 Folder 1 |
- Hackmeyer, Mel
- Haenisch, Edward
- Halevi, E. A.
- Halloran, M. H.
Box 23 Folder 2 | Ham, Joe S. |
Box 23 Folder 3 | Ham, N. S. |
Box 23 Folder 4 | Hammond, P. R. |
Box 23 Folder 5 | Hanazaki, Ichiro |
Box 23 Folder 6 | Hanna, Melvin |
Box 23 Folder 7 | Harkins, W. D., biographical information |
Box 23 Folder 8 | Harriman, John E. |
Box 23 Folder 9 | Harris, Frank E. |
Box 23 Folder 10 | Hartmann, H. |
Box 23 Folder 11 | Hassel, Odd |
Box 23 Folder 12 | Hausser, K. M. |
Box 23 Folder 13 | Heath, Donald F. |
Box 23 Folder 14 | Hehre, Warren J. |
Box 23 Folder 15 | Heidt, Lawrence J. |
Box 23 Folder 16 | Henneker, William H. |
Box 23 Folder 17-19 | Herzberg, G., 1939-1982 |
Box 24 Folder 1-2 | Herzberg, G., 1939-1982 |
Box 24 Folder 3 | Hijikata, Katsunori |
Box 24 Folder 4-5 | Hildebrand, Joel, 1949-1983 |
Box 24 Folder 6 | Hinze, Juergen |
Box 24 Folder 7 | Hirschfelder, Joseph O. |
Box 24 Folder 8 | Hirshberg, Y. |
Box 24 Folder 9 | Hodgkin, D. C. |
Box 24 Folder 10 | Hoffman, Roald |
Box 24 Folder 11 | Hoijtink, G. J. |
Box 24 Folder 12 | Huberman, F. P. |
Box 24 Folder 13 | Hulthen, Erik |
Box 24 Folder 14 | Hund, Friedrich |
Box 24 Folder 15 | Huo, Winifred M. Y. |
Box 24 Folder 16 | Hurley, Andrew C. |
Box 24 Folder 17 | Hurst, G. S. |
Box 24 Folder 18 | Hutchison, Clyde A. |
Box 24 Folder 19 | Huzinaga, S. |
Box 24 Folder 20 | Hylleraas, Egil A. |
Box 24 Folder 21-22 | H, general |
Box 25 Folder 1-2 | India correspondence, fellowship applications |
Box 25 Folder 3 | India correspondence, Andhara University |
Box 25 Folder 4 | India correspondence, Arnikar, H. J. |
Box 25 Folder 5 | India correspondence, Asundi, R. K. |
Box 25 Folder 6 | India correspondence, Bist, H. D. |
Box 25 Folder 7 | India correspondence, Dasgupta, S. |
Box 25 Folder 8 | India correspondence, Jain, D. C. |
Box 25 Folder 9 | India correspondence, Joshi, R. C. |
Box 25 Folder 10 | India correspondence, Khanna, B. N. |
Box 25 Folder 11 | India correspondence, Khubchandani, P. G. |
Box 25 Folder 12 | India correspondence, Kulkarni, R. G. |
Box 25 Folder 13 | India correspondence, Pathak, G. M. |
Box 25 Folder 14 | India correspondence, Rajopadhye, V. Y. |
Box 25 Folder 15 | India correspondence, Rao, C. N. R. |
Box 25 Folder 16 | India correspondence, Saksena, B. D. |
Box 25 Folder 17 | India correspondence, Sundarin, S. |
Box 25 Folder 18 | India correspondence, Tawde, N. R. |
Box 25 Folder 19 | India correspondence, Venkateswarlu, P. |
Box 25 Folder 20-21 | India correspondence, general, A-Z |
Box 25 Folder 22 | Ingle, Dwight |
Box 25 Folder 23 | Ingold, C. K. |
Box 25 Folder 24 | Inui, Teturo |
Box 26 Folder 1 | Itoh, Michiya |
Box 26 Folder 2-3 | Itoh, Takashi |
Box 26 Folder 4 | I, general |
Box 26 Folder 5 | Jaffe, Hans |
Box 26 Folder 6 | Jenkins, F. A. |
Box 26 Folder 7 | Jones, Herbert W. |
Box 26 Folder 8 | Jorgensen, C. K. |
Box 26 Folder 9 | Jortner, Joshua |
Box 26 Folder 10 | Joshi, Bhairav |
Box 26 Folder 11 | Josien, M. L. |
Box 26 Folder 12 | J, general |
Box 26 Folder 13 |
- Kandpal, H. C.
- Kaplan, Joseph
- Karin, S. M.
Box 26 Folder 14 | Karplus, M. |
Box 26 Folder 15-16 | Kasha, Michael, 1947-1959 |
Box 26 Folder 17-18 | Kasha, Michael, 1961-1984 |
Box 27 Folder 1-2 | Kasha, Michael,1969-1984 |
Box 27 Folder 3 | Katriel, Jacob |
Box 27 Folder 4 | Kaufman, Joyce |
Box 27 Folder 5 | Kenty, Carl |
Box 27 Folder 6 | Kern, C. W. |
Box 27 Folder 7 | Ketelaar, J. A. A. |
Box 27 Folder 8 | Khan, M. Aslam |
Box 27 Folder 9 | Kistiakowsky, George |
Box 27 Folder 10 | Klemen, B. |
Box 27 Folder 11 | Klemperer, William |
Box 27 Folder 12 | Klopman, Giles |
Box 27 Folder 13 | Klynning, Lennert |
Box 27 Folder 14 | Kolos, Wlodzimierz |
Box 27 Folder 15 | Kosower, Edward |
Box 27 Folder 16 | Kotoni, Masao |
Box 27 Folder 17 | Kroll, Marvin |
Box 27 Folder 18 | Krupenic, P.M. |
Box 27 Folder 19-20 | Kubota, Tanekazu |
Box 27 Folder 21 | Kuboyama, Akira |
Box 27 Folder 22 | Kuhn, Hans |
Box 27 Folder 23 | Kursunoglu, Behram |
Box 28 Folder 1 | Kwun, Sook-Il |
Box 28 Folder 2-3 | K, general |
Box 28 Folder 4 | Lagerqvist, Albin |
Box 28 Folder 5 | Lang, Robert |
Box 28 Folder 7 | LeComte, Jean |
Box 28 Folder 8 | Lennard-Jones, John E. |
Box 28 Folder 9 | Libby, Douglas F. |
Box 28 Folder 10-12 | Libby, Leona M., 1972-1983 |
Box 28 Folder 13 | Lichten, William |
Box 28 Folder 14 | Liehr, A. D. |
Box 28 Folder 15 | Lindholm, E. |
Box 28 Folder 16 | Linnett, J. W. |
Box 28 Folder 17 | Lippert, Ernst |
Box 28 Folder 18 | Lofthus, Alf |
Box 28 Folder 19 | Longuet-Higgins, H. C. |
Box 29 Folder 1-5 | Lowdin, Per, 1950-1984 |
Box 29 Folder 6 | Lowdin, Per, Advances in Quantum Chemistry, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry |
Box 29 Folder 7-11 | Lowdin, Per, Sanibel Symposia, 1962-1984 |
Box 29 Folder 12 | Lowdin, Per, Uppsula quantum chemistry group |
Box 29 Folder 13 |
- Luttke, W.
- Lutz, Bary L.
- Lykos, Peter G.
Box 30 Folder 1 | Lyons, L. E. |
Box 30 Folder 2-3 | L, general |
Box 30 Folder 4 | MacColl, Allan |
Box 30 Folder 7 |
- Manning, W.M.
- Manwani, Ram
- Marcus, Rudolph
Box 30 Folder 8 | Margrave, John L. |
Box 30 Folder 9 | Mark, Hans |
Box 30 Folder 10 | Mark, Herman F. |
Box 30 Folder 11 | Marois, M. |
Box 30 Folder 12 | Matcha, Robert |
Box 30 Folder 13-14 | Matsen, F.A., 1945-1957 |
Box 30 Folder 15 | Matsen, F.A., 1959-1971 |
Box 30 Folder 16 | McClure, Donald S. |
Box 30 Folder 17 | McConnell, Harden |
Box 30 Folder 18 | McDonald, Robert S. |
Box 30 Folder 19 | McDowell, C. A. |
Box 30 Folder 20 | McGlynn, Sean P. |
Box 30 Folder 21 | McKoy, Vincent |
Box 31 Folder 1-3 | McLean, A.D., 1952-1984 |
Box 31 Folder 4 | McWeeny, R. |
Box 31 Folder 6 |
- Meijer, Paul H. E.
- Meissner, K. W.
- Melville, Sir Henry
- Menzel, Donald H.
Box 31 Folder 7-9 | Merer, Anthony J., 1966-1976 |
Box 31 Folder 10 | Merryman, Phillip I. |
Box 31 Folder 11 | Methews, Weldon |
Box 31 Folder 12 |
- Metropolis, Nick
- Meyer, Wilfried
- Meyerson, Seymour
- Michejda, C. J.
- Michels, H. H.
Box 31 Folder 13 | Miescher, E. |
Box 31 Folder 14 | Milligan, W. O. |
Box 31 Folder 15 | Misra, R. C. |
Box 31 Folder 16 | Mizushima, Masataka |
Box 31 Folder 17 | Moccia, Roberto |
Box 31 Folder 18 | Moffitt, William |
Box 31 Folder 19 | Mohan, Gyan |
Box 31 Folder 20 | Morino, Yonezo |
Box 31 Folder 21 | Morrison, James D. |
Box 31 Folder 22 | Moser, Carl |
Box 31 Folder 23 | Mosier, C.C. |
Box 31 Folder 24 | Mrozowski, Stanislaw |
Box 31 Folder 25 | Muetterties, Earl L. |
Box 31 Folder 26 | Muller, Norbert |
Box 32 Folder 1-2 | Mulliken, Robert S., Oxford correspondence, 1952-1953 |
Box 32 Folder 3-4 | Mulliken, Robert S., miscellaneous correspondence, 1954-1985 |
Box 32 Folder 5 | Murrell, John |
Box 32 Folder 6-8 | M, general |
Box 32 Folder 9 | Nachtrieb, Norman |
Box 32 Folder 10-11 | Nagakura, S., 1954-1959 |
Box 32 Folder 12 | Nagakura, S., 1962-1974 |
Box 32 Folder 13 | Nagakura, S., 1977-1985 |
Box 32 Folder 14 | Nakamoto, Kazuo |
Box 32 Folder 15 | Namioka, Takeshi |
Box 33 Folder 1 | Nesbet, Robert K. |
Box 33 Folder 2 | Nicholls, R. W. |
Box 33 Folder 3 | Nielsen, Harold H. |
Box 33 Folder 4 | Niira, Kazuo |
Box 33 Folder 5 | Norrish, R. G. W. |
Box 33 Folder 6 | Noyes, W. Albert |
Box 33 Folder 7 | N, general |
Box 33 Folder 8 | Offen, Henry W. |
Box 33 Folder 9 | Ogawa, Masaru |
Box 33 Folder 10 | O'Hara, Representative Barrett |
Box 33 Folder 11 | Ohki, Kosuke |
Box 33 Folder 12 | Oldenburg, Otto |
Box 33 Folder 13 | Oosterhoff, L. J. |
Box 33 Folder 14-15 | Orgel, Leslie E., 1952-1963 |
Box 33 Folder 16 | Orville-Thomas, W. J. |
Box 33 Folder 17 | O, general |
Box 33 Folder 18 | Padhye, M. R. |
Box 33 Folder 19-20 | Parr, Robert G., 1948-1954 |
Box 33 Folder 21-25 | Parr, Robert G., 1957-1982 |
Box 34 Folder 1 | Pauling, Linus |
Box 34 Folder 2 | Paulson, Dennis |
Box 34 Folder 3 | Percy, Senator Charles |
Box 34 Folder 4-6 | Person, Willis B., 1957-1965 |
Box 34 Folder 7-9 | Person, Willis B., 1967-1971 |
Box 34 Folder 10 | Person, Willis B., lecture and reprint volume correspondence |
Box 34 Folder 11 | Peters, David |
Box 34 Folder 12 | Petrushka, John |
Box 34 Folder 13-14 | Peyerimhoff, Sigrid, 1963-1982 |
Box 34 Folder 15 | Phillips, John G. |
Box 34 Folder 16-17 | Phillipson, Paul |
Box 35 Folder 1 | Pichat, Pierre |
Box 35 Folder 2 | Pickett, Lucy W. |
Box 35 Folder 3-4 | Platt, John, 1949-1983 |
Box 35 Folder 5 | Platzman, R. L. |
Box 35 Folder 6-7 | Plyler, Earl, 1953-1958 |
Box 35 Folder 8 | Plyler, Earl, 1963-1972 |
Box 35 Folder 9 | Politzer, Peter |
Box 35 Folder 10 | Polo, Santiago R. |
Box 35 Folder 11 | Pople, John A. |
Box 35 Folder 12 | Popov, A. |
Box 35 Folder 13 | Potts, W. J. |
Box 35 Folder 14 | Prehoda, Robert W. |
Box 35 Folder 15-16 | Price, William C., 1946-1951 |
Box 35 Folder 17-18 | Price, William C., 1954-1982 |
Box 36 Folder 1 | Prieto, Fernando E. |
Box 36 Folder 2 | Pritchard, H. O. |
Box 36 Folder 3 | Pullin, A. D. E. |
Box 36 Folder 4-5 | Pullman, Alberte and Bernard, 1947-1980 |
Box 36 Folder 6-7 | P-Q, general |
Box 36 Folder 8 | Rabinowitch, Eugene |
Box 36 Folder 9 | Rahman, Aneesur |
Box 36 Folder 10 | Ramsay, D. A. |
Box 36 Folder 11 | Rank, D. H. |
Box 36 Folder 12 | Rao, K. N. |
Box 36 Folder 13 | Rao, N. S. |
Box 36 Folder 14 | Rau, Hermann |
Box 36 Folder 15-16 | Reid, Chris, 1951-1962 |
Box 36 Folder 17 | Rice, Oscar |
Box 36 Folder 18 | Richards, W. G. |
Box 36 Folder 19 | Richardson, James W. |
Box 36 Folder 20 | Robin, M. B. |
Box 36 Folder 21 | Robinson, G. W. |
Box 37 Folder 1-3 | Roothaan, Clemens, 1946-1964 |
Box 37 Folder 4-5 | Roothaan, Clemens, 1966-1977 |
Box 37 Folder 6 | Rosen, Boris |
Box 37 Folder 7 |
- Rossini, Frederick
- Rout, M. K.
Box 37 Folder 8-10 | Ruedenberg, Klaus, 1950-1974 |
Box 37 Folder 11 |
- Rushbrooke, G. S.
- Russo, Arturo
- Rytel, March
Box 37 Folder 12 | R, general |
Box 37 Folder 13 | Sack, Robert |
Box 37 Folder 14 | Sahni, R. C. |
Box 37 Folder 15 | Sales, Keith D. |
Box 37 Folder 16-17 | Scherr, Charles W., 1951-1964 |
Box 37 Folder 18 | Schlesinger, H. I. |
Box 38 Folder 1-2 | Schutte, C. J. H., International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry |
Box 38 Folder 3 |
- Seaborg, Glenn
- Secrest, Don
- Segal, Gerald A.
- Seki, Syuzo
- Shankland, Robert S.
Box 38 Folder 4 | Shiner, V. J. |
Box 38 Folder 5 | Shuler, Kurt E. |
Box 38 Folder 6-8 | Shull, Harrison, 1948-1953 |
Box 38 Folder 9-10 | Shull, Harrison, 1960-1965 |
Box 38 Folder 11 | Shull, Harrison, 1967-1982 |
Box 38 Folder 12 | Sinanoglu, Oletay |
Box 38 Folder 13 | Skinner, H. A. |
Box 38 Folder 14-15 | Slater, J.C., ca. 1932-1975 |
Box 39 Folder 1 |
- Slichter, William B.
- Slifkin, M. A.
- Smith, Allan L.
- Smiltens, J.
- Smith, William V.
Box 39 Folder 2 | Sokolov, Nikolai D. |
Box 39 Folder 3 | Soukup, Mojimer |
Box 39 Folder 4 | Stone, Jeremy |
Box 39 Folder 5 |
- Stout, J. W.
- Strasz, O. P.
- Streitwieser, Andrew
- Strem, Michael E.
- Stuart, Alexander
Box 39 Folder 6 | Sundaram, S. |
Box 39 Folder 7 | Sutton, Leslie |
Box 39 Folder 8 | Swings, P. |
Box 39 Folder 9 | Synek, Miroslav |
Box 39 Folder 10 | Szent-Gyorgi, Albert |
Box 39 Folder 11 | Szwarc, Michael |
Box 39 Folder 12-15 | S, general |
Box 39 Folder 17 | Tamres, Milton |
Box 39 Folder 18-19 | Tanaka, Yoshio, 1949-1953 |
Box 40 Folder 1 | Tanaka, Yoshio, 1953-1963 |
Box 40 Folder 2 | Tanaka, Yoshio, 1967-1978 |
Box 40 Folder 3 | Tatum, Patrick |
Box 40 Folder 4 | Taylor, William J. |
Box 40 Folder 5-6 | Tellinghuisen, Joel B., 1971-1983 |
Box 40 Folder 7 |
- Terenin, A. N.
- Thacher, Henry
- Thompson, Bradford
- Thompson, H. W.
- Todd, Alexander
Box 40 Folder 8 | Townes, Charles H. |
Box 40 Folder 9 | Tramer, A. |
Box 40 Folder 10 | Tsubomora, Hiroshi, 1958-1965 |
Box 40 Folder 11 | Tsubomora, Hiroshi, 1967-1973 |
Box 40 Folder 12 | T, general |
Box 40 Folder 13 | Ubbelohde, Paul |
Box 40 Folder 14 | Urey, Harold |
Box 40 Folder 15 | U, general |
Box 40 Folder 16 | Vanderslice, Joseph T. |
Box 40 Folder 17 | van der Waals, John H. |
Box 40 Folder 18 | van Duijneveldt, F. B. |
Box 40 Folder 19 | van Vleck, J. H. |
Box 40 Folder 20 | van Vleck, J. H., 1927-32, photocopies from the Archive for the History of Quantum Physics |
Box 41 Folder 1-2 | Venkateswarlu, Putcha |
Box 41 Folder 3 | Verma, R. D. |
Box 41 Folder 5 | V, general |
Box 41 Folder 6 | Wahl, Arnold C. |
Box 41 Folder 7 | Wald, George |
Box 41 Folder 8 | Walsh, A.D. |
Box 41 Folder 9 | Watanabe, K. |
Box 41 Folder 10 |
- Way, Katharine
- Webster, Brian
- Weigang, O. E.
- Weiss, J. J.
- Weiss, Paul
Box 41 Folder 11 |
- Weissler, G. L.
- Weizel, Walter
- Weizmann Centenary
- Weller, Albert
- Welsh, H. L.
Box 41 Folder 12 |
- Wender, Irving
- Wheland, George W.
Box 41 Folder 13 |
- Whipple, Fred L.
- White, Lynn T.
- Whitehead, M. A.
- Whitten, J. L.
- Wichers, Edward
Box 41 Folder 14-18 | Wilkinson, P.G., 1950-1962 |
Box 42 Folder 1-2 | Wilkinson, P.G., 1962-1968 |
Box 42 Folder 3 | Willard, John E. |
Box 42 Folder 4 | Wilson, Earl E. |
Box 42 Folder 5 | Winstein, Saul |
Box 42 Folder 6 | Wiswesser, William J. |
Box 42 Folder 7 | W, general |
Box 42 Folder 8 |
- Yamada, Schoichiro
- Yang, N. C.
- Yannoni, N.F.
- Yonezawa, Teijir
- Yoshimine, Megumu
- Young, Thomas F.
Box 42 Folder 9 |
- Zachariasen, W. H.
- Zahlan, Antoine
- Zare, Richard N.
- Zelikoff, M.
- Zener, Clarence
Box 42 Folder 11 | Advanced Research Projects Agency |
Box 42 Folder 12 | Air Force, Cambridge Research Lab |
Box 42 Folder 13 | Air Force, Office of Scientific Research |
Box 42 Folder 14 | American Academy of Achievement |
Box 42 Folder 15 | American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
Box 42 Folder 16 | American Association for the Advancement of Science |
Box 42 Folder 17-18 | American Chemical Society |
Box 42 Folder 19 | American Chemical Society, Chicago section |
Box 42 Folder 20 | American Institute of Chemists |
Box 42 Folder 21 | American Institute of Physics |
Box 42 Folder 22 | American Petroleum Institute |
Box 43 Folder 1-3 | American Philosophical Society, 1940-1982 |
Box 43 Folder 4-5 | American Philosophical Society, programs |
Box 43 Folder 6 | American Physical Society, correspondence |
Box 43 Folder 7-9 | American Physical Society, programs |
Box 43 Folder 10-14 | American Physical Society, Division of Chemical Physics |
Box 44 Folder 1-12 | American Physical Society, Division of Chemical Physics |
Box 44 Folder 13 | American Physical Society, Division of Spectroscopy |
Box 44 Folder 14 | American Scientific and Technical Representatives, Europe |
Box 44 Folder 15 | American Society for Technion |
Box 44 Folder 16 | Annual Review of Physical Chemistry |
Box 44 Folder 17-18 | Argonne National Laboratory |
Box 44 Folder 19 | Army Research Office, Durham, North Carolina |
Box 44 Folder 20 | Associated Research Councils |
Box 45 Folder 1 | Association of Harvard Chemists |
Box 45 Folder 2 | Atomic Energy Commission |
Box 45 Folder 3 | Australian Academy of Sciences |
Box 45 Folder 4 | Bell Telephone Laboratories |
Box 45 Folder 5 | California Institute of Technology |
Box 45 Folder 6 | Carnegie Mellon Institute |
Box 45 Folder 7 | Center for Advanced Study in Theology and the Sciences |
Box 45 Folder 8-13 | Center for Theoretical Studies |
Box 45 Folder 14 | Chemical and Engineering News |
Box 45 Folder 15 | Chemical Rubber Company |
Box 45 Folder 16 |
- Chemical Society, London
- Chemist Analyst
Box 45 Folder 17 | Committee on Academic Nondiscrimination |
Box 45 Folder 18 | Council on College Chemistry |
Box 45 Folder 19 | Dow Chemical Company |
Box 45 Folder 20 |
- Eastman Kodak Company
- Encyclopedia of Physics
Box 45 Folder 21 |
- European Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Faraday Society
- Florida Academy of Sciences
Box 45 Folder 22 | Florida State University |
Box 45 Folder 23 | Fullbright Award, 1969-1970 |
Box 45 Folder 24-25 | Guggenheim Foundation |
Box 45 Folder 26 | Indian Academy of Sciences |
Box 46 Folder 1-5 | Institut de la Vie |
Box 46 Folder 6-12 | Inter-American Photochemical Society |
Box 47 Folder 1-5 | International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science |
Box 47 Folder 6-7 | International Business Machines Corporation |
Box 47 Folder 8 | International Commission of Atoms |
Box 47 Folder 9 | International Journal of Quantum Chemistry |
Box 47 Folder 10 | International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry |
Box 47 Folder 11 | Joint Commission for Spectroscopy |
Box 47 Folder 12-15 | Joint Commission for Spectroscopy, 1950-1957 |
Box 48 Folder 1-7 | Joint Commission for Spectroscopy, 1950-1957 |
Box 48 Folder 8-13 | Joint Commission for Spectroscopy, report of subcommittee on notation, 1952 |
Box 48 Folder 14-15 | Joint Commission for Spectroscopy, correspondence and report, 1953-1955 |
Box 48 Folder 16 | Joint Commission for Spectroscopy, Moscow meeting, 1958, correspondence |
Box 48 Folder 17 | Joint Commission for Spectroscopy, Moscow meeting, 1958, printed material |
Box 49 Folder 1 | Langmuir prize, 1967 |
Box 49 Folder 2 | Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory |
Box 49 Folder 3 | Metallurgical Laboratory, Jeffries Report |
Box 49 Folder 4 | Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company |
Box 49 Folder 5 | Museum of Science and Industry |
Box 49 Folder 6-11 | National Academy of Sciences |
Box 49 Folder 12-19 | National Academy of Sciences, 1936-1951 |
Box 50 Folder 1 | National Bureau of Standards |
Box 50 Folder 2 | National Bureau of Standards, Heat Division, visits |
Box 50 Folder 3-5 | National Bureau of Standards, Heat Division, 1959-1969 |
Box 50 Folder 6 | National Nuclear Energy Series |
Box 50 Folder 7-8 | National Research Council, 1951-1972 |
Box 50 Folder 9 | National Research Council, Advisory Committee |
Box 50 Folder 10 | National Research Council, Canada |
Box 50 Folder 11-12 | National Science Foundation, establishment of, 1949-1950 |
Box 50 Folder 13 | National Science Foundation, Program for Teachers and Gifted Students |
Box 50 Folder 14 | National Science Foundation, proposals, 1952-1958 |
Box 51 Folder 1-2 | National Science Foundation, proposals, 1959-1977 |
Box 51 Folder 3-4 | National Science Foundation, miscellaneous |
Box 51 Folder 5-7 | National Study of Math Requirements for Scientists and Engineers |
Box 51 Folder 8 | New York Academy of Sciences |
Box 51 Folder 9 |
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Oxford University Science Society
Box 51 Folder 10 | Office of Naval Research |
Box 51 Folder 11 | Petroleum Research Fund, American Chemical Society |
Box 51 Folder 12 | Phi Lambda Upsilon |
Box 51 Folder 13 | Physics Today |
Box 51 Folder 14 | Research Corporation, grants programs |
Box 51 Folder 15 |
- Rockefeller Foundation
- Royal Irish Academy
- Royal Society
- Royal Society of Chemistry
Box 51 Folder 16 | Science Citation Index |
Box 51 Folder 17 | Science Service |
Box 51 Folder 18 | Shell Development Company |
Box 51 Folder 19 | Sloane Foundation |
Box 51 Folder 20 | Smithsonian Institution |
Box 51 Folder 21 | Swedish Royal Academy, Nobel committee |
Box 51 Folder 22 | Tel Aviv University, Department of Chemistry |
Box 51 Folder 23 | University of Chicago Press |
Box 52 Folder 1 | United States Government Printing Office |
Box 52 Folder 2 | University of Oxford, Theoretical Chemistry Department, progress reports, 1974-1976 |
Box 52 Folder 3 | University of Oxford, Wave Mechanics and Quantum Theory Group, progress report, 1971 |
Box 52 Folder 4-6 | Welch Foundation |
Box 52 Folder 7 | Wolf Foundation |
Box 52 Folder 8-9 |
- Miscellaneous institutional correspondence
- Publishers
Box 52 Folder 10 | Academic Press correspondence, 1968-1981 |
Box 52 Folder 11 | Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 1961-1962 |
Box 52 Folder 12 | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1974-1980 |
Box 52 Folder 13 | Encyclopedia Britannica, 1945-1946, 1970 |
Box 52 Folder 14 | John Wiley and Sons, correspondence, 1952-1970 |
Box 52 Folder 15-17 | Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1946-1964 |
Box 53 Folder 1-2 | Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1965-1979 |
Box 53 Folder 3-9 | Journal of Chemical Physics, 1947-1980 |
Box 53 Folder 10 | Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 1960-1976 |
Box 53 Folder 11 | Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1952-1967 |
Box 53 Folder 12 | Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1970-1980 |
Box 53 Folder 13-14 | McGraw Hill Book Company, correspondence, 1954-1961 |
Box 53 Folder 15-16 | McGraw Hill Book Company, correspondence, 1963-1968 |
Box 53 Folder 17-18 | Pergamon Press Ltd., 1957-1964 |
Box 54 Folder 1 | Reviews of Modern Physics, 1952-1968 |
Box 54 Folder 2 | Unicorn Press Inc., 1969-1970 |
Box 54 Folder 3 | University of Chicago Press, correspondence, 1969-1985 |
Box 54 Folder 4-6 | Miscellaneous publisher's correspondence, 1950-1978 |
Box 54 Folder 7-8 | Requests for permission to quote, 1961-1981 |
Subseries 2: Book Correspondence |
Box 54 Folder 9 | Diatomic Molecules, Academic Press |
Box 54 Folder 10 | Diatomic Molecules, correspondence and typescript |
Box 54 Folder 11-12 | Diatomic Molecules, typescripts |
Box 54 Folder 13 | Diatomic Molecules, bibliography |
Box 54 Folder 14 | "Electron Donor-Acceptor Complexes and Charge Transfer Spectra," Chapter 11, Physical Chemistry, vol. III, typescript |
Box 55 Folder 1 | "Electron Donor-Acceptor Complexes and Charge Transfer Spectra," correspondence, 1965-1968 |
Box 55 Folder 2-4 | Molecular Complexes, John Wiley and Sons, correspondence, 1955-1969 |
Box 55 Folder 5-7 | Molecular Complexes, John Wiley and Sons, correspondence, 1969 |
Box 55 Folder 8 | Molecular Complexes, John Wiley and Sons, correspondence, book operations |
Box 55 Folder 9-12 | Molecular Complexes, John Wiley and Sons, correspondence, chapter drafts |
Box 55 Folder 13 | Molecular Complexes, John Wiley and Sons, correspondence, notes |
Box 56 Folder 1 | Polyatomic Molecules, Academic Press |
Box 56 Folder 2-11 | Polyatomic Molecules, chapter typescripts |
Box 56 Folder 12 | Polyatomic Molecules, review |
Box 56 Folder 13 | Polyatomic Molecules, table of contents |
Box 57 Folder 1 | Polyatomic Molecules, index |
Box 57 Folder 2 | Polyatomic Molecules, preface |
Box 57 Folder 3 | Polyatomic Molecules, requests for permission to reproduce published material |
Box 57 Folder 4-5 | Polyatomic Molecules, drafts |
Box 57 Folder 6-12 | Polyatomic Molecules, drafts |
Box 57 Folder 13 | Polyatomic Molecules, notes |
Box 57 Folder 14-15 | Selected Papers, notes |
Box 58 Folder 1-5 | Selected Papers, typescripts |
Box 58 Folder 6-7 | Selected Papers, notes and correspondence |
Box 58 Folder 8-11 | Selected Papers, drafts |
Box 58 Folder 12-14 | Selected Papers, drafts |
Box 58 Folder 15-17 | Selected Papers, correspondence |
Box 58 Folder 18 | Selected Papers, Ramsey, Don, 1957-1962 |
Series III: Scientific and Professional Activities |
Subseries 1: Special Annual Conference and Symposia |
Box 59 Folder 1 | Gordon Conference, 1960 |
Box 59 Folder 2 | Gordon Conference, 1964 |
Box 59 Folder 3 | Gordon Conference, 1970 |
Box 59 Folder 4 | Gordon Conference, 1972 |
Box 59 Folder 5 | Gordon Conference, 1973 |
Box 59 Folder 6 | Gordon Conference, 1974 |
Box 59 Folder 7 | Gordon Conference, 1976 |
Box 59 Folder 8 | Gordon Conference, 1980 |
Box 59 Folder 9 | Gordon Conference, miscellaneous |
Box 59 Folder 10-14 | International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Montreal, 1961 |
Box 59 Folder 15-16 | International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Sydney, Australia, 1969 |
Box 60 Folder 1 | International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Lyngby, Denmark, 1983 |
Box 60 Folder 2-3 | Nobel prize winners meetings, Lindau, West Germany, 1967, 1968, 1971 |
Box 60 Folder 4 | Nobel prize winners meetings, Nobel preis trager in Lindau, inscribed to Mulliken |
Box 60 Folder 5 | Nobel prize winners meetings, 1970 |
Box 60 Folder 6 | Nobel prize winners meetings, 1974 |
Box 60 Folder 7 | Nobel prize winners meetings, 1977 |
Box 60 Folder 8-9 | Office of Naval Research Conferences |
Box 60 Folder 10 | Ohio State University, Symposia on Molecular Structure and Spectra, 1941 |
Box 60 Folder 11-14 | Ohio State University, Symposia on Molecular Structure and Spectra, abstracts, 1951-1969, 1971-1976 |
Box 61 Folder 1-10 | Ohio State University, Symposia on Molecular Structure and Spectra, abstracts, 1951-1969, 1971-1976 |
Box 62 Folder 1-6 | Ohio State University, Symposia on Molecular Structure and Spectra, programs, 1963-1981 |
Box 62 Folder 7-9 | Ohio State University, Symposia on Molecular Structure and Spectra, registration lists, 1946-1968 |
Box 62 Folder 10 | Ohio State University, Symposia on Molecular Structure and Spectra, review papers, 1951 |
Box 62 Folder 11 | Ohio State University, Symposia on Molecular Structure and Spectra, correspondence |
Box 62 Folder 12 | Ohio State University, Symposia on Molecular Structure and Spectra, miscellaneous |
Box 62 Folder 13 | Sanibel Island symposium, 1964 |
Box 62 Folder 14 | Sanibel Island symposium, Mulliken symposium, 1965 |
Box 63 Folder 1 | Sanibel Island symposium, 1967, 1969, 1971 |
Box 63 Folder 2 | Sanibel Island symposium, 1975 |
Box 63 Folder 3 | Sanibel Island symposium, 1977 |
Subseries 2: General conferences, symposia and visits |
Box 63 Folder 4 | Sigma Xi symposium, Ohio State University, 1935 |
Box 63 Folder 5 | Summer symposia, Yerkes Observatory, 1937-1938 |
Box 63 Folder 6 | Liquids and Polyatomic Molecules, Chicago, 1939 |
Box 63 Folder 7 | Kinetics of homogeneous gas reactions, Madison, 1939 |
Box 63 Folder 8 | Symposia on the Structure of Molecules, Columbia University, December 30, 1940-January 1, 1941 |
Box 63 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous conference materials, 1941-1948 |
Box 63 Folder 10 | Conference for Teachers of Physical and Biological Science, University of Chicago, 1941 |
Box 63 Folder 11 | Yerkes Observatory symposium, 1941 |
Box 63 Folder 12 | Absorption spectroscopy, University of Chicago, 1941 |
Box 63 Folder 13 | American Chemical Society symposium, New York, 1941 |
Box 63 Folder 14 | Symposium on Fluorescence, Light Scattering and the Raman effect, India, 1942 |
Box 63 Folder 15 | Visit, Hans Beutler, 1942 |
Box 63 Folder 16 | American Physical Society, Chicago, 1944 |
Box 63 Folder 17 | "Repris de contact du bureau, du conseil et des commissions a l'issue de la seconde guerre mondiale," 1946 |
Box 63 Folder 18 | Spectroscopy seminars, University of Chicago 1947-1949 |
Box 64 Folder 1 | Physics colloquia, University of Chicago, 1947-1949 |
Box 64 Folder 2 | American Physical Society, Washington, D. C., April 28-30, 1949 |
Box 64 Folder 3 | National Academy of Sciences, April, 1949 |
Box 64 Folder 4 | Faraday Society conference, Cambridge, England, 1950 |
Box 64 Folder 5-6 | American Physical Society, Pittsburgh, 1951 |
Box 64 Folder 7 | Visit, L. Helmholz, January 23, 1951 |
Box 64 Folder 8 | Spectroscopy conference, Basel, 1951 |
Box 64 Folder 9-15 | Shelter Island conference, Long Island, New York, September 8-10, 1951 |
Box 65 Folder 1-2 | Shelter Island conference, Long Island, New York, September 8-10, 1951 |
Box 65 Folder 3 | Molecular structure and spectra, University of Chicago, 1952 |
Box 65 Folder 4 | Symposium on electron transfer and isotopic reactions, University of Notre Dame, June 11-13, 1952 |
Box 65 Folder 5-6 | Visit, Europe, 1953 |
Box 65 Folder 7-12 | International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Kyoto and Tokyo, 1953 |
Box 66 Folder 1 | Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Austin, TX, December 7-9, 1955 |
Box 66 Folder 2 | Quantum Theory of Molecules, Stockholm and Uppsala, 1955 |
Box 66 Folder 3 | Amsterdam Conference, 1955 |
Box 66 Folder 4 | Oxford University, 1955, European Molecular Spectroscopy Group |
Box 66 Folder 5 | Valence and Chemical Bonding, Madison, 1956 |
Box 66 Folder 6-7 | Conference on Chemical Aeronomy, Harvard University, June 25-28, 1956 |
Box 66 Folder 8 | Ottawa Conference, 1957 |
Box 66 Folder 9 | Photochemical storage of energy, 1957 |
Box 66 Folder 10 | Paris, 1957 |
Box 66 Folder 11 | AAAS Spectroscopy Symposium, Indianapolis meeting, 1957 |
Box 66 Folder 12 | Miscellaneous conference materials, 1958-81 |
Box 66 Folder 13 | Conference on Hyperconjugation, Indiana University, June 2-4, 1958 |
Box 66 Folder 14 | Lowdin's Summer School, Valadalen, Sweden, July 26-August 30, 1958 |
Box 66 Folder 15 | General Electric-Air Force Conference, University of Pennsylvania, September 1959 |
Box 67 Folder 1-4 | Molecular Quantum Mechanics Conference, Colorado, 1959 |
Box 67 Folder 5 | Boston, 1959 |
Box 67 Folder 6 | University of Chicago, Industrial Sponsors Meeting, n.d. |
Box 67 Folder 7-8 | Lowdin Institute meetings, ca. 1960s |
Box 67 Folder 9 | California Institute of Technology, February 19, 1960 |
Box 67 Folder 10 | Baker Lectureship, Cornell University, Spring, 1960 |
Box 67 Folder 11 | Durham Conference, 1960 |
Box 67 Folder 12 | Centre de Mecanique Ondulatoire Appliqu¡e, 1960 |
Box 67 Folder 13 | ACS Regional Meeting, New Orleans, December 7-9, 1961 |
Box 67 Folder 14 | Quantum Chemistry, Oxford, 1961 |
Box 67 Folder 15 | Atomic Spectroscopy Symposium, Argonne National Laboratory, June 7-9, 1961 |
Box 67 Folder 16-20 | M. Dewar's Paper Symposium, 1961 |
Box 68 Folder 1-3 | American Chemical Society Symposium, St. Louis, March 21-30, 1961 |
Box 68 Folder 4 | International Conference on Luminescence, New York, 1961 |
Box 68 Folder 5-6 | Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy and Spectra (with satellite conferences), Japan, 1962 |
Box 68 Folder 7 | 7th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Stockholm, Uppsala, 1962 |
Box 68 Folder 8 | American Chemical Society Symposium, Washington, 1962 |
Box 68 Folder 9 | Andhra University |
Box 68 Folder 10 | Aligarh Muslim University |
Box 68 Folder 11-12 | University of Bombay |
Box 68 Folder 13 | Travel arrangements, India, 1962 |
Box 68 Folder 14-15 | 49th Indian Science Congress, January 1962 |
Box 68 Folder 16 | Banaras Hindu University, January 1962 |
Box 69 Folder 1 | Annamalai University |
Box 69 Folder 2 | University of Calcutta |
Box 69 Folder 3 | Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur |
Box 69 Folder 4-5 | Organic Crystal Symposium, Ottawa 1962 |
Box 69 Folder 6 | Plutonium Chemistry Symposium, Argonne National Laboratory, February 18, 1963 |
Box 69 Folder 7 | Faraday Society Meeting, March 1963 (Mulliken did not attend) |
Box 69 Folder 8 | American Chemical Society, Los Angeles, March 31-April 5, 1963 |
Box 69 Folder 9 | United Aircraft Corp., Research Lab, 1963 |
Box 69 Folder 10 | Paris, 1963 |
Box 69 Folder 11-12 | National Academy of Science, Centennial Celebration, October 1963 |
Box 69 Folder 13 | University of Colorado, 1964 |
Box 69 Folder 14 | Electronics conference, Chicago, 1964 |
Box 69 Folder 15 | Molecular Electronic Spectroscopy, "Ramsay's Conference," New Hampshire, 1964 |
Box 69 Folder 16 | Organic Crystal Symposium, University of Chicago, 1965 |
Box 69 Folder 17 | American Physical Society, Chicago, October 28-30, 1965 |
Box 69 Folder 18-21 | XIII Conseil International de Chemie, Brussels, October 25-30, 1965 |
Box 70 Folder 1 | James Franck Symposium, University of Chicago, 1966, energy exchange in molecular systems |
Box 70 Folder 2 | "The Problem of Extraterrestrial Life," Raymond Birge, 1966 |
Box 70 Folder 3 | Spectroscopy Research Institute, UCSB, 1966 |
Box 70 Folder 4 | Canadian Symposium Quantum Chemistry, 1967, Montreal |
Box 70 Folder 5 | Marquette University, March 30, 1967 |
Box 70 Folder 6 | Chemical Society, London, anniversary meetings, April 3-6, 1967 |
Box 70 Folder 7 | International Conference on Spectroscopy, Bombay, 1967 |
Box 70 Folder 8 | Diatomic Collision and Electronic Structure, Stanford, May 2-4, 1967 |
Box 70 Folder 9 | Lockheed Research Colloquia, Palo Alto, 1967 |
Box 70 Folder 10 | Institut de la Vie, "Physique theoretique et Biologie," June 26-30, 1967 |
Box 70 Folder 11 | Radiation and the Structure of Matter, Robert A. Welch Foundation, Houston, December 4-6, 1967 |
Box 70 Folder 12-13 | Center for Theoretical Studies, University of Miami, 1967 |
Box 70 Folder 14 | University of California, Santa Barbara, January-February 1968 |
Box 70 Folder 15 | International Conference on Molecular Luminescence, Loyola University, August 1968 |
Box 70 Folder 16 | International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science, Paris, 1968 |
Box 70 Folder 17 | Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Royal Society, London, February 27, 1969 |
Box 70 Folder 18 | Photochem-Photophysics Meeting, Office of Naval Research, Santa Barbara, August 1, 1969 |
Box 70 Folder 19 | University of Iowa, October 13-17, 1969 |
Box 70 Folder 20 | Nobel Conferences, Gustavus Adolphus College, ca. 1970s |
Box 70 Folder 21 | Mardi Gras Symposium in Theoretical Chemistry, New Orleans, February 6, 1970 |
Box 70 Folder 22 | Aspects of Quantum Chemistry, Menton, France, July 8-13, 1970 |
Box 70 Folder 23 | Solid state chemistry, R. A. Welch Foundation, Houston, November 9-11, 1970 |
Box 70 Folder 24 | Fourth Canadian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, University of British Columbia, August 1971 |
Box 70 Folder 25 | Scientific Aspects of Global Environmental Problems, Center for Theoretical Studies, Miami, January 1972 |
Box 71 Folder 1-2 | 4th Austin Symposium on Gas Phase Molecular Structure, University of Texas, February 28-March 1, 1972 |
Box 71 Folder 3 | Institut de la Vie, Göttingen, May 1972 |
Box 71 Folder 4 | Computational methods for large molecules, IBM, San Jose, May 15-17, 1972 |
Box 71 Folder 5 | 14th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Toronto, June 22-28, 1972 |
Box 71 Folder 6 | First Decade of the Coral Gables, Conference on Fundamental Interactions, Center for Theoretical Studies, Miami, FL, January 22-26, 1973 |
Box 71 Folder 7-8 | First International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Menton, France, July 4-10, 1973 |
Box 71 Folder 9-10 | Symposium on the Jesse Effect, Oak Ridge, 1973 |
Box 71 Folder 11 | H-bonding, Rome, 1974 |
Box 71 Folder 12 | International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science, Menton, France, July 1974 |
Box 71 Folder 13-14 | 3rd International Congress, Iranian Chemical Society, March 28-April 1, 1975 |
Box 71 Folder 15 | Midwest Theoretical Chemistry Conference, Madison, May 1-3, 1975 |
Box 72 Folder 1 | VIII International Conference on Photochemistry, Edmonton, August 7-13, 1975 |
Box 72 Folder 2 | Nobel Festival, 1975 |
Box 72 Folder 3 | Teneriffe, 1976 |
Box 72 Folder 4 | Zurich, Lindau, Bonn, Bielefeld, 1976 |
Box 72 Folder 5 | Government project management seminars, 1979 |
Box 72 Folder 6 | Herzberg International Conference, Van der Waal's Molecules, August 1979 |
Box 72 Folder 7 | Theoretical Chemistry Institute, University of Wisconsin, June 18-20, 1981 |
Box 72 Folder 8 | NATO Advanced Study Institute, Charleston, June 14-27, 1981 |
Box 72 Folder 9 | International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin, "Celebration of 30 years of Mulliken's Charge Transfer Theory," December 16-22, 1981 |
Box 72 Folder 10 | Supercomputer Simulations in Chemistry, Montreal, August 25-27, 1985 |
Box 72 Folder 11 | Miscellaneous conferences |
Box 72 Folder 12 | Miscellaneous conferences photos |
Box 72 Folder 13 | Miscellaneous visits |
Box 72 Folder 14 | Miscellaneous talks, ca. 1920s |
Box 72 Folder 15 | "Interpretation of band spectra," January ca. 1920s |
Box 72 Folder 16 | "Excited molecules," ca. 1920s |
Box 72 Folder 17 | Seminar on band spectra, January-April 1924 |
Box 72 Folder 18 | "Interpretation of band spectra," American Association for the Advancement of Science, December, 1924 |
Box 72 Folder 19 | "Band spectra," October 8, 1926 |
Box 72 Folder 20-24 | Lecture notes, New York University, ca. 1926-1928 |
Box 73 Folder 1-3 | Lecture notes, New York University, ca. 1926-1928 |
Box 73 Folder 4-7 | Quantum theory and spectroscopy lectures I, New York University, ca. 1926-1928 |
Box 73 Folder 8-9 | Quantum theory and spectroscopy lectures II, New York University, ca. 1926-1928 |
Box 73 Folder 10 | Quantum theory and spectroscopy lectures, New York University, miscellaneous material |
Box 73 Folder 11 | Bell Telephone laboratories, January, 1927 |
Box 73 Folder 12 | Sigma Xi, February 17, 1927 |
Box 73 Folder 13 | "Interpretation of band spectra," Rockefeller Institute, February 18, 1927 |
Box 73 Folder 14 | Colloquium, New York City, February 1927 |
Box 73 Folder 15 | Columbia University, May 6, 1927 |
Box 73 Folder 16-17 | Talks, 1927-1928 |
Box 73 Folder 18 | Physics Club, January 24, 1929 |
Box 73 Folder 19 | Physics Club, January 27, 1929 |
Box 73 Folder 20 | "Band spectra and atomic nuclei," Physics Club, October 24, 1929 |
Box 73 Folder 21 | Miscellaneous talks, ca. 1930s |
Box 73 Folder 22 | Atomic spectra I, slides, ca. 1930s |
Box 73 Folder 23 | Molecules, slides, ca. 1930s |
Box 73 Folder 24 | "Molecular spectra and molecular structure, talk to engineers," February 14, 1930 |
Box 73 Folder 25 | "The light of molecules," X Club, March 3, 1930 |
Box 73 Folder 26 | "Relation of chi configurations of molecules to chemical binding," University of Illinois, January, 1932 |
Box 73 Folder 27 | "Quantum theory and valence," Chaos Club, February 20, 1932 |
Box 73 Folder 28 | "Quantum theory of the double bond," Stockholm, October 1, 1932 |
Box 73 Folder 29 | "Electronic structures of Polyatomic Molecules," Utrecht, G"ttingen, November 1932 |
Box 73 Folder 30 | "Application of group theory to polyatomic molecular problems," Physics Club, May 18, 1933 |
Box 73 Folder 31 | "Electronic structure of Polyatomic Molecules," American Association for the Advancement of Science, June 19, 1933 |
Box 73 Folder 32 | Public lectures, spring 1934 |
Box 73 Folder 33 | Lecture series, summer 1934, correspondence |
Box 73 Folder 34 | "Halogen molecules and their spectra," Physics Club, December 6, 1934 |
Box 74 Folder 1 | Talks at the University of California, Berkeley, October 1935 |
Box 74 Folder 2 | Talks at the California Institute of Technology, fall 1935 |
Box 74 Folder 3 | Talks, Minneapolis, February 10-11, 1937 |
Box 74 Folder 4 | "Science and the scientific attitude," University of Chicago trustees' dinner, 1937 |
Box 74 Folder 5 | "Energy levels of ionized molecules," Yerkes Observatory, November 6, 1937 |
Box 74 Folder 6 | "Electronic structure of molecules," National Academy of Sciences, Chicago, 1937 |
Box 74 Folder 7 | "Interpretation of the properties of alkali-halides," Physics Club, April 7, 1938 |
Box 74 Folder 8 | "Cause of intense color in the carotenoid pigments," National Academy of Sciences, April 24, 1939 |
Box 74 Folder 9 | Spectroscopy seminar, November 1-15, 1939 |
Box 74 Folder 10 | "Intensities of electronic transitions in molecules," Yerkes Observatory, June 25, 1939 |
Box 74 Folder 11 | "Absorption and refractivity in organic molecules," 1939 |
Box 74 Folder 12 | "Electron structure of molecules," seminar notes by Beutler, 1939 |
Box 74 Folder 13 | Spectra, Illinois Com. Chicago Association of Commerce, May 20, 1939 |
Box 74 Folder 14 | "Absolute intensities in halide spectra," American Physical Society, November 1940 |
Box 74 Folder 15 | "Ultraviolet spectra of hydrogen and alkali halides," spectroscopy seminar, August 6, 1941 |
Box 74 Folder 16 | "Nature of methyl iodide absorption," American Physical Society, Chicago, 1941 |
Box 74 Folder 17 | American Physical Society meeting, Ann Arbor, February 1942 |
Box 74 Folder 18 | "Spectra of salt molecules," spectroscopy seminar, May 6, 1942 |
Box 74 Folder 19 | Spectra, seminar, July 22, 1942 |
Box 74 Folder 20 | "Spectra of molecules," 1942 |
Box 74 Folder 21 | Color and the electron structure of complex molecules, Northwestern University, December 30-31, 1946 |
Box 74 Folder 22 | Talks, 1948 |
Box 74 Folder 23 | "Structure of the complexes formed by iodide," physical chemistry seminar, October 24, 1949 |
Box 74 Folder 24 | Seminar talks, 1949-1950 |
Box 74 Folder 25 | "Intermolecular compounds and the color of iodine solutions," Chaos Club, February 18, 1950 |
Box 74 Folder 26 | "Lewis acids and bases and Molecular Complexes," American Chemical Society, Division of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, Chicago, September 3-8, 1950 |
Box 74 Folder 27 | American Chemical Society Coover Lecture, Ames, Iowa, January 19, 1951 |
Box 74 Folder 28 | "Theory of spectra of Molecular Complexes," Columbus, June, 1951 |
Box 74 Folder 29 | "Donor-acceptor interactions and charge transfer forces," talks, 1952-1960 |
Box 74 Folder 30 | "The N2 problem," January 22, 1952 |
Box 74 Folder 31 | "Charge transfer spectra of Molecular Complexes," theoretical physics seminar, Clarrendon Laboratory, December 3, 1952 |
Box 74 Folder 32-33 | Talks, 1953-1958 |
Box 74 Folder 34 | Talks, Germany and Switzerland, 1953 |
Box 75 Folder 1 | "Molecular Complexes; Charge transfer spectra and charge transfer forces," Milan, May 29, 1953 |
Box 75 Folder 2 | Dinner talk, American Physical Society, November 27, 1953 |
Box 75 Folder 3 | "Intimate electronic structure of molecules," 1954 |
Box 75 Folder 4 | "Molecular structures and energies by the LCAO-SCF method," 1954 |
Box 75 Folder 5 | "Population analysis," 1955-1956 |
Box 75 Folder 6 | "Thoughts on quantum chemistry," Madison, June 1956 |
Box 75 Folder 7 | "Conjugation and hyperconjugation," Northwestern University, October 30, 1959 |
Box 75 Folder 8 | Talks, 1959-1961 |
Box 75 Folder 9 | Baker Lectures, Cornell University, 1960 |
Box 75 Folder 10 | "Charge transfer complexes and their spectra," industrial sponsors meeting, October 26, 1960 |
Box 75 Folder 11 | G. N. Lewis medal, slides, 1960 |
Box 75 Folder 12 | Molecular Rydberg states, 1960-1964 |
Box 75 Folder 13 | Seminar, fall 1961 |
Box 75 Folder 14 | Columbus, 1961 |
Box 75 Folder 15-18 | "Electronic structures and spectra," Iowa City, 1961 |
Box 75 Folder 19 | Complexes, Bombay, IBM, Kanpur, 1962 |
Box 75 Folder 20 | N2 and CO, Cuttack, India, April 1, 1962 |
Box 75 Folder 21-23 | "Molecular orbital theory," Bombay, 1962 |
Box 75 Folder 24 | Kanpur, 1962 |
Box 76 Folder 1-5 | Kanpur, 1962 |
Box 76 Folder 6 | "Complexes," Bombay, 1962 |
Box 76 Folder 7-8 | Vacuum ultraviolet radiation physics, University of California, Los Angeles, 1962 |
Box 76 Folder 9 | Talks, 1963-1964 |
Box 76 Folder 10 | Debye award, Los Angeles, 1963 |
Box 76 Folder 11 | Kirkwood award, November 12, 1964, slides |
Box 76 Folder 12-15 | "Molecular Complexes," 1965 |
Box 77 Folder 1 | "Molecular Complexes," 1965 |
Box 77 Folder 2-8 | Silliman lectures, Yale University, 1965 |
Box 77 Folder 9 | Rydberg states, City College of New York, May 7, 1965 |
Box 77 Folder 10 | Willard Gibbs Award, May 21, 1965 |
Box 77 Folder 11-12 | Mulliken Symposium, Sanibel Island, 1965 |
Box 77 Folder 13 | "Rydberg states and all that," IBM, San Jose, September 23, 1965 |
Box 77 Folder 14 | Ethylene, Northwestern University, November 9, 1965, slides |
Box 77 Folder 15 | Rydberg states, 1965 |
Box 77 Folder 16 | Nobel prize lecture, 1966, slides |
Box 77 Folder 17 | Sigma Xi, Florida State University, 1967 |
Box 77 Folder 18 | "Spectroscopy, quantum chemistry, and molecular physics," American Physical Society, Washington, D.C., April 24-27, 1967 |
Box 77 Folder 19 | "Charge transfer spectra," Florida State University, 1967 |
Box 77 Folder 20 | "Charge transfer spectra," slides |
Box 77 Folder 21 | Lindau, 1967 |
Box 77 Folder 22 | "Electron donor acceptor interactions," Welch Foundation, Houston, December 1967 |
Box 77 Folder 23 | Lecture series, University of California, Santa Barbara, January-February 1968 |
Box 78 Folder 1 | "Hyperconjugation," University of California, Santa Barbara, 1968 |
Box 78 Folder 2 | "Donor-acceptor interactions," Paris, May 1968 |
Box 78 Folder 3 | "Donor-acceptor complexes and their spectra," Brookhaven, 1968 |
Box 78 Folder 4 | "Rydberg series and dissociation relations," Lindau, 1968 |
Box 78 Folder 5 | "Electron donor-acceptor interactions," Charge-transfer spectra, University of Liege, May 30, 1968 |
Box 78 Folder 6 | "Ultraviolet spectra and excited states of ethylene," manuscript, n.d. |
Box 78 Folder 7 | Talks, 1968-1980 |
Box 78 Folder 8 | "Molecular orbitals," Florida Academy of Sciences luncheon, March 14, 1969 |
Box 78 Folder 9 | "Molecular Complexes," University of Nebraska, May 6-8, 1969 |
Box 78 Folder 10 | "Ethylene and its excited states," Chemistry Department seminar, October 9, 1969 |
Box 78 Folder 11 | "Molecular Complexes," Hunter College, November 4, 1969 |
Box 78 Folder 12 | "The spectra and excited states of rare gas molecules," chemical physics seminar, May 13, 1970 |
Box 78 Folder 13 | Gordon conference lecture, 1970, slides |
Box 78 Folder 14 | "The path to MO theory," ca. 1970, slides |
Box 78 Folder 15 | "Iodine revisited," ca. 1970, slides |
Box 78 Folder 16-17 | "Cosmic preludes to biological evolution," University of Missouri, Kansas City, March 31, 1972 |
Box 78 Folder 18 | Symposium on Chemical and Biological Evolution, University of Missouri, Kansas City, April 1972 |
Box 78 Folder 19 | "N2 correlation diagrams and Rydbergescence," Boulder, Baltimore, Chicago, 1972 |
Box 78 Folder 20 | "Evolution of the Universe," Moraine Valley Technical College, April 10, 1973 |
Box 78 Folder 21 | "Xe2," Jesse Symposium, 1973, slides |
Box 78 Folder 22 | "Mixed V states," ca. 1974, slides |
Box 78 Folder 23 | "Several things on N2 and its spectrum," Stockholm, 1975 |
Box 78 Folder 24 | Madison, May, 1975, slides |
Box 78 Folder 25 | Miscellaneous, ca. 1970s |
Box 78 Folder 26 | "Spectroscopy and molecular structure," Symposium on the History of Spectroscopy, New York, January 28, 1981 |
Box 79 Folder 1 | Tape recording, Nobel banquet speeches, 1966 |
Box 79 Folder 2-5 | Tape recording, lectures, January 1968 |
Box 79 Folder 6-7 | Tape recording, University of California, Santa Barbara, February, 1968 |
Subseries 4: Research notes and related materials |
Box 80 Folder 1 | Notes on M. Born, ca. 1923-1925 |
Box 80 Folder 2 | Harvard University, Physics 10, Electron Theory of Matter, Richardson, ca. 1923-1925 |
Box 80 Folder 3-5 | Harvard University, Electromagnetic Theory, E. C. Kemble, ca. 1923-1925 |
Box 80 Folder 6-7 | Harvard University, Physics 16a, Introduction to Quantum Theory, E. C. Kemble, ca. 1923-1925 |
Box 80 Folder 8 | Thermodynamics, ca. 1920s |
Box 80 Folder 9-10 | Harvard University, Fourier series, Birkhoff, ca. 1923-1925 |
Box 80 Folder 11 | Harvard University, Exact differentials, ca, 1923-1925 |
Box 80 Folder 12 | Harvard University, Dynamics, Kellog, ca. 1923-1925 |
Box 80 Folder 15 | Harvard University, Complex variables, Brinkmann, ca. 1923-1925 |
Box 80 Folder 16-17 | Miscellaneous notes, ca. 1923-1925 |
Box 80 Folder 18-19 | Electronic states and band structure, 1924-1930, reprints |
Box 81 Folder 1 | Isotope effect in band spectra, reprints |
Box 81 Folder 2 | Organic chemistry, separation of isotopes, reprints |
Box 81 Folder 3 | Silicon nitride |
Box 81 Folder 4 | Cuprous iodide and notes on other salts |
Box 81 Folder 5 | Calculation of constants for CaH band |
Box 81 Folder 6 | "The interpretations of band spectra," manuscript |
Box 81 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous research notes, ca. 1920s |
Box 81 Folder 8-11 | Miscellaneous research notes, ca. 1926-1928 |
Box 81 Folder 12 | "Electronic states IV", manuscript |
Box 81 Folder 13-14 | Fine structure, manuscript, ca. 1920s |
Box 81 Folder 15 | Molecular quantum numbers |
Box 81 Folder 16 | Molecular models |
Box 81 Folder 17 | Calcium hydride band |
Box 81 Folder 18 | Intensity relations in band spectra |
Box 82 Folder 1 | Structure of BO and CN binuclear octets |
Box 82 Folder 3 | Problem of rotational doubling |
Box 82 Folder 4-5 | Summation rule, deductions and reprints |
Box 82 Folder 6 | Missing level patterns, ca. 1920s |
Box 82 Folder 8-11 | Diatomic notation |
Box 82 Folder 12 | Dissociation processes in Polyatomic Molecules, ca. 1930s |
Box 82 Folder 13 | AlH, CH bands |
Box 82 Folder 14-18 | Resonance energy benzene |
Box 83 Folder 1 | Determination of possible molecular states from atomic states |
Box 83 Folder 2-3 | Research notes, ca. 1930s |
Box 83 Folder 4 | Polyatomic spin orbits ca. 1930s-1950s |
Box 83 Folder 5 | Triatomic molecules, ca. 1930s-1940s |
Box 83 Folder 6 | Hyperconjugation, notes, ca. 1953 |
Box 84 Folder 1 | Research notes, Berlin, ca. 1930s |
Box 84 Folder 2-3 | Halogen, hydrogen and alkali halides, notes and reprints, 1930-1970 |
Box 84 Folder 4-5 | Electronic states and band structure, notes and reprints, 1931-1969 |
Box 84 Folder 6-8 | Electron structure and valence, electronegativities, polyatomic spectra, notes and reprints, 1931-1941 |
Box 84 Folder 9 | Notes on quantum mechanics, Edward Teller, n.d. |
Box 84 Folder 10 | Nomenclature, notes and reprints, 1930-1955 |
Box 84 Folder 11 | Absolute intensities and electronic states, refractive hyperconjugation, reprints, 1934-1961 |
Box 84 Folder 12-13 | Symmetric top wave functions, ca. 1930s |
Box 84 Folder 14-18 | Miscellaneous notes, ca. 1930s |
Box 85 Folder 1-2 | Ultraviolet NH3 spectrum |
Box 85 Folder 3-5 | Diphenyl polyenes, notes, ca. 1939 |
Box 85 Folder 6-8 | Triatomic molecules, ca. 1930s-1940s |
Box 85 Folder 9 | Computing machines |
Box 85 Folder 10-14 | Miscellaneous notes, ca. 1940s |
Box 85 Folder 15 | "Spectra of triatomic molecules," outline and correspondence, ca. 1941-1943 |
Box 85 Folder 16-18 | Computations, 1941 |
Box 85 Folder 19 | Work Projects Administration mathematical tables, ca. 1941 |
Box 85 Folder 20-21 | Miscellaneous notes |
Box 86 Folder 1-5 | Diatomic overlaps, notes |
Box 86 Folder 6 | Electronic structures and valence, electronegativities, polyatomic spectra, 1942-1958 |
Box 86 Folder 7 | Charge distribution and hyperconjugation, correspondence, 1942-1945 |
Box 86 Folder 8-9 | Hyperconjugation, Mulliken and Roothaan, 1946 |
Box 86 Folder 10-11 | Hyperconjugation I, notes |
Box 86 Folder 12-14 | Hyperconjugation II, notes |
Box 86 Folder 15 | Conjugation and hyperconjugation, reprints, 1941-1962 |
Box 86 Folder 16 | "Nuclear power and the nuclear bomb," typescript, notes |
Box 86 Folder 17 | Butadiene and higher polyenes, ca. 1940s |
Box 86 Folder 18 | Benzene and graphite, ca. 1940s |
Box 87 Folder 2-4 | f-values and observational curves |
Box 87 Folder 5 | f correction for liquids |
Box 87 Folder 6-7 | f-values of H2 |
Box 87 Folder 8-11 | Prewar M and R notes |
Box 87 Folder 12 | 11 atom chain R intensities |
Box 87 Folder 13-14 | S,p mixing in N2 |
Box 87 Folder 15 | Flourocarbons, ca. 1946 |
Box 87 Folder 16-17 | LCAO general methods, S to á |
Box 87 Folder 18 | LCAO method including notation |
Box 87 Folder 19-20 | Research plans, 1945-1950 |
Box 87 Folder 21 | Spectroscopic laboratory negotiations, ca. 1945-1950 |
Box 88 Folder 1-2 | Book plans, ca. 1946-1954 |
Box 88 Folder 3 | "Stability of B's and G's for C2H4" |
Box 88 Folder 4 | Bond fission energies |
Box 88 Folder 5 | Bond energies of paraffins |
Box 88 Folder 6 | Miscellaneous secular equation solutions |
Box 88 Folder 7 | Negative charge on O in H2O |
Box 88 Folder 8-10 | Group theory, notes, ca. 1940s |
Box 88 Folder 11 | Dipole moments, HCl, HI, H2O |
Box 88 Folder 12 | LCAO evaluations |
Box 88 Folder 13 | LCAO energy calculation |
Box 88 Folder 14 | Miscellaneous notes, ca. 1947 |
Box 88 Folder 15 | LCAO bond orders |
Box 88 Folder 16-17 | Rydberg series, notes, ca. 1940s |
Box 88 Folder 18-20 | Paris paper |
Box 89 Folder 1-3 | Paris paper |
Box 89 Folder 4-5 | Electronic structures and valence, Paris report |
Box 89 Folder 6 | "Report on molecular orbit theory," corrected English version |
Box 89 Folder 7-9 | "Report on molecular orbit theory," typescripts |
Box 89 Folder 10 | Overlap integrals, Kinyon, 1948 |
Box 89 Folder 11 | Many-center case alpha and beta, ca. 1948 |
Box 89 Folder 12-14 | Bond energies and spectra, ca. 1949 |
Box 89 Folder 15 | Literature references, ca. 1940s |
Box 89 Folder 16-17 | Isotopes information, ca. 1949 |
Box 90 Folder 1 | Isotopes information, ca. 1949 |
Box 90 Folder 2-3 | Dipole moment and electronegativities |
Box 90 Folder 4 | Diphenyl twisting |
Box 90 Folder 5 | Singlet-triplet separations |
Box 90 Folder 7 | Overlap integrals and chemical binding |
Box 90 Folder 8 | Longuet-Higgins, research notes, ca. 1948-1950 |
Box 90 Folder 9 | Overlap integrals and molecular energies |
Box 90 Folder 10 | Atomic radii, Slater SCF, bond energies |
Box 90 Folder 11-14 | Hybridization and the N2 and F2 problems, 1949 |
Box 90 Folder 15 | "Report on molecular orbit theory V," typescript |
Box 90 Folder 16-18 | Miscellaneous notes, ca. 1950s |
Box 91 Folder 1-4 | Miscellaneous notes, ca. 1950s |
Box 91 Folder 5 | Linvatt, J. W., research notes, ca. 1950 |
Box 91 Folder 6-7 | Overlap, spring 1950 |
Box 91 Folder 8-9 | Overlap, summer 1950 |
Box 91 Folder 10 | Overlap papers I, II, 1951 |
Box 91 Folder 11 | Reaction mechanisms, 1951 |
Box 91 Folder 12 | Magic formula, manuscript, ca. 1951 |
Box 91 Folder 13-14 | Magic formula, Kinyon, 1951 |
Box 91 Folder 15 | Magic formula, Aoki correspondence |
Box 91 Folder 16-17 | Charge-transfer complexes, notes, 1951-1953 |
Box 91 Folder 18-20 | "Molecular compounds and their spectra III," notes, manuscript and correspondence |
Box 92 Folder 1-4 | "Nomenclature for polyatomic spectra," typescripts |
Box 92 Folder 5 | Computing project, 1951-1953 |
Box 92 Folder 6 | Computing project, 1953-1955 |
Box 92 Folder 7-10 | "Interaction of electron donors and acceptors I, II," typescripts |
Box 92 Folder 11 | Notes, 1953 |
Box 92 Folder 12 | Atomic energy, miscellaneous notes |
Box 92 Folder 13 | Atomic correlation energies, 1953 |
Box 92 Folder 14 | MAO calculations, November 1954 |
Box 92 Folder 15-17 | Overlap population 1954, N2, C. W. Scherr, BH, CO, Sahin |
Box 93 Folder 1 | Penetration energies |
Box 93 Folder 2 | Bond structure notes, 1954 |
Box 93 Folder 3 | AFCRC, N2 active N |
Box 93 Folder 4-6 | Book, Hartree, Fock, Slater, notes |
Box 93 Folder 7-9 | Book, Orgel, Coulson, Greenwood, 1954, notes |
Box 93 Folder 10-12 | Book, notes and outlines |
Box 93 Folder 13-17 | Unpublished book, typescripts |
Box 94 Folder 1-4 | Orgel-Mulliken collaboration |
Box 94 Folder 5-8 | Molecular integral computations |
Box 94 Folder 9-10 | MO problems, Rydberg states, ca. 1950s |
Box 94 Folder 11 | "Molecular orbitals," correspondence and draft, 1955 |
Box 94 Folder 12-13 | Notation for bond orbitals, ca. 1955 |
Box 94 Folder 14 | Polyatomic notation, ca. 1956 |
Box 94 Folder 15 | AMR, benzene ring series |
Box 95 Folder 1 | Acetylene, HCN, related compounds, AFCRC |
Box 95 Folder 2 | Iodine complexes, deMaine, Paul, correspondence and typescripts, 1956-1958 |
Box 95 Folder 3 | Muller and Mulliken, 1957 |
Box 95 Folder 4 | Tsubomura and Mulliken, ca. 1957 |
Box 95 Folder 5 | "Bond lengths and bond energies in conjugation and hyperconjugation," typescript and correspondence |
Box 95 Folder 6 | Isovalent hyperconjugation, Tetrahedron manuscript, ca. 1958 |
Box 95 Folder 7 | Notes, 1958 |
Box 95 Folder 8-12 | Hyperconjugation and conjugation, ca. 1958-1959 |
Box 95 Folder 13 | Informal commentary on Dewar's proposals on conjugation and hyperconjugation, ca. 1959 |
Box 95 Folder 14 | C2 and Cn, SiC oxides |
Box 95 Folder 15 | Nitrogen, O2, NO, etc., curves |
Box 95 Folder 16-17 | Proposed volume of selected works, notes and correspondence |
Box 95 Folder 18 | Bibliography on diatomic molecules, 1950-1960 |
Box 95 Folder 19 | Electronic structures and valence, electronegativities, polyatomic spectra, reprints, ca. 1959-1974 |
Box 96 Folder 1 | Radical complexes, notes and correspondence, ca. 1960s |
Box 96 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous notes and correspondence, ca. 1950s-1960s |
Box 96 Folder 3-7 | Miscellaneous research notes, ca. 1960s |
Box 96 Folder 8 | Dispersion, 1st order, preliminary notes, ca. 1960 |
Box 96 Folder 9-12 | Predissociation, notes and drafts, ca. 1960-1961 |
Box 96 Folder 13 | Plans for diatomic calculations, ca. 1961 |
Box 96 Folder 14-17 | N2, notes, ca. 1960s |
Box 97 Folder 1-2 | Xe2, notes |
Box 97 Folder 3 | Carbon-flouride compounds, notes, ca. 1962 |
Box 97 Folder 4 | Nonbonded repulsions |
Box 97 Folder 5 | Donors and acceptors, Paris paper, ca. 1960s |
Box 97 Folder 6 | Rydberg series, notes, ca. 1962 |
Box 97 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous notes, ca. 1962-1964 |
Box 97 Folder 8 | Nomenclature, ca. 1964 |
Box 97 Folder 9 | Complexes, notes |
Box 97 Folder 10-11 | C2H4, etc., ethylene, ca. 1965 |
Box 97 Folder 12 | Evolution of the LCAO-MO idea, ca. 1965 |
Box 97 Folder 13-15 | "Rydberg states of molecules," typescripts, notes and correspondence, ca. 1960s |
Box 98 Folder 1-11 | "Rydberg states of molecules," typescripts, notes and correspondence, ca. 1960s |
Box 98 Folder 12 | n-pi complexes, ca. 1966 |
Box 98 Folder 13 | Kwun project on H2, N2 heuristic study |
Box 98 Folder 14 | Localized MOs, notes and correspondence, ca. 1960s |
Box 99 Folder 1 | Oscillator strengths, notes |
Box 99 Folder 2 | Population analysis |
Box 99 Folder 3 | "Rare gas molecule electronic states," typescript and notes |
Box 99 Folder 4 | Notes on work of J. N. Murrell, ca. 1965 |
Box 99 Folder 5-6 | "Molecular compounds and their spectra XXI," notes, drafts, and correspondence, ca. 1968 |
Box 99 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous notes, ca. 1960s-1970s |
Box 99 Folder 8 | Weak complexes, notes and correspondence, ca. 1971 |
Box 99 Folder 9-10 | "Mixed V states," correspondence and notes, ca. 1972 |
Box 99 Folder 11-12 | van Duijneveldt, Frans, manuscripts and correspondence, ca. 1970s |
Box 99 Folder 13 | "Energies and orbital sizes," typescript, ca. 1976 |
Box 99 Folder 14 | "Predissociation and à doubling," typescript, ca. 1976 |
Box 99 Folder 15 | "Ab initio SCF computations," typescript |
Box 99 Folder 16 | Methods of quantum mechanics I, II, Ohio State University, n.d. |
Box 100 Folder 1-3 | Calculations, n.d. |
Box 100 Folder 4 | Bibliographies, n.d. |
Box 100 Folder 5-7 | Diatomic spectra, reprints, n.d. |
Box 100 Folder 8-9 | Review articles, n.d. |
Box 100 Folder 10-11 | Molecular Complexes and their spectra, reprints, n.d. |
Box 100 Folder 12 | Assorted lecture slides, n.d. |
Box 100 Folder 13 | Computation notes, n.d. |
Box 100 Folder 14 | F. Baldwin, n.d. |
Subseries 5: Glass photographic plates |
Box 101 Folder 1-14 | Assorted plates and sleeves, ca. 1920s |
Box 102 Folder 1-15 | Assorted plates and sleeves, ca. 1920s |
Box 103 Folder 1-20 | Assorted plates and sleeves, ca. 1920s |
Box 104 Folder 1-19 | Assorted plates and sleeves, ca. 1920s |
Subseries 6: Reprints of articles by Mulliken |
Box 105 Folder 1 | 1919-1924 |
Box 105 Folder 2 | 1925-1926 |
Box 105 Folder 3 | 1927-1928 |
Box 105 Folder 4 | 1929-1931 |
Box 105 Folder 6 | 1933-1934 |
Box 105 Folder 7 | 1935-1936 |
Box 105 Folder 10 | 1940-1941 |
Box 106 Folder 1 | 1942-1945 |
Box 106 Folder 2-4 | 1948-1949 |
Box 106 Folder 5 | 1950-1952 |
Box 106 Folder 6 | 1953-1954 |
Box 106 Folder 7 | 1955-1956 |
Box 106 Folder 8 | 1957-1958 |
Box 106 Folder 9-10 | 1959-1963 |
Box 106 Folder 11 | 1964-1968 |
Box 106 Folder 12 | 1968-1970 |
Box 106 Folder 13 | 1971-1974 |
Box 106 Folder 14 | 1975-1978 |
Box 106 Folder 15 | 1978-1986 |
Series IV: University of Chicago |
Box 107 Folder 1 | Class notes, University of Chicago, ca. 1920s |
Box 107 Folder 2 | Mulliken appointment negotiations, 1928 |
Box 107 Folder 3 | Appointments, miscellaneous |
Box 107 Folder 4 | University of Chicago, correspondence, 1950-1979 |
Box 107 Folder 5 | University of Chicago, faculty memoranda |
Box 107 Folder 6-7 | Council of the University Senate, subcommittee on pensions, 1953 |
Box 107 Folder 8-9 | Academic pensions |
Box 107 Folder 10 | University of Chicago Alumni Association |
Box 107 Folder 11 | Chaos Club |
Box 107 Folder 12 | Midway Laboratories |
Box 107 Folder 13 | Tuesday Club, talk, 1948 |
Box 107 Folder 14 | Tuesday Club, 1950-1961 |
Box 107 Folder 15 | Tuesday Club, 1962 |
Box 107 Folder 16 | Tuesday Club, 1963 |
Box 107 Folder 17 | Tuesday Club, 1964-1966 |
Box 108 Folder 1-2 | University of Chicago Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration, 1941 |
Box 108 Folder 3 | Darwin Centennial Celebration, November 24-28, 1959 |
Subseries 2: Physical Sciences Division |
Box 108 Folder 4 | Research in Progress, contributions 1961-1974 |
Box 108 Folder 5 | Policy committee, memoranda, 1955-1980 |
Box 108 Folder 6-7 | Memoranda, 1956-1982 |
Box 108 Folder 8 | Faculty meetings, 1957-1967 |
Box 108 Folder 9 | Physical Sciences Collegiate Division, 1980-1981 |
Box 108 Folder 10 | Basic Research Program in the Physical Sciences, conferences with industrial and governmental sponsors, 1960-1965 |
Subseries 3: Department of Physics |
Box 108 Folder 11 | Physics Department, ca. 1930s |
Box 108 Folder 12 | Spectroscopy seminar, 1941 |
Box 108 Folder 13-18 | Physics department organization ca. 1940s |
Box 108 Folder 19 | Degrees awarded to 1947 |
Box 108 Folder 20 | Physics Department organization, ca. 1954-1955 |
Box 109 Folder 1-3 | General department memoranda |
Box 109 Folder 4 | Departmental correspondence, ca. 1950s-1970s |
Box 109 Folder 5 | By-laws, 1973 |
Box 109 Folder 6-7 | Center for physics proposals 1975-82 |
Box 109 Folder 8 | Student lists |
Box 109 Folder 9 | Graduate students |
Box 109 Folder 10 | Student recommendations |
Box 109 Folder 11 | Course grades 1949-65 |
Box 109 Folder 12-15 | Teaching activities committee and related materials |
Box 109 Folder 16 | Curriculum |
Box 109 Folder 17 | Course outlines, 1964 |
Box 110 Folder 1 | Course outlines, 1966 |
Box 110 Folder 2 | Course outlines, 1971 |
Box 110 Folder 3 | Course outlines, 1978-82 |
Box 110 Folder 4 | Committee and teaching assignments |
Box 110 Folder 5-6 | Candidacy exams, 1958-63 |
Box 110 Folder 7-8 | Candidacy exams, 1964-66 |
Box 110 Folder 9 | Candidacy exams, 1967-77 |
Box 110 Folder 10 | Physics colloquium, Winter 1963 |
Box 110 Folder 11 | Physics colloquium, Fall 1967 |
Box 110 Folder 12 | Physics colloquium, 1973 |
Box 110 Folder 13 | Physics colloquium, miscellaneous |
Box 110 Folder 14 | Chemical physics seminar |
Box 110 Folder 15 | Department meetings, 1957-60 |
Box 111 Folder 1 | Department meetings, 1961-63 |
Box 111 Folder 2-6 | Department meetings, 1965-82 |
Box 111 Folder 7 | Department meetings, miscellaneous |
Subseries 4: Laboratory of Molecular Structure and Spectra (LMSS) |
Box 111 Folder 8-10 | Shop manuals |
Box 111 Folder 11-12 | Embassy correspondence, 1955 |
Box 111 Folder 13 | Argonne National Laboratory |
Box 111 Folder 14 | Facilities memoranda |
Box 111 Folder 15 | Reprint file list |
Box 111 Folder 16-19 | Miscellaneous correspondence |
Box 112 Folder 1-2 | Miscellaneous correspondence |
Subseries 5: LMSS Research Reports |
Box 112 Folder 3-4 | Reprint correspondence |
Box 112 Folder 5-6 | Letters of transmittal for manuscripts |
Box 112 Folder 7-8 | Technical Reports, correspondence |
Box 112 Folder 9 | Technical Reports, requests |
Box 112 Folder 10-12 | Quarterly status reports |
Box 112 Folder 13-14 | Technical reports |
Box 113 Folder 1-4 | Technical Reports, |
Box 113 Folder 5 | Research associates, publications lists |
Box 113 Folder 6 | Publications, 1947-1971 |
Box 113 Folder 8 | Technical reports, distribution list, 1971-1972 |
Box 113 Folder 9 | Distribution lists |
Box 113 Folder 10 | Distribution lists additions |
Subseries 6: LMSS Personnel |
Box 113 Folder 11-14 | Postdoctoral candidates, 1956-1967 |
Box 114 Folder 1-2 | Postdoctoral candidates, 1968-1974 |
Box 114 Folder 3 | Tax and contract information |
Box 114 Folder 4 | Foreign visitors, 1960-1966 |
Box 114 Folder 5 | Research associates and assistants, salary and tax status |
Box 114 Folder 6-12 | Personnel correspondence |
Box 114 Folder 13 | Correspondence, travel and honorarium |
Box 114 Folder 14 | Curriculum vitaes and bibliography |
Subseries 7: Grants and Contracts |
Box 114 Folder 15-16 | Advanced Research Projects Agency, annual reports, 1963-1970 |
Box 114 Folder 17-19 | Advanced Research Projects Agency, quarterly progress reports, 1966-1970 |
Box 115 Folder 1 | Advanced Research Projects Agency, report, 1968-1969 |
Box 115 Folder 2 | Advanced Research Projects Agency, memoranda |
Box 115 Folder 3-6 | Advanced Research Projects Agency, requests for clearance |
Box 115 Folder 7-8 | Advanced Research Projects Agency, contracts, equipment purchases, ca. 1960s |
Box 115 Folder 9 | Advanced Research Projects Agency, materials research and other reports |
Box 115 Folder 10 | Air Force Cambridge Research Center, grant proposals, 1953-1965 |
Box 115 Folder 11-12 | Air Force Cambridge Research Center, contracts, 1963-1965 |
Box 115 Folder 13-16 | Air Force Cambridge Research Center, Geophysics Division, quarterly status reports, 1963-1967 |
Box 115 Folder 17 | Air Force Cambridge Research Center, Office of Aerospace Research, contracts, final report, 1967 |
Box 116 Folder 1 | Air Force Cambridge Research Center, contracts, extension proposals |
Box 116 Folder 2 | Air Force Cambridge Research Center, contracts, accounts and budgets |
Box 116 Folder 3 | Air Force Cambridge Research Center, contracts, budgets |
Box 116 Folder 4-5 | Air Force Cambridge Research Center, contracts, correspondence, 1966-1969 |
Box 116 Folder 6 | Air Force Cambridge Research Center, proposals, submitted December 13, 1974 |
Box 116 Folder 7 | Air Force Cambridge Research Center, Office for Scientific Research, proposal, 1975 |
Box 116 Folder 8-10 | American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund |
Box 116 Folder 11 | American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, 18th Annual Report on Research, 1973 |
Box 116 Folder 12 | American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, 19th Annual Report of Research, 1974 |
Box 116 Folder 13 | American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, 20th Annual Report of Research, 1975 |
Box 116 Folder 14 | American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, grant proposals, 1973 |
Box 116 Folder 15 | National Science Foundation, grant proposals, 1957, 1961 |
Box 116 Folder 16 | National Science Foundation, grant proposals, 1961, 1963 |
Box 116 Folder 17 | National Science Foundation, grant proposals, grants, proposals and budgets, 1963-1968 |
Box 117 Folder 1-10 | National Science Foundation, grant proposals, 1964-1977 |
Box 117 Folder 11 | National Science Foundation, grants and budgets, 1969-1976 |
Box 117 Folder 12 | National Science Foundation, budgets, ca. 1960s |
Box 117 Folder 13 | National Science Foundation, grants, final reports, 1959-1968 |
Box 117 Folder 14 | National Science Foundation, LMSS remodeling project, correspondence |
Box 117 Folder 15 | National Science Foundation, LMSS remodeling project, proposals |
Box 118 Folder 1-3 | National Science Foundation, grants, correspondence |
Box 118 Folder 4 | Navy sponsored spectroscopic research, 1953-1957 |
Box 118 Folder 5 | Navy sponsored spectroscopic research, final report, 1956 |
Box 118 Folder 6-8 | Navy sponsored spectroscopic research, 1957-1964 |
Box 118 Folder 9-10 | Navy sponsored spectroscopic research, accounts and budgets, 1956-1966 |
Box 118 Folder 11-12 | Navy sponsored spectroscopic research, correspondence, 1957-1966 |
Box 118 Folder 13 | Navy sponsored spectroscopic research, property |
Box 118 Folder 14-15 | Navy sponsored spectroscopic research, renewal proposals and amendments, 1953-1965 |
Box 118 Folder 16 | Navy sponsored spectroscopic research, reports, 1963-1966 |
Box 118 Folder 17-18 | Office of Naval Research, grant proposals, 1955-1966 |
Box 119 Folder 1-10 | Office of Naval Research, grant proposals, quarterly status reports, 1956-1973 |
Box 119 Folder 11-12 | Office of Naval Research, grant proposals, proposals, 1965-1971 |
Box 119 Folder 13-14 | Office of Naval Research, grant proposals, contracts, 1963-1973 |
Box 119 Folder 15-16 | Office of Naval Research, grant proposals, budget reports, 1965-1972 |
Box 119 Folder 17 | Office of Naval Research, grant proposals, contracts, notes |
Box 119 Folder 18 | Office of Naval Research, grant proposals, patent reports, 1966-1972 |
Box 120 Folder 1 | Office of Naval Research, grant proposals, contracts, correspondence, 1966-1970 |
Box 120 Folder 2 | Office of Ordnance Research, grant proposals, 1956, 1962, 1965-1967 |
Box 120 Folder 3 | Office of Ordnance Research, proposal, March 1967, and Army Research Office (Durham) proposal, March 1968 |
Box 120 Folder 4 | Office of Ordnance Research, contracts, budgets |
Subseries 8: LMSS miscellaneous |
Box 120 Folder 5 | Louis Block Fund, grant proposals, 1960 |
Box 120 Folder 6 | Office of Ordnance Research, proposals, 1971-1973 |
Box 120 Folder 7 | Office of Ordnance Research, budgets |
Box 120 Folder 8 | IBM Joint Study Agreements, 1972-1976 |
Box 120 Folder 9 | Reporting procedures |
Box 120 Folder 10 | Travel procedures |
Box 120 Folder 11 | Government contracts and grants, conflict of interest information |
Box 120 Folder 12 | LMSS modernization, plans |
Box 120 Folder 13 | Office of Ordnance Research, correspondence |
Box 120 Folder 14-15 | Grant proposals, 1964-1972 |
Box 120 Folder 16 | Proposals, contracts, budgets, 1969 |
Box 120 Folder 17 | Research reports, 1967 |
Box 120 Folder 18 | Proposals and technical reports |
Box 120 Folder 19-20 | Contracts procedures, memoranda |
Box 121 Folder 1 | Contract policies |
Box 121 Folder 2 | Contract salaries |
Subseries 9: Department of Chemistry |
Box 121 Folder 3-13 | Faculty meetings, 1961-1983 |
Box 121 Folder 14 | Teaching assignments, 1963-1979 |
Box 121 Folder 15 | Staff publication lists |
Box 121 Folder 16 | Student examinations, 1962-1965 |
Box 122 Folder 1-7 | Departmental memoranda, 1961-1983 |
Box 122 Folder 8-10 | Graduate student programs, 1962-1982 |
Box 122 Folder 11 | Class rosters, grades, 1962-1977 |
Box 122 Folder 12 | Seminars, 1964-1981 |
Box 122 Folder 13 | Graduate Study in Chemistry, 1975-1981 |
Box 123 Folder 1 | Building committee, 1961 |
Box 123 Folder 2 | "History of the Department of Chemistry," W. C. Johnson, 1975 |
Box 123 Folder 3-5 | Interdepartmental correspondence, 1957-1981 |
Box 123 Folder 6-8 | Appointments, correspondence, 1961-1962 |
Box 123 Folder 9-12 | Quarterly review, 1981-1982 |
Box 123 Folder 13 | Personal data for directories |
Box 123 Folder 14-15 | William Harkins biography, supporting material |
Box 123 Folder 16 | William Harkins biography, notes and correspondence |
Box 124 Folder 1-2 | William Harkins biography, notes and correspondence |
Box 124 Folder 3 | William Harkins biography, Early Days in Escondido |
Subseries 10: Course notes |
Box 124 Folder 4-7 | Physics 357, Line spectra, fall 1928 |
Box 124 Folder 8-10 | Physics 359, Diatomic band spectra, spring 1929 |
Box 124 Folder 11 | Physics 357, Line Spectra, fall 1929 |
Box 124 Folder 12 | Miscellaneous course notes, 1929 |
Box 124 Folder 13 | Band spectra, winter 1930 |
Box 124 Folder 14 | Band spectra, winter 1931 |
Box 124 Folder 15 | Band spectra II, Physics 358, spring 1931 |
Box 124 Folder 16 | Band spectra, summer 1931 |
Box 125 Folder 1 | Physics 356, Atomic structure I, fall 1931 |
Box 125 Folder 2 | Group theory and electronic structure, SF6 structure, etc., 1932 |
Box 125 Folder 3 | Physics 360, Quantum theory of valence, spring 1932 |
Box 125 Folder 4 | Physics 355, Line and band spectra, summer 1932 |
Box 125 Folder 5 | Band spectra, course materials, 1933-1940 |
Box 125 Folder 6 | Group theory and Polyatomic Molecules, 1933 |
Box 125 Folder 7 | Band spectra, spring 1933 |
Box 125 Folder 8 | Physics 360, Quantum theory of valence, summer 1933 |
Box 125 Folder 9 | Physics 356, fall 1933 |
Box 125 Folder 10 | Physics 359, Band spectra II, spring 1934 |
Box 125 Folder 11 | Physics 356, fall 1934 |
Box 125 Folder 12 | Physics 357, winter 1935 |
Box 125 Folder 13 | Physics 360, Electronic structure of molecules, spring 1935 |
Box 125 Folder 14 | Physics 358, summer 1935 |
Box 125 Folder 15 | Physics 359, Band spectra II, spring 1936 |
Box 125 Folder 16 | Physics 360, Electronic structure of molecules, fall 1936 |
Box 125 Folder 17 | Physics 358, winter 1937 |
Box 125 Folder 18 | Physics 359, Band spectra II, summer 1937 |
Box 125 Folder 19 | Physics 358, winter 1938 |
Box 125 Folder 20 | Physics 360, spring 1938 |
Box 125 Folder 21 | Summer 1938 |
Box 125 Folder 22 | Physics 359, Band spectra II, winter 1939 |
Box 125 Folder 23 | Physics 360, Summer 1939 |
Box 125 Folder 24 | Group theory seminar, summer 1939 |
Box 126 Folder 1 | Physics 360, miscellaneous student papers, ca. 1930s |
Box 126 Folder 2 | Student papers, ca. 1930s |
Box 126 Folder 3 | Physics 356, miscellaneous material, ca. 1940 |
Box 126 Folder 4 | Physics 359, Band spectra II, spring 1940 |
Box 126 Folder 5 | Band spectra, 1940 |
Box 126 Folder 6 | Physics 360, spring 1941 |
Box 126 Folder 7 | Physics 357, winter 1942 |
Box 126 Folder 8 | Physics 359, spring 1942, related material |
Box 126 Folder 9 | Physics 357, winter 1946 |
Box 126 Folder 10 | Physics 358, Diatomic molecules, spring 1946 |
Box 126 Folder 11-12 | Physics 358, Molecular spectra and structure, winter 1947 |
Box 126 Folder 13-16 | Physics 211, Mechanics I, spring 1947 |
Box 126 Folder 17 | Physics 242, Quantum mechanics II, summer 1947 |
Box 127 Folder 1-2 | Physics/Chemistry 356, Infrared and raman spectra, fall 1947 |
Box 127 Folder 3-4 | Quantum theory, course materials, ca. 1940s |
Box 127 Folder 5 | Physics 201, notes, n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 6-8 | Miscellaneous course materials, ca. 1930s-1940s |
Box 127 Folder 9 | Unmarked course notes, electronic structure, ca. 1949-1951 |
Box 127 Folder 10 | Miscellaneous spectra photos |
Box 127 Folder 11 | Physics 251, Thermodynamics, winter 1948 |
Box 127 Folder 12 | Physics 251,252, Thermodynamics, winter 1948, fall 1949, winter 1950 |
Box 127 Folder 13 | Thermodynamics, related material, n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 14-15 | Physics 202, summer 1948, winter 1951 |
Box 127 Folder 16 | Physics 357, winter 1949 |
Box 127 Folder 17 | Physics 241, Quantum mechanics I, spring 1949 |
Box 128 Folder 1-2 | Physics 356, Infrared and raman spectra, fall 1949 |
Box 128 Folder 3 | Physics 251, Thermodynamics, fall 1949 |
Box 128 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous course materials, ca. 1940s-1950s |
Box 128 Folder 5 | Physics 357, Electronic structure and spectra of molecules, winter 1950, winter 1951 |
Box 128 Folder 6 | Physics 217, 252, Thermodynamics, winter 1950, spring 1959 |
Box 128 Folder 7-8 | Physics 341, winter 1957 |
Box 128 Folder 9 | Physics 457a, Electronic structure of molecules, winter 1958 |
Box 128 Folder 10 | Physics 457b, Electronic structure of molecules, spring 1958 |
Box 128 Folder 11 | Physics 457, Electronic structure of molecules, winter 1961 |
Box 128 Folder 12 | Electronic structure of molecules, Diatomic molecules seminar, fall 1961 |
Box 128 Folder 13-15 | Physics 217, Thermodynamics and kinetic theory, spring 1962 |
Box 129 Folder 1-5 | Physics 217, Kinetic theory and thermodynamics, winter 1963 |
Box 129 Folder 6 | Physics 217, Thermodynamics, spring 1959; Physics 252, Thermodynamics, winter 1950 |
Box 129 Folder 7 | Physics 221, Mechanics AB, fall 1963 |
Box 129 Folder 8-9 | Physics 457, Electronic structure of molecules, winter 1964 |
Box 129 Folder 10-11 | Physics 221, Mechanics AB, fall 1964 |
Box 129 Folder 12 | Physics 357, Electronic structure of molecules, fall 1965 |
Box 129 Folder 13 | Physics 357, fall 1965, term papers |
Box 130 Folder 1-4 | "Molecular Complexes," lectures, fall 1965 |
Box 130 Folder 5 | Physics 457, Electronic structure and spectra of molecules, fall 1968 |
Box 130 Folder 6 | Physics/Chemistry 456, Molecular Complexes, spring 1971 |
Box 130 Folder 7-8 | Course materials, ca. 1970s |
Box 130 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous exams |
Box 131 Folder 1 | Honorary degrees |
Box 131 Folder 2 | Certificates
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- University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center
- Robert S. Mulliken. Papers