University of Chicago Library
Guide to the Harriet Monroe Papers 1873-1944
© 2015 University of Chicago Library
Descriptive Summary
Title: | Monroe, Harriet. Papers |
Dates: | 1873-1944 |
Size: | 17 linear feet (24 boxes) |
Repository: |
Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.
Abstract: | Harriet Monroe (1860-1936), poet and editor and founder of Poetry: A Magazine of Verse. Contains correspondence; manuscripts; diaries; legal documents; memorabilia, photographs; and news clippings documenting Monroe's life and career. Correspondents include Jane Addams, Daniel French, Herbert Adams, Carter Harrison, Maude Elliott, Minnie Maddern Fiske, Eugene Field, E.C. Stedman, Louis Sullivan, Rebecca West, William Allen White, Kate Douglas Wiggin, Charles Zueblin, and William Vaughn Moody. |
Information on Use
The collection is open for research.
When quoting material from
this collection, the preferred citation is: Monroe, Harriet. Papers, [Box #, Folder #], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.
Biographical Note
Harriett Monroe (23 Dec. 1860-26 Sept. 1936), poet and editor, was born in Chicago, Illinois, to Henry Stanton Monroe, a lawyer, and Martha Mitchell, who had come to Chicago in the early 1850s.
As a child, Harriet was influenced by Henry Monroe's literary and artistic interests, and, as she recounted in her posthumously published autobiography, "started in early with Shakespeare, Byron, Shelley, with Dickens and Thackeray," drawn from her father's "book-lined library." In 1876, she was sent to Visitation Convent in Washington, D.C., where she continued her literary studies, and graduated in 1879.
Monroe lived in her family home until 1903, and in Chicago throughout her life, but traveled widely in the United States and abroad. She became an active freelance writer and arts reviewer for newspapers in Chicago and New York, and developed a social and intellectual circle that included Chicagoans such as writer Eugene Field, literary editor Margaret Sullivan, and architect John Wellborn Root, who was married to her sister Dora. She traveled regularly to New York, often in the company of her sister Lucy, an editor at publisher Stone & Kimball, and became acquainted with the literary salons of that city hosted by Richard Watson Gilder, Edmund Clarence Stedman, and others. Monroe also carried on a long correspondence with Robert Louis Stevenson.
Monroe's own modest literary career took hold in 1888, when her first published poem, "With Shelley's Poems," appeared in Century Magazine, and she was commissioned to write a dedicatory poem for Louis Sullivan's Chicago Auditorium. In 1891, she was invited to write an ode that was read aloud by actress Sarah C. LeMoyne during the October 21, 1892 opening ceremonies of the World's Columbian Exhibition. The Columbian Ode was well-received, but was later printed without permission by the New York World. Following a lawsuit, Monroe was awarded $5,000 in damages. With the payment and income from writing and teaching, she was able to fund continued travels in Europe and the western United States. In 1910, she again visited Europe and traveled through Russia as part of a larger voyage to visit her sister Lucy, now married to William J. Calhoun, U.S. Special Envoy to China.
In 1911, Monroe embarked upon her most prominent literary venture, when she began to raise subscription funds from wealthy Chicago patrons for the publication of Poetry: A Magazine of Verse, which debuted in September, 1912. Taking Whitman's line, "To have great poets there must be great audiences too" as her motto, Monroe sought to cultivate a wide readership for new writing and ideas. By insisting on paying all contributors and establishing an annual prize, Poetry magazine raised the visibility and status of poetry. The journal published and promoted the careers of a galaxy of poets who came to define twentieth century modernism, including T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Marianne Moore, Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams, Robert Frost, and Langston Hughes, among many others. Poetry transformed the way that poetry and poets are recognized and read worldwide, and it continues to flourish as a major cultural influence.
Monroe served as Poetry's editor for twenty-four years, from its founding until her death, dedicating her efforts to both its continued literary innovation and financial stability. She continued to travel, visiting Europe, Mexico, China, and South America. In August 1936, she suffered a fatal cerebral hemorrhage while traveling in Peru, after attending a meeting of the International Association of Poets, Essayists, and Novelists (PEN) in Buenos Aires. Monroe was buried in Arequipa, Peru.
Scope Note
In 1931, Harriet Monroe presented her poetry library, her personal papers, and the editorial files of Poetry magazine to the University of Chicago. The personal papers have no direct relationship to her career as an editor but relate to her own literary interests, her family, and her friends. Nevertheless her deep involvement with Poetry is reflected in her personal correspondence and diaries.
The Harriet Monroe Papers comprise seventeen linear feet of literary and family correspondence, diaries and memorabilia, and manuscripts of Monroe's writings, including poems, her autobiography, A Poet's Life, lectures, essays, and the anthology, The New Poetry. The material is organized into eight series.
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Poetry: A Magazine of Verse. Records
Subject Headings
- Adams, Herbert Baxter, 1850-1901
- Addams, Jane, 1860-1935
- Calhoun, Lucy
- Calhoun, William J.
- Fiske, Minnie Maddern, 1865-1932
- French, Daniel Chester, 1850-1931
- Harrison, Carter Henry, 1860-
- Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950
- Monroe, Harriet, 1860-1936
- Stedman, Edmund Clarence, 1833-1908
- Sullivan, Louis H., 1856-1924
- West, Rebecca, Dame, 1892-
- White, William Allen, 1868-1944
- Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith, 1856-1923
- Moody, William Vaughn, 1869-1910
- Women editors -- United States
- Women poets, American
- Poets, American
- Photographs
These letters illustrate the manifold interests and activities that absorbed Harriet Monroe outside of her central career as editor of Poetry. They shed light on her as a playwright and a poet, art-critic for the Chicago Tribune, conservationist (especially interested in the Hetch-Hetchy Valley), energetic worker for peace and civic improvement, and the recipient of many honors and awards.
Subseries 1, Personal Correspondence includes letters from many distinguished correspondents in these various fields, most notably Jane Addams, Daniel French, Herbert Adams, Carter Harrison, Maude Elliott, Minnie Maddern Fiske, Eugene Field, E.C. Stedman, Louis Sullivan, Rebecca West, William Allen White, Kate Douglas Wiggin, Charles Zueblin, and William Vaughn Moody. The file of Robert Louis Stevenson's correspondence to Monroe also includes her manuscript about Stevenson and other related material.
Some interesting letters to Harriet Monroe from her sister Lucy Calhoun and her brother-in-law William J. Calhoun are included here, written in 1912 when the latter was serving as United States Minister to China at Peking, at the time of the launching of the Chinese Republic.
Subseries 2 contains Harriet Monroe's personal letters to family and friends written by her between 1873 and 1936, as well as other outgoing correspondence. Notable among them are the following-
1873, Monroe wrote 2 letters to "a beloved friend, Mattie" when she was twelve years old, the earliest letters in the collection.
1877-1879, A series of 10 letters to family and friends from the convent at Georgetown where she attended school.
1888-1889, Written from New York to her family in Chicago. Describe visits with the poet E. C. Stedman. Include the 30-page letter of June 3, 1888 describing her interview with Robert Louis Stevenson.
1897-1898, First travel letters from Europe where Monroe went after winning her famous suit against the New York World.
1899, A description of a party given in the "Little Room" in the Fine Arts Building, Chicago.
1910, More travel letters, written on Monroe's trip around the world, from Moscow, Siberia, etc. Upon return from this tour her "birth of an idea"-to found a poetry magazine-occurred.
1923, Travel letters, this time recording her meetings with poets abroad. "The first poet I met was Harold Monro."
1936, Last travel letters from Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires to Morton Zabel and Geraldine Udell who were carrying on the magazine in Monroe's absence. One of these letters was received after notice of her death had been cabled.
The Guggenheim Foundation was established in 1925 and in that first year Monroe wrote to Henry Allen Moe giving her opinion of Sharmel Iris, one of the applicants for the scholarship. After this Monroe corresponded regularly with Moe until 1936. In 1932 she joined the Advisory Committee of the Foundation for a four-year term. Her letters contain suggestions of poets whom she thought worthy of awards, endorsements of candidates under consideration, and strong remonstrances for what she considered the neglect of creative artists, especially poets of the Midwest.
Over 80 carbon copies of Monroe's letters to other editors are included in her correspondence with other editor-publishers (folders 8-12) which throw light on Monroe's relationship with them and her opinions as an editor. Two letters here are especially valuable historically; the letter from Ferris Greenslea (Houghton Mifflin) dated March 8, 1910 in which he comments on "the present state of public inattention to anything in verse form," which was the state of affairs that fired her determination to start a magazine for poets, and the letter from Edward J. O'Brien of the Four Seas Company, Boston, dated September 20, 1912, announcing his forthcoming magazine to be called Poetry. This alarmed Monroe into advancing the date of her first issue of Poetry, which had already been announced and which she feared was to be forestalled by the rival Boston publication.
Subseries 1: General Correspondence |
Box 1 Folder 1 | A
- Abbot, Mary
- Adams, Herbert
- Adams, Samuel
- Addams, Jane
- Aldis, Mary
- Aldis, Owen F.
- Allison, Tempe E.
- American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.
- Anderson, Karl
- Armour, George A.
- Armstrong, A. J.
- Atlantic Monthly Magazine
- Authors League of America
- Aynes, Bessie E.
Box 1 Folder 2 | B
- Bailey
- Baker, Comelia
- Baron, Maurice
- Barron, George A.
- Bartlett, Frederic C.
- Baum, Mervyn W.
- Beach, Rex; see; Authors League of America
- Beck, E. S.
- Beckwith, Mabel S.
- Beckwith, ?
- Beinhacker, Ada
- Beldon, Charles
- Bennett, Arnold [Frances K. Hutchinson]
- Bennett, James O'Donnell
- Betts, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
- Beveridge, Catherine
- Bitter, Carl
- Bitter, Marie
- Black, Margarit
- Blaine, Anita McCormick
- Blaine, Walker
- Blane, ?
- Blouit, Paul
- Blum, Jerome S.
- Boyer, Norman
- Boynton, Alice
- Bradley, Will H.
- Bridgeman, J. A.
- Brigham, Jamson
- Brooks, Van Wyck
- Brown, Curtis
- Brown, Roy
- Browne, Maurice
- Brownell, Baker
- Buffalo Fine Arts Academy
- Burlingamb, E. L.
- Burnham, Clara L.
- Burnham, Daniel K.
- Butler, Edward B.
- Buyers, George N.L.
Box 1 Folder 3 | C
- Calhoun, Lucy Monroe
- Calhoun, William J.
- Cable, Ben J.
- Cams, Helena
- Cassidy, Ina Sizer
- Cathey, Sallie S.
- Century Co.
- Chalmers, Gordon K.
- Chatfield-Taylor, N. P.
- Ciorti, D. N.
- Coffin, C. A.
- Colby, William E.
- Collier, Polly, SEE Root, Polly
- Collins, Charles
- Colvin, Sidney
- Conklin, Lewis R.
- Conkling, Roscoe
- Cooper, John
- Courtney, W. S.
- Cornhill Magazine
- Cowden, R. W.
- Coy, Kenyon
- Coynne, Madeline Yale
- Crane, Martha
- Creel, George, SEE Authors League of America
Box 1 Folder 4 | D
- Dallas News
- Daly, Arnold
- Darrow, Clarence S.
- Davidson, L. J.
- Dean, Theron S.
- de Laguna, Frederica
- Denton, Minna C.
- Dodge, Mabel
- Dodd, Mead and Co.
- Dole, Nathan Haskell
- Donaldson, W.B.
- Dow, Alex
- Dunn, Eleanor
Box 1 Folder 5 | E
- East, Alfred
- Eddy, Augustus
- Elliott, Maude Howe
- Ellis, Mrs. Havelock
- Emerson, W. C.
- Eschenbrenner, Josephine J.
Box 1 Folder 6 | F
- Faggi, A.
- Fairbanks, Janet A.
- Fecheimer (Fetcher), Edwin
- Fecheimer (Fetcher) (Root), Margaret
- Field, Delia
- Finley, John
- Finn, Sister Pauline
- Fish, Williston
- Fisher, Warren L.
- Fiske, H. A.
- Forman, Henry James
- Franklin, Fabian
- Freer, Charles L.
- Freer, Eleanor E.
- Frederick, John T.
- Frohman, Daniel
- French, Daniel C.
- Fuller, Marion Cobb
- Fuller, Henry
Box 1 Folder 7 | Field, Eugene |
Box 1 Folder 8 | G
- Gaeshels (?), George N. [Isthmian Canal Commission]
- Gardner, Jeanni C.
- Garnier, C. M.
- Gassette, Grace
- Gay, Walter
- Gelert (?), J.
- Gilder, Jeannette L.
- Gilmore, Ada
- Goldbeck, ?
- Gore, George
- Gore, George [from Harriet Monroe]
- Gould, S. W.
- Gould, Joseph F.
- Graham, Stephen
- Grassi (?)
- Greeley (?), Fred
- Grierson, Francis
- Griffon, Walter
- Groot (?), Ellen S.
- Grouitch, Mabel
- Grouitch, Slavko
- Guinea, Louise J.
- Guthrie, William Norman
- Guthrie, William Norman [from Harriet Monroe]
Box 1 Folder 9 | H
- Haag, Charles
- Hackett, Frank S.
- Hagarty, John H.
- Hagerman, James J.
- Hale, Edward E.
- Hallowell, Sara
- Hamill, Charles H.
- Hamilton, Marjarie
- Hamilton, Mattie
- Harper, William Hudson
- Harland, Alice
- Harrison, Carter H.
- Harvey, Illa W.
- Hasselriis, C.H.W.
- Hatfield, Janus Taft
- Hayakawa, S. I.
- Head, Franklin H.
- Heaton, Harold R.
- Heckman, Wallace
- Henderson, Alice
- Henderson, William P.
- Henrikson, Carl I.
- Henrotin, Ellen M.
- Herford, W. Oliver
- Herne, Katharine
- Herrick, Robert
- Hesrick, Mary
- Heun, Arthur
- Heyward, DuBose
- Higinbotham, Harlow N.
- Holloway, J.
- Hoover, F.
- Howland, Hewitt Hanson
- Hubbell, H. S.
- Huling, Caroline Alden
- Higgins, Anna Duncan
- Hutchinson, Frances K., SEE Bennett, Arnold
Box 1 Folder 10 | I
- India Society
- Ingalls, Iola B.
Box 1 Folder 11 | J
- Jacquard, Magdeleine
- Johansen, John C.
- John, Helena Mills
- Johnson, Elba F.
- Johnson, R. U.
- Jones, J. R.
- Jones, Nell
- Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn (Susan)
- Judah, Mary
Box 1 Folder 12 | K
- Kaiser Publishing Co.
- Kauser, Alice
- Keeley, Peggy
- Kellogg, Paul U.
- Kennerley, Mitchell
- Kennerley, Mitchell [from Harriet Monroe]
- Kirkland, Caroline
- Keyser, Ephraim
- Kimberg, ?
- Kircaid, J.
- Kroch, A.
Box 1 Folder 13 | L
- Laffan, William M.
- Lathrop, Brian
- Laufer, Berthold
- Lavery, Sir John
- Lavery, Hazel
- Lawrence, Edward H.
- Lee, Guy F.
- Lee, Muna
- Leckie, Katherine
- Lemoyne, Sarah Corvell
- Lewis, E. H.
- Lewis, E. H. [from Harriet Monroe]
- Lewis, James Hamilton
- Lloyd, ?
- Lochner, Louis P.
- Loeb, Louise
- Lohr, L. P.
- Longstreet, A. B.
- Lowell, Orson
- Lummis, Charles F.
- Lund, Elsa
- Lunt, Cornelia G.
- Lyman, Helen
- Lynch, Fred H.
Box 1 Folder 14 | MacLane, Mary |
Box 1 Folder 15 | Masters, Edgar Lee |
Box 1 Folder 16 | M-MI
- Macrae, Elmer L.
- Mackaye, Percy
- Malone, Dumas
- Mansfield, Katherine
- Mansfield, Margery [from Harriet Monroe]
- March, Edward C.
- Margesson, Catherine
- Margesson (?), H.D.R.
- Massey, George V.
- Maxwell, Perriton
- May?
- McCaffry, Helen
- McCutcheon, John T.
- McDonald, Jessica
- McEwen, Walter [includes three pen drawings]
- McKiniock, George Alexander
- Mead, Edwin D.
- Merrik, Kate P.
- Merrik, R. T.
- Metcalfe, Eleanore A. E.
- Miller, Barbara
- Miller, Nancy
- Milton, George Fort [from Harriet Monroe]
- Mitchell, E.
- Mitchell, David
- Mitchell, Dora
- Mitchell, Henry
- Mitchell, Louis B.
- Mitchell, Marion G.
- Mitchell, Nettie B.
Box 1 Folder 17 | MO-MY
- Moed (?) [Yamanaka and Co.]
- Monroe, Anna
- Monroe, William Stanton
- Moody, William Vaughn
- Morgan, Anna
- Morris, Harrison S.
- Morris, M. F.
- Moulton and Ricketts
- Mullaney, Bernard J.
- Myers, Constance
Box 1 Folder 18 | N-O
- Neale, Walter
- Nesbit, ?
- Nesbit, Wilbur D.
- Newling, Onslow
- Nichols, Rose Standish
- Nolan, Elizabeth Curtiss
- North, Ernest Dressel
- North, Jessica
- Ogden, Gilbert G.
- O'Hara, Frank Hurbert
Box 2 Folder 1 | Patchell, William T. |
Box 2 Folder 2 | Patchell, William T. and Patchell, Robert C. |
Box 2 Folder 3 | P-PI
- Page, Walter Gilman
- Palmer, Alice F.
- Palmer, A. M.
- Panama-Pacific International Exposition
- Parker, F. M.
- Parker, Lawton
- Parker, Mary M.
- Parsons, Marion Randall
- Patterson, Elinor?
- Patterson, J.M.
- Peabody, May
- Pearson, Ralph M.
- Peattie, Elia W.
- P. E. N. Club
- Perry, Bliss
- Phillips, Sallie J.
- Piller, David H.
- Pinckney, Josephine L.S.
Box 2 Folder 4 | PO-Q
- Porter, Charlotte
- Porter, W.D.
- Powers, Edward
- Powers, Frances Patterson
- Pretymans, Jenny
- Pretymans, William
- Probst, Leetha Journey
- Quinlivan, Janus Blanche
Box 2 Folder 5 | R-ROL
- Randolph, Robert I. [from Harriet Monroe]
- Ratcliffe, Dorothy Una
- Reangh, F.
- Redfield, Mary
- Redfield, E. W.
- Reed, Earl S.
- Reinhard, Joakin
- Reese, Elizabeth Phelps
- Rhodes, Harrison
- Rice, Jeannie Durant
- Richardson, Dorothy M.
- Richardson, Frederic
- Richardson, Philip
- Ricketts, Robb Roy
- Rieder, Rudolf
- [Riggs, see; Wiggin, Kate Douglas]
- Roberts, M.F.
- Robertson, Donald
- Robins, Elizabeth
- Robinson, David
- Robinson, L.E.
- Roche, James Jeffrey
- Rockhill, W.W.
- Rodin, Auguste
- Rodke, John
- Roeder, Ralph
- Rolleston, T.W.
Box 2 Folder 6 | ROO-RY
- Root, John Jr.
- Root, Mrs. John Wellborn
- Root, Jack W.
- Root, Lora B.
- Root, Margaret [see also Fecheimer]
- Root (Collier), Polly
- Root, Walter C.
- Roseboro, Viola
- Rowan, Edward B.
- Rowan, Edward B. [from Harriet Monroe]
- Russell, Charles E.
- Russell, Walter
- Ryder, Albert P.
Box 2 Folder 7 | SA-SK
- Saint-Gaudens, Homer
- Sampson, Alden
- Sampson, Charlotte
- Sandwich [Countess of], Alberta
- Sargent, Franklin H.
- Schilling, Alexander
- Shrager, M.
- Schwab, Charles H.
- Schwab, J. C.
- Scott, D.C.
- Scott, Donald
- Scott, James W.
- Seeds, Virginia
- Seymour, Ralph
- Seymour, William
- Sherman, French and Co.
- Sherman, F.D.
- Sherman, Lawrence Y.
- Shipp, Thomas R.
- Shonts, Milla D.
- Silgreave (?), Beverly
- Simpson, W. H.
- Sisson, Edgar G.
- Skinner, E.M.
Box 2 Folder 8 | SL-SZ
- Sloan, Richard E.
- Sloss, Mrs. M.C.
- Smith, Minna
- Smith, Stella Norden
- Stahl, John H.
- Stainbrook, Edwin
- Stainbrook, Edwin [from Harriet Monroe]
- Stanton, Frank L.
- Stedman, Edmund Clarence
- Stigen, Anna
- Stoddard, Elizabeth
- Stone, Eligh Atkins
- Stone, Herbert Stuart
- Stopher, Vashti R.
- Straight, Willard
- Sullivan Alexander
- Sullivan, Louis H.
- Sullivan, Margaret F.
- Sutton, Vida R.
- Szukalski, Stanislaus
Box 2 Folder 9 | Stevenson, Robert Louis |
Box 2 Folder 10 | Sire de Maledroit's Door – Sewn Typescript |
Box 2 Folder 11 | Stevenson, Robert Louis |
Box 2 Folder 12 | TA-V
- Taft, Larado
- Tallmadge, Thomas E.
- Tarbell, Ida M.
- [Teasdale, Sara, see Malone, Dumas]
- Telephone Co., Chicago
- Thomas, Theodore
- Thompson, Julian
- Tomlins, William
- Torrey, Fred M.
- Townsend, James B.
- Trimble, Jessi
- Tweedie, Alec
- Valentine, May
- Van Norman, Mme.
Box 2 Folder 13 | W-Z
- Wald, Lilian D.
- Walker, Nellie V.
- Walsh, Thomas
- Warren, Maude Redford
- Wassall, Grace
- Watmore, Elizabeth
- Way, Washington Irving
- Webb, Charles Henry
- Webster, Henry Kitchell
- Weidig, Adolph
- Weil, Polly
- West, Rebecca
- Wetherell, J. E.
- Wetmore, Elizabeth
- Wheeler, Edward J.
- White, Andrew T.
- White and Co., Publishers, James T.
- White and Co., Publishers, James T. [from Harriet Monroe]
- White, William Allen
- Whitehead, Russell F.
- Whitney?, Helen Hay
- Wicker, Irene
- Wiggin (Riggs), Kate Douglas
- Wighy, Peter B.
- Wilkinson, Florence
- Wilkinson, J.M.
- Willard, E.J.
- Wineman, Mode
- Wolcott, A.
- Wood, C.E.S.
- Worthing, Grace M.
- Wright, Willard H.
- Wynne, Madeline Yale
- Yale, Catherine B.
- Yard, Robert Sterling
- Young, Helen I.
- Young, Kimball
- Zueblin, Charles
Subseries II: Family and Miscellaneous Correspondence |
Box 3 Folder 1 | Letters, 1892-1918 |
Box 3 Folder 2 | Letters, 1873-1877 |
Box 3 Folder 3 | Letters, 1878-1879 |
Box 3 Folder 4 | Letters, 1888-1889 |
Box 3 Folder 5 | Letters, 1898-1899 |
Box 3 Folder 6 | Letters, 1907-1911 |
Box 3 Folder 7 | Letters, 1923-1936 and undated |
Box 3 Folder 8 | Guggenheim Foundation |
Box 3 Folder 9 | General correspondence with publishers and editors, 1910-1917 |
Box 3 Folder 10 | General correspondence with publishers and editors, 1919-1936 |
Box 3 Folder 11 | General correspondence with Macmillan Co., 1922-29 |
Box 3 Folder 12 | General correspondence with Macmillan Co., 1930-32 |
Box 3 Folder 13 | General correspondence with Macmillan Co., 1933-36 |
Series II: Diaries, Photographs and Memorabilia |
Series II includes diaries documenting Monroe's daily life and travels around the world. The earliest starts with the events of the 1881 Christmas season and covers the year 1882 and includes descriptions of dances, parties, the toilettes of her friends and the men with whom she danced the "German." On Monday June 19th she records "My first appearance in print!" Special attention is given to Oscar Wilde, who was giving lectures in Chicago in February and March and to a description of Edwin Booth's Hamlet, and her own idea of how Hamlet should be played. A later diary notes the fate of the men convicted in the Haymarket Affair. November 11, 1887, 11:30 AM - "At this hour Spies, Parsons, Engel and Fischer, four of the seven anarchists, are dying or preparing to die." Monroe's Guestbook for 1919-1921 was kept in the office of Poetry and contains remarks by visitors including Amy Lowell, Eunice Tietjens, Edgar Lee Masters, and Carl Sandburg
The photographs are a heterogeneous collection of people and places arranged alphabetically. Many pictures of the Monroe clan; Mitchells, Monroes, Fetchers, and Roots; pictures of the actress Mary Anderson, and of Sarah Cowell LeMoyne who read a portion of The Columbian Ode by Monroe at the dedication ceremonies of the World's Columbian Exposition; thirteen pictures of buildings and views of the Exposition; a photograph of the actor Henry Irving (see note on Irving in 1882 diary-Box 4 folder 2). Pictures labeled by Monroe as Deerfield Minuet pictures are dated 1892 (taken of a dance to inaugurate the restoration of the old ballroom in the inn at Deerfield, Mass.) show Monroe as one of the dancers
Box 4 Folder 1 | Diary, December 1881-August 1882 |
Box 4 Folder 2 | "Notebook of Anecdotes, Conversations, etc." Vol. I, August 1882 |
Box 4 Folder 3 | "Notebook of Anecdotes, Conversations, etc." Vol. II, September 1885 |
Box 4 Folder 4 | Diary, 1897-1898, 2 volumes |
Box 4 Folder 5 | Receipt and Expense Book, 1908-1910 |
Box 4 Folder 6 | Harriet Monroe's Guest Book, Jan. 1919-Dec. 1921 |
Box 4 Folder 7 | Mexican and Mississippi trip diaries, 1933, 1935 |
Box 4 Folder 8 | China Diary, 1934-1935, 3 vols. |
Box 4 Folder 9 | South American diary of 1936, written on Monroe's last trip; notes |
Box 4 Folder 10 | South American souvenirs, including calling cards, programs, photographs from South America. |
Box 4 Folder 11 | Newspaper clippings from South American papers |
Box 5 Folder 1 | Regarding HM's death; negatives, photographs, |
Box 5 Folder 2 | Regarding HM's death; letters, newspaper clippings.
- Materials relating to the editorship of Poetry
Box 5 Folder 3 | Poetry ephemera, press release |
Box 5 Folder 4 | Passports, receipt in Russian, program for The Man Eagle: A Play in Two Acts by HM |
Box 5 Folder 5 | Programs, press releases, Modern Poetry by Harriet Monroe, certificate of appreciation from the organizers of the 1893 World's Fair, dispatches to the US Department of State, Christmas card from Monroe, envelopes with Monroe's address, obituary published by Poetry Magazine. |
Box 5 Folder 6 | General Memorabilia; clippings on HM |
Box 5 Folder 7 | Steel plate of HS Monroe, Monroe coat of arms, Letter from Harry S. Monroe to The Times, memorial for Martha Mitchell Monroe |
Box 5 Folder 8 | Photograph and program regarding the launching of the SS Harriet Monroe, 11 January 1944 |
Box 5 Folder 9 | Programs, The New Century Theatre |
Box 5 Folder 10 | Photographs
Box 5 Folder 11 | Photographs
- Aldis-Lake Forest, Illinois
- Allen, Dr. J. Adams
- Anderson, Mary
- Baker, -(Miss)
- Bullen, Lenore, Graham and John
- Burnbaum, Daniel H.
- Chadwick, G. W.
- Chase, William M.
- Clark, Mrs. John, Bruce and Cecil
- Cole, Emma Sylvia
Box 5 Folder 12 | Photographs
- Dickinson, Emma
- Ela, Annie M.
- Fitcher, Lu, Stanton and John
- Fuller, Dorothy
- Gardner, Jenine Chamberlin
- "Miss Hallowell's Chateau at Beauvais-au-Mar"
- Harvey, Ella ("and her boys")
- Harvey, Jan
- "Hattie"
- Johnson, Nelly
- Kelly, Adile Morrison
- Kirkland, Caroline
- LeMoyne, Sarah Cowell
Box 5 Folder 13 | Photographs
- Monroe, Harriet (with Arthur Henn, Helen Dupee, others)
- Monroe, Henry S.
Box 5 Folder 14 | Photographs
- Masters, Edgar Lee
- Merrick, Mr. and Mrs. Richard T.
- "Minnewoc" (?) (a house)
- Mitchell, Dora
- Mitchell, Marion Mabel and Sally
- Monroe, Ernest Hamill
- Monroe, Harriet
- Monroe, Martha Mitchell
- Monroe, William S.
- Morgan, Anna
- Durfield (old tavern) Minuet
Box 5 Folder 15 | Photographs
- Panama
- Patchell. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. and Garden of the Gods
- Mrs. Pretyman
- Phillips, Sally, Tom and Augusta
- Preston, Maggie
- Root, Margaret, John and Polly
- Root, Walter C.
- Rowe, Josephine
- Runnion, Nelly
- Scarboro
- Schramm, Paloma
- Seiffert, Allen and Helen
- Stevenson, Carrie Young
- Shakespeare's house, Stratford-on-Avon
Box 6 Folder 1 | Photographs
- Tewkesbury, Roy, Irene and Donald
- Walker, Mary Louise
- Whithover, Ella
- World's Columbian Exposition
- Unidentified individuals
Box 6 Folder 2 | Christmas card lists, Cards sent |
Box 6 Folder 3 | Christmas cards, A-B |
Box 6 Folder 4 | Christmas cards, C-D |
Box 6 Folder 5 | Christmas cards, E-H |
Box 6 Folder 6 | Christmas cards, J-O |
Box 6 Folder 7 | Christmas cards, P-Siddall |
Box 6 Folder 8 | Christmas cards, Silver-Y and Unidentified |
Series III: Harriet Monroe's Estate |
Of biographical importance for studies of Harriet Monroe and significant for research into the history of Poetry are these business papers. Of special interest; an early statement in a letter, typed, not signed, from Monroe to her executors dated April 21, 1923 concerning her property as editor of Poetry "consisting of mss., letters, photographs, books (often autographed)"; "You may feel that it should be presented intact-to either Newberry Library, the Chicago Public Library, or the Chicago Historical Society"; a copy of the receipt of the University of Chicago on the bequest Monroe was making in its favor, giving the University's agreement "to keep and maintain said poetry library," dated April 23, 1931; letters received as tributes to Monroe after her death from H.L. Davis, Elizabeth Lindsay, Edgar Lee Masters, et al.; letters concerning the erection of the bronze plaque in Arequipa to mark Monroe's grave; letters from Mrs. Allen Simple describing Monroe's last days.
Box 7 Folder 1 | Correspondence re; disposition of Poetry |
Box 7 Folder 2 | Monroe's letter to executors and inventory, April 23, 1923 |
Box 7 Folder 3 | Bank statements of Monroe's estate |
Box 7 Folder 4 | Probate court documents |
Box 7 Folder 5 | Bank accounts, stocks, etc. of estate |
Box 7 Folder 6 | Royalty contracts |
Box 7 Folder 7 | William S. Monroe's Harriet Monroe file [1 of 2], 1936 |
Box 7 Folder 8 | William S. Monroe's Harriet Monroe file [2 of 2], 1936 |
Box 7 Folder 9 | William S. Monroe's Harriet Monroe file [1 of 2], 1937 |
Box 7 Folder 10 | William S. Monroe's Harriet Monroe file [2 of 2], 1937 |
Box 8 Folder 1 | William S. Monroe's Harriet Monroe file [1 of 2], 1938-1944 |
Box 8 Folder 2 | William S. Monroe's Harriet Monroe file [2 of 2], 1938-1944 |
A letter (ALS) dated August 18, 1936 from Monroe to her brother, William S. Monroe, written from the S.S. Southern Cross states; "...autobiography unfinished, Geraldine Udell is the only one who knows where it is and its condition, and who could consult with Mr. Latham of the Macmillan Co. and put the finished part in order for publication....For this difficult job Geraldine is to be liberally paid, either outright from my estate or by a good share of the royalties from the book."
In carrying out this job Udell had to obtain permission from the poets for direct quotations Monroe makes in the book. She wrote to the poets-her carbons are included in this box-and most of the poets agreed briefly and warmly to allow the quotations. Included are letters from Richard Aldington, Witter Bynner, Robert Frost, and Louis Untermeyer. Only Ezra Pound made an issue of this request, demanding certain specific arrangements-he wanted a black line or border down the page!-but he ultimately granted permission. His letters, and his comments and notations on the typed copy of the material Monroe had written containing quotations from his letters, form an interesting small body of material.
Subseries 1: Geraldine Udell's Correspondence |
Box 8 Folder 3 | Udell-Macmillan correspondence, Sept. 28, 1936-Oct. 18, 1937 |
Box 8 Folder 4 | Udell-Macmillam correspondence, Nov. 1, 1937-Dec. 30, 1937 |
Box 8 Folder 5 | Udell-Macmillan correspondence, Jan. 1938-June 1938 |
Box 8 Folder 6 | Permission for photos and quotations (not listed are many of the letters addressed to publishers);
- Aldington, Richard
- Akins, Zoe
- Archer, William
- Bishop, Morris
- Brooke, Rupert
- Bynner, Witter
- Carnevali, Emanuel
- Colum, Mary M.
Box 8 Folder 7 | Permission for photos and quotations
- Davis, H.L.
- Ficke, Arthur Davison
- Field, Eugene
- Field, Roswell F.
- Fiske, Harrison Grey
- Ford, Ford Madox
- Frost, Robert
- Fuller, Henry
- Hackett, Francis
- Hall, Ruth
- Harland, Henry
- Herring, Robert
- Henderson, Alice Corbin
- Hoyt, Helen
Box 8 Folder 8 | Permission for photos and quotations
- John, Cecil
- Kilmer, Joyce
- Kreymborg, Alfred
- Lawrence, D.H.
- Lindsay, Elizabeth Conner
- Lowell, Amy
- Masters, Edgar Lee
- Millay, ?
- Monroe, Harold
- Muchmore, Corda A.
- Nobles, Mildred E.
- Pound, Ezra
Box 8 Folder 9 | Permission for photos and quotations
- Robinson, Edward Arlington
- Sandburg, Carl
- Seiffert, Marjorie
- Sifton, Paul
- Sterling, George
- Stevens, Wallace
- Stevenson, Robert Louis
- Syrian, Ajan
- Torrence, Ridgely
- Trench, Desmond
- Vaughan, Malcolm W.
- Wheelock, John Hall
- Williams, William Carlos
- Wylie, Elinor
- Yeats, William Butler
Subseries 2: Drafts and Notes |
Box 8 Folder 10 | Main body of first draft, autograph [1 of 2] |
Box 9 Folder 1 | Main body of first draft, autograph [2 of 2] |
Box 9 Folder 2 | Fragments, addenda, autograph |
Box 9 Folder 3 | Manuscript and typescript fragments, excerpts |
Box 9 Folder 4 | Manuscript fragments, excerpts |
Box 9 Folder 5 | Notes, Lists, Poetry Magazine clippings |
Box 9 Folder 6 | Typewritten fragment |
Box 9 Folder 7 | Literary Mss in A Poet's Life file, earliest poems (1875, 1879, 1884) |
Box 9 Folder 8 | Early typewritten draft, pp 1-100 |
Box 9 Folder 9 | Early typewritten draft, pp 101-198 |
Box 9 Folder 10 | Early typewritten draft, pp 1a-123a |
Box 10 Folder 1 | Early typewritten draft, pp 1-43 |
Box 10 Folder 2 | Later draft, pp 1-112 |
Box 10 Folder 3 | Later draft, pp 113-262 |
Subseries 1: Essays and Lectures on English Poetry and Arts |
Box 10 Folder 4 | Later draft, pp 267-356 |
Box 10 Folder 5 | Chaucer, English Rhythms, etc.
- List of contents by Monroe, AS, 1 p
- English Rhythms, A, 8 pp
- English Rhythms, T, 3 pp
- English Rhythms (Blackboard lecture I), T, 1 p
- Early English Poets (notes), A, 2 pp
- Chaucer and the Early English Poets, A, 43 pp
- Chaucer and the Early English Poets (Dec. 15, 1893), T, 38 pp
- Chaucer and the Early English Poets (another version), TS, 38 pp
- Various scraps and fragments;
- Chaucer and Early English Poetry, A and T, 10 pp
- Classic Influences in English, A, 3 pp
- Poetry (lecture outline)
- Elizabethan Poetry (lecture outline inc.), A, 7 pp
Box 10 Folder 6 | Spenser
- Spenser (p. 3 missing), A, 48 pp
- Spenser (p. 3 missing), TS, 18 pp
Box 10 Folder 7 | Shakespeare, The Lyric Shakespeare
- Shakespeare, A, 55 pp
- Shakespeare, T, 53 pp
- The Lyric Shakespeare, 48 pp
- Starts A; latter part is Tc of the above copy, with many corrections and changes, incomplete at end, with many page numbers missing
- Shakespeare
- Starts A; latter part is TC of the above copy, with many corrections and changes. Incomplete at end, with many page numbers missing. (Freshly typed copy of the second version), TcS, 49 pp
Box 10 Folder 8 | Milton, Shelley
- Milton (Preceded by one page inserted at beginning of essay), A, 57 pp
- Milton (Preceded by one page inserted at beginning of essay), TS, 49 pp
- Milton (fragments), T, 10 pp
- (Evidently parts of an earlier typed version, which followed the autograph copy; some of its pages were used in the final version, others were newly typed.)
- Shelley, TS, 24 pp
Box 11 Folder 1 | Modern Tendencies in Poetry, American Poetry
- Modern Tendencies in Poetry, XT, 56 pp
- Modern Tendencies in Poetry, carbon copy of above, title crossed out and "Victorian Poets" substituted
- American Poetry, 7 pp
- (Published in Poetry Review, Oct. 1912)
- The Free-Verse Movement in America (clipping from The English Journal, Dec. 1924)
Box 11 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous writings on the arts, chiefly painting
- About Daudet, A, 1 p
- Untitled article on the Swedish rooms of the Columbia Exposition, A, 4 pp
- Influence of the French Painters of 1830, TS, 50 pp
- Poe and Whistler-A Parallel and a Protest, A, 22 pp
- Clippings on Poe and Whistler from Poet-Lore, Autumn 1910), 6 pp
- John W. Alexander-His Paintings (clipping from The House Beautiful, January 1891), 8 pp
- Peking Roofs, A, 17 pp
- The Ethics of Art, A, 9 pp
- Introduction to Lindsay's, Tc, 5 pp
- The Congo
- The Spirit of Modern Art, A, 39 pp
- The Paintings of Gari Melchers (clippings from House Beautiful), 7 pp
Box 11 Folder 3 | Index and clippings, Monroe's articles on art, Chicago Tribune, 1909-1914 |
Subseries 2: Essays and Short Stories |
Box 11 Folder 4 | "Reflective Essays"
- On the Way to the Golf Links, A, 23 pp
- On the Way to the Golf Links, TS, 10 pp
- On the Way to the Golf Links, Tc, 10 pp
- Reserve, TA, 13 pp
- Reserve, , TS, 5 pp
- Reserve, Tc, 5 pp
- Assisi, A, 17 pp
- Assisi, TS, 9 pp
- Fashions in Deathbeds, TS, 6 pp
Box 11 Folder 5 | "Wilderness Essays" (1)
- The Trail, A, 37 pp
- The Trail, TS, 17 pp
- The Home of the Race, A, 5 pp
- The Home of the Race, TS, 3 pp
- Climbers' Costumes, TS, 6 pp
Box 11 Folder 6 | "Wilderness Essays" (2)
- In August, A, 5 pp
- The House of Dreams (on drama), A, 8 pp
- [On the Panama-Pacific Exposition; fragments]A
- "Panama Data"
- A Day at Prato (clipping from Lippincott's, March 1900)
- Florence (unfinished), A, 9 pp
- At Castel Gandolfo, A, 2 pp
- Chicago, AS, 27 pp
- The Suffragettes, TS, 12 pp
- An Easter Bride's Chest (clipping from The House Beautiful, n.d.)
- Literary Women and the Higher Education (clipping from The Critic, April 1905)
- The Education of Chinese Children, T, 26 pp
- The Training of Chinese Children (clipping from The Century Magazine, March 1912)
- Old Brocades (clipping from House Beautiful, 1899)
- A Successful House (clippings from House Beautiful, n.d.)
- "An interesting one-man show...", A, 4 pp
- "The women are the patriots in England today...", A, 23 pp
- "The House of Commons is learning a new role...", A, 4 pp
Box 11 Folder 7 | Articles and Stories on the West
- The Snake Dance, A, 6 pp
- Color at the Canyon, T, 6 pp
- Camping article, A, 14 pp
- To the Snake Dance, TS, 22 pp
- To the Snake Dance (corrected proof from the Fortnightly Review, Oct. 1905), 12 pp
- Camping above the Yosemite (clipping from Putnam's, May 1909)
- Eagle's Nest Camp (clipping from The House Beautiful, August 1904)
- Arizona (clipping from Atlantic, June 1902)
- Yosemite Waters, A, 4 pp
- Yosemite Waters (clipping from the North American Review, Feb. 1908)
- Booklet containing the following clippings from the Atlantic-
- The Bigness of the World, Sept. 1911
- Arizona, June 1902
- The Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Dec. 1899
- To the Snake Dance, [Fortnightly Review] Oct. 1905
- In the Chapel of Nicholas V, Sept. 1903 (memorandum attached)
- A Bit of Old France, July 1900 (memorandum attached)
- Memorandum; list of Monroe's articles, A, 1 p
- At Rousseau's Tomb (clipping from North American Review, Aug. 1912
- What the Snow-Flower can Do, A 3 pp
- What the Snow Flower can Do, TS, 2 pp
- To an Oriole, A, 1 p
- "Arizona has waited long...," A, 10 pp
- The Giant's Chair, A, 1 p
- The Painted Desert, A, 4 pp
- The Sunrise Race, A, 4 pp
Box 11 Folder 8 | Miscellaneous Writings on Poetry and Poetry
- Letter to the editor of The New Republic (1916), ALDf, 2 pp
- An open letter from Harriet Monroe proof
- Review of Shelley: His Life and Work by Walter Edwin Peck, A5 pp
- "Chicago, ever since I have known the town...," A, 5 pp
- "Chicago, ever since I have known the town...," T, 3 pp
- Tagore in Chicago, Tc, 2 pp
- The Fight for the Crowd, proof, 3 pp
- ("Comments and Reviews" section of Poetry)
- Review of John Keats by Amy Lowell, Tc, 7 pp
- On being an Editor, A, 12 pp
- On being an Editor, Tc, 7 pp
Box 11 Folder 9 | Short Stories
- Deceivers Ever, AS, 14 pp
- For unto us, A, 17 pp
- Out of her Set, TS, 4 pp
- Poor Mrs. Lancaster, TS, 4 pp
- Deceivers ever, TS, 4 pp
- Purple and Gold (1), TS, 26 pp
Box 11 Folder 10 | Purple and Gold (2), AS, 45 pp
- Untitled; ("We were together), A, 4 pp
- Untitled; ("We were four travelers sitting in four chairs..."), A, 16 pp
- Untitled; ("On that Fourth-of-July night..." fragment), A, 5 pp
- Memoranda for stories
Subseries 3: Lectures and Lecture Material |
Box 12 Folder 1 | Verse from Poetry used in lectures [1 of 4] (July 28, 1920) |
Box 12 Folder 2 | Verse from Poetry used in lectures [2 of 4] (July 28, 1920) |
Box 12 Folder 3 | Verse from Poetry used in lectures [3 of 4] (July 28, 1920) |
Box 12 Folder 4 | Verse from Poetry used in lectures [4 of 4] (July 28, 1920) |
Box 12 Folder 5 | Prose from Poetry used in lectures [1 of 2] |
Box 12 Folder 6 | Prose from Poetry used in lectures [2 of 2] |
Box 12 Folder 7 | Lecture notes; "Poetry and the Great War" |
Box 12 Folder 8 | Lecture and lecture notes; Poetry's First Decade [1 of 4] |
Box 12 Folder 9 | Lecture and lecture notes; Poetry's First Decade [2 of 4] |
Box 12 Folder 10 | Lecture and lecture notes; Poetry's First Decade [3 of 4] |
Box 12 Folder 11 | Lecture and lecture notes; Poetry's First Decade [4 of 4] |
Subseries 4: Editorials and Reviews from Poetry, Other Writings |
Box 13 Folder 1 | Poetry editorials used in Poets and their Art [1 of 3] |
Box 13 Folder 2 | Poetry editorials used in Poets and their Art [2 of 3] |
Box 13 Folder 3 | Poetry editorials used in Poets and their Art [3 of 3] |
Box 13 Folder 4 | Mss of Poetry prose (1) |
Box 13 Folder 5 | Mss of Poetry prose (2) |
Box 13 Folder 6 | Scripts of radio broadcasts |
Box 13 Folder 7 | "Brief Biography"-reviews of Monroe's work |
Box 13 Folder 8 | Poems for Children; introductions, contents, etc |
Box 13 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous and unidentified prose |
Box 14 Folder 1 | The Golden Ledge (verse play), Incomplete-includes studies and reworkings, various pagings |
Box 14 Folder 2 | The Happy Isles (typescript), Tc, 28+36+27+24 numbered pages |
Box 14 Folder 3 | The Happy Isles (6th version), A, 39+39+41+35 |
Box 14 Folder 4 | The Happy Isles (fragment, typescript); discarded pages, T, |
Box 14 Folder 5 | Little Davy. Sept. 23, 1917, from Elisha Coon; 2-page memorandum in Monroe's hand. (Also Florence Bradley's opinion of play), Tc, 49 pp; Little Davy; A Play in Three Acts, T, 39 pp |
Box 14 Folder 6 | Plays
- The Man-Eagle; A Play in Two Acts, TS, 34+31 pp
- Corrections in Monroe's hand
- Copyright and card enclosed
Box 14 Folder 7 | The Man-Eagle; Corrections in Monroe's hand, TcS, 34+31 pp
- The Man-Eagle; Corrections in Monroe's hand; TLS enclosed, April 29, 1914 from the Toy Theatre
Box 14 Folder 8 | The New Life; A Play in Four Acts, TS, 82 pp |
Box 14 Folder 9 | The Troll's Holliday; an Operetta in Three Acts; music by Eleanor Smith, text by Monroe (4 program copies of performance enclosed), TS, 19+15+16 pp |
Box 15 Folder 1 | The Densmores; Act II "revised"; Acts III-IV in 1st version, TcS, 34+40+41 pp |
Box 15 Folder 2 | Small collection of notes and fragments of plays; synopses, ideas, scraps of dialogue, etc. |
Subseries 6: The Columbian Ode |
Box 15 Folder 3 | General Correspondence concerning The Columbian Ode |
Box 15 Folder 4 | Legal papers [1 of 2] |
Box 15 Folder 5 | Legal papers [2 of 2] |
Box 15 Folder 6 | World's Columbian Exposition: Tickets, Programs, Invitations, Clippings, 1892-1893 |
Box 15 Folder 7 | World's Columbian Exposition: The Cosmopolitan, 1893 |
Box 16 Folder 1 | Columbian Ode (published booklets) [1 of 3], 1892 |
Box 16 Folder 2 | Columbian Ode (published booklets) [1 of 3], 1892 |
Box 16 Folder 3 | Columbian Ode (published booklets) [1 of 3], 1892 |
Subseries 7: Poetry in Manuscript, Arranged by First Line |
Box 16 Folder 4 | A-B
- A baby waits beside thy door (A)
- On a Photograph of the moon.../ A dead world-yes, that's evident (A)
- A poem? Nay, I trust (A)
- To Him who Sent it/ "A rose by any other name" (2A)
- A wood sloping to sandy shores
- The song I heard was not of earth (A-T)
- Maternity/ After the months of torpor (T)
- Through the Ways/ Age after age in highest heaven (A)
- A Song/ Ah, dost thou see my soldier (T)
- To her lover/ Ah, love me well (1st stanza crossed out; next line; "Yea, love me well") (A)
- The Inauguration/ All red and blue the avenue (T-clipping)
- A Word/ And is it pain to you (2T)
- Chaalis/ Another vivid morning shone (T)
- Salutatory/ Another year is gone; its gentle hand
- Apollo of Olympia/ Apollo, the sculptor saw you alighting (A)
- State Street at Night/ Art thou he?-the seer and sage (clipping)
- On the porch/ As I lie roofed in, screened in (T)
- The Death of Khalifa/ At Omdurman great England slew (2T)
- Capitalist I/ Aw, let 'em talk-they like to let off steam (A)
- The American/ Aw yes, I lost my farm (A)
- The Difference/ Azenath, child, I have errands for thee in town (A)
- Niagara's Song/ Behold they are thine, my Ontario, thine (A)
- Sonnet/ Beloved, I love you with such courtesy (A)
- Sonnet/ Beloved, if for you I go in chains (A)
- The Bride/ Beloved, this is strange (A)
- Quatrain/ Beloved, your soft touch upon my heart (A)
- The Fortunate One/ Beside her ashen hearth she sat her down (A-T)
- A Bit of Porcelain/ Beyond the dewy shades of sleep (A)
- On the Ocean/ Blue, blue, blue, and mountain deep they run (A); includes proofs and letter from W.S. Monroe 6/ 8/ 38
- Under the Moon/ By day the Parthenon mourns (A)
- Marching Song/ By sea and land we go (T)
Box 16 Folder 5 | C-D
- Red Clover/ Call me new-born thy worshipper (clipping)
- At Navaja Point/ Canyon, my canyon, strange how long you were here (A)
- As one a-Maying/ Casual Death! As one who goes a-maying (2T)
- Chicago/ Chicago dreams under the sun (A)
- A Chant of Dryads to/ Come from the city's blaze and
- Mortals at Garryunde(?)/ roar (A)
- Spring
- Sinan(?) Song/ Come out and climb the hills with me (A)
- The Portrait/ Come to me-it is mid-night (A-T)
- The Sacramento Valley/ Crimson bushes rich with spring (A-3T)
- To W S M/ Dear brother mine, the years assail you (A)
- A Letter to one far away/ Dear friend of mine (A-2T)
- Dear Mr. Harland (A)
- Dear Mr. Stedman, 'tis a sober music (A)
- Dear Mr. Zorn-you ask a line (A)
- Dear, oft I waken from the dream (A)
- Canoe Song/ Dip-dip! softly slip (A-T)
- To Mr. J. Russell Jones (From her to him)/ Do I love thee still the same? (2A)
- Saturn/ Do the sad seas moon on thy moony shore (A)
- His Stenographer/ Does she love you? Well, I wonder (T)
- To William Allen White/ Down the halls of time
Box 16 Folder 6 | E-F
- Each one of all the company (A)
- Winter/ Earth bears her sorrow gladly, like a nun (A)
- Back Home/ Egypt, Jerusalem, Stamboul (2A)
- Iras(?)/ Finish, good lady! The bright day is done (A)
- The Night-Blooming Cereus/ Flower of the moon! Still white is her brow (Printed in Bradley, His Book-2 copies)
- The Climb/ Follow the trail! Blue gentians of the vale (T) (A) (AS)
- The Quest/ For you in vain, with our moth brain (A-3T)
- On Lake Michigan/ Forth to the secret east, my boat, my boat (A)
Box 16 Folder 7 | G-H
- Galveston/ Galveston, poised like a sea-gull (A; on sheet with typed copy of "The wolf-howl of the winds of Texas'
- Plaint/ Gaunt Age is stalking me, with Death (T) See; "Old age..."
- The Dead Aviators/ Gay gallants! Proud adventurers (3 cl. Give me the sun, that I for thee may bloom (A)
- The Wayfarers/ "Go save thy soul," the white-robed pilgrim said (A-T)
- The Woman/ Go sleepin, sweetie-rest-rest (T)
- A Farewell/ Good-bye!-no, do not grieve that it is over (T)
- The Mestroric Chapel at Cavatat on/ Great Slav, you were a shepherd boy these hills (A)
- The Auditorium/ Hail to thee, fair Chicago! On thy brow (printed in program of dedication
- Happy years-happy years (A)
- The Tower/ He built a tower for all to see (A-2T)
- A Story/ He loved her and he was untrue (A)
- After Many Years/ He sleeps who was my lover (A)
- In Memory of William and Mary Tarmer/ He was a little clerk named Tarmer (A)
- Skits/ He was a man of iron, they said (A-T)
- Invocation/ Heavy the shadows fall (A)
- Here in Vermont the furry mountains lie
- The Pioneer (The Pioneer's Love Song)/ Here's a shelter for my Mary (2A)
- One Month Old/ He's talking all the time (A-T)
- From my Window/ High over the roof-tops (A-2T)
- How dare I weave a rhyme in praise (A)
- The Wonder of it/ How wild, how witch-like weird that life should be (T)
- Ghosts Hush! Hush! Listen! listen! (T)
- Love and Death-A Death Song/ Hush thee, hush thee, love, my dear heart's own (A)
Box 16 Folder 8 | I-J
- Radio/ "I caught a fella last night in the South Pacific" (A-T)
- The Least of These/ I did not dare to speak to him (A-T)
- Sonnet/ I drink a philtre from a cup of gold (A)
- Sonnet/ I gazed upon the silent realm of night (A)
- Mountain Song/ I have not where to lay my head (T)
- The Mocking-Bird/ I hear a thousand, thousand tremors (T)
- I hear the baby's feet (A-T)
- The Court of Honor at Night/ I heard a voice that said; "Lo, thou shalt die." (A)
- Overtone/ I heard the sea singing a song (2A)
- Flora/ I knew a lady once who lay like dew (A)
- A Song/ I love my life, but not too well (3T-3 cl.)
- Rockets/ I love to see the rockets lay (A)
- In Tuolomne (?) Meadows/ I love to sit in the sun (2A)
- A Valentine/ I love you sir, yet not so well (A)
- Sonnet/ I praise the spacious silence we have hailed (A)
- I saw a little world one day (A)
- On Christmas Day/ I saw the sun rise brave (cl.)
- In Town/ I see a fuzzy sparrow (A-2T)
- Delphi/ I see it all again-the great gorge (A)
- March/ I see the snow-drops flutter (T)
- I send you a god
- Grade Crossing/ I sing a hero (2T; earlier version begins; "He was a little clerk named Tanner")
- Minnewoc/ I think it is a miracle, Lenore (T)
- Sonnet/ I think your eyes are sadder than fires
- Plaint of the Aging Belle/ I was abloom once like a flower (A)
- I was a woman who sleeps so still (A)
- To Mr. John Foord/ If all be true that appears (A)
- At the edge/ If all the tents are falling (T; on sheet with "The song I heard was not..."
- At the Show-Window/ "If I could wear that dress," she thought (A-T)
- To the Clarksons/ I'll make a [?] rhyme or tow (A)
- A Workman's Song/ I'm half way up to heaven, boys (3 cl.)
- The War-Dance/ In Arizona's capital there is an Indian school (A)
- The Canal/ In Lazy laughing Panama (A)
- Centenary Ode/ The inhospitable wilderness
- The Theatre of Dionysius/ Is this the place, are these the stones (A)
- Now/ It is creation's morning (T)
- The Hitch-Hiker/ It's the best way to travel-sure, and the cheapest (A)
Box 16 Folder 9 | K-L
- The Lake/ Lake Michigan, beautiful water (A-2T)
- Let us be thankful (A-T)
- Life/ Life is a leaf that lightly swings (A)
- The Bicyclers/ Like gray moths tasting the scented world
- A Serenade (from the Garden)/ Like light to an opal-my wonder(with; "Night softly lips her silver horn" A)
- To Lindbergh Flying/ Lindbergh, Lindbergh, Where did you come from (3T)
- The Water Ouzel/ Little brown surf-bather of the mountains (T and German translation)
- [A Youth] Little girl, under the tree there (T)
- Individuality/ Little green fly on a leaf of the clover (A)
- The Turbine/ Look at her-there she sits upon her throne (A-clipping; A fragment; cover of Atlantic June 1910)
- Aere Perennius/ Look on the dead. Stately and pure he lies (A)
- June/ Look! The flowers awaken (A-2T)
- Sunrise over the/ Look! we shall know the truth-it is thy word
- Peristyle/ (A-T)
- Sakkara/ Lord Tis you hired diggers and tunnelers and masons (A)
- Love is a dunce-ah yes, poor fool (A)
- Wedding Bells/ Love in quest of honey (A)
Box 16 Folder 10 | M-N
- To Foch/ Marshal of France and soldier of the world (T)
- May all your years come wreathed in flowers (A
- The Grievance of Genius/ Men brought us chaplets years ago (A)
- My friend, if sex is the heart of life (A)
- A Letter from Peking/ My friend, dear friend, why should I hear your voice (A-T)
- A Lullaby/ My little one, sleep softly (A)
- Bathsheba's Song/ My lord the king hath summoned me (A)
- High Places/ My mountains, God has company in heaven (T)
- My Porch/ My porch stands high (T)
- In a Gondola/ Nay, do not tell me now (2A)
- From the Window/ Night softly lips her silver horn (includes proof of Like light to an Opal)
- The Inner Silence/ Noises that strive to tear(proof-2T)
- Now I Know/ Now I know why I am here (T)
Box 16 Folder 11 | O-P
- O Little Earth/ Olittle earth, O lovely earth (A-T)
- O little one, what are you doing here (A)
- The Childless Woman/ O mother of that heap of clay (proofs att.)
- A Play Festival/ O gay and shining June time (A)
- Oh, Harriet, the Cornish hills (A)
- Imperialism/ Oh Liberty, thou hast dwelt secure (2A)
- To Her Lover/ Oh, love me well (cl.)
- At Noon/ Oh the Midway! the long bright flaunting Midway (2A)
- Moon-light/ Oh the soft and solemn night (A)
- The Sky-Scraper/ Oh they begin me deeper down than deep waters (2T)
- Communist I/ Oh yes, I'm a Communist. It's a rotten deal (A)
- Capitalist II/ Oh yes, the system's good enough, good as any
- Plaint/ Old-age is stalking me, with Death (A-2T-proof One Christmas morn in Belgium (2T)
- Chicago/ Once more through all your open ways (2A-T)
- A Song/ Our love a star is (A)
- Balbo's Air Armada/ Out of the air they came (A)
- Rodin/ Out of the clay-yea, verily (A)
- O Tempora/ Out of the past he strayed
- Sea-Gulls in the Court of Honor (May 16th)/ Out of the pillared hall I stroll (2A-T)
- A Little Town/ Out to the world's far end (A)
- Under the Lilacs/ Pale blooms my thought as here I lie (A-T)
- Pavlova Dead/ Pavlova, will you dance no more? (A)
- Peace hath her victories, and we
- Wings/ Pearl gray is the sky
- Nancy Hanks/ Prairie child, brief as dew
- (In Lincoln Coll.)/ A.Df.S and A.Df.S. 3 pp
- Egypt/ Proud stones that cannot die (A; incl. proofs)
- White (from Carolina Wood-cuts)/ Purple mountain -oh, purple and blue (T)
- A Dirge/ Put out the lights for Edison (T; incl. "Throw your little dreams away")
- In the Louvre/ Queen Karomana, slim you stand (incl. proofs)
Box 16 Folder 12 | R-S
- A Rondeau/ Reveal thy soul, he said; be free (A)
- Constantinople/ Rome was your father and Greece your mother (A)
- Safe in the harbor, though the surge
- Obit 1893/ Salute the passing year (A)
- After all/ See them coming-flakes that drift
- Ballad of Ritter Mountain/ Seven score and seven the number was (4T)
- Shall I send you today (A; fragment)
- Pain/ She heard the children playing in the sun (pr.)
- For Helen/ She is not done with life, who died (A-T)
- The Baby (New-Born)/ She is so wee, so wise and dear (3A-T)
- America/ She is young and beautiful-my country
- Arizona/ She lieth still and stark beneath the sun (A)
- Shirley Grove/ She loved him and with joy she gave him all (A)
- She pauses overpowered (A)
- A Portrait/ She plucks beauty (T)
- Nine Years Old/ She took her dolly with her to work one summer day (A)
- At the General/ She was exquisite, that lady (A)
- Post Office/
- The Graf Zeppelin/ Silvery slick it slithered through the air (A-T)
- Working-Girls' Song/ Sisters of the whirling wheel (A; cl., program)
- Lullaby/ Sleep, my baby, sleep (2A-T)
- Olympia/ Small flowers bloom in the waving grass (2A-T)
- Salamis/ So it was here that East first met West (A)
- A Garden in the Desert/ So light and soft the days fall (A-T)
- On Lake Michigan/ So loving-ah, so loving to thy lover (T)
- Sonnet/ Sometimes, as through the crowding and the noise (A)
- Azaleas (from Carolina woodcuts)/ Spread them wide, lovely ladies (T)
- Spring Dance/ Spring! Spring! Out of the snow and mist (A)
- The Blue Ridge (from Carolina woodcuts)/ Still and calm, in purple robes of kings (T)
- A Bit of Music./ Sweetheart, let us dream together (A; 2T)
- Victor Hugo/
- On the Inauguration of the University of Chicago/ Swing wide thy gates, city of destiny (cl.)
Box 17 Folder 1 | T-V
- Before Sunset/ The blue-sandaled feet of evening (A)
- At the Ship's Rail/ The blue sea bends to the ship (A)
- The Earth to the Rain/ The burning sun my lover was (A-T)
- The Giant Cactus of Arizona/ The cactus on the desert stands (A)
- Immortality/ The city rose in many a moon-white tower (A-T)
- Under San Francisco Mountain/ The desert lies below me like a sea (2A)
- Aigina/ The donkey-boy at the island's pier
- Dedication Day/ The earth wakes with a thrill (A)
- After Sunset/ The forest was a shrine for her
- The gastronomic map he made is (A)
- The Columbian Exposition/ The glory of a dream (A)
- A Poem/ The inhospitable wilderness
- A Power Plant/ The invisible wheels go softly round and round
- The lake wears a new color every hour
- Saint Catherine of Siena/ The little dying daughter (A)
- Forest Lodge/ The little lake has woods around it (A-2T)
- Dalmatia/ The little liner steams among the islands (A)
- The Brook/ The little river runs away (A)
- The Hotel/ The long resounding marble corridors (2A-3 cl.)
- Oak Street Beach/ The mansions of the Gold Coast (A-2T)
- The Temple of Heaven/ The marble circles of the altar of Heaven (T)
- Origin of the Tides/ The moon, a lady robed in white (cl.)
- The moon hangs in the sky (A)
- The mountain hemlock droops her lacy branches (T)
- The Laurel (from Carolina Woodcuts)/ The mountain laurel moves in rosy cloud-drifts (incl. "Delicate white fringe-bunch")
- The Oak (from Carolina Woodcuts)/ The old oak lets fall its crimson leaves (T)
- The Meeting (from Carolina Woodcuts)/ The ox-team and the automobile (T)
- Melodies/ The patter of a baby's feet
- On the Road from Fiesole to Florence/ The roses over the walls (T)
- On Lake Michigan's Shores/ The snow slips from the winter's coat (cl.)
- The Song/ The song I heard was not of earth (incl.
- If all the Tents are Falling)
- Her Majesty/ The Sphinx loves the morning sun (2A)
- My Lady/ The sun her kingdom is (A-T)
- The Little Beach at Cedar Street/ The waves come running home (2A)
- Mexico/ The white volcanoe crown her (A)
- The Winds of Texas/ The wolf-howls of the winds of Texas (A-T; incl. "Galveston, poised like a sea gull")
- A Croatian Crucifix/ The wooden Christ hangs cracked and worn (A)
- From the Tartar Wall/ The yellow roofs of the forbidden city (A)
- Margaret/ There in her sunny garden (A)
- The Assouan Dam/ There is a lake at Philae
- Heroes of Peace/ "There must be pioneers," he said (2T)
- The Blue Ridge/ These mountains are like the sea after a storm (A-T)
- The Memorial at Seca/ They died for Serbia, my countrymen (A)
- Freedom/ They died to make men free (A)
- The Pact of Peace/ They sat at the state-craft table (A)
- The Ocean Liner/ They went down to the sea in ships (A)
- This trifle take from me (A)
- Six O'Clock (At Six O'Clock)/ Thousands in the darkening street (2AO
- The Thief on the Cross/ Three crosses rose on Calvary against the iron sky (A)
- In March/ Three lovely things today (2T)
- To One in Exile/ Through the blind world I have gone here and there (A-T)
- Battle-Flags in the Illinois Building/ Through the red dusk of war they flew (A)
- The Man of Science Speaks/ Throw your little dreams away (incl. "Put out the Lights for Edison")
- A Song/ They love is like a blue blue wave
- The Telephone/ Thy voice, Beloved, on the living wire (A)
- Envoi-for a Jane Austen Evening/ 'Tis a small world we live in, did you say (A)
- The Peacemaker/ To the world-wanderer Samarkland is near (2T)
- In Memory/ To this sad shrine whoe'er thou art draw near (A)
- To a Rose/ Turn and look at me, lovely rose (A)
- The Mountaineer's Wife/ Twelve miles? Twelve miles in the cool o' th' mornin' (T)
- Life and Death/ Two spirits in a mist of stars (A)
- Peking/ Under her yellow roots a dream (incl. "White Moscow of the Pearly Twins")
- An Object Lesson/ Up and down the grasses (2T)
- Peace/ Up from a thousand battlefields (A-2T)
- Lindbergh/ Up in the air, in his cockpit curled (T)
- Val/ Val is for Valiant (T)
- Venice/ Venice is old-she met Saint Mark (A)
Box 17 Folder 2 | W-Z
- Dance of the seasons/ Wake! Wake! out of the snow and mist (cls., booklets, leaflets)
- To Woodrow Wilson/ We wave a million flags (A)
- Chicago Day Song/ We're marching to the Fair today
- The Humming-Bird/ What a boom! boom!
- Myself/ What am I? I am earth the mother (A)
- / What do I see, dear Doctor (A)
- The Pine at Timberline/ What has bent you (T)
- The Question/ What is love? Love is a fire (A and cl.)
- In the Yosemite/ What right have I to lie upon the grass (T)
- Sigh of the Aging Belle/ What shall I do, she said
- At the Summit/ Where bold Sierras cut the sky
- Nausen(?)/ Where the huge ice-peaks glittered (A)
- The River Kern/ While I walk the pavement sooty (A)
- Moscow/ White Moscow of the pearly towers (incl. "Under her yellow roofs a dream")
- Jerusalem/ Who am I, Jerusalem, that I should climb your streets (A)
- An Encounter/ Who cares for the burden, the night and the rain (2A)
- A Song/ Who is it I love (T)
- The Shadow-Child/ Why do the wheels go whirring round (T-2)
- The Spinster Tells Her Story/ Why have I never married, you ask (A-T)
- At the Grand Canyon/ Wind of the desert, softly blow (A)
- The Trail/ Winding through the valleys (T)
- Wisconsin/ Wisconsin, land of little lakes (A)
- April-North/ Would you not be in Tryon (T)
- Carolina (from Carolina Woodcuts)/
- In Praise of Pie/ Ye gentles all, let other harps than mine
- Communist II/ Yes, I'm a communist-how can any man (A)
- At Twilight/ You are a painter-lister (T)
- Sonnet/ You are my summer, though the sullen year (A)
- Rome/ You lived through two great epochs, proud (A)
- As it will Appear to them/ You, twentieth century man (A)
- A Golden Statuette/ Young Tut-an-Khamen, poised upon his shallop (A)
- Forever/ Your letter, dear, this one (A)
- Botticelli/ Your sad sweet joy is like folded wings(A)
- The Telephone/ Your voice, beloved, on the living wire (2A; second version begins, "Thy voice...")
Box 17 Folder 3 | Addenda
- Eighty Degrees Fragments/ October swoons in the arms of summer (18 pages)
- Poems of Travel and and Editorial/
- A Garden in the Desert/ So light and soft the days fall
- The Giant Cactus of Arizona/ The cactus in the desert stands
- In the Louvre/ Queen Karomana, slim you stand
- The Tower/ He built a tower for all to see
- The Childless Woman/ O mother of that heap of clay
- The Wonder of it/ How wild, how witch-like weird that life should be
- Editorial;Poetry and Criticism
- Proof-Aug. 29/ Your dancers, your archers, your rowers
- On the Ocean/ Blue, Blue, Blue
- Egypt/ Proud stones that cannot die
- Her Majesty/ The Sphinx loves the morning sun
- Sakkara/ Lord tis you hired diggers and tunnelers and masons
- Love songs
- I/ I love my life, but not too well
- II/ Thy love is like a blue blue wave
- III/ And it is pain to you
- Lullaby/ My little one, sleep softly
- Excerpts from The Columbian Ode/ When foolish kings, at odds with swift-paced time
- At the Edge/ If all the tents are falling
- In Tuolomne Meadows/ I love to sit in the sun
- High Places/ My mountains, God has company in Heaven
- With Shelley's Poems/ Now do I send you to the heights of song
- Olympia/ Small flowers bloom in the waving grass
- Plaint/ Gaunt age is stalking me, with Death
- A Farewell/ Good-bye! no, do not grieve that it is over
Subseries 8: Proofs and galleys of Monroe's Poetry |
Box 17 Folder 4 | Chosen Poems-Review, Notes, 2nd galley (1.) |
Box 17 Folder 5 | Chosen Poems-Proofs for radio use |
Box 17 Folder 6 | The Difference-Proofs (1) |
Box 17 Folder 7 | The Difference-Proofs (2) |
Box 17 Folder 8 | The Difference-Proofs (3) |
Box 17 Folder 9 | The Difference-Proofs (4) |
Box 17 Folder 10 | You and I-proofs |
Box 17 Folder 11 | Valeria-Copyright |
Series VI: The New Poetry |
The correspondence about the first edition of The New Poetry, the anthology edited by Harriet Monroe and Alice Corbin Henderson, contains the letters Monroe exchanged with the editors of Macmillan's. Henderson fell ill of tuberculosis at the outset of plans for the anthology so that the full burden of the correspondence, the selection of poems and writing for permission to publish, in fact all of the editorial work of getting out the book, fell upon Monroe.
In a letter of August 18, 1916, the editor Edward Marsh commented; "I feel sure that you will be criticized for a principle of selection that omits Alfred Noyes and includes Hardy, Hueffer, Mrs. Meynell and others, or that gives upwards of 20 pages to Pound, Lindsay, and Masters and comparatively brief space to Gibson, Masefield, and MacKaye." Monroe fought for her right as editor to use her own judgment and when Marsh further criticized her for favoritism toward the poets who had appeared in her magazine Monroe replied; "The fact that these poets, except Masters, have appeared mostly in Poetry is a happy accident, highly complimentary to the magazine; but it has not influenced our judgment." (August 7, 1916, to W. B. Henderson of Macmillan's) Monroe maintained that what she was doing as editor of the anthology was "to stress the poets whom we consider important in the new movement, and give a much smaller space to those who, however excellent belong rather to a more conservative group."
Included in this section are letters from publishers and poets either declining or granting permission to publish their works.
Subseries 1: First edition |
Box 17 Folder 12 | Macmillan correspondence, Apr 23, 1915-Oct 31, 1916 |
Box 17 Folder 13 | Macmillan correspondence, Nov 1, 1916-Jun 14, 1921 |
Box 18 Folder 1 | Poems withdrawn (by poet) -- A-B, old checklist |
Box 18 Folder 2 | Poems withdrawn (by poet) C-Hardy |
Box 18 Folder 3 | Poems withdrawn (by poet) Hardy-Hueffer |
Box 18 Folder 4 | Poems withdrawn -- K-M, old checklist |
Box 18 Folder 5 | Poems withdrawn – M cont'd |
Box 18 Folder 6 | Poems withdrawn P-Y, old checklist |
Box 18 Folder 7 | Consents and Refusals A-F
- Aiken, Conrad
- Akins, Zoe
- Arenberg, Walter C.
- Barrets, Wilton
- Beach, Joseph Warren
- Benet, William R.
- Britten, Rollo
- Brooke, Rupert
- Brown, William Laird
- Bynner, Witter
- Cannell, Skipwith
- Colum, Padraic
- Davies, Mary Carolyn
- Gifford, Fannie Strauss (filed under Davis)
- Dodd, Lee W.
- Driscoll, Louise
- Evans, Florence
- Ficke, A.O.
- Fletcher, John Gould
- Flint, F.S.
- Fox, ?
- Frank, Florence
- Frost, Robert
Box 18 Folder 8 | Garland, Mary Isabel
- Flaezner, Richard Butler
- Golding, Douglas
- Huckfield, Lyland
- Iris, Scharmel
- Kreymborg, Alfred
- Skinner, Constance L.
- Stringer, Arthur
- Teasdale, Sara
- Untermeyer, Louis
- Upword, Allen
- Wheelock, John Hall
- White, Harvey
Subseries 2: Second Edition |
Box 18 Folder 9 | Alice Corbin Henderson's contracts, suggestions |
Box 18 Folder 10 | Macmillan correspondence 1921Folder-1923 |
Box 18 Folder 11 | Consents and refusals A-H
- Aiken, Conrad
- Bryant, Louise (Mrs. John Reed)
- Bodenheim, Maxwell
- Brownell, Baker
- Bynner, Witter
- Carnevali, Emanuel
- Crowwell, S.L.
- Carolyn, Mary
- DeLa Mare, Walter
- Conklin, (Mrs.) R.P.
- Dresbach, Glen Ward
- Eliot, T. S.
- Flanner, Hildegarde
- Frost, Robert
- Gifford, Fannie S.
- Gordon, Frank S.
- Gould, Wallace
- Hall, Hazel
- Hardy, Thomas
- Heyward, DuBose
- Hoyt, Helen
- Ford, Ford Madox
Box 18 Folder 12 | Consents and refusals, J-Z
- Johns, Orrick
- Johnson, Penton
- Consents and refusals, J-Z
- Joyce, James
- Lawrence, D.H.
- Munoz-Marin, Luiz
- Lesemann, Maurice
- Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel
- Long, Haniel Clark
- Lowell, Amy
- Masefield, John
- Millay, Edna St. Vincent
- Moore, Marianne
- Murphy, Charles R.
- Nichols, Robert
- Owen, Wilfred
- Pound, Ezra
- Reed, John
- Ridge, Lola
- Roberts, Elizabeth Madox
- Robinson, ?
- Rosenberg, Isaac
- Sandburg, Carl
- Sarett, Lew R.
- Sassoon, Siegfried
- Seiffert, Marjorie
- Sherry, Laura
- Simpson, William H.
- Speyer, Edgar
- Stevens, Wallace
- Taggard, Genevieve
- Teasdale, Sara
- Thomas, Edward
- Tietjens; (Mrs. Cloyd Head)
- Turbyfill, Mark
- Untermeyer, Jean Starr
- Untermeyer, Louis
- Weaver, John
- Welles (Mrs. H.H. Sheaver)
- Wickham, Anna
- Williams, Oscar
- Williams, William Carlos
- Winters, Yvor
- Wylie, Elinor
- Yeats, William Butler
- Zaturensky, Marya
Box 18 Folder 13 | Transcript of book (1) |
Box 19 Folder 1 | Transcript of book (2) |
Box 19 Folder 2 | Transcript of book (3) |
Box 19 Folder 3 | Transcript of book (4) |
Box 19 Folder 4 | Transcript of book (5) |
Box 19 Folder 5 | Copy in sheets pp 1-266 |
Box 19 Folder 6 | Copy in sheets pp 267-640 |
Subseries 3: Third Edition, Poems for Every Mood |
Box 19 Folder 7 | New Poetry; Notes and Henderson correspondence |
Box 19 Folder 8 | Macmillan correspondence, 1931-32 |
Box 19 Folder 10 | Consents and refusals by poet A-D
- Adams, Leonie
- Aiken, Conrad
- Auden, W.H.
- Auslander, Joseph
- Austin, Mary
- Benet, Stephen Vincent
- Black, Macknight
- Bogan, Louise
- Boyden, Polly Chase
- Bynner, Witter
- Campbell, Roy
- Conkling, Grace Hazard
- Cook, Harold Lewis
- Corning, Howard McKinley
- Cowley, Malcolm
- Crane, Hart
- Cullen, Countee
- Cummings, E.E.
Box 20 Folder 1 | Consents and refusals by poets E-Z
- Eliot, T. S.
- Evans, Abbie Huston
- Flanner, Hildegarde
- Frost, Robert
- Gregory, Horace
- Hall, Ruth
- Hodgson, Ralph
- Hughes, Langston
- Jeffers, Robinson
- Johnson, James Weldon
- Kunitz, Stanley J.
- Lesemann, Maurice
- McIlwraith, Dorothy
- Macleod, Joseph Gordon
- Meeker, Marjorie
- Meynell, Wilfred
- Millay, Edna St. Vincent
- Moore, Marianne
- Moore, Merrill
- O'Neil, George
- Pinckney, Josephine
- Ransom, John Crowe
- Reese, Lizette Woodworth
- Reznikoff, Charles
- Russell (?), Ada D.
- Sarett, Lew R.
- Sitwell, Edith
- Stuart, Muriel
- Tate, Allen
- Torrence, Ridgeley
- Warren, Robert Penn
- Welles, Winfried
- Wolfe, Humbert
- Zabel, Morton
Box 20 Folder 2 | New Poetry- Miscellaneous and permission notes |
Box 20 Folder 3 | Biographies A-L |
Box 20 Folder 4 | Biographies M-Z |
Box 20 Folder 5 | Poems for Every Mood; Notes and Correspondence |
Box 20 Folder 6 | Contents (1) |
Box 20 Folder 7 | Contents (2); Poems (1) |
Box 20 Folder 8 | Poems (20) |
Box 20 Folder 9 | Includes mounted clippings of press stories about Poetry's benefit series of lectures, 1938-1943 |
Box 20 Folder 10 | Includes an article on poetry by Monroe; clippings about Ezra Pound; contemporary reviews of T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land and Murder in the Cathedral |
Box 20 Folder 11 | Clippings include Reviews, Articles, and Poetry, 1917-1938 |
Box 20 Folder 12 | Clippings, 1937-1946 |
Box 21 Folder 1 | Journals and Clippings, 1932-1944 |
Box 21 Folder 2 | Clippings, many regarding Amy Lowell, 1913-1929 |
Box 21 Folder 3 | Clippings, 1914-1941 |
Box 21 Folder 4 | Clippings [1 of 2], 1917-1927 |
Box 21 Folder 5 | Clippings [2 of 2], 1917-1927 |
Box 21 Folder 6 | Clipipngs, 1918-1933 |
Box 21 Folder 7 | Clippings, 1915-1931 |
Box 21 Folder 8 | Peace Congress Banquet Meni, 1909 |
Box 21 Folder 9 | Clippings regarding Harriet Monroe's Death, 1936-1938 |
Box 22 Folder 1 | Clippings, 1891-1923, undated |
Box 22 Folder 2 | Chicago Herald, 1892 |
Box 22 Folder 3 | Clippings, "World's Fair Ode," 1892 |
Box 22 Folder 4 | Clippings of articles by Monroe from North American Review-
- Marvels of the Yosemite Valley, July 27, 1904 (2 copies)
- In the Sierras' Heart, Aug. 23, 1904 (2 cops.)
- Beyond the Yosemite Valley, Sep. 2, 1904 (2 cops.)
- Nature's Riot of Beauty, Sep. 14, 1904
- Beauties of the Grand Canyon, Nov. 2, 1904 (4 cops.)
Box 22 Folder 5 | Reviews – Clippings and Galleys, 1911-1925 |
Box 22 Folder 6 | Clippings – Mostly Harriet Monroe Reviews, 1911-1935 |
Box 22 Folder 7 | Clippings – Harriet Monroe Reviews, 1911-1935 |
Box 22 Folder 8 | Clippings – Yeats, 1914 |
Box 22 Folder 9 | Clippings, 1914-1938 |
Box 22 Folder 10 | Front Pages of Reedy's Mirror, Feb 11. 1916 (v. 25, no. 6) |
Box 22 Folder 11 | Clippings, 1916-1943 |
Box 22 Folder 12 | Clippings, 1917-3843 |
Box 22 Folder 13 | Clippings, Manila Independent, 1918 |
Box 22 Folder 14 | Clippings, 1926-1927 |
Box 22 Folder 15 | New Poetry Galleys, 1932 |
Box 22 Folder 16 | Clippings, 1932-1939 |
Box 22 Folder 17 | Clippings, P.E.N. Trip to South America, 1936 |
Box 22 Folder 18 | Clippings, 1939-1946 |
Box 22 Folder 19 | The Sunday Courier and Press, 1941 |
Box 22 Folder 20 | Clippings, 1941-1943 |
Box 23 Folder 1 | Passport, 1910 |
Box 23 Folder 2 | Clippings, 1911-1918 |
Box 23 Folder 3 | Poet's Dinner – Menu with Autographs, 1913 |
Box 23 Folder 4 | Clippings, 1922-1926 |
Box 23 Folder 5 | Clippings, 1927-1934 |
Box 23 Folder 6 | Portrait, 1934 |
Box 23 Folder 7 | Clippings, 1937-1946 |
Box 23 Folder 8 | New York Times Magazine, 1940 |
Box 23 Folder 9 | Chicago Sun Book Week, 1942 |
Box 23 Folder 10 | Chicago Sun Book Week, 1947 |
Box 23 Folder 11 | Blueprint for Burial Plaque, undated |
Box 24: Folder 1 | Chosen Poems -- Galleys, undated |
Box 24: Folder 2 | Chosen Poems – Second Galley, undated |
Box 24: Folder 3 | Chosen Poems – Second Galley, undated |
Box 24: Folder 4 | The Difference – Galleys, undated |