University of Chicago Library
Guide to the Charles E. Merriam Papers 1893-1957
© 2006 University of Chicago Library
Descriptive Summary
Title: | Merriam, Charles E. Papers |
Dates: | 1893-1957 |
Size: | 157.25 linear ft. (315 boxes) |
Repository: |
Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.
Abstract: | Charles E. Merriam, professor of Political Science and politician. Candidate for mayor of Chicago, 1911 and 1919. Founder, Social Science Research Council, 1924. Contains personal and professional correspondence; manuscripts; class notes Merriam took as a student; memoranda; election campaign material; minutes; reports; scholarly and political speeches; articles; diaries; book reviews; degrees; and scrapbooks of newspaper clippings, photographs, and memorabilia. Materials record Merriam's influence as academic and politician and his vision of national policy-making and social reform, the first fifty years of the University of Chicago, and early twentieth-century Chicago politics.
Information on Use
The collection is open for research.
When quoting material from
this collection, the preferred citation is: Merriam, Charles E. Papers, [Box #, Folder #], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library
Biographical Note
Charles E. Merriam was a Political scientist and politician. A.B., Lenox College, 1893; A.B., State University of Iowa, 1895. A.M., Columbia University, 1898; Ph.D., 1900. Docent in political science, University of Chicago, 1900-1902; associate, 1902-1903; instructor, 1903-1905; assistant professor, 1905-1907; associate professor, 1907-1911; professor, 1911-1940; chairman, Department of Political Science, 1923-1940; Morton D. Hull Distinguished Professor of Political Science. Chicago alderman, 1909-1911 and 1913-1917. Candidate for mayor of Chicago, 1911 and 1919. Founder, Social Science Research Council, 1924.
Scope Note
The papers are organized into seven series.
In political terms, the life of Charles E. Merriam, Jr. spanned the second term of President Grant to the first election of Eisenhower. Born on November 15, 1874, he was the second son of the postmaster and proprietor of a general store in Hopkinton, Iowa. A revealing self-portrait is painted in his memoir "The Education of Charles E. Merriam" (see galley proofs Box 1, folder 11 and unpublished autobiographical fragments in Box 3). In this recollection, Merriam reveals how the political implications of his father's position in a village of 600 introduced him to politics. Similarly, he acknowledges the influence of his brother John, later President of the Carnegie Corporation, in developing his interest in the scientific study of society.
Like his older brother, Charles began his education at Lenox College in Hopkinton and went on to study law briefly at Iowa State University. He then went on to graduate study in the social sciences at Columbia where he met among others William A. Dunning his mentor, John W. Burgess, and E. R. A. Seligman. These men were influences throughout the early part of Merriam's career. Special note should be taken of Merriam's recommendations (Box 1, folder 17 and Boxes 4-8).
This section also contains Merriam's notes taken during the year 1899 and 1900 when he was in Berlin and Paris. Merriam's interest in European scholarship in the social sciences made for the Spelman Fund and the Social Science Research Council in the 1920s (Box 11). In addition, Box 10 contains documentation relating to Merriam's appointment as Commissioner to Italy in behalf of George Creel's Committee on Public Information during World War I.
The general correspondence has been broken down into five chronological sequences. The letters in this section are of a general nature whereas the correspondence relating to specific matters within his professional and governmental spheres of activity has been placed in Series V and VI.
Within each chronological sequence the correspondence is arranged alphabetically by individual or organization.
Perhaps the collection's strongest feature is the section on early twentieth century Chicago politics. Merriam's aldermanic papers and related general correspondence provide vivid insights into politics at the ward level. There are also considerable materials from his two mayoralty and four aldermanic campaigns. These materials are supplemented by papers that belonged to Harold Gosnell, Merriam's colleague in the Department of Political Science, and by a box from the files of Alderman Charles S. Eaton of the Fifth Ward.
Merriam was motivated to observe and to participate in practical politics to better understand political theory. Only in this way, he believed, could one develop new and more accurate theories. As a student in New York, Merriam had become interested in urban politics, particularly in the mayoralty campaign of Columbia's President Seth Low. While in Europe he had witnessed the activity of one of his professors, Preuss, on the Berlin City Council. His first involvement in Chicago politics came in 1905 when the City Club requested him to do a study of the city's municipal revenue. His findings were published in a series of articles by the Chicago Tribune (Box 71, folder 7) and gained Merriam some public notice. This led to his appointment to the Chicago Harbor Commission in 1907. In that capacity he studied the city's water and shipping facilities in order to implement the Chicago City Plan.
After his initial political activity, Merriam decided to seek elective office in 1909. Remembering Preuss' experience, he ran for Alderman from the old Seventh Ward. It was his intention to spend twenty years in the City Council. Soon after he entered the Council, Merriam introduced an ordinance for a Commission to Investigate City Expenditures (Boxes 80-85). Mayor Busse, himself a Republican, obliged by naming Merriam to head the investigating body. The graft of the "Merriam Commission" uncovered led the embarrassed City Council to enjoin the Commission's funds. However reform-minded civic leaders like Julius Rosenwald continued to finance its operation. More they induced Merriam to run for Mayor in 1911 (Box 74). In the city's first direct primary Merriam outpolled the combined total of his two opponents to capture the Republican nomination. Shorn of G.O.P. organization support Merriam relied upon Progressive assistance. In a campaign managed by Harold Ickes, Merriam was narrowly defeated by the Democratic candidate Carter Harrison, Jr. 177,923 to 160,791. In a virtually unprecedented action the defeated candidate published the sources of his campaign contributions (Box 74, folder 8).
Merriam's alienation of the regular Republican organization had cost him the 1911 election. On the other hand, the reputation he acquired in the City Council gained him national prominence in the Progressive movement. In the 1912 Presidential campaign Merriam widened his breach with the Republicans. A strong supporter of Senator LaFollette, Merriam campaigned for Theodore Roosevelt when the Wisconsin senator became ill. Numerous speeches and a significant tape recording (Box 73, folder 8) recall Merriam's thoughts at the time.
In 1913 Merriam returned to the City Council despite the fact that his ward had been gerrymandered to keep him out (Box 73, folder 9). He was re-elected in 1915 (Box 73, folder 10), but in 1917 he was defeated by five votes in a contested election in which there is considerable evidence of vote fraud (Box 73, folders 11-12).
While in Council Merriam attained membership in the important Finance Committee. Much of his committee work and other routine business can be found in Boxes 78-79. In his second term on City Council Merriam conducted the famous Chicago Crime Committee investigations (Boxes 86-88). The Committee report was one of the first documents to explore the social causes and remedies of crime.
Despite his narrow defeat in 1911 Merriam still held mayoral aspirations, but an attempt at the Republican nomination in 1915 would have been fruitless since Progressives could not vote in the G.O.P. primary. Hence Merriam held off until 1919, when he returned home to a belated campaign as "Captain Merriam". The campaign was ill-fated from the beginning and Merriam was swamped in the Republican Primary by incumbent Mayor William Hale Thompson. Despite the short duration of the campaign, the material from 1919 (Boxes 75-77) is the richest single source of speeches, endorsements, songs, literature, and election clubs in the collection.
Merriam's defeat in 1919 brought to a close the period of his most active participation in Chicago politics. His subsequent papers are mainly fragments from the nest three decades and relate to specific interests, among them welfare and crime. However the papers do indicate the extent to which Merriam was called upon for advice and support by other candidates seeking public office. In one sense they depict a continuing battle between Merriam and Mayor William Hale Thompson: the scholar-politician in the image of Woodrow Wilson versus the vulgar demagogue. Merriam's disdain for Thompson led him to support Mayor Dever, the Democratic candidate for re-election, against Thompson's attempt for a third term in 1927. Of particular interest from that campaign is a speech by Merriam (Box 89, folder 9) and a speech by Thompson denouncing Merriam (Box 89, folder 10). Additional light on the conflict is shed by Merriam in his 1948 Walgreen lectures (Box 279, folder 6).
In 1931 Merriam threw his support to Anton J. Cermak, in order to defeat Thompson. Box 90 contains speeches by Merriam and Thompson as well as by other public figures in this campaign. With Cermak's election Merriam was invited to become a member of the Mayor's Advisory Committee (Box 90, folder 9). Cermak also drew upon Leonard D. White to head the new Chicago Civil Service Commission. White's reports are found in Box 90, folder 14.
Merriam's activities in Chicago politics waned with his increased service to the federal government in the late 1930s. Because of his duties with the National Resources Planning Board, Merriam was unable to accept Mayor Kelly's invitation to head the Chicago Plan Commission (Box 92, folder 3). Late in life Merriam revived his interest in Chicago politics. In the 1947 campaign he participated in the successful contests of Mayor Kennelly (Box 92, folder 12) and of his son Robert who was elected Alderman of the Fifth Ward (folder 13).
Included in the Chicago politics section are two of Merriam's manuscripts in which he reminisces on the Chicago of his time. His famous Chicago: A More Intimate View of Urban Politics (1929) (Box 95) appears to be a refinement of the earlier unpublished version entitled "An Intimate View of Urban Politics" (Box 94). In both instances Merriam attempts to combine the theory of governing a city with his own practical experiences. More colorful and literary than his more academic works, Chicago had an impact on the general population as well as upon scholars.
Throughout his life Merriam was irritated by the overlapping functions and tax structures of the Chicago area's 1600 governments. In 1933 with Albert Lepawsky and Spencer D. Parratt he published The Government of the Metropolitan Region of Chicago. In this volume Merriam attempted to streamline the governmental structure of the Chicago region. He tried to offer solutions for problems which plagued the entire metropolitan vicinity, rather than just considering them at the level of individual subdivisions. Boxes 96-97 contain data and notes concerned with specific problems of government in the Chicago metropolitan region.
The Charles S. Eaton Papers
Box 93 contains the Fifth Ward Alderman Charles S. Eaton's papers from the City Council Committee on Public Health, which he headed during 1929-1930. These papers related to the investigation of the safety of electric refrigerators and reflect Merriam's constant concern with public health.
The Harold F. Gosnell Papers
Gosnell was a pupil of Merriam's who studied statistical aspects of local politics. He served as a member of the Department of Political Science in the interwar period. His papers in the collection number 19 boxes. Among them are a Precinct Captain Study that appeared as part of his book Machine Politics: Chicago Style (1937) (Boxes 97-100). In this study Gosnell accumulated data on the voting behavior of each of Chicago's fifty wards during the 1920s and 1930s (Boxes 99-100). Particularly noteworthy is his statistical analysis and article on the election of Fifth Ward Alderman Paul H. Douglas in 1939 (Box 99, folder 7). In addition Gosnell interviewed ward leaders and precinct captains to evaluate their influence and performance.
Of particular interest in the Gosnell papers is his collection of materials from Chicago election campaigns, 1928-1940 (Boxes 102-104). These materials provide a colorful panorama of the men and the issues in the Chicago politics of this period. Connected to these are the Assembly Bulletins for reports on General Assembly candidates and the recommendations of the Better Government Association and the Municipal Voters League for aldermen (Box 101).
The Gosnell papers also include three studies on Factorial and Correlational Analysis of Voting Behavior in Chicago between 1928 and 1936. Here Gosnell compared the relationships between various issues in voting behavior of different elections (Boxes 109-110). Also found in this section are Gosnell's studies on naturalization (Boxes 92-95). Here Gosnell did case studies on the socialization of immigrants in Chicago. Other materials pertain to studies dealing with the political influence of newspapers (Box 95), referendums (Box 96), statistical methods (Boxes 97-98) and the origin of party affiliation (Box 96). Miscellaneous papers deal with scattered data from Gosnell's award-winning book, Negro Politicians: The Rise of Negro Politics in Chicago (1935) and Non-Voting done with Charles E. Merriam in 1924 (Box 96).
After receiving a PhD from Columbia University in 1900, Charles E. Merriam came to the University of Chicago where he was appointed Docent. He claims when he accepted the position he did not intend to spend the rest of his life there. Nevertheless, despite continuing disagreements with the administration over policy matters and a great number of attractive offers to go elsewhere, Merriam remained at Chicago until his retirement in 1940. He continued to work in his office as Professor Emeritus of Political Science until shortly before his death in 1953.
In his early years Merriam spent a term as Dean, but he had little relish for tasks of administration. Despite this disdain, he assumed the position of Chairman of the Department of Political Science in 1923, but only after receiving long-run guarantees of freedom of action. It was his intention to build a department that would focus on behavioral rather than classical political science. This distinctive (for its time) emphasis on empirical studies became known as the "Chicago School of Political Science." Under Merriam's guidance from 1923 to 1940 the department attracted outstanding faculty and graduate students.
The materials dealing with the University of Chicago found in the Charles E. Merriam papers are not extensive; particularly small are the papers of the Department of Political Science (Boxes 117-119). Box 117 contains some of Merriam's early grade books and some interesting correspondence with his secretary about the day-to-day routine of the department in 1940-1941 while Merriam was Visiting Professor at Harvard University. The remainder of the departmental papers consist of miscellaneous memoranda arranged by year (Box 118) and proposals for research in various fields of political science (Box 119).
Among other papers relating to the University of Chicago, Box 121 is the most important. It contains papers from the Senate Committee on Research headed by Merriam in the late 1930s, including a survey of faculty opinion on research at the University. In response to the committee's questionnaire many faculty members gave their unequivocal opinions of the regime of President Robert M. Hutchins. The remaining boxes deal with proposals for an Institute of Politics (Box 122) and material from the Social Science Research Committee (Box 123).
Merriam's political failures enabled him to concentrate on academic matters and to devote time to the numerous professional organization with which he was affiliated. However, the material in this section often sheds more light on the activities of the professional associations than upon Merriam's role in them, for they are basically transcripts of conference proceedings, committee memoranda, minutes, and reports.
Merriam was an advocate of the interaction of the social sciences. He also emphasized the utilization of the scientific method in political science. Accordingly in 1924 he founded and became chairman of the Social Science Research Council (Boxes 130-143) which was designed to promote cooperative endeavors among the disciplines and to train specialized social scientists through the granting of fellowships.
Merriam was instrumental in initially securing foundation money for academic purposes. By the mid-1920s he already had influential connections with the Rockefeller Foundation through his friendship with and influence on the much younger Beardsley Ruml. At his urging the Rockefeller Foundation financed a Committee on Local Community Research at the University of Chicago. The University became a center for research in the social sciences, and politics in particular. The Spelman Fund (Boxes 144-158) was created from the Rockefeller Foundation in 1928. The removal of the name "Rockefeller" served not only to limit suspicion about the Foundation's motives, but gave Merriam, who served as President and Trustee, greater independence and larger resources. Of particular interest in the papers is Box 156 which explains "Operation Merriam", the elderly professor's last five years (1947-1952) of research projects financed by the Spelman Fund.
The Spelman Fund provided an organizational framework for the cooperation of scholarship with public agencies. Eventually this led to concentration in the field of public administration in order to raise the level of its professional standards. As funds for the study of governmental and administrative reform were granted to organizations, the need for a clearing house became obvious. The result was the establishment of the 1313 building on the University of Chicago campus. These "1313 Organizations" (Boxes 159-165) not only made information readily available to scholars but also attracted top experts in the field of public administration. Among them was Louis Brownlow the Director of the Public Administration Clearing House (PACH). Brownlow's unpublished diary, found in Box 163-165, is one of only six copies in existence.
The man one newspaper report called "The scholar in politics, or perhaps the politician who is a scholar" was honored in 1924 with the presidency of the American Political Science Association, in which he maintained an interest until his death (Box 126). Other nongovernmental organizations with which Merriam was involved were the Commission on the Freedom of the Press (Boxes 127-128), and the Jefferson National Memorial Expansion Association (Box 129). Folder 4 of Box 313 (section seven) pertains to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Foundation.
In terms of size, the papers resulting from Merriam's government service are the most extensive in the collection, possibly because they are among his most recent papers. Like the materials in section five, these papers shed more light on the workings of the organizations than they do on Merriam's role in them. They consist mainly of minutes, research studies, memoranda, correspondence, and committee reports.
Merriam had been tapped for governmental service early, but had declined because of his more immediate interest in Chicago politics. Thus he had refused appointment to President Taft's Commission on Economy and Efficiency and President Wilson's twelve-year term on the Tariff Commission. Yet he maintained the hope that better relationships between government and scientific social research could materialize. His appointment by President Hoover to the President's Research Committee on Social Trends (Boxes 267-272) in 1929 became a mean of realizing that ambition. The task of the Committee was to examine every aspect of society in order to make recommendations that would enable institutions to meet problems precipitated by technological development. Merriam served as vice-chairman of the committee and wrote the section of the committee's report that dealt with governmental trends (Box 270).
The Committee's report (Box 271) which recommended the establishment of a high level government agency for planning evidently made an impression on President Franklin D. Roosevelt, for in 1933 he established the National Planning Board (Boxes 169-171) in the Department of the Interior. Along with Frederic A. Delano and Wesley C. Mitchell, Merriam was appointed to the Board. Later it became known as the National Resources Committee (Boxes 173-215). A variety of technical committees employing a substantial number of academic personnel were set up to examine such problems as education, land use, public works, transportation, uranium, and water resources.
In 1939 the agency became an independent bureau in the Executive Office of the President. Renamed the National Resources Planning Board (Boxes 216-259) it functioned until 1943 when Congress cut off its funds. Merriam had tired of his decade of commuting to Washington and had hoped to quit the NRPB after his retirement from the University of Chicago. But the outbreak of World War II placed additional burdens of wartime and post-war planning on the agency and prohibited Merriam's resignation.
The enormous tasks of economic reconstruction resulting from the depression caused a proliferation in New Deal agencies. Although admittedly not an expert in the field of administration, Merriam suggested to President Roosevelt the importance of inquiring into the overall management of the government. Roosevelt was anxious to tie national planning to executive organization. Hence he established the President's Committee on Administrative Management (Boxes 260-266) consisting of Chairman Louis Brownlow, Luther Gulick, and former Illinois Governor Frank O. Lowden. When Lowden could not serve, Merriam was appointed to replace him in the study of governmental reorganization.
Merriam last officially served the federal government at the request of President Truman, when he was a member of the Loyalty Review Board (Boxes 166-168) in 1948-1949.
Section seven consists of miscellaneous Merriam manuscripts, articles, and speeches arranged by subject. Other writings were included under the appropriate heading, bureau, or organization. Hence his writings about Chicago appear in Section III, those pertaining to the NRPB in Section VI and articles concerning Jefferson are found in Section V. Section VII also includes book reviews by
Merriam (Box 273) reviews of his books (Box 274), and a bibliography of his writings (Box 274, folder 1).
Merriam's work reflects his nonacademic activity. While his reputation was made in political theory, his interests were in political behavior which he believed to be the ultimate basis of theory. In terms of evolution his career begins and ends with theory. Sandwiched in between these two is the era of his Chicago political activity and service to the federal government. His writings from these times reflect his experience.
Merriam's doctoral thesis, History of the Theory of Sovereignty since Rousseau (1906) is cast in the traditional historical methods of the time. The influence of Dunning is most clearly evident in the book that earned for Merriam a place in his profession, A History of American Political Theories (1903). This volume which runs to the Civil War and a later sequence American Political Ideas (1920) parallel Dunning's method of historical classification and description. As did Dunning, Merriam analyzes economic and social factors in the development of American political thought. The uniqueness of Merriam's approach stems from his classification of political actors as "theorists." The collection contains several boxes of notes (Boxes 297-299) that presumably relate to these works. Merriam's weakening dependence on Dunning is evidenced in the memorial volume he edited with Harry Elmer Barnes in 1924. Although in honor of his late mentor, A History of Political Theories: Recent Times contains examples of his work relevant to political theory in related fields such as psychology, economics, sociology, and anthropology.
The independence of his approach is demonstrated by New Aspects of Politics, published in 1925. Characteristically, Merriam attempts to show the relationship of politics to fields like biology and psychology. The book is a collection of papers drawn from conferences of social scientists. Some of the notes and articles on which the book is based are found in Boxes 296 and 300. New Aspects urges political science to adopt the scientific methods of other social and natural sciences, but cautions against an emerging determinism in these fields.
Merriam's editorship of a series dealing with civic education in various countries is part of his commitment to tie American scholarship to international social sciences. The manuscript of his The Making of Citizens (1931) is found in Box 285. (Boxes 283 and 286 contain related materials.) His papers connected with the American Historical Association volume on Civic Education in the United States (1934) are located in Boxes 124-125.
His work in this area is tied to that in the field of democratic theory. Merriam was a cautious innovator. A firm believer in the virtues of democracy, he attempted to show that the scientific study of politics was compatible with that type of political system. His major work in that area, The New Democracy and the New Despotism (1939) is contained in Boxes 287-289. The outbreak of World War II compelled Merriam to justify national planning by democratic states when the enemies of the United States were advocates of state socialism. This task is accomplished by the publication of his 1940 Walgreen Lectures under the title of What is Democracy? (Box 291) and his 1941 Godkin Lectures at Harvard University On the Agenda of Democracy (Box 290).
Similarly Merriam felt compelled to redefine "power" against the perversion engendered by the rise of German fascism. The result of this endeavor, Political Power-Its Composition and Incidence (1934) (Box 301) was to reconcile European analysis with the traditions of his own society. Merriam's later writings reflect a gradual return to problems earlier considered fundamental but laid aside because of direct involvement in the study of political behavior. His last books are more developed attempts to reconcile political theory and democratic government. While they were more cognizant of the problem of social change, they limited themselves to an analysis of democratic systems. The Role of Politics in Social Change (1936) (Box 302) seems to link his major theoretical works, Political Power and Systematic Politics. Other brief works which perform the same function are Prologue to Politics (1939) and Public and Private Government (1944) (Box 300). The culmination of the resolution of theory with the realities of political research in the modern world was Merriam's Systematic Politics (1945) (Boxes 304-306). Merriam had begun along these lines forty years before, only to be discouraged by Dunning, who cautioned his career would be spent on the defensive at an early age. Because he had postponed his task to an advanced age, a sequel, "Government and the Economic Order," (Boxes 281-282) was never published.
Merriam's nontheoretical writings paralleled his particular interests at the time of publication. A considerable number of governmental reports are found in the collection. Articles and miscellaneous materials relating to Primary Elections, and American parties and institutions are found in Box 278. Many folders relate indirectly to his volumes on Primary Elections (1908), and The American Party System (1922). A galley proof of his The Written Constitution and the Unwritten Attitude (1931) is also located there. The only Merriam manuscript of a book dealing with American politics is The American Government (Boxes 275-277) written with his son Robert and published posthumously in 1954.
Throughout Section VII are drafts of many lectures he delivered near the close of his career. many of the most significant deal with presidential and party leadership and appear related to his book Four American Party Leaders (1926). Quite often these lectures are in the form of personal reminiscences. Among the most important of these is his 1948 Walgreen address, "An Analysis of Some Political Personalities I Have Known" (Box 279, folder 6).
Other miscellaneous papers are concerned with planning (Boxes 294-295) and public administration (Boxes 307-309). These are from his period of governmental service and are related to sections discussed earlier. Truly a political scientist of diversified interest and great concern for humanity, Merriam became more interested in international politics toward the close of his life. His interest in problems associated with atomic energy is best illustrated by his 1947 Walgreen lectures, "Physics and Politics" (Box 292, folder 22).
Charles E. Merriam, Jr. died suddenly in Washington, D. C. on January 8, 1953, and was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Material about his illness and a memorial service that followed his death are in Box 1, folder 10.
Related papers in the University of Chicago Department of Special Collection are those of his son Robert E. Merriam, the Edith and Grace Abbott Papers, the Louis Brownlow Diaries, the Commission on the Freedom of the Press, the William Rainey Harper Papers, the University Presidents' Papers, the Papers of Beardsley Ruml, and the Quincy Wright Papers. The Julius Rosenwald Papers contain significant documents related to the 1911 mayoralty campaign, and the William Fielding Ogburn Papers deal with the National Resources Committee and the President's Research Committee on Social Trends. In addition the biographical files of the archives contain a folder on Merriam.
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Subject Headings
- Merriam, Charles Edward, 1874-1953
- Abbott, Edith, 1876-1957
- Abbott, Grace, 1878-1939
- Addams, Jane, 1860-1935
- Benton, William, 1900-1973
- Brownlow, Louis, b. 1879
- Dunning, William Archibald, 1857-1922
- Eaton, Charles S.
- Gosnell, Harold Foote, 1896-
- Gulick, Luther Halsey, 1892-
- Ickes, Harold L. (Harold LeClair), 1874-1952
- Krey, August C. (August Charles), 1887-1961
- Lasswell, Harold Dwight, 1902-
- Merriam, Charles Edward, 1874-1953
- Ruml, Beardsley, 1894-1960
- White, Leonard Dupee, 1891-1958
- Chicago Commission on City Expenditures
- Chicago Crime Commission
- Public Administration Clearing House
- Social Science Research Council (U.S.)
- Spelman Fund
- Political science -- History -- 20th century
- United States. National Planning Board
- United States. National Resources Committee
- United States. National Resources Planning Board
- United States. President's Research Committee on Social Trends
- University of Chicago -- History
- University of Chicago. Political Science Dept
- Chicago (Ill.) -- Politics and government
Series I: Personal Papers |
This section includes records that emphasize the personal side of Merriam's life although ultimately even these so-called "personal" papers have to be seen in the light of his total activities and his professional relationships. For the sake of convenience biographical material, certificates and memorabilia of various kinds, photographs, and so forth are arranged here in Box 1. In Box 2, the correspondence Merriam had with members of his family is arranged, while his unpublished autobiography is located in Box 3. His own classroom lectures notes, taken while a student, are in Boxes 4-9. Box 10 includes records from his service with the Army Signal Corps and his position as Commissioner to Italy during World War I. Papers from his European trips for the Spelman Fund and Social Science Research Council are located in Box 11. Of particular interest is a letter to Beardsley Ruml (Box 11, folder 1) disclosing Merriam's inability to accept a position as the director of the Paris Office of the Rockefeller Foundation due to a serious illness.
Subseries 1: Miscellaneous |
Box 1 Folder 1 | Bank accounts and bond purchases, IRS and Hopkinton |
Box 1 Folder 2 | Biographical material. Includes University of Chicago press release on Merriam's retirement; Bachelor's dissertations about Merriam by Eilene Mary Galloway, Swarthmore College, 1928; and James Alexander Merriam, Princeton University, 1957 |
Box 1 Folder 3 | Birthday cards |
Box 1 Folder 4 | Boyhood diary and ledger, and youthful descriptive writing, "Golden Gate and Vicinity" |
Box 1 Folder 6 | Disposition of estate |
Box 1 Folder 7 | Disposition of papers |
Box 1 Folder 8 | Fourth of July 1893. Speech or essay by Merriam |
Box 1 Folder 9 | Gifts to charity |
Box 1 Folder 10 | Illness and death. Includes memorial material, 1953, and civics paper by Roxanne Herrick, 1952 |
Box 1 Folder 11 | Charles E. Merriam, "The Education of Charles E. Merriam" Galley of an article for the book honoring Merriam, The Future of Government in the United States, Leonard D. White, ed. (Chicago; University of Chicago Press, 1942) |
Box 1 Folder 12 | David Milstein, "Impressions of a Man," essay about Merriam by a student |
Box 1 Folder 13 | Personal clippings; Mother's death, Congressional Record remarks by Barrett O'Hara, etc |
Box 1 Folder 15 | Plans for a biography of Merriam |
Box 1 Folder 17 | Recommendation of Merriam, 1894-1897 |
Box 1 Folder 18 | Taxes and royalties |
Box 1 Folder 19 | Utility Company blacklist campaign against Merriam |
Box 1 Folder 20 | Vacation and travel material |
Box 1 Folder 21 | 50th Anniversary letters and cards |
Box 1A | Merriam family photo album and scrapbook, circa 1900-circa 1957 |
Subseries 2: Family Correspondence |
Box 2 Folder 1 | John C. Merriam, death notice, articles. Much of Merriam's correspondence with his brother may be found in the correspondence of the National Resources Planning Committee and the National Resources Planning Board, as well as in the general files |
Box 2 Folder 2 | Robert E. Merriam, letter to CEM from Carl Sandburg praising his son's book Dark December. Reviews of the book and campaign material from the 1947 election |
Box 2 Folder 3 | CEM correspondence to Robert E. Merriam, 1941 |
Box 2 Folder 4 | CEM correspondence to Robert E. Merriam, 1942 |
Box 2 Folder 5 | CEM correspondence to Robert E. Merriam, 1943 |
Box 2 Folder 6 | CEM correspondence to Robert E. Merriam, 1944 |
Box 2 Folder 7 | CEM correspondence to Robert E. Merriam, 1945 |
Box 2 Folder 8 | CEM correspondence to Robert E. Merriam, 1947 |
Box 2 Folder 9 | CEM correspondence to Robert E. Merriam, 1952 |
Box 2 Folder 10 | CEM correspondence to Robert E. Merriam, date unknown |
Box 2 Folder 11 | Miscellaneous family correspondence |
Subseries 3: Autobiography |
Box 3 | Unpublished fragments, Publication correspondence |
Subseries 4: Class notes taken by CEM as a student |
Sub-subseries 1: American History |
Box 4 Folder 1 | Colonial History II, notebook, January 1897 |
Box 4 Folder 2 | Colonial History III, notebook |
Box 4 Folder 3 | Colonial History IV, Professor Osgood, notebook, October 1897 |
Box 4 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous class notes and readings, colonial history |
Box 4 Folder 5 | Transition Periods in American History, Professor Sloan, notebook, October 1897 |
Box 4 Folder 6 | America-Modern Europe, notebook, 1895 |
Box 4 Folder 7 | Civil War and Reconstruction, Professor Dunning, notebook, February 1897 |
Box 4 Folder 8 | Miscellaneous class notes and readings |
Sub-subseries 2: Economics and Sociology |
Box 5 Folder 1 | History of Political Economy, Professor Seligman; and Economic Theory, Professor Clark, notebook |
Box 5 Folder 2 | Taxation and finance, Professor Seligman, notebook, October 1896 |
Box 5 Folder 3 | Taxation, Volume II, Professor Seligman, notebook, March 1897 |
Box 5 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous class notes and readings |
Box 5 Folder 5 | Notes and readings on socialism |
Box 5 Folder 6 | Sociology, Professor Giddings, notebook, October 1896 |
Box 5 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous notes and readings in the field of sociology |
Sub-subseries 3: Law Courses |
Box 6 Folder 1 | Administrative Law, Professor Goodnow, notebook |
Box 6 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous notes and readings, administrative law |
Box 6 Folder 3 | Comparative Constitutional Law of the Commonwealths of the United States, Professor Burgess, notebook |
Box 6 Folder 4 | Constitutional History, notebook, October 1896 |
Box 6 Folder 5 | Miscellaneous notes and readings in constitutional history, constitutional law |
Box 6 Folder 6 | International law, miscellaneous notes, readings |
Sub-subseries 4: Political Philosophy |
Box 7 Folder 1 | History of Philosophy, Professor Butler, notebook |
Box 7 Folder 2 | History of Political Theory, notebook, October 1896 |
Box 7 Folder 4 | Greece and Rome |
Box 7 Folder 5 | Machiavelli |
Box 7 Folder 7 | St. Thomas Aquinas |
Box 7 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous |
Sub-subseries 5: Miscellaneous |
Box 8 Folder 1 | England and China |
Box 8 Folder 2 | Europe in the Sixteenth Century |
Box 8 Folder 3 | History of France |
Box 8 Folder 4 | Germanic Empire |
Box 8 Folder 5 | Rise of the Dutch Republic |
Box 8 Folder 6 | Renaissance and Reformation |
Box 8 Folder 7 | Notes and reading in history of political literature |
Box 8 Folder 8 | Essay, winter term, 1890 |
Box 8 Folder 9 | Essay on Modern Socialism, Columbia |
Sub-subseries 6: Overseas Study |
Box 9 | Notes in English, German and French, apparently taken during Merriam's study in Berlin and Paris, 1899-1900, Army Signal Corps, Aviation Section, World War I |
Box 10 Folder 1 | Application for balloon service |
Box 10 Folder 2 | Correspondence, memoranda |
Box 10 Folder 3 | Transcripts of Merriam investigations and interrogations, Commissioner to Italy, Committee on Public Information |
Box 10 Folder 4 | Comparative military data of Italy, France, Great Britain, the United States and Germany, 1918 |
Box 10 Folder 5 | Correspondence, memoranda, and reports on the military and propaganda campaigns in Italy |
Box 10 Folder 6 | Countess Maria Loschi, "My Trip to the United States," 1919 |
Box 10 Folder 7 | Countess Maria Loschi, profile of Merriam, biographical data |
Box 10 Folder 8 | Charles E. Merriam, galley proof and reprint of an article in the American Political Science Review, XIII (November 1919), entitled "American Publicity in Italy" |
Box 10 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous jottings, clippings, diplomatic passport, etc. |
Box 10 Folder 10 | Negotiations with D. Appleton and Company to publish proposed book Italy in Wartime, 1919 |
Box 10 Folder 11 | Order of the Crown of Italy, award presented to Merriam |
Box 10 Folder 12 | Personal expenses |
Box 10 Folder 13 | Reports on the Italian press and the relation of trusts to journalism |
Box 10 Folder 14 | Reprints of articles on Italy and Italian border disputes |
Box 10 Folder 15 | Reprints of articles on Italian-Yugoslavian dispute |
Box 10 Folder 16 | Safe-conduct pass |
Box 10 Folder 17 | Gino C. Speranza, "Report Relative to the Imperialist, Liberal, and Social Revolutionary Forces in Italy," 1918; European trip for Spelman Fund and Social Science Research Council 1929-1930 |
Box 11 Folder 1 | Spelman negotiations, 1926, letter to Beardsley Ruml in which Merriam discloses his serious illness prevents him from leaving the University of Chicago to accept a position in Europe |
Box 11 Folder 2 | Merriam report to the Spelman Fund and Social Science Research Council on social science in Paris and related subjects, July 1929, also summaries of interviews conducted |
Box 11 Folder 3 | Merriam's observations on two months' study in Brussels, Paris, Geneva, Berlin, Hamburg, Heidelberg, London and Cambridge |
Sub-subseries 7: Documents |
Box 11 Folder 9 | Memorandum and notes on general impressions of the trip and comparisons of public administration abroad |
Series II: General Correspondence |
The General Correspondence is divided into five chronological subseries which correspond to the periods of Merriam's life. Each series is arranged alphabetically; thus letters from lifelong acquaintances, like Harold Ickes, are found in more than one series.
Other correspondence relating to specific organizations is found in the appropriate sections, rather than in the General Correspondence.
Merriam's early years at the University are reflected in Subseries 1. Much of the correspondence is professional and administrative-student recommendations, etc. There are, however, numerous letters which reveal Merriam's more scholarly interests and his developing concern for city planning. Among his scholarly activities during these early years he concentrated in the field of Primary Elections. Throughout the series are letters which request materials or seek his advice in this area.
Coinciding with his personal development as a scholar is his emergence as a leading figure in political science and the correspondence with his colleagues shows him already a respected member of his profession. Some important academicians with whom he corresponded are noted in the index. Of particular interest is the wide-ranging and personal exchange of letters with William A. Dunning, who taught Merriam at Columbia. Among the items they discuss is an appointment offered Merriam by the University of Illinois.
In addition to the scholarly side of Merriam's career, Subseries 1 also reflects his involvement with the practical workings of government: the Chicago Harbor Commission, the City Club report on municipal revenues, and the several charter conventions of the period.
Subseries 2: 1909-1919. In the second decade of the 20th century Merriam shifted his energy to his work as the Seventh Ward Alderman and to his service on various Chicago bureaus and commission, including the Bureau of Public Efficiency, the Chicago Crime Commission, and the Commission of Public Welfare. His constituents addressed him on problems ranging from crime, graft, and corruption, to street lighting an the removal of ashes, the last being a particularly vexing problem in the Seventh Ward. Collectively these letters provide a vivid picture of urban neighborhood life and condition in the period just before World War I.
Especially impressive are the activities of the many neighboring improvement association to which Merriam gave full encouragement. Many important local figures like Jane Addams and Clarence Darrow are noted in the index. Merriam's activities in the progressive Party are represented in this series by correspondence with figures such as Hiram Johnson, Gifford Pinchot and Elihu Root. Theodore Roosevelt discusses in his letter campaign techniques and principles as well as the future of the Party. A number of University faculty members and fellow academicians are also found in this series; they have been noted in the index.
Subseries 3: 1920-1932, covers the years when Merriam became firmly established as one of the most eminent figures in his field. With the death of Dunning, Columbia University offered Merriam Dunning's chair (Box 35, folder 1) but he decided to remain at Chicago as head of the Department of Political Science where he was free to develop his behavioral approach to the study of politics. At Chicago he developed as excellent faculty and graduate student body; many of the letters in this series relate to the reorganization of the Department. Important individuals at the University are noted in the index.
Merriam was a principal leader in organizing research in the social sciences on a nationwide scale; he served as President of the American Political Science Association, Chairman of its Committee on Political Research, member of the President's Research Committee on Social Trends, and was influential in establishing the Social Science Research Council. An important trend toward support of large-scale research projects in the social sciences by philanthropic foundations developed in the 1920s and Merriam, with his ties with the Russell Sage Foundation, the Spelman Fund, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation, played a leading role, which is reflected in this subseries.
The Making of Citizens, a series of comparative studies on methods of civic training commissioned by the Rockefeller Foundation and edited by Merriam, is represented from the planning to the acceptance by the scholarly community. For the planning stages, see Edmund E. Day and Guy S. Ford of the Rockefeller Foundation. Contributors included Robert Michels, Samuel N. Harper, John M. Gaus, Oscar Jaszi, Herbert W. Schneider, Paul Kosok, Robert C. Brooks, Carleton J. H. Hayes, and Elizabeth Weber.
Particular attention in Subseries IV should be drawn to Merriam's work on the Social Science Research Council's Committee on Commission of Inquiry and his work with the federal government, especially with Luther Guluck and Louis Brownlow on the President's Committee on Administrative Management and his service on the National Resources Planning Board. As in the previous series, individuals of note are listed in the index.
Subseries 5: 1944-1952 of Merriam's correspondence assumes a conversational tone, especially in the exchanges with Louis Brownlow, Luther Gulick, Beardsley Ruml, and Harold Lasswell. His notable works include the Commission on Freedom of the Press, the Loyalty Review Board and the 1313 organizations.
Box 12 Folder 1 | Ab-Am, including Grace and Edith Abbott |
Box 12 Folder 8 | Co-Cru, including Francis Coker |
Box 12 Folder 11 | Direct Primary |
Box 12 Folder 13 | Du-Dy, including Clarence Dykstra and William A. Dunning |
Box 12 Folder 14 | Ec-Fa, including John A. Fairlie |
Box 12 Folder 17 | James W. Garner |
Box 12 Folder 18 | Gar-Goode, Paul J. |
Box 12 Folder 19 | Goodspeed-Hart, including William B. Guthrie and A. B. Hart |
Box 12 Folder 25 | Macc-Macm |
Box 12 Folder 26 | Macy-Mu, including W. B. Munro |
Box 12 Folder 27 | Nev-Q, including M. Ostrogorski |
Box 13 Folder 5 | Wh-Will, including W. W. Willoughby |
Box 13 Folder 7-8 | Miscellaneous, office correspondence |
Box 13 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous, Student inquiries and recommendations |
Box 13 Folder 10 | Ab-Ac, including Grace and Edith Abbott |
Box 13 Folder 11 | Ad-Af, including Jane Addams |
Box 13 Folder 14 | Am-Anderson, J. |
Box 13 Folder 15 | Anderson, M.-Ap |
Box 13 Folder 23 | Bea-Beebe, J., including Charles E. Beard |
Box 13 Folder 24 | Vernon Beebe |
Box 13 Folder 26 | Edward W. Bemis |
Box 14 Folder 6 | Brec-Bren, including Sophonisba P. Breckinridge |
Box 14 Folder 17 | Chap-Chas |
Box 14 Folder 19-22 | Chicago, City of |
Box 14 Folder 23 | Chicago A-Chicago W |
Box 15 Folder 13 | Dae-Dar, including Clarence Darrow |
Box 15 Folder 15 | Daw-Dep, including Charles Deneen |
Box 15 Folder 17 | Do, including William F. Dodd |
Box 15 Folder 18 | Dr-Dy, including William A. Dunning and Clarence Dykstra |
Box 16 Folder 2 | Fai-Fal, including John A. Fairlie |
Box 16 Folder 14 | Gas-Gau, including Robert H. Gault |
Box 17 Folder 6 | Hars-Hat, including A. B. Hart |
Box 17 Folder 11 | Hib-Hil, including Sidney Hillman |
Box 17 Folder 19 | Ic-II, including Harold Ickes |
Box 18 Folder 2 | Joh, including Hiram Johnson |
Box 18 Folder 3 | Jon-Jud, including Clyde Jones and O. Garfield Jones |
Box 19 Folder 6 | Macch-Maccl |
Box 19 Folder 7 | Macco, including Medill McCormick and R. H. McCormick |
Box 19 Folder 8 | Maccu-Macf |
Box 19 Folder 10 | Maci-Mack |
Box 19 Folder 11 | Macl-Macm |
Box 19 Folder 12 | Macn-Macy |
Box 20 Folder 3 | Morl-Mull, including W. B. Munro |
Box 20 Folder 4-5 | Thomas Mulroy |
Box 20 Folder 15 | Pac-Palmer, H. |
Box 20 Folder 16 | Ray Palmer |
Box 21 Folder 1 | Palmer, S.S.-Parker |
Box 21 Folder 2 | Parkside-Pay |
Box 21 Folder 5 | Perl-Peterson, G. |
Box 21 Folder 6 | Peterson, H.-Ph |
Box 21 Folder 7 | Pi-Pl, including Gifford Pinchot |
Box 22 Folder 1 | Rol-Ros, including Julius Rosenwald, Theodore Roosevelt and Elihu Root |
Box 22 Folder 12 | Stea-Stev |
Box 22 Folder 13 | Stew-Stir |
Box 23 Folder 3 | Tha-Thomp, including William Hale Thompson |
Box 23 Folder 9 | Uh-University of Chicago |
Box 23 Folder 10 | University of Chicago-Ut |
Box 24 Folder 7 | Williamson-Wils, including W. W. Willoughby |
Box 24 Folder 14-15 | Anonymous and unidentified |
Box 24 Folder 16 | Miscellaneous notes, petitions, reports |
Box 24 Folder 17 | Ab, including Grace and Edith Abbott |
Box 24 Folder 20 | Allen-Ally |
Box 25 Folder 1 | C. D. Allin |
Box 25 Folder 2 | All-American Association of University Women |
Box 25 Folder 3 | American C-American F |
Box 25 Folder 4 | American G-American Historical Association |
Box 25 Folder 5 | American I-American N |
Box 25 Folder 6-8 | American Political Science Association |
Box 25 Folder 9 | American R-And, including William D. Anderson |
Box 25 Folder 14 | Bal-Barnes, C. |
Box 25 Folder 15 | Barnes, Henry Elmer (co-editor of the Dunning memorial volume) |
Box 25 Folder 16 | Barnet-Bean |
Box 25 Folder 17 | Charles A. Beard |
Box 25 Folder 19 | Ber-Better |
Box 25 Folder 20 | Betters-Bettm |
Box 26 Folder 1 | Bev-Bey, including Senator Robert Beveridge (Indiana) and Sir William Beveridge |
Box 26 Folder 6 | Bra-Brind, including S. P. Breckinridge |
Box 26 Folder 7 | Carl Brinkman |
Box 26 Folder 8 | Brit-Brooki |
Box 26 Folder 9-11 | Robert C. Brooks |
Box 26 Folder 12 | Brot-Brown |
Box 26 Folder 13 | Baker-Brownell |
Box 26 Folder 14 | Louis Brownlow |
Box 26 Folder 16 | Bun-Burn, including Ernest Burgess and Ralph Bunche |
Box 26 Folder 17 | Ernest Burton |
Box 26 Folder 18 | Burtt-Butc |
Box 26 Folder 19 | Butl-Butt |
Box 26 Folder 21 | Cara-Carp |
Box 27 Folder 3 | Ce, including Mayor Anton J. Cermak |
Box 27 Folder 5 | F. Stuart Chapin |
Box 27 Folder 7 | Chicago, City of |
Box 27 Folder 8 | Chicago A-Chicago F |
Box 27 Folder 9 | Chicago G-Chicago Z |
Box 27 Folder 10 | Chil-Chri |
Box 27 Folder 13 | Coh-Cok, including Francis Coker |
Box 27 Folder 14 | Col-Commi |
Box 27 Folder 16 | Morris L. Cooke |
Box 27 Folder 17 | Cool-Counc |
Box 27 Folder 18 | George S. Counts |
Box 27 Folder 20 | Crane, Charles-Crane, John |
Box 27 Folder 21 | Crane, Robert |
Box 28 Folder 1 | Cra-Cro, including Herbert Croly |
Box 28 Folder 3 | Dag-Dawson, C. |
Box 28 Folder 4 | Edgar Dawson |
Box 28 Folder 5-6 | Edmund E. Day |
Box 28 Folder 7 | Day, John-Dep, including Senator Charles Deneen |
Box 28 Folder 9 | Mayor William E. Dever |
Box 28 Folder 10 | Dev-Dick, including John Dewey |
Box 28 Folder 12 | Dob-Dodd, William E. |
Box 28 Folder 13 | H. W. Dodds (National Municipal League) |
Box 28 Folder 14 | Dol-Douglas, K. |
Box 28 Folder 15 | Paul H. Douglas |
Box 28 Folder 16 | William O. Douglas |
Box 28 Folder 17 | Douglass-Dud, including W. E. B. Dubois |
Box 28 Folder 18 | Stephen P. Duggan |
Box 29 Folder 2 | Ralph Easley (National Civic Federation) |
Box 29 Folder 5 | Emb-Emp, including Governor Louis Emmerson |
Box 29 Folder 6 | Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences |
Box 29 Folder 9-10 | John A. Fairlie |
Box 29 Folder 11 | George Fairweather |
Box 29 Folder 17 | Foe-Forbes, Mansfield |
Box 29 Folder 18 | Russell Forbes (National Administration Service) |
Box 29 Folder 19 | Russell Forbes |
Box 29 Folder 20 | Ford-Fore |
Box 29 Folder 21 | Raymond Fosdick |
Box 30 Folder 1 | Fos-Frank, J. |
Box 30 Folder 2 | Lawrence K. Frank |
Box 30 Folder 4 | Fri-Fy, including Carl J. Friederich |
Box 30 Folder 5 | Gal-Gar, including James Garner and George Gallup |
Box 30 Folder 7-8 | John M. Gaus |
Box 30 Folder 14 | Goo-Gosnell, C. |
Box 30 Folder 15 | Harold F. Gosnell |
Box 30 Folder 17 | Gre-Griffen |
Box 30 Folder 18 | E. O. Griffenhagen |
Box 30 Folder 19 | Griffi-Gui |
Box 30 Folder 20-21 | Luther Gulick |
Box 31 Folder 1-2 | Luther Gulick |
Box 31 Folder 4 | Haa-Haines, C. |
Box 31 Folder 5 | Lynn Haines-Hale |
Box 31 Folder 6-7 | Arnold Bennett Hall |
Box 31 Folder 8 | Hall, J.-Ham |
Box 31 Folder 9 | Han-Harper and Bros. |
Box 31 Folder 10 | Samuel Harper |
Box 31 Folder 11 | Harrin-Joseph P. Harris |
Box 31 Folder 13 | Hart-Harv |
Box 31 Folder 15 | Carlton J. H. Hayes |
Box 31 Folder 16 | E. C. Hayes |
Box 31 Folder 17 | Hayes, G.-Heb |
Box 31 Folder 18 | Hec-Her, including Christian Herter |
Box 31 Folder 20 | Hib-Hil, including Sidney Hillman, labor leader |
Box 32 Folder 1 | Him-Holcomb |
Box 32 Folder 2 | Arthur N. Holcombe |
Box 32 Folder 4 | Hom-Hor, including Governor Henry Horner |
Box 32 Folder 6 | Hug-Hunt (President's Research Committee on Social Trends) |
Box 32 Folder 7-8 | E. E. Hunt |
Box 32 Folder 10 | Ic-Illinois J, including Harold Ickes |
Box 32 Folder 11 | Illinois L-Illinois S |
Box 32 Folder 12 | Ind-International A |
Box 32 Folder 13 | International City Managers' Association |
Box 32 Folder 14 | International L-It |
Box 32 Folder 15 | Jac-James |
Box 32 Folder 16 | Jameson-Jar |
Box 32 Folder 17-18 | Oscar Jaszi |
Box 32 Folder 20 | Johnson, A.-Johnson, E. |
Box 33 Folder 1 | Johnson, H.-Johnson, M. |
Box 33 Folder 2 | Johnson, T.-Johnson, W. |
Box 33 Folder 3 | Joi-Jones, M. |
Box 33 Folder 4 | O. Garfield Jones |
Box 33 Folder 5 | Jones, P.-Ju |
Box 33 Folder 10 | Kil-King, H. |
Box 33 Folder 11 | Judson King |
Box 33 Folder 12 | King, R.-Kl |
Box 33 Folder 14 | Koc-Paul Kosok |
Box 33 Folder 15-16 | Paul Kosok |
Box 33 Folder 17 | Kost-Krei |
Box 33 Folder 18-21 | A. C. Krey |
Box 34 Folder 1 | A. C. Krey |
Box 34 Folder 4 | Harold Lasswell |
Box 34 Folder 8 | Albert Lepawsky |
Box 34 Folder 9 | Lep-Lev, including Salmon O. Levinson |
Box 34 Folder 10 | Lew, including Senator James Hamilton Lewis |
Box 34 Folder 11 | Lic-Lippi |
Box 34 Folder 12 | Walter Lippmann |
Box 34 Folder 16 | Governor Frank O. Lowden |
Box 34 Folder 17 | S. Gale Lowrie |
Box 34 Folder 19-20 | Robert S. Lynd |
Box 35 Folder 2 | Glenn McCleary |
Box 35 Folder 3 | McClu-McGi, including Senator Robert H. McCormick |
Box 35 Folder 4 | McGo-McGui |
Box 35 Folder 6 | McL-McMa, including Arthur MacMahon |
Box 35 Folder 7-9 | Macmillan Co. |
Box 35 Folder 10 | McMinn-Malo |
Box 35 Folder 11 | Milo R. Maltbie |
Box 35 Folder 14 | Mart-Mason, J. |
Box 35 Folder 15 | Max Mason |
Box 35 Folder 16 | Mass-Mayn |
Box 35 Folder 17 | Elton Mayo |
Box 35 Folder 19-20 | John C. Merriam |
Box 36 Folder 1 | Merril-Mez |
Box 36 Folder 2 | Roberto Michels |
Box 36 Folder 4 | Min-Mitchell, H. |
Box 36 Folder 5-6 | Wesley C. Mitchell |
Box 36 Folder 8 | Raymond Moley |
Box 36 Folder 11 | W. E. Mosher |
Box 36 Folder 13 | Mow-Munro, D. |
Box 36 Folder 14 | William B. Munro |
Box 36 Folder 16 | Nath-National Ind |
Box 36 Folder 17 | National Institute of Public Administration |
Box 36 Folder 18 | National League of Women Voters |
Box 36 Folder 19-20 | National Municipal League |
Box 37 Folder 1 | National Municipal Review |
Box 37 Folder 2 | National N-Newj |
Box 37 Folder 3 | Jess Newlon |
Box 37 Folder 4 | Newm-New Y |
Box 37 Folder 8-9 | Howard Odum |
Box 37 Folder 10-12 | William F. Ogburn |
Box 37 Folder 13-14 | Frederic A. Ogg |
Box 37 Folder 17 | Louise Overacker |
Box 38 Folder 1 | Pac-Pea, including Spencer D. Parratt |
Box 38 Folder 2 | Roy V. Peel |
Box 38 Folder 3 | Pel-Per, including Dexter Perkins |
Box 38 Folder 6-7 | Bessie Pierce |
Box 38 Folder 8 | Pierce, E.-Pl, including Governor Gifford Pinchot |
Box 38 Folder 16 | Rea-Reed, E. |
Box 38 Folder 17-18 | Thomas H. Reed |
Box 38 Folder 22 | Stuart A. Rice |
Box 39 Folder 4 | Rod-Rogers, R. |
Box 39 Folder 5 | Walter S. Rogers |
Box 39 Folder 8-10 | Beardsley Ruml |
Box 39 Folder 11 | Run-Ry, including Bertrand Russell |
Box 39 Folder 12 | Sa-Schaf, including E. M. Sait |
Box 39 Folder 13 | William A. Schaper |
Box 39 Folder 14 | Schl-Schneider, Helen, including Arthur Schlesinger, Sr. |
Box 39 Folder 15 | Herbert W. Schneider |
Box 39 Folder 16 | Schneider, J.-Schw, including Frederick Schuman |
Box 39 Folder 19 | Edwin R. A. Seligman |
Box 39 Folder 21 | Benjamin Shambaugh |
Box 40 Folder 5 | Sl-Smith, E. |
Box 40 Folder 6 | Smith, F.-Smith, Re |
Box 40 Folder 7 | Richard R. Smith |
Box 40 Folder 8 | Smith, Ru-So, including T. V. Smith |
Box 40 Folder 9-10 | Social Science Research Council |
Box 40 Folder 11 | Social Trends-Sou |
Box 40 Folder 13 | Spelman Fund |
Box 40 Folder 14 | Spen-Stee |
Box 40 Folder 15 | Stef-Stewart, F. |
Box 40 Folder 16 | Steward, G.-Stewart, M. |
Box 40 Folder 18 | Donald C. Stone (International City Managers' Association) |
Box 40 Folder 19 | Stone, I.-Stra |
Box 40 Folder 20 | Silas H. Strawn |
Box 40 Folder 21 | Stro-Stur |
Box 41 Folder 1 | John G. Stutz (International City Managers' Association) |
Box 41 Folder 2-3 | John G. Stutz |
Box 41 Folder 8 | Tee-Thomas. J. |
Box 41 Folder 9 | William I. Thomas |
Box 41 Folder 10 | Thomp-Thurm |
Box 41 Folder 11 | L. L. Thurstone |
Box 41 Folder 13 | Tob-Henry W. Toll |
Box 41 Folder 14 | Henry W. Toll (American Legislators' Association) |
Box 41 Folder 15 | Tolm-Tr, including a letter to Leon Trotsky |
Box 41 Folder 17 | Ul-University Club |
Box 41 Folder 18-20 | University of Chicago |
Box 42 Folder 1-2 | University of Chicago, Auditor |
Box 42 Folder 3-5 | University of Chicago Press |
Box 42 Folder 6 | University of North Carolina-Ur |
Box 42 Folder 8 | Wad-Wallace |
Box 42 Folder 9 | Graham Wallas |
Box 42 Folder 10 | Wallis-War |
Box 42 Folder 11 | Wash-Webb, Sidney |
Box 42 Folder 12-13 | Elizabeth Weber |
Box 42 Folder 14 | Weber, R.-West, R. |
Box 42 Folder 15 | Victor J. West |
Box 42 Folder 16 | Westbrook-White, H. |
Box 42 Folder 17-18 | Leonard D. White |
Box 42 Folder 19 | White, R.-Wilb |
Box 43 Folder 1-2 | Delos Wilcox |
Box 43 Folder 3 | Wilcox, M.-Wilk |
Box 43 Folder 5-6 | Edwin B. Wilson |
Box 43 Folder 7 | Wilson, G.-Wit |
Box 43 Folder 8 | Woe-Woodb, including Arnold Wolfers |
Box 43 Folder 9 | Won-Carroll H. Woody |
Box 43 Folder 10 | Woodh-Woodr |
Box 43 Folder 11 | Arthur Woods |
Box 43 Folder 12 | Woodsi-Woodwa |
Box 43 Folder 13 | Robert S. Woodworth (Social Science Research Council) |
Box 43 Folder 14 | Woof-Wr, including Quincy Wright |
Box 43 Folder 16 | Robert M. Yerkes |
Box 43 Folder 18 | Anonymous and unidentified |
Box 43 Folder 19 | Ad-Ah, including Jane Addams |
Box 43 Folder 20 | Alb-Almond, Gabriel |
Box 43 Folder 21 | American A-American C |
Box 43 Folder 22 | American D-American F |
Box 44 Folder 1 | American H-American I |
Box 44 Folder 2 | American L-American Ph |
Box 44 Folder 3-5 | American Political Science Association |
Box 44 Folder 6 | American Society for Public Administration |
Box 44 Folder 7 | American Society of Landscape Architects-Anderson, Mary |
Box 44 Folder 8 | William D. Anderson |
Box 44 Folder 10 | Moses J. Aronson |
Box 44 Folder 12 | Charles S. Ascher |
Box 44 Folder 13 | Ascoli, Max-Asso |
Box 44 Folder 16 | Bal-Bane, C. |
Box 44 Folder 17 | Frank Bane (Council of State Governments) |
Box 44 Folder 18 | Ban-Bea, including Charles A. Beard |
Box 44 Folder 21 | Bene-Bentl, including Edward Benes |
Box 45 Folder 1-2 | William B. Benton |
Box 45 Folder 3 | Ber-Better, G. |
Box 45 Folder 4 | Paul V. Betters (American Municipal Association) |
Box 45 Folder 7 | Alfred M. Bingham |
Box 45 Folder 15 | Bron-Browne |
Box 45 Folder 16-17 | Louis Brownlow |
Box 45 Folder 19 | Buc-Burcha |
Box 45 Folder 20 | Burd-Burt |
Box 45 Folder 21 | Bus-Butch |
Box 46 Folder 8 | Chicago A-Chicago B |
Box 46 Folder 9 | Chicago C-Chicago F |
Box 46 Folder 10 | Chicago H-Chicago W |
Box 46 Folder 13 | E. J. Coil |
Box 46 Folder 14 | Cok-Colea, including Francis W. Coker |
Box 46 Folder 15-16 | Kenneth Colegrove |
Box 46 Folder 17 | Colem-Colu |
Box 46 Folder 19 | Con-Cor, including James B. Conant |
Box 46 Folder 21 | Cov-Crane, K. |
Box 47 Folder 1 | Robert Crane (Social Science Research Council) |
Box 47 Folder 2 | Robert Crane |
Box 47 Folder 5 | Edmund Day |
Box 47 Folder 6 | Day, R.-Dep |
Box 47 Folder 7 | Der-Dex, including John Dewey |
Box 47 Folder 10 | Don-Dou, including Paul Douglas |
Box 47 Folder 17 | Charles B. Elder |
Box 48 Folder 2 | Fed-Fesler, J. |
Box 48 Folder 3 | Mayo Fesler (Citizens League of Cleveland) |
Box 48 Folder 4 | Fie-Fil, including Marshall Field |
Box 48 Folder 5 | Fine-Fink, including Herman Finer |
Box 48 Folder 8 | Raymond Fosdick (Rockefeller Foundation) |
Box 48 Folder 9 | Fos-Fox, William T. R. |
Box 48 Folder 10 | Fra, including Judge Jerome Frank |
Box 48 Folder 11 | Free-Friedm |
Box 48 Folder 12 | Carl J. Friedrich |
Box 48 Folder 14 | Gad-Galli |
Box 48 Folder 15 | George B. Galloway (National Economic and Social Planning Association) |
Box 48 Folder 16 | Gallup, George-Gar |
Box 48 Folder 17 | Robert H. Gault |
Box 48 Folder 18 | Gaus, John M.-Gay |
Box 48 Folder 22 | Harold F. Gosnell |
Box 49 Folder 2 | Gre-Gro, including Governor Dwight Green |
Box 49 Folder 4-6 | Luther Gulick |
Box 49 Folder 9 | Hal, including Hall, A. B. |
Box 49 Folder 11 | Harc-Harre |
Box 49 Folder 12 | Harris, including Joseph P. |
Box 49 Folder 14 | Hart, A. B.-Harv |
Box 49 Folder 16-17 | John Hearley |
Box 49 Folder 20 | Her, including Pendleton Herring |
Box 50 Folder 2 | Hoa-Hoe, including Mayor Dan Hoan of Milwaukee |
Box 50 Folder 3 | Hof-Hol, including Arthur N. Holcombe |
Box 50 Folder 5 | Hor, including Governor Henry Horner |
Box 50 Folder 9 | Hur-Hy, including Robert M. Hutchins |
Box 50 Folder 10-11 | Harold Ickes |
Box 50 Folder 12 | Ickes, J.-Il |
Box 50 Folder 14 | Intera-International I |
Box 50 Folder 15 | International Institute of Social Research |
Box 50 Folder 16 | International R-Ir |
Box 50 Folder 19 | William H. Jellema |
Box 50 Folder 20 | Jen-Jones, E. |
Box 51 Folder 1 | Howard P. Jones (National Municipal League) |
Box 51 Folder 2 | Howard P. Jones |
Box 51 Folder 3 | Victor Jones |
Box 51 Folder 4 | Jou-Ju, including Charles Judd |
Box 51 Folder 7 | Kels, including Hans Kelsen |
Box 51 Folder 13-14 | A. C. Krey |
Box 51 Folder 18-19 | Harold D. Lasswell |
Box 52 Folder 2 | David Lilienthal |
Box 52 Folder 9-10 | McGraw Hill Book Co., The New Democracy and the New Despotism |
Box 52 Folder 11-12 | McGraw Hill Book Co., Political Power |
Box 52 Folder 13 | Macg-Mack |
Box 52 Folder 14 | Macl-Macma, including Arthur McLeish |
Box 52 Folder 15 | Macmillan Company |
Box 52 Folder 19 | Mau-May, Samuel |
Box 52 Folder 20 | Stacy May |
Box 52 Folder 21 | Mayer-Mayes |
Box 52 Folder 23 | Charles E. Merriam (office correspondence) |
Box 52 Folder 24 | Charles W. Merriam-Robert Merriam |
Box 53 Folder 1-2 | John C. Merriam |
Box 53 Folder 3 | Merrill-Met |
Box 53 Folder 9 | Moe-Guy Moffett (Spelman Fund) |
Box 53 Folder 10 | Guy Moffett |
Box 53 Folder 11 | Mol, including Raymond Moley |
Box 53 Folder 13 | Mora-Morg, including Hans J. Morgenthau |
Box 53 Folder 17 | Nar-National Ci |
Box 53 Folder 18 | National Con |
Box 53 Folder 19 | National Cou |
Box 53 Folder 20 | National E |
Box 53 Folder 21 | National F |
Box 54 Folder 1 | National La |
Box 54 Folder 2-3 | National League of Women Voters |
Box 54 Folder 4 | National M |
Box 54 Folder 5 | National P-National Re |
Box 54 Folder 6 | National Rivers and Harbors Congress |
Box 54 Folder 7 | National S-Nel |
Box 54 Folder 8 | Neu-New York T |
Box 54 Folder 9 | New York University |
Box 54 Folder 10 | Ni-Ny, including Senator George Norris of Nebraska |
Box 54 Folder 12 | Ogb-Ogd, including William F. Ogburn |
Box 54 Folder 13 | Frederic A. Ogg |
Box 54 Folder 16 | Os-Ox, including Louise Overacker |
Box 55 Folder 1 | Pol, including James K. Pollock |
Box 55 Folder 3 | Pre-Public Administration C |
Box 55 Folder 4-5 | Public Administration Fund |
Box 55 Folder 6 | Public Administration S-Py |
Box 55 Folder 9 | Rea-Reed, G. |
Box 55 Folder 10 | Thomas H. Reed |
Box 55 Folder 13 | Clarence E. Ridley (International City Managers' Association) |
Box 55 Folder 14 | Clarence E. Ridley |
Box 55 Folder 17 | Josephine Roche |
Box 55 Folder 18 | Rock-Rod, including Rockefeller |
Box 55 Folder 19-20 | Lindsay Rogers |
Box 55 Folder 21 | Rogers, R.-Ror, including Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Box 56 Folder 2-3 | Beardsley Ruml |
Box 56 Folder 5 | Sab-San, including Governor Leverett Salmonstall of Massachusetts |
Box 56 Folder 16 | Smith, A.-Smith, Louis |
Box 56 Folder 17 | Luther Ely Smith (Jefferson National Memorial Expansion Association) |
Box 56 Folder 18 | Smith, N.-Smith, S. |
Box 56 Folder 19 | T. V. Smith |
Box 56 Folder 20 | Smo-Social E. |
Box 56 Folder 21-22 | Social Science Research Council |
Box 56 Folder 23 | Social St-Soul |
Box 57 Folder 6 | Donald C. Stone |
Box 57 Folder 7 | Stone, U.-Stur |
Box 57 Folder 8 | John G. Stutz |
Box 57 Folder 18 | Ts-Ty, including Rexford Tugwell |
Box 57 Folder 20-21 | University of Chicago |
Box 57 Folder 22 | University of Chicago Bursar |
Box 58 Folder 1 | University of Chicago, Department of Political Science |
Box 58 Folder 2 | University of Chicago, Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration |
Box 58 Folder 3-4 | University of Chicago Press |
Box 58 Folder 5 | University of North Carolina-Ut |
Box 58 Folder 10 | Wall-Walt, including Henry A. Wallace |
Box 58 Folder 14 | White, including Leonard D. |
Box 58 Folder 15 | Whitn-Who |
Box 58 Folder 16 | Wilb-Williams, H. |
Box 58 Folder 17 | Williams, J.-Wilson, C. |
Box 58 Folder 18 | E. B. Wilson |
Box 58 Folder 19 | Wilson, F.-Wilson, S. |
Box 58 Folder 20 | Win-Wit, including Louis Wirth |
Box 59 Folder 2 | Woodb-Wool |
Box 59 Folder 4 | George F. Yantis |
Box 59 Folder 8 | Ai-Al, including Gabriel Almond and Milburn P. Akers (Chicago Sun-Times) |
Box 59 Folder 9 | Amen-American C |
Box 59 Folder 10 | American Heritage Council |
Box 59 Folder 11 | American I-American Ph |
Box 59 Folder 12 | American Po |
Box 59 Folder 13 | American Pu-Ami |
Box 59 Folder 15-16 | Paul H. Appleby |
Box 59 Folder 17 | Ar-Ax, including Max Ascoli (Reporter Magazine) |
Box 60 Folder 2 | William Benton |
Box 60 Folder 9-11 | Louis Brownlow |
Box 60 Folder 16 | Chaf-Cham |
Box 60 Folder 17 | Chap-Chat |
Box 60 Folder 20 | Richard S. Childs |
Box 61 Folder 4 | Coi-Coker, Francis W. |
Box 61 Folder 5 | Cole, including Taylor Cole |
Box 61 Folder 6 | Coleg-Colw |
Box 61 Folder 10 | Council on Intergovernmental Relations |
Box 61 Folder 11 | Count-Coy |
Box 61 Folder 15 | Frederic A. Delano |
Box 61 Folder 16 | Delp-Denn |
Box 61 Folder 18-19 | Lewis Dexter |
Box 61 Folder 22 | Dou-Doy, including Douglas, Paul and Emily Taft |
Box 62 Folder 3 | Ea-Eb, including William Ebenstein |
Box 62 Folder 4 | Ed-Ei, including Dwight D. Eisenhower |
Box 62 Folder 7-8 | Herbert Emmerich |
Box 62 Folder 14 | Fie-Fine, including Herman Finer and Marshall Field |
Box 62 Folder 15-16 | Louis Finkelstein |
Box 62 Folder 20 | Franc-Frank, J. |
Box 62 Folder 21 | Lawrence K. Frank |
Box 63 Folder 2 | John M. Gaus |
Box 63 Folder 6 | Gos-Got, including Harold F. Gosnell |
Box 63 Folder 7 | Gra, including Alfred de Grazia |
Box 63 Folder 10-11 | Luther Gulick |
Box 63 Folder 15 | Harc-Harris, Joseph P. |
Box 63 Folder 16 | Harris, S.-Harrison |
Box 63 Folder 17 | Hart-Harv |
Box 63 Folder 21 | Her-Heu, including Pendleton Herring |
Box 64 Folder 1 | Hoa-Hol, including Arthur P. Holcombe and Dan Hoan |
Box 64 Folder 2 | Hoo-Hop, including Herbert Hoover and Harry Hopkins |
Box 64 Folder 5 | Robert M. Hutchins |
Box 64 Folder 6 | Hutchinson-Hy, including Sidney Hyman |
Box 64 Folder 7 | Harold Ickes |
Box 64 Folder 12 | Joe-Joh, including Walter Johnson |
Box 64 Folder 16 | Kel, including Mayor Edward Kelly |
Box 64 Folder 17 | Ken-Key, including Jerome Kerwin and V. O. Key |
Box 64 Folder 20 | Laf-Lap, including Senator Robert LaFollette, Lr. |
Box 64 Folder 22 | Harold D. Lasswell |
Box 65 Folder 1-3 | Harold D. Lasswell |
Box 65 Folder 4 | Lau-Law, including David Lawrence |
Box 65 Folder 5 | Lea-Leigh, Robert |
Box 65 Folder 6-7 | Robert Leigh |
Box 65 Folder 8 | Leis-Lep, including Albert Lepawsky |
Box 65 Folder 11 | David Lilienthal |
Box 65 Folder 12 | Lill-Ll, including Leslie Lipson and David Lilienthal |
Box 65 Folder 16 | Maca-Macd |
Box 65 Folder 18 | Maci-Mack |
Box 65 Folder 20 | Macm-Macn, including Arthur McMahon |
Box 66 Folder 3 | J. J. Mayoux |
Box 66 Folder 5 | Charles E. Merriam (office correspondence) |
Box 66 Folder 6 | Merriam, Charles J.-Merriam, John C. |
Box 66 Folder 7 | Merriam, John F.-Merriam, Robert |
Box 66 Folder 8 | Merrill-Mey |
Box 66 Folder 11 | Mof-Mor, including Fritz Morstein-Marx |
Box 66 Folder 13-14 | Municipal Finance Officers Association |
Box 66 Folder 16 | Nath-National C |
Box 66 Folder 17 | National I-National V |
Box 66 Folder 19 | Nel-New, including Sigmund Neumann |
Box 66 Folder 20 | Ni, including Reinhold Niebuhr |
Box 66 Folder 22 | Od-Ogb, including Peter Odegard |
Box 67 Folder 1 | Frederic A. Ogg |
Box 67 Folder 3 | Or-Ox, including Louise Overacker |
Box 67 Folder 9 | Pol-Poy, including James K. Pollack |
Box 67 Folder 10 | Pr, including Don K. Price |
Box 67 Folder 11-13 | Public Administration Clearing House |
Box 67 Folder 14 | Public Administration Service-Pull |
Box 67 Folder 21 | Roc-Roe, including Rockefeller, John D. III and Nelson |
Box 67 Folder 23 | Roo, including Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. |
Box 68 Folder 2 | Leo Rosten |
Box 68 Folder 4-7 | Beardsely Ruml |
Box 68 Folder 8 | Ruml, L.-Rus |
Box 68 Folder 9 | Sa, including George Sabine and Carl Sandburg |
Box 68 Folder 10 | Scha-Schn, including E. E. Schatschneider |
Box 68 Folder 11 | Schu-Schw, including Frederick L. Schuman |
Box 68 Folder 15 | Si-Sk, including Henry Simon |
Box 68 Folder 17 | Smith, B.-Smith, R. |
Box 68 Folder 18 | T. V. Smith-Sn |
Box 68 Folder 19-20 | Social Science Research Council |
Box 68 Folder 21 | Social Service Review-Sp |
Box 68 Folder 22 | Sta-Ste, including Adlai E. Stevenson |
Box 69 Folder 7 | Tu-Ty, including Rexford G. Tugwell |
Box 69 Folder 9 | University Club-University of Chicago |
Box 69 Folder 10 | University of Chicago Press |
Box 69 Folder 11 | University of E-Ut |
Box 69 Folder 15 | Wall, including Henry A. Wallace |
Box 69 Folder 18 | Whe-White, H. |
Box 69 Folder 19-20 | Leonard D. White |
Box 69 Folder 21 | White, Ll-Why |
Box 69 Folder 22 | Wille-Williams |
Box 70 Folder 1 | Willits-Wit, including Louis Wirth |
Box 70 Folder 4 | Wr-Wy, including Quincy Wright |
Box 70 Folder 6 | George Yantis |
Box 70 Folder 7 | Ye-Zi, including Belle Zeller |
Series III: Chicago Politics |
This section is arranged in chronological order. Box 71 contains miscellaneous materials, including articles, speeches, and memoranda by Merriam on Chicago politics at the turn of the century. Box 72 deals with charter conventions from the same period. Materials from Merriam's four Aldermanic contests and the Progressive Party campaign of 1912 are found in Box 73, while his papers from the mayoralty campaign of 1911 are located in Box 74. Boxes 75-77 contain the materials from his second campaign for mayor in 1919. Papers from Merriam's service on City Council, including the Crime Committee, are located in Boxes 78-88. An interesting letter from Merriam to Samuel Insull concerning the utilities question in is Box 78, folder 4.
Following these items, miscellaneous papers are grouped by period; Box 89 deals with politics in the 1920s; Box 90 concerns itself with the early 1930s including the election and administration of Mayor Anton J. Cermak; the rest of the decade is located in Box 91; Box 92 reaches through the remainder of Merriam's life.
In Box 93 are located papers relevant to the investigation of the safety of electric refrigerators conducted by Alderman Charles S. Eaton of the Fifth Ward. This is followed by two boxes of manuscripts for Merriam's books on Chicago politics. Finally, Boxes 96 and 97 deal with Merriam's works on the regional politics of the Chicago area. The papers of Professor Harold F. Gosnell (Boxes 98-116) close out the Chicago Politics section.
Subseries 1: Early Chicago Politics |
Box 71 Folder 1 | Bibliography of early Chicago Politics |
Box 71 Folder 2 | Calls for Democratic and Republican state conventions and primaries |
Box 71 Folder 3 | Certificate appointing Merriam as delegate for Chicago to Second International Conference on State and Local Taxation, Toronto, Canada, 1908 |
Box 71 Folder 4 | Mayor Carter H. Harrison, Jr., "Four-Flushing-A New Evil of American Cities," Saturday Evening Post, CLXXVI (February 6, 1904) |
Box 71 Folder 5 | Illinois State Tax Commission; minutes, acts, clippings, etc., 1909-1910 |
Box 71 Folder 6 | V. O. Key, "Graft in Chicago 1885-1934," thesis draft |
Box 71 Folder 7 | Charles Merriam, articles on municipal tax reform in the Chicago Tribune, 1906 |
Box 71 Folder 8 | Charles Merriam, "Memoranda on Constitutional Convention," delivered at the Illinois State Bar Association meeting at Danville, June 2, 1917 |
Box 71 Folder 9 | Charles Merriam, miscellaneous speeches-
- "Chicago's Needs," n.d.
- Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Speech, January 14, 1919
- Traction Ordinance, n.d.
- "City Planning in Chicago," May 9, 1917
- Speech before the Illinois Equal Suffrage Association, n.d.
Box 71 Folder 10 | Bessie L. Pierce, report on History of Chicago series for the University of Chicago Press, 1934 |
Box 71 Folder 11 | [?] Rowe, "Chicago Political History 1848-1871," manuscript for the above series |
Box 71 Folder 12 | Reports of the Committee of the State Constitutional Conventions of 1910 and 1920 |
Box 71 Folder 13 | Revenue of the city of Chicago, 1906 |
Box 71 Folder 14 | Sample primary ballots, 1908 |
Box 71 Folder 15 | Testimony of firemen before City Council, January 16, 1906 |
Subseries 2: Charter Conventions |
Box 72 Folder 1 | Proceedings of the Chicago Charter Convention, 1906 |
Box 72 Folder 2 | Report of the Committee on rules, procedure and general plan |
Box 72 Folder 3 | Merriam's letters of appointment |
Box 72 Folder 4 | Propositions to be submitted to the Charter Convention |
Box 72 Folder 5 | Resolutions and comments, January 1909 meeting |
Box 72 Folder 6 | Bills, 1905 |
Box 72 Folder 7 | Acts, 1909 |
Box 72 Folder 8 | Bills, 1909 |
Box 72 Folder 9 | 1907 municipal charter materials (includes Merriam's articles in newspapers and magazines) |
Box 72 Folder 10 | Articles and reprints by others |
Box 72 Folder 11 | Outlines for initiative, referendum, recall and direct primaries |
Box 72 Folder 12 | Materials for the reorganization of City Council |
Box 72 Folder 13 | Miscellaneous |
Box 72 Folder 14 | Miscellaneous ordinances and state bills dealing with county government, schools, park districts, home rule, and non-partisan municipal elections (these materials carry up to the 1930s) |
Subseries 3: Election Campaigns (other than mayoral) |
Box 73 Folder 1 | Political map of the Seventh Ward |
Box 73 Folder 2 | Aldermanic Campaign, 1909,Certificate of Election |
Box 73 Folder 3 | Progressive Party Campaign, 1912, Address of Charles E. Merriam, Temporary Chairman of the State Convention, August 3, 1912 |
Box 73 Folder 4 | Progressive Party Campaign, 1912, Merriam speech, Princeton, Illinois, September 16, 1911 |
Box 73 Folder 5 | Progressive Party Campaign, 1912, Campaign song for Theodore Roosevelt, 1912 |
Box 73 Folder 6 | Progressive Party Campaign, 1912, Clippings and excerpts from the Campaign |
Box 73 Folder 7 | Progressive Party Campaign, 1912, Speech of the Party nominee for Governor |
Box 73 Folder 8 | Progressive Party Campaign, 1912, Tape recording of Professor Merriam on the campaign
- This item has been reformatted for access.
Box 73 Folder 9 | Aldermanic Campaign, 1913, Financial report and campaign literature |
Box 73 Folder 10 | Aldermanic Campaign, 1915, Report to the voters, campaign literature, and newspaper clippings |
Box 73 Folder 11 | Aldermanic Campaign, 1917, Campaign literature, endorsements, Municipal Voter's League reports, newspaper clippings |
Box 73 Folder 12 | Aldermanic Campaign, 1917, Testimony before Election Commission concerning contested ballots |
Box 74 Folder 1 | Mayoral Campaign, 1911, Merriam's views on women's suffrage, newspaper clippings |
Box 74 Folder 2 | Mayoral Campaign, 1911, Sunday Evening Club speakers and programs, 1910, newspaper clippings |
Box 74 Folder 3 | Mayoral Campaign, 1911, Newspaper clippings referring to Merriam's activities before he announced his candidacy, 1910 |
Box 74 Folder 4 | Mayoral Campaign, 1911, Platform, literature, nationality organizations, and Campaign Committee for the primary election |
Box 74 Folder 5 | Mayoral Campaign, 1911, Campaign literature for the general election |
Box 74 Folder 6 | Mayoral Campaign, 1911, Chicago Magazine, cover story on candidate Merriam, April 1911 |
Box 74 Folder 7 | Mayoral Campaign, 1911, Transcript of Merriam mass meeting, April 1, 1911 |
Box 74 Folder 8 | Mayoral Campaign, 1911, Newspaper clippings showing registration figures, campaign contributions, and election results |
Box 75 Folder 1 | Mayoral Campaign, 1919, Bills and expenses |
Box 75 Folder 2 | Mayoral Campaign, 1919, Campaign contributions |
Box 75 Folder 3 | Mayoral Campaign, 1919, Campaign literature for Merriam, Olson, and Thompson |
Box 75 Folder 4 | Mayoral Campaign, 1919, Debate between the candidates for the Republican nomination |
Box 75 Folder 5 | Mayoral Campaign, 1919, Endorsements for Merriam |
Box 75 Folder 6 | Mayoral Campaign, 1919, Merriam Campaign songs |
Box 75 Folder 7 | Mayoral Campaign, 1919, Merriam clubs |
Box 75 Folder 8 | Mayoral Campaign, 1919, Platform |
Box 75 Folder 9 | Mayoral Campaign, 1919, Petitions and volunteer cards |
Box 75 Folder 10 | Mayoral Campaign, 1919, Vote fraud charges |
Box 76 Folder 1 | Mayoral Campaign, 1919, Requests for speaking engagements, December 1918-February 1919 |
Box 76 Folder 2 | Mayoral Campaign, 1919, Schedule of Merriam meetings |
Box 76 Folder 3-5 | Mayoral Campaign, 1919, Merriam's speeches |
Box 76 Folder 6 | Campaign Correspondence 1919, A-B |
Box 76 Folder 7 | Campaign Correspondence 1919, C-D |
Box 76 Folder 8 | Campaign Correspondence 1919, E-G |
Box 76 Folder 9 | Campaign Correspondence 1919, H-L |
Box 76 Folder 10 | Campaign Correspondence 1919, K-O |
Box 76 Folder 11 | Campaign Correspondence 1919, P-R |
Box 76 Folder 12 | Campaign Correspondence 1919, S-V |
Box 76 Folder 13 | Campaign Correspondence 1919, W-Z |
Box 77 | This box contains zinc plates for photographs used by Professor Merriam for a campaign brochure. They are in very good condition. |
Subseries 4: City Council Service 1900-1917 |
Box 78 Folder 1-3 | Routine aldermanic matters, city services, constituents' petitions, etc. |
Box 78 Folder 4 | 1917 Council business, traction legislation, letter to Samuel Insull |
Box 78 Folder 5 | Assessment and improvement roles, 1914 |
Box 78 Folder 6 | Budget controversy 1909-1910, newspaper clippings |
Box 78 Folder 7 | City bond issue dispute 1910, newspaper clippings |
Box 78 Folder 8 | Citizens' Terminal Plan Committee's letter to the mayor and City Council, February 2, 1914 |
Box 78 Folder 9 | "Electrification of Railway Terminals and Elimination of Smoke in Chicago," Chamber of Commerce Report, 1910 |
Box 78 Folder 10 | Illinois Central smoke problem, newspaper clippings |
Box 78 Folder 11 | Ben Lindsay, article in Daily News on Czechoslovaks, September 6, 1918 |
Box 78 Folder 12 | Merriam's National Municipal League speech in Buffalo, 1910, newspaper clippings |
Box 78 Folder 13 | Miscellaneous newspaper clippings dealing with City Council |
Box 78 Folder 14 | Miscellaneous |
Box 78 Folder 15 | Police and fireman's pay, newspaper clippings |
Box 78 Folder 16 | Reply of Chicago Brewer's Protective Association to the Chicago Commission on the liquor problem, April 1916 |
Box 78 Folder 17 | Report of organization and administrative methods of the City of St. Paul, 1910 |
Box 78 Folder 18 | Unified trust ordinance, newspaper clippings |
Box 78 Folder 19-21 | The Council proceedings of 1909-1910, bound in three volumes which follow Box 78 |
Subseries 5: City Council Committees |
Box 79 Folder 1 | Notices and minutes of committee meetings |
Box 79 Folder 2 | Chicago Bureau of Public Efficiency, tentative outline of reorganization, no date |
Box 79 Folder 3 | Committee on Harbors, Wharves, and Bridges |
Box 79 Folder 4 | Finance Committee, 1914-1917, City Services |
Box 79 Folder 5 | Finance Committee, Public Funds Subcommittee |
Box 79 Folder 6 | Russian Commission Visitation, 1917, Council Committee on Entertainment |
Box 79 Folder 7 | Russian Commission Visitation, correspondence, itinerary, etc. |
Subseries 6: Chicago Commission on City Expenditures |
Box 80 Folder 1 | Establishment and procedures of the Commission |
Box 80 Folder 2 | Charts of City offices and departments |
Box 80 Folder 3 | Stenographer's contracts |
Box 80 Folder 4 | Specifications for the publication of reports |
Box 80 Folder 5 | Progress and Investigator's reports |
Box 80 Folder 6-7 | Questions to be asked at the investigation |
Subseries 7: Preliminary Reports |
Box 81 Folder 1 | Board of Local Improvements and Street Repair |
Box 81 Folder 2 | Buildings Department |
Box 81 Folder 3 | Business Agent's Office |
Box 81 Folder 4 | Civil Service Commission |
Box 81 Folder 5 | City Pound |
Box 81 Folder 6 | Department of Electricity |
Box 81 Folder 7 | Fire Department |
Box 81 Folder 8 | Purchase of Castings |
Box 81 Folder 9 | Public Works |
Box 81 Folder 10 | Special Assessment Funds |
Box 81 Folder 11 | Water Works System |
Box 81 Folder 12 | Miscellaneous material and other departments not listed above |
Subseries 8: Newspaper Clippings on Scandals and Investigations |
Box 82 Folder 1 | Alderman Merriam's article on municipal graft, 1910 |
Box 82 Folder 2 | General remarks about the Merriam Commission |
Box 82 Folder 3 | Injunction to stop investigation and private campaign to enable it to continue |
Box 82 Folder 4 | Building Commissioner |
Box 82 Folder 5 | City Collector |
Box 82 Folder 6 | City Purchasing Agent |
Box 82 Folder 7 | Civil Service investigation |
Box 82 Folder 8 | Coal Purchasing |
Box 82 Folder 9 | Electric Power |
Box 82 Folder 10 | Fire Department |
Box 82 Folder 11 | Fraud in the construction of City Hall |
Box 82 Folder 12 | Furniture scandal |
Box 82 Folder 13 | House of Correction |
Box 82 Folder 14 | License irregularities |
Box 82 Folder 15 | Police Department |
Box 82 Folder 16 | Public Works, Bridges and harbors, Castings |
Box 82 Folder 18 | Shale rock and sponge graft |
Box 82 Folder 19 | Southwest Tunnel scandal |
Box 82 Folder 20 | Telephone rate investigation |
Box 82 Folder 21 | Water Department |
Box 82 Folder 22 | Wheel tax and street repair |
Subseries 9: Transcripts of Testimony Before the Commission |
Box 83 | Lawrence Avenue sewer and shale rock inquiries, pp. 2-809 |
Box 83 | Lawrence Avenue sewer and shale rock claims, pp. 811-839 |
Box 83 | Purchase of castings, pp. 839-904 |
Box 83 | Department of Supplies, pp. 1063-1174 |
Box 83 | Lawrence Avenue sewer and shale rock claims, pp. 1176-1252 |
Box 83 | Lumber, pp. 1254-1377 |
Box 84 | Transcripts, pp. 2806-4163 |
Box 85 | Transcripts, pp. 4164-6037 |
Subseries 10: Crime Committee |
Box 86 Folder 1 | Bills, salaries and expenditures |
Box 86 Folder 2 | Merriam suit v. Chicago Daily Journal |
Box 86 Folder 3-4 | Chicago Daily Journal articles attacking Merriam |
Box 86 Folder 5 | Report of the City Council Committee on Crime, 1915 |
Box 86 Folder 6 | Journal of the Proceedings of City Council, January 17, 1914; May 18, 1914; April 8, 1915; October 4, 1915 |
Box 86 Folder 7 | Letter to Merriam complaining about pick-pockets in court |
Box 86 Folder 8 | Miscellaneous |
Box 86 Folder 9 | Newspaper clippings |
Box 87 Folder 1-9 | Investigators' reports |
Box 88 Folder 1-8 | Investigators' reports |
Subseries 11: Politics in the 1920s |
Box 89 Folder 1 | Certificate of introduction for Merriam as delegate from Chicago to the International Town Planning Conference, Vienna, Austria, 1926 |
Box 89 Folder 2 | Chicago regional Town Planning Association, progress report, April 28, 1926 |
Box 89 Folder 3 | Citizens' Relief Committee, a committee on which Merriam served as a member, headed by Silas Strawn, to investigate Chicago's financial difficulties |
Box 89 Folder 4 | Department of Public Welfare publication about transient men, The Case of Abraham Bernstein, 1924 |
Box 89 Folder 5 | E. O. Griffenhagen, "A Program of Civic Activity for the Chicago Association of Commerce," September 1926 |
Box 89 Folder 6 | 1924 Election, La Follette campaign clippings |
Box 89 Folder 7 | 1924 Election, Newspaper attack on State's Attorney Crowe |
Box 89 Folder 8 | 1927 Election, Mayor Thompson's anti-English campaign in the schools |
Box 89 Folder 9 | 1927 Election, Merriam speech for Mayor Dever |
Box 89 Folder 10 | 1927 Election, Thompson speech attacking Merriam |
Box 89 Folder 11 | 1928 Election, Newspaper clippings |
Box 89 Folder 12 | Memorandum re 1924 budget, anon. |
Box 89 Folder 13 | Memorandum re Public Affairs in Chicago, anonymous |
Box 89 Folder 14 | Miscellaneous |
Box 89 Folder 15 | William F. Ogburn and Clark Tibbits, "A Memorandum on the Nativity of Certain Criminal Classes Engaged in Organized Crime... in Chicago," 1930 |
Box 89 Folder 16-17 | Organization of Municipal Employees in Labor Unions in the City of Chicago, anonymous, ca. 1930 |
Box 89 Folder 18 | "Referendum Voting in Chicago," anonymous, manuscript containing ethnic and ward breakdowns, appears to be related to the material in the Gosnell Papers |
Box 89 Folder 19 | Sanitary District |
Box 89 Folder 20 | Tax Conference, 1928, includes memoranda by Merriam |
Box 89 Folder 21 | Traction Ordinance fight, 1925 |
Subseries 12: Chicago Politics in the 1930s |
Sub-subseries 1: Election Campaign of 1930 |
Box 90 Folder 1 | Speech of Ruth Hanna McCormick, November 1, 1930, typewritten manuscript |
Box 90 Folder 2 | Speech of Lottie Holman O'Neil, November 2, 1930 |
Box 90 Folder 3 | Speech of Mayor William hale Thompson, October 31, 1930 |
Sub-subseries 2: Election Campaign of 1931 |
Box 90 Folder 4 | Manuscript of a chapter on the 1931 election, anonymous |
Box 90 Folder 5 | Speech of Arthur F. Albert, February 22, 1931 |
Box 90 Folder 6 | Merriam speech for Cermak, April 1931 |
Box 90 Folder 7 | Speech against Thompson (appears to be Merriam's).ss3 Sub-subseries 3: Anti-Thompson campaign song written by Casper J. Goudy
Box 90 Folder 8 | Three speeches by Mayor William Hale Thompson, February-March, 1931 |
Sub-subseries 4: Administration of Mayor Cermak |
Box 90 Folder 9 | Mayor Cermak's Advisory Committee, 1932 |
Box 90 Folder 10 | Preliminary report of the Sub-committee of Efficiency, Reorganization, and Consolidation of the City of Chicago, October 1931 |
Box 90 Folder 11 | Chicago Commission on Citizenship Education, October 1931, includes report of the Commission |
Box 90 Folder 12-13 | Peter Jensen, "Financial Statistics of Governments of Cook County 1928-1930," manuscript, 1931 |
Box 90 Folder 14 | Chairman Leonard D. White, monthly reports of Mayor Cermak's Civil Service Commission, 9131, includes lists and numbers of City employees |
Sub-subseries 5: Administration of Mayor Kelly |
Box 91 Folder 1 | Gabriel Almond, Studies of Aggressive Behavior During Depression; A Study of Public Relief in Chicago, manuscript, typewritten, 1934 |
Box 91 Folder 2 | Better Government Association, statement and resolution concerning the nomination and election of a mayor and City Council, 1935 |
Box 91 Folder 3 | Chicago Committee for the President's Court Plan, newspaper clipping noting Merriam's election as honorary chairman |
Box 91 Folder 4 | Chicago on Parade, magazine depicting Chicago in the Depression, 1933 |
Box 91 Folder 5 | "Chicago Over the Hump," NBC radio program, May 8, 1934 |
Box 91 Folder 6 | City Club of Chicago, "A City Manager for Chicago," 1935 |
Box 91 Folder 7 | "A Comprehensive Superhighway Plan for the City of Chicago," report by the Department of Highways, 1939 |
Box 91 Folder 8 | Consolidation of the Chicago Park System, 1934 |
Box 91 Folder 9 | E. F. [?] Downs, "Chicago's Balance Sheet and Prospectus," n.d. |
Box 91 Folder 10 | Financial report of Fifth Ward civic organization sponsoring Artman for Alderman in the election of 1935 |
Box 91 Folder 11 | The government and the Community," n.d., anonymous, manuscript |
Box 91 Folder 12 | "Let's Make Chicago Trustworthy," anonymous, ca. 1939 |
Box 91 Folder 13 | Memorandum on the proposed Home-Rule bill draft of the Illinois Municipal League |
Box 91 Folder 14 | Charles E. Merriam, "Chicago's Leaders," speech given at the Palmer House, March 8, 1934 |
Box 91 Folder 15 | Merriam address on "Chicago's Need for Home Rule," delivered before the Illinois State Bar Association, n.d. |
Box 91 Folder 16 | Charles E. Merriam, miscellaneous addresses; Reducing the number of governments in metropolitan areas, 1930; Planning in Chicago, address before the Graduate Political Science Club, 1939; and before the National League of Women Voters, 1938; etc. |
Box 91 Folder 17 | Miscellaneous |
Box 91 Folder 18 | Miscellaneous research proposals dealing with Chicago |
Box 91 Folder 19 | Petition urging Merriam to organize a third party (United People's Party), 1934 |
Box 91 Folder 20 | Melchior Palyi, "Report on Research and Recommendation for Future Study Covering the Economic Aspects of the Chicago Area," typewritten, n.d. |
Box 91 Folder 21 | Rethinking Chicago, summaries of sixteen books on Chicago by graduate students of the Chicago Theological Seminary, 1935 |
Box 91 Folder 22 | Katherine Von Tour, "Suggestions for a Program of Governmental Savings in Chicago," typewritten, 1937 |
Subseries 13: Chicago Politics in the 1940s |
Box 92 Folder 1 | Chicago Civil Liberties Committee, Annual Report, 1941 |
Box 92 Folder 2 | Chicago housing policy of Mayor Edward Kelly. 1943 |
Box 92 Folder 3 | Chicago Plan Commission 1939-1942, includes a discussion of whether or not Merriam can serve as chairman of this body while remaining on the National Resources Planning Board |
Box 92 Folder 4 | Citizens' Public Utility Committee |
Box 92 Folder 5 | Cook County representation and the Constitutional Convention, 1947 |
Box 92 Folder 6 | Paul H. Douglas, newspaper clippings |
Box 92 Folder 7 | Illinois Progressive Voters Council, minutes, reports, 1944 |
Box 92 Folder 8 | Maynard C. Krueger, radio address by the Sixth Ward Candidate for Alderman, 1943 |
Box 92 Folder 9 | Merriam addresses on the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the City Club of Chicago, December 6, 1943; and "Reorganization of Chicago Governments," speech before the same body, 1947 |
Box 92 Folder 10 | Oil and gas map of Illinois, 1941 |
Box 92 Folder 11 | Harry Barnard, "Reflections by a Traditional Liberal on the Future of Chicago as Related to the Coming Mayoralty," 1946 |
Box 92 Folder 12 | Election, 1947, Merriam speech for Kennelly |
Box 92 Folder 13 | Election, 1947, Fifth Ward Aldermanic campaign of Robert E. Merriam, contains a speech by his father, as well as campaign literature |
Subseries 14: The Charles S. Eaton Papers |
Box 93 Folder 1 | Refrigeration ordinances |
Box 93 Folder 2 | Journal of the Proceedings of City Council, June 4 and June 6, 1930 |
Box 93 Folder 3 | Department of Health's summary of findings |
Box 93 Folder 4 | Minutes of City Council meetings on the ordinances |
Box 93 Folder 5 | Correspondence A-E |
Box 93 Folder 6 | Correspondence I-N |
Box 93 Folder 7 | Correspondence R-W |
Box 93 Folder 8 | Safety Code |
Box 93 Folder 9 | Complaint of Chicago District Ice Association before the Federal Trade Commission |
Box 93 Folder 10 | Electric Refrigeration News, three editions |
Box 93 Folder 11 | Articles, magazines, reprints |
Box 93 Folder 12 | Miscellaneous, includes announcements of committee meetings |
Subseries 15: Chicago: A More Intimate View of Urban Politics |
Box 94 | Manuscript, "An Intimate View of Urban Politics" |
Box 95 | Manuscript drafts, Chicago-A More Intimate View of Urban Politics |
Subseries 16: Regional Studies |
Sub-subseries 1: The Government of the Metropolitan Region of Chicago |
Box 96 Folder 1 | Annexations |
Box 96 Folder 2 | Assessments |
Box 96 Folder 3 | Federal Government activities in the region |
Box 96 Folder 4 | Financial reports |
Box 96 Folder 5 | Interstate cooperation |
Box 96 Folder 6 | Law enforcement |
Box 96 Folder 7 | The state of Chicago and Chicago as a state |
Box 96 Folder 8 | Water supplies |
Box 96 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous |
Box 96 Folder 10 | Drafts and manuscript |
Sub-subseries 2: Statistical data on Services in the Region |
Box 97 Folder 1 | Motion picture theaters |
Box 97 Folder 2 | Newspaper circulation |
Box 97 Folder 3 | Pieces of mail |
Box 97 Folder 5 | Telephones |
Box 97 Folder 6-7 | Data on various subdivisions and governments in the region, such as population, libraries, park districts, sanitary districts, school districts, etc. |
Sub-subseries 3: Other Regional Studies |
Box 97 Folder 8 | Albert Lepawsky, "Home Rule for Metropolitan Chicago," manuscript, n.d. Draft of a book dealing with police protection, roadways, utilities, and other services in the region |
Box 97 Folder 9 | Charles E. Merriam and Albert Lepawsky, "The Government of Greater Chicago," manuscript, November 1939, first draft of an article |
Subseries 17: The Harold Gosnell Papers |
Sub-subseries 1: Precinct Captain Study |
Box 98 Folder 1 | Administrative matters, correspondence, outlines |
Box 98 Folder 2 | Board of Election Commissioners, City of Chicago canvassing sheet, 1910 |
Box 98 Folder 3 | Bureau of Municipal Research, St. Louis Correspondence (Norman Gill) |
Box 98 Folder 4 | Code for the study |
Box 98 Folder 6 | Sonya Forthal, "The Precinct Committeeman," typewritten, n.d. |
Box 98 Folder 7 | Relationship of precinct captains to welfare agencies |
Box 98 Folder 8 | Typical precincts of given racial and economic groups |
Box 98 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous |
Sub-subseries 2: Committeemen |
Box 98 Folder 10 | Officeholders |
Box 98 Folder 11 | Democratic Committeemen 1936 |
Box 98 Folder 12 | Republican Committeemen 1928 |
Box 98 Folder 13 | Republican Committeemen 1936 |
Box 98 Folder 14 | Lists of officeholders for interviews |
Box 98 Folder 15 | Political Who's Who of Chicago |
Box 98 Folder 16 | Statistical breakdown of backgrounds and influence of committeemen |
Sub-subseries 3: Ward Reports of Election, Referenda, Interviews with Party Workers, and Ethnic Data |
Box 99 Folder 1 | Maps of wards, 1924 |
Box 99 Folder 2 | First ward |
Box 99 Folder 3 | Second ward |
Box 99 Folder 4 | Third ward |
Box 99 Folder 5 | Fourth ward |
Box 99 Folder 6 | Fifth ward |
Box 99 Folder 7 | Sixth ward |
Box 99 Folder 8 | Seventh ward |
Box 99 Folder 9 | Eighth ward |
Box 99 Folder 10 | Ninth ward |
Box 99 Folder 11 | Tenth ward |
Box 99 Folder 12 | Eleventh ward |
Box 99 Folder 13 | Twelfth ward |
Box 99 Folder 14 | Thirteenth ward |
Box 99 Folder 15 | Fourteenth ward |
Box 99 Folder 16 | Fifteenth ward |
Box 99 Folder 17 | Sixteenth ward |
Box 99 Folder 18 | Seventeenth ward |
Box 99 Folder 19 | Eighteenth ward |
Box 99 Folder 20 | Nineteenth ward |
Box 99 Folder 21 | Twentieth ward |
Box 99 Folder 22 | Twenty-first ward |
Box 99 Folder 23 | Twenty-first ward |
Box 99 Folder 24 | Twenty-second ward |
Box 99 Folder 25 | Twenty-third ward |
Box 99 Folder 26 | Twenty-fourth ward |
Box 100 Folder 1 | Twenty-fifth ward |
Box 100 Folder 2 | Twenty-sixth ward |
Box 100 Folder 3 | Twenty-seventh ward |
Box 100 Folder 4 | Twenty-eighth ward |
Box 100 Folder 5 | Twenty-ninth ward |
Box 100 Folder 6 | Thirtieth ward |
Box 100 Folder 7 | Thirty-first ward |
Box 100 Folder 8 | Thirty-second ward |
Box 100 Folder 9 | Thirty-third ward |
Box 100 Folder 10 | Thirty-fourth ward |
Box 100 Folder 11 | Thirty-fifth ward |
Box 100 Folder 12 | Thirty-sixth ward |
Box 100 Folder 13 | Thirty-seventh ward |
Box 100 Folder 14 | Thirty-eighth ward |
Box 100 Folder 15 | Thirty-ninth ward |
Box 100 Folder 16 | Fortieth ward |
Box 100 Folder 17 | Forty-first ward |
Box 100 Folder 18 | Forty-second ward |
Box 100 Folder 19 | Forty-third ward |
Box 100 Folder 20 | Forty-fourth ward |
Box 100 Folder 21 | Forty-fifth ward |
Box 100 Folder 22 | Forty-sixth ward |
Box 100 Folder 23 | Forty-seventh ward |
Box 100 Folder 24 | Forty-eighth ward |
Box 100 Folder 25 | Forty-ninth ward |
Box 100 Folder 26 | Fiftieth ward |
Box 100 Folder 27 | Oak Park |
Subseries 18: Election Campaigns |
Box 101 Folder 1 | Assembly Bulletins, 1924-1936, reports on Assembly candidates |
Box 101 Folder 2 | Assembly Bulletins, 1929-1935, reports on Assembly sessions |
Box 101 Folder 3 | Better Government Association, recommendations of candidates |
Box 101 Folder 4 | Municipal Voters' League Reports on Aldermen, 1900-1921 |
Box 101 Folder 5 | Municipal Voters' League Reports on Aldermen, 1923-1935 |
Box 101 Folder 6 | Primary election returns, 1928-1936 |
Box 102 Folder 1 | Campaign literature and newspaper clippings, 1928 |
Box 102 Folder 2 | Campaign literature for the primary election, 1930 |
Box 102 Folder 3 | General election-campaign literature, 1930 |
Box 102 Folder 4 | Newspaper clippings, 1930 |
Box 102 Folder 5 | Primary election, campaign literature and newspaper clippings, 1931 |
Box 102 Folder 6 | General election, Campaign literature for Cermak, 1931 |
Box 102 Folder 7 | General election, campaign literature for Thompson, 1931 |
Box 102 Folder 8 | Cermak letters to precinct captains, 1931 |
Box 102 Folder 9 | General election, Campaign literature and clippings, 1931 |
Box 102 Folder 10 | H. Bobins, "Chicago Mayoral Election of 1931," typewritten, term paper for political science course, 1931 |
Box 102 Folder 11 | Newspaper clippings on political events, 1931-1932 |
Box 103 Folder 1 | Primary election literature, 1932 |
Box 103 Folder 2 | Sample ballots for the primary, 1932 |
Box 103 Folder 3 | Primary newspaper clippings, 1932 |
Box 103 Folder 4 | General election, Illinois campaign literature, 1932 |
Box 103 Folder 5 | General election, Presidential campaign literature, 1932 |
Box 103 Folder 6 | General election, newspaper clippings, 1932 |
Box 103 Folder 7 | Campaign literature, 1933 |
Box 103 Folder 8 | Primary election, Campaign literature, 1934 |
Box 103 Folder 9 | General election, Campaign literature, 1934 |
Box 103 Folder 10 | Republican Convention, Springfield, June 10, 1935, literature and Gosnell's notes of conversations with delegates, 1935 |
Box 103 Folder 11 | Campaign literature, 1935 |
Box 104 Folder 1 | Registration figures, 1936 |
Box 104 Folder 2 | Primary election, campaign literature, 1936 |
Box 104 Folder 3 | General election, Campaign literature, 1936 |
Box 104 Folder 4 | Election returns, 1936 |
Box 104 Folder 5 | Primary election, Campaign literature, 1938 |
Box 104 Folder 6 | General election, Campaign literature, 1938 |
Box 104 Folder 7 | Campaign literature and newspaper clippings, 1939 |
Box 104 Folder 8 | Primary election, Campaign literature, 1940 |
Box 104 Folder 9 | General election, Campaign literature and newspaper clippings, 1940 |
Box 104 Folder 10 | T. V. Smith, letter, campaign literature and articles, 1940 |
Subseries 19: Newspaper Studies |
Box 105 Folder 1 | Drafts of articles, Harold F. Gosnell and Margaret J. Schmidt, "Relation of the Press to Voting in Chicago," published in the Journalism Quarterly, and "Factorial Analysis of the Relation of the Press to Voting in Chicago," published in the Journal of Social Psychology, 1936. |
Box 105 Folder 2 | John H. Goreham, "The Daily Newspapers and Chicago Elections," draft of a paper for Political Science 295, 1934. |
Box 105 Folder 3 | Partials for the study |
Box 105 Folder 4 | Scatter diagrams |
Box 105 Folder 5 | Worksheets |
Subseries 20: Referendum Study |
Box 106 Folder 1 | "Referendum by Voting in Chicago," study by Professor Merriam's class related to the material in his papers |
Box 106 Folder 2 | Clarence Oran Gardner, "The Referendum in Chicago," one chapter of a PhD dissertation at the University of Pennsylvania |
Box 106 Folder 3 | David M. Maynard, "Fraud and Error in Chicago Referendum Returns," draft and reprint of an article appearing the National Municipal Review, 1930 |
Box 106 Folder 4 | David M. Maynard, "The Operation of the Referendum in Chicago," abstract of a PhD dissertation |
Box 106 Folder 5 | Data and statistical materials, Election literature and miscellaneous Correspondence |
Box 106 Folder 6 | Data and statistical materials, Prohibition referendum |
Box 106 Folder 7 | Data and statistical materials, Tax referenda |
Box 106 Folder 8 | Data and statistical materials, Traction ordinance |
Box 106 Folder 9 | Data and statistical materials, Tables of remaining referenda |
Subseries 21: Statistical Methods |
Box 107 Folder 1 | Harold F. Gosnell, "Statisticians and Political Scientists," American Political Science Review, 1933, manuscript |
Box 107 Folder 2 | National Conference on the Science of Politics, Madison, Wisconsin, 1923 |
Box 107 Folder 3 | Bibliographies, conferences, and material on statistics and quantitative methods in political science |
Box 107 Folder 4 | Techniques of measurement |
Box 107 Folder 5 | Herman C. Beyle |
Box 107 Folder 6 | James A. Field |
Box 107 Folder 7 | Edward Martin |
Box 108 Folder 1 | Stuart Rice |
Box 108 Folder 2 | Henry Schultz |
Box 108 Folder 3 | Samuel A. Stouffer |
Box 108 Folder 4 | H. A. Sturges |
Box 108 Folder 5 | L. L. Thurstone's attitude scales |
Box 108 Folder 6 | Forms for Thurstone's measurement of social attitudes |
Box 108 Folder 7 | Reprints of Thurstone's articles |
Box 108 Folder 8 | Reprints of articles by other authors in the field |
Subseries 22: Factorial and Correlational Analysis of Voting Behavior in Chicago, 1928-1936 |
Box 109 Folder 1 | Harold F. Gosnell, "Analysis of the 1932 Presidential Vote in Chicago," draft of an article for the American Political Science Review which appeared in 1935 (13-variable study) |
Box 109 Folder 2 | Harold F. Gosnell and Margaret J. Schmidt, "Factorial and Correlational Analysis of the 1934 Vote in Chicago," draft of an article that appeared in the Journal of American Statistical Association in 1936, includes comments by readers (17-variable study) |
Box 109 Folder 3 | Harvey M. Karlen, "Further Contributions to the Study of Voting Behavior in Chicago," 1940, term paper for Political Science 321, typewritten |
Box 109 Folder 4 | Worksheets, Thirteen variable category study |
Box 109 Folder 5 | Worksheets, Thirteen variable category study, Master sheet |
Box 109 Folder 6 | Worksheets, Thirteen variable category study, Frequency distribution |
Box 109 Folder 7 | Worksheets, Thirteen variable category study, Multiple factor analyses |
Box 109 Folder 8 | Worksheets, Thirteen variable category study, Atypical cases |
Box 109 Folder 9 | Worksheets, Thirteen variable category study, Zero order of correlation |
Box 109 Folder 10 | Worksheets, Seventeen variable category study |
Box 109 Folder 11 | Partials, Seventeen variable category study |
Box 109 Folder 12 | Factor solutions, Eighteen variable category study of 1936 election |
Box 109 Folder 13-15 | Worksheets of factors, Eighteen variable category study of 1936 election |
Box 110 Folder 1 | Scatter diagrams, Bond Issue, 1930 |
Box 110 Folder 2 | Scatter diagrams, Cermak Vote, 1931 |
Box 110 Folder 3 | Scatter diagrams, Dever Vote, 1927 |
Box 110 Folder 4 | Scatter diagrams, Foreign Birth |
Box 110 Folder 5 | Scatter diagrams, Home Ownership |
Box 110 Folder 6 | Scatter diagrams, Horner Vote, 1932 |
Box 110 Folder 7 | Scatter diagrams, Interest in Voting |
Box 110 Folder 8 | Scatter diagrams, Lewis Vote, 1930 |
Box 110 Folder 9 | Scatter diagrams, Religious Affiliation |
Box 110 Folder 10 | Scatter diagrams, Roosevelt Vote, 1932 |
Box 110 Folder 11 | Scatter diagrams, Smith Vote, 1928 |
Box 110 Folder 12 | Scatter diagrams, Straight Party Vote, 1932 |
Box 110 Folder 13 | Scatter diagrams, Unemployment |
Box 110 Folder 14 | Scatter diagrams, Wet Vote, 1930 |
Box 110 Folder 15 | Scatter diagrams, Women |
Subseries 23: Origin of Party Affiliation Study |
Box 111 | This box contains completed interview forms which reveal the reasons why people become affiliated with a particular political party. |
Subseries 24: Naturalization Study |
Box 112 Folder 1 | Reprints of Gosnell articles; "Non-Naturalization; A Study in Political Assimilation," The American Journal of Sociology, 1928; and "Characteristics of the Non-Naturalized," The American Journal of Sociology, 1929. |
Box 112 Folder 2 | Galley proofs of articles |
Box 112 Folder 3 | Accounts, bills, records, etc. |
Box 112 Folder 4 | Correspondence |
Box 112 Folder 6 | Naturalization and non-naturalization, drafts |
Box 112 Folder 7 | Laurence L. Durisch, "Naturalization Procedure in Chicago; obstacles to Citizenship," typewritten, 1930 |
Box 112 Folder 8 | Legal disabilities of aliens in Illinois |
Box 112 Folder 9 | Legislative acts |
Box 112 Folder 10 | Maps of the Chicago Migration District |
Box 112 Folder 11 | Number of persons naturalized and petitions dismissed in Chicago |
Box 112 Folder 12 | Preliminary forms for petitioning citizenship |
Box 112 Folder 13 | Instructions for interviewing adult persons in Chicago |
Box 112 Folder 14 | Conversations with naturalization and school officials |
Box 112 Folder 15 | Type of citizenship of persons interviewed |
Box 112 Folder 16 | Interesting cases |
Box 113 Folder 1 | Citizenship schools and courses |
Box 113 Folder 2 | Foreign language radio broadcasts |
Box 113 Folder 3 | Lists of teachers with language experience in naturalization programs |
Box 113 Folder 4 | "Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Come to the United States," story of lawful entry and naturalization process |
Box 113 Folder 5 | Schooling and literacy of citizens and aliens |
Box 113 Folder 6 | Philip L. Seman, "A Citizenship Survey," 1914, report of the Chicago Hebrew Institute |
Box 113 Folder 7 | Statistics of English and citizenship classes in the United States |
Box 113 Folder 8 | Teacher's manual for preparing citizenship and naturalization classes |
Box 113 Folder 9 | List of some of the political and nationalistic groups in Chicago |
Box 113 Folder 10 | Immigrants' Protections League |
Box 113 Folder 11 | National Council of Naturalization and Citizenship, papers and speeches |
Box 113 Folder 12 | State of Illinois Committee on Citizenship and Naturalization |
Box 113 Folder 13 | United States Department of Labor, Annual Report of the Commissioner of Naturalization, 1930 |
Box 113 Folder 14 | United States Department of Labor, press releases of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, January 1, 1936 |
Box 113 Folder 15 | United States Department of Labor, speeches of Marshall Dimock of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, June 8, 1939 and February 20, 1941 |
Box 114 Folder 1 | "Advantages of American Citizenship," manuscript |
Box 114 Folder 2 | Reasons for becoming naturalized, data |
Box 114 Folder 3 | Why foreigners start the naturalization process; Forms for teachers to distribute |
Box 114 Folder 4 | "Attitude of the non-declarants toward citizenship," manuscript |
Box 114 Folder 5 | Reasons for advising aliens not to file petitions for citizenship, data |
Box 114 Folder 6 | Reasons for not completing the naturalization process, data |
Box 114 Folder 7 | "The unnaturalized-how to interest them in citizenship," manuscript |
Box 114 Folder 8 | "Unsuccessful Attempts at Naturalization," manuscript |
Box 114 Folder 9 | Paul L. Ellerbe, "The Goats; Our Foreign-Born Who Can't be Naturalized and Why," 1922 reprint |
Box 115 Folder 1 | Age of declarants and non-declarants |
Box 115 Folder 2 | "Background of Italians in America," anonymous manuscript |
Box 115 Folder 3 | Citizenship and industry |
Box 115 Folder 4 | Country of birth of foreign-born persons |
Box 115 Folder 5 | Declarant and non-declarant aliens by sex |
Box 115 Folder 6 | Knowledge of government by aliens |
Box 115 Folder 7 | Maps of nationality and racial groups in Chicago |
Box 115 Folder 8 | Marital condition of aliens |
Box 115 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous |
Box 115 Folder 10 | Miscellaneous forms |
Box 115 Folder 11 | Occupation of foreign-born citizens |
Box 115 Folder 12 | Newspaper clippings |
Box 115 Folder 13 | Political contacts of the Negro and foreign-born |
Box 115 Folder 14 | Reasons for coming to Chicago |
Box 115 Folder 15 | Years in residence of declarants and non-declarants |
Subseries 25: Other Studies and Miscellaneous Materials |
Sub-subseries 1: Material for Gosnell's Negro Politicians, 1935 |
Box 116 Folder 1 | Election returns 1906-1923 |
Box 116 Folder 2 | Election returns 1906-1923, 1924-1936 |
Box 116 Folder 3 | Miscellaneous |
Sub-subseries 2: Material for Gosnell and Merriam's Non-Voting, 1924 |
Box 116 Folder 4 | United States census and other statistics for Chicago |
Box 116 Folder 5 | Voting responses of stimulated and non-stimulated citizens |
Sub-subseries 3: Miscellaneous Gosnell Materials |
Box 116 Folder 6 | Business cycles |
Box 116 Folder 7 | Chicago Association of Commerce and Civic Federation, An Administrative Survey of the City of Chicago, interim report, 1941 |
Box 116 Folder 8 | Richard Childs, "A Democracy that Might Work," reprint, 1930 |
Box 116 Folder 9 | Citizens' Association of Chicago, reports |
Box 116 Folder 10 | Gambling and Graft in Chicago |
Box 116 Folder 11 | Land values |
Box 116 Folder 12 | Albert Lepawsky, "Chicago-Metropolis in the Making," reprint, 1941 |
Box 116 Folder 13 | Miscellaneous, including correspondence |
Box 116 Folder 14 | Miscellaneous political maps |
Box 116 Folder 15 | Official Report of the Nebraska State Canvassing Board, August 1926 primary election |
Box 116 Folder 16 | Population statistics of the Chicago region |
Box 116 Folder 17 | Prohibition |
Box 116 Folder 18 | Report of Citizens' Joint Commission of Inquiry on South Chicago Memorial Day Incident, 1937 |
Box 116 Folder 19 | Rethinking Chicago, conference and publications, 1937 |
Box 116 Folder 20 | Society for Social Research |
Box 116 Folder 21 | Study of election laws and primary ballots |
Box 116 Folder 22 | Walter F. Wilcox, Literary Digest Prohibition Poll |
Series IV: The University of Chicago |
Subseries 1: Department of Political Science |
Box 117 Folder 1 | Lecture notes and reading lists |
Box 117 Folder 2 | List of doctoral dissertations, n.d. |
Box 117 Folder 3-4 | Merriam's grade books, early 1900s |
Box 117 Folder 5 | Miscellaneous |
Box 117 Folder 6 | Notebook containing-
- a. Selected list of government and law terms
- b. Comprehensive list of political science terms for college textbooks
- c. Methods of instruction in political science courses at the junior college level
- d. Comparative courses of study
Box 117 Folder 7 | PhD examination questions, 1925 |
Sub-subseries 2: Correspondence |
Box 117 Folder 8 | Between Merriam and departmental secretary, Ruth Ziegler, 1939 |
Box 117 Folder 9 | Between Merriam and departmental secretary, 1940 |
Box 117 Folder 10 | Between Merriam and departmental secretary, 1941 |
Box 117 Folder 11 | Ziegler correspondence with other members of the Department of Political Science |
Sub-subseries 3: Course Proposals |
Box 117 Folder 12 | Proposals to organize a departmental program |
Box 117 Folder 13 | Introductory course proposals |
Box 117 Folder 14 | Other course proposals |
Box 117 Folder 15 | Marshall E. Dimock, "The Future of the Public Administration Program," memorandum, February 26, 1936 |
Sub-subseries 4: Budget and Administrative Material |
Box 118 Folder 10 | 1933-1935 |
Box 118 Folder 18 | 1949-1950 |
Sub-subseries 5: Harvard University |
Box 118 Folder 19 | 1940-1941, Department of Government |
Box 118 Folder 20 | 1945-1946 and 1947-1948, Committee to Visit the Graduate School of Design at Harvard |
Sub-subseries 6: Political Research; Memoranda |
Box 119 Folder 1 | Ford Foundation, correspondence and memoranda on gifts from foundations and commission |
Box 119 Folder 2 | "Memorandum on Political Research, Department of Political Science, University of Chicago," 114 pp., n.d. |
Box 119 Folder 3 | Memoranda on the tasks of politics and political research |
Box 119 Folder 4 | "Suggested Topics for Long Time Survey" |
Box 119 Folder 5 | Leonard D. White, "Request for Renewal of Rockefeller Foundation Grant for Research and Training in Public Administration," October 1941 |
Sub-subseries 7: Political Research-Projects |
Box 119 Folder 6 | Constitutional law, the judiciary, criminology |
Box 119 Folder 7 | Economics and public welfare |
Box 119 Folder 8 | International relations |
Box 119 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous fields |
Box 119 Folder 10 | Municipal government and Chicago politics |
Box 119 Folder 11 | Parties, elections, pressure groups, public opinion |
Box 119 Folder 12 | Political theory |
Box 119 Folder 13 | Public administration |
Box 119 Folder 14 | Study of personality and leadership |
Box 119 Folder 15 | Quantitative methods |
Subseries 2: Miscellaneous University of Chicago |
Sub-subseries 1: Division of Social Sciences |
Box 120 Folder 1 | Mortimer Adler, divisional lectures on systematic social science, 1930s |
Box 120 Folder 2 | Executive Committee of the Division, minutes 1923, 1936-1937 |
Box 120 Folder 3 | Graduate Library School, bibliographical service for the social sciences |
Box 120 Folder 4 | Charles E. Merriam, speech dedicating the Social Science Research Building, 1929 |
Box 120 Folder 5 | Charles E. Merriam, talk before social scientists, 1922 |
Box 120 Folder 6 | Miscellaneous memoranda, includes Harold Lasswell's "Future of the Social Sciences as Policy Sciences" |
Box 120 Folder 7 | Questionnaire-replies on research in the social sciences |
Box 120 Folder 8 | Barnadotte Schmidt, memorandum on the future policy of the Department of History, January 29, 1934 |
Box 120 Folder 9 | Albion W. Small, "What Should Be the Ideal of Our Own Graduate School of Social Science," paper at an interdepartmental meeting, February 28, 1923 |
Box 120 Folder 10 | Who's Who of persons in the field |
Box 120 Folder 11 | Committee on Postwar International Problems, 1943 |
Box 120 Folder 12 | Robert M. Hutchins, "The Higher Learning in Total War" |
Box 120 Folder 13 | Charles E. Merriam, speech at the dedication of Judd Hall, reprinted in the University of Chicago Magazine, June 1948, pp. 11-13 |
Box 120 Folder 14 | Charles E. Merriam, memorial speeches for Professors Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, Samuel N. Harper, Dodd, and McLaughlin |
Box 120 Folder 15 | Charles E. Merriam, "On Hutchins' Agenda of Freedom," draft of an article for the University of Chicago Magazine, June 1951 |
Box 120 Folder 16 | National Opinion Research Center, questionnaire, n.d. |
Box 120 Folder 17 | Report and comment on the opportunity for the development of psycho neurology at the University of Chicago, n.d. |
Box 120 Folder 18 | Report of the Committee on the Development of a Biological Foundation at the University of Chicago, n.d. |
Box 120 Folder 19 | "Report of the Graduate Schools," 1927 |
Box 120 Folder 20 | Seditious Activities Investigating Commission (Broyles Committee), investigation of communist activity at the University of Chicago, speech by President Hutchins, statements by trustees and faculty, 1949 |
Box 120 Folder 21 | Ernest H. Wilkins, "The Relation of the Senior College and the Graduate School," n.d. |
Subseries 3: Senate Committee on Research (Circa 1938) |
Box 121 Folder 1 | Memoranda, 1938-1939 |
Box 121 Folder 2 | Proposals regarding organization for research |
Box 121 Folder 3 | Tentative outlines for consideration by the Committee |
Box 121 Folder 4 | Tentative research platform for the University of Chicago, drafts |
Box 121 Folder 5 | President Hutchins' recommendations for academic reorganization of December 31, 1942 and the Interim Report by the Senate Committee on Academic Reorganization, May 1, 1944 |
Box 121 Folder 6 | Survey of Faculty Opinion on Research at the University , Forms and questionnaire |
Box 121 Folder 7 | Survey responses, A-C |
Box 121 Folder 8 | Survey responses, D-G |
Box 121 Folder 9 | Survey responses, H-J |
Box 121 Folder 10 | Survey responses, K-M |
Box 121 Folder 11 | Survey responses, P-S |
Box 121 Folder 12 | Survey responses, T-Y |
Box 121 Folder 13 | R. M. Hughes, "A Preliminary Discussion of Research in American Universities and Colleges," National Resources Committee memorandum, 1938 |
Box 121 Folder 14 | Marcus W. Jernegan, "Productivity of Doctors of Philosophy in History," reprint, 1927 |
Subseries 4: Senate Committee on University Policy |
Box 121 Folder 15 | Minutes, February 16, 1934 |
Subseries 5: Institute of Policies |
Box 122 Folder 1 | Correspondence of Governors with Governor Lowden of Illinois about the Clearing House |
Box 122 Folder 2 | Harold D. Lasswell, "Proposed Institute of Political Research," memorandum, n.d. |
Box 122 Folder 3 | Merriam memoranda on the proposed Institute of Politics or School of Government for the University of Chicago, drafts, circa 1929 |
Box 122 Folder 4 | Proposals and correspondence for a form of developing an Institute of Politics at the University of Chicago, 1922-1925 |
Subseries 6: Local Community Research Committee |
Box 122 Folder 5 | Financial statements |
Box 122 Folder 6 | Memoranda on research program |
Box 122 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 122 Folder 8 | Report on expenditures and results of research as of June 30, 1927 |
Box 122 Folder 9 | Three-year research programs, 1924 |
Box 122 Folder 10 | Report on Local Community Research, autumn quarter 1925-1926 |
Box 122 Folder 11 | Summary of the activities of the Local Community Research Committee 1928-1929 |
Box 122 Folder 12 | Charles E. Merriam, "Memorandum on the Proposed Public Management Service," typewritten manuscript |
Subseries 7: Social Science Research Committee |
Box 123 Folder 2 | Letters and requests for rant from the Rockefeller Foundation, 1940-1941 |
Box 123 Folder 3 | Minutes, 1935-1941 |
Box 123 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous |
Box 123 Folder 5 | Miscellaneous memoranda on the procedures and work of the committee |
Box 123 Folder 6 | Recent political trends and emerging problems in the metropolitan region of Chicago |
Box 123 Folder 7 | Financial statements, Social Science Research publications as of June 30, 1939 |
Box 123 Folder 8 | Research Projects and Request for Appropriations, 1931 |
Box 123 Folder 9 | Research Projects and Request for Appropriations, 1935 |
Box 123 Folder 10 | Research Projects and Request for Appropriations, 1936-1937 |
Box 123 Folder 11 | Research Projects and Request for Appropriations, 1938-1939 |
Box 123 Folder 12 | Research Projects and Request for Appropriations, 1940-1941 |
Box 123 Folder 13 | Charles E. Merriam, memoranda on his research, December 14, 1945 and April 11, 1946 |
Box 123 Folder 14 | Memoranda on research grants and announcements of Merriam's appropriations, 1940s |
Box 123 Folder 15 | Charles E. Merriam, "Memoranda on Social Research," two drafts, April 26, 1938 and May 2, 1938 |
Box 123 Folder 16 | William F. Ogburn, memoranda on "A Program of Research in Social Change"; "Organization in Research at Universities"; and "Proposals in Regard to Social Science Research in Europe during Wartime," circa 1940 |
Box 123 Folder 17 | Donald Slesinger, "Some Observations on the Status of the Mental Sciences in the United States and Canada," report to the Julius Rosenwald Fund, 1930 |
Series V: Professional Organizations |
Subseries 1: American Historical Association Investigation of the Social Studies in the Schools |
Box 124 Folder 1-4 | Abstracts and bibliographies |
Box 124 Folder 6 | Budgets and financial statements |
Box 124 Folder 7 | Commission on Direction, minutes of meetings, October 16-17, 1930 |
Box 124 Folder 8 | Commission on Direction, miscellaneous papers |
Box 124 Folder 9 | Commission on Direction, minutes of meeting, December 14, 1929 |
Box 124 Folder 10 | Commission on Direction, miscellaneous papers |
Box 124 Folder 11 | Denver Public Schools, curriculum revision, tests in social science |
Box 124 Folder 12-13 | Measurement tests and questionnaires |
Box 124 Folder 14 | Memoranda |
Box 124 Folder 15 | Minutes of meetings |
Box 124 Folder 16 | Miscellaneous papers |
Box 124 Folder 17 | Progress reports |
Box 124 Folder 18 | Proposals |
Box 125 Folder 1 | Analysis and comments |
Box 125 Folder 2 | Charles A. Beard, "Objectives of the Social Sciences," with comments by Harold Rugg |
Box 125 Folder 3 | Charles A. Beard, "Preliminary Thoughts on Civic Instruction in the Schools" |
Box 125 Folder 4 | Charles A. Beard, "Report on Specific Objectives in Relation to the Nature of the Social Sciences" |
Box 125 Folder 5 | P. Capra, "Teaching History in Primary Schools" |
Box 125 Folder 6 | Rose B. Clark, "Investigation of Geography in the Curricula of Foreign Countries" |
Box 125 Folder 7 | Committee on Objectives, "Problem of Objectives" |
Box 125 Folder 8 | Committee on Personality and Culture, "Preliminary Report to Committee"; "Report to the Social Science Research Council on the Organization of a Program in the Field of Personality and Culture" |
Box 125 Folder 9 | "Common Prejudices" [outline] |
Box 125 Folder 10 | Ralph Moore, "Teaching Methods in Government in the First Two Years in College" |
Box 125 Folder 11 | DeWitt S. Morgan, "A Report of Explanatory Studies in Extra-School Learning" |
Box 125 Folder 12 | Outlines of unidentified reports |
Box 125 Folder 13 | Sub-Committee, report to the Committee for Meeting December 4-5, 1926; two versions |
Box 125 Folder 14 | "Working Plans of an Investigation of History and Other Social Studies in the Schools" |
Box 125 Folder 15 | Reprints |
Box 125 Folder 16 | Speeches |
Box 125 Folder 17 | Franklin Bobbitt, "The Objectives of Some of the Social Phases of Education" |
Box 125 Folder 18 | L. C. Marshall, "What is Involved in Social Living" |
Box 125 Folder 19 | "A Study of Scientific Classroom Difficulties in the Teaching of History as Reported in Authoritative Magazine Articles and through Group Experts" |
Box 125 Folder 20 | "Tests on Political Terms" |
Box 125 Folder 21 | "Thirty Years after the Committee of Seven" |
Box 125 Folder 22 | "Trends toward Limitation of the Individual's Responsibility, Direction, Control and Freedom" |
Box 125 Folder 23 | Survey Data |
Subseries 2: American Political Science Association |
Box 126 Folder 1 | Conference of Midwest Political Scientists, University of Michigan, 1950, preliminary program |
Box 126 Folder 2 | Correspondence, 1947-1950 |
Box 126 Folder 3 | Election of Merriam as President of the Association, 1924, newspaper clipping |
Box 126 Folder 4 | Executive Council and Board of Editors, minutes, December 1925 |
Box 126 Folder 5 | Institute of Politics, 1924, announcement |
Box 126 Folder 6 | International Political Science Association, 1949, summary report |
Box 126 Folder 7 | Minutes of the Association, 1931, 1934 |
Box 126 Folder 8 | Reports of the managing editor of the American Political Science Review, 1931 and 1951 |
Box 126 Folder 9 | Committee on Awards, 1947, Professor Merriam was chairman of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Foundation which honored the best publication in the field of government and human welfare, primarily correspondence |
Box 126 Folder 10 | Committee on Congress, minutes, March 1 and March 17, 1941 |
Box 126 Folder 11 | Committee on Organization of Political Research, proceedings, February 11, 1922 |
Box 126 Folder 12 | Committee on Policy, 1928-1931, minutes, reports, financial statements |
Box 126 Folder 13 | Committee on Policy, Subcommittee on Personnel |
Box 126 Folder 14 | Committee on Policy, Subcommittee on Political Education |
Box 126 Folder 15 | Committee on Policy, Subcommittee on Publications, includes materials about the American Political Science Review |
Box 126 Folder 16 | Committee on Policy, Subcommittee on Research |
Box 126 Folder 17 | Committee on Relations with Public Officials, report, December 28, 1941 |
Box 126 Folder 18 | Research Committee |
Box 126 Folder 19 | Committee on the Social Studies, 1941 |
Box 126 Folder 20 | Subcommittee on Local Studies, preliminary report, May 13, 1942 |
Box 126 Folder 21 | Charles A. Beard, "Tentative Report on Conditions Favorable to Creative Work in Political Science," typewritten, no date |
Box 126 Folder 22 | Charles E. Merriam, address before a joint meeting of the American Political Science Association and the American Sociological Association, December 26, 1934 |
Box 126 Folder 23 | Charles E. Merriam, papers on trends in American government, holograph, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 24 | Bernadotte Schmidt, "The Fashion and Future of History," typewritten, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 25 | R. M. Story, "On Financing Mature Scholars," typewritten, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 26 | Mabel L. Walker, "Depression Changes in State and Local Relationships," 1933 |
Subseries 3: Commission on Freedom of the Press |
Box 127 Folder 1 | Abstracts and synopses |
Box 127 Folder 2 | Agenda of meetings |
Box 127 Folder 3 | Commission Documents
- Document Number 18; Statement by Jacques Maritain
- Document Number 22- Suggested bylaws
- Document Number 23- Report of the Subcommittee on Relations of Government to Mass Communications
Box 127 Folder 4 | Commission Documents
- Document Number 80- Interview with Bosley Crowther, film critic of the New York Times
- Document Number 81- Summary of facts and documents regarding the American Newspaper Guild
- Document Number 82= Memoranda on motion picture censorship by Zechariah Chafee, Jr.
- Document Number 84= Report on libel
Box 127 Folder 5 | Document Number 90- Summary of discussion and actions January 27-29, 1946 |
Box 127 Folder 6 | Document Number 90A; Related to above |
Box 127 Folder 7 | Commission Documents
- Document Number 91; Title page only
- Document Number 94; Minutes of the meeting of April 2, 1946
- Document Number 100F; "Outline of Principles" by William Ernest Hocking
- Document Number 108; Minutes of the meeting of July 7-9, 1946
- Document Number 110; "The Responsibilities of Monopoly Newspapers in New England Cities and Towns"
Box 127 Folder 8 | Document Number 111; Robert M. Hutchins, draft of general report, eighth revision |
Box 127 Folder 9 | Commission Documents
- Document Number 112; Comments by Clark and MacLeigh on Hocking's 100F
- Document Number 115 (revised) and 115A; Draft of statement to precede White Report on American radio
Box 127 Folder 10 | Unnumbered Commission documents |
Box 128 Folder 1 | Commission letters |
Box 128 Folder 2 | Memoranda, 1944 |
Box 128 Folder 3 | Memoranda, 1945 |
Box 128 Folder 4 | Memoranda, 1946 |
Box 128 Folder 5 | Memoranda, 1947 |
Box 128 Folder 6 | Undated, includes Merriam's "Memorandum on Inquiry Into Freedom of Speech" |
Box 128 Folder 7 | Reference notes |
Box 128 Folder 8 | Reports, Drafts and fragments |
Box 128 Folder 9 | Report of the Commission, first draft |
Box 128 Folder 10 | Reprints and pamphlets, Legion of Decency films reviewed, etc. |
Box 128 Folder 11 | Reprints, pamphlets, clippings |
Box 128 Folder 12 | Statements |
Subseries 4: Jefferson National Memorial Expansion Association |
Box 129 Folder 1 | Agenda 1939, 1940, 1948 and 1949 |
Box 129 Folder 2 | Architectural competition for a national memorial to Thomas Jefferson, programs, designs, maps, 1947-1948 |
Box 129 Folder 3 | "Basic Laws, Financial Status, and Physical and Historical Data Relating to the Jefferson national Memorial Expansion," compiled in notebook form by the National Park Service of the Department of the Interior |
Box 129 Folder 4 | Legislative materials, bills, correspondence, etc. |
Box 129 Folder 5 | Memoranda 1948-1949 |
Box 129 Folder 6 | Minutes of the Association's annual meetings, 1940 and 1949 |
Box 129 Folder 7 | Minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee of the United States Territorial Expansion Commission, 1943, 1947, 1948 and 1949 |
Box 129 Folder 8 | Newspaper clippings |
Box 129 Folder 9 | Correspondence (mainly with Luther Ely Smith 1947 |
Box 129 Folder 10 | Correspondence (mainly with Luther Ely Smith 1948 |
Box 129 Folder 11 | Correspondence (mainly with Luther Ely Smith 1949 |
Box 129 Folder 12 | Correspondence (mainly with Luther Ely Smith 1950 |
Box 129 Folder 13 | Correspondence pertaining to Merriam's resignation from the Association in December 1949 |
Box 129 Folder 14 | Frank Bourgin, "Thomas Jefferson, Resources Planner 1743-1943," page proof for the Jefferson Bicentennial, contains Merriam's preface "Thomas Jefferson National Resources Planning," and a letter of transmittal to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, April 3, 1943 |
Box 129 Folder 15 | Draft of the above manuscripts |
Box 129 Folder 16 | Galley proof of the above |
Box 129 Folder 17 | Walter Johnson, his conception of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Writing Project, ca. 1947 |
Box 129 Folder 18 | Charles E. Merriam, "Jefferson and Hamilton," typewritten, n.d. |
Box 129 Folder 19 | Charles E. Merriam and Frank Bourgin, "Jefferson as a Planner of National Resources," draft and reprint of an articles for Ethics, Vol. LIII, no. 4, July 1943 |
Subseries 5: Social Science Research Council |
Box 130 Folder 1 | Annual Reports, 1926-1930 |
Box 130 Folder 2 | Annual Reports, 1931-1937 |
Box 130 Folder 3 | Annual Reports, 1938-1948 |
Box 130 Folder 4 | Financial Summaries 1939-1949 |
Box 130 Folder 5 | Information Bulletins 1933-1938 |
Box 130 Folder 6 | Information Bulletins 1939-1949 |
Box 130 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous memoranda, reports, speeches |
Box 130 Folder 8 | "Items" (newsletter)1947-1950 |
Box 130 Folder 9 | Notes, clippings, etc. |
Sub-subseries 2: Advisory Committee on Problems Relating to the Negro |
Box 131 Folder 1 | Minutes and reports |
Sub-subseries 3: Advisory Committee on Social and Economic Research in Agriculture |
Box 131 Folder 2 | Report by Charles J. Galpin, "Preliminary Report on Rural Sociological Research in the United States, 1926-1927" |
Box 131 Folder 3 | Vol. III; "Research Marketing Farm Products" |
Box 131 Folder 4 | Vol. IV; Description of Research |
Sub-subseries 4: Committee on Aims, Organization, Operation and Executive Leadership |
Box 131 Folder 5 | Report, 1947 |
Sub-subseries 5: Committee on Commissions of Inquiry |
Box 131 Folder 6 | Reports and memoranda |
Box 131 Folder 7 | Report by Harold Gosnell, 1935 |
Sub-subseries 6: Commission of Inquiry on Public Service Personnel |
Box 131 Folder 8 | Correspondence, memoranda, etc., 1934 |
Box 131 Folder 9 | Correspondence, memoranda, etc., 1935 |
Box 131 Folder 10 | Correspondence, memoranda, etc., undated |
Box 131 Folder 11 | Minutes of the Commission, July 13, 1934 |
Box 131 Folder 12 | Minutes of the Commission, July 14, 1934 |
Box 131 Folder 13 | Photostats of newspaper clippings, 1935 |
Box 131 Folder 14 | Report, 1935 |
Sub-subseries 7: Committee on Fellowships |
Box 132 Folder 1 | Minutes and memoranda |
Box 132 Folder 2 | Reports of Fellows |
Box 132 Folder 3 | Review of fellowship policy, 1941-1942 |
Sub-subseries 8: Committee on Organization for Research in the Social Sciences |
Box 132 Folder 4 | Tentative directory, 1947 |
Sub-subseries 9: Committee on Personality and Culture |
Box 132 Folder 5 | Report by Thorstein Sellin, n.d. |
Sub-subseries 10: Committee on Problems and Policy |
Box 132 Folder 6 | Proposals, notes, memoranda |
Sub-subseries 11: Committee on Public Relations |
Box 132 Folder 7 | Report, n.d. |
Sub-subseries 12: Committee on Research Aspects of War |
Box 132 Folder 8 | Report by E. W. Burgess and T. C. McCormick, 1942 |
Box 132 Folder 9 | Research memoranda by Louis Wirth, "The Effect of War on American Minorities," 1942 |
Sub-subseries 13: Committee on Review of Council Policy |
Box 132 Folder 10 | Report by Louis Wirth, "History, Activities and Policies of the Social Science Research Council," 1937 |
Sub-subseries 14: Committee on Scientific Method |
Box 132 Folder 11 | Reports by R. N. MacIver, E. R. Kemp, and Stuart Rice, 1927 |
Box 132 Folder 12 | Reports, 1928 |
Sub-subseries 15: Committee on Social Adjustment |
Box 133 Folder 1 | Bibliography on "Adjustment in Old Age," prepared by Erich Rosenthal, 1944 |
Sub-subseries 16: Committee on Social Security |
Box 133 Folder 2 | Final report by Paul Webbink, 1943 |
Box 133 Folder 3 | Report by W. S. Woytinsky, "Earnings and Social Security in the United States," 1943 |
Sub-subseries 17: Committee on the Study of the Sources of Information on the Operation of the Eighteenth Amendment |
Box 133 Folder 4 | Reports, 1936 |
Sub-subseries 18: Committee on World Regions |
Box 133 Folder 5 | "World Regions in the Social Sciences," report, June 1943 |
Sub-subseries 19: Pacific Coast Regional Committee |
Box 133 Folder 6 | Reports, 1940-1942 |
Sub-subseries 20: Program of Research in International Relations |
Box 133 Folder 7 | Report by James T. Shotwell, "Survey of the Study of International Relations in the United States," 1933 |
Box 133 Folder 8 | Report by Frank Tannenbaum, "Some Latin American Research Problems," 1933 |
Sub-subseries 21: Committee on Public Administration |
Box 134 Folder 1 | Correspondence, Minutes, Reports 1934-1935 |
Box 134 Folder 2 | Correspondence, Minutes, Reports 1936-1937 |
Box 134 Folder 3 | Correspondence, Minutes, Reports 1938 |
Box 134 Folder 4 | Correspondence, Minutes, Reports 1939 |
Box 134 Folder 5 | Correspondence, Minutes, Reports 1940 |
Box 134 Folder 6 | Correspondence, Minutes, Reports 1941 |
Box 134 Folder 7 | Correspondence, Minutes, Reports 1942 |
Box 134 Folder 8 | Correspondence, Minutes, Reports 1943 |
Box 134 Folder 9 | Correspondence, Minutes, Reports Undated |
Box 134 Folder 10 | Federalism Study Proposals and studies |
Box 134 Folder 11 | Federalism Study Report by George Graham and Herman Finer |
Box 134 Folder 12 | Arthur W. McMahon and John D. Millett, "Central Management of the Emergency Works Program of 1935" |
Box 134 Folder 13 | Memorandum on regional coordination for the Special Committee on Comparative Administration |
Box 134 Folder 14 | Lloyd M. Short, "Personnel Problems Affecting Social Scientists in the National Civil Service after the War," 1945 |
Box 134 Folder 15 | Specimen and Case Reports 1939 |
Box 134 Folder 16 | Specimen and Case Reports 1942 |
Sub-subseries 22: Conferences, Agendas, Minutes, Discussions |
Box 135 Folder 1 | Psychologists' Conference at Dartmouth College, Volume I, 1925 |
Box 135 Folder 2 | Psychologists' Conference at Dartmouth College, Volume II, 1925 |
Box 135a Folder 1 | 1925 agendas |
Box 135a Folder 2 | Dartmouth Conference report, Committee on Problems and Policy sessions, 1925 |
Box 135a Folder 3 | Transcript of discussion, 1925 |
Box 136 Folder 1 | Notebook from 1926 Hanover Conference, Volume I |
Box 136 Folder 2 | Notebook from 1926 Hanover Conference, Volume II |
Box 136 Folder 3 | Transcript of 1927 Hanover Conference |
Box 136 Folder 4 | Charles E. Merriam, "Impressions of Hanover," notes and sketches, no date or indication of the year referred to |
Box 137 Folder 1 | Minutes, January 1928 |
Box 137 Folder 2 | Minutes, April 1928 |
Box 137 Folder 3 | Minutes, May 1928 |
Box 137 Folder 4 | Minutes, August 1928, Hanover meeting |
Box 137 Folder 5 | Minutes, 1928 Hanover session |
Box 137 Folder 6 | Hanover Economic Discussions, September 1928 |
Box 138 Folder 1 | Hanover Evening Discussions, 1928 |
Box 138 Folder 2 | Discussions on Future Policy, 1929 |
Box 138 Folder 3-4 | Hanover Conference, 1929 |
Box 139 Folder 1 | Hanover Conference, 1930 |
Box 139 Folder 2 | Minutes, October 1930 |
Box 139 Folder 3 | Minutes, March 1931 |
Box 139 Folder 4 | Minutes, June 1931 |
Box 139 Folder 5 | Minutes, September 1931 |
Box 139 Folder 6 | Agenda and Minutes, November 1931 |
Box 139 Folder 7 | Discussion, June 1932 |
Box 139 Folder 8 | Agenda, September 1932 |
Box 139 Folder 9 | Agenda, Volume II, September 1932 |
Box 139 Folder 10 | Volume III |
Box 139 Folder 11 | Minutes, September 1932 |
Box 140 Folder 1 | Minutes, April 1933 |
Box 140 Folder 2 | Agenda, Volume I, September 1933 |
Box 140 Folder 3 | Agenda, Volume II, September 1933 |
Box 140 Folder 4 | Agenda, April 28, 1934 |
Box 140 Folder 5 | Agenda, Volume I, September 1934 |
Box 140 Folder 6 | Minutes, September 1934 |
Box 140 Folder 7 | Report on Southern Conference Discussions, March 1935 |
Box 140 Folder 8 | Minutes, September 1935 |
Box 140 Folder 9 | Agenda, September 1936 |
Box 140 Folder 10 | Minutes, September 1936 |
Box 140 Folder 11 | Agenda, April 1937 |
Box 140 Folder 12 | Minutes, April 1937 |
Box 140 Folder 13 | Agenda, September 1937 |
Box 140 Folder 14 | Minutes, September 1937 |
Box 140 Folder 15 | Conference, November 1937 |
Box 141 Folder 1 | Agenda, April 1938 |
Box 141 Folder 2 | Agenda, September 1938 |
Box 141 Folder 3 | Minutes, September 1938 |
Box 141 Folder 4 | Agenda, April 1939 |
Box 141 Folder 5 | Minutes, April 1939 |
Box 141 Folder 6 | Agenda, September 1939 |
Box 141 Folder 7 | Minutes, September 1939 |
Box 141 Folder 8 | Minutes, April 1940 |
Box 141 Folder 9 | Agenda, September 1940 |
Box 141 Folder 10 | Minutes, September 1940 |
Box 141 Folder 11 | Conference, November 1940 |
Box 141 Folder 12 | Agenda, September 1941 |
Box 141 Folder 13 | Minutes, September 1941 |
Box 141 Folder 14 | Agenda and minutes, March 1942 |
Box 141 Folder 15 | Agenda, September 1942 |
Box 141 Folder 16 | Minutes, September 1942 |
Box 141 Folder 17 | Minutes, March 1943 |
Box 141 Folder 18 | Agenda, September 1943 |
Box 142 Folder 1 | Conference proceedings, April 1944 |
Box 142 Folder 2 | Minutes, April 1944 |
Box 142 Folder 3 | Agenda, September 1944 |
Box 142 Folder 4 | Minutes, September 1944 |
Box 142 Folder 5 | Agenda, September 1945 |
Box 142 Folder 6 | Minutes, September 1945 |
Box 142 Folder 7 | Conference, December 1945 |
Box 142 Folder 8 | Conference, February 1946 |
Box 142 Folder 9 | Minutes, April 1946 |
Box 142 Folder 10 | Agenda, September 1946 |
Box 142 Folder 11 | Minutes, September 1946 |
Box 142 Folder 12 | Conference, October 1946 |
Box 142 Folder 13 | Conference, December 1946 |
Box 142 Folder 14 | Conference, February 1947 |
Box 142 Folder 15 | Agenda, March 1947 |
Box 142 Folder 16 | Conference, May 1947 |
Box 142 Folder 17 | Agenda, September 1947 |
Box 142 Folder 18 | Minutes, September 1947 |
Box 142 Folder 19 | Conference, October 1947 |
Box 142 Folder 20 | Conference, November 1947 |
Box 142 Folder 21 | Conference, December 1947 |
Box 142 Folder 22 | Minutes, September 1948 |
Box 142 Folder 23 | Agenda and minutes, April 1949 |
Box 142 Folder 24 | Agenda, September 1949 |
Box 142 Folder 25 | Minutes, September 1949 |
Sub-subseries 23: Reports Not Organized by Committee |
Box 143 Folder 1 | "Consumption According to Incomes," report for the Secretary of the Interior, 1919 |
Box 143 Folder 2 | Memoranda on the federal government and research in the social sciences, 1945 |
Box 143 Folder 3 | Philip E. Mosley, "Supranational Organization and Cooperation of the Democracies," 1941 |
Box 143 Folder 4 | "Opinions on a Proposal for an Institute of Criminology," 1934 |
Box 143 Folder 5 | "Planned Protection Against Unemployment and Dependency," 1934 |
Box 143 Folder 6 | Robert Redfield, "Area Programs in Education and Research," 1944 |
Box 143 Folder 7 | "The Reorganization of Local Government in the State of New York to Meet Modern Conditions," memorandum to Governor Roosevelt by the Institute of Public Administration |
Box 143 Folder 8 | Beardsley Ruml, "Recent Trends in Social Science," speech at the dedication of Social Science Research Building, 1929 |
Box 143 Folder 9 | Summary report of the Social Science Research Council, December 1931 |
Box 143 Folder 10 | Work plans for the Social Science Division, 1933 exposition |
Subseries 6: Spelman Fund |
Box 144 Folder 2 | Allocation of resources, 1936-1938 |
Box 144 Folder 3 | Allocation of resources, 1939-1941 |
Box 144 Folder 4 | Applications outstanding |
Box 144 Folder 5 | Appropriation and budgetary materials |
Box 144 Folder 6 | Annual reports; notes, pamphlets, drafts, 1933 (final Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Report), 1938, 1939, 1940-1941, 1942-1943 |
Box 144 Folder 7 | Annual reports 1944, 1945, 1946 |
Box 144 Folder 8 | Final report 1949, also comments on the report |
Box 144 Folder 11 | Correspondence |
Box 144 Folder 12 | Correspondence with the State of Minnesota, Division of Administrative Municipal Research and Management |
Box 144 Folder 13 | Newspaper clippings |
Box 144 Folder 14 | Spelman Fund Dinner, December 1948, includes notes for Merriam's speech |
Box 144 Folder 15 | Great Island Conference, New York, 1946, documentation |
Box 145 Folder 1 | Financial Reports 1935 |
Box 145 Folder 2 | Financial Reports 1936 |
Box 145 Folder 3 | Financial Reports 1937 |
Box 145 Folder 4 | Financial Reports 1938 |
Box 145 Folder 5 | Financial Reports 1939 |
Box 145 Folder 6 | Financial Reports 1940 |
Box 145 Folder 7 | Financial Reports 1941 |
Box 145 Folder 8 | Financial Reports 1942 |
Box 145 Folder 9 | Financial Reports 1943 |
Box 145 Folder 10 | Financial Reports 1944 |
Box 145 Folder 11 | Financial Reports 1945 |
Box 145 Folder 12 | Financial Reports 1946 |
Box 145 Folder 13 | Financial Reports 1947 |
Box 145 Folder 14 | Financial Reports 1948 |
Box 146 Folder 1 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1926 |
Box 146 Folder 2 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1928 |
Box 146 Folder 3 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1929 |
Box 146 Folder 4 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1930 |
Box 146 Folder 5 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1931 |
Box 146 Folder 6 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1932 |
Box 146 Folder 7 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1933 |
Box 147 Folder 1 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1934 |
Box 147 Folder 2-3 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1935 |
Box 147 Folder 4 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1936 |
Box 147 Folder 5-6 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1937 |
Box 148 Folder 1 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1938 |
Box 148 Folder 2 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1939 |
Box 148 Folder 3 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1940 |
Box 148 Folder 4 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1941 |
Box 148 Folder 5 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1942 |
Box 149 Folder 1 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1943 |
Box 149 Folder 2 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1944 |
Box 149 Folder 3 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1945 |
Box 149 Folder 4 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1946 |
Box 149 Folder 5 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1947 |
Box 149 Folder 6 | Board of Trustees, Dockets, 1948 |
Box 150 Folder 1 | Executive Committee, Dockets, 1927 |
Box 150 Folder 2 | Executive Committee, Dockets, January-March 1928 |
Box 150 Folder 3 | Executive Committee, Dockets, April-May 1928 |
Box 150 Folder 4 | Executive Committee, Dockets, May-June 1928 |
Box 150 Folder 5 | Executive Committee, Dockets, July-October 1928 |
Box 150 Folder 6 | Executive Committee, Dockets, January-May 1929 |
Box 150 Folder 7 | Executive Committee, Dockets, June-October 1929 |
Box 150 Folder 8 | Executive Committee, Dockets, March-May 1930 |
Box 150 Folder 9 | Executive Committee, Dockets, August-December 1930 |
Box 151 Folder 1 | Executive Committee, Dockets, January-April 1931 |
Box 151 Folder 2 | Executive Committee, Dockets, June-December 1931 |
Box 151 Folder 3 | Executive Committee, Dockets, January-April 1932 |
Box 151 Folder 4 | Executive Committee, Dockets, May-December 1932 |
Box 151 Folder 5 | Executive Committee, Dockets, March-June 1933 |
Box 151 Folder 6 | Executive Committee, Dockets, July-December 1933 |
Box 151 Folder 7 | Executive Committee, Dockets, January-June 1934 |
Box 151 Folder 8 | Executive Committee, Dockets, July-December 1934 |
Box 152 Folder 1 | Executive Committee, Dockets, February-June 1935 |
Box 152 Folder 2 | Executive Committee, Dockets, July-December 1935 |
Box 152 Folder 3 | Executive Committee, Dockets, January-April 1936 |
Box 152 Folder 4 | Executive Committee, Dockets, May 1936 |
Box 152 Folder 5 | Executive Committee, Dockets, October 1936 |
Box 152 Folder 6 | Executive Committee, Dockets, November-December 1936 |
Box 153 Folder 1 | Executive Committee, Dockets, January-April 1937 |
Box 153 Folder 2 | Executive Committee, Dockets, May-July 1937 |
Box 153 Folder 3 | Executive Committee, Dockets, July-December 1937 |
Box 153 Folder 4 | Executive Committee, Dockets, January-April 1938 |
Box 153 Folder 5 | Executive Committee, Dockets, May 1938 |
Box 153 Folder 6 | Executive Committee, Dockets, June-October 1938 |
Box 153 Folder 7 | Executive Committee, Dockets, November 1938 |
Box 153 Folder 8 | Executive Committee, Dockets, January-June 1939 |
Box 153 Folder 9 | Executive Committee, Dockets, September-December 1939 |
Box 154 Folder 1 | Executive Committee, Dockets, January-October 1940 |
Box 154 Folder 2 | Executive Committee, Dockets, November-December 1940 |
Box 154 Folder 3 | Executive Committee, Dockets, February-June 1941 |
Box 154 Folder 4 | Executive Committee, Dockets, October-November 1941 |
Box 154 Folder 5 | Executive Committee, Dockets, 1942 |
Box 154 Folder 6 | Executive Committee, Dockets, 1943 |
Box 154 Folder 7 | Executive Committee, Dockets, 1944 |
Box 154 Folder 8 | Executive Committee, Dockets, 1945 |
Box 154 Folder 9 | Executive Committee, Dockets, 1946 |
Box 154 Folder 10 | Executive Committee, Dockets, 1947 |
Box 154 Folder 11 | Executive Committee, Dockets, 1948 |
Box 155 Folder 1 | Minutes, 1928-1934 |
Box 155 Folder 2 | Minutes, 1935-1941 |
Box 155 Folder 3 | Minutes, 1942-1948 |
Box 156 Folder 1 | Operation Merriam Explanation of Merriam's research activities financed by the Spelman Fund, includes most of his final projects |
Box 156 Folder 2 | Operation Merriam Account records, fiscal 1949 |
Box 156 Folder 3 | Operation Merriam Account records, fiscal 1950 |
Box 156 Folder 4 | Operation Merriam Account records, fiscal 1951 |
Box 156 Folder 5 | Operation Merriam Account records, fiscal 1952 |
Box 156 Folder 6 | Operation Merriam Account book |
Box 156 Folder 7 | Operation Merriam Bills payable |
Box 156 Folder 8 | Operation Merriam Bills paid |
Box 156 Folder 9 | Operation Merriam Staff appointments |
Box 157 Folder 1 | Memoranda Council on Intergovernmental Relations |
Box 157 Folder 2 | Memoranda Facilities for research and experiment for governmental officials |
Box 157 Folder 3 | Memoranda Fiscal policy and taxation |
Box 157 Folder 4 | Memoranda Future program |
Box 157 Folder 5 | Albert H. Hall, "A Survey of the Organization and Administration of the Greenville County Council for Community Development," October 1937 |
Box 157 Folder 6 | Charles E. Merriam, memoranda on activities of Spelman Fund in the field of public administration |
Box 157 Folder 7 | Drafts of the above |
Box 157 Folder 8 | Charles E. Merriam, memoranda on policies of the Spelman Fund |
Box 157 Folder 9 | Drafts of the above |
Box 157 Folder 10 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 157 Folder 11 | Memoranda Policy in the social sciences, 1922 |
Box 158 Folder 1 | "Preliminary Notes Concerning a Secretariat for the G.R.A.," March 1939 |
Box 158 Folder 2 | "Preliminary Notes on the Problem of Governmental Research," March 1939 |
Box 158 Folder 3 | "Proposed Amendments to Plans for Group Insurance and Retiring Allowance" |
Box 158 Folder 4 | Survey of existing housing studies of New York City, 1920-1924 |
Box 158 Folder 5 | 1313 organizations |
Box 158 Folder 6 | Committee Number Two, final report |
Box 158 Folder 7 | Local Community Research Committee, reports of 1926-1927 and 1927-1928 |
Box 158 Folder 8 | Report of the Executive Committee to the Board of Trustees, 1926 |
Subseries 7: 1313 Organizations |
Box 159 Folder 1 | National Governmental Organizations, Chicago, pamphlet, 1938 |
Box 159 Folder 2 | Postwar conference |
Box 159 Folder 3 | C. Herman Pritchett, "1313; An Experiment in Propinquity," manuscript, 1945 |
Box 159 Folder 4 | Reports of the Municipal Administration Service of New York |
Box 159 Folder 5 | Urban Redevelopment Study, correspondence, memoranda, reports, speeches, etc. |
Box 159 Folder 6 | Miscellaneous |
Sub-subseries 2: American Legislator's Association |
Box 159 Folder 7 | Report, 1931 |
Box 159 Folder 8 | William B. Belknap, "Outline for Developing a Nationwide Organization to Consider What State Legislation the Present Crisis Renders Probable and Desirable," 1932 |
Box 159 Folder 9 | Henry Toll, "Nationwide Series of Legislators' Conferences," 1932 |
Sub-subseries 3: American Public Works Association |
Box 159 Folder 10 | Report, 1947 |
Sub-subseries 4: Public Administration Service |
Box 159 Folder 11 | Memoranda |
Sub-subseries 5: American Municipal Association |
Box 160 Folder 1 | Paul V. Betters, "State-Administered Locally-Shared Income Taxes," March 1932 |
Box 160 Folder 2 | Bulletins, publicity, etc. |
Box 160 Folder 3 | Inter-American Congress of Municipalities |
Box 160 Folder 5 | Municipal Sanitation report |
Box 160 Folder 6 | National Municipal Program |
Box 160 Folder 7 | Report to the Spelman Fund, 1945 |
Box 160 Folder 8 | Report, n.d. |
Sub-subseries 6: International City Managers' Association |
Box 160 Folder 9 | Brief on "A Local Government Institute," two drafts, 1926 |
Box 160 Folder 10 | Committee on Research; reports, minutes |
Box 160 Folder 11 | Demands for Research; reports, minutes |
Box 160 Folder 12 | Herbert Emmerich, keynote address to 1944 Conference |
Box 160 Folder 13 | Joint Committee on Measures and Standards |
Box 160 Folder 14 | Charles E. Merriam, speech, 1941 |
Box 160 Folder 15 | Miscellaneous |
Box 160 Folder 16 | Proposal for a public management service |
Box 160 Folder 17 | Reports of activities and meetings, 1932-1933 |
Sub-subseries 7: Municipal Officers' Association |
Box 160 Folder 18 | Summary of activities, 1936 |
Sub-subseries 8: National Association of Housing |
Box 160 Folder 19 | Report, "Housing for the United States After the War," May 1944 |
Sub-subseries 9: National Municipal League |
Box 160 Folder 21 | Outline of election reform proposals |
Box 160 Folder 22 | Reports of work, 1929 and 1932 |
Sub-subseries 10: Council of State Governments |
Box 161 Folder 1 | Conference of Governors, 1929 |
Box 161 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous speeches, memoranda, etc. |
Box 161 Folder 3 | Report to Spelman Fund, volume I, 1946 |
Box 161 Folder 4 | Report to Spelman Fund, volume II |
Sub-subseries 11: Public Administration Clearing House |
Box 162 Folder 1 | Chateau d'Ardenne Conference, September 1937, summary |
Box 162 Folder 2 | Conference on the Maintenance of Welfare Standards, 1932 |
Box 162 Folder 3 | Financial statements, 1946-1950 |
Box 162 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous |
Box 162 Folder 5 | Speeches by Herbert Emmerich and Louis Brownlow |
Box 162 Folder 6 | Annual report, 1940 |
Box 162 Folder 7 | Annual report, 1947 |
Box 162 Folder 8 | Annual report, 1948 |
Box 162 Folder 9 | Annual report, 1950 |
Box 162 Folder 10 | Annual report, 1951 |
Box 163 Folder 1 | Diary of Louis Brownlow, Vol. I, November 12, 1933-January 18, 1934 |
Box 163 Folder 2 | Diary of Louis Brownlow, Vol. II, January 20, 1934-July 1, 1934 |
Box 163 Folder 3 | Diary of Louis Brownlow, Vol. III, September 15, 1934-January 7, 1935 |
Box 164 Folder 1 | Diary of Louis Brownlow, Vol. IV, January 9, 1935-June 29, 1935 |
Box 164 Folder 2 | Diary of Louis Brownlow, Vol. V, July 1935-January 7, 1936 |
Box 165 Folder 1 | Diary of Louis Brownlow, Vol. VI, January 11, 1936-May 11, 1936 |
Box 165 Folder 2 | Diary of Louis Brownlow, Vol. VII, May 13, 1936-December 14, 1936 |
Series VI: Governmental Services |
Series Six includes papers from Merriam's service with agencies of the federal government, including the Loyalty Review Board, the National Planning Board, the National Resources Committee, the National Resources Planning Board, the President's Committee on Administrative Management, and the President's Research Committee on Social Trends.
It is important to note that the committees of each of the three planning boards remained intact throughout their two reorganizations. Hence, while material on the Water Resources Committee, for example, is found in each of the files of the National Planning Board, the National Resources Committee, and the National Resources Planning Board, it is in reality the same operational committee. The same is true of the other technical committees involved.
Boxes 272 and 272a contain thirteen folders of raw data-statistics, graphs, reprints, research notes and accompanying letters on various subjects. Although miscellaneous, the data appears to have some connection with the research activities of V. O. Key and the President's Research Committee on Social Trends, even though it is impossible to establish any definite relationship.
Among the subjects are population; labor; corporation trends; and state, federal and local government administrative and legislative behavior. The latter materials are concerned with reapportionment, legislative composition, committees, voting behavior and Primary Elections. Other data cover revenue, economic and social trends and the role of the public defender.
Subseries 1: Loyalty Review Board |
Box 166 Folder 2 | Expense account, travel vouchers, time reports, identification card |
Box 166 Folder 3 | Forms used in the Federal Loyalty Program |
Box 166 Folder 4 | Incidental papers, notes, fragments |
Box 166 Folder 5 | Loyalty cases |
Box 166 Folder 6 | Minutes of the Board; fourth meeting, March 2 and 3, 1948; fifth meeting, May 4, 1948; seventh meeting, September 30, 1948 |
Box 166 Folder 7 | Newspaper clippings |
Box 166 Folder 8 | Notebooks containing; agenda for the first meeting, November 14, 1947; executive order prescribing procedure for the administration of an employees' loyalty program in the executive branch of the government; procedures for loyalty checks of all incumbent employees; mailing list of the Board; list of members of the Board, and "The Report of the President's Temporary Committee on Employee Loyalty," as well as miscellaneous materials |
Box 166 Folder 9 | Press releases |
Box 166 Folder 10 | Regional Loyalty Boards, officers and members |
Box 166 Folder 11 | Correspondence, A-H |
Box 166 Folder 12 | Correspondence, L-M |
Box 166 Folder 13 | Correspondence, P-S |
Box 166 Folder 14 | Correspondence relating to Merriam's resignation from the Loyalty Review Board on November 2, 1948 |
Box 167 Folder 1 | Dorothy Bailey v. Seth W. Richardson et al., opinion of the United States Supreme Court for the District of Columbia, 1949 |
Box 167 Folder 2 | Champaign School Case, text of Supreme Court opinion with handwritten notes, 1948 |
Box 167 Folder 3 | International Workers' Order, Inc. v. Tom Clark et al., summons and verified complaint, 1948 |
Box 167 Folder 4 | Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee v. Tom C. Clark et al., opinion of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, 1949 |
Box 167 Folder 5 | National Council of American-Soviet Friendship v. Tom C. Clark, summons and verified complaint |
Box 167 Folder 6 | Bertram Alexander Washington et al. v. Tom C. Clark, et al., opinion of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, 1949 |
Box 167 Folder 7 | Test of Judge Medina's charge to the jury at the trial of Communist leaders, October 17, 1949 |
Box 167 Folder 8 | Directives to the Departments and Agencies |
Box 167 Folder 9 | Directives to the Regional Loyalty Boards, drafts |
Box 167 Folder 10 | Interdepartmental Committee on Employee Investigations, outline of policy and procedure |
Box 167 Folder 11 | "Loyalty Procedures Affecting Employees of Atomic Energy Commission and its Contractors," report |
Box 167 Folder 12 | "Proposed Regulations for the Operation of the Loyalty Review Board," edited drafts with preamble and suggestions for the preamble |
Box 167 Folder 13 | Proposed amendments to regulations and directives |
Box 167 Folder 14 | Regulations for the Operations of the Loyalty Review Board, the Directives to the Departments and Agencies, and the Directives to the Regional Boards, September 29, 1948 |
Box 167 Folder 15 | Executive Order 9835, prescribing procedures for administration of an employees' loyalty program in the executive branch of the government |
Box 167 Folder 16 | H. R. 582, 80th Congress, 2nd session, March 15, 1948, bill requiring Communist front organizations to register with the government |
Box 167 Folder 17 | Interim report of the Senate investigation of the Federal Employees' Loyalty Program |
Box 168 Folder 1 | Interdepartmental memoranda, 1947 |
Box 168 Folder 2 | Interdepartmental memoranda, January-May 1948 |
Box 168 Folder 3 | Interdepartmental memoranda, June-December 1948 |
Box 168 Folder 4 | Undated memoranda |
Box 168 Folder 5 | Memoranda for the Executive Department |
Box 168 Folder 6 | Memoranda to the Regional Loyalty Boards |
Box 168 Folder 7 | University of Chicago Roundtable, "Loyalty and Liberty in 1948," National Broadcasting Company radio broadcast with Paul Douglas, Walter Johnson, Charles Merriam and Louis Wirth, January 4, 1948 |
Box 168 Folder 8 | Charles E. Merriam, "Some Aspects of Loyalty," 1948, draft and address before the American Society of Public Administration and reprint from the Public Administration Review, also a newspaper clipping about the speech |
Box 168 Folder 9 | National Lawyers' Guild, analysis of reasons given or implied by the Loyalty Review Board in rejecting requests that it recommend abandonment of the Loyalty Program |
Box 168 Folder 10 | John Lord O'Brien, "Loyalty Tests and National Unity," January 23, 1948, address before the New York State Bar Association and correspondence with Merriam |
Box 168 Folder 11 | Reprints |
Box 168 Folder 12 | Summary of the "Loyalty of Federal Employees 1939-1947" by Marver Bernstein and Harold Chase |
Box 168 Folder 13 | American Civil Liberties Union, statement on loyalty tests for federal employees, November 10, 1947 |
Box 168 Folder 14 | Statement of Attorney General Tom C. Clark before the House Un-American Activities Committee, February 5, 1948 |
Box 168 Folder 15 | Statement by Seth W. Richardson, Chairman of the Loyalty Review Board, December 23, 1947 |
Box 168 Folder 16 | United Public Workers of America, letter and pamphlets explaining the Union's opposition to the loyalty program |
Box 168 Folder 17 | Work report, 1948 |
Box 168 Folder 18 | Work report, 1949 |
Box 168 Folder 19 | Work report, 1950 |
Box 168 Folder 20 | Work report, 1951 |
Subseries 2: National Planning Board |
Box 169 Folder 2 | Allotments for public works projects |
Box 169 Folder 3 | Annual reports |
Box 169 Folder 4 | Applications |
Box 169 Folder 5 | Construction expenditures, 1930-1932, graphs |
Box 169 Folder 6 | City Planning Boards |
Box 169 Folder 7 | Conference of Mayors |
Box 169 Folder 8 | Correspondence with Eliot, Delano, and Ickes |
Box 169 Folder 9 | Other correspondence |
Box 169 Folder 10 | Distribution of tax delinquency in American cities |
Box 169 Folder 11 | Establishment and functions of the National Planning Board |
Box 169 Folder 12 | Expense accounts, salary drafts, travel vouchers |
Box 169 Folder 13 | Map materials |
Box 169 Folder 14 | Minutes, 1933 |
Box 169 Folder 15 | Minutes, 1934 |
Box 169 Folder 16 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 169 Folder 17 | Planning memoranda |
Box 170 Folder 1 | Public works projects, recommendations and lists of those approved |
Box 170 Folder 2 | Public works project approved |
Box 170 Folder 3 | Public works projects, lists by agencies |
Box 170 Folder 4 | Public works projects, press releases |
Box 170 Folder 5 | Reclamation projects |
Box 170 Folder 6 | Regional planning |
Box 170 Folder 7 | Relative Federal administrative regulations and reports |
Box 170 Folder 8 | Staff of the Public Works Administration, list and description |
Box 170 Folder 9 | State planning, memoranda, progress reports, etc. |
Box 170 Folder 10 | State planning, individual state projects |
Box 170 Folder 11 | Unemployment, reduction proposal, statistical statement |
Box 170 Folder 12 | University of Chicago, letter to the National Planning Board on contributions of the University |
Sub-subseries 2: Committees |
Box 171 Folder 1 | Committee on Statistical Programs |
Box 171 Folder 2 | Land Planning Committee |
Box 171 Folder 3 | Mississippi Valley Committee |
Box 171 Folder 4 | Transportation Committee |
Box 171 Folder 5 | Water Flow Committee |
Sub-subseries 3: Final Report |
Box 171 Folder 6 | Final Report, 1933-1934 |
Box 171 Folder 7 | "Plans for Planning," notes and rough draft |
Box 171 Folder 8 | "Plans for Planning," criticism by colleagues |
Box 171 Folder 9 | Newspaper clippings on final report |
Sub-subseries 4: Reports, Studies, Speeches |
Box 172 Folder 1 | Russell VanNest Black, "Criteria and Planning for Public Works," 1934 |
Box 172 Folder 2 | Brookings Institution, "Outline of Organization of the Executive Branch of the National Government," 1933 |
Box 172 Folder 3 | Lester G. Chase, report of the Commerce Department, "City Planning Commissions in the United States," 1933 |
Box 172 Folder 4 | Charles W. Eliot, papers and speeches |
Box 172 Folder 5 | Essay on Soviet planning |
Box 172 Folder 6 | Harold Ickes, speeches |
Box 172 Folder 7 | Interim report of the Secretary of Labor, 1934 |
Box 172 Folder 8 | Cyrus Kerr, notes from his book "A Nation Plan" |
Box 172 Folder 9 | Gardiner C. Means, "NRA and AAA and the Reorganization of Industrial Policy Making," October 15, 1934 |
Box 172 Folder 10 | Reprints |
Box 172 Folder 11 | Social Science Research Council, "The Aid which the Social Sciences Can Render to National Planning," two drafts |
Box 172 Folder 12 | "Status of City and Regional Planning in the United States," 1934 |
Box 172 Folder 13 | Russell Wise, "Proposal for Emergency Use of Public Education by the Federal Government to Promote Intelligent Understanding of Problems of the National Life" |
Subseries 3: National Resources Committee |
Box 173 Folder 1 | Activities, organization, and purposes of the NRC |
Box 173 Folder 2 | Bibliography of publications by the NRC and its predecessors |
Box 173 Folder 4 | Creation, appointments, and extension of the NRC |
Box 173 Folder 5 | Merriam correspondence, A-B |
Box 173 Folder 6 | Merriam correspondence, C-D |
Box 173 Folder 7 | Merriam correspondence, E-G |
Box 173 Folder 8 | Merriam correspondence, H-K |
Box 173 Folder 9 | Merriam correspondence, L-M |
Box 173 Folder 10 | Merriam correspondence, O-V |
Box 173 Folder 11 | Merriam correspondence, W-Z |
Box 173 Folder 12 | Merriam and Frederic Delano correspondence |
Box 173 Folder 13 | Merriam and Charles Eliot correspondence |
Box 173 Folder 14 | Frederic Delano, letters, memoranda, speeches |
Box 173 Folder 15 | Charles Eliot, letters, memoranda, speeches |
Box 173 Folder 16 | Franklin Roosevelt, conferences, letters, memoranda |
Box 174 Folder 1 | Filing projects, advice, proposals, comments |
Box 174 Folder 2 | Fiscal Advisory Board, proposals |
Box 174 Folder 3 | Index of projects by subject |
Box 174 Folder 4 | Legislative materials, undated letters, acts, summaries |
Box 174 Folder 5 | Legislative materials 1935, bills, letters, comments |
Box 174 Folder 6 | Legislative materials 1936, hearings, letters, committee reports, comments by the press, etc. |
Box 174 Folder 7 | Legislative materials 1937, bills, comments, letters |
Box 174 Folder 8 | Legislative materials, 1938, acts, statements, letters, etc. |
Box 174 Folder 9 | Legislative materials 1938, Congressional Record, two editions |
Box 174 Folder 10 | Legislative materials 1939, bills, summaries of acts, letters, comments, etc. |
Box 175 Folder 1 | Minutes, July 2, 1934 |
Box 175 Folder 2 | Minutes, July 11, 1934 |
Box 175 Folder 3 | Minutes, September 12, 1934 |
Box 175 Folder 4 | Minutes, November 20, 1934 |
Box 175 Folder 5 | Minutes, November 28, 1934 |
Box 175 Folder 6 | Minutes, December 11, 1934 |
Box 175 Folder 7 | Minutes, April 1, 1935 |
Box 175 Folder 8 | Minutes, June 13, 1935 |
Box 175 Folder 9 | Minutes, September 27, 1935 |
Box 175 Folder 10 | Minutes, December 2, 1935 |
Box 175 Folder 11 | Minutes, April 11, 1936 |
Box 175 Folder 12 | Minutes, April 21, 1936 |
Box 175 Folder 13 | Minutes, November 16, 1936 |
Box 175 Folder 14 | Minutes, December 4, 1936 |
Box 176 Folder 1 | Miscellaneous Memoranda |
Box 176 Folder 2 | National Tax Commission |
Box 176 Folder 3 | Press clippings and publicity campaign |
Box 176 Folder 4 | Proceedings of working conferences |
Box 176 Folder 5 | Procedures for presentation and distribution of reports |
Box 176 Folder 6 | Programs of work, 1934 |
Box 176 Folder 7 | Programs of work, 1935 |
Box 176 Folder 8 | Programs of work, 1936 |
Box 176 Folder 9 | Programs of work, 1937 |
Box 176 Folder 10 | Programs of work, 1938 |
Box 176 Folder 11 | Programs of work, 1939 |
Box 177 Folder 1 | Progress and status of work reports, 1934 |
Box 177 Folder 2 | Progress and status of work reports, 1935 |
Box 177 Folder 3 | Progress and status of work reports, 1936 |
Box 177 Folder 4-5 | Progress and status of work reports, 1937 |
Box 177 Folder 6 | Progress and status of work reports, 1937-1938 |
Box 177 Folder 7 | Progress and status of work reports, 1938 |
Box 177 Folder 8 | Progress and status of work reports, January 1939 |
Box 177 Folder 9-11 | Progress and status of work reports, 1939 |
Box 177 Folder 12 | Progress and status of work reports, Galley proof, June 1939 |
Box 178 Folder 1 | Project advice and recommendations |
Box 178 Folder 2 | Reorganization materials (see also President's Committee on Administrative Management) |
Box 178 Folder 3 | Salary, travel and expense account materials, 1934 |
Box 178 Folder 4 | Salary, 1935 |
Box 178 Folder 5 | Salary, 1936 |
Box 178 Folder 6 | Salary, 1937 |
Box 178 Folder 7 | Salary, 1938 |
Box 178 Folder 8 | Salary, 1939 |
Box 178 Folder 9 | Staff relations and hearings |
Box 178 Folder 10 | Status of reports |
Sub-subseries 2: Advisory Committee |
Box 179 Folder 1 | Agendas, 1934 |
Box 179 Folder 2 | Agendas, 1935 |
Box 179 Folder 3 | Agendas, 1936 |
Box 179 Folder 4 | Agendas, 1937 |
Box 179 Folder 5 | Agendas, 1938-1939 |
Box 179 Folder 6 | Minutes, 1934 |
Box 179 Folder 7 | Minutes, 1935 |
Box 179 Folder 8 | Minutes, 1936 |
Box 179 Folder 9 | Minutes, 1937 |
Box 179 Folder 10 | Minutes, 1938 |
Box 179 Folder 11 | Minutes, 1939 |
Sub-subseries 3: Alaska Resources Committee |
Box 180 Folder 1 | Authorization resolution and memoranda |
Box 180 Folder 2 | Committee correspondence |
Box 180 Folder 4 | Progress reports |
Box 180 Folder 5 | Report of the committee, draft |
Box 180 Folder 6 | Changes and revised report |
Box 180 Folder 7 | Publicity for the report |
Box 180 Folder 8 | Report by Charles McKinley |
Box 180 Folder 9 | Related reports and reprints |
Sub-subseries 4: Competing Fuels Committee |
Box 180 Folder 10 | Memoranda and materials relating to the establishment of the committee |
Box 180 Folder 12 | Report by John Frey |
Box 180 Folder 13 | Untitled paper |
Sub-subseries 5: Energy Resources Committee |
Box 181 Folder 1 | Establishment, letters, orders, memoranda |
Box 181 Folder 2 | Executive draft messages |
Box 181 Folder 3 | Findings and recommendations |
Box 181 Folder 5 | Progress report |
Box 181 Folder 6 | State section |
Box 181 Folder 7 | Planned outline of reports |
Box 181 Folder 8 | George A. Ashley, "Coal Mining Wastes," October 1938 |
Box 181 Folder 9 | Chapters on coal, petroleum and natural gases, October 1938 |
Box 181 Folder 10 | "Economic Feasibility of Government Financed Efficient Steam Generating Capacity to Create a War Reserve," August 12, 1938 |
Box 181 Folder 11 | John Frey, "The Genesis of the Concept of Conservation with Special Reference to the Mineral Fuels-Coal, Oil, Gas to the Year 1933," November 1938 |
Box 181 Folder 12 | John Frey, "The Connaly Act, Its Genesis and Operation," October 1938 |
Box 181 Folder 13 | Wilbert G. Fritz, "The Coal Industry," October 1938 |
Box 181 Folder 14 | P. Burke Jacobs, "Report on Fuels from Agricultural Sources," October 1938 |
Box 181 Folder 15 | J. P. Watson, "Potential Water Power in the United States," October 1938 |
Box 181 Folder 16 | Summary report, December 1938 |
Box 181 Folder 17 | Report of the Committee, January 1939 |
Box 181 Folder 18 | Press releases of the report |
Box 181 Folder 19 | Federal Power Commission, "Shortages of Electric Generating Capacity for War Time Needs" |
Sub-subseries 6: Farm Tenancy Study Committee |
Box 182 Folder 1 | Memoranda relating to the establishment of the Committee |
Box 182 Folder 2 | Press releases |
Box 182 Folder 3 | First draft of report, January 1937 |
Box 182 Folder 4 | Report and comments, February 1937 |
Sub-subseries 7: Industrial Committee |
Box 183 Folder 1 | Activities of the Committee, memoranda on organization, purposes, staff |
Box 183 Folder 3 | Current taxation policy recommendation |
Box 183 Folder 4 | Federal Chart Book |
Box 183 Folder 5 | Leon Henderson, notes and rough drafts of essays |
Box 183 Folder 6 | Leon Henderson, essays on planning, national income, and employment |
Box 183 Folder 7 | Charles E. Merriam, papers and speeches on national planning |
Box 183 Folder 8 | Minutes and conferences |
Box 183 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 183 Folder 10 | National income, papers and memoranda |
Box 183 Folder 11 | National planning, papers by various authors |
Box 183 Folder 12 | Non-Agricultural Employment Study, papers, graphs, maps |
Box 183 Folder 13 | Presidential statement and report prepared by the Commission of Industrial Relations of Great Britain |
Box 183 Folder 14 | Programs of future work |
Box 183 Folder 15 | Responses to Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau's questionnaire |
Box 183 Folder 16 | Social Security, letters on its relation to the Committee |
Box 183 Folder 17 | "Where Are We?," statements on the economic condition of the nation, 1938 |
Box 184 Folder 1 | Blast furnace reports, two volumes by Gardiner C. Means |
Box 184 Folder 2 | Blast furnace reports, notes, progress reports, memoranda |
Box 184 Folder 3 | Corporation studies, papers, reports |
Box 184 Folder 4 | "Emerging Industrial-Governmental Problems," paper by Charles Merriam and Leon Henderson, 1937 |
Box 184 Folder 5 | Comments, memoranda and suggestions relating to the above paper |
Box 184 Folder 6 | "Patterns of Resource Use," report of the Committee, 1938 |
Box 184 Folder 7 | Comments relating to the above paper |
Box 184 Folder 8 | "A Plan for Planning," Revision National Planning Board paper |
Box 184 Folder 9 | "Utilizing National Resources," report of the Committee, 1937 |
Box 185 Folder 1 | Structural Study, "The Structure of the American Political Economy," outline, drafts, memoranda, final report |
Box 185 Folder 2 | Structural Study, Chapter Two; "The Structure of Wants" |
Box 185 Folder 3 | Structural Study, Chapter Three; "The Structure of Resources" |
Box 185 Folder 4 | Structural Study, Chapter Four; "The Structure of Production-Geographical Structure" |
Box 185 Folder 5 | Structural Study, Chapter Five; "The Structure of Production-Functional" |
Box 185 Folder 6 | Structural Study, Chapter Six; "The Structure of Production-Financial Overlay" |
Box 185 Folder 7 | Structural Study, Chapter Seven; "The Organizational Structure" |
Box 185 Folder 8 | Structural Study, Chapter Nine; "The Structure of Controls" |
Box 185 Folder 9 | Structural Study, Galley proofs |
Box 185 Folder 10 | Structural Study, Comments and criticisms |
Box 186 Folder 1 | T. C. Blaisdell, "What Do We Suggest?," drafts, 1938 |
Box 186 Folder 2 | "Effective Use of National Resources," draft |
Box 186 Folder 3 | Calvin Hoover, "Paths to Economic Reform" |
Box 186 Folder 4 | Harry Hopkins, report to the President on economic conditions |
Box 186 Folder 5 | V. O. Key, papers on taxation, governmental planning, and planning by industry |
Box 186 Folder 6 | Paper on manpower needed for a higher standard of living |
Box 186 Folder 7 | Recommendations of the Council for Industrial Progress, pamphlet |
Box 186 Folder 8 | Beardsley Ruml, untitled paper |
Box 186 Folder 9 | Lawrence V. Sheridan, "Planning as a Vital Element of Government and Methods of Accomplishments" |
Sub-subseries 8: Consumer Study Subcommittee |
Box 187 Folder 1 | Explanations and proposals about the study; Memoranda and articles |
Box 187 Folder 2 | "Consumption of Goods and Services by American Families," September 1935 |
Box 187 Folder 3 | Interim report, "Plans for a Study of Consumer Purchases," January 1936 |
Box 187 Folder 4 | Clarence Ayres, "The Organization of the Government's Consumer Services," September 1936 |
Box 187 Folder 5 | Progress report by Hildegarde Kneeland, October 1937 |
Box 187 Folder 6 | "Preliminary Estimates of the Distribution of Consumer Incomes in 1935-1936," December 1937 |
Box 187 Folder 7 | "Preliminary Estimates of the Distribution of Consumer Incomes in 1935-1936," revision, February 1938 |
Box 187 Folder 8 | "Preliminary Estimates of the Distribution of Consumer Incomes in 1935-1936," further revision, Volume I |
Box 187 Folder 9 | "Preliminary Estimates of the Distribution of Consumer Incomes in 1935-1936," further revision, Volume II |
Box 187 Folder 10 | Status of report on "Expenditures of American Consumers," September 1938 |
Box 187 Folder 11 | Department of Agriculture, preliminary data for consumer purchases study, 1938 |
Box 187 Folder 12 | Miscellaneous |
Sub-subseries 9: Housing Subcommittee |
Box 188 Folder 1 | Activities, membership, proposals, recommendations, scope |
Box 188 Folder 2 | "High Spots in Public Housing," correspondence, memoranda, drafts |
Box 188 Folder 3 | Housing legislation, acts, digests |
Box 188 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous, memoranda, digests |
Box 188 Folder 5 | Progress reports on Housing Study |
Box 188 Folder 6 | Thomas C. Blaisdell (ed.), "Some Factors in the Development of Housing Policies in the United States," bound draft, 1937 (located outside of Box 188) |
Box 188 Folder 7 | Galley proof of the report |
Box 188 Folder 8 | Letters of transmittal of the report |
Box 188 Folder 9 | Frederick Bigger, "Site Housing" |
Box 188 Folder 10 | Jacob Crane, "Location Factors in Housing Problems" |
Box 188 Folder 11 | V. O. Key, "Building Material Recommendations" |
Box 188 Folder 12 | Don K. Prince, "Family Income and Cost of Shelter" |
Box 188 Folder 13 | George Terbough, "Summary of the Second Memorandum on the Prospects for the Durable Goods Industries" |
Box 188 Folder 14 | George N. Thompson, "Housing in Relation to the Construction Industry" |
Sub-subseries 10: Land Use Committee |
Box 189 Folder 1 | Correspondence |
Box 189 Folder 2 | Federal agencies for land planning-surveys |
Box 189 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 189 Folder 5 | Press releases |
Box 189 Folder 6 | Problem area maps |
Box 189 Folder 7 | Problems and policy |
Box 189 Folder 8 | Recreation Subcommittee, minutes, memoranda, etc. |
Box 189 Folder 9 | Report of the Committee, December 1934 |
Box 189 Folder 10 | Supplement, Part I; General tendencies |
Box 189 Folder 11 | Supplement, Part III; Agriculture |
Box 189 Folder 12 | Supplement, Part IV; Reclamation |
Box 189 Folder 13 | Supplement, Part V; Soil erosion |
Box 189 Folder 14 | Supplement, Part X; Indian land use |
Box 189 Folder 15 | "Suggested Proceedings for a Nation-Wide of Publicly-owned Land," three part report, August 1938 |
Sub-subseries 11: League of Nations |
Box 190 Folder 1 | "The Recovery Program in the United States," report prepared for the League, May 1938 (also includes memoranda) |
Box 190 Folder 2 | Report of the International Public Works Committee, May 1938 |
Sub-subseries 12: Local Planning Committee |
Box 190 Folder 3 | Russell Van Nest Black, "A New Definition of Local Planning," first draft, May 1939 |
Box 190 Folder 4 | Comments and criticisms of Black's study |
Box 190 Folder 5 | Arthur C. Comey, "A Part of a Tentative Qualitative Study for a Plan for Worcester County Towns" |
Box 190 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous |
Box 190 Folder 8 | "Status of City and County Planning in the United States," May 1937 |
Sub-subseries 13: Mineral Policy Committee |
Box 190 Folder 9 | Correspondence |
Box 190 Folder 10 | Mineral Maps |
Box 190 Folder 11 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 190 Folder 12 | W. H. Friedhoff, "Mineral Claims Study," excerpts, 1937 |
Box 190 Folder 13 | Kenneth Leith and Donald M. Liddell, "The Mineral Resources of the United States and Its Capacity for Production, "1936 |
Box 190 Folder 14 | George W. Strasser, "The Effects Upon Operating Efficiency of the British Experiment in Production Control in the Coal Industry," 1936 |
Sub-subseries 14: National Zoning Conference |
Box 191 Folder 1 | Preparatory memoranda |
Box 191 Folder 2 | Proceedings |
Box 191 Folder 3 | Summary session |
Sub-subseries 15: Planning Technicians Conference |
Box 191 Folder 4 | Preparatory memoranda |
Box 191 Folder 6 | Summary proceedings, I-V |
Box 191 Folder 7 | Summary proceedings, VI-X |
Box 191 Folder 8 | Summary proceedings, XI-XV |
Box 191 Folder 9 | Summary proceedings, XVI-XX |
Sub-subseries 16: Population Problems Committee |
Box 192 Folder 1 | Correspondence |
Box 192 Folder 3 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 192 Folder 4 | Press releases, clippings, comments |
Box 192 Folder 5 | "Problems of a Changing Population," report of the Committee, preliminary draft, 1936 |
Box 192 Folder 6 | "Problems of a Changing Population," Chapter VIII |
Box 192 Folder 7 | "Problems of a Changing Population," Chapter XI |
Box 192 Folder 8 | "Problems of a Changing Population," Galley proofs, January 1937 |
Box 192 Folder 9 | H. B. Harris, "The Economic Effects of Various Rations of Population Decrease and Increase," June 1936 |
Box 192 Folder 10 | Frank Lorimer, "Emerging Population Problems" |
Box 192 Folder 11 | Warren Thompson and P. K. Whelpton, "Estimates of Future Population by States," December 1934 |
Sub-subseries 17: Power Policy Committee |
Box 193 Folder 1 | Correspondence |
Box 193 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 193 Folder 3 | Report of the Committee on Public Utility Holding Companies |
Box 193 Folder 4 | Harold L. Ickes, speech |
Box 193 Folder 5 | Federal Power Commission, reports on electric bills |
Box 193 Folder 6 | Report on exploratory survey of competitive fuels and power problems, October 1936 |
Box 193 Folder 7 | Third World Power Conference, "Commercial Pan-America," 1936 |
Sub-subseries 18: Public Works Committee and Projects |
Box 193 Folder 9 | Allocation of costs research |
Box 193 Folder 10 | Correspondence |
Box 193 Folder 11 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 193 Folder 12 | Press releases and comments |
Box 193 Folder 13 | Results of Presidential message, 1938 |
Box 193 Folder 14 | Recommended program for 1937 |
Box 193 Folder 15 | Recommended program for 1939 |
Box 193 Folder 16 | Recommended program for 1940 |
Box 193 Folder 17 | Six-year program of public works |
Box 193 Folder 18 | Testimony of Stuart Rice before Congressional Committee, 1938 |
Box 194 Folder 1 | J. M. Clark, draft of untitled report |
Box 194 Folder 2 | Simon E. Leland, "Some Observations on the Cost of Public Works," two drafts, 1936 |
Box 194 Folder 3 | "Public Works Planning," December 1936 |
Box 194 Folder 4 | Report of the Committee, "Division of Costs for Public Works," 1938 |
Box 194 Folder 5 | Two chapters of the tentative draft for the 1935 report, "Large Scale Water Use Projects and the Tennessee Valley Authority" |
Box 194 Folder 6 | "Suggested Procedure for Public Works Planning," 1936 |
Box 194 Folder 7 | Untitled report drafts |
Box 195 Folder 1 | Robert Whitten, "Division of Costs and Responsibilities," Volume I, June 1935 |
Box 195 Folder 2 | Robert Whitten, "Division of Costs and Responsibilities," Volume II |
Box 195 Folder 3 | L. L. Ecker, "Determination of Financial Abilities of State and Local Units of Government to Finance Public Works and the Relation of Such Abilities to the Distribution of Costs for Public Works" |
Box 195 Folder 4 | Essays and studies by various authors |
Box 195 Folder 5 | Frank W. Herring, "Public Works Construction as a Counter-Cyclical Instrument 1930-1938" |
Box 195 Folder 6 | "Tentative Draft of Some Conclusions in Relation to Federal Contributions to the Cost of Public Works," 1936 |
Box 195 Folder 7 | Henry M. Waite, "Public Works and work relief," 1938 |
Sub-subseries 19: Research Committee |
Sub-subseries 20: Regional Committees |
Box 196 Folder 1 | Correspondence |
Box 196 Folder 2 | District chairman, organization, activities, memoranda, etc. |
Box 196 Folder 3 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 196 Folder 4 | Missouri Valley Planning Conference, agenda, February 1938 |
Box 196 Folder 5 | Press releases |
Box 196 Folder 6 | Public works allocations |
Box 196 Folder 7 | New England, Memoranda, reports, minutes |
Box 196 Folder 8 | New England, Report, 1936 |
Box 196 Folder 9 | New England, Report, 1938 |
Box 196 Folder 10 | Northern Plains, Memoranda |
Box 196 Folder 11 | Northern Plains, Report, two drafts, May 1938 |
Box 196 Folder 12 | Northern Plains, Report and press releases, October 1938 |
Box 196 Folder 13 | Northern Lakes States, Memoranda, progress reports |
Box 196 Folder 14 | Northern Lakes States, Galley proof of report, 1939 |
Box 196 Folder 15 | Ohio Valley, Memoranda, compact conference proceedings |
Box 197 Folder 1 | Pacific Northwest, Columbia Basin report, foreword |
Box 197 Folder 2 | Pacific Northwest, Columbia Basin study, Vol. III, 1935 |
Box 197 Folder 3 | Pacific Northwest, Columbia Basin study, statement and recommendations by the Regional Committee |
Box 197 Folder 4 | Pacific Northwest, Miscellaneous memoranda and letters |
Box 197 Folder 5 | Pacific Northwest, Planning news, conference reports, educational program |
Box 197 Folder 6 | Pacific Southwest, Planning Conference proceedings, 1938 |
Box 197 Folder 7 | Pacific Southwest, Report of current conditions |
Box 197 Folder 8 | Southeast, Memoranda |
Box 197 Folder 9 | Southeast, Proceedings of Planning Conference, December 1935 |
Box 197 Folder 10 | Southeast, Proceedings of Third Planning Conference, 1938 |
Box 197 Folder 11 | Southeast, Forest Resources Survey, memoranda, progress reports |
Box 197 Folder 12 | Southeast, Roadside Development Program |
Box 197 Folder 13 | St. Louis, Report, 1936 |
Box 197 Folder 14 | St. Louis, Galley proofs of 1936 report |
Box 198 Folder 1 | John Gaus et al., Report of the Committee, "Regional Factors in National Planning and Development," drafts |
Box 198 Folder 2 | "Regional Factors in National Planning and Development," Galley proofs, 1935 |
Box 198 Folder 3 | "Regional Factors in National Planning and Development," June 1935 revision |
Box 198 Folder 4 | "Regional Factors in National Planning and Development," December 1935 revision |
Box 198 Folder 5 | "Regional Factors in National Planning and Development," October 1938 revision |
Box 198 Folder 6 | The Rio Grande Joint Investigation, 1935-1936 |
Box 199 Folder 1 | Jacob Crane and G. T. Renner, "Report on Exploratory Survey of Regionalism in National Development," 1935 |
Box 199 Folder 2 | S. R. De Boar, "The Place of the Mountain States in the Union" |
Box 199 Folder 3 | Marshall Dimock, four papers |
Box 199 Folder 4 | E. S. Draper, "The Cities' Part in Regional Development," 1935 |
Box 199 Folder 5 | Charles W. Eliot, "Accomplishments in Regional Planning," 1936 |
Box 199 Folder 6 | "Interstate Compacts-the Colorado River Example" |
Box 199 Folder 7 | Burdette Lewis, "Regionalism in Government and Business" |
Box 199 Folder 8 | Charles McKinley, "A Confidential Report on State and Regional Planning in Region Six" |
Box 199 Folder 9 | George T. Renner, "Incentives and Objectives in Regional Planning," 1936 |
Box 199 Folder 10 | Untitled studies |
Sub-subseries 21: Science Committee |
Sub-sub-subseries 1: General |
Box 200 Folder 2 | Correspondence |
Box 200 Folder 3 | Human Resources Committee, minutes |
Box 200 Folder 4 | Legislations, bills |
Box 200 Folder 5 | Charles Merriam, "Some Social Implications of Invention," paper which contains information on the structure of the Committee, October 17, 1937, draft and reprint in American Institute Monthly, II (November 1937) |
Box 200 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 200 Folder 8 | Status and proposals of work |
Sub-sub-subseries 2: Reports and Studies |
Box 200 Folder 9 | John C. Merriam and E. C. Elliot, "Interdependence of Science and Technology" |
Box 200 Folder 10 | "Preliminary Science Papers," report of the Committee, June 1935 |
Box 200 Folder 11 | Problems of the Committee and other studies |
Box 200 Folder 12 | Study of the coordination of scientific personnel in the government |
Box 200 Folder 13 | Study of the relation of the federal government to science, 1937 |
Box 200 Folder 14 | "Work Relief Program of research Projects," report of the Committee, June 1937 |
Sub-sub-subseries 3: Subcommittee on Federal Relations to Research |
Box 200 Folder 15 | Memoranda, press releases, studies by various authors |
Box 200 Folder 16 | R. M. Hughes, "A Preliminary Discussion of Research in American Universities and Colleges" |
Box 200 Folder 17 | Charles Judd, progress reports 1937-1938 |
Box 200 Folder 18 | Stuart A. Rice, "Governmental Relations to Research," 1937 |
Sub-sub-subseries 4: Subcommittee on the Social Implications of Technological Trends |
Box 201 Folder 1 | Activities and composition of the Subcommittee |
Box 201 Folder 2 | Correspondence |
Box 201 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 201 Folder 5 | Press releases and comments by newspapers and magazines |
Sub-sub-subseries 5: Reports of the Committee; "Technological Trends and Their Social Implications" |
Box 201 Folder 6 | Preliminary materials, outline, foreword |
Box 201 Folder 7 | Galley proofs |
Box 201 Folder 8 | Communications chapter, preliminary draft, July 1936 |
Box 201 Folder 9 | Part I, Number 1, William Fielding Ogburn, "Technology and Planning," August 1936 |
Box 201 Folder 10 | Part I, Number 2, Bernhard J. Stern, "Resistance to the Adoption of Technological Innovations," July 1936 |
Box 201 Folder 11 | Part I, Number 5, David Weintraub, "Unemployment and Increasing Productivity of Labor," October 1936 |
Box 201 Folder 12 | Part II, Number 3, Harold A. Osgood, "Technology and Transportation," July 1936 |
Box 201 Folder 13 | Part II, Number 4, A. E. Giesengack, "Communication by Printing and Photography," August 1936 |
Box 201 Folder 14 | Part II, Number 5, M. M. Samuels, "Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy," July 1936 |
Box 201 Folder 15 | Part II, Number 6, H. E. Howe, "Technology and the Chemical Industries," July 1936 |
Box 201 Folder 16 | Part II, Number 7, Andrew W. Cruse, "Technology and the Electrical Goods Industries," July 1936 |
Box 201 Folder 17 | Part II, Number 8, C. C. Furnas, "Technology and the Construction Industries," July 1936 |
Sub-subseries 22: State Section |
Box 202 Folder 1 | Appropriations |
Box 202 Folder 2 | Checklist of state agencies and officials concerned with the management of natural resources, 1937 |
Box 202 Folder 3 | Correspondence |
Box 202 Folder 4 | Council of State Governments, address and reports, January 1937 |
Box 202 Folder 5 | Digest of experiences of state planning consultants |
Box 202 Folder 6 | Legislation, status of bills in the states |
Box 202 Folder 7 | Memoranda, studies, essays by various authors |
Box 202 Folder 8 | Miscellaneous memoranda, 1934-1935 and undated |
Box 202 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous memoranda, 1936-1939 |
Box 202 Folder 10 | Press releases |
Box 202 Folder 11 | Press reports |
Box 202 Folder 12 | Publicity program and reaction of press |
Box 203 Folder 1 | Reports of the state section to the Advisory Committee |
Box 203 Folder 2 | Status of state planning |
Box 203 Folder 3 | Status of organization of planning districts and state planning boards, 1934-1935 |
Box 203 Folder 4 | Status of organization of planning districts and state planning boards, 1936-1937 |
Box 203 Folder 5 | Status of organization of planning districts and state planning boards, 1938 |
Box 203 Folder 6 | "What the Governors Think of State Planning," 1935 |
Box 203 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous state reports |
Box 203 Folder 10 | Massachusetts |
Box 203 Folder 11 | Missouri |
Box 203 Folder 12 | New Jersey |
Box 203 Folder 13 | New York |
Box 203 Folder 15 | Pennsylvania |
Box 203 Folder 16 | Rhode Island |
Box 203 Folder 18 | Virginia |
Box 203 Folder 19 | Washington State |
Box 204 Folder 1 | Bibliography of state planning reports |
Box 204 Folder 2 | Bibliographical material, reports received, circulars sent to the field |
Box 204 Folder 3 | American Society of Planning Officials, "Procedures of the First Conference on State Planning Administration," December 1935 |
Box 204 Folder 4 | American Society of Planning Officials, "Conference on State Planning Administration," summary of proceeding, December 1935 |
Box 204 Folder 5 | Educational Policies Commission, "A Guide to Educational Resources," October 1936 |
Box 204 Folder 6 | Foreword to the state planning report, January 1937 |
Box 204 Folder 7 | Harold F. Gosnell, "The Future of State Planning Boards as Shown by Their Recent Reports," 1937 |
Box 204 Folder 8 | Clifford Hynning, "State Conservation of Resources," (bound), 1939 |
Box 204 Folder 9 | Clifford Hynning, "Trends in State Planning," 1938 |
Box 204 Folder 10 | V. O. Kay, "The Future of State Planning," first draft, March 1937 |
Box 204 Folder 11 | V. O. Kay, "The Future of State Planning," second draft |
Box 204 Folder 12 | V. O. Kay, "The Position of the Planning Board in the Governmental Structure," draft, 1938 |
Box 205 Folder 1 | Harold Merrill et al., "Some Recent References (since 1928) on National and State Planning in the United States," 1935 |
Box 205 Folder 2 | "Progress by States," galley proofs, November 1935 |
Box 205 Folder 3 | Report on programming non-federal public works, 1937 |
Box 205 Folder 4 | "Status of City and County Planning in the United States," 1937 |
Box 205 Folder 5 | "State Planning," report of the Committee, galley proof, June 1935 |
Sub-subseries 23: Symbols and Mapping |
Box 205 Folder 6 | Memoranda |
Box 205 Folder 7 | "Map Collections in the District of Columbia," September 1938 |
Box 205 Folder 8 | "Suggested Symbols for Plans, Maps, and Charts," January 1935 |
Box 205 Folder 9 | Revision, April 1937 |
Box 205 Folder 10 | Revision, June 1938 |
Sub-subseries 24: Tennessee Valley Authority |
Box 206 Folder 1 | Correspondence |
Box 206 Folder 2 | Memoranda |
Box 206 Folder 3 | "The Land Classification Program," two drafts, 1935 |
Box 206 Folder 4 | Library of Congress, "List of References on Regional, City, and Town Planning with Special Reference to the Tennessee Valley Project," 1933 |
Box 206 Folder 5 | "The Unified Development of the Tennessee River System," March 1936 |
Sub-subseries 25: Transportation Committee |
Box 206 Folder 6 | Correspondence |
Box 206 Folder 8 | "Proposed Plan of Transportation Survey" |
Box 206 Folder 9 | Proposals and memoranda |
Sub-subseries 26: Urbanism Committee |
Box 207 Folder 2 | Correspondence |
Box 207 Folder 3 | Minutes and agendas |
Box 207 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 207 Folder 5 | Preliminary list of urban communities and regions covered by field survey schedule |
Box 207 Folder 6 | Press comments |
Box 207 Folder 7 | Status and outlines of reports |
Box 207 Folder 8 | Harold S. Buttenheim, "Urban Land Policies," September 1937 |
Box 207 Folder 9 | Jacob Crane, "Planning Our Cities for Abundant Living," speech, 1934 |
Box 207 Folder 10 | Interim report, July 1936 |
Box 207 Folder 11 | Charles E. Merriam, drafts and revisions |
Box 207 Folder 12 | "Our Cities," Press edition and release, June 1937 |
Box 208 Folder 1 | "The Role of the Urban Community in the National Economy," February 1937 |
Box 208 Folder 2 | Appendix to the above study |
Box 208 Folder 3 | L. Segoe, "City Planning and the Urbanism Study," |
Box 208 Folder 4 | L. Segoe, "The Urban Community and its Problems," speech, June 1937 |
Box 208 Folder 5 | Warren S. Thompson, "Urban Population Changes in the United States," supplement to the same study, 1936 |
Box 208 Folder 6 | "Urban Land Policies," volume II, November 1936 |
Sub-subseries 27: Water Resources Committee |
Sub-sub-subseries 1: General |
Box 209 Folder 1 | Activities, composition, purpose and organization of the Committee |
Box 209 Folder 2 | Correspondence |
Box 209 Folder 3 | Federal agencies connected with water use and control |
Box 209 Folder 4 | Hydrologic data |
Box 209 Folder 5 | Legislative materials, bills, drafts, summaries |
Box 209 Folder 6 | Minutes, July 1935-April 1936 |
Box 209 Folder 7 | Minutes, May-December 1936 |
Box 209 Folder 8 | Minutes, 1937 |
Box 209 Folder 9 | Minutes, 1938 |
Box 209 Folder 10 | Minutes, 1939 |
Box 209 Folder 11 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 209 Folder 12 | National Water Plan Program |
Box 209 Folder 13 | Press releases, comments, clippings |
Box 209 Folder 14 | Program of federal projects |
Box 209 Folder 15 | Progress and status of work reports |
Sub-sub-subseries 2: Subcommittees |
Box 210 Folder 1 | Flood Control Subcommittee, Memoranda and minutes |
Box 210 Folder 2 | Drainage and Basin Subcommittees, Memoranda |
Box 210 Folder 3 | Drainage and Basin Subcommittees, January 1936 report |
Box 210 Folder 4 | Drainage and Basin Subcommittees, Upper Great Lakes Basin report |
Box 210 Folder 5 | Drainage and Basin Subcommittees, Upper Mississippi Basin report |
Box 210 Folder 6 | Drainage and Basin Subcommittees, Studies and lists of reports |
Box 210 Folder 7 | Great Plains Drought Area Committee, Report, 1936 |
Box 210 Folder 8 | Ohio-Lower Mississippi Subcommittee, Memoranda |
Box 210 Folder 9 | Ohio-Lower Mississippi Subcommittee, "Ohio Drainage Basin," report |
Box 210 Folder 10 | Ohio-Lower Mississippi Subcommittee, Proceedings of the Third Conference of Delegates |
Box 210 Folder 11 | Ohio-Lower Mississippi Subcommittee, Progress reports |
Box 210 Folder 12 | Water Pollution Subcommittee, Memoranda and 1937 report |
Sub-sub-subseries 3: Projects |
Box 210 Folder 13 | Beaver-Mahoning Canal |
Box 210 Folder 14 | Central Valley California |
Box 210 Folder 15 | Colorado River Compact, memoranda |
Box 210 Folder 16 | Colorado River Compact, papers by Marshall E. Dimock and W. J. Haggerty |
Box 210 Folder 17 | Delaware River Basin |
Box 210 Folder 18 | Dog Island |
Box 210 Folder 19 | Gilbertsville Reservoir |
Box 210 Folder 20 | Lower Mississippi Alluvial Basin |
Box 210 Folder 21 | Pecos River Basin |
Box 210 Folder 22 | Potomac River Basin |
Box 210 Folder 23 | Red River |
Box 210 Folder 24 | Rockland Texas Dam |
Box 210 Folder 25 | Savannah River Project |
Box 210 Folder 26 | Upper Rio Grande Compact |
Sub-sub-subseries 4: Reports and Studies |
Box 211 Folder 1 | Harlan H. Barrows, "Fundamental Principles of Water Planning," October 1938 |
Box 211 Folder 2 | Morris Cooke, "Principles and Policies on the Use and Control of Water Resources," 1934 |
Box 211 Folder 3 | "Drainage Basin Problems and Programs," December 1937, galley proof |
Box 211 Folder 4 | Hydrologic data report, August 1935 |
Box 211 Folder 5 | Thaddeus Merriam, "The Coordination of Water Supply Development" |
Box 211 Folder 6 | Thorndike Saille, "Administrative Control of Water Pollution, reprint |
Box 211 Folder 7 | Thorndike Saille, "The Coordination of Regional Water Resources for Maximum Public Benefit" |
Box 211 Folder 8 | Thorndike Saille, "Water Resources Studies," 1936, reprint |
Box 211 Folder 9 | Untitled galley proof |
Box 211 Folder 10-11 | Water Pollution report, April 1935 |
Box 211 Folder 12 | Water Pollution report, July 1935 |
Box 211 Folder 13 | Water Pollution report, February 1937 |
Box 211 Folder 14 | "Water Pollution," hardback book, 1939 |
Box 211 Folder 15 | Proof of 1938 Water report |
Box 212 Folder 1 | American Council on Education, "The Development of Human Resources Through Education," 1935 |
Box 212 Folder 2 | American Society of Planning Officials, bulletins and "Planning in Europe" |
Box 212 Folder 3 | Joseph Y. Barnett, "Structural Detachment of Administrative Agencies from Party Politics" |
Box 212 Folder 4 | Franklin Q. Brown, "The Recent British White Paper and the Fixation Argument" |
Box 212 Folder 5 | Bulletin of the Taylor Society, 1945 |
Box 212 Folder 6 | Arthur C. Comey and Katherine McNamara, "State and National Planning," reprint, 1937 |
Box 212 Folder 7 | "Conservation of Oil and Gas Pools through Federal Tax Power" |
Box 212 Folder 8 | Department of Agriculture, "Economic and Social Problems of the Southern Appalachians," 1935 |
Box 212 Folder 9 | Department of Commerce, population charts |
Box 212 Folder 10 | Department of Commerce, case studies of general property tax levies |
Box 212 Folder 11 | Department of Commerce, case studies of distribution of tax delinquencies |
Box 212 Folder 12 | Department of the Interior, " of Unpublished Hydrologic Data" |
Box 212 Folder 13 | Department of Labor, population charts |
Box 213 Folder 1 | Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, "A Brief Analysis," March 1936 |
Box 213 Folder 2 | Federal Emergency Relief Administration, "Subject Index of FERA Research Bulletins," November 1935 |
Box 213 Folder 3 | Federal Power Commission, National Power Survey, "Interim Report," 1935 |
Box 213 Folder 4 | Federal Power Commission, National Power Survey, "Principal Electrical Utility Systems in the United States," hardback, 1935 |
Box 213 Folder 5 | Lawrence K. Frank, "Social Planning and Individual Ideals," reprint, 1934 |
Box 213 Folder 6 | Philip M. Glick, "Memoranda Discussing Agencies in the Federal Government Engaged in Land Acquisition, Land Administration and Land Planning," December 1934 |
Box 213 Folder 7 | Max Handman, "Nationalism and the Industrial Revolution" |
Box 213 Folder 8 | Earl Hanson, "Planning Problems and Activities in Puerto Rico," 1936 |
Box 213 Folder 9 | Hearings of the House of Representatives for the Improvement of Government Service, 1935 |
Box 213 Folder 10 | Henry T. Hunt, "An Appraisal of the Oil-Gas Compact," 1937 |
Box 213 Folder 11 | A. A. Imberman, "Report on Men's Clothing Industry," November 1936 |
Box 214 Folder 1 | Library of Congress, "Conservation of Natural Resources in the united States; A List of Recent Writings," 1938 |
Box 214 Folder 2 | Library of Congress, "A List of Recent References on Trusts in the United States," 1938 |
Box 214 Folder 3 | Library of Congress, "Price Control, with Special Reference to Price Cutting; A List of Recent References," 1935 |
Box 214 Folder 4 | Charles E. Merriam, "The National Resources Committee of the United States," American Teacher, XIII (February 1939), manuscript |
Box 214 Folder 5 | John Miller, "Lining up Our Plans" |
Box 214 Folder 6 | John Miller, "The Political Seas," 1938 |
Box 214 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous reprints and articles |
Box 214 Folder 8 | National Labor Relations Board, Case C-344 |
Box 214 Folder 9 | Public Affairs, January 1937 |
Box 214 Folder 10 | "Report of the Technical Committee on Recreation," 1937 |
Box 214 Folder 11 | "Report on the Condition of Buildings Housing the Government Printing Office" |
Box 214 Folder 12 | Report of Monroe County, New York, Planning Board, 1936 |
Box 214 Folder 13 | Works Progress Administration, "Local Wage Rates for Selected Occupations in Public and Private Construction," 1936 |
Box 214 Folder 14 | Works Progress Administration, "The Training of Government Workers in the Field of Recreation," 1937 |
Sub-subseries 28: Committee Pamphlets |
Box 215 | "The Consumer Spends His Income," June 1939 |
Box 215 | "Federal Relations to Research," January 1939 |
Box 215 | National Resources Planning Facts," galley proof |
Box 215 | "The Northern Lakes States Region," June 1939 |
Box 215 | "Our Cities," September 1937 |
Box 215 | "Our Energy Resources," June 1939 |
Box 215 | "Planning Our Resources," March 1938 |
Box 215 | "Population Problems," July 1938 |
Box 215 | "Regional Planning," June 1938 |
Box 215 | "The States and Planning," July 1938 |
Box 215 | "Water Planning," February 1938 |
Subseries 4: National Resources Planning Board |
Box 216 Folder 1 | Activities, authority, organization, and regulation of the Board |
Box 216 Folder 2 | Agendas and programs, 1939 |
Box 216 Folder 3 | Agendas and programs, 1940 |
Box 216 Folder 4 | Agendas and programs, 1941 |
Box 216 Folder 5 | Agendas and programs, 1942 |
Box 216 Folder 6 | Agendas and programs, 1943 |
Box 216 Folder 7 | American Library Association Report |
Box 216 Folder 8 | Appropriations and Budgets, 1939 |
Box 216 Folder 9 | Appropriations and Budgets, 1940 |
Box 216 Folder 10 | Appropriations and Budgets, 1941 |
Box 216 Folder 11 | Appropriations and Budgets, 1942 |
Box 216 Folder 12 | Appropriations and Budgets, 1943 |
Box 216 Folder 13 | Appropriations and Budgets, 1944 |
Box 216 Folder 14 | Justification of 1944 appropriation before the House of Representatives |
Box 216 Folder 15 | Justification of 1944 appropriation before the Senate |
Box 216 Folder 16 | Justification of 1944 appropriation to Congress |
Box 216 Folder 17 | Liquidation of the Board for lack of funds |
Box 17 Folder 1 | Committee for Congested Production Areas |
Box 17 Folder 2 | Committee for Economic Development, includes Merriam memoranda commenting on the report of the Committee |
Box 17 Folder 3 | Conference with the President |
Box 17 Folder 4 | Merriam correspondence, A |
Box 17 Folder 5 | Merriam correspondence, B |
Box 17 Folder 6 | Merriam correspondence, C |
Box 17 Folder 7 | Merriam correspondence, D |
Box 17 Folder 8 | Merriam correspondence, E |
Box 17 Folder 9 | Merriam correspondence, F |
Box 17 Folder 10 | Merriam correspondence, G |
Box 17 Folder 11 | Merriam correspondence, H-I |
Box 17 Folder 12 | Merriam correspondence, J-K |
Box 17 Folder 13 | Merriam correspondence, L-M-N |
Box 17 Folder 14 | Merriam correspondence, O-P |
Box 17 Folder 15 | Merriam correspondence, R |
Box 17 Folder 16 | Merriam correspondence, S-T |
Box 17 Folder 17 | Merriam correspondence, W |
Box 17 Folder 18 | Merriam correspondence, Y |
Box 218 Folder 1 | Merriam-Delano correspondence, 1939 |
Box 218 Folder 2 | Merriam-Delano correspondence, 1940 |
Box 218 Folder 3 | Merriam-Delano correspondence, 1941 |
Box 218 Folder 4 | Merriam-Delano correspondence, 1942 |
Box 218 Folder 5 | Merriam-Delano correspondence, 1943 |
Box 218 Folder 6 | Merriam-Eliot correspondence, 1939 |
Box 218 Folder 7 | Merriam-Eliot correspondence, 1940 |
Box 218 Folder 8 | Merriam-Eliot correspondence, 1941 |
Box 218 Folder 9 | Merriam-Eliot correspondence, 1942 |
Box 218 Folder 10 | Merriam-Eliot correspondence, 1943 |
Box 218 Folder 11 | Correspondence of Charles Eliot |
Box 218 Folder 12 | Frederic Delano correspondence |
Box 218 Folder 13 | Franklin D. Roosevelt correspondence |
Box 218 Folder 14 | Other Board correspondence |
Box 219 Folder 1 | Fiscal and Monetary Committee, liaison with Federal Reserve Board |
Box 219 Folder 2 | Interdepartmental Committee on Recreation |
Box 219 Folder 3 | Legislative materials, acts, summaries, statements, analysis, undated |
Box 219 Folder 4 | Legislative materials, summaries, 1939 |
Box 219 Folder 5 | Legislative materials, summaries, statements, 1940 |
Box 219 Folder 6 | Legislative materials, bills, acts, 1940 |
Box 219 Folder 7 | Legislative materials, summaries, 1940 |
Box 219 Folder 8 | Legislative materials, weekly summaries of Federal Legislation, 1940 |
Box 219 Folder 9 | Legislative materials, statements, 1941 |
Box 219 Folder 10 | Legislative materials, bills, drafts, comments, etc., 1941 |
Box 219 Folder 11 | Legislative materials, 1941 |
Box 219 Folder 12 | Legislative materials, 1942 |
Box 219 Folder 13 | Legislative materials, bills, acts, 1943 |
Box 219 Folder 14 | Legislative materials, summaries, comments, 1943 |
Box 219 Folder 15 | Legislative materials, 1944 |
Box 220 Folder 1 | Library accessions |
Box 220 Folder 2 | Merriam paper for the American Society of Public Administration, drafts, January 1941 and reprint, Public Administration Review I (winter 1941) |
Box 220 Folder 3 | Merriam speech on the NRPB for the American Political Science Association, December 1940 |
Box 220 Folder 4 | Merriam reprint, "The National Resources Planning Board; A Chapter in American Planning Experience," The American Political Science Review, XXXVIII (December 1944) |
Box 220 Folder 5 | Memoranda to the President, 1939 |
Box 220 Folder 6 | Memoranda to the President, 1940 |
Box 220 Folder 7 | Memoranda to the President, 1941 |
Box 220 Folder 8 | Memoranda to the President, 1942 |
Box 220 Folder 9 | Memoranda to the President, 1943 |
Box 220 Folder 10 | Minutes, 1939 |
Box 220 Folder 11 | Minutes, 1940 |
Box 220 Folder 12 | Minutes, 1941 |
Box 220 Folder 13 | Minutes, 1942 |
Box 220 Folder 14 | Minutes, 1943 |
Box 220 Folder 15 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 220 Folder 16 | Miscellaneous notes by Merriam |
Box 221 Folder 1 | National Archives reports |
Box 221 Folder 2 | Newspaper clippings |
Box 221 Folder 3 | Office of Facts and Figures, intelligence reports |
Box 221 Folder 4 | "Patterns of Propaganda" |
Box 221 Folder 5 | Personnel, administrative regulations and procedures |
Box 221 Folder 6 | Personnel, Byrd Committee questionnaire |
Box 221 Folder 7 | Personnel, loyalty case |
Box 221 Folder 8 | Personnel, miscellaneous |
Box 221 Folder 9 | Personnel, personnel loans |
Box 221 Folder 10 | Personnel, resignations |
Box 221 Folder 11 | Personnel, salary schedules |
Box 221 Folder 12 | Personnel, Selective Service deferments |
Box 221 Folder 13 | Personnel, status and organization changes, 1939 |
Box 221 Folder 14 | Personnel, status and organization changes, 1940 |
Box 221 Folder 15 | Personnel, status and organization changes, 1941 |
Box 221 Folder 16 | Personnel, status and organization changes, 1942 |
Box 221 Folder 17 | Personnel, status of personnel |
Box 221 Folder 18 | Personnel, War Savings Bond Program |
Box 221 Folder 19 | Personnel, "Who's Who in the NRPB," August 1939 |
Box 221 Folder 20 | Personnel, "Who's Who in the NRPB," January 1943 |
Box 221 Folder 21 | Personnel, Who's Who in the Staff of the NRPB, undated |
Box 222 Folder 1 | Press reaction, editorials, comments, etc. |
Box 222 Folder 2 | Press releases |
Box 222 Folder 3 | Program of work, 1940 |
Box 222 Folder 4 | Program of work, 1941 |
Box 222 Folder 5 | Program of work, 1942 |
Box 222 Folder 6 | Program of work, 1943 |
Box 222 Folder 7 | Program of work, 1944 |
Box 222 Folder 8 | Progress reports, 1939-1941 |
Box 222 Folder 9 | Progress reports, 1940-1941 |
Box 222 Folder 10 | Progress reports, 1941 |
Box 222 Folder 11 | 1943 report, memoranda |
Box 222 Folder 12 | Drafts of 1943 chapters, introduction |
Box 222 Folder 13 | Drafts of 1943 chapters, economic security |
Box 222 Folder 14 | Drafts of 1943 chapters, education |
Box 222 Folder 15 | Drafts of 1943 chapters, energy resources |
Box 222 Folder 16 | Drafts of 1943 chapters, external-internal |
Box 222 Folder 17 | Drafts of 1943 chapters, health |
Box 222 Folder 18 | Drafts of 1943 chapters, planning demobilization |
Box 222 Folder 19 | Drafts of 1943 chapters, postwar planning |
Box 222 Folder 20 | Drafts of 1943 chapters, public construction |
Box 222 Folder 21 | Drafts of 1943 chapters, urban |
Box 222 Folder 22-23 | Other drafts |
Box 222 Folder 24 | Materials for final ten-year report |
Box 223 Folder 1 | Publications, "Guide to the Files of NRPB and Predecessor Agencies," December 1943 |
Box 223 Folder 2 | Publications, list of publications of the NRPB |
Box 223 Folder 3 | Publications, miscellaneous |
Box 223 Folder 4 | Publications, outlines of reports |
Box 223 Folder 5 | Publications, "Preliminary List of Published and Unpublished Reports of the NRPB," March 1946 |
Box 223 Folder 6 | Publications, status of reports |
Box 223 Folder 7 | Radio broadcasts |
Box 223 Folder 8 | Relations within Executive Office of the President and other Departments |
Box 223 Folder 9 | Role of the Bureau of the Budget, speeches and addresses |
Box 223 Folder 10 | Reorganization materials |
Box 223 Folder 11 | Salary, travel and expense accounts, 1939 |
Box 223 Folder 12 | Salary, 1940 |
Box 223 Folder 13 | Salary, 1941 |
Box 223 Folder 14 | Salary, 1942 |
Box 223 Folder 15 | Salary, 1943 |
Box 224 Folder 1 | Schedule of meetings of interest to members of the Board, 1939 |
Box 224 Folder 2 | Schedule of meetings of interest to members of the Board, 1940 |
Box 224 Folder 3 | Schedule of meetings of interest to members of the Board, 1941 |
Box 224 Folder 4 | Schedule of meetings of interest to members of the Board, 1942 |
Box 224 Folder 5 | Schedule of meetings of interest to members of the Board, 1943 |
Box 224 Folder 6 | Statements from agencies and individuals concerning the work of the NRPB |
Box 224 Folder 7 | Status of work reports, July 1939 |
Box 224 Folder 8 | Status of work reports, September 1939 |
Box 224 Folder 9 | Status of work reports, November 1939 |
Box 224 Folder 10 | Status of work reports, January 1940 |
Box 224 Folder 11 | Status of work reports, April 1940 |
Box 224 Folder 12 | Status of work reports, May 1940 |
Box 224 Folder 13 | Status of work reports, July 1940 |
Box 224 Folder 14 | Status of work reports, September 1940 |
Box 224 Folder 15 | Status of work reports, February 1941 |
Box 224 Folder 16 | Status of work reports, April 1941 |
Box 224 Folder 17 | Status of work reports, June 1941 |
Box 224 Folder 18 | Status of work reports, August 1941 |
Box 225 Folder 1 | Status of work reports, June 1942 |
Box 225 Folder 2 | Status of work reports, August 1942 |
Box 225 Folder 3 | Status of work reports, September 1942 |
Box 225 Folder 4 | Status of work reports, October 1942 |
Box 225 Folder 5 | Status of work reports, December 1942 |
Box 225 Folder 6 | Status of work reports, January 1943 |
Box 225 Folder 7 | Status of work reports, February 1943 |
Box 225 Folder 8 | Status of work reports, March 1943 |
Box 225 Folder 9 | Status of work reports, April 1943 |
Box 225 Folder 10 | Status of work reports, July 1943 |
Box 225 Folder 11 | Status of work reports, August 1943 |
Box 225 Folder 12 | Status of work reports, December 1943 |
Box 225 Folder 13 | Temporary National Economic Committee |
Box 225 Folder 14 | Western trip, July 1940 and 1941, includes paper by Merriam, "Planning in a Democracy," given in San Francisco |
Box 225 Folder 15 | Woman Power Study |
Sub-subseries 2: Education Committee |
Box 226 Folder 1 | Correspondence |
Box 226 Folder 2 | Report of the Committee, reprint, 1943 |
Box 226 Folder 3 | Floyd W. Reeves and D. L. Harley, "The Cost of an Adequate Program of Education in the Post-War Period," 1942 |
Sub-subseries 3: Energy Resources Committee |
Box 226 Folder 4 | "Energy Production and Manpower," report |
Box 226 Folder 5 | "Energy Supply and Requirements for the War Program," 1942 |
Box 226 Folder 6 | Bituminous coal memoranda |
Box 226 Folder 7 | "Emergency Phases of the Program for the Coal Industry," 1940 |
Box 226 Folder 8 | Federal Anthracite Commission report and recommendations, 1942 |
Box 226 Folder 9 | Roger N. Quirk, general conclusions of "The Bituminous Coal Industry in the United States," 1940 |
Box 226 Folder 10 | Emergency planning memoranda |
Box 226 Folder 11 | Emergency statutory powers relating to energy resources |
Box 226 Folder 12 | Human wastage report |
Box 226 Folder 13 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 226 Folder 14 | "A National Policy for Conservation and Wise Use of the Energy Resources," 1940 |
Box 227 Folder 1 | John M. Frey, "Developments in the Petroleum Industry 1914-1918," 1940 |
Box 227 Folder 2 | Marvin G. Hoffman, "Oil Reserves and Needed Action," 1941 |
Box 227 Folder 3 | Glenn E. McLaughlin and Wilbert G. Fritz, "Current Conservation of Petroleum Reserves," memorandum, 1942 |
Box 227 Folder 4 | Glenn E. McLaughlin and Wilbert G. Fritz, "Relation of Oil and Gas to National Defense" |
Box 227 Folder 5 | Petroleum investigation by Congress |
Box 227 Folder 6 | Report of the Committee on Petroleum Economics, 1942 |
Box 227 Folder 7 | Ralph J. Watkins, "Conservation of Petroleum," statements before Congressional hearing, 1939 |
Box 227 Folder 8 | Ralph J. Watkins, "Petroleum Requirements for the East Coast," memorandum, 1942 |
Box 227 Folder 9 | Wilbert G. Fritz, "The Problem of a Long Term Program for Energy Resources," 1940 |
Box 227 Folder 10 | "Major Elements in a Long Range Program for Conservation and Wise Use of Energy Resources," 1940 |
Box 227 Folder 11 | Programs of planning energy resources |
Box 227 Folder 12 | Rubber report and summary |
Box 227 Folder 13 | Wartime planning for continuing full employment, agenda, memoranda, interim report |
Sub-subseries 4: Industrial Committee |
Box 228 Folder 1 | Agenda with Merriam memorandum of 1942 meeting with the Secretary of Commerce |
Box 228 Folder 2 | Consumer memoranda |
Box 228 Folder 3 | Economic Conference, September 1939 |
Box 228 Folder 4 | Electric Power statement |
Box 228 Folder 5 | Gardiner C. Means, memoranda and progress reports |
Box 228 Folder 7 | Value of Government-financed war production industries, July 1942 |
Box 228 Folder 8 | Thomas C. Blaisdell, "Investment as a National Problem," address before the Institute of Public Affairs, 1939 |
Box 228 Folder 9 | Thomas C. Blaisdell, "The National Economy," Army Industrial College Course 1939-1940 |
Box 228 Folder 10 | Thomas C. Blaisdell, "Towards a Higher National Income," 1939 |
Box 228 Folder 11 | "First Approximation to a Statement of Income and Expenditures by the United States Government Distinguishing between Current and Capital Expenditures" |
Box 228 Folder 12 | "Price control in a War Economy" |
Box 228 Folder 13 | "What About the National Debt?" |
Box 228 Folder 14 | James V. Alfriend, "Post-War Problems of the Magnesium Industry," June 1943 |
Box 228 Folder 15 | V. Richard Bernhardt, "Long Range Planning in Industry," 1941 |
Box 228 Folder 16 | Melvin A. Brenner, "Post-War Problems of the Aircraft Industry," August 1943 |
Box 228 Folder 17 | M. Brenner, "Post-War Prospects of the Synthetic Rubber Industry," September 1942 and June 1943, two drafts |
Box 228 Folder 18 | Department of Commerce, "Mineral Industries," series |
Box 229 Folder 1 | "Energy Supply and Requirements for the War Program," interim report, 1942 |
Box 229 Folder 2 | 1942 edition of above report |
Box 229 Folder 3 | Mordecai Ezekiel, "Quantitative Relations of Saving, Consumption, and Investment to National Income," 1941 |
Box 229 Folder 4 | Gardiner C. Means, "Big Business, Administrated Prices and the Problem of Full Employment," address before the American Marketing Association, 1939 |
Box 229 Folder 5 | "National Income, Employment and the National Balance Sheet" |
Box 229 Folder 6 | Lawrence A. Oosterhous, "Post-War Problems of the Shipbuilding Industry," June 1943 |
Box 229 Folder 7 | Louis J. Paradiso, "Capital Requirements; A Study in Methods as Applied to the Iron and Steel Industry," 1939 |
Box 229 Folder 8 | William G. Powell and James V. Alfriend, "Post-War Prospects for the Aluminum and Magnesium Industries," August 1942 |
Box 229 Folder 9 | Ralph J. Watkins, "The Framework for an Economy of Plenty," 1942 |
Box 229 Folder 10 | Marion W. Worthing, "Post-War Problems of the Steel Industry," June 1943 |
Box 229 Folder 11 | Marion W. Worthing, "Post-War Prospects of the Iron and Steel Industry," September 1942 |
Box 229 Folder 12 | William E. Wynne, "Development of the Wartime Industrial Economy," 1943 |
Box 229 Folder 13 | The Structure of the American Economy-Part II, Correspondence |
Box 229 Folder 14 | The Structure of the American Economy-Part II, Memoranda |
Box 229 Folder 15 | The Structure of the American Economy-Part II, Outlines |
Box 229 Folder 16 | The Structure of the American Economy-Part II, Draft foreword |
Box 229 Folder 17 | Gardiner Means, "The Controversy Over Full Employment" |
Box 229 Folder 18 | Gardiner Means, "The Full Use of Resources" |
Box 229 Folder 19 | The Structure of the American Economy-Part II, Structure digest |
Box 229 Folder 20 | The Structure of the American Economy-Part II, Galley proofs |
Sub-subseries 5: Industrial Location Section |
Box 230 Folder 1 | Filed (state and regional) location studies |
Box 230 Folder 2 | Industrial location and post-war conversion; Memorandum to the President |
Box 230 Folder 3 | Memoranda on industrial location studies under the Defense Program |
Box 230 Folder 4 | Memorandum on objectives and scope of the Industrial Location Study |
Box 230 Folder 5 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 230 Folder 6 | Outlines of reports |
Box 230 Folder 7 | Plant site proposals |
Box 230 Folder 8 | Plant site reviews, November 1940-February 1941 |
Box 230 Folder 9 | Plant site reviews, November 1940-May 1941 |
Box 230 Folder 10 | Plant site reviews, May-June 1941 |
Box 230 Folder 11 | Plant site reviews, June 1941 |
Box 230 Folder 12 | Plant site reviews, July 1941 |
Box 230 Folder 13 | Plant site reviews, August 1941 |
Box 230 Folder 14 | Plant site reviews, August-December 1941 |
Box 230 Folder 15 | Plant site reviews, February-October 1942 |
Box 230 Folder 16 | Plant site review progress report, March 3 to April 2, 1942 |
Box 230 Folder 17 | Procedure of the Defense Commission in reviewing plant proposals |
Box 230 Folder 18 | Program of work |
Box 230 Folder 19 | Staff assignments |
Box 230 Folder 20 | Studies of war and post-war industrial community adjustments |
Box 231 Folder 1 | Memoranda pertaining to maps |
Box 231 Folder 2 | Expansion of manufacturing facilities for defense, May 15, 1941 |
Box 231 Folder 3 | Expansion of manufacturing facilities for defense, June 30, 1941 |
Box 231 Folder 4 | Expansion of war production facilities, July 1, 1942 |
Box 231 Folder 5 | H. Gardner Ackley, "Financial Controls and Monopolistic Influences as They Affect Location," June 1941 |
Box 231 Folder 6 | Francis M. Boddy, "Labor Aspects of Industrial Location," June 1941 |
Box 231 Folder 7 | P. Sargant Florence, "Location of War Plants in Britain" |
Box 231 Folder 8 | P. Sargant Florence, "The Long Range Planning and the Location of New Productive Capacity," 1940 |
Box 231 Folder 9 | Seth Hammond, "Locational Experiences of the Cotton Industry," June 1941 |
Box 231 Folder 10 | "Industrial Location and National Policy," introduction and summary, December 1941 |
Box 231 Folder 11 | Introduction of above report, 1942 |
Box 231 Folder 12 | Henry M. Oliver, "Guaranteed and Community Influences on Industrial Location," May 1941 |
Box 231 Folder 13 | Policy Considerations in Industrial Location," November 1941 |
Box 231 Folder 14 | Report on Defense Plant Proposals, November 1941 |
Box 231 Folder 15 | Rupert B. Vance, "Industrialization of Rural Areas in the Southern Piedmont," March 1941 |
Sub-subseries 6: International Relations Committee |
Box 232 Folder 1 | Editorial opinion on foreign affairs, September 26, 1941 |
Box 232 Folder 2 | International Works Agency |
Box 232 Folder 3 | Memoranda relating to establishment and functions of the Committee |
Box 232 Folder 4 | Lewis Lorwin, "International Public Works and Economic Development," May 1942 |
Box 232 Folder 5 | Lewis Lorwin, "International Public Works and Post Defense Readjustment," October 1941 |
Box 232 Folder 6 | Lewis Lorwin, "National Planning in Countries Associated with the United Nations," April 1942 |
Box 232 Folder 7 | Eugene Staley, "The Economic Implications of Lend Lease," speech before the American Economic Association, January 1943 |
Box 232 Folder 8 | Joint Canadian-United States Economic Committee, correspondence, memoranda |
Box 232 Folder 9 | Brigadier General H. F. McDonald, Chairman of the Canadian Committee on Demobilization and Rehabilitation, address, April 1943 |
Box 232 Folder 10 | Report of "Recent Development in the Canadian and English Post-War Situations," 1942 |
Box 232 Folder 11 | Lewis Lorwin, "Public Works and Employment Planning in Germany 1933-1939," 1940 |
Box 232 Folder 12 | American Committee on Personnel for British Services, correspondence, minutes |
Box 232 Folder 13 | British planning activities, miscellaneous |
Box 232 Folder 14 | John Foster Dulles, and Walter W. Van Kirk, confidential memoranda on their visit to England |
Box 232 Folder 15 | Luther Gulick and E. N. Thompson, "Post-War Planning in Great Britain," February 1942 |
Box 232 Folder 16 | "Plan for the New Coventry," pamphlet |
Box 232 Folder 17 | P. Sargant Florence, "British Planning Activities," April 15, 1941 |
Box 232 Folder 18 | Second edition of the above report, October 1941 |
Box 232 Folder 19 | Third report, January 1942 |
Box 232 Folder 20 | Fourth report, April 30, 1942 |
Box 232 Folder 21 | P. Sargant Florence, "Location of War Plants in Britain and Post-War Problems of Reconversion," report, 1943 (See related report in Industrial Location Section, Boxes 230 and 231) |
Box 232 Folder 22 | Tentative draft of the Joint Declaration of the Governments of the United States and Great Britain |
Box 232 Folder 23 | Lewis L. Lorwin, "Stabilization Planning in Sweden 1929-1939," report 1940, two drafts |
Sub-subseries 7: Land Committee |
Box 233 Folder 1 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 233 Folder 2 | Post-war supply and requirements for forest products |
Box 233 Folder 3 | Press releases |
Box 233 Folder 4 | Program of future work |
Box 233 Folder 5 | Progress reports |
Box 233 Folder 6 | Questionnaire on land use programs, policies, and problems |
Box 233 Folder 7 | Rural-Urban Fringe Conference. October 1939 |
Box 233 Folder 8 | Summary of recommended National Land Policy |
Box 233 Folder 9 | Tabular summary of National Land Policy Recommendations |
Box 233 Folder 10 | Wartime Public Action for Better Rural Land Use, memorandum, 1943 |
Box 233 Folder 11 | Statement before Senate Sub-Committee on Public Land and Surveys, 1941, H. W. Bashore, Acting Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation |
Box 233 Folder 12 | Statement before Senate Sub-Committee on Public Land and Surveys, 1941, Charles Eliot, Director of NRPB |
Box 233 Folder 13 | Statement before Senate Sub-Committee on Public Land and Surveys, 1941, Harold Ickes, Secretary of the Interior |
Box 233 Folder 14 | Statement before Senate Sub-Committee on Public Land and Surveys, 1941, Paul J. Rever, Bonneville Power Administrator |
Box 233 Folder 15 | Statement before Senate Sub-Committee on Public Land and Surveys, 1941, Harry Slattery, Rural Electrification Administrator |
Box 233 Folder 16 | Statement before Senate Sub-Committee on Public Land and Surveys, 1941, Ralph J. Watkins, Assistant Director NRPB |
Box 233 Folder 17 | Carl L. Alsberg, "Principles for the Evaluation of Public Works as These Affect the Land," October 1940 |
Box 233 Folder 18 | "Evaluation of Public Works for Land Protection, Development, and Use," November 1941 |
Box 233 Folder 19 | "Land Acquisition in National Land Use Program; Part II-Urban Land," October 1940 |
Box 233 Folder 20 | "Land Classification in the United States," report of the Committee, galley proofs |
Box 233 Folder 21 | "Land Use Planning for Nutritional Needs," March 1940 |
Box 233 Folder 22 | Ben H. Pubols and William A. Rockie, "Agriculture and Agricultural Land Use" |
Box 233 Folder 23 | "Public Land Acquisition in a National Land Use Program, Part I; Rural Lands" |
Box 233 Folder 24 | Galley proof of the above report, 1940 |
Sub-subseries 8: Latin and Inter-American Affairs |
Box 234 Folder 1 | Memoranda on the function of the committee |
Box 234 Folder 2 | Chart of Latin American Planning |
Box 234 Folder 3 | Correspondence |
Box 234 Folder 4 | Abstracts and papers by Merriam on Inter-American Planning |
Box 234 Folder 5 | Drafts of the above |
Box 234 Folder 6 | Newspaper clippings |
Box 234 Folder 7 | Press release on professor and student exchanges between the United States and nine American republics, September 1940 |
Box 234 Folder 8 | Lewis L. Lorwin, "National Planning in Latin America" |
Box 234 Folder 9 | J. F. Normano, "Our Latin-American Relations as Viewed by an Economist and the Proposed Establishment of a Latin-American Economic Institute" |
Box 234 Folder 10 | Report of the Committee on Agriculture of the Governing Board of the Pan American Union |
Sub-subseries 9: Local Planning Committee |
Box 234 Folder 11 | Correspondence |
Box 234 Folder 12 | Election calendar, 1942-1943 |
Box 234 Folder 13 | Memoranda |
Box 234 Folder 14 | Robert A. Walker, "The Planning Function in Local Government," report, July 1939 |
Sub-subseries 10: Long Range Relief Committee |
Box 235 Folder 1 | Budgetary materials |
Box 235 Folder 2 | Correspondence |
Box 235 Folder 3 | Functions of the Committee and staff organization |
Box 235 Folder 5 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 235 Folder 6 | Preliminary outline of the Relief Study |
Box 235 Folder 7 | Press releases |
Box 235 Folder 8 | Progress report |
Box 235 Folder 9 | Public Aid recommendations, costs, charts |
Box 235 Folder 10 | Social Security, includes papers by T. C. Blaisdell and others |
Box 235 Folder 11 | Subjects for discussion |
Box 235 Folder 12 | Report, Outline of the preliminary statement of the Committee |
Box 235 Folder 13 | Report, Outlines |
Box 235 Folder 14 | Report, Preliminary table of contents |
Box 235 Folder 15 | Report, Introduction, two versions |
Box 235 Folder 16 | Report, Appendix |
Box 235 Folder 17 | Eveline M. Burns, "Comparing the Beveridge and NRPB Reports," December 1942 |
Box 235 Folder 18 | Eveline M. Burns, "Looking Toward the Relief Program of Tomorrow," speech for the Citizens' Conference on Government Management, June 1940 |
Box 235 Folder 19 | Ralph J. Watkins, "Relief, Even During Prosperity," reprint |
Sub-subseries 11: Postwar Planning |
Box 236 Folder 1 | Bibliography of postwar planning |
Box 236 Folder 3 | Charts of planning activities |
Box 236 Folder 4 | Correspondence |
Box 236 Folder 5 | Demobilization and reconversion memoranda |
Box 236 Folder 6 | Department of Agriculture postwar materials |
Box 236 Folder 7 | Memoranda for the President |
Box 236 Folder 8 | Message to Congress on postwar planning |
Box 236 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous abstracts |
Box 236 Folder 10 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 236 Folder 11 | Newspaper clippings |
Box 236 Folder 12 | Post Defense agenda, preliminary outline of subjects in question for the Planning Committee |
Box 236 Folder 13 | Post Defense dinner conferences |
Box 236 Folder 14 | Press release |
Box 236 Folder 15 | Proposed Research and Planning Program |
Box 236 Folder 16 | Public reaction to Postwar Planning Program, includes movies and Citizen Information Program |
Box 236 Folder 17 | Reading references for the postwar agenda |
Box 236 Folder 18 | Summary of discussions about the Postwar Construction Program |
Box 236 Folder 19 | Summary of Federal Postwar Planning Programs, two drafts |
Box 236 Folder 20 | Summary of Postwar Planning Programs of non-federal agencies-public and private |
Box 236 Folder 21 | Summary of replies to the Research Institute of America's Postwar Planning Questionnaire |
Box 236 Folder 22 | Temple University's Institute for Postwar Planning |
Box 237 Folder 1 | "Administrative Organization for Postwar Tasks," n.d. |
Box 237 Folder 2 | "An Agenda for Adult Education" |
Box 237 Folder 3 | George Biddle, "Memorandum on a Post-War Reorganization of the Section of Fine Arts and Other Federal Art Projects" |
Box 237 Folder 4 | Louis Brownlow, "Administrative Management in the Post-War Period," 1942 |
Box 237 Folder 5 | "Climate of Post-War Public Opinion," April 1942 |
Box 237 Folder 6 | Miles Coleen, "After Victory-A Housebuilding Industry," two drafts, March and May 1942 |
Box 237 Folder 7 | Franklin Delano, "The Future of Europe and Its Dependents after the War," January 1942 memorandum |
Box 237 Folder 8 | Drafts of paper |
Box 237 Folder 9 | Charles Eliot, "Post-War Planning for America" |
Box 237 Folder 10 | Charles Eliot, "Wartime Planning for After the War," speech, September 1942 |
Box 237 Folder 11 | Charles Eliot, "Winning the Peace That Follows," speech at City College of New York, February 1942 |
Box 237 Folder 12 | George B. Galloway, "Survey of Research on Post-War Problems," for the Twentieth Century Fund, July 1941 |
Box 237 Folder 13 | Luther Gulick, "Memorandum for the President on Post-Defense Planning," March 1941 |
Box 237 Folder 14 | Luther Gulick, "Preliminary Considerations on Post-Defense Planning," March 1941 |
Box 237 Folder 15 | Alvin Hansen, "Post Defense Full Employment," two drafts, May-June 1941 |
Box 237 Folder 16 | Alvin Hansen, "Financing Post Defense Public Improvements," January 1941 |
Box 237 Folder 17 | Alvin Hansen, "The Role of Construction in the Reconversion Period," two drafts, April 1943 |
Box 237 Folder 18 | Robert W. Hartley, "Post-War Planning for Construction," speech, January 1943 |
Box 237 Folder 19 | William P. Heyne, "Let Democracy Live" |
Box 237 Folder 20 | Lewis Lorwin, "External-Internal Problems of Post-War Planning" |
Box 237 Folder 21 | Lewis Lorwin, "Problems of Post-War Readjustment," June 1941 |
Box 238 Folder 3 | Lewis Lorwin, et al., "Background of Post-war Planning," includes Merriam's "What are We Fighting for?" |
Box 238 Folder 4 | Lewis Lorwin, "Post-War Planning," speech before the National Conference on Planning, May 1942 |
Box 238 Folder 5 | Lewis Lorwin, draft of speech to the American Municipal Association |
Box 238 Folder 6 | J. D. Millet, "A Plan for Post-Defense Planning," 1941 |
Box 238 Folder 7 | "A New Bill of Rights," May 1941 |
Box 238 Folder 8 | "1918 Post-War Experience," two drafts |
Box 238 Folder 9 | Post Defense Report |
Box 238 Folder 10 | Report of the Conference on Post-War Adjustments of Civilian and Military Personnel |
Box 238 Folder 11 | Beardsley Ruml, "Business Organizes to Look Ahead," speech before the American Society of Planning Officials, May 1943 |
Box 238 Folder 12 | Emerson P. Schmidt, "Why Plan for a Post-War Period?," Chamber of Commerce Pamphlet |
Box 238 Folder 13 | "A Suggested Objective for Post-Defense Planning in terms of a schedule of needs." |
Box 238 Folder 14 | E. N. Thompson, "Post-War Climate of Opinion," July 1942, March 1943, and suggestions of May 1942 |
Box 238 Folder 15 | Louis Wirth, "Preparing for Peach," March 1943 |
Box 238 Folder 15a | National Resources Planning Board, 1943, Post-War Plan and Program, National Resources Development Report, Security Work and Relief Policies |
Sub-subseries 12: Public Health Committee |
Box 238 Folder 16 | Materials pertaining to the Committee |
Sub-subseries 13: Public Works |
Box 239 Folder 1 | Construction |
Box 239 Folder 2 | Correspondence |
Box 239 Folder 3 | Findings and recommendations of the Committee |
Box 239 Folder 4 | Legislation |
Box 239 Folder 5 | Local Public Works Programming Office |
Box 239 Folder 6 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 239 Folder 7 | 1941 program of Public Works |
Box 239 Folder 8 | Planning functions of the NRPB and the Federal Public Works Administrator |
Box 239 Folder 9 | Postwar public works |
Box 239 Folder 10 | Programming and project review |
Box 239 Folder 11 | Progress reports |
Box 239 Folder 12 | Project applications |
Box 239 Folder 13 | Project listings |
Box 239 Folder 14 | Public works affecting land |
Box 239 Folder 15 | Public works planning |
Box 239 Folder 16 | Public works reserve |
Box 239 Folder 17 | Shelf of public works projects |
Box 239 Folder 18 | Six-year Program of Public Works 1941-1946 |
Box 239 Folder 19 | State and local public works |
Box 239 Folder 20 | Status of Construction Projects of Federal Construction Agencies |
Box 240 Folder 1 | Chapters of untitled, undated report, with no author given |
Box 240 Folder 2 | Charles Eliot, speech before the Construction Industry Section Chamber of Commerce, Wilmington, Delaware, December 10, 1940 |
Box 240 Folder 3 | J. K. Galbraith, "The Economic Effects of the Federal Public Works Experience 1933-1938," Part I, December 1939 |
Box 240 Folder 4 | J. K.Galbraith, "The Economic Effects of the Federal Public Works Experience 1933-1938, Part II |
Box 240 Folder 5 | "Guiding Principles of Federal Public Works Expenditure," anon., n.d. |
Box 240 Folder 6 | Alvin H. Hansen, "The Role of Construction in the Reconversion Period," April 1943 |
Box 241 Folder 1 | Frank W. Herring, "Preparing for a Public Construction Program," April 1943 |
Box 241 Folder 2 | Frank W. Herring and Robert W. Hartley, "Public Works Planning for the Post-War Period," July 1942 |
Box 241 Folder 3 | Maynard Hufschmidt, "The Post-War Program of Public Construction and Improvements," January 1943 |
Box 241 Folder 4 | "Public Works Planning, A Method of Area Analysis," anon., n.d. |
Box 241 Folder 5 | "Rural Population Institutions with Reference to Public Works Projects and Programs," two editions, February and May 1943 |
Box 241 Folder 6 | Melvin E. Scheidt, "Long Term Continuous Programming and Budgeting of Municipal Public Works," March 1940 |
Box 241 Folder 7 | July 1940 edition of the above report |
Box 241 Folder 8 | Ralph J. Watkins, "Guiding Principles of Federal Public Works Expenditure," n.d. |
Sub-subseries 14: Regional Committees |
Box 242 Folder 1 | Charts of areas marked by Integrated Analysis Method |
Box 242 Folder 2 | Consulting assignments, 1939 |
Box 242 Folder 3 | Consulting assignments, 1940 |
Box 242 Folder 4 | Consulting assignments, 1941 |
Box 242 Folder 5 | Correspondence |
Box 242 Folder 6 | Field Program for 1941, contains comments |
Box 242 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 242 Folder 8 | Programs and suggestions of work |
Box 242 Folder 9 | Project reports |
Box 242 Folder 10 | Proposed Regional Development Plans |
Box 242 Folder 11 | Recommendations of the Regional Advisory Committee |
Box 242 Folder 12 | Regional Authorities memoranda |
Box 242 Folder 13 | Regional Conferences, minutes, agendas, etc. |
Box 242 Folder 14 | Regional construction projects |
Box 242 Folder 15 | Resolutions of Regional Officers |
Box 242 Folder 16 | Tentative suggestions as to General Office functions |
Sub-sub-subseries 1: Region 1; New England |
Box 243 Folder 1 | "A Comprehensive Regional Development Plan for New England," September 1940 |
Box 243 Folder 2 | Charles Eliot, address before the New England Regional Planning Conference, May 1940 |
Box 243 Folder 3 | "Forestry in New England," December 1942 |
Box 243 Folder 4 | "Integration of the New England Regional Plan," October 1942 |
Box 243 Folder 5 | Planning activities |
Box 243 Folder 6 | "State Legislation Relating to the Development and Control of Aviation in New England," April 1942 |
Box 243 Folder 7 | Statements of current conditions |
Sub-sub-subseries 2: Region 2; Middle Atlantic |
Box 243 Folder 8 | Major objectives of the program |
Box 243 Folder 9 | "The Middle Atlantic Region, A Development Plan," October 1940 |
Box 243 Folder 10 | "Middle Atlantic Region Industrial Development," 1942 |
Box 243 Folder 11 | Report of current conditions |
Sub-sub-subseries 3: Region 3; Southeast |
Box 243 Folder 12 | Agenda for Fifth Southeast Planning Conference, December 1939 |
Box 243 Folder 13 | Correspondence |
Box 243 Folder 14 | William Davlin, "Our Economic Structure-The People at Work," section II of the Southeastern Regional Development Plan, September 1941 |
Box 243 Folder 15 | "Major Implications of the Defense Program to Long-Range Development in the Southeast," November 1941 |
Box 243 Folder 16 | Minutes of the initial meeting of the Southeast Regional Planning Commission, October 1940 |
Box 243 Folder 17 | Press releases |
Box 243 Folder 18 | Regional program |
Box 243 Folder 19 | Report of current conditions |
Box 243 Folder 20 | "Southeastern Regional Development Plan," November 1941 |
Sub-sub-subseries 4: Region 4; Chicago |
Box 244 Folder 1 | Regional program |
Box 244 Folder 2 | Report on current status of work |
Sub-sub-subseries 5: Northern Lakes States Committee |
Box 244 Folder 3 | Miscellaneous, memoranda and correspondence |
Box 244 Folder 4 | "Revised Proposals for Federal Action Programs in the Northern Lakes States," March 1940 |
Sub-sub-subseries 6: Region 5; South Central |
Box 244 Folder 5 | Regional program |
Box 244 Folder 6 | Report on current conditions |
Sub-sub-subseries 7: Region 6; Missouri Valley |
Box 244 Folder 7 | Regional program |
Box 244 Folder 8 | Statement of current condition |
Box 244 Folder 9 | Correspondence, press releases, etc. |
Box 244 Folder 10 | Progress report |
Box 244 Folder 11 | Report, September 1939 |
Sub-sub-subseries 8: Region 7; Mountain States |
Box 244 Folder 12 | "Mountain States Region Industry Development," December 1942 |
Box 244 Folder 13 | Regional planning program, including conservation |
Box 244 Folder 14 | Report of current condition |
Sub-sub-subseries 9: Region 8; Pacific Southwest |
Box 244 Folder 15 | Correspondence |
Box 244 Folder 16 | "Industrial Development," December 1942 |
Box 244 Folder 17 | Regional planning program |
Box 244 Folder 18 | Report on current conditions |
Sub-sub-subseries 10: Region 9; Pacific Northwest |
Box 245 Folder 1 | Correspondence |
Box 245 Folder 2 | "Discovering Anew the Pacific Northwest," October 1940 |
Box 245 Folder 3 | "The External Trade of the Pacific Northwest," June 1942 |
Box 245 Folder 4 | "Framework of a Regional Development Plan for the Pacific Northwest," September 1940 |
Box 245 Folder 5 | "Industrial Development," December 1942 |
Box 245 Folder 6 | Charles McKinley, "A Confidential Report on Regional and State Planning in Region Nine," November 1939 |
Box 245 Folder 7 | Lewis Munford, "Regional Planning in the Pacific Northwest" |
Box 245 Folder 8 | Planning program |
Box 245 Folder 9 | "Possibilities of Expanding Steel Production in the Pacific Coast Region," 1939 |
Box 245 Folder 10 | Paul J. Raven, "Regional Industrial Trends and the Pacific Northwest," July 1940 |
Box 245 Folder 11 | Report of current conditions |
Box 245 Folder 12 | Survey of research program |
Sub-sub-subseries 11: Region 10; North Pacific |
Box 245 Folder 13 | Proposed Reopening of Alaska Study |
Box 245 Folder 14 | Correspondence |
Box 245 Folder 15 | Department of Interior, "The Problem of Alaskan Development," April 1940 |
Box 245 Folder 16 | Miscellaneous |
Box 245 Folder 17 | Notes on North Pacific trip, June 1942 |
Box 245 Folder 18 | Progress report |
Box 245 Folder 19 | George Sandberg, "Bibliography and Abstracts on the Subject of Agriculture in Alaska 1867-1942," 1942 |
Sub-sub-subseries 12: Region 11; Puerto Rico |
Box 246 Folder 1 | "A Development Plan for the Virgin Islands of the United States," April 1943 |
Box 246 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous, includes Puerto Rican population materials |
Box 246 Folder 3 | Puerto Rican Planning Council draft bill, two drafts, 1943 |
Sub-sub-subseries 13: Reports and Studies |
Box 246 Folder 4 | "Regional, State and Local Planning," anon., n.d. |
Box 246 Folder 5 | Oscar Sutermeister, "Reading Lists in Regional Planning," May 1941 |
Box 246 Folder 6 | Tennessee Valley Authority, "Regional Development in the Tennessee Valley," March 1940 |
Box 246 Folder 7 | S. H. Thompson and Lincoln Gordon, "Regional Development Authorities," May 1941 |
Sub-subseries 15: Science Committee |
Box 247 Folder 1 | Committee on Conservation of Cultural Resources |
Box 247 Folder 2 | Correspondence |
Box 247 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 247 Folder 5 | Population Study |
Box 247 Folder 6 | Registration of Committee members |
Box 247 Folder 7 | Business Research Study, Drafts, memoranda |
Box 247 Folder 8 | Business Research Study, Financial statements of Survey of Research in Industry, July 1941 |
Box 247 Folder 9 | Business Research Study, Galley proof of June 1941 report |
Box 247 Folder 10 | National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel, Conferences |
Box 247 Folder 11 | National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel, Draft of annual report |
Box 247 Folder 12 | National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel, Miscellaneous excerpts |
Box 247 Folder 13 | National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel, Notebook |
Box 247 Folder 14 | National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel, Reports of meetings |
Box 247 Folder 15 | S. F. Capen, "The Effect of the War on Colleges and Universities" |
Box 247 Folder 16 | D. L. Harvey, "The Proposed National University," May 1941 |
Box 247 Folder 17 | Richard H. Heindel, "The Integration of Federal and Non-Federal Research as a War Problem," July 1942 |
Sub-subseries 16: State Planning |
Box 248 Folder 1 | Current programs of work, 1940 |
Box 248 Folder 2 | Current programs of work, 1942 |
Box 248 Folder 3 | Current reports on status of legislation and appropriations of State Planning Boards |
Box 248 Folder 4 | Directory of State, Territorial and Regional Planning Agencies |
Box 248 Folder 5 | Fields of current State Planning Board activity |
Box 248 Folder 6 | Miscellaneous |
Box 248 Folder 7 | Reviews of state legislation on planning, zoning, and platting |
Box 248 Folder 8 | Status of State Boards by region |
Box 249 Folder 1 | California |
Box 249 Folder 4 | New Hampshire |
Box 249 Folder 5 | New Mexico |
Box 249 Folder 6 | North Dakota |
Box 249 Folder 7 | Pennsylvania |
Box 249 Folder 10 | Eugene Bland, "A Brief Description of a Possible Basis for Planning Board and University Cooperation," 1941 |
Box 249 Folder 11 | Charles W. Eliot, speech before the National Municipal League, November 1939 |
Box 249 Folder 12 | Interstate Committee on Postwar Reconstruction and Development, "Report and Recommendations on Postwar Problems in the States" |
Box 249 Folder 13 | Charles E. Merriam, "Planning for Defense," speech before the Fifth General Assembly of the Council of State Governments, January 1941 |
Box 249 Folder 14 | Gilbert F. White, "Relationships Between Work of State Planning Boards and That of State Agricultural Advisory Committee" |
Sub-subseries 17: Transportation Study |
Box 250 Folder 1 | Scope and organization of the Study |
Box 250 Folder 2 | Alaska Route |
Box 250 Folder 3 | Correspondence |
Box 250 Folder 5 | Minutes of dinner meetings |
Box 250 Folder 6 | Miscellaneous abstracts |
Box 250 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 250 Folder 8 | Policy recommendations |
Box 250 Folder 10 | Transportation Association of America, comments on NRPB study |
Box 250 Folder 11 | "American Transportation Policy," summary report, October 1941 |
Box 250 Folder 12 | J. W. Barringer, "Railway Transportation," October 1941 |
Box 250 Folder 13 | Burton N. Behling, "The Nature and Control of the Transportation Market," June 1941 |
Box 250 Folder 14 | E. V. Breitenbach, "Economic Organization of the Motor Transport Industry," June 1941 |
Box 250 Folder 15 | Cassius M. Clay, "Railroad Consolidations by Voluntary Action," 1941 |
Box 250 Folder 16 | Ralph L. Dewey, "Government Ownership and Operation of Railroads," July 1941 |
Box 250 Folder 17 | Ralph L. Dewey, "Transport Coordination," May 1941 |
Box 251 Folder 1 | Edwin M. Fitch and Joseph M. Gillman, "The Position of Labor," July 1941 |
Box 251 Folder 2 | Interim report, December 1940 |
Box 251 Folder 3 | Donald G. Kennedy, President American Association of State Highway Officials, testimony before Congressional Committee |
Box 251 Folder 4 | Edward S. Lynch, "The Influence of Transportation on the Location of Economic Activities," July 1941 |
Box 251 Folder 5 | C. S. Morgan, et al., "An Analysis of the Motor Transport Industry," December 1941 |
Box 251 Folder 6 | James C. Nelson, "New Concepts in Transport Regulation," October 1941 |
Box 251 Folder 7 | Wilfred Owen, "Highway Transportation; A Program to Meet the Impacts of the War," November 16, 1942 |
Box 251 Folder 8 | Wilfred Owen, "The Rubber Shortage; Its Effect on Transportation," April 15, 1942 |
Box 251 Folder 9 | Wilfred Owen, "Transportation and Public Promotional Policy," July 1941 |
Box 251 Folder 10 | "The Provision of Highway Facilities," October 1941 |
Box 251 Folder 11 | W. H. S. Stevens, "Railroad Financing," July 1941 |
Box 251 Folder 12 | Andrew Stevenson, "National Defense Transportation Problems," July 1941 |
Box 251 Folder 13 | "Transportation and National Policy," summary report, December 1941 |
Box 251 Folder 14 | "Transportation Problems and Future Development," December 1941 |
Box 251 Folder 15 | War Department, "Rationale of Inland Waterway Transportation," June 1941 |
Box 251 Folder 16 | Ernest Williams, "Air Transport After the War," June 1943 |
Box 251 Folder 17 | Ernest Williams, "The Railroad Industry After the War," September 1942 |
Box 251 Folder 18 | Ernest Williams, "Transportation; Problems and Future," 1941 |
Box 251 Folder 19 | G. Lloyd Wilson and Joseph L. White, "The Transportation System Today," October 1941 |
Box 251 Folder 20 | Reprints and film |
Sub-subseries 18: Trends and Stabilization Section |
Box 252 Folder 2 | Memoranda for the President |
Box 252 Folder 3 | Memoranda on Senate Bill 1617, July 1941 |
Box 252 Folder 4 | Outlines and programs |
Box 252 Folder 5 | Press release |
Box 252 Folder 6 | Forecasts and reports, Third Quarter, 1941 |
Box 252 Folder 7 | Forecasts and reports, First Half, 1942 |
Box 252 Folder 8 | Forecasts and reports, Third Quarter, 1942 |
Box 252 Folder 9 | Forecasts and reports, Fourth Quarter, 1942 |
Box 252 Folder 10 | Forecasts and reports, 1941-1942 |
Box 252 Folder 11 | "Federal Expenditures, National Income, Employment and Unemployment in 1940-1943" |
Box 252 Folder 12 | "Full Employment Now and Tomorrow," 1941 |
Box 252 Folder 13 | Herbert Goodman, "Trends of Production, Employment, Prices and Consumption in 1942," November 1942 |
Box 252 Folder 14 | Joseph McMurray, "Postwar Planning-The Economic Promise," April 1943 |
Box 252 Folder 15 | John Miller, "Decentralization of Federal Employment Stabilization Act Functions," April 1940 |
Box 252 Folder 16 | "No Post Emergency Depression," May 1941 |
Box 252 Folder 17 | "Post-War Planning-The Economic Promise," February 1943 |
Box 252 Folder 18 | "Public Works Planning for Economic Stabilization," anon. |
Box 252 Folder 19 | Untitled draft |
Box 252 Folder 20 | "When Peace Returns," draft |
Sub-subseries 19: Taxation Study |
Box 253 Folder 1 | Memoranda and papers relating to the need for the study |
Box 253 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous |
Box 253 Folder 3 | Series of studies by George Fort Milton |
Box 253 Folder 4 | Other papers |
Box 253 Folder 5 | Correspondence |
Box 253 Folder 6 | V. O. Key, "Local Governmental Structure and Federal Financing of Urban Redevelopment," June 1942 |
Box 253 Folder 7 | Legislation |
Box 253 Folder 8 | Miscellaneous |
Box 253 Folder 9 | Postwar urban problems and reports |
Box 253 Folder 10 | Problems of urban conservation and development |
Box 253 Folder 11 | Urban planning procedure |
Sub-subseries 20: Housing Study |
Box 253 Folder 12 | Bibliographies |
Box 253 Folder 13 | Correspondence |
Box 253 Folder 14 | Federal Housing Program |
Box 253 Folder 15 | Miscellaneous |
Box 253 Folder 16 | Postwar housing |
Box 253 Folder 17 | Summary of National Conference on Planning, May 1941 |
Box 253 Folder 18 | War Housing Program |
Box 253 Folder 20 | Earle S. Draper, address before the National Association of Housing Officials, April 1941 |
Box 253 Folder 21 | Charles W. Eliot, statement before the Joint Session, American Society of Planning Officials, May 1943 |
Box 253 Folder 22 | "Housing-Progress and Problems," November 1939 |
Sub-subseries 21: Wartime Planning |
Box 254 Folder 1 | Budgetary and allocation problems |
Box 254 Folder 2 | Charts of World War I administrative agencies |
Box 254 Folder 3 | Charts of war shifts in the labor force |
Box 254 Folder 4 | Critical community problems created by defense activities |
Box 254 Folder 5 | Economic Defense Board |
Box 254 Folder 6 | Federal Power Commission plans |
Box 254 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous |
Box 254 Folder 8 | President's Committee on War Records |
Box 254 Folder 9 | Presidential messages |
Box 254 Folder 10 | War Production Board |
Box 254 Folder 11 | Evans Clark, "Wartime Facts and Post-War Problems," 1943, galley proofs |
Box 254 Folder 12 | George Fielding Eliot, "Planning for Victory," 1941 |
Box 254 Folder 13 | Federal Works Agency, "Millions for Defense," 1940 |
Box 254 Folder 14 | Charles E. Merriam, draft and galley proof of Galloway chapter, January 1941 |
Box 254 Folder 15 | Charles E. Merriam, drafts on planning |
Box 254 Folder 16 | Charles E. Merriam, "Planning for Defense," speech before the Council of State Governments, January 1941 |
Box 254 Folder 17 | Charles E. Merriam, "Planning in a Democracy," drafts |
Box 254 Folder 18 | Howard D. Smith, "National Defense Organizations," May 1941 |
Box 254 Folder 19 | Reprints and newsletters |
Box 254 Folder 20 | "Wartime Planning for Continuing Full Employment," memorandum, February 1942 |
Sub-subseries 22: Water Resources Committee |
Box 255 Folder 2 | Correspondence and resignations |
Box 255 Folder 3 | Drainage Basin Study |
Box 255 Folder 4 | Evaluation Subcommittee, purpose and list of projects evaluation |
Box 255 Folder 5 | Flood control |
Box 255 Folder 6 | Robert G. Hemphill, "Irrigation in Northern Colorado," paper |
Box 255 Folder 7 | Hydrology |
Box 255 Folder 8 | Legislation |
Box 255 Folder 9 | National Water Policy |
Box 255 Folder 10 | National Water Policy Subcommittee, two draft reports, October 1940 |
Box 255 Folder 12 | Miscellaneous |
Box 255 Folder 13 | Procedure for multiple purpose projects |
Box 255 Folder 14 | Progress reports |
Box 255 Folder 15 | Public works and water use |
Box 256 Folder 1 | Arkansas Valley |
Box 256 Folder 2 | Bonneville Dam |
Box 256 Folder 3 | Boulder Dam |
Box 256 Folder 4 | Columbia and other Pacific Northwest Projects |
Box 256 Folder 5 | Central Valley California |
Box 256 Folder 6 | Delaware River |
Box 256 Folder 7 | East Mesa California |
Box 256 Folder 8 | Gila Basin |
Box 256 Folder 9 | Lake-Erie-Ohio Canal |
Box 256 Folder 10 | Lower Rio Grande |
Box 256 Folder 11 | Pecos River Texas |
Box 256 Folder 12 | Provo River Utah |
Sub-subseries 23: Youth Study |
Box 257 Folder 1 | Proposals for the study of the youth problem |
Box 257 Folder 2 | Paul David et al., "Post Defense Planning for Children and Youth," report, two drafts, November-December 1941 |
Box 257 Folder 3 | Charles E. Merriam, correspondence and transcript of remarks at the Social Science Research Council meeting, 1942 |
Box 257 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous |
Box 257 Folder 5 | Proposed Regional Conferences on Youth |
Sub-subseries 24: Miscellaneous Reprints in NRPB Files |
Box 257 Folder 7 | Report of the NRPB for 1942, "National Resources Development," |
Box 257 Folder 8 | American Society of Planning Officials, National Conference on Planning 1940, hardback book contains Merriam's "Planning in a Democracy" |
Box 257 Folder 9 | City of Macon, Georgia, "A Long Range Program of Public Improvements," January 1942 |
Box 257 Folder 10 | Department of the Interior, "Indians at Work," October 1940 |
Box 257 Folder 11 | Frederic Delano, "High Buildings and Off-Street Parking," speech before the Washington Building Congress," March 1941 |
Box 257 Folder 12 | Division of Estimates, "Civilian Training Program," reprint, November 1940 |
Box 257 Folder 13 | Charles Eliot, "National Resources for Future Americans," speech before the Progressive Education Association, February 1940 |
Box 257 Folder 14 | Federal Home Loan Bank Board, Waverly, A Study in Neighborhood Conservation, 1940 |
Box 257 Folder 15 | Beardsley Ruml, "Something to Shoot at," speech, June 1943 |
Box 257 Folder 16 | Beardsley Ruml, "Unfinished Business," address at CCNY, June 1943 |
Box 258 Folder 1 | Salt Lake City Planning materials |
Box 258 Folder 2 | Ralph J. Watkins, "As Government Plans for the Future," speech before the Southern War Conference, March 1943 |
Box 258 Folder 3 | W. S. Woytinsky, "Economic Perspectives, 1942-1947," paper for the Social Security Board |
Box 258 Folder 4-5 | Miscellaneous reprints |
Box 258 Folder 6 | Miscellaneous reprints; Legislative hearings |
Sub-subseries 25: Pamphlets |
Box 259 | After Defense What?, n.d. |
Box 259 | After Defense-Full Employment, preliminary edition |
Box 259 | After the War-Toward Security, September 1942 |
Box 259 | Better Cities, April 1942 |
Box 259 | Demobilization and Readjustment, June 1943 |
Box 259 | The Future of Transportation, September 1942 |
Box 259 | Housing, the Continuing Problem, June 1940 |
Box 259 | Human Conservation, the Story of our Wasted Resources, March 1943 |
Box 259 | Our National Resources, Fact and Problems, n.d. |
Box 259 | Our Public Works Experience, June 1941 |
Box 259 | Northern Great Plains, May 1940 |
Box 259 | Post War Agenda, November 1942 |
Box 259 | Post War Planning, September 1942 |
Box 259 | Demobilization of the Armed Forces, April 1943 |
Sub-subseries 26: Technical papers |
Box 259 | Gardiner Means and Louis J. Paradiso, Patterns of Resource Use, June 1941 |
Box 259 | Louis Lorwin, National Planning in Selected Countries, August 1941 |
Box 259 | H. C. Miller and G. B. Shea, Gains in Oil and Gas Production Refining and Utilization Technology, September 1941 |
Box 259 | A. C. Fieldner, and W. E. Rice, Research and Progress in the Production and Use of Coal, October 1941 |
Box 259 | Interstate Water Compacts 1785 to 1941, June 1942 |
Box 259 | Land Committee, Area Analysis-A Method of Public Works Planning, July 1942 |
Box 259 | Lewis L. Lorwin, International Economic Development Public Works and Other Problems, October 1942 |
Box 259 | Land Committee, Tax Delinquency and Rural Land Use Adjustment, September 1942 |
Box 259 | Richard H. Heindel, The Integration of Federal and Non-Federal Research as a War Problem, July 1, 1942 |
Subseries 5: President's Committee on Administrative Management |
Box 260 Folder 1 | Louis Brownlow, correspondence |
Box 260 Folder 2 | Correspondence, general |
Box 260 Folder 3 | Fiscal management, reports, memoranda, etc. |
Box 260 Folder 4 | Luther Gulick, correspondence and reports |
Box 260 Folder 5 | Joseph Harris, correspondence and memoranda |
Box 260 Folder 6 | Letter of appointment by President Roosevelt and acceptance by Merriam |
Box 260 Folder 8 | New York Conference, preliminary outline |
Box 260 Folder 9 | Presidential messages to Congress |
Box 261 Folder 1 | Comments on legislation defeated in the House of Representatives, newspapers |
Box 261 Folder 2 | Comments on the report of the Committee, congressional |
Box 261 Folder 3 | Comments on the report of the Committee, correspondence |
Box 261 Folder 4-5 | Comments on the report of the Committee, newspapers |
Box 261 Folder 6 | Congressional Committee reports |
Box 261 Folder 7 | Congressional hearings |
Box 261 Folder 8 | Legislation, acts |
Box 261 Folder 9 | Legislation, drafts and analysis of bills |
Box 261 Folder 10 | Joseph P. Harris, "The Progress of Administrative Reorganization in the Seventy-fifth Congress," reprinted from the American Political Science Review, Vol. XXXI, No. 5, October 1937 |
Box 262 Folder 1 | Louis Brownlow [?], "The Executive Office of the President" |
Box 262 Folder 2 | A. E. Buck, "Financial Management by the President," September 9, 1936 |
Box 262 Folder 3 | A. E. Buck, "Financial Management in the Federal Government," October 15, 1936 |
Box 262 Folder 4 | Robert E. Cushman, "The Problem of the Independent Regulatory Commissions," October 15, 1936 |
Box 262 Folder 5 | W. W. Eliot, "The President's Role in Administrative Management" |
Box 262 Folder 6 | James W. Fesler, "Executive Management and the Federal Field Service," two copies, September 5 and October 15, 1936 |
Box 262 Folder 7 | James W. Fesler, "Report on the Field Service of the National Emergency Council," August 8, 1936 |
Box 262 Folder 8 | Katherine A. Frederic, "Presidential Commissions of Inquiry," December 31, 1936 |
Box 262 Folder 9 | Katherine A. Frederic, "Research as a Tool of Management," November 25, 1936 |
Box 262 Folder 10 | Patterson H. French, "Government Corporations," two versions, October 15, 1936 |
Box 262 Folder 11 | J. P. Harris, "Confidential Memorandum on the National Emergency Council," August 28, 1936 |
Box 262 Folder 12 | Joseph P. Harris, miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 262 Folder 13 | Joseph P. Harris, progress report of staff activities |
Box 263 Folder 1 | James Hart, "Preliminary Report on Administrative Legislation and Executive Orders" |
Box 263 Folder 2 | James Hart, "The Rule-Making Power in Federal Administration," October 15, 1936 |
Box 263 Folder 3 | A. N. Holcombe, "The Administrative Principles Exemplified by the War Department General Staff and Their Applicability to the Civil Departments and Establishments of the Federal Government," two drafts, August 1 and August 15, 1936 |
Box 263 Folder 4 | "The Independent Regulatory Agencies, A Study in Administration," 1937 |
Box 263 Folder 5 | Arthur W. McMahon and John D. Millet, "A Biographical Approach to the Problem of Departmental Management" |
Box 263 Folder 6 | Arthur W. McMahon and John D. Millet, "Departmental Management," October 1936 |
Box 263 Folder 7 | Harvey Mansfield, "The General Accounting Office," October 1936 |
Box 263 Folder 8 | Charles McKinley, "A Report Concerning a Planning Organization Which Will Facilitate Presidential Management," October 26, 1936 |
Box 263 Folder 9 | Charles E. Merriam, miscellaneous memoranda, reports, speeches |
Box 264 Folder 1-3 | Miscellaneous memoranda of the Committee |
Box 264 Folder 4 | "Personnel Administration and its Relation to Other Aspects of Administrative Management in the Executive Branch of the Federal Government," August 5, 1936 |
Box 264 Folder 5 | "The Political Basis of Presidential Power," galley proof, anon. |
Box 264 Folder 6 | "The Problem of Effective Personnel Administration" |
Box 264 Folder 7 | Report of the Committee, fragments and drafts |
Box 264 Folder 8 | "Report of the President's Committee on Administrative Management," tentative and incomplete, December 22, 1936 |
Box 264 Folder 9 | "Report on Administrative Management in the Government of the United States," January 5, 1936 |
Box 264a Folder 1 | "Report of the President's Committee on Administrative Management," final copy |
Box 264a Folder 2 | "Report on Administrative Management in the Government of the United States," final copy |
Box 265 Folder 1 | Lindsay Rogers, "The British and French Cabinet Secretariats" |
Box 265 Folder 2 | Leo C. Rosten, "Memorandum on the Executive" and "Presidency in Theory and Practice" |
Box 265 Folder 3 | Daniel Selko, "Financial Administration of the Federal Government," February 25, 1937 |
Box 265 Folder 4 | Summaries of reports |
Box 265 Folder 5 | "Tentative Short Summary Report of the President's Committee on Administrative Management," December 18, 1936 |
Box 265 Folder 6 | Mary C. Tracket and William J. Haggerty, "Case Studies of Interdepartmental Committees," September 1936 |
Box 265 Folder 7 | Schuyler Wallace, "Concepts, Hypotheses and Expedients or alternatively Principles, Concepts and Considerations" |
Box 265 Folder 8 | Schuyler Wallace, report of progress, August 15, 1936 |
Box 265 Folder 9 | Edwin White, "Legislative Activities of Administrative Departments," December 1936 |
Box 265 Folder 10 | Clark C. Wren, "The Committees on Government Organization" |
Box 266 Folder 1 | Vol. V, Charles Merriam, March 8, 1937 |
Box 266 Folder 2 | Vol. VI, Luther Gulick, March 9, 1937 |
Box 266 Folder 3 | Vol. VII, A. E. Buck, March 11, 1937 |
Box 266 Folder 4 | Vol. XII, A. E. Buck, March 19, 1937 |
Box 266 Folder 5 | Vol. IX, Lewis Merriam, March 29, 1937 |
Box 266 Folder 6 | Vol. X, Lewis Merriam, March 31, 1937 |
Box 266 Folder 7 | Vol. XI, Lewis Merriam, April 1, 1937 |
Box 266 Folder 8 | Vol. XII, Luther Gulick, April 27, 1937 |
Box 266 Folder 9 | Vol. XIII, Luther Gulick, April 29, 1937 |
Subseries 6: President's Research Committee on Social Trends |
Box 267 Folder 2 | Correspondence |
Box 267 Folder 3 | Disbursements, budgets, salaries, etc. |
Box 267 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous |
Box 267 Folder 5-6 | Newspaper clippings |
Box 267 Folder 7 | President Hoover's Dinner, newspaper clippings |
Box 267 Folder 8 | Publicity campaign |
Box 267 Folder 9 | Who's Who of the research staff |
Box 267 Folder 10 | Work sheets |
Box 268 Folder 1 | Minutes, 1929-1930 |
Box 268 Folder 2 | Minutes, May 18, 1931 (Board of Directors) |
Box 268 Folder 3 | Minutes, December 31, 1931 |
Box 268 Folder 4 | Minutes, February 13, 1932 |
Box 268 Folder 5 | Minutes, March 14, 1932 |
Box 268 Folder 6 | Minutes, May 1-2, 1932 |
Box 268 Folder 7 | Minutes, May 15-16, 1932 |
Box 268 Folder 8 | Minutes, December 17, 1932 |
Box 268 Folder 9 | Conferences of the Staff, March 8-9, 1930 |
Box 268 Folder 10-11 | Conferences of the Staff, November 23-24, 1930 |
Box 268 Folder 12 | Conferences of the Staff, May 15-16, 1932 |
Box 269 Folder 1 | Project 1; Inventions |
Box 269 Folder 2 | Project 2; Change in Economic Operation |
Box 269 Folder 3 | Project 3; Communications |
Box 269 Folder 4 | Project 4; Population Trends |
Box 269 Folder 5 | Project 5; Utilization of Land and Natural Resources |
Box 269 Folder 6 | Project 6; Education |
Box 269 Folder 7 | Project 7; Social Attitudes |
Box 269 Folder 8 | Project 8; Racial and Ethnic Groups |
Box 269 Folder 9 | Project 9; The Vitality of the American People |
Box 269 Folder 10 | Project 10; The Family |
Box 269 Folder 11 | Project 11; Women Outside the Home |
Box 269 Folder 12 | Project 12; Child and Youth in Society |
Box 269 Folder 13 | Project 14; Changing Roles of Labor and Labor Groups |
Box 269 Folder 14 | Project 15; Organized Religion |
Box 269 Folder 15 | Project 16; Associations, Community Life and Recreation |
Box 269 Folder 16 | Project 17; The Arts |
Box 269 Folder 17 | Project 18; Consumption Habits |
Box 269 Folder 18 | Project 19; Rural Life |
Box 269 Folder 19 | Project 20; Urban Problems |
Box 269 Folder 20 | Project 21; Society's Offenders |
Box 269 Folder 21 | Project 22; Laws and Legal Institutions |
Box 269 Folder 22 | Project 23; Philanthropy and Social Work |
Box 269 Folder 23 | Project 24; Public Welfare |
Box 269 Folder 24 | Project 25; Public Health and Medicine |
Box 269 Folder 25 | Project 26; Public Administration |
Box 269 Folder 26 | Project 27; Growth and Distribution of Government Function |
Box 269 Folder 27 | Project 28; Social Trends and Governmental Trends (Merriam's Section) |
Box 269 Folder 28 | Project 30; Social Statistics |
Box 269 Folder 29 | Project 31; Governmental Finance |
Box 270 Folder 1 | C. Luther Fry, chapter on "Organized Religion," n.d. |
Box 270 Folder 2 | Charles Merriam, drafts on Governmental Trends |
Box 270 Folder 3 | Notebooks on Merriam's drafts |
Box 270 Folder 4 | Wesley Mitchell, drafts of report |
Box 270 Folder 5 | Stuart A. Rice, "Appendix; Improvement in Statistics of Social Trends," 1930 |
Box 270 Folder 6 | P. K. Whelpton and Warren S. Thompson, "Old Age," n.d. |
Box 271 Folder 1 | Committee report, table of contents |
Box 271 Folder 2 | Committee report, introduction |
Box 271 Folder 3 | Committee report, draft of report |
Box 271 Folder 4 | Committee report, rough draft, July 1932 |
Box 271 Folder 5 | Committee report, preliminary draft, August 29, 1932 |
Box 271 Folder 6 | Review of the report
- BOXES 272-272a
- Data possibly related to Committee research
The final section of the papers of Charles E. Merriam consists of miscellaneous articles, manuscripts, and speeches arranged by the following subjects; American parties and politics; business, labor and government; democracy and citizenship; atomic energy; international politics; planning; political theory; public administration; and urbanism. Within each of these subdivisions are found various drafts of Merriam's works. Unfortunately some of the manuscripts of his longer works are either incomplete or are not in the proper page order.
Preceding Merriam's manuscripts is a collection of his book reviews arranged alphabetically by author (Box 273), and one containing reviews of his own books (Box 274). The last box of the collection (Box 313) consists of miscellaneous papers and speeches that do not fit into any specific category.
Subseries 1: Book Reviews by Merriam (arranged by author) |
Subseries 2: Publication Correspondence and Reviews of Merriam's Books |
Box 274 Folder 1 | Bibliography of books and articles by Merriam |
Box 274 Folder 2 | American Party System, Macmillan, 1923 |
Box 274 Folder 3-4 | Chicago, A More Intimate View of Urban Politics, University of Chicago Press, 1929 |
Box 274 Folder 5 | Four American Party Leaders, Macmillan, 1926 |
Box 274 Folder 6 | History of American Political Theories, Macmillan, 1903 |
Box 274 Folder 7 | History of the Theory of Sovereignty Since Rousseau, Columbia, 1900 |
Box 274 Folder 8 | Making of Citizens, University of Chicago Press, 1931 |
Box 274 Folder 9 | New Aspects of Politics, University of Chicago Press, 1925 |
Box 274 Folder 10 | On the Agenda of Democracy, 1941 |
Box 274 Folder 11 | Political Power, McGraw-Hill, 1934 |
Box 274 Folder 12 | Politics and Social Change, New York University Press, 1936 |
Box 274 Folder 13 | Prologue to Politics, University of Chicago Press, 1939 |
Box 274 Folder 14 | Public and Private Government, Yale University Press, 1939 |
Box 274 Folder 15 | Systematic Politics, University of Chicago Press, 1945 |
Box 274 Folder 16 | What is Democracy?, University of Chicago Press, 1941 |
Box 274 Folder 17 | The Written Constitution and the Unwritten Attitude, Richard E. Smith, Inc., 1930 |
Box 274 Folder 18 | Charles E. Merriam and Harry Elmer Barnes (eds.), A History of Political Theories in Recent Times, Macmillan Company, 1929, (volume in honor of William Archibald Dunning written by his former students) |
Box 274 Folder 19 | Charles E. Merriam and Harold F. Gosnell, Non-Voting, University of Chicago Press, 1924 |
Box 274 Folder 20 | Charles E. Merriam and Louise Overacker, Primary Elections, University of Chicago Press, 1928 |
Box 274 Folder 21 | Prefaces |
Box 274 Folder 22 | Leonard D. White, The Future of Government in the United States, University of Chicago Press, 1942, (book dedicated to Merriam by his former students) |
Box 274 Folder 23 | Review of magazine article on Thomas Paine |
Subseries 3: The American Government, 1954 |
Box 275 Folder 1 | Bibliography |
Box 275 Folder 2 | Dialogues between Charles and Robert Merriam (Professor and Alderman) |
Box 275 Folder 3 | Items to be checked |
Box 275 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous |
Box 275 Folder 5 | Miscellaneous newspaper clippings |
Box 275 | Manuscript, unprocessed |
Box 276 Folder 1 | Manuscript chapter, Agriculture |
Box 276 Folder 2 | Manuscript chapter, Choice and Change |
Box 276 Folder 3 | Manuscript chapter, Citizenship |
Box 276 Folder 4 | Manuscript chapter, Civil Liberties |
Box 276 Folder 5 | Manuscript chapter, Conclusion |
Box 276 Folder 6 | Manuscript chapter, Congress |
Box 276 Folder 7 | Manuscript chapter, Government and Business |
Box 276 Folder 8 | Manuscript chapter, Government and Labor |
Box 276 Folder 9 | Manuscript chapter, How Our Government Came to Be |
Box 277 Folder 1 | Manuscript chapter, National Administration |
Box 277 Folder 2 | Manuscript chapter, National Finances |
Box 277 Folder 3-4 | Manuscript chapter, National Judiciary |
Box 277 Folder 5 | Manuscript chapter, National Resources |
Box 277 Folder 6 | Manuscript chapter, Presidency |
Box 277 Folder 7 | Manuscript chapter, Welfare |
Subseries 4: Writings on American Parties and Politics |
Box 278 Folder 1 | Direct primary, miscellaneous material and student papers, also includes Merriam memorandum, "Backward or Forward," n.d., and a statement for the Herald-Examiner, June 1935, as well as a speech on the subject |
Box 278 Folder 2 | Direct primary, newspaper clippings |
Box 278 Folder 3 | Political parties, miscellaneous student papers |
Box 278 Folder 4 | Reform of Congress, correspondence and reports from Robert Heller |
Box 278 Folder 5 | Short ballot, newspaper clippings |
Box 278 Folder 6 | Statistical material, data |
Box 278 Folder 7 | Voting, newspaper clippings |
Box 278 Folder 8 | The American Party System, New York; Macmillan, 3rd ed. (with Harold Gosnell), 1940, galley proofs |
Box 278 Folder 9 | "The American Party System," Parliamentary Affairs, Vol. III (Winter 1949), manuscript |
Box 278 Folder 10 | "The Direct Primary," American Federationist, XXXIV (February 1927) |
Box 278 Folder 11 | "A Half Century of American Government," Summer Lecture Series, 1950 |
Box 278 Folder 12 | Spring 1932 Lecture Series, ten lectures on liberty, equality, parties, courts, democracy and future trends |
Box 278 Folder 13 | Walgreen Lectures, Spring 1944, notes for "The Old and New in the New Deal" |
Box 278 Folder 14 | Walgreen lecture, May 14, 1946, on citizens, pressure groups, political parties, legislative bodies, administration and adjudication |
Box 278 Folder 15 | Spring 1948 lecture at Roosevelt University, "Civil Liberties in the Modern State" |
Box 278 Folder 16 | "The Next Stage in Nominating Systems," unpublished article for the Atlantic Monthly |
Box 278 Folder 17 | "Nominating Systems," The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, Vol. CVI (March 1923) |
Box 278 Folder 18 | "The Political Situation," American Review, Vol. III (May-June 1925), reprint |
Box 278 Folder 19 | Primary Elections, outline of study |
Box 278 Folder 20 | Radio broadcasts, "Why Vote?," November 1, 1932, and "Primaries," April 26, 1932 |
Box 278 Folder 21 | Speech before the league of Women Voters, Palmer House, January 24, 1940 |
Box 278 Folder 22 | "State Government at Mid-Century," State Government, Vol. XIII (June 1950) |
Box 278 Folder 23 | The Written Constitution and the Unwritten Attitude, New York; R. R. Smith, Inc., 1931, draft |
Box 278 Folder 24 | Galleys of the above |
Box 279 Folder 1 | Leadership Study, miscellaneous materials |
Box 279 Folder 2 | "Memorandum on Pending Court Problem," 1937 |
Box 279 Folder 3 | "Nomination of Presidential Candidates," reprint, Journal of the American Bar Association, February 1921 |
Box 279 Folder 4 | Roundtable Radio Program, NBC Network, February 16, 1947, transcript, Charles E. Merriam, T. V. Smith, and Avery Craven, "Lincoln and Democratic Leadership" |
Box 279 Folder 5 | Walgreen Lecture notes on the Presidency, Fall 1945, three lectures |
Box 279 Folder 6 | Walgreen Lectures, 1948, "An Analysis of Some Political Personalities I Have Known," six lectures
- I. "President Wilson and Candidate Bryan"
- II. "President Taft and President Hoover"
- III. "Presidents Roosevelt"
- IV. "Lawmakers; Senator Norris, Senator Byrnes, Senator Smith"
- V. "Mayors and Managers"
- VI. "Some Bosses on My List"
Box 279 Folder 7 | Walgreen Lectures, 1948, comments and correspondence |
Box 279 Folder 8 | Walgreen Lectures, 1948, notes, may contain some material from his book Four American Party Leaders, 1926 |
Box 279 Folder 9 | The Presidency, miscellaneous |
Box 279 Folder 10 | L. Olom, leadership manuscript, 1939 |
Box 279 Folder 11 | Lester G. Seligman, "American Political Leadership, 1900-1950," mimeographed |
Box 279 Folder 12 | Lester G. Seligman, "The Study of Political Leadership," mimeographed |
Subseries 5: Writings on Business, Labor, and Government |
Box 280 Folder 1 | Newspaper clippings on the Depression, unemployment, riots |
Box 280 Folder 2 | Address before the American Bankers' Association Convention, November 1935, stenographic transcript |
Box 280 Folder 3 | Simon Leland, "The National Debt and Its Management," paper delivered November 16, 1944 |
Box 280 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 280 Folder 5 | Charles E. Wilson, Ten Year Tax Plan |
Box 280 Folder 6 | Attitudes towards Government Study |
Box 280 Folder 7 | "Business and Government; draft for the Illinois Journal of Commerce, May 1932 |
Box 280 Folder 8 | "Government and Business," reprint of an article for Journal of Business, VI (July 1933) |
Box 280 Folder 9 | "Memorandum on Emerging Industrial-Governmental Problems," November 1937 |
Box 280 Folder 10 | Speech before the Graduate School of Business dinner, May 17, 1933 |
Box 280 Folder 11 | Bibliography |
Box 280 Folder 12 | Legislative materials, reports, hearings, etc. |
Box 280 Folder 13 | William M. Leiserson, "Labor Relations and the War," lecture, February 18, 1942 |
Box 280 Folder 14 | Joel Seidman, "Political Consciousness in a Local Union," paper, June 10, 1951 |
Subseries 6: Government and the Economic Order (unpublished) |
Box 281 Folder 1 | Announcement of Professor Merriam's Walgreen Lectures under the same title, Spring 1945 |
Box 281 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous research materials |
Box 281 Folder 3 | Newspaper clippings |
Box 281 Folder 5 | Publication letters |
Box 281 Folder 7 | Original draft |
Box 281 Folder 8 | Last draft, March 17, 1952, contains a letter from Leonard D. White to Robert Merriam suggesting the material should not be published |
Box 282 | Manuscript, unprocessed |
Subseries 7: Writings on Democracy and Citizenship |
Box 283 Folder 1 | Proposed Center for Research in Civic Training |
Box 283 Folder 2 | Role of Television and Radio in Citizenship and Politics, includes Merriam memoranda |
Sub-subseries 2: Papers and Reports by Others |
Box 283 Folder 3 | Lasswell manuscript, "German Civic Psychology" |
Box 283 Folder 4 | Lasswell manuscript, "Patriotism" |
Box 283 Folder 5 | American Institute of Education, procedure |
Box 283 Folder 6 | "Education for Citizenship," report for the Superintendent of Schools, Chicago |
Box 283 Folder 7 | "A Proposal for the Development of a Comprehensive Program for the Care and Education of American Youth" |
Box 283 Folder 8 | Russell Ewing, "Principles of Civic Organization," 1943 |
Box 283 Folder 9 | Robert Lynd, "A Proposed Study of the Potentialities of Democratic Processes in a Period of Mobilization," 1940 |
Box 283 Folder 10 | Miscellaneous |
Box 283 Folder 11 | "A Study of the New York American as a High School Senior Text" |
Sub-subseries 3: Articles by Merriam |
Box 284 Folder 1 | Democracy bibliography |
Box 284 Folder 2 | "The Assumption of Democracy," draft and reprint from Political Science Quarterly, Vol. LIII, No. 3, September 1938 |
Box 284 Folder 3 | "Civic Education in the United States," draft and reprint from The Journal of General Education, Vol. I, No. 4, July 1947 |
Box 284 Folder 4 | "Consent of the Governed," manuscript |
Box 284 Folder 5 | "Democracy," draft and reprint from The University of Chicago Magazine, June 1940 |
Box 284 Folder 6 | "Democracy and Organization," manuscript |
Box 284 Folder 7 | "Democracy and Planning in Crisis," manuscript |
Box 284 Folder 8 | "A Key Point in the Democratic Process" |
Box 284 Folder 9 | "The Meaning of Democracy," drafts and correspondence for Journal of Negro Education, X, 1941 |
Box 284 Folder 10 | "Mobilizing Against General Apathy," drafts for Young Republican, I, March 1936 |
Box 284 Folder 11 | Newspaper articles on democracy |
Box 284 Folder 12 | Untitled manuscript on democracy |
Sub-subseries 4: Merriam Speeches |
Box 284 Folder 13 | American Federation of Teachers, November 2, 1931 |
Box 284 Folder 14 | "Citizen's Education and Role in a Democracy," Walgreen Lecture, May 21, 1946 |
Box 284 Folder 15 | "Conflicts in Modern Democracy," St. Louis, Missouri, April 29, 1938 |
Box 284 Folder 16 | "Democracy," October 20, 1940 |
Box 284 Folder 17 | "Introduction of President Benes," February 20, 1939 |
Box 284 Folder 18 | "Road to Serfdom," transcript of radio discussion by Friederich Hayek, Maynard Krueger, and Charles Merriam, NBC Network, April 22, 1945 |
Box 284 Folder 19 | "Universities and Governmental Change," New York University, November 17, 1932 |
Box 284 Folder 20 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 5: The Making of Citizens, 1931 |
Box 285 | Manuscript of the volume published in 1931 by the University of Chicago Press |
Box 286 Folder 1 | Conferences and organizations |
Box 286 Folder 2 | Findings by social groups |
Box 286 Folder 3 | Press estimates |
Box 286 Folder 4 | YMCA Americanization Department |
Box 286 Folder 5-7 | Miscellaneous notes, readings, and memoranda |
Box 286 Folder 8 | Strayer, J., notebook on indoctrinations |
Subseries 6: The New Democracy and the New Despotism, 1939 |
Box 287 Folder 1 | "The Assumptions of Aristocracy," reprint of Merriam article drawn from this book and published by The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. XLIII, May 1938. |
Box 287 Folder 2-6 | The remaining five folders contain drafts of "Superiority and Solidarity" which was revised for The New Democracy and the New Despotism. |
Box 288 Folder 1 | Comments by others on the manuscript |
Box 288 Folder 2 | "Democracy Re-examined," counter reserve for students of Political Science 358
- BOXES 288-289
- Manuscript, unprocessed
Subseries 7: On the Agenda of Democracy, 1941 |
Box 290 Folder 1 | Original manuscript |
Box 290 Folder 3 | Miscellaneous |
Box 290 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous draft |
Subseries 8: What is Democracy?, Walgreen lectures and book, 1941 |
Box 291 Folder 1 | Announcements of the lectures |
Box 291 Folder 3 | Lecture I; "What is Democracy?" |
Box 291 Folder 4 | Lecture II; "Misunderstandings" |
Box 291 Folder 5 | Lecture III; "Democracy and Equality" |
Box 291 Folder 6 | Lecture IV; "Democracy and Liberty" |
Box 291 Folder 7 | Lecture V; "Making Democracy Work" |
Subseries 9: Writings on Atomic Energy |
Box 292 Folder 1 | Atomic Energy Act of 1945, analysis by Edward H. Levi |
Box 292 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous |
Box 292 Folder 3 | Newspaper clippings |
Box 292 Folder 4 | Atomic Energy Control Conference of 1945 at the University of Chicago, memoranda, summaries of meetings in notebook form |
Box 292 Folder 5 | Papers presented at the 1945 Conference |
Box 292 Folder 6 | Atomic Energy conference at the University of Chicago, December 12-15, 1946, notebook containing papers and memoranda |
Box 292 Folder 7 | Committee on the Social Aspects of Atomic Energy of the Social Science Research Council, 1945-1946, memoranda and drafts of Merriam's "Social Science and Atomic Energy" |
Box 292 Folder 8 | Convention on Development and Control of Atomic Energy, draft of a resolution by Quincy Wright, Chairman of the University of Chicago Committee |
Box 292 Folder 9 | Special Committee for Atomic Energy, essential information, memoranda of glossary, chronology of events and bibliography |
Box 292 Folder 10 | "Modern Technology and the World Order," anon., mimeographed |
Box 292 Folder 11 | Reducing Industrial Vulnerability; Protection for a Representative Industry (Aluminum), chapter of book, anon. |
Box 292 Folder 12 | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, edition of April-May 1947 and letter by Merriam to Dr. Harrison Brown of the editorial board |
Box 292 Folder 13 | Vannevar Bush, "The Scientist and His Government," address at Washington University in St. Louis, February 22, 1946 |
Box 292 Folder 14 | Albert Einstein, "Only Then Shall We Find Courage," Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists publication |
Box 292 Folder 15 | Excerpts of articles by others on atomic science |
Box 292 Folder 16 | Harold Lasswell, proposal for an Institute of Science Technology and Policy, September 25, 1945 |
Box 292 Folder 17 | Charles E. Merriam, "The Beginning or the End?," lecture delivered at the University of Pittsburgh, February 17, 1949 |
Box 292 Folder 18 | Charles E. Merriam, "The Church in the Atomic Age," address before the Chicago Theological Seminary, February 5, 1946 |
Box 292 Folder 19 | Merriam fragments |
Box 292 Folder 20 | Charles E. Merriam, memoranda on his research in the field of atomic energy |
Box 292 Folder 21 | Charles E. Merriam, "On the Agenda of Physics and Politics," reprint, The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. LIII, No. 3, November 1947 |
Box 292 Folder 22 | Charles E. Merriam, "Physics and Politics," six Walgreen Lectures given at the University of Chicago, April and May, 1947, includes a summary and the following six subjects-
- I. The Beginning or the End?
- II. Will the New Physics Bring New Freedom or New Slavery?
- III. The Anatomy of the Atomic Energy
- IV. National Sovereignty and World Order
- V. A World Bill of Rights
- VI. On the Agenda of Physics and Politics
Box 292 Folder 23 | Miscellaneous addresses and papers including ones by David E. Lilienthal and James B. Conant |
Box 292 Folder 24 | Edward Shils, "The Failure of the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission; An Interpretation," reprint from the University of Chicago Law Review, Vol. XV, No. 4, Summer 1948 |
Subseries 10: Writings on International Politics |
Box 293 Folder 1 | American Group, Institute of Pacific Relations, minutes, 1926 |
Box 293 Folder 2 | Bibliographies- Library of Congress, economic nationalism; Institute for Advanced Studies, foreign and military policy |
Box 293 Folder 3 | Certificates of appointment from Secretary of State Cordell hull to represent the United States at the Sixth International Congress of Administrative Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, July 9, 1936, and the Sixth Congress of the International Union of Local Authorities, Berlin, Germany, June 8-13, 1936, letter of appointment to the International Congress for Housing and Town Planning, letter of refusal, 1939 |
Box 293 Folder 4 | Final Act of the Third Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, January 1942 |
Box 293 Folder 5 | Harris Foundation, minutes |
Box 293 Folder 6 | Miscellaneous |
Box 293 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous reprints |
Sub-subseries 2: Merriam Speeches and Articles |
Box 293 Folder 8 | "Compulsory Voting in Czechoslovakia," reprinted from the National Municipal Review, Vol. XIV, February 1925 |
Box 293 Folder 9 | "The Content of an International Bill of Rights," paper for UNESCO, also contains papers by Richard McKeon and Quincy Wright |
Box 293 Folder 10 | "The New German Imperialism," manuscript, n.d. (ca. World War I) |
Box 293 Folder 11 | "Representation in a World Legislature," Common Cause, Vol. III (March 1950), manuscript |
Box 293 Folder 12 | "Security without Militarism-Preserving Civilian Control in American Political Institutions," Walgreen Lecture, Autumn 1946 |
Box 293 Folder 13 | "A World Bill of Rights," reprinted in the Social Science Review, Vol. XXI, December 1947 |
Sub-subseries 3: Papers by Others |
Box 293 Folder 14 | "Geopolitik-Its Nature and Aim," anonymous |
Box 293 Folder 15 | Fragments, includes an essay on the Jural Order of the World, anonymous |
Box 293 Folder 16 | Hans Kelsen, "A Permanent League for the Maintenance of Peace" |
Box 293 Folder 17 | Albert Lepawsky, "The Nazis Reform the Third Reich," manuscript |
Box 293 Folder 18 | Quincy Wright, "Principles for American Foreign Policy" |
Sub-subseries 4: Analysis by Country |
Box 293 Folder 19 | Includes "Recognition of the Czechoslovak Government," anonymous |
Box 293 Folder 20 | G. D. H. Cole, "A Memorandum on the Reorganization of Local Government in England," 1941 |
Box 293 Folder 21 | Harold F. Gosnell, two papers; "Popular Participation in British Elections," and "Royal Commissions of Inquiry" |
Box 293 Folder 22 | Three papers; John Clark Adams, "An Analysis of the Fascist Movement in Italy," n.d.; Benedette Croce, "Confession of an Italian Germanophile," 1943; and John Hearly, "Will Mussolini Abandon Hitler?," 1939 |
Box 293 Folder 23 | Irving B. Plaum, "The Second Spanish Republic After Three Years," 1934 |
Box 293 Folder 24 | Manuscript, anonymous, Planning (See also NPB, NRC, and NRPB in Section VI) |
Subseries 11: Writings on Planning |
Box 294 Folder 1 | American Society of Planning Officials, reports, proceedings of conferences |
Box 294 Folder 2-3 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 294 Folder 4 | Planning for libraries |
Box 294 Folder 6 | University of Chicago Planning Program |
Box 295 Folder 1 | "Background of Post-war Planning," manuscript |
Box 295 Folder 2 | Cincinnati Conference on Urbanism and National Planning, speech, May 22, 1935 |
Box 295 Folder 3 | Lectures on national planning |
Box 295 Folder 4 | "Memorandum on Relief," speech, May 6, 1938 |
Box 295 Folder 5 | Memoranda, notes and fragments |
Box 295 Folder 6 | National Municipal Review, manuscript, December 28, 1942 |
Box 295 Folder 7 | Northwestern University, address, February 28, 1937 |
Box 295 Folder 8 | "The Place of Planning," manuscript |
Box 295 Folder 9 | "Plans for Planning," manuscript |
Box 295 Folder 10 | "Planning and Science," speech |
Box 295 Folder 11 | "Planning for Peace with Plenty," Chicago Union Teacher, Vol. VIII, December 1942, reprint |
Box 295 Folder 12 | "Planning for Victory and Peace," American City, June 1942 |
Box 295 Folder 13 | Radio transcript, December 26, 1942 |
Box 295 Folder 14 | "The Role of Cities in National Planning," manuscript revised and submitted to Public Management, February 5, 1935 |
Box 295 Folder 15 | "The Situation in Which We Find Ourselves," address before the 1943 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Planning Officials, May 17, 1943 |
Box 295 Folder 16 | "The Spirit and Purpose of Planning," Planning and Civic Comment, Vol. III, January-March 1937 |
Box 295 Folder 17 | Union League Club, speech, January 7, 1943 |
Box 295 Folder 18 | University of Illinois, speeches, 1942 |
Subseries 12: Writings on General Political Theory |
Sub-subseries 1: Notes and articles |
Box 296 Folder 1 | Committee of the Personnel Round Table of the Conference on the Science of Politics, radio program material |
Box 296 Folder 2 | National Conference on the Science of Politics, Madison, Wisconsin, September 1923 (see the Gosnell Papers, Section III) |
Box 296 Folder 3 | Scientific study of politics, newspaper clippings |
Box 296 Folder 4 | Transcript of Round Table Radio Program on quantification |
Box 296 Folder 5 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 296 Folder 6 | American political theory |
Box 296 Folder 7 | Aristophanes, quotations from |
Box 296 Folder 8 | Capitalism-communism |
Box 296 Folder 9 | Concept of organization |
Box 296 Folder 10 | Fiction and politics |
Box 296 Folder 11 | Symbolism |
Box 297 | Miscellaneous notes and readings |
Box 298 | Miscellaneous notes and readings |
Box 299 | Miscellaneous notes and readings |
Sub-subseries 2: Writings by Merriam |
Box 300 Folder 1 | "American's Contribution to World Culture with Special Emphasis on the Moral and Spiritual Elements of this Contribution in Political Jurisprudence and Thought," address at the Chicago Institute for Religious and Social Sciences, February 19, 1946 |
Box 300 Folder 2 | "Darwin and Political Science," manuscript, notes |
Box 300 Folder 3 | "de Tocqueville," speech before the American Political Science Association, December 27, 1940, and "de Tocqueville and Majority Rule," manuscript, December 1935 |
Box 300 Folder 4 | "The Ends of Government," reprinted from the American Political Science Review, Vol. XXXVIII, February 1944 |
Box 300 Folder 5 | "Impressions of 1932," paper read to his seminar in political theory at the end of the quarter |
Box 300 Folder 6 | "Andrew Jackson," Roundtable Radio Program, notes |
Box 300 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous memoranda and speeches, includes a speech in honor of T. V. Smith, "What Would You Do if You Were a Professor of Poetry, Philosophy, and Politics," November 10, 1948 |
Box 300 Folder 8 | Political Science in the United States," Contemporary Political Science (UNESCO, 1950), English and French drafts |
Box 300 Folder 9 | "The Present State of the Study of Politics," reprinted from the American Political Science Review, Vol. XV, May 1921. |
Box 300 Folder 10 | Prologue to Politics, chapter of a book of lectures published by the University of Chicago Press, 1939 |
Box 300 Folder 11-12 | Public and Private Government, drafts of a series of lectures given at Indiana University and published by the Yale University Press, 1944 |
Box 300 Folder 13 | "Putting Politics in Its Place," reprinted from the International Journal of Ethics, Vol. XLVI, January 1936 |
Box 300 Folder 14 | "Realism in Politics," speech, n.d. |
Box 300 Folder 15 | "The Significance of Psychology for the Study of Politics," reprinted from the American Political Science Review, Vol. XVIII, August 1924 |
Box 300 Folder 16 | "Sovereignty," manuscripts for two articles on the subject |
Box 300 Folder 17 | Hymen Cohen, abstracts |
Box 300 Folder 18 | Hymen Cohen, "Recent Theories of Sovereignty" |
Box 300 Folder 19 | Sebastian de Grazia, "Status as a Political Motive," typewritten |
Sub-subseries 3: Political Power-Its Composition and Incidence, 1934 |
Box 301 Folder 1 | Bibliography |
Box 301 Folder 4 | Notes on power |
Box 301 Folder 5 | "The Poverty of Power," reprint of an article for the International Journal of Ethics, Vol. XLIV, January 1934 |
Box 301 Folder 6 | "The Composition and Incidence of Political Power," manuscript |
Sub-subseries 4:The Role of Politics and Social Change, 1936. |
Box 302 Folder 1-2 | "Political Power," Vol. II, drafts, apparently Merriam intended this study as a continuation to his earlier work |
Box 302 Folder 3-6 | Drafts under the later title |
Sub-subseries 5: Writings on Religion and Politics |
Box 303 Folder 1 | Conferences on Science, Philosophy and Religion, contains paper by Merriam, "Sovereignty,"; and other offering by Mortimer Adler, Hans J. Morgenthau, and Quincy Wright, et al |
Box 303 Folder 2 | Charles E. Merriam, "Politics and Religion," draft of an article for Religion in the Making, Vol. I, 1940 |
Box 303 Folder 3 | Charles E. Merriam, "What Stake Have the Churches in Politics?<" speech, n.d. |
Box 303 Folder 4 | Ministerial personality records |
Box 303 Folder 5 | Miscellaneous |
Sub-subseries 6: Systematic Politics, 1945 |
Box 304 Folder 1 | Comments by others on the outline |
Box 304 Folder 2 | Galleys for the preface and introduction |
Box 304 Folder 3 | Notes and outlines |
Box 304 Folder 4 | Research memoranda and questions
- BOXES 305-306
- The unprocessed manuscript of Systematic Politics
Subseries 13: Public Administration |
Sub-subseries 1: Merriam Articles and Speeches |
Box 307 Folder 1 | "Administrative Management," manuscript, January 30, 1939 |
Box 307 Folder 2 | "Administrative Management and the Federal Government," address at the New England Church Forum, February 28, 1937 |
Box 307 Folder 3 | American Public Works Association, October 1943, speech |
Box 307 Folder 4 | "Bureaucracy and Democracy," manuscript |
Box 307 Folder 5 | "Bureaucracy; What Does It Mean?," drafts of an article for State Government, Vol. XVII, February 1944 |
Box 307 Folder 6 | "The Development of Theory for Administration," reprint from Advanced Management, Vol. V, July-September 1940 |
Box 307 Folder 7 | "Direction and Leadership in Public Management," manuscript |
Box 307 Folder 8 | "Magic and Manager," study and manuscript |
Box 307 Folder 9 | "Memorandum on Reducing Governmental Costs," convocation address at the University of Minnesota, March 3, 1932, reprinted in Minnesota Municipalities, XVII, 1932 and Oklahoma Municipal Review, VI, 1932 |
Box 307 Folder 10 | "Memorandum on Research in Public Administration in Relation to Political Science, with Some Reference to the Relation of Practical Administration to Theoretical," manuscript |
Box 307 Folder 11 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 307 Folder 12 | "Observations on Trends and Opportunities in Public Administration," with Beardsley Ruml |
Box 307 Folder 13 | "Public Administration and Political Theory," reprinted from Journal of Social Philosophy, Vol. V, July 1940 |
Sub-subseries 2: Organization (See also Spelman Fund, 1313 Organization-Section 5) |
Box 308 Folder 1 | Bureau of Public Personnel Administration |
Box 308 Folder 2 | Civil Service Assembly of the United States and Canada |
Box 308 Folder 3 | National Institute of Public Administration, Bureau of Municipal Research, agendas and reports |
Box 308 Folder 4 | National Institute of Public Administration, Bureau of Municipal Research, financial statements |
Box 308 Folder 5 | National Institute of Public Administration, Bureau of Municipal Research, memoranda |
Box 308 Folder 6 | National Municipal League, Committee on Election Administration, report |
Sub-subseries 3: Papers by Others |
Box 308 Folder 7 | Marshall E. Dimock, "Administrative Aspects of Government-Operated Economic Enterprises" |
Box 308 Folder 8 | Marshall E. Dimock, "The Future of the Public Administration Program," February 26, 1936 |
Box 308 Folder 9 | Herbert Emmerich, "The Search for Executive Talent," Walgreen Foundation Lecture, January 15, 1945 |
Box 308 Folder 10 | Morton Grodzins, two papers, "Public Administration in the American Culture, an Outline for Research," and "Social Science and Public Administration" |
Box 308 Folder 11 | Leonard D. White, "Some Aspects of European Public Administration," 1935 Outline of study, "The Federalists" |
Box 308 Folder 12 | Four lectures on the Civil Service Commission, appear to be Leonard White's |
Box 308 Folder 13 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 308 Folder 14 | Reprints |
Sub-subseries 4: Politics and Administration |
Box 309 Folder 1 | Merriam speech, Syracuse University, August 11, 1947 |
Box 309 Folder 2 | Merriam speech, Syracuse University, August 13, 14, and 15, 1947 |
Box 309 Folder 3 | "A New Look at the Boundary Lines of Politics and Administration," Syracuse University Lecture I drafts |
Box 309 Folder 4 | "Emerging Problems in the Theory of Politics and Administration," Syracuse University Lecture II drafts |
Box 309 Folder 5 | Syracuse Lecture III drafts |
Box 309 Folder 6 | Miscellaneous drafts and notes |
Box 309 Folder 7 | Politics and Administration Project, outlines and drafts by Merriam and others |
Box 309 Folder 8 | Working Conferences, reports from the conference at Syracuse University, August 16, 1947 |
Box 309 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous notes and newspaper clippings, URBANISM (See also NPB, NRC, and NRPB in Section Six; and 1313 Organizations in Section Five) |
Sub-subseries 1: Merriam Articles and Speeches |
Box 310 Folder 1 | "Breaking the Clinch," speech at the Conference of the National Municipal League, Buffalo, New York, November 11, 1931 |
Box 310 Folder 2 | "The Case for Home Rule," reprinted from The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. LVII, January 1915 |
Box 310 Folder 3 | "Cities and Federal and State Planning," speech before the American Municipal Association Conference, October 22, 1934 |
Box 310 Folder 4 | "The City Manager of Today," speech at the International City Managers' Association, West Palm Beach, Florida, December 7, 1949 |
Box 310 Folder 5 | "Emerging Trends in City Government," speech before the City Managers' Convention, Boston, September 29, 1938 |
Box 310 Folder 6 | "The Federal Government Discovers the Cities," address before the National Conference on Government, Atlantic City, November 10, 1933 |
Box 310 Folder 7 | "Metropolitan Regions," reprinted from The University Record, Vol. XIV, April 1928 |
Box 310 Folder 8 | Miscellaneous speeches and addresses |
Box 310 Folder 9 | "Municipal Progress," speech at Civil Service Assembly, Friday, October 5, 1934, University of Chicago |
Box 310 Folder 10 | Address at National Conference on City Planning, St. Louis, Missouri, October 23, 1934 |
Box 310 Folder 11 | Address at National Municipal League, November 10, 1933, Atlantic City, New Jersey |
Box 310 Folder 12 | "The Need for Business Executives in City Government," reprinted from City Manager Magazine, March 1926 |
Box 310 Folder 13 | Article for New Jersey Municipalities, November 9, 1931 |
Box 310 Folder 14 | "Our Towns," address for CBS radio program, October 7, 1937 |
Box 310 Folder 15 | "Problems of Reorganizing Our Great Cities," reprinted from Planning, 1948 |
Box 310 Folder 16 | Speech at Rockford, Illinois, October 12, 1913 |
Box 310 Folder 17 | "Where Do We Stand?," speech to the American Municipal Association, October 1944 |
Box 310 Folder 18 | "Urbanism," paper read at the tenth anniversary of the Social Science Research Building, the University of Chicago, 1939, reprinted from The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. XLV, March 1940 |
Sub-subseries 2: Conferences |
Box 311 Folder 1 | Conference on Relations of Schools and Cities, University of Chicago, June 2, 1933, proceedings |
Box 311 Folder 2 | Conference on Relation of Schools to Cities, progress report |
Box 311 Folder 3 | Conference on Research on the Problems of Metropolitan Areas, University of Chicago, November 26, 1933, proceedings |
Box 311 Folder 4 | Conference on Urbanism, Harvard University, March 1942, report |
Box 311 Folder 5 | New York Conference on Regionalism |
Box 311 Folder 6 | Urban Redevelopment Study, Decentralization Conference |
Sub-subseries 3: Newspaper clippings |
Box 311 Folder 7 | City government |
Box 311 Folder 8 | City managers |
Box 311 Folder 9 | City-federal relationships |
Box 311 Folder 10 | City-states, reapportionment |
Sub-subseries 4: Miscellaneous |
Box 312 Folder 1 | Department of Commerce studies on the city |
Box 312 Folder 2 | Federation of Community Coordinating Councils of Los Angeles County |
Box 312 Folder 3 | Local Government Commission on Consolidation |
Box 312 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 312 Folder 5 | Municipal Associations |
Box 312 Folder 6 | National Municipal League, Secretary's report, November 1942 |
Box 312 Folder 7 | Urban Redevelopment Study; agendas, minutes, reports |
Subseries 15: Miscellaneous |
Box 313 Folder 1 | Miscellaneous memoranda |
Box 313 Folder 2 | American Heritage Council |
Box 313 Folder 3 | Committee on Social Aspects of Human Migration, ca. 1925 |
Box 313 Folder 4 | Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Foundation, correspondence (includes Henry Morgenthau and Adlai E. Stevenson), minutes if the Executive Committee and memoranda |
Box 313 Folder 5 | Hoover Commission on the Reorganization of the Executive Branch |
Box 313 Folder 6 | Jural Order of the World |
Box 313 Folder 7 | Speech, City Club, Chicago, April 25, 1950 |
Box 313 Folder 8 | Speech, Honoring Judge Holly, December 11, 1943 |
Box 313 Folder 9 | Speech, Introduction of Mayor Kelly, April 10, 1937 |
Box 313 Folder 10 | Speech, Honoring Sam Levin |
Box 313 Folder 11 | Speech, Planning in Mexico |
Box 313 Folder 12 | Speech, Ellen Gates Starr, May 8, 1940 |
Box 313 Folder 13 | Speech, Margaret Wilton Wells, League of Women Voters, April 25, 1944 |
Box 313 Folder 14 | Speech, Miscellaneous speeches |
Box 314 Folder 1 | T. V. Smith |
Box 314 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous articles |
Box 314 Folder 3 | Red Scare, 1935 |
Box 314 Folder 4 | Medals, invitations |
Box 314 Folder 5 | Round Table |